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Summary A 1.7 kb long transposable element called TECth1 was found in the 3 flanking region of aChironomus thummi Balbiani ring gene. As shown by sequence comparison with a second copy, TECthl is characterized by a perfect terminal inverted repeat of 17 by flanked by a duplicated target site of 8 bp, four internal imperfect inverted repeats of 17 to 26 by and terminal regions of about 0.25 kb with a high number of short direct repeats of the consensus sequence ACTTT or permutated and mutated forms such as TTTAC or ACTAT. The terminal inverted repeats and the 8 by target site duplication are reminiscent ofDrosophila P and hobo elements but no long open reading frame starting with ATG is present, suggesting that the two TECthl copies studied represent deletion derivatives of a longer element coding for its own transposase. In situ hybridization revealed about 75 labelled sites distributed over all chromosomes with the Balbiani ring locus most strongly labelled. Fifty percent of the sites are specific for a given individual, and these variable sites are often heterozygous for the element.  相似文献   

A combination of previously mapped and unmapped non-redundant SSR loci, using 381 primer pairs were chromosomally and sub-chromosomally localized by deficiency analysis of two sets of quasi-isogenic interspecific Gossypium hirsutum L. hypoaneuploid F1 hybrids involving Gossypium barbadense L. and Gossypium tomentosum (Nuttall ex Seemann). Polymorphisms were detected for 369 SSR primer pairs. A total of 318 SSR loci were rendered deficient by the available hypoaneuploid stocks, which included primary monosomics (2n = 51), monotelodisomics and duplication-deficient (segmental trisomic–monosomic) (2n = 52) types. Chromosomal associations were newly determined for 123 SSR loci, of which 90, 106 and 73 were polymorphic in G. tomentosum, G. barbadense, and both sets, respectively. The deficiency tests independently confirmed the recent identifications of linkage groups (LG) A01, A02, A03 and D08 to be chromosome (Chr)-13, Chr-8, Chr-11 and Chr-19, respectively, and collectively delimited LG D02 and D03 to Chr-21 and 24, and their homeologs to Chr-8 and 11. Segmental homeology was detected between Chr-2 and Chr-17 loci, adding to evidence of segmental homeology between Chr-2 and 3 versus Chr-14 and 17. The 318 non-redundant SSR loci localized in this study will enhance the construction of linkage maps and QTL identification in molecular marker assisted selection since the confirmed and newly discovered SSR loci can serve as anchor loci for their respective chromosomes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two largely independent studies of chromosomes from natural populations of Anopheles maculatus provide evidence for several genetic species within the taxon. (1) Polytene chromosome variation shows four different rearrangements of arm 2 and three rearrangements of the X chromosome. There is strong evidence for three species. Two allopatric populations represent either dramatic geographic variation for two independent inversion systems within one of the genetic species, or represent two additional species. Their species status remains unresolved by this work. (2) Heterochromatic variation occurs in both X and Y chromosomes as revealed by Giemsa-banding of mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The distribution and association of these various sex chromosomes give further evidence of a species complex. A preliminary correlation of these two kinds of chromosomal variation is given.  相似文献   

Summary The evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships of sevenDrosophila species groups (represented byD. melanogaster, D. mulleri, D. mercatorum, D. robusta, D. virilis, D. immigrans, D. funebris, andD. melanica) were investigated by the use of two-dimensional electrophoresis. The resulting phylogeny is congruent with the current views of evolution among these groups based on morphological characters and immunological distances. Previous studies indicated that the ability of one-dimensional electrophoresis to resolve relationships between distantly related taxa extended to about the Miocene [25 million years (Myr) ago], but the present study demonstrates that two-dimensional electrophoresis is a useful indicator of phylogeny even back to the Paleocene (65 Myr ago). In addition, two-dimensional electrophoresis is shown to be a useful technique for detecting slowly evolving structural proteins such as actins and tropomyosins.  相似文献   

Structural aberrations, their frequency and distribution as well as distribution of the tandem repetitive minisatellite DNA clusters of Alu and Hinf elements and two retroelements, the LINE NLRCth1 and the SINE CTRT1, were analyzed in the genome of the chironomid C. piger Strenzke larvae from a Bulgarian population. A consistent somatic variability in the structure of the polytene chromosomes was detected, showing that the C. piger genome is more actively rearranging than supposed before. Breakpoints were concentrated in proximal parts of chromosomes significantly more often than in distal parts. By FISH analysis we could detect only one locus containing Alu elements and 38 Hinf cluster loci which appear to be dispersed equally all over the chromosomes. The retrotransposons NLRCth1 and CTRT1 are present only in a few loci, but highly variant among different individuals. The mean number of NLRCth1 sites per individual was 18.4 ± 2.09 and of CTRT1 was 54.8 ± 8.42. A third of breakpoint locations were close to or coincide with a locus occupied by a retroelement (either NLRCth1 or CTRT1). Nineteen percent of breakpoints coincided with Hinf repetitive DNA elements. Some breakpoints were identical in the two sibling species C. piger and C. riparius Meigen (syn.: C. thummi thummi) and are considered as conserved hot spots of chromosome breakage.  相似文献   

用染色体原位抑制杂交法研究人和猕猴染色体同源性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
黄浩杰  张锡然 《遗传学报》1993,20(3):193-200
本文用生物素标记的人类1号、2号、4号染色体DNA探针进行染色体原位抑制(chromosomal in situ suppression,简称CISS)杂交以研究人和猕猴染色体的同源性。结果表明:人1号染色体与猕猴1号染色体同源。其中与猕猴lpter→lq33的同源程度高,与猕猴lq33→lqter的同源程度相对较低;人2号染色体与猕猴13号染色体长臂、9号染色体长臂和部分短臂同源;人4号染色体与猕猴2号染色体同源。结合染色体带型比较分析,本文对人和猕猴染色体的演化关系进行了探讨,该研究进一步证明了染色体重排可能是灵长类染色体进化的主要机制。  相似文献   

Summary The chromosome of three tetraploid Aegilops L. species containing the D-genome were analyzed by in situ hybridization with a repeated DNA sequence clone pAS1 isolated from Aegilops squarrosa and observed to be D-genome specific. This sequence is found on all seven D-genome chromosome pairs of A. squarrosa and hexaploid wheat. Two distinct D-genome patterns were observed in the tetraploid species. The D-genome of A. cylindrica was similar to hexaploid wheat. Seven pairs of chromosomes having large amounts and numerous sites of the sequence were observed. Five chromosome pairs with fewer and smaller sites of the repetitive sequence were observed in the D-genomes of A. crassa and A. ventricosa. In addition to these major repeated sequence differences, chromosomal modifications appear to have occurred between T. aestivum and A. cylindrica and between A. crassa and A. ventricosa resulting in changes with respect to location of the sequence between the respective species. D-genome divergence with respect to pAS1 sequence appears to have occurred at least in two forms, one characterized by the changes in amount of repetitive sequence and the second by changes in location of the sequence.  相似文献   

During germination of lupin seeds, the levels of in-vivo tRNA aminoacylation increase in different ways, depending on the species of tRNA. Column chromatography of tRNA on reverse-phase-chromatography (RPC-5) has shown the presence of 4 peaks of isoleucyl-tRNA, 5 of leucyl-tRNA, 5 of lysyl-tRNA, 2 of tyrosyl-tRNA, and 4 of valyl-tRNA. Cochromatography of periodate treated and control tRNA preparations, labeled with radioactive amino acids, indicates identical aminoacylation in vivo of isoaccepting tRNAs during plant development. One isoacceptor of isoleucine tRNA changes its elution profile after periodate treatment.Abbreviation RPC-5 reverse-phase-chromatography  相似文献   

Summary Characterization of sequences homologous to theDrosophila melanogaster gypsy transposable element was carried out inDrosophila subobscura (gypsyDS). They were found to be widely distributed among natural populations of this species. From Southern blot and in situ analyses, these sequences appear to be mobile in this species.GypsyDS sequences are located in both euchromatic and heterochromatic regions. A completegypsyDS sequence was isolated from aD. subobscura genomic library, and a 1.3-kb fragment which aligns with the ORF2 of theD. melanogaster gypsy element was sequenced. Comparisons of this sequence in three species (D. subobscura, D. melanogaster, and D. virilis) indicate that there is greater similarity between theD. subobscura-D. virilis sequences than betweenD. subobscura andD. melanogaster. Molecular divergence ofgypsy sequences betweenD. virilis andD. subobscura is estimated at 16 MY, whereas the most likely divergence time of these two species is more than 60 MY. These data strongly suggest thatgypsy sequences have been horizontally transferred between these species.Offprint requests to: T.M. Alberola  相似文献   

Summary The cotyledon cells ofPisum sativum have high DNA contents. By appropriate culture techniques, some of these cells can be triggered into division. Two types of dividing nuclei were seen. Firstly those that were polyploid with metaphases containing chromosome numbers ranging in value from 4 x to 32 x. Included among these were unexpected numbers equivalent to 12 x and 14 x. Secondly there were cells containing giant polytene chromosomes and these progressed from prophase to a metaphase where the polytene chromosomes separated into constituent single chromosomes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Distribution of attachment sites varies with the species of lamprey being considered. Large anadromous species (Petromyzon marinus and Lampetra tridentata) tend to attach ventrally, especially near the pectoral fins, while smaller freshwater species in shallow habitats (Ichthyomyzon castaneus and I. unicuspis) and species that feed on muscle tissue (Lampetra ayresi) tend to attach dorsally. Catostomids tend to be attacked on the head and, by the Ichthyomyzon species, on the paired fins. Distribution of attachments by P. marinus in laboratory studies may be affected by tank size. Attachments to the head and pectoral regions are probably associated with greater host mortality rates and may be underrepresented in field samples. Attachments to the pectoral region appear to combine low costs, in terms of handling time prior to feeding, with greater rates of energy intake once feeding has been initiated. Dorsal attachments by species that inhabit relatively shallow rivers and streams may be a compromise to avoid abrasion against the bottom. A consequence of dorsal attachments may be a reduced impact on host populations through prolonged attachments to individual hosts and reduced attack rates.  相似文献   

Summary Different wild-type isolates of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit extensive polymorphism in the length of restriction fragments carrying tRNA genes. These size differences were used to study the organisation of two tRNA gene families which encode a tRNAVal(GUU) and a tRNAVal(GUA) gene. The method used involved a combination of classitics. The tRNA genes were mapped to specific linkage groups (chromosomes) by correlating the presence of polymorphic DNA bands that hybridized with the tRNA gene probes with the presence of genetic markers for those linkage groups. These analyses established that both of the tRNA gene families are dispersed among sites on several of the chromosomes. Information of nine tRNAVal(GUU) genes from the wild-type isolate NC4 was obtained: three map to linkage group I (C, E, F,), two map to linkage group II (D, I), one maps to linkage group IV (G), one, which corresponds to the cloned gene, maps to either linkage group III or VI (B), and two map to one of linkage groups III, VI or VIII (A, H). Six tRNAVal(GUA) genes from the NC4 isolate were mapped; one to linkage group I (D), two to linkage group III, VI or VII (B, C) and three to linkage group VII or III (A, E, F).  相似文献   

Summary The yolk proteins stored in Drosophila, oocytes for utilisation during embryogenesis are an ideal system for studying the regulation of gene expression during development. The 3 major polypeptides found in yolk in D. melanogaster are synthesised in the fat body and ovarian follicle cells and selectively accumulated by the oocyte during vitellogenesis. In order to understand more about their regulation and the mechanism of uptake, studies on other species are necessary.Three yolk polypeptides have previously been identified in the D. melanogaster sibling species (D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. erecta, D. teissieri, D. orena and D. yakuba). In D. melanogaster three genes located on the X chromosome are known to code for these yolk polypeptides. in this study genomic Southern transfers and in situ hybridisation experiments were carried out on the sibling species. Using the three cloned yolk protein genes from D. melanogaster, homologous sequences could be detected in the sibling species. It is suggested that three yolk protein genes occur in each of these species, all being located on the X chromosome, and that two of the genes are very closely linked in these same species. Yolk protein gene-homologous DNA sequences have also been identified in two more distantly related species D. funebris and D. virilis.  相似文献   

Centromeric repetitive sequences were isolated from Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera and A. lyrata ssp. kawasakiana. Two novel repeat families isolated from A. gemmifera were designated pAge1 and pAge2. These repeats are 180 bp in length and are organized in a head-to-tail manner. They are similar to the pAL1 repeats of A. thaliana and the pAa units of A. arenosa. Both A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana possess the pAa, pAge1 and pAge2 repeat families. Sequence comparisons of different centromeric repeats revealed that these families share a highly conserved region of approximately 50 bp. Within each of the four repeat families, two or three regions showed low levels of sequence variation. The average difference in nucleotide sequence was approximately 10% within families and 30% between families, which resulted in clear distinctions between families upon phylogenetic analysis. FISH analysis revealed that the localization patterns for the pAa, pAge1 and pAge2 families were chromosome specific in A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana. In one pair of chromosomes in A. gemmifera, and three pairs of chromosomes in A. kawasakiana, two repeat families were present. The presence of three families of centromeric repeats in A. gemmifera and A. kawasakiana indicates that the first step toward homogenization of centromeric repeats occurred at the chromosome level.Communicated by W. R. McCombie  相似文献   

Rumex papillaris Boiss, & Reut., an Iberian endemic, belongs to the section Acetosa of the genus Rumex whose main representative is R. acetosa L., a species intensively studied in relation to sex-chromosome evolution. Here, we characterize cytogenetically the chromosomal complement of R. papillaris in an effort to enhance future comparative genomic approaches and to better our understanding of sex chromosome structure in plants. Rumex papillaris, as is common in this group, is a dioecious species characterized by the presence of a multiple sex chromosome system (with females 2n = 12 + XX and males 2n = 12 + XY1Y2). Except for the X chromosome both Y chromosomes are the longest in the karyotype and appear heterochromatic due to the accumulation of at least two satellite DNA families, RAE180 and RAYSI. Each chromosome of pair VI has an additional major heterochromatin block at the distal region of the short arm. These supernumerary heterochromatic blocks are occupied by RAE730 satellite DNA family. The Y-related RAE180 family is also present in an additional minor autosomal locus. Our comparative study of the chromosomal organization of the different satellite-DNA sequences in XX/XY and XX/XY1Y2 Rumex species demonstrates that of active mechanisms of heterochromatin amplification occurred and were accompanied by chromosomal rearrangements giving rise to the multiple XX/XY1Y2 chromosome systems observed in Rumex. Additionally, Y1 and Y2 chromosomes have undergone further rearrangements leading to differential patterns of Y-heterochromatin distribution between Rumex species with multiple sex chromosome systems.  相似文献   

Chromosomal sex determination and heterochromatin structure in date palm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the date palm, a dioecious mode (separate male and female individuals) and the late initial reproductive age (5–10 years) are major practical constraints for genetic improvement. Early selection on young seedlings could enhance breeding programmes and generate experimental male and female genetic stocks, but no cytogenetic protocol exists for sex determination in an immature date palm. Here we describe a cytological method based on chromomycin staining which demonstrates the occurrence of sexual chromosomes carrying distinctive nucleolar heterochromatin and thus offers, for the first time, the possibility of identifying male and female individuals by simple analysis of root meristems. This observation has been extended by in situ rDNA hybridization, confocal microscopy and dual-label flow cytometry of nuclei.  相似文献   

Structural rearrangements of chromosomes have played a decisive role in the karyotypic evolution of species. It is also known that inversions, translocations, fusions, fissions, heterochromatin variations and other chromosomal changes occur as transient events in natural populations. Herein we report the occurrence of a rare event of centric fission of a metacentric chromosome in a laboratory population ofDrosophila, called Cytorace 1. This centric fission has been fixed in a sub-population of Cytorace 1, resulting in a new chromosomal lineage called Fissioncytorace-1.  相似文献   

The segregation of seven isozyme marker genes was investigated using eight controlled crosses in almond. The cultivar Nonpareil was the maternal parent in all crosses. Pollination was achieved using eight different cultivars, and a total of 3200 individual kernels were assessed. For each isozyme the goodness-of-fit test was used to test for departure from the expected frequencies assuming Mendelian inheritance. Given a higher than expected number of significant results for individual isozymes, independent segregation between pairs of isozymes was tested using the chi-square statistic on the resulting two-way contingency tables. In all crosses a highly significant association (P value< 0.001) was observed between (1) the AAT- 1 and IDH isozymes loci and (2) the LAP-1 and PGM-2 isozymes loci, which leads to the conclusion that the respective isozyme pairs are linked.In addition, a significant association (P value < 0.001) was observed between LAP-1 and GPI-2 when the pollen sources were Fritz, Mission, or Price, but this could not be tested for the remaining five pollen sources, Carmel, Grant, Keane, Ne plus Ultra, Peerless, because they are homozygous at these loci. If LAP-1 is linked with GPI-2 and PGM-2, it might be expected that we should find evidence of linkage between GPI-2 and PGM-2. The lack of a significant association between these two isozymes suggests that LAP-1 is located centrally on the chromosome. These three pairs of linked loci are the first to be reported in almond.  相似文献   

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