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Productivity of trees can be affected by limitations in resources such as water and nutrients, and herbivory. However, there is little understanding of their interactive effects on carbon uptake and growth. We hypothesized that: (1) in the absence of defoliation, photosynthetic rate and leaf respiration would be governed by limiting resource(s) and their impact on sink limitation; (2) photosynthetic responses to defoliation would be a consequence of changing source:sink relationships and increased availability of limiting resources; and (3) photosynthesis and leaf respiration would be adjusted in response to limiting resources and defoliation so that growth could be maintained. We tested these hypotheses by examining how leaf photosynthetic processes, respiration, carbohydrate concentrations and growth rates of Eucalyptus globulus were influenced by high or low water and nitrogen (N) availability, and/or defoliation. Photosynthesis of saplings grown with low water was primarily sink limited, whereas photosynthetic responses of saplings grown with low N were suggestive of source limitation. Defoliation resulted in source limitation. Net photosynthetic responses to defoliation were linked to the degree of resource availability, with the largest responses measured in treatments where saplings were ultimately source rather than sink limited. There was good evidence of acclimation to stress, enabling higher rates of C uptake than might otherwise have occurred.  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid (ABA) and its possible interaction with ethylene in mediating leaf elongation response to soil water deficit are a matter of controversy. To address this question, we used a set of maize genotypes with various levels of ABA either due to natural variability or to genetic transformation targeted on NCED/VP14, a key enzyme of ABA synthesis. The transgenic lines yielded less strong phenotypes than available mutants, making it possible to use them under normal growing conditions. We focused on leaf elongation during night periods in order to avoid the confounding effect of ABA on leaf water status. Our results suggest that over a wide range, internal ABA level (measured in both leaf extracts or xylem sap) has no clear effect on leaf elongation response to soil water deficit, except in the case of an antisense line presenting the strongest reduction in ABA accumulation that showed a slight maintenance of leaf elongation during water deficit. Leaf ethylene production rate was variable and not related to water deficit except in the ABA-deficient transgenic lines where it was increased by water deficit on average but not systematically. Moreover, variability in ethylene production rate was not linked to variability in elongation rate. Our results thus suggest that neither ABA nor ethylene seems to play a major role in the control of leaf elongation response to soil water deficit.  相似文献   

The debate whether the coevolution of plants and insects or macroevolutionary processes (phylogeny) is the main driver determining the arsenal of molecular defensive compounds of plants remains unresolved. Attacks by herbivorous insects affect not only the composition of defensive compounds in plants but also the entire metabolome. Metabolomes are the final products of genotypes and are constrained by macroevolutionary processes, so closely related species should have similar metabolomic compositions and may respond in similar ways to attacks by folivores. We analyzed the elemental compositions and metabolomes of needles from three closely related Pinus species with distant coevolutionary histories with the caterpillar of the processionary moth respond similarly to its attack. All pines had different metabolomes and metabolic responses to herbivorous attack. The metabolomic variation among the species and the responses to folivory reflected their macroevolutionary relationships, with Ppinaster having the most divergent metabolome. The concentrations of terpenes were in the attacked trees supporting the hypothesis that herbivores avoid plant individuals with higher concentrations. Our results suggest that macroevolutionary history plays important roles in the metabolomic responses of these pine species to folivory, but plant–insect coevolution probably constrains those responses. Combinations of different evolutionary factors and trade‐offs are likely responsible for the different responses of each species to folivory, which is not necessarily exclusively linked to plant–insect coevolution.  相似文献   

Abstract The enemies release hypothesis proposes that exotic species can become invasive by escaping from predators and parasites in their novel environment. Agrawal et al. (Enemy release? An experiment with congeneric plant pairs and diverse above‐ and below‐ground enemies. Ecology, 86, 2979–2989) proposed that areas or times in which damage to introduced species is low provide opportunities for the invasion of native habitat. We tested whether ornamental settings may provide areas with low levels of herbivory for trees and shrubs, potentially facilitating invasion success. First, we compared levels of leaf herbivory among native and exotic species in ornamental and natural settings in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. In the second study, we compared levels of herbivory for invasive and noninvasive exotic species between natural and ornamental settings. We found lower levels of leaf damage for exotic species than for native species; however, we found no differences in the amount of leaf damage suffered in ornamental or natural settings. Our results do not provide any evidence that ornamental settings afford additional release from herbivory for exotic plant species.  相似文献   

The evolution of active stomatal closure in response to leaf water deficit, mediated by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), has been the subject of recent debate. Two different models for the timing of the evolution of this response recur in the literature. A single‐step model for stomatal control suggests that stomata evolved active, ABA‐mediated control of stomatal aperture, when these structures first appeared, prior to the divergence of bryophyte and vascular plant lineages. In contrast, a gradualistic model for stomatal control proposes that the most basal vascular plant stomata responded passively to changes in leaf water status. This model suggests that active ABA‐driven mechanisms for stomatal responses to water status instead evolved after the divergence of seed plants, culminating in the complex, ABA‐mediated responses observed in modern angiosperms. Here we review the findings that form the basis for these two models, including recent work that provides critical molecular insights into resolving this intriguing debate, and find strong evidence to support a gradualistic model for stomatal evolution.  相似文献   

Water is vital for plant growth, development and productivity. Permanent or temporary water deficit stress limits the growth and distribution of natural and artificial vegetation and the performance of cultivated plants (crops) more than any other environmental factor. Productive and sustainable agriculture necessitates growing plants (crops) in arid and semiarid regions with less input of precious resources such as fresh water. For a better understanding and rapid improvement of soil–water stress tolerance in these regions, especially in the water-wind eroded crossing region, it is very important to link physiological and biochemical studies to molecular work in genetically tractable model plants and important native plants, and further extending them to practical ecological restoration and efficient crop production. Although basic studies and practices aimed at improving soil water stress resistance and plant water use efficiency have been carried out for many years, the mechanisms involved at different scales are still not clear. Further understanding and manipulating soil–plant water relationships and soil–water stress tolerance at the scales of ecology, physiology and molecular biology can significantly improve plant productivity and environmental quality. Currently, post-genomics and metabolomics are very important in exploring anti-drought gene resources in various life forms, but modern agriculturally sustainable development must be combined with plant physiological measures in the field, on the basis of which post-genomics and metabolomics have further practical prospects. In this review, we discuss physiological and molecular insights and effects in basic plant metabolism, drought tolerance strategies under drought conditions in higher plants for sustainable agriculture and ecoenvironments in arid and semiarid areas of the world. We conclude that biological measures are the bases for the solutions to the issues relating to the different types of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Meng Y  Shao C  Wang H  Chen M 《RNA biology》2012,9(3):249-253
In this survey, we did a large-scale re-examination of the currently registered plant microRNAs (miRNAs) in miRBase (release 17), which were annotated based on the already established criteria. Huge public small RNA (sRNA) high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data sets were employed to interrogate the accuracy of the miRBase registries based on the secondary structures of the miRNA precursors and the expression levels of the miRNAs and the miRNA*s. Our results raised the caveat that the current miRNA lists in miRBase should be carefully refined, and more strict criteria should be implemented for new miRNA registration. Through this work, we proposed a structure- and expression-based strategy to validate a set of defined miRNA genes, or even to annotate novel ones based on currently available sRNA HTS data sets. We also hope to inspire further research efforts on the manual refinement of the current miRNA gene lists.  相似文献   

Summary A critical study has been made of the standard lead phosphate precipitation technique for the localization of-glycerophosphatase activity in young root tips. The effects of fixatives on enzyme activity and on the loss of activity during fixation and incubation have been determined. Cytochemical studies showed that the most prominent sites of-glycerophosphatase activity were at particulate sites in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Good correlation was obtained between frozen section and electron microscope studies although a number of problems were encountered. These particularly concerned the penetration of the staining medium, the loss of activity during incubation and the use of the acetic acid rinse. Recommendations are made for the reliable localization of the enzyme. The use of controls in this method were studied and their validity discussed.The study was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Grant GB 12371 to Dr. J.Cronshaw.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) rate and plant density (PD) are important factors for sustainable cotton production. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of nitrogen rate and plant density on plant growth, source–sink relationship, and cotton yield. A split-plot arrangement was used in the field experiment with the main plots assigned to N rate (120 and 180 kg/ha), and the sub-plots assigned to plant density (8, 10, and 12 plants/m2). Results showed significant N and PD interaction on plant growth, leaf gas exchange, and yield. Higher plant growth and cotton yield were noted under low nitrogen rate and high planting density than other treatment combinations. Leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency were considerably influenced by planting density and nitrogen rate. Maximum values of these traits were obtained under low nitrogen rate with high planting density or high nitrogen rate with medium planting density, while the least values were under low nitrogen rate with low planting density. Correlation analysis revealed highly significant and positive relation between leaf gas exchange and cotton yield.  相似文献   

This review examines the hypotheses that developmental programmed cell death in leaves is mediated (i) by sugar starvation in the leaf cells or (ii) by sugar accumulation in these cells. Experimental evidence for both hypotheses is critically discussed and found to be lacking. For example, some papers show that sugars prevent senescence of cut leaves placed in darkness, and prevent low sugar levels in the leaves. In these tests, the sugars seem to replace photosynthesis, hence the results have little relevance to leaf senescence in intact plants in the light. Low nitrogen nutrition and high light results in earlier senescence than the low nitrogen treatment alone. This is accompanied by high sugar levels in the leaves. The results have led to the idea that accumulation of sugars is the cause of the additional effect, or more generally, that sugar accumulation is always the direct cause of leaf senescence. Results from over-expressing, or knocking out, hexokinase genes tend to support the high sugar hypothesis, but pleiotropic effects confound this conclusion. In addition, several experiments show the effects of treatments on senescence without the increase in leaf sugar levels. Nonetheless, sugar levels are usually measured in whole leaves. Such an overall level does not reflect the differences in the onset of senescence between tissues and cells, and can therefore not be used as an argument for or against either of the two hypotheses. It is argued that future work should determine the time line of the concentrations of various sugars in various cells and cellular compartments, in relation to senescence processes in the same cells. Taken together, the data are not decisive. It is possible that neither of the two hypotheses is correct.  相似文献   

Precise knowledge how tree growth will respond to future climate change is essential for the adapted management of forest ecosystems. By conducting sensitivity tests, tree-ring process-based cambial growth models can provide an innovative way to better understand wood formation under different climate change scenarios. As a case study in semi-arid north central China, we used artificially increased or decreased daily climatic data as input to the Vaganov-Shashkin dynamic growth model to investigate the response of wood formation to climatic change. By calibrating the tree-ring model using daily climate data over the period 1951–2010, we found that 81% of radial growth was driven by soil moisture, while 13% of growth was controlled by temperature. During the main growing season June–August, significant differences in the integral growth rate occurred after changing precipitation by ± 30% or by decreasing temperature by 3.0 °C (p < 0.05). However, increasing temperature showed only modest effects on tree radial growth rate. During the past 60 years, a significant advancement of the starting dates of growth was detected, whereby non-significant variability was found for the ending dates of growth. Contemporaneously, the effect of previous winter temperature (previous December to current January) on cambial growth initiation declined after 1980. Significant differences in the growth onset dates only occurred when temperature was reduced by 4.5 °C or increased by 5.5 °C. Moreover, both the onset and ending dates of growth in the study region were more sensitive to cooling rather than to warming. If temperature will increase by 2°C and precipitation will increase by 30% at the end of this century as predicted by some Earth system models, tree radial growth might increase by 19% in the study region, compared to the average during the period 1952–2010. Consequently, tree stem radial growth is expected to increase under a warming and wetting climatic scenario, but will decrease under drying conditions.  相似文献   

The response of selected photosynthetic and morphological parameters of plants to drought was examined in 5 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) and their 10 F1 hybrids. The aim of the study was to establish whether the photosynthetic performance of parental genotypes under drought conditions correlates with the performance of their progeny and whether the net photosynthetic rate, the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters or the content of photosynthetic pigments could be used as reliable physiological markers for early breeding generations. The relative importance of the additive and the nonadditive (dominance, maternal) genetic effects in the inheritance of these parameters was also assessed by means of the quantitative genetics analysis. The results showed that the nonadditive genetic effects associated with a particular combination of genotypes or a particular direction of crossing are at least equally and often even more important as the additivity and that these genetic effects almost totally change with the exposure of plants to drought conditions. This was reflected in the inability to predict the response of F1 hybrids to drought on the basis of the photosynthetic performance of their parents, which indicates that the practical usability of such parameters in maize breeding programs is rather limited.  相似文献   

Whether polygyny is harmful for women and their children is a long-standing question in anthropology. Few studies, however, have explored whether the effect of polygyny varies for women of different wife order, and whether there are different outcomes for their sons and daughters. Because males have higher reproductive variance, especially when they are allowed to take multiple wives, parents may have higher fitness returns from investing in sons over daughters in polygynous households. Moreover, previous studies have found that first wives and their children are advantaged over monogamous and second order wives (who marry into unions later). Here we test the predictions that children of first wives will have an advantage over children to monogamous or second wives, and that sex-biased investment will be strongest among first wives. Using data from the Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia (n ~ 6200 children) we test whether associations with mother's wife order extend beyond childhood into adulthood by examining simultaneously child survival, education and age at marriage. We find that polygynous first wives have no child survival disadvantage, first wives' sons benefit in terms of longer education and daughters have an earlier age at marriage than daughters of monogamous women. Second wives have lower child survival than monogamous women, but surviving children experience advantages in later life outcomes, particularly marriage. These findings challenge the view that polygynous women are always doing the ‘best of a bad job’. Rather, our results suggest that via their surviving sons and daughters there may be long-term benefits for some polygynous women.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of plant growth substances in assimilate production in source leaves, loading into phloem and unloading in sink tissues is discussed in relation to their sites of formation and transport characteristics. The relative importance and possible functions of imported and locally-synthesised plant growth substances in postfertilisation development of reproductive sinks is briefly reviewed.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - PA Phaseic acid - DPA Dihydrophaseic acid - GA Gibberellin - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

We have dissected the influences of apoplastic pH and cell turgor on short-term responses of leaf growth to plant water status, by using a combination of a double-barrelled pH-selective microelectrodes and a cell pressure probe. These techniques were used, together with continuous measurements of leaf elongation rate (LER), in the (hidden) elongating zone of the leaves of intact maize plants while exposing roots to various treatments. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) reduced water availability to roots, while acid load and anoxia decreased root hydraulic conductivity. During the first 30 min, acid load and anoxia induced moderate reductions in leaf growth and turgor, with no effect on leaf apoplastic pH. PEG stopped leaf growth, while turgor was only partially reduced. Rapid alkalinization of the apoplast, from pH 4.9 ± 0.3 to pH 5.8 ± 0.2 within 30 min, may have participated to this rapid growth reduction. After 60 min, leaf growth inhibition correlated well with turgor reduction across all treatments, supporting a growth limitation by hydraulics. We conclude that apoplastic alkalinization may transiently impair the control of leaf growth by cell turgor upon abrupt water stress, whereas direct hydraulic control of growth predominates under moderate conditions and after a 30-60 min delay following imposition of water stress.  相似文献   

Growth, carbohydrate pools and extractable sucrose-phosphatesynthase (SPS) activity were studied in the leaves of light-grownmustard seedlings exposed tored or far-red end-of-day lightpulses. Over a single dark period far-red, compared to red light(a) had no effect on leaf amounts of reducing sugars, sucrose,starch, and hemicellulose, (b) reduced cellulose accu-mulationin the leaves, and (c) caused a rapid promo-tion of extractableactivity for SPS (lag  相似文献   

A population of 300 F3:4 lines derived from the cross between maize inbred lines F2 and F252 was evaluated for testcross value in a large range of environmental conditions (11 different locations in 2 years: 1995 and 1996) in order to study (1) the magnitude of genotype × environment and (2) the stability of quantitative trait loci (QTL) effects. Several agronomic traits were measured: dry grain yield (DGY), kernel weight, average number of kernels per plant, silking date (SD) and grain moisture at harvest. A large genotype × environment interaction was found, particularly for DGY. A hierarchical classification of trials and an additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model were carried out. Both methods led to the conclusion that trials could be partitioned into three groups consistent with (1) the year of experiment and (2) the water availability (irrigated vs non-irrigated) for the trials sown in 1995. QTL detection was carried out for all the traits in the different groups of trials. Between 9 and 15 QTL were detected for each trait. QTL × group and QTL × trial effects were tested and proved significant for a large proportion of QTL. QTL detection was also performed on coordinates on the first two principal components (PC) of the AMMI model. PC QTL were generally detected in areas where QTL × group and QTL × trial interactions were significant. A region located on chromosome 8 near an SD QTL seemed to play a key role in DGY stability. Our results confirm the key role of water availability and flowering earliness on grain yield stability in maize.  相似文献   

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