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Nucleus movement is essential during nucleus positioning for tissue growth and development in eukaryotic cells. However, molecular regulators of nucleus movement in interphase fibroblasts have yet to be identified. Here, we report that nuclei of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts undergo enhanced movement when subjected to shear flows. Such movement includes both rotation and translocation and is dependent on microtubule, not F-actin, structure. Through inactivation of Rho GTPases, well-known mediators of cytoskeleton reorganization, we demonstrate that Cdc42, not RhoA or Rac1, controls the extent of nucleus translocation, and more importantly, of nucleus rotation in the cytoplasm. In addition to generating nuclei movement, we find that shear flows also causes repositioning of the MTOC in the direction of flow. This behavior is also controlled by Cdc42 via the Par6/protein kinase Czeta pathway. These results are the first to establish Cdc42 as a molecular regulator of not only shear-induced MTOC polarization in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, but also of shear-induced microtubule-dependent nucleus movement. We propose that the movements of MTOC and nucleus are coupled chemically, because they are both regulated by Cdc42 and dependent on microtubule structure, and physically, possibly via Hook/SUN family homologues similar to those found in Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

In animal and fungal cells, the monomeric GTPase Cdc42p is a key regulator of cell polarity that itself exhibits a polarized distribution in asymmetric cells. Previous work showed that in budding yeast, Cdc42p polarization is unaffected by depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton (Ayscough et al., J. Cell Biol. 137, 399-416, 1997). Surprisingly, we now report that unlike complete actin depolymerization, partial actin depolymerization leads to the dispersal of Cdc42p from the polarization site in unbudded cells. We provide evidence that dispersal is due to endocytosis associated with cortical actin patches and that actin cables are required to counteract the dispersal and maintain Cdc42p polarity. Thus, although Cdc42p is initially polarized in an actin-independent manner, maintaining that polarity may involve a reinforcing feedback between Cdc42p and polarized actin cables to counteract the dispersing effects of actin-dependent endocytosis. In addition, we report that once a bud has formed, polarized Cdc42p becomes more resistant to dispersal, revealing an unexpected difference between unbudded and budded cells in the organization of the polarization site.  相似文献   

Cells actively position their nucleus within the cytoplasm. One striking example is observed during skeletal myogenesis. Differentiated myoblasts fuse to form a multinucleated myotube with nuclei positioned in the centre of the syncytium by an unknown mechanism. Here, we describe that the nucleus of a myoblast moves rapidly after fusion towards the central myotube nuclei. This movement is driven by microtubules and dynein/dynactin complex, and requires Cdc42, Par6 and Par3. We found that Par6β and dynactin accumulate at the nuclear envelope of differentiated myoblasts and myotubes, and this accumulation is dependent on Par6 and Par3 proteins but not on microtubules. These results suggest a mechanism where nuclear movement after fusion is driven by microtubules that emanate from one nucleus that are pulled by dynein/dynactin complex anchored to the nuclear envelope of another nucleus.  相似文献   

The rapid turnover of actin filaments and the tertiary meshwork formation are regulated by a variety of actin-binding proteins. Protein phosphorylation of cofilin, an actin-binding protein that depolymerizes actin filaments, suppresses its function. Thus, cofilin is a terminal effector of signaling cascades that evokes actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. When wild-type LIMK2 and kinase-dead LIMK2 (LIMK2/KD) were respectively expressed in cells, LIMK2, but not LIMK2/KD, phosphorylated cofilin and induced formation of stress fibers and focal complexes. LIMK2 activity toward cofilin phosphorylation was stimulated by coexpression of activated Rho and Cdc42, but not Rac. Importantly, expression of activated Rho and Cdc42, respectively, induced stress fibers and filopodia, whereas both Rho- induced stress fibers and Cdc42-induced filopodia were abrogated by the coexpression of LIMK2/KD. In contrast, the coexpression of LIMK2/KD with the activated Rac did not affect Rac-induced lamellipodia formation. These results indicate that LIMK2 plays a crucial role both in Rho- and Cdc42-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization, at least in part by inhibiting the functions of cofilin. Together with recent findings that LIMK1 participates in Rac-induced lamellipodia formation, LIMK1 and LIMK2 function under control of distinct Rho subfamily GTPases and are essential regulators in the Rho subfamilies-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cdc24p functions at least in part as a guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor for the Rho-family GTPase Cdc42p. A genetic screen designed to identify possible additional targets of Cdc24p instead identified two previously known genes, MSB1 and CLA4, and one novel gene, designated MSB3, all of which appear to function in the Cdc24p-Cdc42p pathway. Nonetheless, genetic evidence suggests that Cdc24p may have a function that is distinct from its Cdc42p guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor activity; in particular, overexpression of CDC42 in combination with MSB1 or a truncated CLA4 in cells depleted for Cdc24p allowed polarization of the actin cytoskeleton and polarized cell growth, but not successful cell proliferation. MSB3 has a close homologue (designated MSB4) and two more distant homologues (MDR1 and YPL249C) in S. cerevisiae and also has homologues in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Drosophila (pollux), and humans (the oncogene tre17). Deletion of either MSB3 or MSB4 alone did not produce any obvious phenotype, and the msb3 msb4 double mutant was viable. However, the double mutant grew slowly and had a partial disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, but not of the septins, in a fraction of cells that were larger and rounder than normal. Like Cdc42p, both Msb3p and Msb4p localized to the presumptive bud site, the bud tip, and the mother-bud neck, and this localization was Cdc42p dependent. Taken together, the data suggest that Msb3p and Msb4p may function redundantly downstream of Cdc42p, specifically in a pathway leading to actin organization. From previous work, the BNI1, GIC1, and GIC2 gene products also appear to be involved in linking Cdc42p to the actin cytoskeleton. Synthetic lethality and multicopy suppression analyses among these genes, MSB, and MSB4, suggest that the linkage is accomplished by two parallel pathways, one involving Msb3p, Msb4p, and Bni1p, and the other involving Gic1p and Gic2p. The former pathway appears to be more important in diploids and at low temperatures, whereas the latter pathway appears to be more important in haploids and at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases play pivotal roles in regulating cell morphology. We previously showed that RhoA acts via ROKalpha to counteract the effects of the classical second messenger cyclic AMP on cell shape changes. Here we show that active Cdc42V12 also competes against the cAMP-induced stellate morphology in SH-EP cells. This Cdc42 effect is not mediated by the RhoA/ ROK pathway but rather the related MRCKalpha, a myotonic dystrophy kinase-related Cdc42-binding kinase. Co-expression of a dominant inhibitory MRCKalpha mutant with Cdc42V12 blocks the ability of the GTPase to counteract cAMP, suggesting that MRCK acts downstream of Cdc42 in this process. Cdc42V12 enhances the phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) at the cell periphery and sustains focal adhesion complexes, while MLC kinase inhibitors destroy focal adhesion complexes and impair the Cdc42V12 protective effect. The data suggest that the maintenance of focal adhesion complexes via the regulation of myosin II activity underlies the ability of Cdc42 to protect against the effect of elevated cAMP.  相似文献   

In migrating adherent cells such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells, the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) reorients toward the leading edge [1-3]. MTOC reorientation repositions the Golgi toward the front of the cell [1] and contributes to directional migration [4]. The mechanism of MTOC reorientation and its relation to the formation of stabilized microtubules (MTs) in the leading edge, which occurs concomitantly with MTOC reorientation [3], is unknown. We show that serum and the serum lipid, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), increased Cdc42 GTP levels and triggered MTOC reorientation in serum-starved wounded monolayers of 3T3 fibroblasts. Cdc42, but not Rho or Rac, was both sufficient and necessary for LPA-stimulated MTOC reorientation. MTOC reorientation was independent of Cdc42-induced changes in actin and was not blocked by cytochalasin D. Inhibition of dynein or dynactin blocked LPA- and Cdc42-stimulated MTOC reorientation. LPA also stimulates a Rho/mDia pathway that selectively stabilizes MTs in the leading edge [5, 6]; however, activators and inhibitors of MTOC reorientation and MT stabilization showed that each response was regulated independently. These results establish an LPA/Cdc42 signaling pathway that regulates MTOC reorientation in a dynein-dependent manner. MTOC reorientation and MT stabilization both act to polarize the MT array in migrating cells, yet these processes act independently and are regulated by separate Rho family GTPase-signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In migrating fibroblasts, rearward movement of the nucleus orients the centrosome toward the leading edge. Nuclear movement results from coupling rearward-moving, dorsal actin cables to the nucleus by linear arrays of nesprin-2G and SUN2, termed transmembrane actin-associated nuclear (TAN) lines. A-type lamins anchor TAN lines, prompting us to test whether emerin, a nuclear membrane protein that interacts with lamins and TAN line proteins, contributes to nuclear movement. In fibroblasts depleted of emerin, nuclei moved nondirectionally or completely failed to move. Consistent with these nuclear movement defects, dorsal actin cable flow was nondirectional in cells lacking emerin. TAN lines formed normally in cells lacking emerin and were coordinated with the erratic nuclear movements, although in 20% of the cases, TAN lines slipped over immobile nuclei. Myosin II drives actin flow, and depletion of myosin IIB, but not myosin IIA, showed similar nondirectional nuclear movement and actin flow as in emerin-depleted cells. Myosin IIB specifically coimmunoprecipitated with emerin, and emerin depletion prevented myosin IIB localization near nuclei. These results show that emerin functions with myosin IIB to polarize actin flow and nuclear movement in fibroblasts, suggesting a novel function for the nuclear envelope in organizing directional actin flow and cytoplasmic polarity.  相似文献   

E-cadherin is a key cell-cell adhesion molecule at adherens junctions (AJs) and undergoes endocytosis when AJs are disrupted by the action of extracellular signals. To elucidate the mechanism of this endocytosis, we developed here a new cell-free assay system for this reaction using the AJ-enriched fraction from rat liver. We found here that non-trans-interacting, but not trans-interacting, E-cadherin underwent endocytosis in a clathrin-dependent manner. The endocytosis of trans-interacting E-cadherin was inhibited by Rac and Cdc42 small G proteins, which were activated by trans-interacting E-cadherin or trans-interacting nectins, which are known to induce the formation of AJs in cooperation with E-cadherin. This inhibition was mediated by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton by Rac and Cdc42 through IQGAP1, an actin filament-binding protein and a downstream target of Rac and Cdc42. These results indicate the important role of the Rac/Cdc42-IQGAP1 system in the dynamic organization and maintenance of the E-cadherin-based AJs.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of cell migration, one needs to know how the parts of the motile machinery of the cell are assembled and how they move with respect to each other. Actin and myosin II are thought to be the major structural and force-generating components of this machinery (Mitchison and Cramer, 1996; Parent, 2004). The movement of myosin II along actin filaments is thought to generate contractile force contributing to cell translocation, but the relative motion of the two proteins has not been investigated. We use fluorescence speckle and conventional fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, and computer tracking techniques to generate comparative velocity and assembly maps of actin and myosin II over the entire cell in a simple model system of persistently migrating fish epidermal keratocytes. The results demonstrate contrasting polarized assembly patterns of the two components, indicate force generation at the lamellipodium-cell body transition zone, and suggest a mechanism of anisotropic network contraction via sliding of myosin II assemblies along divergent actin filaments.  相似文献   

Cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42) is a member of the Rho guanosine triphosphatase family and has pivotal functions in actin organization, cell migration, and proliferation. To further study the molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell (DC) regulation by Cdc42, we used Cdc42-deficient DCs. Cdc42 deficiency renders DCs phenotypically mature as they up-regulate the co-stimulatory molecule CD86 from intracellular storages to the cell surface. Cdc42 knockout DCs also accumulate high amounts of invariant chain–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II complexes at the cell surface, which cannot efficiently present peptide antigens (Ag’s) for priming of Ag-specific CD4 T cells. Proteome analyses showed a significant reduction in lysosomal MHC class II–processing proteins, such as cathepsins, which are lost from DCs by enhanced secretion. As these effects on DCs can be mimicked by chemical actin disruption, our results propose that Cdc42 control of actin dynamics keeps DCs in an immature state, and cessation of Cdc42 activity during DC maturation facilitates secretion as well as rapid up-regulation of intracellular molecules to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Rho family GTPases, particularly Rac1 and Cdc42, are key regulators of cell polarization and directional migration. Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is also thought to play a pivotal role in polarized cell migration. We have found that IQGAP1, an effector of Rac1 and Cdc42, interacts directly with APC. IQGAP1 and APC localize interdependently to the leading edge in migrating Vero cells, and activated Rac1/Cdc42 form a ternary complex with IQGAP1 and APC. Depletion of either IQGAP1 or APC inhibits actin meshwork formation and polarized migration. Depletion of IQGAP1 or APC also disrupts localization of CLIP-170, a microtubule-stabilizing protein that interacts with IQGAP1. Taken together, these results suggest a model in which activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 in response to migration signals leads to recruitment of IQGAP1 and APC which, together with CLIP-170, form a complex that links the actin cytoskeleton and microtubule dynamics during cell polarization and directional migration.  相似文献   

E-cadherin is a major cell-cell adhesion protein of epithelia that is trafficked to the basolateral cell surface in a polarized fashion. The exact post-Golgi route and regulation of E-cadherin transport have not been fully described. The Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 have been implicated in many cell functions, including the exocytic trafficking of other proteins in polarized epithelial cells. These Rho family proteins are also associated with the cadherin-catenin complexes at the cell surface. We have used functional mutants of Rac1 and Cdc42 and inactivating toxins to demonstrate specific roles for both Cdc42 and Rac1 in the post-Golgi transport of E-cadherin. Dominant-negative mutants of Cdc42 and Rac1 accumulate E-cadherin at a distinct post-Golgi step. This accumulation occurs before p120ctn interacts with E-cadherin, because p120ctn localization was not affected by the Cdc42 or Rac1 mutants. Moreover, the GTPase mutants had no effect on the trafficking of a targeting mutant of E-cadherin, consistent with the selective involvement of Cdc42 and Rac1 in basolateral trafficking. These results provide a new example of Rho GTPase regulation of basolateral trafficking and demonstrate novel roles for Cdc42 and Rac1 in the post-Golgi transport of E-cadherin. Rho family GTPases; catenin; polarity; sorting; actin  相似文献   

Inspired by the usefulness of small molecules to study membrane traffic, we used high-throughput synthesis and phenotypic screening to discover secramine, a molecule that inhibits membrane traffic out of the Golgi apparatus by an unknown mechanism. We report here that secramine inhibits activation of the Rho GTPase Cdc42, a protein involved in membrane traffic, by a mechanism dependent upon the guanine dissociation inhibitor RhoGDI. RhoGDI binds Cdc42 and antagonizes its membrane association, nucleotide exchange and effector binding. In vitro, secramine inhibits Cdc42 binding to membranes, GTP and effectors in a RhoGDI-dependent manner. In cells, secramine mimics the effects of dominant-negative Cdc42 expression on protein export from the Golgi and on Golgi polarization in migrating cells. RhoGDI-dependent Cdc42 inhibition by secramine illustrates a new way to inhibit Rho GTPases with small molecules and provides a new means to study Cdc42, RhoGDI and the cellular processes they mediate.  相似文献   

The Cdc42 GTPase binds to numerous effector proteins that control cell polarity, cytoskeletal remodelling and vesicle transport. In many cases the signalling pathways downstream of these effectors are not known. Here we show that the Cdc42 effectors Borg1 to Borg3 bind to septin GTPases. Endogenous septin Cdc10 and Borg3 proteins can be immunoprecipitated together by an anti-Borg3 antibody. The ectopic expression of Borgs disrupts normal septin organization. Cdc42 negatively regulates this effect and inhibits the binding of Borg3 to septins. Borgs are therefore the first known regulators of mammalian septin organization and provide an unexpected link between the septin and Cdc42 GTPases.  相似文献   

Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, is an opportunistic pathogen that causes devastating infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. The ability of B. cenocepacia to survive within host cells could contribute significantly to its virulence in immunocompromised patients. In this study, we explored the mechanisms that enable B. cenocepacia to survive inside macrophages. We found that B. cenocepacia disrupts the actin cytoskeleton of infected macrophages, drastically altering their morphology. Submembranous actin undergoes depolymerization, leading to cell retraction. The bacteria perturb actin architecture by inactivating Rho family GTPases, particularly Rac1 and Cdc42. GTPase inactivation follows internalization of viable B. cenocepacia and compromises phagocyte function: macropinocytosis and phagocytosis are markedly inhibited, likely impairing the microbicidal and antigen‐presenting capability of infected macrophages. The type VI secretion system is essential for the bacteria to elicit these changes. This is the first report demonstrating inactivation of Rho family GTPases by a member of the B. cepacia complex.  相似文献   

Cdc42 is a small GTPase involved in the regulation of the cytoskeleton and cell polarity. To test whether Cdc42 has an essential role in the formation of filopodia or directed cell migration, we generated Cdc42-deficient fibroblastoid cells by conditional gene inactivation. We report here that loss of Cdc42 did not affect filopodium or lamellipodium formation and had no significant influence on the speed of directed migration nor on mitosis. Cdc42-deficient cells displayed a more elongated cell shape and had a reduced area. Furthermore, directionality during migration and reorientation of the Golgi apparatus into the direction of migration was decreased. However, expression of dominant negative Cdc42 in Cdc42-null cells resulted in strongly reduced directed migration, severely reduced single cell directionality, and complete loss of Golgi polarization and of directionality of protrusion formation toward the wound, as well as membrane blebbing. Thus, our data show that besides Cdc42 additional GTPases of the Rho-family, which share GEFs with Cdc42, are involved in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity during directed migration.  相似文献   

All vertebrates contain two nonmuscle myosin II heavy chains, A and B, which differ in tissue expression and subcellular distributions. To understand how these distinct distributions are controlled and what role they play in cell migration, myosin IIA and IIB were examined during wound healing by bovine aortic endothelial cells. Immunofluorescence showed that myosin IIA skewed toward the front of migrating cells, coincident with actin assembly at the leading edge, whereas myosin IIB accumulated in the rear 15-30 min later. Inhibition of myosin light-chain kinase, protein kinases A, C, and G, tyrosine kinase, MAP kinase, and PIP3 kinase did not affect this asymmetric redistribution of myosin isoforms. However, posterior accumulation of myosin IIB, but not anterior distribution of myosin IIA, was inhibited by dominant-negative rhoA and by the rho-kinase inhibitor, Y-27632, which also inhibited myosin light-chain phosphorylation. This inhibition was overcome by transfecting cells with constitutively active myosin light-chain kinase. These observations indicate that asymmetry of myosin IIB, but not IIA, is regulated by light-chain phosphorylation mediated by rho-dependent kinase. Blocking this pathway inhibited tail constriction and retraction, but did not affect protrusion, suggesting that myosin IIB functions in pulling the rear of the cell forward.  相似文献   

Effects of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi on actin movement by smooth muscle myosin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To test the idea that the in vitro motility assay is a simplified model system for muscle contraction, the MgATP-dependent movement of actin filaments by thiophosphorylated smooth muscle myosin was characterized in the presence of the products MgADP and inorganic phosphate. The dependence of actin filament velocity on MgATP concentration was hyperbolic with a maximum velocity of 0.6 micron/s and an apparent Km = 40 microM (30 degrees C). MgADP competitively inhibited actin movement by MgATP with a Ki = 0.25 mM. Inorganic phosphate did not affect actin filament velocity in the presence of 1 mM MgATP, but competitively inhibited movement in the presence of 50 microM MgATP with a Ki = 9.5 mM. The effects of ADP and Pi on velocity agree with fiber mechanical studies, confirming that the motility assay is an excellent system to investigate the molecular mechanisms of force generation and shortening in smooth muscle. The rate at which rigor cross-bridges can be recruited to move actin filaments was observed by initiating cross-bridge cycling from rigor by flash photolysis of caged MgATP. Following the flash, which results in a rapid increase in MgATP concentration, actin filaments experienced a MgATP-dependent delay prior to achieving steady state velocity. The delay at low MgATP concentrations was interpreted as evidence that motion generating cross-bridges are slowed by a load due to a transiently high percentage of rigor cross-bridges immediately following MgATP release.  相似文献   

Fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP) was used to examine the role of actin and myosin in the transport of dextrans through the nuclear pore complex. Anti-actin antibodies added to isolated rat liver nuclei significantly reduced the flux rate of fluorescently labeled 64-kD dextrans. The addition of 3 mM ATP to nuclei, which enhances the flux rate in control nuclei by approximately 250%, had no enhancement effect in the presence of either anti-actin or anti-myosin antibody. Phalloidin (10 microM) and cytochalasin D (1 micrograms/ml) individually inhibited the ATP stimulation of transport. Rabbit serum, anti-fibronectin, and anti-lamins A and C antibodies had no effect on transport. These results suggest a model for nuclear transport in which actin/myosin are involved in an ATP-dependent process that alters the effective transport rate across the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

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