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PycnogenolImprovesChronicVenousInsufficiencySymptomsArcangeliP .PycnogenolR○inchronicvenousinsufficiency .Fi toterapia ,2 0 0 0 ;71( 3) :2 36~ 2 44.Patientswithchronicvenousinsufficiencywhowereexperiencinglegpainandedemahadasignificantimprovementinpainandswellingafte…  相似文献   

Beta CaroteneSupplementationBenefitsCysticFibrosisPatientsRustP ,EichlerI ,etal.Long termoralbeta carotenesup plementationinpatientswithcysticfibrosis.Effectsonantiox idativestatusandpulmonaryfunction .AnnalsofNutritionandMetabolism ,2 0 0 0 ;44 (1) :30~ 37.Patientswit…  相似文献   

Chuang ,1 Chuan ,Chen ,Keh Shaw ,etal.Determinationoftraceelementsinsomenaturaldrugsbyatomicabsorptionspectrometry .Biol.TraceElem .Res.,76( 3) :2 35~ 2 4 4 (English)2 0 0 0Josephson ,JulianTappingtraditionalhealers’treasures:findingandraisingmedicinalplantscanleadtoarichdi…  相似文献   

Beta CaroteneSupplementationBenefitsCysticFibrosisPatientsRustP ,EichlerI,etal.Long termoralbeta carotenesupple mentationinpatientswithcysticfibrosis.Effectsonantioxidativesta tusandpulmonaryfunction .AnnalsofNutritionandMetabolism ,2 0 0 0 ;44 (1) :30~ 37.Patientswit…  相似文献   

NaturalMedicineInformation(MedicalJournalWatch :AbstractandComments)L CarnitineImprovesExerciseToleranceAmongAnginaPatientslyerRN ,KhanAA ,etal.L carnitinemoderatelyimprovestheexercisetoleranceinchronicstableangina .JAssocPhysIn dia 4 8(11) :10 5 0~ 10 5 2 ,2 0 0 0 .Forty s…  相似文献   

Short- Term GinkgoBiloba SupplementationImproves Cognitive FunctionMix JA,Crews WD Jr.An examination of the efficacyof Ginkgo biloba axtract EGb 76 1on the neuropsychologicfunctioning of cognitively intact older adults.Journal of Al-ternative and Complementary Medicine,2 0 0 0 ;6 (3) :2 19~2 2 9.Forty healthy subjects age 5 5 and older were given 180mg daily of Ginkgo biloba extract or placebo for6 weeks.Ginkgo- supplem ented subjects had improved speed of pro-cessing abilities in ne…  相似文献   

Pycnogenol Improves ChronicVenous Insufficiency SymptomsArcangeli P.Pycnogenol R○ in chronic venous insufficiency.F itoterapia,2 0 0 0 ;71(3 ) :2 3 6~ 2 44.Patients with chronic venous insufficiency who were experienc-ing leg pain and edema had a significant improvement in pain andswelling after supplem entation with Pycnogenol R○ French maritimepine bark extract for 2 months.Sixty percent of treated patients hadcomplete disapperance of pain and edem a at the study' s completion.■N P…  相似文献   

Beta- Carotene SupplementationBenefits Cystic Fibrosis PatientsRust P,Eichler I,et al.L ong- term oral beta- carotenesupplementation in patients with cystic fibrosis.Effects onantioxidative status and pulmonary function.Annals of N u-trition and Metabolism,2 0 0 0 ;44 (1) :30~ 37.Patients with cystic fibrosis who were given daily beta-carotene supplements for 2 4weeks had increased plasmalevels of beta- carotene.Since peolpe with cystic fibrosis tendto have lower than norm al levels of …  相似文献   

L CarnitineImprovesExerciseToleranceAmongAnginaPatientslyerRN ,KhanAA ,etal.L carnitinemoderatelyimprovestheexercisetoleranceinchronicstableangina .JAssocPhysIn dia 4 8(11) :10 5 0~ 10 5 2 ,2 0 0 0 .Forty sevenmenandwomenaged 4 8to 6 4 yearswhohadchronicstableanginatook 2 gofL c…  相似文献   

January 17 2 0 ,2 0 0 1:IndependentPharmacyChainConference ,ScottsdalePrincessResort,Scottsdale,Arizona .Contact:NCPAExhibitsmanager( 70 3 )683 3 619(fax) .February 2 0 2 3 ,2 0 0 1:EXPO 2 0 0 1,NationalCommunityPharmacistsAssoci ation ,ChainDrugMarketingAssociation ,NationalHomeInfusio…  相似文献   

20 0 1 :January 17~ 2 0 ,2 0 0 1:IndependentPharmacyChainConference ,ScottsdalePrincessResort,Scottsdale ,Arizona .Contact:NCPAExhibitsmanager( 70 3) 6 83~ 36 19(fax) .February 2 0~ 2 3,2 0 0 1:EXPO 2 0 0 1,NationalCommunityPharmacistsAssociation ,ChainDrugMarketingAssociation ,NationalHomeI…  相似文献   

20 0 1 :January 17~ 2 0 ,2 0 0 1:IndependentPharmacyChainConference ,ScottsdalePrincessResort,Scottsdale ,Arizona .Contact:NCPAExhibitsmanager(70 3 ) 683~ 3 619(fax) .February 2 0~ 2 3 ,2 0 0 1:EXPO 2 0 0 1,NationalCommunityPharmacistsAssociation ,ChainDrugMarketingAssociation ,NationalHomeI…  相似文献   

20 0 1:January 17~ 2 0 ,2 0 0 1:Independent Pharm acy Chain Conference,Scottsdale Princess Resort,Scottsdale,Arizona.Contact:NCPA Ex-hibits m anager( 70 3 ) 683~ 3 619( fax) .February2 0~ 2 3 ,2 0 0 1:EXPO2 0 0 1,National Com munity Pharma-cists Association,Chain Drug Marketing Association,National HomeInfusion Association,Las Vegas Hilton,Las Vegas,Nevada.Con-tact:L ois Davis( 80 0 ) 5 44~ 7447.March 2~ 4,2 0 0 1:5 th Annual Arom a-Herb Show,Fiesta inn Resort,Tempe,Ari…  相似文献   

20 0 1 :January 17~ 2 0 ,2 0 0 1:IndependentPharmacyChainConference ,ScottsdalePrincessResort,Scottsdale ,Arizona .Contact:NCPAExhibitsmanager(70 3 )683~ 3 619(fax) .February 2 0~ 2 3 ,2 0 0 1:EXPO 2 0 0 1,NationalCommunityPharmacistsAs sociation ,ChainDrugMarketingAssociation ,NationalHomeI…  相似文献   

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