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Magnetic circular dichroism spectra (MCD) of reduced cytochromes P450 and P420 from rabbit liver microsomes have been recorded and analyzed for the 350-600 nm spectral region in the temperature interval from 2 to 290 K. The shape, intensity and temperature dependence of the MCD of reduced P450 in the Soret region are quite different from that of other high-spin ferrous hemoproteins, whose heme iron is coordinated to the imidazole of histidine (deoxymyoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, reduced peroxidase and cytochrome c oxidase). Assuming that in the reduced P450 as well as in its CO-complex the protein-derived ligand is mercaptide (RS-) the differences can be explained by the existence of two electronic transitions in the Soret region: the common for hemoproteins pi----pi porphyrin transition and sulfur to porphyrin charge-transfer transition, p+(Sp)----eg (pi). The unusual spectral characteristics of the CO-complex of P450 have been ascribed earlier to strong configurational interaction of these two transitions. From the similarities of the Soret MCD and their temperature dependences for the reduced P420 and for other high-spin ferrous hemoproteins one can conclude that heme iron of the reduced P420 is high-spin and is coordinated to the imidazole of histidine. The zero-field splitting parameter D of the spin Hamiltonian has been estimated from the MCD temperature dependences. The obtained splitting of approximately 30 cm-1 for P450 and of approximately 10 cm-1 for P420 exceeds that for myoglobin and hemoglobin (approximately 5 cm-1).  相似文献   

In this work we show that ligand migration and active site conformational relaxation can occur independently of each other in hemoproteins. The complicated kinetics of carbon monoxide rebinding with cytochrome P450cam display up to five distinct processes between 77 K and 300 K. They were disentangled by using a combination of three approaches: 1), the competition of the ligand with xenon for the occupation of internal protein cavities; 2), the modulation of the amount of distal steric hindrance within the heme pocket by varying the nature of the substrate; and 3), molecular mechanics calculations to support the proposed heme-substrate relaxation mechanism and to seek internal cavities. In cytochrome P450cam, active site conformational relaxation results from the displacement of the substrate toward the heme center upon photodissociation of the ligand. It is responsible for the long, puzzling bimodal nature of the rebinding kinetics observed down to 77 K. The relaxation rate is strongly substrate-dependent. Ligand migration is slower and is observed only above 135 K. Migration and return rates are independent of the substrate.  相似文献   

Metal substitution of heme proteins is widely applied in the study of biologically relevant electron transfer (ET) reactions. It has been shown that many modified proteins remain in their native conformation and can provide useful insights into the molecular mechanism of electron transfer between the native protein and its substrates. We investigated ET reactions between zinc-substituted cytochrome P450(cam) and small organic compounds such as quinones and ferrocene, which are capable of accessing the protein's hydrophobic channel and binding close to the active site, like its native substrate, camphor. Following the substitution method developed by Gunsalus and co-workers [Wagner, G. C., et al. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 6262-6265], we have identified two dominant forms of the zinc-substituted protein, F450 and F420, that exhibit different photophysical and photochemical properties. The ET behavior of F420 suggests that hydrophobic redox-active ligands are able to penetrate the hydrophobic channel and place themselves in the direct vicinity of the Zn-porphyrin. In contrast, the slower ET quenching rates observed in the case of F450 indicate that the association is weak and occurs outside of the protein channel. Therefore, we conclude that F420 corresponds to the open structure of the native cytochrome P450(cam) while F450 has a closed or partially closed channel that is characteristic of the camphor-containing cytochrome P450(cam). The existence of two distinct conformers of Zn-bound P450(cam) is consistent with the findings of Goodin and co-workers [Lee, Y.-T., et al. (2010) Biochemistry 49, 3412-3419] and has significant consequences for future electron transfer studies on this popular metalloenzyme.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Ost TW  Schelvis JP 《Biochemistry》2004,43(7):1798-1808
It has been well established that the heme redox potential is affected by many different factors. Among others, it is sensitive to the proximal heme ligand and the conformation of the propionate and vinyl groups. In the cytochrome P450 BM3 heme domain, substitution of the highly conserved phenylalanine 393 results in a dramatic change in the heme redox potential [Ost, T. W. B., Miles, C. S., Munro, A. W., Murdoch, J., Reid, G. A., and Chapman, S. K. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 13421-13429]. We have used resonance Raman spectroscopy to characterize heme structural changes and modification of heme interactions with the protein matrix that are induced by the F393 substitutions and to determine their correlation with the heme redox potential. Our results show that the Fe-S stretching frequency of the 5-coordinated, high-spin ferric heme is not affected by the mutations, suggesting that the electron density in the Fe-S bond in this state is not affected by the F393 mutation and is not a good indicator of the heme redox potential. Substrate binding perturbs the hydrogen bonding between one propionate group and the protein matrix and correlates to both the size of residue 393 and the heme redox potential. However, heme reduction does not affect the conformation of the propionate groups. Although the conformation of the vinyl groups is not affected much by substrate binding, their conformation changes from mainly out-of-plane to predominantly in-plane upon heme reduction. The extent of these conformational changes correlates strongly with the size of the 393 residue and the heme redox potential, suggesting that steric interaction between this residue and the vinyl groups may be of importance in regulating the heme redox potential in the P450 BM3 heme domain. Further implications of our findings for the change in redox potential upon mutation of F393 will be discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution resonance Raman spectra of the ferric, ferrous, and carbonmonoxy (CO)-bound forms of wild-type Escherichia coli-expressed Pseudomonas putida cytochrome P450cam and its P420 form are reported. The ferric and ferrous species of P450 and P420 have been studied in both the presence and absence of excess camphor substrate. In ferric, camphor-bound, P450 (mos), the E. coli-expressed P450 is found to be spectroscopically indistinguishable from the native material. Although substrate binding to P450 is known to displace water molecules from the heme pocket, altering the coordination and spin state of the heme iron, the presence of camphor substrate in P420 samples is found to have essentially no effect on the Raman spectra of the heme in either the oxidized or reduced state. A detailed study of the Raman and absorption spectra of P450 and P420 reveals that the P420 heme is in equilibrium between a high-spin, five-coordinate (HS,5C) form and low-spin six-coordinate (LS,6C) form in both the ferric and ferrous oxidation states. In the ferric P420 state, H2O evidently remains as a heme ligand, while alterations of the protein tertiary structure lead to a significant reduction in affinity for Cys(357) thiolate binding to the heme iron. Ferrous P420 also consists of an equilibrium between HS,5C and LS,6C states, with the spectroscopic evidence indicating that H2O and histidine are the most likely axial ligands. The spectral characteristics of the CO complex of P420 are found to be almost identical to those of a low pH of Mb. Moreover, we find that the 10-ns transient Raman spectrum of the photolyzed P420 CO complex possesses a band at 220 cm-1, which is strong evidence in favor of histidine ligation in the CO-bound state. The equilibrium structure of ferrous P420 does not show this band, indicating that Fe-His bond formation is favored when the iron becomes more acidic upon CO binding. Raman spectra of stationary samples of the CO complex of P450 reveal VFe-CO peaks corresponding to both substrate-bound and substrate-free species and demonstrate that substrate dissociation is coupled to CO photolysis. Analysis of the relative band intensities as a function of photolysis indicates that the CO photolysis and rebinding rates are faster than camphor rebinding and that CO binds to the heme faster when camphor is not in the distal pocket.  相似文献   

We have investigated the spin-state equilibrium of adrenal mitochondrial P450scc (cholesterol-side-chain-cleaving, CYP11A1) by absorption spectroscopy in the Soret band as a function of pH and temperature. The van't Hoff plot of the high-spin/low-spin equilibrium is not linear and is shifted towards high spin by lowering the pH. This non-linearity resolves clearly into two phases when the temperature range is extended from 37 degrees C to -20 degrees C using ethylene glycol as anti-freeze cosolvent. This enabled us to measure the enthalpy and entropy changes which are delta HA = 0.7 kJ.mol-1 and delta SA = 5J.K-1.mol-1 at low temperatures and delta HB = -42 kJ.mol-1 and delta SB = -152 J.K-1.mol-1 at high temperatures. The transition temperature, Tbreak, between both phases decreases as a function of pH. The experimental data can be fitted by a minimal reactional model comprising a temperature dependent conformational transition and two ionisation steps (one for each conformation), the pK of which is 1.5 +/- 0.5 higher in the low-temperature conformation. The deduced conformational equilibrium is affected by physiological effectors: Tbreak depends on the nature of the substrate intermediate and on the presence of the physiological electron donor, adrenodoxin.  相似文献   

We used a rapid scanning stop-flow technique to study the kinetics of reduction of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) by the flavin domain of cytochrome P450-BM3 (BMR), which was shown to form a stoichiometric complex (KD = 0.48 μM) with CYP3A4. In the absence of substrates only about 50% of CYP3A4 was able to accept electrons from BMR. Whereas the high-spin fraction was completely reducible, the reducibility of the low-spin fraction did not exceed 42%. Among four substrates tested (testosterone, 1-pyrenebutanol, bromocriptine, or α-naphthoflavone (ANF)) only ANF is capable of increasing the reducibility of the low-spin fraction to 75%. Our results demonstrate that the pool of CYP3A4 is heterogeneous, and not all P450 is competent for electron transfer in the complex with reductase. The increase in the reducibility of the enzyme in the presence of ANF may represent an important element of the mechanism of action of this activator.  相似文献   

Attempts to covalently link NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase to cytochrome P450 2B4 using a water-soluble carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylisopropyl)carbodiimide, were unsuccessful, despite the fact that under the same conditions about 30% of P450 2B4 could be covalently linked with cytochrome b5 in a functionally active complex (Tamburini, P. P., and Schenkman, J. B. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 11-15). This suggested that the functional electron transfer complex between P450 2B4 and reductase is not stabilized by electrostatic forces. Raising the ionic strength of the medium is disruptive to salt bridges and was used to further test whether P450 2B4 and the reductase form charge-pairing complexes. Instead of inhibiting electron transfer, high ionic strength increased the apparent fast phase rate constant and the fraction of P450 2B4 reduced in the fast phase. The possibility that electron transfer between NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and P450 2B4 is diminished by charge repulsion was examined. Consistent with this hypothesis, the Km of P450 2B4 for reductase was decreased 26-fold by increasing the ionic strength from 10 to 100 mM sodium phosphate without affecting the Vmax. The rate of benzphetamine N-demethylation also was increased by elevation of the ionic strength. Electron transfer from the reductase to other charged redox acceptors, e.g. cytochrome c and ferricyanide, was also stimulated by increased ionic strength. However, no similar stimulation was observed with the uncharged acceptor 1,4-benzoquinone. Polylysine, a polypeptide that binds to anionic sites, enhanced electron transfer from NADPH to ferricyanide and the apparent fast phase of reduction of cytochrome P450. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that charges on NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450 decrease the stability of the electron transfer complex.  相似文献   

Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra in the Soret region (360-480 nm) of camphor-free and camphor-bound reduced bacterial cytochrome P450cam from Pseudomonas putida were recorded and analysed in the temperature range from 2 K to 290 K. The temperature dependences of the MCD intensity are qualitatively changed by binding of substrate to the enzyme. In the absence of camphor the linear increase of the MCD intensity with 1/T at T < 4.2 K gives evidence for degeneracy or near degeneracy of the ground electronic state. In the presence of substrate the degeneracy is removed and temperature profiles show saturation behaviour at T < 4.2 K and wavelength dependence of their high-temperature parts. The temperature profiles for the long-wavelength region of the Soret band have a maximum approximately at 15 K, whereas the MCD intensity increases in a monotonous manner up to saturation in the short-wavelength region. The wavelength dependence of temperature profiles gives evidence for the co-existence of two different forms of substrate-bound reduced P450cam. The following conclusions were obtained from a theoretical analysis of the temperature profiles. In the absence of substrate there are very small if any rhombic distortions at the heme iron, and a parameter D of axial zero-field splitting is negative (D = -8.3 cm-1 and -6.2 cm-1 for P450cam and P450LM2, respectively). In the presence of substrate the two forms of reduced P450cam have positive parameters D but of different values (D1 = 12 cm-1 and D2 = 28 cm-1), and there are large rhombic distortions at the heme iron. More than two-fold difference between the D values made it possible to isolate temperature-dependent contributions of the two enzyme forms from the total MCD spectra and to simulate the alterations of the MCD spectra with temperature for reduced P450cam in the presence of substrate. Taking into account the drastic effect of substrate binding on the ground electronic state of reduced P450cam one can suggest that substrate binding induces the transition of enzyme from an inactive to an active state.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that photoexcitation of NAD(P)H reduces heme iron of Mycobacterium tuberculosis P450s CYP121 and CYP51B1 on the microsecond time scale. Rates of formation for the ferrous-carbonmonoxy (Fe(II)-CO) complex were determined across a range of coenzyme/CO concentrations. CYP121 reaction transients were biphasic. A hyperbolic dependence on CO concentration was observed, consistent with the presence of a CO binding site in ferric CYP121. CYP51B1 absorption transients for Fe(II)-CO complex formation were monophasic. The reaction rate was second order with respect to [CO], suggesting the absence of a CO-binding site in ferric CYP51B1. In the absence of CO, heme iron reduction by photoexcited NAD(P)H is fast ( approximately 10,000-11,000 s(-1)) with both P450s. For CYP121, transients revealed initial production of the thiolate-coordinated (P450) complex (absorbance maximum at 448 nm), followed by a slower phase reporting partial conversion to the thiol-coordinated P420 species (at 420 nm). The slow phase amplitude increased at lower pH values, consistent with heme cysteinate protonation underlying the transition. Thus, CO binding occurs to the thiolate-coordinated ferrous form prior to cysteinate protonation. For CYP51B1, slow conversions of both the ferrous/Fe(II)-CO forms to species with spectral maxima at 423/421.5 nm occurred following photoexcitation in the absence/presence of CO. This reflected conversion from ferrous thiolate- to thiol-coordinated forms in both cases, indicating instability of the thiolate-coordinated ferrous CYP51B1. CYP121 Fe(II)-CO complex pH titrations revealed reversible spectral transitions between P450 and P420 forms. Our data provide strong evidence for P420 formation linked to reversible heme thiolate protonation, and demonstrate key differences in heme chemistry and CO binding for CYP121 and CYP51B1.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450IA1 (purified from hepatic microsomes of beta-naphthoflavone-treated rats) has been covalently modified with the lysine-modifying reagent acetic anhydride. Different levels of lysine residue modification in cytochrome P450IA1 can be achieved by varying the concentration of acetic anhydride. Modification of lysine residues in P450IA1 greatly inhibits the interaction of P450IA1 with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. Modification of 1.0 and 3.3 mol lysine residues per mole P450IA1 resulted in 30 and 95% decreases, respectively, in 7-ethoxycoumarin hydroxylation by a reconstituted P450IA1/reductase complex. However, modification of 3.3 mol lysine residues per mole P450IA1 decreased only cumene hydroperoxide-supported P450-dependent 7-ethoxycoumarin hydroxylation by 30%. Spectral and fluorescence studies showed no indication of global conformational change of P450IA1 even with up to 8.8 mol lysine residues modified per mole P450IA1. These data suggest that at least three lysine residues in P450IA1 may be involved in the interaction with reductase. Identification of lysine residues in P450IA1 possibly involved in this interaction was carried out by [14C]acetic anhydride modification, trypsin digestion, HPLC separation, and amino acid sequencing. The lysine residue candidates identified in this manner were K97, K271, K279, and K407.  相似文献   

In anaerobic environments the first electron transfer in substrate-free P450cam is known to be thermodynamically unfavourable, but in the presence of dioxygen the reduction potential for the reaction shifts positively to make electron transfer thermodynamically favourable. Nevertheless a slower rate of electron transfer is observed in the substrate-free P450cam compared to substrate-bound P450cam. The ferric haem centre in substrate-free P450cam changes from six co-ordinate to five co-ordinate when reduced whereas in substrate-bound P450cam the iron centre remains five co-ordinate in both oxidation states. The slower rate of electron transfer in the substrate-free P450cam is therefore attributed to a larger reorganisation energy as predicted by Marcus theory.  相似文献   

Two novel P450 heme iron ligand sets were generated by directed mutagenesis of the flavocytochrome P450 BM3 heme domain. The A264H and A264K variants produce Cys-Fe-His and Cys-Fe-Lys axial ligand sets, which were validated structurally and characterized by spectroscopic analysis. EPR and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) provided fingerprints defining these P450 ligand sets. Near IR MCD spectra identified ferric low spin charge-transfer bands diagnostic of the novel ligands. For the A264K mutant, this is the first report of a Cys-Fe-Lys near-IR MCD band. Crystal structure determination showed that substrate-free A264H and A264K proteins crystallize in distinct conformations, as observed previously in substrate-free and fatty acid-bound wild-type P450 forms, respectively. This, in turn, likely reflects the positioning of the I alpha helix section of the protein that is required for optimal configuration of the ligands to the heme iron. One of the monomers in the asymmetric unit of the A264H crystals was in a novel conformation with a more open substrate access route to the active site. The same species was isolated for the wildtype heme domain and represents a novel conformational state of BM3 (termed SF2). The "locking" of these distinct conformations is evident from the fact that the endogenous ligands cannot be displaced by substrate or exogenous ligands. The consequent reduction of heme domain conformational heterogeneity will be important in attempts to determine atomic structure of the full-length, multidomain flavocytochrome, and thus to understand in atomic detail interactions between its heme and reductase domains.  相似文献   

We studied the kinetics of NADPH-dependent reduction of human CYP3A4 incorporated into Nanodiscs (CYP3A4-ND) and proteoliposomes in order to probe the effect of P450 oligomerization on its reduction. The flavin domain of cytochrome P450-BM3 (BMR) was used as a model electron donor partner. Unlike CYP3A4 oligomers, where only 50% of the enzyme was shown to be reducible by BMR, CYP3A4-ND could be reduced almost completely. High reducibility was also observed in proteoliposomes with a high lipid-to-protein ratio (L/P = 910), where the oligomerization equilibrium is displaced towards monomers. In contrast, the reducibililty in proteoliposomes with L/P = 76 did not exceed 55 ± 6%. The effect of the surface density of CYP3A4 in proteoliposomes on the oligomerization equilibrium was confirmed with a FRET-based assay employing a cysteine-depleted mutant labeled on Cys-468 with BODIPY iodoacetamide. These results confirm a pivotal role of CYP3A4 oligomerization in its functional heterogeneity. Furthermore, the investigation of the initial phase of the kinetics of CYP3A4 reduction showed that the addition of NADPH causes a rapid low-to-high-spin transition in the CYP3A4-BMR complex, which is followed by a partial slower reversal. This observation reveals a mechanism whereby the CYP3A4 spin equilibrium is modulated by the redox state of the bound flavoprotein.  相似文献   

The visible and near infrared magnetic circular dichroism spectra of chemically reduced horseradish peroxidase at neutral and alkaline pH values and 5-coordinate protoheme-(2-methylimidazole) at pH 9.1 were compared at 4.2 K with those of photolysis products of their carbon monoxide complexes. From the results obtained we concluded that: (i) there are two protein conformations of HRP which determine the geometry of the Fe-N(His) bond; (ii) the transition from one conformation (heme stereochemistry) to another can be induced by either heme-linked ionization or ligand binding; (iii) a trigger mechanism for switching between two conformations has to exist.  相似文献   

The pre-steady-state reduction of cytochrome P450 (P450) 2B4 by P450 reductase (reductase) was modeled by assuming that an equilibrium between three catalytic conformers of P450 regulates the multi-phasic reduction of the enzyme. This model was compared to a model of reduction involving a minimum number of phases. Based on several criteria, the former model seems to provide an improved fit to the reduction data. Substrates were divided into two groups based on their effects at different concentrations of reductase. Surprisingly, in the presence of some substrates (group 1) but not others (group 2), the rate of reduction was actually slower with an excess of reductase than with equimolar reductase and P450. Presumably, oxidized reductase binds differently to P450 than reduced reductase. A schematic model based on two sites of interaction between reductase and P450 2B4 is offered to explain the unusual reduction kinetics with the two different groups of substrates.  相似文献   

In cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), exergonic electron transfer reactions from cytochrome c to oxygen drive proton pumping across the membrane. Elucidation of the proton pumping mechanism requires identification of the molecular components involved in the proton transfer reactions and investigation of the coupling between internal electron and proton transfer reactions in CcO. While the proton-input trajectory in CcO is relatively well characterized, the components of the output pathway have not been identified in detail. In this study, we have investigated the pH dependence of electron transfer reactions that are linked to proton translocation in a structural variant of CcO in which Arg481, which interacts with the heme D-ring propionates in a proposed proton output pathway, was replaced with Lys (RK481 CcO). The results show that in RK481 CcO the midpoint potentials of hemes a and a(3) were lowered by approximately 40 and approximately 15 mV, respectively, which stabilizes the reduced state of Cu(A) during reaction of the reduced CcO with O(2). In addition, while the pH dependence of the F --> O rate in wild-type CcO is determined by the protonation state of two protonatable groups with pK(a) values of 6.3 and 9.4, only the high-pK(a) group influences this rate in RK481 CcO. The results indicate that the protonation state of the Arg481 heme a(3) D-ring propionate cluster having a pK(a) of approximately 6.3 modulates the rate of internal electron transfer and may act as an acceptor of pumped protons.  相似文献   

The 'push' effect of the thiolate ligand in cytochrome P450 is investigated using density functional calculations. Theory supports Dawson's postulate that the 'push' effect is crucial for the heterolytic O-O bond cleavage of ferric-peroxide, as well as for controlling the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox process and gating the catalytic cycle. Two energetic factors that contribute to the 'push' effect are revealed. The dominant one is the field factor (DeltaE(field)=54-103 kcal/mol) that accounts for the classical electrostatic repulsion with the negative charge of thiolate. The smaller factor is a quantum mechanical effect (DeltaE(QM)(sigma)=39 kcal/mol, DeltaE(QM)(pi)=4 kcal/mol), which is associated with the sigma- and pi-donor capabilities of thiolate. The effects of ligand replacement, changes in hydrogen bonding and dielectric screening are discussed in term of these quantities. In an environment with a dielectric constant of 5.7, the total 'push' effect is reduced to 29-33 kcal/mol. Manifestations of the 'push' effect on other properties of thiolate enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

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