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This study analyzes the sensitivity of nuclear bound glucocorticoid receptors to solubilization from nuclei by DNAase I and DNAase II. Thymocytes were incubated with 10(-8) M [3H]dexamethasone, [3H]cortisol or [3H]triamcinolone acetonide, without or with 10(-6) M unlabelled dexamethasone, for 30 min at 37 degrees C and nuclei from these cells were digested with either DNAase I and DNAase II. DNAase I for 2 h at 3 degrees C leads to solubilization of 60% of the nuclear DNA and release of 10--20% triamcinolone acetonide-receptor, 30--40% dexamethasone-receptor and 85--90% cortisol-receptor. DNAase II at the same enzymatic concentration solubilizes only 10--20% of the nuclear DNA, but releases 40--50% triamcinolone-receptor, 60--70% dexamethasone-receptor and 100% cortisol-receptor. Release of nuclear bound dexamethasone-receptor by DNAase I parallels the solubilization of DNA, reaching maximum values by 2 h at 3 degrees C, whereas maximal release by DNAase II is obtained within 45 min when DNA solubilization is not complete. When nuclei initially extracted with DNAase I are re-extracted with DNAase II, greater than 65% of the DNAase I residual dexamethasone-receptors are solubilized, whereas DNAase I is ineffective in solubilizing DNAase II residual dexamethasone-receptors. DNAase I solubilizes only 30% of the 0.4 M KCl residual dexamethasone-receptor whereas DNAase II digests over 90% of this fraction. DNAase I extracts of nuclear dexamethasone-receptor chromatograph on G-100 Sephadex as a single radioactive peak just after the void volume, whereas DNAase II extracts of nuclear dexamethasone-receptor chromatograph as two peaks of radioactivity, one which is similar to the DNAase I solubilized receptor and a second broad peak of macromolecular bound radioactivity which is smaller in size.  相似文献   

Antisera have been produced against five molecular weight subfractions of the Drosophila proteins readily extracted from nuclei following limited DNAase I digestion. Immunofluorescence staining techniques were used to assess the distributions of these proteins in the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila. In three cases, the antigens were widely distributed; in one case, the antigens appeared to be slightly more concentrated at active loci; and in one case, the antigens were strongly concentrated at a defined set of loci, including puffs and most of the loci which are active (puffed) at some time during third instar larval and prepupal development. The latter distribution pattern differs from that of RNA polymerase. Nonhistone chromosomal proteins of this type may have a key role in establishing and/or maintaining the altered chromatin structure characteristic of the active state.  相似文献   

Treatment of calf thymus chromatin with acetyl adenylate under appropriate conditions produces acetylation of histones. The pattern of histone acetylation obtained is similar to that produced invivo. The acetylated chromatin shows increased sensitivity to DNAase I but no increased sensitivity to Staphylococcal nuclease. These digestion patterns are similar to those observed in active genes.  相似文献   

DNAase I, an endonuclease which interacts with G-actin, also affects tropomyosin polymerization. With chicken pectoralis or bovine cardiac ventricle tropomyosin, DNAase I both prevents tropomyosin from polymerizing and disrupts already formed tropomysin filaments. DNAase I and filament tropomyosin can also form a precipitable complex. In the electron microscope, the complex is observed as irregularly margined stellate-shaped structures with a maximum size of 9 micron. Isolated DNAase I-tropomyosin stellate complex consists of a 2:1 molar ratio of DNAase I and tropomyosin, suggesting that each tropomyosin subunit can bind DNAase I.  相似文献   

Activation of (ADP-ribose) polymerase by DNA fragments obtained by digestion of calf thymus DNA with micrococcal nuclease and DNAase I was studied. It was found that activation of the enzyme is due to its interaction with the terminal parts of double-stranded DNA fragments, the level of activation being independent of the size of DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Mapping of DNAase I sensitive regions on mitotic chromosomes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
B S Kerem  R Goitein  G Diamond  H Cedar  M Marcus 《Cell》1984,38(2):493-499
We have shown that in fixed mitotic chromosomes from female G. gerbillus cells the inactive X chromosome is distinctly less sensitive to DNAase I than the active X chromosome, as demonstrated by in situ nick translation. These results indicated that the specific chromatin conformation that renders potentially active genes sensitive to DNAase I is maintained in fixed mitotic chromosomes. We increased the sensitivity and accuracy of in situ nick translation using biotinylated dUTP and a specific detection and staining procedure instead of radioactive label and autoradiography and now show that in both human and CHO chromosomes, the DNAase I sensitive and insensitive chromosomal regions form a specific dark and light banding pattern. The DNAase I sensitive dark D-bands usually correspond to the light G-bands, but not all light G-bands are DNAase I sensitive. Identifiable regions of inactive constitutive heterochromatin are in a DNAase I insensitive conformation. Our methodology provides a new and important tool for studying the structural and functional organization of chromosomes.  相似文献   

DNAase I sensitivity of genes expressed during myogenesis.   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Y Carmon  H Czosnek  U Nudel  M Shani    D Yaffe 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(10):3085-3098
Cultures of a rat myogenic cell line were used to examine the question of whether in proliferating precursor cells genes which are programmed to be expressed later in development, in the same cell lineage, differ in DNAase I sensitivity from genes which are never expressed in these cells. Nuclei isolated from proliferating mononucleated myoblasts, differentiated cultures containing multinucleaged fibers, and rat brain, were treated with DNAase I. The sensitivity of the genes coding for the muscle-specific alpha-actin, myosin light chain 2 and the nonmuscle beta-actin was measured by blot hybridization of nuclear DNA with the corresponding cloned cDNA and genomic DNA probes. The sensitivity of these genes was compared to that of a gene not expressed in the muscle tissue. The results showed that in the muscle precursor cells, the potentiality of tissue-specific genes to be expressed is not reflected in DNAase I sensitivity. The changes which render these genes preferentially sensitive to DNAase I take place during the transition to terminal differentiation. The results showed also that the region of DNAase I sensitivity of the alpha-actin gene in the differentiated cells ends between 40 to 700 bp 5' to the structural gene. No DNAase I hypersensitive site was detected 5' to the alpha-actin gene.  相似文献   

The use of DNAase I as a probe of chromatin structure is frequently fraught with problems of irreproducibility. We have recently evaluated this procedure, documented the sources of the problems, and standardized the method for reproducible results (Prentice and Gurley (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 740, 134–144). We have now used this probe to detect differences in chromatin structure between cells blocked (1) in G1 phase by isoleucine deprivation, or (2) in early S phase by sequential use of isoleucine deprivation followed by release into the presence of hydroxyurea. The cells blocked in G1 phase have easily-digestible chromatin, while cells blocked in early S phase have chromatin which is much more resistant to DNAase I. These differences were found to be the result of diffusible factors found in the cytoplasm and nuclei of G1- and S-phase cells, respectively. The G1 cells contained a cytoplasmic factor which modulates the chromatin structure of S-phase nuclei to a more easily digestible state, while cells blocked in S phase contain a nuclear factor which modulates the chromatin structure of G1 nuclei to a state more resistant to digestion. DNAase I is much more sensitive to these cell cycle-specific chromatin changes than is micrococcal nuclease. The results indicate that, under controlled conditions, DNAase I should be a valuable probe for detecting chromatin structural changes associated with cell cycle traverse, differentiation, development, hormone action and chemical toxicity.  相似文献   

The use of DNAase I as a probe of chromatin structure is frequently fraught with problems of irreproducibility. We have recently evaluated this procedure, documented the sources of the problems, and standardized the method for reproducible results (Prentice and Gurley (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 740, 134-144). We have now used this probe to detect differences in chromatin structure between cells blocked (1) in G1 phase by isoleucine deprivation, or (2) in early S phase by sequential use of isoleucine deprivation followed by release into the presence of hydroxyurea. The cells blocked in G1 phase have easily-digestible chromatin, while cells blocked in early S phase have chromatin which is much more resistant to DNAase I. These differences were found to be the result of diffusible factors found in the cytoplasm and nuclei of G1- and S-phase cells, respectively. The G1 cells contained a cytoplasmic factor which modulates the chromatin structure of S-phase nuclei to a more easily digestible state, while cells blocked in S phase contain a nuclear factor which modulates the chromatin structure of G1 nuclei to a state more resistant to digestion. DNAase I is much more sensitive to these cell cycle-specific chromatin changes than is micrococcal nuclease. The results indicate that, under controlled conditions, DNAase I should be a valuable probe for detecting chromatin structural changes associated with cell cycle traverse, differentiation, development, hormone action and chemical toxicity.  相似文献   

Helical-twist, roll and torsion-angle variations calculated by the Calladine (1982)-Dickerson (1983) rules were scanned along several nucleotide sequences for which DNAase I cleavage data are available. It has been shown that for short synthetic oligomers DNAase I cuts preferentially at positions of high helical twist (Dickerson & Drew, 1981; Lomonossoff et al., 1981). Our calculations indicate that DNAase I sensitive and hypersensitive sites in chromatin are correlated with regions of successive, large, helical-twist angle variations from regular B-DNA. In many cases these regions exhibit large variations in base-pair roll and backbone torsion angles as well. It has been suggested that DNAase I cuts in the vicinity of cruciforms. However, it was recently demonstrated by Courey & Wang (1983) and Gellert et al. (1983) that such cruciform formation in a negatively supercoiled DNA is kinetically forbidden under physiological conditions. We thus propose that clustering of large twist-angle (and/or roll and backbone torsion angle) variations may be among the conformational features recognized by the enzyme. Specific cuts can then preferentially occur at base-pair steps with high helical twists.  相似文献   

Crystals of skeletal muscle actin: pancreatic DNAase I complex   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

We have determined the relative location of pancreatic DNAase (DNAase I), spleen acid DNAase (DNAase II) and staphylococcal nuclease cleavage sites in the nucleosome core. Each of these three enzymes cleaves the DNA of chromatin at 10. n nucleotide intervals (n integer); this specificity presumably reflects the internal structure of the nucleosome. We have already reported that DNAase I cleaves nucleosomal DNA so that nearest adjacent cuts on opposite strands are staggered by 2 nucleotides, 3′ end extending (Sollner-Webb and Felsenfeld, 1977). Here we show that the nearest cuts made by DNAase II in nucleosomal DNA are staggered by 4 nucleotides, 3′ end extending, while cuts made by staphylococcal nuclease have a stagger of 2 nucleotides, 5′ end extending. The cutting sites of the three enzymes thus do not coincide. Each pair of staggered cuts, however, is symmetrically located about a common axis-that is, the “dyad axes” that bisect nearest pairs of cutting sites coincide for all three enzymes. This result is consistent with the presence of a true dyad axis in the nucleosome core.Our results support the conclusion that a structural feature of the nucleosome, having a 10 nucleotide periodicity, is the common recognition site for all three nucleases. The position of the cut is determined, however, by the individual characteristics of each enzyme. Sites potentially available to nuclease cleavage span a region of 4 nucleotides out of this 10 nucleotide repeat, and a large fraction of these sites are actually cut. Thus much of the nucleosomal DNA must in some sense be accessible to the environment.  相似文献   

Mitochondria continuously change shape, position, and matrix configuration for optimal metabolite exchange. It is well established that changes in mitochondrial metabolism influence mitochondrial shape and matrix configuration. We demonstrated previously that inhibition of mitochondrial complex I (CI or NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) by rotenone accelerated matrix protein diffusion and decreased the fraction and velocity of moving mitochondria. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between inherited CI deficiency, mitochondrial shape, mobility, and matrix protein diffusion. To this end, we analyzed fibroblasts of two children that represented opposite extremes in a cohort of 16 patients, with respect to their residual CI activity and mitochondrial shape. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) revealed no relationship between residual CI activity, mitochondrial shape, the fraction of moving mitochondria, their velocity, and the rate of matrix-targeted enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (mitoEYFP) diffusion. However, mitochondrial velocity and matrix protein diffusion in moving mitochondria were two to three times higher in patient cells than in control cells. Nocodazole inhibited mitochondrial movement without altering matrix EYFP diffusion, suggesting that both activities are mutually independent. Unexpectedly, electron microscopy analysis revealed no differences in mitochondrial ultrastructure between control and patient cells. It is discussed that the matrix of a moving mitochondrion in the CI-deficient state becomes less dense, allowing faster metabolite diffusion, and that fibroblasts of CI-deficient patients become more glycolytic, allowing a higher mitochondrial velocity.  相似文献   

Many fungi harbor double-stranded (ds) RNA molecules, which can have phenotypic effects such as hypovirulence, altered colony morphology, and pigmentation. In some species of Fusarium, dsRNA molecules are found in every strain examined. We examined 100 F. proliferatum strains collected primarily from maize and sorghum in the United States, but found only four that carried dsRNAs. Each strain harbored a distinct set of dsRNAs, which ranged in size from approximately 0.7–3.1 kb. A single dsRNA band was observed from one strain, but multiple bands were observed from the other three. The strains with multiple dsRNAs transmitted these dsRNAs as sets at a high frequency (≥ 97 %) to vegetatively produced microconidia, but the single dsRNA of the fourth strain was only rarely (≤ 3 %) transmitted in this manner. None of these dsRNAs could be transmitted through sexual crosses in which the dsRNA-containing strain served as the male parent. Transmission through the female parent could not be tested as the field strains and dsRNA-free derivatives of these strains were female sterile. The dsRNAs from the strains with multiple dsRNAs were present in and protected against ribonuclease A digestion in crude mitochondrial preparations. The high transmission rate to single-conidiospore cultures, the lack of transmission through the male parent of sexual crosses, and the protection against ribonuclease A digestion are all consistent with a mitochondrial localization of the dsRNAs from the strains carrying multiple dsRNAs. dsRNAs often function as viruses in fungi, and the three F. proliferatum strains reported here join strains of Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, Rhizoctonia solani, and Cryphonectria parasitica as the only fungi known to carry dsRNAs associated with the mitochondria. Contribution number 02-495-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (Manhattan).  相似文献   

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