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Rainy weather conditions could result in significantly negative impacts on driving on freeways. However, due to lack of enough historical data and monitoring facilities, many regions are not able to establish reliable risk assessment models to identify such impacts. Given the situation, this paper provides an alternative solution where the procedure of risk assessment is developed based on drivers’ subjective questionnaire and its performance is validated by using actual crash data. First, an ordered logit model was developed, based on questionnaire data collected from Freeway G15 in China, to estimate the relationship between drivers’ perceived risk and factors, including vehicle type, rain intensity, traffic volume, and location. Then, weighted driving risk for different conditions was obtained by the model, and further divided into four levels of early warning (specified by colors) using a rank order cluster analysis. After that, a risk matrix was established to determine which warning color should be disseminated to drivers, given a specific condition. Finally, to validate the proposed procedure, actual crash data from Freeway G15 were compared with the safety prediction based on the risk matrix. The results show that the risk matrix obtained in the study is able to predict driving risk consistent with actual safety implications, under rainy weather conditions.  相似文献   

A well established protocol for in vitro germination of Stylosanthesscabra zygotic embryos was achieved. The response of S. scabraembryonic tissues cultured in vitro was highly dependent onthe kind of growth regulator used. Organogenesis was obtainedby using BAP, otherwise somatic embryogenesis was induced by2, 4-D. Histological aspects of both methods of regenerationwere evaluated. Endogenous neoformed buds seem to develop fromdeepseated vascular nodule structures into callus tissue. Besides,a direct somatic embryogenesis of a multicellular origin issuggested. Stylosanthes scabra, histology, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   

Among the many Stylosanthes species, Stylosanthes scabra, a range fodder legume, performs better under limited water condition. In the present investigation, thirty-four accessions of S. scabra were assessed under limited water condition, for various morpho-physiological characters associated with drought. In general, S. scabra exhibited better tolerance to drought, as evidenced by high leaf thickness and greater accumulation of proline, and malondialdehyde (MDA) in water stress condition. Transpiration efficiency (TE) was high, in both control and water stress conditions and positively correlated with root, shoot, and total dry matters, in both control and stress conditions (r 2 = ranged from 0.589 to 0.961 in control and from 0.351 to 0.985 in stress). Of these, 25 accessions were assessed for estimation of genetic diversity, employing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 210 RAPD bands, obtained with 32 primers, revealed high polymorphic information content (0.49) and marker index (4.41). Dendrogram analysis indicated close proximity among the accessions of S. scabra. These accessions were clustered in high similarity range (84.01–98.36 %). Accession IG-366A separated from other clusters at 85.62 % similarity level. RAPD marker system revealed 13 accessions exhibiting >90 % genetic similarity while the other accessions exhibited similarity ranging from 68 to 90 %. A higher level of genetic similarity which was also evident from the similar levels of TE, biomass production, root/shoot ratio, MDA, proline contents and drought tolerance index, indicated a cause–effect relationship among them. Results also indicated that among the accessions, S. scabra rate-reducing resistance allo-tetraploid lines were better suited for hard and cracking soils, under complete rain-fed condition.  相似文献   

Analysis of long-term data on chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations, plankton primary production, organic matter mineralization, and weather conditions in the middle of summer in 2003–2017 revealed eutrophication processes in the Neva River estuary. Weather conditions in the region exerted a strong effect on organic matter prodaction and mineralization processes in the estuary. Rainy and cold summers of the recent years promoted massive development of algae due to increased washout of nutrients from the catchment area, but the rate of organic matter mineralization in the water column was reduced because of low water temperature.  相似文献   

Callus cultures of 5 genotypes of S. scabra Vog. were optimally established from leaf tissue on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 0.5–2.0 mg l-1 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2, 4-D) and 1.0–2.0 mg l-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). On media containing 2, 4-D only, calli were soft, and rhizogenesis occurred on calli of 4 genotypes. Calli formed on media containing BAP only, but not with kinetin only. In the presence of 2, 4-D, BAP inhibited rhizogenesis and promoted better callus growth than kinetin. High frequency shoot induction was achieved for 3 genotypes on MS +2.0 mg l-1 BAP. Roots formed on shoots when sub-cultured on half-strenght MS without growth regulators. The form of cytokinin used in the callus induction media appeared to affect subsequent shoot organogenesis. Genotypic differences were observed for shoot organogenesis. There was some morphological variation evident among regenerants.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a negative relationship exists between transpiration efficiency (TE) and carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and between TE and specific leaf area (SLA) in Stylosanthes scabra. A glasshouse experiment was conducted to confirm these relationships in an F(2) population and to study the causal nature of these relationships through quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. One hundred and twenty F(2) genotypes from a cross between two genotypes within S. scabra were used. Three replications for each genotype were maintained through vegetative propagation. Water stress was imposed by maintaining plants at 40% of field capacity for about 45 d. To facilitate QTL analysis, a genetic linkage map consisting of 151 RAPD markers was developed. Results from this study show that Delta was significantly and negatively correlated with TE and biomass production. Similarly, SLA showed significant negative correlation with TE and biomass production. Most of the QTL for TE and Delta were present on linkage groups 5 and 11. Similarly, QTL for SLA, transpiration and biomass productivity traits were clustered on linkage groups 13 and 24. One unlinked marker was also associated with these traits. There were several markers coincident between different traits. At all the coincident QTL, the direction of QTL effects was consistent with phenotypic data. At the coincident markers between TE and Delta, high alleles of TE were associated with low alleles of Delta. Similarly, low alleles of SLA were associated with high alleles of biomass productivity traits and transpiration. At the coincident markers between trans-4-hydroxy-N:-methyl proline (MHP) and relative water content (RWC), low alleles of MHP were associated with high alleles of RWC. This study suggests the causal nature of the relationship between TE and Delta. Phenotypic data and QTL data show that SLA was more closely associated with biomass production than with TE. This study also shows that a cause-effect relationship may exist between SLA and biomass production.  相似文献   

感病与抗病圭亚那柱花草遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
圭亚那柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensis Swarcz)原产中南美洲及非洲,是一种重要的热带豆科牧草,已在我国华南热带、南亚热带地区种植并利用。由胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.)引起的炭疽病是柱花草的主要病害。采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术分析了42个圭亚那柱花草品系的遗传多样性,同时对其抗病性进行了接种鉴定。从96个选择性引物对中筛选出较好的4个,分别对42个圭亚那柱花草品系进行扩增,共获得出225条带,其中多态性带215条,平均多态性水平为95.5%,表现出高度的多态性。采用NTSYS-pc软件计算了品系间的遗传相似系数,其变化范围为0.31~0.95。根据非加权成对平均数法(UPGMA)进行聚类分析,建立了42个品系的聚类树系图,以所有品系的平均遗传相似系数0.48为阈值,共分为5类。主成分分析表明:第一主成分和第二主成分对全部品系间遗传变异的贡献率分别为56.04%和6.40%,并建立了品系间相互关系的二维图,各品系在二维图中的分布与UPGMA分类相吻合。抗病性鉴定结果表明:各品系对两种典型的病原菌的抗性有差异,其中抗病品系对两种病原菌的抗病相关系数达到0.904,表明抗病品系对两种病原菌有共同抗性。此外,抗病品系在UPGMA聚类中呈随机分布。这些结果表明,AFLP技术是分析圭亚那柱花草遗传多样性的有效方法。  相似文献   

圭亚那柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensts Swartz)原产中南美洲及非洲,是一种重要的热带豆科牧草,已在我国华南热带、南亚热带地区种植并利用.由胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.)Sacc.)引起的炭疽病是柱花草的主要病害.采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术分析了42个圭亚那柱花草品系的遗传多样性,同时对其抗病性进行了接种鉴定.从96个选择性引物对中筛选出较好的4个,分别对42个圭亚耶柱花草品系进行扩增,共获得出225条带,其中多态性带215条,平均多态性水平为95.5%,表现出高度的多态性.采用NTSYS-pc软件计算了品系间的遗传相似系数,其变化范围为0.31~0.95.根据非加权成对平均数法(uPGMA)进行聚类分析,建立了42个品系的聚类树系图,以所有品系的平均遗传相似系数0.48为阈值,共分为5类.主成分分析表明:第一主成分和第二主成分对全部品系间遗传变异的贡献率分别为56.04%和6.40%,并建立了品系间相互关系的二维图,各品系在二维图中的分布与UPGMA分类相吻合.抗病性鉴定结果表明:各品系对两种典型的病原菌的抗性有差异,其中抗病品系对两种病原菌的抗病相关系数达到0.904,表明抗病品系对两种病原菌有共同抗性.此外,抗病品系在UPGMA聚类中呈随机分布.这些结果表明,AFLP技术是分析圭亚那柱花草遗传多样性的有效方法.  相似文献   

We exhibit a stochastic discrete time model that produces the Eigen model (Naturwissenschaften 58:465–523, 1971) in the deterministic and continuous time limits. The model is based on the competition among individuals differing in terms of fecundity but with the same viability. We explicitly write down the Markov matrix of the discrete time stochastic model in the two species case and compute the master sequence concentration numerically for various values of the total population. We also obtain the master equation of the model and perform a Van Kampen expansion. The results obtained in the two species case are compared with those coming from the Eigen model. Finally, we comment on the range of applicability of the various approaches described, when the number of species is larger than two.  相似文献   

A random differential equation arises in stream pollution models when the initial conditions are stochastic and the stream velocity is distance dependent. The mean squared solution gives the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and the dissolved oxygen (DO) at any distance downstream from the pollution source. The probability density function and some of the moments of the BOD and DO are obtained, thus completely characterizing the BOD and DO process. An example illustrates the results and compares them with previous ones.  相似文献   

采用直接观察法对麻雀在特殊气候条件下傍晚的集群行为进行研究,结果表明强度较小的降水或降雪对麻雀集群时群体大小影响较小,而在大的降水、降雪或大风天气下,麻雀没有傍晚集群行为。在上述特殊天气下,麻雀集群时间均有所提前,集群时光照强度较正常天气下有所降低,表明光照强度可能是影响麻雀集群时间提前的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

求偶炫耀行为有助于鸟类吸引配偶,促进发情同步。目前,笼养绿尾虹雉面临的最大问题是自然繁殖率低,发情不同步导致卵不受精是一个重要因素。本文采用瞬时扫描记录法,对四川蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养绿尾虹雉的求偶炫耀行为节律及天气因素对该行为的影响进行了研究。通过对4只雄性个体和5只雌性个体的观察发现,求偶炫耀仅由雄性来发起。3月底雄性开始出现求偶炫耀行为;4月求偶炫耀进入高峰阶段,并持续到5月初,5月中、下旬渐渐消失。在一天之中,07∶00—09∶00为求偶炫耀行为的高峰期。天气因素显著影响雄性求偶炫耀行为的发生频次,与晴天相比,阴天和雨天里求偶炫耀行为发生频次更高。建议在绿尾虹雉求偶炫耀期间,尽量减少人为干扰。同时适当创造阴湿环境,将笼舍的环境温湿度调控到一个适中的区域,为发情营造良好的条件,以促进绿尾虹雉自然交配行为发生。  相似文献   

The anthracnose stalk rot of corn (ASR), caused by Colletotrichum graminicola, is a major disease of this crop and occurs in most Brazilian regions where corn is grown. Despite its widespread occurrence, there are no estimates of the effect of ASR on the yield of corn under the Brazilian conditions. In this study, we evaluated the effect of ASR on corn hybrids yield. Two experiments were conducted (first crop 2007/2008 and second crop, 2009) in areas with a history of occurrence of leaf anthracnose and ASR. Five hybrids were evaluated in the first and second crops: AG1051, BRS 1001, BRS 1010, BRS 1035, P30F80 and BRS 1010, 2B710, P30F80, DKB390, BRS 1035, respectively. At harvest, we evaluated the incidence of plants with anthracnose stalk rot (IPASR), and we selected pairs of healthy and diseased plants to quantify the effect of ASR in the ear weight (EW), grain weight (GW) and the weight of a sample containing 100 kernels (W100). The IPASR was higher in the hybrid BRS 1010 (21.87 and 45.28%, first and second crops, respectively). The EW, GW and W100 were lower in diseased plants in all hybrids. The mean weight loss in the first season was EW 29.03%, GW 27.83% and W100 17.08%, and the second season was EW 27.75%, GW 25.60% and W100 16.99%. The most affected hybrids with weight loss in the first crop were AG1051 (EW 34.31%, GW 33.05%, W100 19.96%) and BRS 1035 (EW 34.74%, GW 34.65%, W100 22.31%). In the second crop, were P30F80 (EW 30.72%, GW 30.92%, W100 19.24%), DKB390 (EW 30.61%, GW 29.81%) and 2B710 (W100 19.27%). Corn yield was strongly affected by ASR.  相似文献   

S. D. Park    K. S. Park    K. J. Kim    J. C. Kim    J. T. Yoon    Z. Khan 《Journal of Phytopathology》2005,153(1):48-51
Field experiments were conducted under natural as well as under vinyl house conditions to determine the effect of sowing time on development of anthracnose of safflower caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, and to determine the level of resistance of seven cultivars. When crops were sown from March 1 to April 1; safflower anthracnose disease (SAD) incidence was low and increased slowly (0.7–10.9%) throughout the growing season. When sowing was delayed to April 15, disease incidence ranged between 29.5 and 48.5% from late May to July. Similarly, SAD severity and its severity index were higher (3.5 and 3.3, respectively) in plots sown on April 15 than in the plots sown from March 1 to April 1 (1.9–2.4 and 1.8–2.2, respectively). In contrast under vinyl houses that sheltered from rain, sowing time did not affect neither SAD, nor severity and severity index, which were 5.7–6.4%, 1.5–1.7 and 1.5–1.7, respectively. Among seven cultivars tested for resistance to SAD, Uisong‐1, China‐2 and India were highly susceptible (80–97%) under natural conditions followed by China‐1, Uisan, Uisong‐7 and Cheongsu (27–35%); however, under vinyl house conditions, SAD was lower (5.7–8.2%) and there was no significant difference between cultivars.  相似文献   

A time-varying Markov model with periodically changing transition probability matrix is proposed to predict the behaviour of those diseases which are periodic with respect to year. In the present paper, computing techniques are used for asthma patients to estimate the limiting state probabilities at the end of each scycle (i.e. seasons), and it has been shown that results agree with the real life situations.  相似文献   

New nonlinear regression models were developed to predict climatic factor dependences of the periods of time from sowing to seedling emergence and from seedling emergence to flowering in soybean. The developed regression models are more accurate than earlier models, but are more complex in structure.  相似文献   

A Stochastic Model of the Repetitive Activity of Neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A recurrent model of the repetitive firing of neurons responding to stimuli of long duration is given. The model assumes a deterministic threshold potential and a membrane potential which is composed of both deterministic and random components. The model accurately reproduces interval statistics obtained from different neurons discharging repetitively over a wide range of discharge rates. It is shown that the model has three important parameters; the time course of threshold recovery following a discharge, the variance of the random component, and the level of excitatory drive. The model is extended, by the use of hyperpolarizing afterpotentials, to include negative correlation between successive interspike intervals.  相似文献   

放归已被广泛应用于濒危物种的保护和管理。作为重要环境因子之一,天气条件对动物活动有重要影响。了解不同天气条件下放归动物的活动特点,对于改进放归技术和提高放归成功率具有重要意义。本研究利用GPS项圈数据对5只人工繁育大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca放归后的行为进行研究,比较不同天气条件下放归个体日移动距离、日活动率和日活动强度的差异。研究结果显示,放归个体在晴/多云天活动性更强,日移动距离(426.74 m±17.54 m)更长、日活动率(32.60%±0.60%)和日活动强度(21.00±0.49)更高,而长时间降雨(小雨、中/大雨)会导致放归个体活动性降低(日移动距离:359.32 m±18.95 m、338.19 m±32.36 m,日活动率:24.38%±0.71%、23.25%±1.28%,日活动强度:15.22±0.56、12.97±0.79),阴天的活动性(日移动距离:345.83 m±14.27 m,日活动率:27.79%±0.56%,日活动强度:18.15±0.47)总体介于晴天和长时间降雨天之间。短时间降雨(阵雨)对日活动率(28.78%±1.81%)和日活动强度(17.82±1.46)影响较小,大熊猫活动性更接近晴/多云天。结果表明,天气条件对放归大熊猫个体的活动有显著影响。此外,尽管大熊猫属食肉目Carnivora,但是放归大熊猫在不同天气条件下的活动模式更接近杂食动物。  相似文献   

This study begins an investigation of the chemical activities of one of the most destructive groups of spoilage organisms of tropical foods, the anthracnose fungi. The present paper treats of an introductory investigation on carbohydrate metabolism. Two fungi isolated from rotted banana tissue, Gloeosporium musarum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, were grown in the presence of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, a metabolic blocking agent, in shake culture. The mycelia produced were studied in the Warburg respirometer in the presence of glucose, 2-deoxyglucose, and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Gloeosporium musarum was found to be incapable of growth in the presence of 2-deoxyglucose as the sole carbon source, but did grow when glucose was added. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides grew normally, but at a slower rate on 2-deoxyglucose than on glucose. Glucose grown G. musarum and C. gloeosporioides both exhibited respiratory inhibition in the presence of 2-deoxyglucose, whereas 2-deoxyglucose adapted C. gloeosporioides did not. The uncoupling agent 2, 4-dinitrophenol induced respiratory stimulation except in the presence of 2-deoxyglucose in glucose grown C. gloeosporioides where it caused a drop in oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

When cells are exposed to ionizing radiation, DNA damages in the form of single strand breaks (SSBs), double strand breaks (DSBs), base damage or their combinations are frequent events. It is known that the complexity and severity of DNA damage depends on the quality of radiation, and the microscopic dose deposited in small segments of DNA, which is often related to the linear transfer energy (LET) of the radiation. Experimental studies have suggested that under the same dose, high LET radiation induces more small DNA fragments than low-LET radiation, which affects Ku efficiently binding with DNA end and might be a main reason for high-LET radiation induced RBE [1] since DNA DSB is a major cause for radiation-induced cell death. In this work, we proposed a mathematical model of DNA fragments rejoining according to non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) mechanism. By conducting Gillespie''s stochastic simulation, we found several factors that impact the efficiency of DNA fragments rejoining. Our results demonstrated that aberrant DNA damage repair can result predominantly from the occurrence of a spatial distribution of DSBs leading to short DNA fragments. Because of the low efficiency that short DNA fragments recruit repair protein and release the protein residue after fragments rejoining, Ku-dependent NHEJ is significantly interfered with short fragments. Overall, our work suggests that inhibiting the Ku-dependent NHEJ may significantly contribute to the increased efficiency for cell death and mutation observed for high LET radiation.  相似文献   

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