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Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling pathway that plays numerous crucial roles in vascular development and physiology. Compelling evidence indicates that Notch signaling is vital for vascular morphogenesis including arterial and venous differentiation and endothelial tip and stalk cell specification during sprouting angiogenesis and also vessel maturation featured by mural cell differentiation and recruitment. Notch signaling is also required for vascular homeostasis in adults by keeping quiescent phalanx cells from re-entering cell cycle and by modulating the behavior of endothelial progenitor cells. We will summarize recent advances of Notch pathway in vascular biology with special emphasis on the underlying molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Changes in the cytoskeletal architecture underpin the dynamic changes in tissue shape that occur during development. It is clear that such changes must be coordinated so that individual cell behaviors are synchronized; however, the mechanisms by which morphogenesis is instructed and coordinated are unknown. After its induction in non-neural ectoderm, the inner ear undergoes morphogenesis, being transformed from a flat ectodermal disk on the surface of the embryo to a hollowed sphere embedded in the head. We provide evidence that this shape change relies on extrinsic signals subsequent to genetic specification. By using specific inhibitors, we find that local fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling triggers a phosphorylation cascade that activates basal myosin II through the activation of phospholipase Cgamma. Myosin II exhibits a noncanonical activity that results in the local depletion of actin filaments. Significantly, the resulting apical actin enrichment drives morphogenesis of the inner ear. Thus, FGF signaling directly exerts profound cytoskeletal effects on otic cells, coordinating the morphogenesis of the inner ear. The iteration of this morphogenetic signaling system suggests that it is a more generally applicable mechanism in other epithelial tissues undergoing shape change.  相似文献   

The Notch signal transduction pathway regulates the decision to proliferate versus differentiate. Although there are a myriad of mouse models for the Notch pathway, surprisingly little is known about how these genes regulate early eye development, particularly in the anterior lens. We employed both gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches to determine the role of Notch signaling in lens development. Here we analyzed mice containing conditional deletion of the Notch effector Rbpj or overexpression of the activated Notch1 intracellular domain during lens formation. We demonstrate distinct functions for Notch signaling in progenitor cell growth, fiber cell differentiation and maintenance of the transition zone. In particular, Notch signaling controls the timing of primary fiber cell differentiation and is essential for secondary fiber cell differentiation. Either gain or loss of Notch signaling leads to formation of a dysgenic lens, which in loss-of-function mice undergoes a profound postnatal degeneration. Our data suggest both Cyclin D1 and Cyclin D2, and the p27Kip1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor act downstream of Notch signaling, and define multiple critical functions for this pathway during lens development.  相似文献   

The vertebrate pituitary gland is a key endocrine control organ that contains six distinct hormone secreting cell types. In this study, we analyzed the role of direct cell-to-cell Delta-Notch signaling in zebrafish anterior pituitary cell type specification. We demonstrate that initial formation of the anterior pituitary placode is independent of Notch signaling. Later however, loss of Notch signaling in mind bomb (mib) mutant embryos or by DAPT treatment leads to increased numbers of lactotropes and loss of corticotropes in the anterior pars distalis (APD), increased number of thyrotropes and loss of somatotrope cell types in the posterior pars distalis (PPD), and fewer melanotropes in the posterior region of the adenohypophysis, the pars intermedia (PI). Conversely, Notch gain of function leads to the opposite result, loss of lactotrope and thyrotrope cell specification, and an increased number of corticotropes, melanotropes, and gonadotropes in the pituitary. Our results suggest that Notch acts on placodal cells, presumably as a permissive signal, to regulate progenitor cell specification to hormone secreting cell types. We propose that Notch mediated lateral inhibition regulates the relative numbers of specified hormone cell types in the three pituitary subdomains.  相似文献   

The major signaling pathways regulating gastric stem cells are unknown. Here we report that Notch signaling is essential for homeostasis of LGR5+ antral stem cells. Pathway inhibition reduced proliferation of gastric stem and progenitor cells, while activation increased proliferation. Notch dysregulation also altered differentiation, with inhibition inducing mucous and endocrine cell differentiation while activation reduced differentiation. Analysis of gastric organoids demonstrated that Notch signaling was intrinsic to the epithelium and regulated growth. Furthermore, in vivo Notch manipulation affected the efficiency of organoid initiation from glands and single Lgr5‐GFP stem cells, suggesting regulation of stem cell function. Strikingly, constitutive Notch activation in LGR5+ stem cells induced tissue expansion via antral gland fission. Lineage tracing using a multi‐colored reporter demonstrated that Notch‐activated stem cells rapidly generate monoclonal glands, suggesting a competitive advantage over unmanipulated stem cells. Notch activation was associated with increased mTOR signaling, and mTORC1 inhibition normalized NICD‐induced increases in proliferation and gland fission. Chronic Notch activation induced undifferentiated, hyper‐proliferative polyps, suggesting that aberrant activation of Notch in gastric stem cells may contribute to gastric tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Originally discovered nearly a century ago, the Notch signaling pathway is critical for virtually all developmental programs and modulates an astounding variety of pathogenic processes. The DSL (Delta, Serrate, LAG-2 family) proteins have long been considered canonical activators of the core Notch pathway. More recently, a wide and expanding network of non-canonical extracellular factors has also been shown to modulate Notch signaling, conferring newly appreciated complexity to this evolutionarily conserved signal transduction system. Here, I review current concepts in Notch signaling, with a focus on work from the last decade elucidating novel extracellular proteins that up- or down-regulate signal potency.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear comprises the cochleovestibular labyrinth, derived from the ectodermal otic placode, and the encasing bony labyrinth of the temporal bone. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are thought to control inner ear development, but the modes and the molecules involved are largely unresolved. We show here that, during the precartilage and cartilage stages, Fgf9 is expressed in specific nonsensory domains of the otic epithelium and its receptors, Fgfr1(IIIc) and Fgfr2(IIIc), widely in the surrounding mesenchyme. To address the role of Fgf9 signaling, we analyzed the inner ears of mice homozygous for Fgf9 null alleles. Fgf9 inactivation leads to a hypoplastic vestibular component of the otic capsule and to the absence of the epithelial semicircular ducts. Reduced proliferation of the prechondrogenic mesenchyme was found to underlie capsular hypoplasticity. Semicircular duct development is blocked at the initial stages, since fusion plates do not form. Our results show that the mesenchyme directs fusion plate formation and they give direct evidence for the existence of reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the developing inner ear. In addition to the vestibule, in the cochlea, Fgf9 mutation caused defects in the interactions between the Reissner's membrane and the mesenchymal cells, leading to a malformed scala vestibuli. Together, these data show that Fgf9 signaling is required for inner ear morphogenesis.  相似文献   



Notch and TLR pathways were found to act cooperatively to activate Notch target genes and to increase the production of TLR-induced cytokines in macrophages. However, the mechanism of LPS-induced Notch activation and its role in sepsis still remains unclear.  相似文献   

Bile duct cells play an important role in maintaining, modifying and augmenting bile flow. It is well established that cyclic AMP (cAMP) is an important second messenger for secretion in these cells, but less is known about cytosolic Ca2+ (Ca2+i). Here we review evidence that ATP and acetylcholine (ACh) are Ca2+i agonists for bile duct cells, and that these agonists increase Ca2+i through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). We also review data suggesting that hepatocytes have the ability to secrete ATP, so that they may serve as a paracrine source for this signaling molecule in vivo. Finally, we compare the effects of cAMP and Ca2+i on secretion, both in isolated bile duct units and isolated hepatocyte couplets. Implications and future directions for studying the role of Ca2+i in bile ductular secretion are discussed.  相似文献   

Prostatic branching morphogenesis is an intricate event requiring precise temporal and spatial integration of numerous hormonal and growth factor-regulated inputs, yet relatively little is known about the downstream signaling pathways that orchestrate this process. In this study, we use a novel mesenchyme-free embryonic prostate culture system, newly available mTOR inhibitors and a conditional PTEN loss-of-function model to investigate the role of the interconnected PI3K and mTOR signaling pathways in prostatic organogenesis. We demonstrate that PI3K levels and PI3K/mTOR activity are robustly induced by androgen during murine prostatic development and that PI3K/mTOR signaling is necessary for prostatic epithelial bud invasion of surrounding mesenchyme. To elucidate the cellular mechanism by which PI3K/mTOR signaling regulates prostatic branching, we show that PI3K/mTOR inhibition does not significantly alter epithelial proliferation or apoptosis, but rather decreases the efficiency and speed with which the developing prostatic epithelial cells migrate. Using mTOR kinase inhibitors to tease out the independent effects of mTOR signaling downstream of PI3K, we find that simultaneous inhibition of mTORC1 and mTORC2 activity attenuates prostatic branching and is sufficient to phenocopy combined PI3K/mTOR inhibition. Surprisingly, however, mTORC1 inhibition alone has the reverse effect, increasing the number and length of prostatic branches. Finally, simultaneous activation of PI3K and downstream mTORC1/C2 via epithelial PTEN loss-of-function also results in decreased budding reversible by mTORC1 inhibition, suggesting that the effect of mTORC1 on branching is not primarily mediated by negative feedback on PI3K/mTORC2 signaling. Taken together, our data point to an important role for PI3K/mTOR signaling in prostatic epithelial invasion and migration and implicates the balance of PI3K and downstream mTORC1/C2 activity as a critical regulator of prostatic epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Palatal ridges, or rugae palatinae, are corrugated structures observed in the hard palate region. They are found in most mammalian species, but their number and arrangement are species-specific. Nine palatal rugae are found in the mouse secondary palate. Previous studies have shown that epithelial Shh signaling in the palatal ridge plays an important role during rugae development. Moreover, Wnt family members, including LEF1, play a functional role in orofacial morphogenesis. To explore the function of Shh during rugae development, we utilized the maternal transfer of 5E1 (anti-Shh antibody) to mouse embryos. 5E1 induced abnormal rugae patterning characterized by a spotted shape of palatal ridge rather than a stripe. The expression patterns of Shh and Shh-related genes, Sostdc1, Lef1 and Ptch1, were disrupted following 5E1 injection. Moreover, rugae-specific cell proliferation and inter-rugae-specific apoptosis were affected by inhibition of Shh signaling. We hypothesize that the altered gene expression patterns and the change in molecular events caused by the inhibition of Shh signaling may have induced abnormal rugae patterning. Furthermore, we propose a reaction–diffusion model generated by Wnt, Shh and Sostdc1 signaling. In this study, we show that Sostdc1, a secreted inhibitor of the Wnt pathway, is a downstream target of Shh and hypothesize that the interaction of Wnt, Shh and Sostdc1 is a pivotal mechanism controlling the spatial patterning of palatal rugae.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is implicated in many developmental processes. In our current study, we have employed a transgenic strategy to investigate the role of Notch signaling during cardiac development in the mouse. Cre recombinase-mediated Notch1 (NICD1) activation in the mesodermal cell lineage leads to abnormal heart morphogenesis, which is characterized by deformities of the ventricles and atrioventricular (AV) canal. The major defects observed include impaired ventricular myocardial differentiation, the ectopic appearance of cell masses in the AV cushion, the right-shifted interventricular septum (IVS) and impaired myocardium of the AV canal. However, the fates of the endocardium and myocardium were not disrupted in NICD1-activated hearts. One of the Notch target genes, Hesr1, was found to be strongly induced in both the ventricle and the AV canal of NICD1-activated hearts. However, a knockout of the Hesr1 gene from NICD-activated hearts rescues only the abnormality of the AV myocardium. We searched for additional possible targets of NICD1 activation by GeneChip analysis and found that Wnt2, Bmp6, jagged 1 and Tnni2 are strongly upregulated in NICD1-activated hearts, and that the activation of these genes was also observed in the absence of Hesr1. Our present study thus indicates that the Notch1 signaling pathway plays a suppressive role both in AV myocardial differentiation and the maturation of the ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

During organogenesis of the C. elegans digestive system, epithelial cells within a cyst-like primordium develop diverse shapes through largely unknown mechanisms. We here analyze two adjacent, dorsal epithelial cells, called pm8 and vpi1, that remodel their shapes and apical junctions to become donut-shaped, or toroidal, single-cell tubes. pm8 and vpi1 delaminate from the dorsal cyst epithelium and migrate ventrally, across the midline of the cyst, on a transient tract of laminin. pm8 appears to encircle the midline by wrapping around finger-like projections from neighboring cells. Finally, pm8 and vpi1 self-fuse to become toroids by expressing AFF-1 and EFF-1, two fusogens that are each sufficient to promote crossfusion between other cell types. Notch signaling in pm8 induces AFF-1 expression, while simultaneously repressing EFF-1 expression; vpi1 expresses EFF-1 independent of Notch. Thus, the adjacent pm8 and vpi1 cells express different fusogens, allowing them to self-fuse into separate, single-cell tubes while avoiding crossfusion.  相似文献   



The signaling cascades that direct the morphological differentiation of the vascular system during early embryogenesis are not well defined. Several signaling pathways, including Notch and VEGF signaling, are critical for the formation of the vasculature in the mouse. To further understand the role of Notch signaling during endothelial differentiation and the genes regulated by this pathway, both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches were analyzed in vivo.  相似文献   

The mouse prostate gland develops by branching morphogenesis from the urogenital epithelium and mesenchyme. Androgens and developmental factors, including FGF10 and SHH, promote prostate growth (Berman, D.M., Desai, N., Wang, X., Karhadkar, S.S., Reynon, M., Abate-Shen, C., Beachy, P.A., Shen, M.M., 2004. Roles for Hedgehog signaling in androgen production and prostate ductal morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 267, 387-398; Donjacour, A.A., Thomson, A.A., Cunha, G.R., 2003. FGF-10 plays an essential role in the growth of the fetal prostate. Dev. Biol. 261, 39-54), while BMP4 signaling from the mesenchyme has been shown to suppresses prostate branching (Lamm, M.L., Podlasek, C.A., Barnett, D.H., Lee, J., Clemens, J.Q., Hebner, C.M., Bushman, W., 2001. Mesenchymal factor bone morphogenetic protein 4 restricts ductal budding and branching morphogenesis in the developing prostate. Dev. Biol. 232, 301-314). Here, we show that Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7) restricts branching of the prostate epithelium. BMP7 is expressed in the periurethral urogenital mesenchyme prior to formation of the prostate buds and, subsequently, in the prostate epithelium. We show that BMP7(lacZ/lacZ) null prostates show a two-fold increase in prostate branching, while recombinant BMP7 inhibits prostate morphogenesis in organ culture in a concentration-dependent manner. We further explore the mechanisms by which the developmental signals may be interpreted in the urogenital epithelium to regulate branching morphogenesis. We show that Notch1 activity is associated with the formation of the prostate buds, and that Notch1 signaling is derepressed in BMP7 null urogenital epithelium. Based on our studies, we propose a model that BMP7 inhibits branching morphogenesis in the prostate and limits the number of domains with high Notch1/Hes1 activity.  相似文献   

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