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Abstract. Data on distribution and abundance of rare plant species on isolated coastal dunes along the rocky coast of northwestern Spain were compared with the local floristic literature in order to reconstruct past distribution and local extinction of species. Species extinction was not confined to species with a narrow distribution but also included widely distributed ones. Moreover, there was no evidence of colonization. Species number was related to beach and dune area, but species differed in the minimum area required for occurrence. The largest dune reserve possible would probably be insufficient to avoid further extinctions, so also small areas containing particular species should be preserved. There was no significant relationship between abundance of species in the local dune communities and their total distribution, and there were few satellite species. The former might be attributed to low fertility and habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Logistic regression analyses showed that the maturity v. length relationship for female English sole Pleuronectes vetulus varied significantly among sampling locations from California to British Columbia in June–September. Stepwise analyses found that latitude, bottom gradient, bottom temperature and sediment type were all significant factors. Regression analyses of age at length from subsamples indicated that latitude, maturity and bottom sediment had significant effects on growth. Data from the aged subsamples showed significant differences among age classes in the length v. maturity relationship with older fish attaining maturity at smaller sizes than younger fish. On a coast wide basis the length and age at 50% maturity were c. 230 mm and 4·7 years respectively. Growth rate and length at 50% maturity have decreased substantially relative to observations from the 1950s, but age at 50% maturity has increased.  相似文献   

A time series of American eel Anguilla rostrata glass eel abundance, timing and size from Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (16 years) and Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina (18 years) was used to provide a better understanding of ingress patterns at two, U.S. east coast estuaries. There was no evidence of synchronous declines in abundance between the two locations; however, at the Little Egg Inlet site, glass eels arrived later in the season and at significantly smaller sizes over the duration of the series. One significant linkage between sites was revealed: abundance was positively correlated with winter precipitation. Precipitation differed between sites annually and was correlated with El Niño at Beaufort Inlet and, to a lesser extent, the North Atlantic Oscillation at Little Egg Inlet. It is hypothesized that glass eels may use freshwater signals to enhance recruitment to local estuaries, thus influencing year-class strength, yet the relationship between year-class strength and adult abundance remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Pleuromeia obrutschewii Elias from Russian Island (Russkiy Ostrov, near Vladivostok) is hardly distinguishable from the European P. sternbergii (Muenster) Corda. The sporangia are adaxial, filling spoon-like depressions of the megasporophylls which have sterile tips. P. olenekensis sp. nov. from the Olenek River (northeastern Siberia) has larger sporangia and much larger megaspores with three-layered walls. The outer layer (ectexosporium) is reticulate. It is assumed that in other species this layer is lacking due to imperfect preservation. Mature megasporophylls, when shed, have a buoy-like shape and are often deposited together with cephalopod shells. This suggests a special mechanism of propagation by means of megasporophylls dispersed by water currents. The cosmopolitan distribution of Pleuromeia points to weakened climatic zonation in the Early Triassic.  相似文献   

Among the first events after immersion of surfaces in the ocean is surface ‘conditioning’. Here, the accumulation and composition of the conditioning films formed after immersion in the ocean are analyzed. In order to account for different surface chemistries, five self-assembled monolayers that differ in resistance to microfouling and wettability were used. Water samples from two static immersion test sites along the east coast of Florida were collected at two different times of the year and used for experiments. Spectral ellipsometry revealed that conditioning films were formed within the first 24 h and contact angle goniometry showed that these films changed the wettability and rendered hydrophobic surfaces more hydrophilic and vice versa. Infrared reflection adsorption spectroscopy showed that the composition of the conditioning film depended on both the wettability and immersion site. Laboratory and field assays showed that the presence of a conditioning film did not markedly influence settlement of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Using multivariate statistics we have examined spatio-temporalpatterns in the distribution of siphonophore assemblages alongthe east coast of South Africa, anticipating constancy in cross-shelfand alongshore structure that would mirror the hydrographicstability. Indeed, while the surface temperature of the AgulhasCurrent does vary on a seasonal basis, the position of its coreis thought to have a stable trajectory year round, and its otherphysical and chemical characteristics are considered to be relativelyaseasonal. Two clear aseasonal assemblages were observed, associatedeither with the nearshore waters in the extreme SW (Port Alfredupwelling cell), or with the Agulhas Current and inshore watersnorth of East London. Assemblages in the current-driven upwellingcell were characterized by low overall diversity and dense populationsof Muggiaea atlantica (up to 28 000 ind. 1000 m–3). Assemblageselsewhere in the region were dominated by Abylopsis eschscholtzi,A. tetragona, Bassia bassensis, Chelophyes contorta, Diphyesdispar, D. bojani, Eudoxoides spiralis, E. mitra, Lensia subtiloidesand Sulculeolaria chuni. There is some evidence of both an alongshoreand a cross-shelf pattern in the distribution of assemblagesnorth of East London, but this is subordinate to a strongerseasonal signal. The impact of seasonality on regional assemblagesis hypothesized to be reflected in significant changes in theupstream structure of Agulhas Current assemblages.  相似文献   

We studied how plant species distribution was regulated by the relationships between vegetation and soil factors on the southwestern coast of South Korea. Vegetation was classified using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), thereby producing four vegetation groups that were linked to three habitat types. Two ordination techniques —; detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) —; were applied to examine the relationships between vegetation and 12 edaphic factors, including soil pH, water and osmotic potentials, moisture content, electrical conductivity, Cl and Na+ contents, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and contents of organic matter, sand, silt, and clay. Results were similar for both types of evaluations. According to DCA and CCA, the 23 communities tended to cluster into three types: salt swamp, salt marsh, and sand dune. The first two canonical axes accounted for 14.9% of the community-soil factor relationship among communities. As identified via CCA, the main gradients were soil-water relations and soil texture.  相似文献   

The scope of anti‐predatory adaptation is expected to be greater in warm than in cold environments. High temperatures lower the costs associated with the production and maintenance of energetically expensive traits and enable ecological interactions to intensify. We tested this hypothesis by characterizing the expression of anti‐predatory morphology within a marine gastropod species (the knobbed whelk Busycon carica) over a large (> 1400 km) geographic area that spans more than 10°C annual temperature variation. We also conducted experimental predation studies with a powerful durophagous predator, the stone crab Menippe, to verify the anti‐predatory advantages of a heavily ornamented shell morphology (e.g. increased thickness, pronounced spines), and we used repair scar data to assess clinal variation in selective pressure from predators. We predicted that repair scar rates would be greatest in warm southernmost latitudes, and that expression of energetically costly anti‐predatory morphology would peak in concert with elevated predation pressures. Experiments confirmed that whelks with energetically costly, heavily ornamented shells had higher survivorship rates than those with weakly ornamented shells. As predicted, we also found that the expression of anti‐predatory traits was greatest in the southern part of B. carica's range. After standardizing shells for size, shape, and exposure time to enemies, repair scar rates also peaked to the south. Taken together, these results suggest that the expression of anti‐predatory traits along the geographic cline is governed by the interaction of two selective factors: temperature and predation, with the former acting as the ultimate control on the scope of adaptation both by escalating predation pressure in the southern part of B. carica's range and by physically limiting (to the north) and facilitating (to the south) the production of anti‐predatory traits. Feedbacks between temperature and predation thus causally interact to enable and drive, respectively, the observed geographic cline in energy‐intensive anti‐predatory shell traits.  相似文献   

Many species of fishes along the east coast of the United States have complex life histories, especially those that move over hundreds of kilometers across ocean and estuarine habitats. To further unravel the life history of one of these, the speckled worm eel, Myrophis punctatus we examined samples from extensive time series and discrete samples collected in the ocean and estuaries between Florida and Massachusetts. We now surmise spawning occurs between fall and early winter in the ocean south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and in the vicinity of the Bahamas. The pelagic leptocephalus larvae (10?C80 mm Total Length [TL]) are transported north in the Gulf Stream and across the continental shelf to arrive at estuarine inlets at ages of 53 ?C 110 days. Their estuarine immigration and abundance varies along the east coast, with higher levels occurring at inlets in South Carolina (North Inlet), and North Carolina (Beaufort Inlet), during the winter and early spring. Much lower abundances occur in New Jersey (Little Egg Inlet) in winter and spring and again in the summer. These ingressing individuals were euryodontic leptocephali and metamorphic stages and were shrinking to lengths of 76?C52 mm TL as these stages progressed. Metamorphic individuals and glass eels subsequently settle and burrow in estuarine sediments, as do all subsequent stages, and thereby become relatively unavailable to many sampling gears. In estuaries they attained sizes up to 440 mm TL. Later, they presumably enter the ocean to spawn because that is where the smallest larvae are found.  相似文献   

互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)于20世纪70年代被引入中国,目前已在东部沿海盐沼湿地中广泛分布,成为海岸带盐沼中危害严重的入侵植物之一.为了研究互花米草在中国入侵区中的适应机制,揭示遗传分化和表型可塑性在该物种成功入侵中的作用,本研究沿纬度梯度在南起广东(22°N)、北至天津(39°N)的沿海样带上采集了10个种群的样本,通过同质园实验比较了不同纬度来源的种群在,生活史和生长特征方面是否存在遗传分化,并平行设置高低两个水位处理以比较互花米草对水位变化(不同高程生境条件)的可塑性反应.结果表明,在所研究的互花米草17个性状中有12个存在显著的种群间差异.其中,平均开花日期和相对生长率(植株高度)表现出显著的纬度梯度变异:随着纬度的升高,开花时间提前,相对生长速率(植株高度)趋于增加.同时17个性状中有9个在不同水位处理之间存在显著差异.这些结果表明,遗传分化可能是互花米草能够快速占据广阔分布区的重要原因之一,而表型可塑性可能对互花米草在小尺度上占据不同高程环境的过程有重要作用.  相似文献   

The distribution of abnormal hemoglobins, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood group antigens A, B, M, N, C, c, D, E, e, V, Duffy and Diego, serum haptoglobins, transferrins and pseudocholinesterase types, were investigated in five villages of the East Coast of Mexico, where vivax malaria was endemic until recently. Hemoglobin S and G-6-PD deficiency were present in variable degrees in all five locations. All patients with the enzyme deficiency had the A band by electrophoresis, which coupled with the presence of hemoglobin C and haptoglobin 2-1 M in a few individuals strongly suggested Negro admixture. The high frequency of antigen V and the relatively low frequency of Fy (a +) were congruent with the above hypothesis and the conclusion was drawn that the presence of hemoglobin S and G-6-PD deficiency in this area is due to Negro admixture. Unusually high frequencies of the Diego antigen were observed in three of the five villages studied.  相似文献   

The 4th regular meeting of the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution was held in conjunction with the 52nd Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Canada at Dalhousie University, Halifax, from 14 to 17 May 2009.  相似文献   

The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from three regions off eastern Australia was examined for evidence of separate stocks. The abundance of five metacestodes was very similar in all areas suggesting that extensive mixing of the fish occurs along the coast, unlike the situation across northern Australia where large differences have been found between regions. The similarity in abundances of two metacestodes from Townsville fish and south‐east Queensland fish suggests that these two regions have fish with very similar histories. The data lead to the conclusion that the seasonal fishery for Spanish mackerel off south‐east Queensland is based on a random group of fish from the same origin as fish sampled off Townsville and is not a subpopulation that moves south each year.  相似文献   

For many taxa, diversity, often measured as species richness, decreases with latitude. In this report patterns of diversity (species richness, species diversity, and evenness) in groundfish assemblages were investigated in relation to depth (200–1200 m) and latitude (33–47°N) on the continental slope of the U.S. Pacific coast. The data originated from the 1999–2002 upper continental slope groundfish surveys conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service. When the data were pooled across depths, species density and evenness were found to decline with latitude. All three diversity measures declined with depth, with the lowest overall diversity in the 600- to 900-m depth range where longspine thornyhead Sebastolobus altivelis constituted close to 70% of the catch. When latitudinal gradients were examined within four depth zones (200–300 m, 400–500 m, 600–900 m, and 1000–1200 m) more complex patterns emerged. At depth species richness and evenness were inversely correlated with latitude as longspine thornyhead dominated catches to the north. However, in shallower areas of the slope, species richness and evenness were positively correlated with latitude. Latitudinal patterns of diversity in the deeper zones and when pooled across depths were positively correlated with temperature and broadly consistent with the Ambient Energy hypothesis discussed by Willig et al. [Annu Rev Ecol System 34:273–309 (2003)].  相似文献   

《Research in virology》1991,142(6):475-482
In March 1990, a Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) outbreak was suspected in the district of Fenerive on the east coast of Madagascar after an abnormally high incidence of abortions and disease in livestock. Sera from humans and cattle were tested for RVFV antibodies by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and ELISA-IgM capture. Sera and mosquitoes collected in the same area were tested for virus isolation by tissue culture and suckling mouse intracerebral inoculation, and for antigen detection by an ELISA antigen capture assay. Among cattle from the area, RVFV antibody prevalence was 58.6 % by IFA and 29.6 % by ELISA-IgM. In contrast, human populations in the same area had a lower RVFV antibody prevalence, with 8.01 % IFA and 5.4 % IgM-positive sera. No RVFV antigen was detected and virus isolation was unsuccessful from the sera and mosquito pools tested. Different hypotheses concerning the emergence and diffusion of RVFV in this area and the occurrence of the outbreak are discussed.  相似文献   

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