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Seed dormancy and germination are complex traits that are controlled by many genes. Four mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana exhibiting a reduced dormancy phenotype, designated rdo1, rdo2, rdo3 , and rdo4, have been characterized, both genetically and physiologically. Two of these mutants, rdo1 and rdo2 , have been described before, the other two represent novel loci. The mutants mapped on chromosome 1 ( rdo3 ), chromosome 2 ( rdo2 and rdo4 ), and chromosome 3 ( rdo1 ). None of these loci has been related to dormancy before. All four mutants show pleiotropic effects in the adult plant stage, which are different for each mutant. None of the mutants is deficient in ABA. Compared to L er (wild-type), ABA sensitivity is not altered either, thereby excluding the possibility that ABA is involved in causing the reduced dormancy phenotype. The GA requirement was studied by using the GA biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, and genetically by generating double mutants with the GA-deficient mutant ga1-3 . The results obtained by these two methods were comparable for all but one mutant: rdo1 . In a GA-deficient background, rdo1 , rdo2 and rdo3 , all show sensitivity to GA between that of ga1-3 and ga1-3 aba1. However, when using paclobutrazol rdo1 exhibited the same sensitivity as rdo4 and wild-type. Analysis of double mutants among the rdo mutants revealed a very complex and inconsistent pattern.  相似文献   

Nitrate, a signal relieving seed dormancy in Arabidopsis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrate is an important nitrogen source for plants, but also a signal molecule that controls various aspects of plant development. In the present study the role of nitrate on seed dormancy in Arabidopsis was investigated. The effects of either mutations affecting the Arabidopsis nitrate reductase genes or of different nitrate regimes of mother plants on the dormancy of the seeds produced were analysed. Altogether, data show that conditions favouring nitrate accumulation in mother plants and in seeds lead to a lower dormancy of seeds with little other morphological or biochemical differences. Analysis of germination during seed development indicated that nitrate does not prevent the onset of dormancy but rather its maintenance. The effect of an exogenous supply of nitrate on seed germination was tested: nitrate in contrast to glutamine or potassium chloride clearly stimulated the germination of dormant seeds. Data show, moreover, that the Arabidopsis dual affinity nitrate transporter NRT1.1 (CHL1) may be involved in conveying the nitrate signal into seeds. Thus, nitrate provided exogenously or by mother plants to the produced seeds, acts as a signal molecule favouring germination in Arabidopsis. This signalling may involve interaction with the abscisic acid or gibberellin pathway.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of seed dormancy in Arabidopsis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanisms controlling seed dormancy in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have been characterized by proteomics using the dormant (D) accession Cvi originating from the Cape Verde Islands. Comparative studies carried out with freshly harvested dormant and after-ripened non-dormant (ND) seeds revealed a specific differential accumulation of 32 proteins. The data suggested that proteins associated with metabolic functions potentially involved in germination can accumulate during after-ripening in the dry state leading to dormancy release. Exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA) to ND seeds strongly impeded their germination, which physiologically mimicked the behavior of D imbibed seeds. This application resulted in an alteration of the accumulation pattern of 71 proteins. There was a strong down-accumulation of a major part (90%) of these proteins, which were involved mainly in energetic and protein metabolisms. This feature suggested that exogenous ABA triggers proteolytic mechanisms in imbibed seeds. An analysis of de novo protein synthesis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in the presence of [(35)S]-methionine disclosed that exogenous ABA does not impede protein biosynthesis during imbibition. Furthermore, imbibed D seeds proved competent for de novo protein synthesis, demonstrating that impediment of protein translation was not the cause of the observed block of seed germination. However, the two-dimensional protein profiles were markedly different from those obtained with the ND seeds imbibed in ABA. Altogether, the data showed that the mechanisms blocking germination of the ND seeds by ABA application are different from those preventing germination of the D seeds imbibed in basal medium.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide reduces seed dormancy in Arabidopsis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Dormancy is a property of many mature seeds, and experimentation over the past century has identified numerous chemical treatments that will reduce seed dormancy. Nitrogen-containing compounds including nitrate, nitrite, and cyanide break seed dormancy in a range of species. Experiments are described here that were carried out to further our understanding of the mechanism whereby these and other compounds, such as the nitric oxide (NO) donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP), bring about a reduction in seed dormancy of Arabidopsis thaliana. A simple method was devised for applying the products of SNP photolysis through the gas phase. Using this approach it was shown that SNP, as well as potassium ferricyanide (Fe(III)CN) and potassium ferrocyanide (Fe(II)CN), reduced dormancy of Arabidopsis seeds by generating cyanide (CN). The effects of potassium cyanide (KCN) on dormant seeds were tested and it was confirmed that cyanide vapours were sufficient to break Arabidopsis seed dormancy. Nitrate and nitrite also reduced Arabidopsis seed dormancy and resulted in substantial rates of germination. The effects of CN, nitrite, and nitrate on dormancy were prevented by the NO scavenger c-PTIO. It was confirmed that NO plays a role in reducing seed dormancy by using purified NO gas, and a model to explain how nitrogen-containing compounds may break dormancy in Arabidopsis is presented.  相似文献   

Imbibition conditions and seed dormancy of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The optimal combinations of temperature in the range of 0 to 20°C and duration (1 to 14 days) of imbibition for the induction of germination of Arabidopsis thaliana (L) Heynh., ecotype "Landsberg-erecta", by red light were investigated. At 2°C, 10 days of imbibition are needed tor loss of dormancy, whereas at higher temperatures, e.g 15°C, it is already lost after 1 or 2 days. It is proposed that the development of light-inducible germination is governed by two temperature-dependent processes-the loss of primary or innate dormancy and the simultaneous induction of secondary dormancy. Data are discussed in terms of the availability of phytochrome, the availability of an unknown factor X and changes in sensitivity of the process of germination induction by the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr).  相似文献   

Effects of light and temperature on gibberellin (GA)-induced seed germination were studied in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. with the use of GA-deficient ( gal ) mutants, mutants with a strongly reduced sensitivity to GA ( gai ) and with the recombinant gai/gal . Seeds of the gal mutant did not germinate in the absence of exogenous GAs, neither in darkness, nor in light, indicating that GAs are absolutely required for germination of this species. Wild-type and gai seeds did not always require applied GAs in light. The conclusion that light stimulates GA biosynthesis was strengthened by the antagonistic action of tetcyclacis, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis. In wild-type, gal and gai/gal seeds light lowered the GA requirement, which can be interpreted as an increase in sensitivity to GAs. In gai and gai/gal seeds light became effective only after dormancy was broken by either a chilling treatment of one week or a dry after-ripening period at 2°C during some months. The present genetic and physiological evidence strongly suggests that temperature regulates the responsiveness to light in A. thaliana seeds. The responsiveness increases during dormancy breaking, whereas the opposite occurs during induction of dormancy (8 days at 15°C pre-incubation). Since light stimulates the synthesis of GAs as well as the responsiveness to GAs, temperature-induced changes in dormancy may indirectly change the capacities to synthesize GAs and to respond to GAs. GA sensitivity is also directly controlled by temperature. It is concluded that both GA biosynthesis and sensitivity to GAs are not the primary controlling factors in dormancy, but are essential for germination.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is an important developmental process that prevents pre-harvest sprouting in many grains and other seeds. Abscisic acid (ABA), a plant hormone, plays a crucial role in regulating dormancy but the underlying molecular regulatory mechanisms are not fully understood. An Arabidopsis zinc-finger gene, MEDIATOR OF ABA-REGULATED DORMANCY 1 ( MARD1 ) was identified and functionally analyzed. MARD1 expression is up-regulated by ABA. A T-DNA insertion in the promoter region downstream of two ABA-responsive elements (ABREs) renders MARD1 unable to respond to ABA. The mard1 seeds are less dormant and germinate in total darkness; their germination is resistant to external ABA at the stage of radicle protrusion. These results suggest that this novel zinc-finger protein with a proline-rich N-terminus is an important downstream component of the ABA signaling pathway that mediates ABA-regulated seed dormancy in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis mutants with reduced response to NaCl and osmotic stress   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We isolated 6 mutant lines of Arabidopsis thaliana that expressed reduced sensitivity to salt and osmotic stress during germination. All 6 lines cum recessive mutations in a single gene, designated reduced salt sensitivity (rss), linked to the ADH marker on chromosome 1. The rss mutants are less sensitive than wild type for NaCl and osmotic stress inhibition of germination, tolerating approximately 150 mM higher concentrations of NaCl and about 250 mM higher concentrations of sorbitol in the media. Germination assays on media containing various salts indicate that the rss mutations reduce sensitivity lo Na+ and Rh+ but also, to a much lesser degree, to K+ and Css+. However, the rss mutation does not improve plant growth when plantlets are transferred to high salt or high osmotic pressure media after germination. The rss plantlets accumulate praline to a significantly lesser degree than wild type when they are exposed to either salt or osmotic stress. Thus, the rss mutants differ from wild type both at germination and during vegetative growth indicating that the rss mutations are pleiotropic and might affect perception of solutes or some aspect of stress-induced signaling. The rss mutations do not alter ABA sensitivity and therefore probably do not affect ABA-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in seed longevity of various Arabidopsis mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seeds gradually lose their viability during dry storage. The damage that occurs at the biochemical level can alter the seed physiological status and is affected by the storage conditions of the seeds. Although these environmental conditions controlling loss of viability have been investigated frequently, little information is available on the genetics of seed longevity. Using Arabidopsis mutants in defined developmental or biochemical pathways such as those affected in seed coat composition, seed dormancy, hormone function and control of oxidative stress, we tried to gain insight into the genes and mechanisms controlling viability of stored seeds. Mutations like abscisic acid insensitive3 ( abi3 ) as well as abscisic acid deficient1 ( aba1 ) show reduced longevity, which may be partially related to the seed dormancy phenotype of these mutants. Mutants with seed coat alterations, especially aberrant tests shape ( ats ), showed a stronger reduction in germination percentage after storage, indicating the importance of a 'functional' seed coat for seed longevity. A specific emphasis was placed on mutants affected in dealing with Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Because several pathways are involved in protection against ROS and because gene redundancy is a common feature in Arabidopsis , 'double' mutants were generated. These 'double' mutants and the corresponding single mutants were subjected to a controlled deterioration test (CDT) and a germination assay on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after prolonged storage at two relative humidities. CDT and germination on H2O2 affected all genotypes, although it appears that other effects like genetic background are more important than the deficiencies in the ROS scavenging pathway. Explanations for this limited effect of mutations affecting ROS scavenging are discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of nonradiative dissipation of absorbed light energy in PSII is an indispensable process to avoid photoinhibition in plants. To dissect molecular mechanisms of the regulation, we identified Arabidopsis mutants with reduced quenching of Chl fluorescence using a fluorescence imaging system. By analyses of Chl fluorescence induction pattern in the light and quantum yield of both photosystems, 37 mutants were classified into three groups. The first group was characterized by an extremely high level of minimum Chl fluorescence at the open PSII center possibly due to a defect in PSII. Mutants with significant reduction in the nonphotochemical quenching formation but not in quantum yield of both photosystems were classified into the second group. Mutants in the third group showed reduction in quantum yield of both photosystems possibly due to a defect in the electron transport activity. Mutants in the second and third groups were further characterized by light intensity dependence of Chl fluorescence parameters and steady state redox level of P700.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of seed dormancy, a key life history trait important for adaptive evolution in plant populations, has yet been studied only using seeds produced under controlled conditions in greenhouse environments. However, dormancy is strongly affected by maternal environmental conditions, and interactions between seed genotype and maternal environment have been reported. Consequently, the genetic basis of dormancy of seeds produced under natural field conditions remains unclear. We examined the effect of maternal environment on the genetic architecture of seed dormancy using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between two locally adapted populations of Arabidopsis thaliana from Italy and Sweden. We mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) for dormancy of seeds produced in the greenhouse and at the native field sites of the parental genotypes. The Italian genotype produced seeds with stronger dormancy at fruit maturation than did the Swedish genotype in all three environments, and the maternal field environments induced higher dormancy levels compared to the greenhouse environment in both genotypes. Across the three maternal environments, a total of nine dormancy QTL were detected, three of which were only detected among seeds matured in the field, and six of which showed significant QTL × maternal environment interactions. One QTL had a large effect on dormancy across all three environments and colocalized with the candidate gene DOG1. Our results demonstrate the importance of studying the genetic basis of putatively adaptive traits under relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis accessions differ largely in their seed dormancy behavior. To understand the genetic basis of this intraspecific variation we analyzed two accessions: the laboratory strain Landsberg erecta (Ler) with low dormancy and the strong-dormancy accession Cape Verde Islands (Cvi). We used a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach to identify loci affecting the after-ripening requirement measured as the number of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination. Thus, seven QTL were identified and named delay of germination (DOG) 1-7. To confirm and characterize these loci, we developed 12 near-isogenic lines carrying single and double Cvi introgression fragments in a Ler genetic background. The analysis of these lines for germination in water confirmed four QTL (DOG1, DOG2, DOG3, and DOG6) as showing large additive effects in Ler background. In addition, it was found that DOG1 and DOG3 genetically interact, the strong dormancy determined by DOG1-Cvi alleles depending on DOG3-Ler alleles. These genotypes were further characterized for seed dormancy/germination behavior in five other test conditions, including seed coat removal, gibberellins, and an abscisic acid biosynthesis inhibitor. The role of the Ler/Cvi allelic variation in affecting dormancy is discussed in the context of current knowledge of Arabidopsis germination.  相似文献   

Freshly harvested seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana, Columbia (Col) accession were dormant when imbibed at 25°C in the dark. Their dormancy was alleviated by continuous light during imbibition or by 5 weeks of storage at 20°C (after-ripening). We investigated the possible role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the regulation of Col seed dormancy. After 24 h of imbibition at 25°C, non-dormant seeds produced more ROS than dormant seeds, and their catalase activity was lower. In situ ROS localization revealed that germination was associated with an accumulation of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the radicle. ROS production was temporally and spatially regulated: ROS were first localized within the cytoplasm upon imbibition of non-dormant seeds, then in the nucleus and finally in the cell wall, which suggests that ROS play different roles during germination. Imbibition of dormant and non-dormant seeds in the presence of ROS scavengers or donors, which inhibited or stimulated germination, respectively, confirmed the role of ROS in germination. Freshly harvested seeds of the mutants defective in catalase (cat2-1) and vitamin E (vte1-1) did not display dormancy; however, seeds of the NADPH oxidase mutants (rbohD) were deeply dormant. Expression of a set of genes related to dormancy upon imbibition in the cat2-1 and vet1-1 seeds revealed that their non-dormant phenotype was probably not related to ABA or gibberellin metabolism, but suggested that ROS could trigger germination through gibberellin signaling activation.  相似文献   

Summary When dormant hazel seeds were subjected to six weeks chilling at 5° C their subsequent transfer to 20° C resulted in the accumulation of gibberellin (GA) followed by germination. In the presence of either phosphon D or -chlorethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCC) at 20° C there was inhibition of both GA accumulation and germination, a finding consistent with the hypothesis that GA biosynthesis is a necessary prerequisite for the germination of chilled hazel seeds. As abscisic acid showed a strong inhibition of germination but had little effect on GA accumulation it is presumed not to have affected GA biosynthesis but to have inhibited GA action. These conclusions were supported by experiments in which the interaction of exogenous GA3 with growth retardants and ABA was tested on the germination of chilled hazel seeds. Experiments in which the embryonic axes and cotyledons of chilled seeds were incubated separately at 20° C established that GA biosynthesis de novo occurred in the embryonic axis and indicated that in the intact seed some of the GA would have been translocated to the cotyledons. The isolated cytoledons showed no GA biosynthesis de novo but gave some release of GA from one or more bound forms.Abbreviations ABA abscisie acid - AMO 1618 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenyl piperidine carboxylate - CCC -chlorethyltrimethylammonium chloride - GA gibberellin, phosphon - D tributyl-2,4-dichlorobenzylphosphonium chloride - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

J. D. Ross  J. W. Bradbeer 《Planta》1971,100(4):303-308
Summary The germination at 20°, of hazel seeds which had been chilled, was significantly inhibited by 10-4 M solutions of ABA and of five substances which are considered to be inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis, namely CCC, AMO 1618, Phosphon D, B-995 and C-011. When the endogenous gibberellins were extracted from chilled seeds which had been held at 20° for 7 days in the presence of 10-4 M solutions of three of the most effective inhibitors of germination (Phosphon D, B-995 and C-011) it was found that gibberellin accumulation had been substantially inhibited. It is postulated that the inhibition of gibberellin synthesis inhibits the germination of previously chilled hazel seeds.  相似文献   

J. W. Bradbeer 《Planta》1968,78(3):266-276
Summary The dormancy of freshly harvested hazel seeds appears to be induced by inhibitors occuring mainly in the testa and pericarp. Although d abscisic acid may not be one of the natural inhibitors involved, d,l abscisic acid has been shown to strongly inhibit the germination of hazel seeds, probably through its antagonism towards the action of gibberellin. Dry storage of hazel nuts causes a deeper state of dormancy (secondary dormancy) to be superimposed on the primary dormancy. It is suggested that secondary dormancy consists of a block to gibberellin synthesis. The essential effect of chilling intact hazel seeds, which is the natural means of breaking their dormancy, may be to activate the mechanism for gibberellin synthesis, the subsequent synthesis of gibberellin being thought to occur at the germination temperature (20°C) and not at the chilling temperature (5°C).  相似文献   

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