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W. Boontje  J. Greve  Joh. Blok 《Biopolymers》1978,17(11):2689-2702
Transient electric birefringence measurements of the bacteriophages T2L0 and T6 were performed under such conditions that the tail fibers are extended. The data obtained are compared to previously reported data for T4B. For all T-even phages the degree of extension of the tail fibers is a function of pH, ionic strength, and temperature. For T4B, much higher ionic strengths are needed than for T2L0 and T6 to accomplish complete tail-fiber extension. The rotational diffusion coefficients of the phages with fully extended fibers are equal to 120 ± 3 sec?1, 132 ± 5 sec?1, 157 ± 4 sec?1 for T2L0, T4B, and T6, respectively. The respective optical anistropies are ? (2.66 ± 0.05) × 10?4, and ? (3.07 ± 0.15) × 10?4. The differences in the rotational diffusion coefficient and optical anisotropy arise because the conformation of the fully extended tail fibers is different for the three phages. The tail fibers of T2L0 project further into the solution (away from the head) than do those of T4B and T6. The apparent permanent dipole moments of T2L0 and T6 decrease with increasing ionic strength. This decrease is caused by the screening of the surface charges on the phage body by the counter-ions in the solution. The biological relevance of this decrease is illustrated by the fact that the adsorption rate of T6 phages to E. coli B bacteria shows a similar dependence of ionic strength. Evidence is pressented that the tail fibers may move more or less independently of the phage body when an electric field is applied to the suspension.  相似文献   

Genomic polymorphism in the T-even bacteriophages.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
F Repoila  F Tétart  J Y Bouet    H M Krisch 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(17):4181-4192
We have compared the genomes of 49 bacteriophages related to T4. PCR analysis of six chromosomal regions reveals two types of local sequence variation. In four loci, we found only two alternative configurations in all the genomes that could be analyzed. In contrast, two highly polymorphic loci exhibit variations in the number, the order and the identity of the sequences present. In phage T4, both highly polymorphic loci encode internal proteins (IPs) that are encapsidated in the phage particle and injected with the viral DNA. Among the various T4-related phages, 10 different ORFs have been identified in the IP loci; their amino acid sequences have the characteristics of internal proteins. At the beginning of each of these coding sequences is a highly conserved 11 amino acid leader motif. In addition, both 5' and 3' to most of these ORFs, there is a approximately 70 bp sequence that contains a T4 early promoter sequence with an overlapping inversely repeated sequence. The homologies within these flanking sequences may mediate the recombinational shuffling of the IP sequences within the locus. A role for the new IP-like sequences in determining the phage host range is proposed since such a role has been previously demonstrated for the IP1 gene of T4.  相似文献   

We describe in this review, the salient splicing features of group I introns of bacteriophage T4 and propose, a hypothetical model to fit in the self-splicing of nrdB intron of T4 phage. Occurrence of non-coding sequences in prokaryotic cells is a rare event while it is common in eukaryotic cells, especially the higher eukaryotes. Therefore, T4 bacteriophage can serve as a good model system to study the evolutionary aspects of splicing of introns. Three genes of T4 phage were found to have stretches of non-coding sequences which belonged to the group IA type introns of self-splicing nature.  相似文献   

J Greve  J Blok 《Biopolymers》1975,14(1):139-154
Measurements of electric birefringence, sedimentation velocity, and biological adsorption rate are used to study the properties of bacteriophage T4B in the presence of excess tryptophan. The adsorption rate determined in borate buffer pH 9 (at 25°C) increases from 0.003 × 10?8 ml min?1 (0.025 M) to 0.130 × 10?8 ml min?1 (0.150 M). The Kerr coefficient, rotational diffusion coefficient, and the sedimentation coefficient of the phage are also dependent on buffer concentration and reach plateau values above 0.12 M given by Ksp = ?(275 ± 18) × 10?9 OD?1 cm2 statvolt?2, D25,w = 133 ± 4 sec?1, and s20,w = 818 ± 11 S. From a comparison of electric birefringence measurements of T4B and T4D it is concluded that T4D and T4B (in the presence of excess tryptophan) exhibit a similar hydrodynamic behavior. The change in physical parameters is solely due to a shift in fiber configuration. At high buffer concentrations the fibers make an angle of approximately 3π/4 with the sheath and the permanent dipole moment is about 200,000 D. This dipole moment is roughly ten times as large as that of a phage particle with nonextended fibers. This difference may be due to a change in hydrodynamic center upon fiber extension or to the presence of positive charges on the fiber tips, or both. At intermediate buffer concentrations the phage population behaves as if it were monodisperse. Probably not all six fibers are extended under such conditions.  相似文献   

Bidirectional promoter of the mouse thymidylate synthase gene.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
W C Liao  J Ash    L F Johnson 《Nucleic acids research》1994,22(20):4044-4049

J Greve  J Blok 《Biopolymers》1973,12(11):2607-2622
Measurements of the electric birefringence of suspensions of T4B in the absence of tryptophan and of fiberless T4 particles show that both kinds of particles are hydrodynamically equivalent. Their rotational diffusion coefficients corrected to 25°C and water viscosity (D25,w) are 280 ± 9 sec?1 and 295 ± 10 sec?1, respectively. These corrected rotational diffusion coefficients are almost independent of buffer concentration and temperature. The sedimentation coefficient (s20,w) of T4 B is equal to 1023 ± 12 S, a value which is likewise independent of buffer concentration. By analysis of the field strength dependence of the steady-state birefringence and by reversing pulse experiments it could be shown that the orientation in an electric field is largely due to a permanent dipole moment. This dipole moment is somewhat dependent on buffer concentration and amounts to about 24,000 debye for T4B and 95,000 debye for fiberless T4. An approximate calculation shows that the difference in dipole moment may be ascribed to positive charges on the fiber tip (at least ten per fiber), to negative charges along the fiber or (and) positive charges on the fiberless particle at those places where the fibers are attached in normal particles.  相似文献   

Organization of the thymidylate synthase gene of herpesvirus saimiri.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Herpesvirus saimiri codes, unlike most other herpesviruses, for a thymidylate synthase (TS). The TS gene of herpesvirus saimiri is unusual in structure and regulation of expression. It is transcribed into a nonspliced mRNA of 2,190 nucleotides. The single open reading frame of the viral TS gene, instructing a polypeptide of 33.5 kilodaltons, has extensive sequence homology with the corresponding TS coding sequences of human cells and of various procaryotes; the putative polypeptide derived from the nucleotide sequence of the herpesvirus saimiri TS gene is 70% identical with the human enzyme. The untranslated regions of the herpesvirus saimiri TS gene do not share homology with the other characterized eucaryotic or bacterial TS genes. The 5' untranslated sequence has 22 ATG triplets shortly followed by stop codons. The herpesvirus saimiri TS gene, which may be weakly transcribed during immediate early and early times of virus replication, is maximally expressed at the late phase. Various parameters suggest that the TS gene has been acquired in virus evolution by an ancestral herpesvirus from the cellular genome.  相似文献   

Group I introns are inserted into genes of a wide variety of bacteriophages of gram-positive bacteria. However, among the phages of enteric and other gram-negative proteobacteria, introns have been encountered only in phage T4 and several of its close relatives. Here we report the insertion of a self-splicing group I intron in the coding sequence of the DNA polymerase genes of PhiI and W31, phages that are closely related to T7. The introns belong to subgroup IA2 and both contain an open reading frame, inserted into structural element P6a, encoding a protein belonging to the HNH family of homing endonucleases. The introns splice efficiently in vivo and self-splice in vitro under mild conditions of ionic strength and temperature. We conclude that there is no barrier for maintenance of group I introns in phages of proteobacteria.  相似文献   

T2, T4, and T6 bacteriophage tRNAs coding for arginine, leucine, proline, isoleucine, and glycine were isolated under conditions of short term and long term infection of Escherichia coli B cells. The corresponding phage tRNA species were examined for sequence homology by RNA-DNA hybridization analysis and by their relative behavior on reversed phase chromatography. The results indicate that all three T-even phages code for similar tRNA species; however, some tRNA species are homologous, others are not, and not all of the same tRNA species are coded by each bacteriophage. Reversed phase chromatography showed the presence of isoacceptor tRNAs for each phage aminoacyl-tRNA species. Pulse-chase experiments for [32P]tRNAGly suggest that the multiple isoacceptor species observed derive from the intracellular modification of a single tRNAGly gene product.  相似文献   

I Riede 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(7):2956-2961
The lysis gene t of the T-even-like bacteriophage K3 has been cloned and sequenced. The gene codes for a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 25,200. Expression of the complete lysis protein was impossible, but peptides complementing T4 amber mutants in t are described. No known lysis protein of other phages is homologous to protein T. Also, the Escherichia coli phospholipase A is different from protein T. CelB, the lysis protein of the colicin E2 operon, shows a similarity to protein T. Sequences of colicins A, E1, and E2 are related to gene 38 sequences, the gene preceding t and coding for the phage adhesin. A common origin for colicin genes and phage genes is discussed, and a protein region in colicins that is responsible for receptor recognition is predicted.  相似文献   

Group I self-splicing introns are present in the td, nrdB and sunY genes of bacteriophage T4. We previously reported that whereas the td intron is present in T2, T4 and T6, the nrdB intron is present in T4 only. These studies, which argue in favor of introns as mobile genetic elements, have been extended by defining the distribution of all three T4 introns in a more comprehensive collection of T2, T4 and T6 isolates. The three major findings are as follows: First, all three introns are inconsistently distributed throughout the T-even phage family. Second, different T2 isolates have different intron complements, with T2H and T2L having no detectable introns. Third, the intron open reading frames are inherited or lost as a unit with their respective flanking intron core elements. Furthermore, exon sequences flanking sites where introns are inserted in the T4 td, sunY and nrdB genes were determined for all the different T-even isolates studied. Six of eighteen residues surrounding the junction sequences are identical. In contrast, a comprehensive comparison of exon sequences in intron plus and intron minus variants of the sunY gene indicate that sequence changes are concentrated around the site of intron occurrence. This apparent paradox may be resolved by hypothesizing that the recombination events responsible for intron acquisition or loss require a consensus sequence, while these same events result in sequence heterogeneity around the site.  相似文献   

The catalytic mechanism for self-splicing of the group I intron in the pre-mRNA from the nrdB gene in bacteriophage T4 has been investigated using 2'-amino- 2'-deoxyguanosine or guanosine as cosubstrates in the presence of Mg2+, Mn2+and Zn2+. The results show that a divalent metal ion interacts with the cosubstrate and thereby influences the efficiency of catalysis in the first step of splicing. This suggests the existence of a metal ion that catalyses the nucleophilic attack of the cosubstrate. Of particular significance is that the transesterification reactions of the first step of splicing with 2'-amino-2'-deoxyguanosine as cosubstrate are more efficient in mixtures containing either Mn2+or Zn2+together with Mg2+than with only magnesium ions present. The experiments in metal ion mixtures show that two (or more) metal ions are crucial for the self-splicing of group I introns and suggest the possibility that more than one of these have a direct catalytic role. A working model for a two-metal-ion mechanism in the transesterification steps is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary The interpretation of experiments with HNO2-inactivated phage T4 published byHarm (1960) and of similar experiments with UV inactivated phages T2 and T4 (Dulbecco 1952,Harm 1956, andEpstein 1958) is discussed. Two alternative theories are used as possible interpretations of the HNO2 experiments: (1) The injection damage theory holding that a fractionJ of the damages caused in a phage by HNO2 treatment prevent participation of the phage in the infectious process. (2) The finite damage theory holding that the damages produced by HNO2 in the genetic material are much larger (have a greater target length) than UV damages, and otherways applying to HNO2 damages the same theory earlier applied to UV-damages (Barricelli 1956 and 1960).Experimental methods to decide between the two theories are indicated. In the conclusion it is shown that the injection damage theory is not valid for UV damages in T2 and T4. In this case the theory is ruled out by the results ofDulbecco's (1952),Harm's (1956) andEpstein's (1958) MR experiments.With 2 Figures in the TextThis investigation was supported by research grant RG-6980 from the Division of General Medical Sciences and C-4437 from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

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