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Liddle's syndrome is a form of inherited hypertension linked to mutations in the genes encoding the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). These mutations alter or delete PY motifs involved in protein-protein interactions with a ubiquitin-protein ligase, Nedd4. Here we show that Na+ transporting cells, derived from mouse cortical collecting duct, express two Nedd4 proteins with different structural organization and characteristics of ENaC regulation: 1) the classical Nedd4 (herein referred to as Nedd4-1) containing one amino-terminal C2, three WW, and one HECT-ubiquitin protein ligase domain and 2) a novel Nedd4 protein (Nedd4-2), homologous to Xenopus Nedd4 and comprising four WW, one HECT, yet lacking a C2 domain. Nedd4-2, but not Nedd4-1, inhibits ENaC activity when coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes and this property correlates with the ability to bind to ENaC, as only Nedd4-2 coimmunoprecipitates with ENaC. Furthermore, this interaction depends on the presence of at least one PY motif in the ENaC complex and on WW domains 3 and 4 in Nedd4-2. Thus, these results suggest that the novel suppressor protein Nedd4-2 is the regulator of ENaC and hence a potential susceptibility gene for arterial hypertension.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) forms the pathway for Na+ absorption across epithelia, including the kidney collecting duct, where it plays a critical role in Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure control. Na+ absorption is regulated in part by mechanisms that control the expression of ENaC at the apical cell surface. Nedd4 family members (e.g. Nedd4, Nedd4-2) bind to the channel and decrease its surface expression by catalyzing its ubiquitination and degradation. Conversely, serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (SGK), a downstream mediator of aldosterone, increases the expression of ENaC at the cell surface. Here we show that SGK and human Nedd4-2 (hNedd4-2) converge in a common pathway to regulate epithelial Na+ absorption. Consistent with this model, we found that SGK bound to hNedd4-2 and hNedd4. A PY motif in SGK mediated the interaction and was required for SGK to stimulate ENaC. SGK phosphorylated hNedd4-2 (but not hNedd4), altering hNedd4-2 function; phosphorylation reduced the binding of hNedd4-2 to alphaENaC, and hence, the hNedd4-2-mediated inhibition of Na+ absorption. These data suggest that SGK regulates epithelial Na+ absorption in part by modulating the function of hNedd4-2.  相似文献   

We recently found that the metabolic sensor AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) inhibits the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) through decreased plasma membrane ENaC expression, an effect requiring the presence of a binding motif in the cytoplasmic tail of the beta-ENaC subunit for the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2. To further examine the role of Nedd4-2 in the regulation of ENaC by AMPK, we studied the effects of AMPK activation on ENaC currents in Xenopus oocytes co-expressing ENaC and wild-type (WT) or mutant forms of Nedd4-2. ENaC inhibition by AMPK was preserved in oocytes expressing WT Nedd4-2 but blocked in oocytes expressing either a dominant-negative (DN) or constitutively active (CA) Nedd4-2 mutant, suggesting that AMPK-dependent modulation of Nedd4-2 function is involved. Similar experiments utilizing WT or mutant forms of the serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (SGK1), modulators of protein kinase A (PKA), or extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) did not affect ENaC inhibition by AMPK, suggesting that these pathways known to modulate the Nedd4-2-ENaC interaction are not responsible. AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of Nedd4-2 expressed in HEK-293 cells occurred both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a potential mechanism for modulation of Nedd4-2 and thus cellular ENaC activity. Moreover, cellular AMPK activation significantly enhanced the interaction of the beta-ENaC subunit with Nedd4-2, as measured by co-immunoprecipitation assays in HEK-293 cells. In summary, these results suggest a novel mechanism for ENaC regulation in which AMPK promotes ENaC-Nedd4-2 interaction, thereby inhibiting ENaC by increasing Nedd4-2-dependent ENaC retrieval from the plasma membrane. AMPK-dependent ENaC inhibition may limit cellular Na+ loading under conditions of metabolic stress when AMPK becomes activated.  相似文献   

Epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) and related channels have large extracellular domains where specific factors interact and induce conformational changes, leading to altered channel activity. However, extracellular structural transitions associated with changes in ENaC activity are not well defined. Using crosslinking and two-electrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes, we identified several pairs of functional intersubunit contacts where mouse ENaC activity was modulated by inducing or breaking a disulfide bond between introduced Cys residues. Specifically, crosslinking E499C in the β-subunit palm domain and N510C in the α-subunit palm domain activated ENaC, whereas crosslinking βE499C with αQ441C in the α-subunit thumb domain inhibited ENaC. We determined that bridging βE499C to αN510C or αQ441C altered the Na+ self-inhibition response via distinct mechanisms. Similar to bridging βE499C and αQ441C, we found that crosslinking palm domain αE557C with thumb domain γQ398C strongly inhibited ENaC activity. In conclusion, we propose that certain residues at specific subunit interfaces form microswitches that convey a conformational wave during ENaC gating and its regulation.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is a heteromeric protein complex playing a fundamental role in Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. Specific mutations inactivating PY motifs in ENaC C termini cause Liddle's syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. Previously we showed that these PY motifs serve as binding sites for the E3 enzyme Nedd4-2, implying ubiquitination as a regulatory mechanism of ENaC. Ubiquitination involves the sequential action of E1, E2, and E3 enzymes. Here we identify the E2 enzyme UBE2E3, which acts in concert with Nedd4-2, and show by coimmunoprecipitation that UBE2E3 and Nedd4-2 interact together. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, UBE2E3 reduces ENaC activity marginally, consistent with Nedd4-2 being the rate-limiting factor in this process, whereas a catalytically inactive mutant of UBE2E3 (UBE2E3-CS) causes elevated ENaC activity by increasing cell surface expression. No additive effect is observed when UBE2E3-CS is coexpressed with an inactive Nedd4-2 mutant, and the stimulatory role of UBE2E3-CS depends on the integrity of the PY motifs (Nedd4-2 binding sites) and the ubiquitination sites on ENaC. In renal mpkCCD(cl4) cells, displaying ENaC-dependent transepithelial Na+ transport, Nedd4-2 and UBE2E3 can be coimmunoprecipitated and overexpression of UBE2E3 affects Na+ transport, corroborating the concept of a concerted action of UBE2E3 and Nedd4-2 in ENaC regulation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that IkappaB kinase-beta (IKKbeta) interacts with the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) beta-subunit and enhances ENaC activity by increasing its surface expression in Xenopus oocytes. Here, we show that the IKKbeta-ENaC interaction is physiologically relevant in mouse polarized kidney cortical collecting duct (mpkCCDc14) cells, as RNA interference-mediated knockdown of endogenous IKKbeta in these cells by approximately 50% resulted in a similar reduction in transepithelial ENaC-dependent equivalent short circuit current. Although IKKbeta binds to ENaC, there was no detectable phosphorylation of ENaC subunits by IKKbeta in vitro. Because IKKbeta stimulation of ENaC activity occurs through enhanced channel surface expression and the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 has emerged as a central locus for ENaC regulation at the plasma membrane, we tested the role of Nedd4-2 in this regulation. IKKbeta-dependent phosphorylation of Xenopus Nedd4-2 expressed in HEK-293 cells occurred both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a potential mechanism for regulation of Nedd4-2 and thus ENaC activity. 32P labeling studies utilizing wild-type or mutant forms of Xenopus Nedd4-2 demonstrated that Ser-444, a key SGK1 and protein kinase A-phosphorylated residue, is also an important IKKbeta phosphorylation target. ENaC stimulation by IKKbeta was preserved in oocytes expressing wild-type Nedd4-2 but blocked in oocytes expressing either a dominant-negative (C938S) or phospho-deficient (S444A) Nedd4-2 mutant, suggesting that Nedd4-2 function and phosphorylation by IKKbeta are required for IKKbeta regulation of ENaC. In summary, these results suggest a novel mode of ENaC regulation that occurs through IKKbeta-dependent Nedd4-2 phosphorylation at a recognized SGK1 and protein kinase A target site.  相似文献   

O Staub  S Dho  P Henry  J Correa  T Ishikawa  J McGlade    D Rotin 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(10):2371-2380
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays a major role in sodium transport in kidney and other epithelia, and in regulating blood pressure. The channel is composed of three subunits (alphabetagamma) each containing two proline-rich sequences (P1 and P2) at its C-terminus. The P2 regions in human beta and gammaENaC, identical to the rat betagammarENaC, were recently shown to be deleted in patients with Liddle's syndrome (a hereditary form of hypertension), leading to hyperactivation of the channel. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have now identified the rat homologue of Nedd4 (rNedd4) as the binding partner for the P2 regions of beta and gammarENaC. rNedd4 contains a Ca2+ lipid binding (CaLB or C2) domain, three WW domains and a ubiquitin ligase (Hect) domain. Our yeast two-hybrid and in vitro binding studies revealed that the rNedd4-WW domains mediate this association by binding to the P2 regions, which include the PY motifs (XPPXY) of either betarENaC (PPPNY) or gammarENaC (PPPRY). SH3 domains were unable to bind these sequences. Moreover, mutations to Ala of Pro616 or Tyr618 within the betarENaC P2 sequence (to PPANY or PPPNA, respectively), recently described in Liddle's patients, led to abrogation of rNedd4-WW binding. Nedd4-WW domains also bound to the proline-rich C-terminus (containing the sequence PPPAY) of alpharENaC, and endogenous Nedd4 co-immunoprecipitated with alpharENaC expressed in MDCK cells. These results demonstrate that the WW domains of rNedd4 bind to the PY motifs deleted from beta or gammaENaC in Liddle's syndrome patients, and suggest that Nedd4 may be a regulator (suppressor) of the epithelial Na+ channel.  相似文献   

As a pathway for Na(+) reabsorption, the epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC is critical for Na(+) homeostasis and blood pressure control. Na(+) transport is regulated by Nedd4-2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that decreases ENaC expression at the cell surface. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we proteolytically cleaved/activated ENaC at the cell surface and then quantitated the rate of disappearance of cleaved channels using electrophysiological and biochemical assays. We found that cleaved ENaC channels were rapidly removed from the cell surface. Deletion or mutation of the Nedd4-2 binding motifs in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC dramatically reduced endocytosis, whereas a mutation that disrupts a YXX? endocytosis motif had no effect. ENaC endocytosis was also decreased by silencing of Nedd4-2 and by expression of a dominant negative Nedd4-2 construct. Conversely, Nedd4-2 overexpression increased ENaC endocytosis in human embryonic kidney 293 cells but had no effect in Fischer rat thyroid epithelia. In addition to its effect on endocytosis, Nedd4-2 also increased the rate of degradation of the cell surface pool of cleaved alphaENaC. Together the data indicate that Nedd4-2 reduces ENaC surface expression by altering its trafficking at two distinct sites in the endocytic pathway, inducing endocytosis of cleaved channels and targeting them for degradation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the intracellularNa+ concentration([Na+]i)is a regulator of the epithelialNa+ channel (ENaC) was tested withthe Xenopus oocyte expression systemby utilizing a dual-electrode voltage clamp.[Na+]iaveraged 48.1 ± 2.2 meq (n = 27)and was estimated from the amiloride-sensitive reversal potential.[Na+]iwas increased by direct injection of 27.6 nl of 0.25 or 0.5 MNa2SO4.Within minutes of injection,[Na+]istabilized and remained elevated at 97.8 ± 6.5 meq(n = 9) and 64.9 ± 4.4 (n = 5) meq 30 min after theinitial injection of 0.5 and 0.25 MNa2SO4,respectively. This increase of[Na+]icaused a biphasic inhibition of ENaC currents. In oocytes injected with0.5 MNa2SO4(n = 9), a rapid decrease of inwardamiloride-sensitive slope conductance(gNa) to 0.681 ± 0.030 of control within the first 3 min and a secondary, slowerdecrease to 0.304 ± 0.043 of control at 30 min were observed.Similar but smaller inhibitions were also observed with the injectionof 0.25 MNa2SO4.Injection of isotonicK2SO4(70 mM) or isotonicK2SO4made hypertonic with sucrose (70 mMK2SO4-1.2M sucrose) was without effect. Injection of a 0.5 M concentration ofeitherK2SO4,N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) sulfate, or 0.75 M NMDG gluconate resulted in a much smaller initial inhibition (<14%) and little or no secondary decrease. Thusincreases of[Na+]ihave multiple specific inhibitory effects on ENaC that can betemporally separated into a rapid phase that was complete within 2-3 min and a delayed slow phase that was observed between 5 and 30 min.


Tetrodotoxin-binding sites were covalently labelled with a highly tritiated derivative of tetrodotoxin. Cross-linking experiments, using dissucinimidyl suberate, on partially purified tetrodotoxin-binding component from electroplax of Electrophorus electricus, revealed covalent labelling of a single polypeptide chain of MW 270,000.  相似文献   

The cardiac voltage-gated Na+ channel H1, involved in the generation of cardiac action potential, contains a C-terminal PY motif (xPPxY). Since PY motifs are known ligands to WW domains, we investigated their role for H1 regulation and the possible involvement of the WW domain containing ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4, taking advantage of the Xenopus oocyte system. Mutation of the PY motif leads to higher peak currents when compared to wild-type channel. Moreover, co-expression of Nedd4 reduced the peak currents, whereas an enzymatically inactive Nedd4 mutant increased them, likely by competing with endogenous Nedd4. The effect of Nedd4 was not observed in the PY motif mutated channel or in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na+ channel, which lacks a PY motif. We conclude that H1 may be regulated by Nedd4 depending on WW-PY interaction, and on an active ubiquitination site.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) absorbs Na+ across the apical membrane of epithelia. The activity of ENaC is controlled by its interaction with Nedd4; mutations that disrupt this interaction increase Na+ absorption, causing an inherited form of hypertension (Liddle's syndrome). Nedd4 contains an N-terminal C2 domain, a C-terminal ubiquitin ligase domain, and multiple WW domains. The C2 domain is thought to be involved in the Ca2+-dependent localization of Nedd4 at the cell surface. However, we found that the C2 domain was not required for human Nedd4 (hNedd4) to inhibit ENaC in both Xenopus oocytes and Fischer rat thyroid epithelia. Rather, hNedd4 lacking the C2 domain inhibited ENaC more potently than wild-type hNedd4. Earlier work indicated that the WW domains bind to PY motifs in the C terminus of ENaC. However, it is not known which WW domains mediate this interaction. Glutathione S-transferase-fusion proteins of WW domains 2-4 each bound to alpha, beta, and gammaENaC in vitro. The interactions were abolished by mutation of two residues. WW domain 3 (but not the other WW domains) was both necessary and sufficient for the binding of hNedd4 to alphaENaC. WW domain 3 was also required for the inhibition of ENaC by hNedd4; inhibition was nearly abolished when WW domain 3 was mutated. However, the interaction between ENaC and WW domain 3 alone was not sufficient for inhibition. Moreover, inhibition was decreased by mutation of WW domain 2 or WW domain 4. Thus, WW domains 2-4 each participate in the functional interaction between hNedd4 and ENaC in intact cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying regulatory interactions of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in Xenopus oocytes are controversial. CFTR's first nucleotide binding domain (NBD-1) may be important in these interactions, because mutations within NBD-1 impair these functional interactions. We hypothesized that an abnormal CFTR containing a non-NBD-1 mutation and able to transport chloride would retain regulatory interactions with murine ENaC (mENaC). We tested this hypothesis for I148T-CFTR, where the mutation is located in CFTR's first intracellular loop. I148T-CFTR has been associated with a severe CF phenotype, perhaps because of defects in its regulation of bicarbonate transport, but it transports chloride similarly to wild-type CFTR in model systems (Choi JY, Muallem D, Kiselyov K, Lee MG, Thomas PJ, Muallem S. Nature 410: 94–97, 2001). cRNAs encoding -mENaC and I148T-CFTR were injected separately or together into Xenopus oocytes. mENaC and CFTR functional expression were assessed by two-electrode voltage clamp. mENaC whole oocyte expression was determined by immunoblotting, and surface expression was quantitated by surface biotinylation. Injection of I148T-CFTR cRNA alone yielded high levels of CFTR functional expression. In coinjected oocytes, mENaC functional and surface expression was not altered by activation of I148T-CFTR with forskolin/ IBMX. Furthermore, the CFTR potentiator genistein both enhanced functional expression of I148T-CFTR and restored regulation of mENaC surface expression by activated I148T-CFTR. These data suggest that the ability to transport chloride is not a critical determinant of regulation of mENaC by activated CFTR in Xenopus oocytes and provide further evidence that I148T-CFTR is dysfunctional despite maintaining the ability to transport chloride. cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; genistein  相似文献   

Cl- interference with the epithelial Na+ channel ENaC   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a protein kinase A and ATP-regulated Cl- channel that also controls the activity of other membrane transport proteins, such as the epithelial Na+ channel ENaC. Previous studies demonstrated that cytosolic domains of ENaC are critical for down-regulation of ENaC by CFTR, whereas others suggested a role of cytosolic Cl- ions. We therefore examined in detail the anion dependence of ENaC and the role of its cytosolic domains for the inhibition by CFTR and the Cl- channel CLC-0. Coexpression of rat ENaC with human CFTR or the human Cl- channel CLC-0 caused inhibition of amiloride-sensitive Na+ currents after cAMP-dependent stimulation and in the presence of a 100 mM bath Cl- concentration. After activation of CFTR by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and forskolin or expression of CLC-0, the intracellular Cl- concentration was increased in Xenopus oocytes in the presence of a high bath Cl- concentration, which inhibited ENaC without changing surface expression of alpha beta gammaENaC. In contrast, a 5 mM bath Cl- concentration reduced the cytosolic Cl- concentration and enhanced ENaC activity. ENaC was also inhibited by injection of Cl- into oocytes and in inside/out macropatches by exposure to high cytosolic Cl- concentrations. The effect of Cl- was mimicked by Br-, Br-, NO3(-), and I-. Inhibition by Cl- was reduced in trimeric channels with a truncated COOH terminus of betaENaC and gammaENaC, and it was no longer detected in dimeric alpha deltaCbeta ENaC channels. Deletion of the NH2 terminus of alpha-, beta-, or gammaENaC, mutations in the NH2-terminal phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate-binding domain of betaENaC and gammaEnaC, and activation of phospholipase C, all reduced ENaC activity but allowed for Cl(-)-dependent inhibition of the remaining ENaC current. The results confirm a role of the carboxyl terminus of betaENaC for Cl(-)-dependent inhibition of the Na+ channel, which, however, may only be part of a complex regulation of ENaC by CFTR.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), composed of three subunits (alphabetagamma), is expressed in various Na(+)-absorbing epithelia and plays a critical role in salt and water balance and in the regulation of blood pressure. By using patch clamp techniques, we have examined the effect of cytosolic ATP on the activity of the rat alphabetagammaENaC (rENaC) stably expressed in NIH-3T3 cells and in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells. The inward whole-cell current attributable to rENaC activity ran down when these cells were dialyzed with an ATP-free pipette solution in the conventional whole-cell voltage-clamping technique. This run down was prevented by 2 mM ATP (but not by AMP or ADP) in the pipette solution or by the poorly or non-hydrolyzable analogues of ATP (adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) and adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imino)triphosphate) in both cell lines, suggesting that protection from run down was mediated through non-hydrolytic nucleotide binding. Accordingly, we demonstrate binding of ATP (but not AMP) to alpharENaC expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, which was inhibited upon mutation of the two putative nucleotide-binding motifs of alpharENaC. Single channel analyses indicated that the run down of currents observed in the whole-cell recording was attributable to run down of channel activity, defined as NPo (the product of the number of channels and open probability). We propose that this novel ATP regulation of ENaC may be, at least in part, involved in the fine-tuning of ENaC activity under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions.  相似文献   

Indirect activation of the epithelial Na+ channel by trypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested the hypothesis that the serine protease trypsin can indirectly activate the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Experiments were carried out in Xenopus oocytes and examined the effects on the channel formed by all three human ENaC subunits and that formed by Xenopus epsilon and human beta and gamma subunits (epsilonbetagammaENaC). Low levels of trypsin (1-10 ng/ml) were without effects on the oocyte endogenous conductances and were specifically used to test the effects on ENaC. Addition of 1 ng/ml trypsin for 60 min stimulated the amiloride-sensitive human ENaC conductance (g(Na)) by approximately 6-fold. This effect on the g(Na) was [Na(+)]-independent, thereby ruling out an interaction with channel feedback inhibition by Na(+). The indirect nature of this activation was confirmed in cell-attached patch clamp experiments with trypsin added to the outside of the pipette. Trypsin was comparatively ineffective at activating epsilonbetagammaENaC, a channel that exhibited a high spontaneous open probability. These observations, in combination with surface binding experiments, indicated that trypsin indirectly activated membrane-resident channels. Activation by trypsin was also dependent on catalytic activity of this protease but was not accompanied by channel subunit proteolysis. Channel activation was dependent on downstream activation of G-proteins and was blocked by G-protein inhibition by injection of guanyl-5'-yl thiophosphate and by pre-stimulation of phospholipase C. These data indicate a receptor-mediated activation of ENaC by trypsin. This trypsin-activated receptor is distinct from that of protease-activated receptor-2, because the response to trypsin was unaffected by protease-activated receptor-2 overexpression or knockdown.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) belongs to the structurally conserved ENaC/Degenerin superfamily. These channels are blocked by amiloride and its analogues. Several amino acid residues have been implicated in amiloride binding. Primary among these are alphaSer-583, betaGly-525, and gammaGly-542, which are present at a homologous site within the three subunits of ENaC. Mutations of the beta and gamma glycines greatly weakened amiloride block, but, surprisingly, mutation of the serine of the alpha subunit resulted in moderate (<5-fold) weakening of amiloride K(i). We investigated the role of alphaSer-583 in amiloride binding by systematically mutating alphaSer-583 and analyzing the mutant channels with two-electrode voltage clamp. We observed that most mutations had moderate effects on amiloride block, whereas those introducing rings showed dramatic effects on amiloride block. In addition, mutations introducing a beta-methyl group at this site altered the electric field of ENaC, affecting both amiloride binding and the voltage dependence of channel gating. We also found that the His mutation, in addition to greatly weakening amiloride binding, appends a voltage-sensitive gate within the pore of ENaC at low pH. Because diverse residues at alpha583, such as Asn, Gln, Ser, Gly, Thr, and Ala, have similar amiloride binding affinities, our results suggest that the wild type Ser side chain is not important for amiloride binding. However, given that some alphaSer-583 mutations affect the electrical properties of the channel whereas those introducing rings greatly weaken amiloride block, we conclude that amiloride binds at or near this site and that alphaSer-583 may have a role in ion permeation through ENaC.  相似文献   

Although recent studies show that the 14-3-3 protein is a negative regulator of ubiquitin E3 protein ligases, the molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. We previously demonstrated that 14-3-3 specifically binds one of the E3 enzymes, Nedd4-2 (a human gene product of KIAA0439, termed hNedd4-2), which can be phosphorylated by serum glucocorticoid-inducible protein kinase 1 (SGK1); this binding protects the phosphorylated/inactive hNedd4-2 from phosphatase-catalyzed dephosphorylation [Ichimura, T., et al. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 13187-13194]. Here we report an additional mechanism of 14-3-3-mediated regulation of hNedd4-2. Using surface plasmon resonance spectrometry, we show that 14-3-3 inhibits the interaction between the WW domains of hNedd4-2 and the PY motif of the epithelial Na(+) channel, ENaC. The inhibition was dose-dependent and was dependent on SGK1-catalyzed phosphorylation of Ser468 located between the WW domains. Importantly, a mutant of hNedd4-2, which can be phosphorylated by SGK1 but cannot bind 14-3-3, reduced SGK1-mediated stimulation of the ENaC-induced current in Xenopus laevis oocytes. In addition, 14-3-3 had similar effects on hNedd4-2 that had been phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Our results, together with the recent finding on 14-3-3/parkin interactions [Sato, S., et al. (2006) EMBO J. 25, 211-221], suggest that 14-3-3 suppresses ubiquitin E3 ligase activities by inhibiting the formation of the enzyme/substrate complex.  相似文献   

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