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NMR titration curves are reported for the 4 histidine residues of ribonuclease A in sodium acetate and for ribonuclease S in sodium acetate, phosphate, and sulfate solutions. Evidence is presented that the imidazole side chain of histidine residue 48 undergoes a conformational change, probably also involving the carboxyl side chain of aspartic acid residue 14. This group is considered to be responsible for the low pH inflection with pKa 4.2 present in the NMR titration curve of the C-2 proton resonance of histidine 48. The NMR titration curves of the active site histidine residues 12 and 119 also exhibit inflections at low pH values, although there is no carboxyl group within 9 A of the imidazole side chain of histidine residue 12 in the structure of ribonuclease S determined by x-ray crystallography (Wyckoff, H. W., Tsernoglou, D., Hanson, A. W. Knox, J. R., Lee, B., and Richards, F. M. (1970) J. Biol. Chem. 245, 305-328). Curve fitting was carried out on 11 sets of NMR titration data using a model in which the 3 histidine residues 12, 119, and 48 are assumed to be affected by a common carboxyl group. The results obtained indicate that such a model with fewer parameters gives as good a representation of the data as the model in which each histidine residue is assumed to interact separately with a different carboxyl group. Therefore, it is concluded that the ionization of aspartic acid residue 14 is indirectly experienced by the active site histidine residues through the conformational change at histidine 48. A model assuming mutual interaction of the active site histidine residues does not account for the low pH inflections in these curves.  相似文献   

Aromatic side-chains are found in the vicinity of histidine residues in many proteins and protein complexes. We have studied the interaction between a histidine residue (His18) and aromatic residues at position 94 in barnase. Three different techniques have been applied to show that Trp94 interacts more strongly with the protonated form of His18. The aromatic-histidine interaction stabilizes the protonated form of histidine by 0.8 to 1 kcal mol-1 relative to the unprotonated and, thereby, increases its pKa value. This was shown indirectly from the pH dependence of the stability of the wild-type protein and the mutant Trp94----Leu; and directly from the difference in pKa of His18 between wild-type barnase and the same mutant protein, and from double-mutant cycles that measure the total interaction energy of Trp94 with His18 at both low and high pH. When Trp94 is replaced by other aromatic amino acids, the strength of the interaction decreases in the series His-Trp greater than His-Tyr greater than His-Phe. The interaction is not masked by high salt concentrations. The raising of the pKa value of His18 by interaction with Trp94 is shown to be consistent with solution studies with model compounds. The histidine-aromatic interaction could have implications in binding and catalysis for modulation of the histidine pKa value.  相似文献   

One of the four titrating histidine ring C-2 proton resonances of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease has been assigned to histidine residue 12. This was accomplished by a direct comparison of the rate of tritium incorporation into position C-2 of histidine 12 of S-peptide (residues 1 to 20) derived from ribonuclease S, with the rates of deuterium exchange of the four histidine C-2 proton resonances of ribonuclease S under the same experimental conditions. The same assignment was obtained by a comparison of the NMR titration curves of ribonuclease S, the noncovalent complex of S-peptide and S-protein (residues 21 to 124) with the results for the recombined complex in which position C-2 of histidine 12 was fully deuterated. The second active site histidine resonance was assigned to histidine residue 119 by consideration of the NMR titration results fro carboxymethylated histidines and 1-carboxymethylhistidine 119 ribonuclease. This assignment is a reversal of that originally reported, and has important implications for the interpretation of NMR titration data of ribonuclease.  相似文献   

The histidine C-2 proton NMR titration curves of ribonuclease S-peptide (residues 1 to 20) and S-protein (residues 21 to 124) are reported. Although S-protein contains 3 histidine residues, four discrete resonances are observed to titrate. One of these arises from the equivalent histidine residues of unfolded S-protein. The variation in area of the four resonances indicate that there is a reversible pH-dependent equilibrium between the folded and unfolded forms of S-protein, with some unfolded material being present at most pH values. Two of the resonances of the folded S-protein can be assigned to 2 of the histidine residues, 48 and 105, from the close similarity of their titration curves to those in ribonuclease. These similarities indicate a homology of portions of the folded conformation of S-protein to that of ribonuclease in solution. These results indicate that the complete amino acid sequence is not required to produce a folded conformation similar to the native globular protein, and they appear to eliminate the possibility that proteins fold from their NH2 terminus during protein synthesis. The low pH inflection present in the titration curve assigned to histidine residue 48 in ribonuclease is absent from this curve in S-protein. This is consistent with our previous conclusion that this inflection arises from the interaction of histidine 48 with aspartic acid residue 14, which is also absent in S-protein. The third titrating resonance of native S-protein is assigned to the remaining histidine residue at position 119. The properties of this resonance are not identical with either of the titration curves of the active site histidine residues 12 and 119 of ribonuclease. The resonance assigned to histidine 119 is the only one significantly affected on the addition of sodium phosphate to S-protein, indicating that some degree of phosphate binding occurs. In both the absence and presence of phosphate this curve also lacks the low pH inflection observed in the histidine 119 NMR titration curve in ribonuclease. This difference presumably arise from a conformational between ribonuclease and the folded S-protein involving a carboxyl group.  相似文献   

The rates of exchange of the C-2 protons of histidine residues in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase are substantially decreased by metal ion binding. This observation was used to distinguish between ligand and non ligand histidine residues in bovine and yeast copper-zinc superoxide dismutases; the effect was shown to depend only on metal ion co-ordination and not as a consequence of concomitant changes in protein structure. Selective deuteration of the zinc-only proteins at pH (uncorrected pH-meter reading) 8.2 and 50 degrees C resulted in the distinction between copper and zinc ligand resonances in the 1H n.m.r. spectrum of the enzymes. This method is proposed as a generally applicable technique for identifying histidine residues as ligands in metalloproteins.  相似文献   

This paper presents and assesses the hypothesis that the proton leak across the mitochondrial inner membrane is an important contributor to standard metabolic rate, and that increases in the amount of mitochondrial inner membrane may be important in causing changes in proton leak and in the standard metabolic rate. The standard metabolic rate of an animal is known to be a function of body mass, phylogeny and thyroid status, and is largely attributed to the metabolically active internal organs. The total area of mitochondrial inner membrane in these organs correlates well with standard metabolic rate over a wide range of body masses in both ectotherms and endotherms. In hepatocytes isolated from rats, proton leak across the mitochondrial inner membrane accounts for about 30% of the resting oxygen consumption, and the distribution of control over respiration suggests that changes in mitochondrial inner membrane surface area will be accompanied by significant changes in the proton leak. This change in the leak will result in significant changes in resting oxygen consumption, but changes in ATP demand may also have a role to play in determining resting respiration rate. Extrapolation of these results to other tissues and other animals suggests that the hypothesis has the potential to explain a substantial proportion of the variation in standard metabolic rate with body mass, phylogeny and thyroid status. However, in most cases the quantitative contribution of proton leak compared to cellular ATP turnover has yet to be experimentally determined.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to validate the pathogenic significance of eight human mutations in the gene encoding for the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma, namely G303R, S305R, R386H, R574W, P625R, D930N, K947R and P1073L, among which three are novel and four are of unclear pathological significance. Mitochondrial DNA extended and point mutability as well as dominance/recessivity of each mutation has been evaluated. The analysis in yeast revealed that two mutations, S305R and R386H, cannot be the sole cause of pathology observed in patients. These data led us to search for a second mutation in compound with S305R and we found a mutation, P1073L, missed in the first genetic analysis. Finally, a significant rescue of extended mutability has been observed for several dominant mutations by treatment with mitochondrial antioxidants.  相似文献   

Four titrating histidine ring C2 and C4 proton resonances are observed in 220 MHz proton NMR spectra of human metmyoglobin as a function of pH. Values of ionization constants determined from the NMR titration data using an equation describing a simple proton association-dissociation equilibrium are curves (1) 6.6, (2) 7.0, (3) 5.8, and (4) 7.4. Four histidine residues have also been found to be solvent-accessible in human metmyoglobin by carboxymethylation studies (Harris, C.M., and Hill, R.L. (1969) J. Biol. Chem. 244, 2195-2203). Two of the titration curves (3 and 4) deviate significantly from the chemical shift values normally observed for histidine C2 proton resonances. Curve 3, with a low pKa, is shifted downfield at high values of pH and also exhibits a second minor inflection with a pKa value of 8.8. On the other hand, the high pKa curve, 4, is shifted upfield at all values of pH. The characteristics of the NMR titration curves with the lowest and highest pKa values (3 and4) are very similar to curves observed previously with sperm whale and horse metmyoglobins (Cohen, J.S., Hagenmaier, H., Pollard, H., and Schechter, A.N. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 71, 513-519). These results indicate that the histidine residues from which these curves are derived have unusual and characteristic environments in this series of homologous proteins. The NMR spectra of all three metmyoglobins are changed extensively as a result of azide ion binding, indicating conformational changes affecting the environments of several imidazole side chains. The presence of azide ion causes a selective downfield chemical shift for the low pKa curve and a selective upfield chemical shift for the high pKa curve in all three proteins. Azide also abolishes the second inflection seen in the low pKa curve at high pH. In addition to these effects, the presence of azide ion permits the observation of two additional titrating proton resonances for all three metmyoglobins. Increasing the azide to protein ratio at several fixed values of pH yields results which show that a slow exchange process is occurring with each of the metmyoglobins. In the azide titration studies the maximum changes in the NMR spectra occurred at approximately equimolar concentrations. The NMR results for these proteins in the absence and presence of azide ion are related to x-ray crystallographic studies of sperm whale metmyoglobin and the known alkylation properties of the histidine residues. Tentative assignments of the titrating resonances observed are suggested.  相似文献   

Observation of the 93-kDa cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase by 500-MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy in H2O has revealed a series of resonances in the 10-18 ppm range arising from exchangeable protons. One of these (peak A) has been assigned to the proton bound to the ring nitrogen of the coenzyme pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. A second (peak B) is assigned to H143 which participates in a chain of hydrogen bonds that includes also the coenzyme-bound proton. There is a mutual nuclear Overhauser effect between these two resonances. Peaks A and B respond to changes in pH and to interaction of the enzyme with coenzyme derivatives and inhibitors. Peak A moves from 15.4 to 17.4 ppm as the pH is lowered, while peak B moves in the opposite direction from 14.7 to 13.7 ppm, both with an apparent pKa of 6.15. This pKa is associated with deprotonation of the imine nitrogen at the Schiff base linkage of the coenzyme with K258 of the enzyme. In spectra of enzyme containing pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate, peak A is observed at 16.5 ppm and peak B is at 13.9 ppm over a broad pH range. Peaks A and B are found at 17.8 and 14.0 ppm, respectively, for the enzyme complex with glutarate. When alpha-methylaspartate is added to the enzyme several new resonances appear in the spectrum, which are attributed to formation of the external aldimine. The position of peak A in spectra of various forms of the enzyme is interpreted to reflect the electronic distribution in the coenzyme ring. Several other peaks in this region of the spectrum also are sensitive to changes in pH or the addition of inhibitors. Some possible assignments of these resonances are discussed.  相似文献   

The ionization constants of 3 of the histidine residues of ribonuclease A have beenobtained at 5 temperatures from the nuclear magnetic resonance titration curves of the imidazole C2 proton resonances. Thermodynamic parameters derived from the ionization constants indicate that histidine residues 105 and 119 are fairly well exposed to solvent, while histidine residue 12 is in a somewhat more restricted environment. Measurements of the low pH inflection present in the titration curve of histidine-12 yield a large negative entropy value, indicating that the group givine rise to this inflection is also buried.  相似文献   

Peptide histidine valine (PHV) is a 42 amino acid polypeptide closely related to the neuropeptides VIP, PHI and PHM. We have performed a placebo-controlled, double-blind study to assess the hypothesis that the cardiovascular response to PHV infusion may be mediated via the sympathetic nervous system. Four subjects received atenolol or matched placebo 90 min prior to a controlled incremental infusion of PHV, with monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure and skin temperature. Following placebo all subjects showed a dose-related increase in heart rate and skin temperature with no effect on blood pressure during PHV infusion. beta-Blockade had no effect on skin temperature response. Pre-treatment with atenolol reduced the resting blood pressure and the maximum heart rate achieved, but did not affect the percentage increase in heart rate during PHV infusion. This suggests that the action of PHV does not involve beta-receptors. The lack of effect of PHV infusion on blood pressure, despite tachycardia and marked cutaneous vasodilatation, implies that PHV has a different effect on the resistance vessels from that of other peptides such as VIP.  相似文献   

Studies were done to examine direct binding of the first enzyme of the histidine biosynthetic pathway (phosphoribosyltransferase) to 32P-labeled phi80dhis DNA and competition of this binding by unlabeled homologous DNA and by various preparations of unlabeled heterologous DNA, including that from a defective phi80 bacteriophage carrying the histidine operon with a deletion of part of its operator region. Our findings show that phosphoribosyltransferase binds specifically to site in or near the regulatory region of the histidine operon. The stability of the complex formed by interaction of the enzyme with the DNA was markedly decreased by the substrates of the enzyme and was slightly increased by the allosteric inhibitor, histidine. These findings are consistent with previous data that indicate that phosphoribosyltransferase plays a role in regulating expression of the histidine operon.  相似文献   

Motivated by the results of Neyton and Miller (1988. J. Gen. Physiol. 92:549-586), suggesting that the Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel has four high affinity ion binding sites, we propose a physically attractive variant of the single-vacancy conduction mechanism for this channel. Simple analytical expressions for conductance, current, flux ratio exponent, and reversal potential under bi-ionic conditions are found. A set of conductance data are analyzed to determine a realistic range of parameter values. Using these, we find qualitative agreement with a variety of experimental results previously reported in the literature. The exquisite selectivity of the Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel may be explained as a consequence of the concerted motion of the "stack" in the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Several exchangeable resonances, designated a, b, c and d are observed in the 11-14 ppm (from 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate) region of the proton spectrum of ribonuclease A in water solution. We describe a number of lines of evidence suggesting the assignment of peaks b and c to the N1 and N3 protons of His 48, which occupies an interior position in the protein remote from the active site. This evidence includes the observation that the binding of Cu(II) and 3'-CMP (cytidine 3'-monophosphate) has no effect on these resonances. Further evidence includes pH titration data showing a pKa of approx. 2 for these protons, solvent exchange rates in the native state and with disulfide bridges IV-V and III-VIII cleaved, the observation of the carboxymethylated enzymes CM-His12-RNAase A and CM-His119-RNAase A, and of the modified enzymes Des(1-21)-RNAase A (S-protein) and Des(119-124)-RNAase A.  相似文献   

Some biochemical indices of peripheral blood and spleen and the survival rate of albino rats after whole-body uniform irradiation with 1000 MeV protons delivered in two ways have been studied. The data obtained indicate that the dose rate contributes to the biological effect of impulse proton radiation.  相似文献   

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