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An RNA directed DNA polymerase was purified over 2500 fold from gibbon ape leukemia virus by successive column chromatography on Sephadex G100, DEAE cellulose, phosphocellulose and hydroxyapatite. The purified DNA polymerase has a molecular weight of 68 000, a pH optimum of 7.5, a Mn2+ optimum of 0.8 mM, and KCl optimum of 80 mM. The purified enzyme transcribes heteropolymeric regions of viral 60-70 S RNA isolated from avian myeloblastosis virus, Rauscher murine leukemia virus and simian sarcoma virus and it is inhibited by antiserum prepared against either gibbon ape leukemia virus or simian sarcoma virus DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

The three type C retroviruses, gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV), simian sarcoma-associated virus (SSAV), and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B), infect human cells by interacting with the same cell surface receptor, GLVR1. Using LacZ retroviral pseudotypes and murine cells transfected with mutant GLVR1 expression vectors, we show that the same 9-amino-acid region of human GLVR1 is critical for infection by the three viruses. Rat cells were not susceptible to infection by LacZ (FeLV-B) pseudotypes because of a block at the receptor level. We found multiple amino acid differences from human GLVR1 in the 9-amino-acid critical region of rat GLVR1. Expression of a human-rat chimeric GLVR1 in murine cells demonstrated that rat GLVR1 could function as a receptor for GALV and SSAV but not for FeLV-B. Substitution of human GLVR1 amino acids in the critical region of rat GLVR1 identified three amino acids as responsible for resistance to FeLV-B infection; two of these affect SSAV infection, but none affects GALV infection.  相似文献   

Cell lines competent to infection by DNA from cultures chronically infected by type C viruses of the simian sarcoma virus and baboon endogenous virus groups were identified. Significant differences were observed in the relative susceptibility of some cell lines to infection by a given proviral DNA. Practical applications of transfection techniques for the separation of viruses from dually infected cultures and to free virus stocks from mycoplasmal contamination are described.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) enhancer AP-1 element and the simian virus 40 AP-1 enhancer element bind different factors in HeLa nuclear extracts. A 39-kilodalton HeLa nuclear protein and the c-fos protein bind to the GALV element. Antibodies to c-fos abolish binding to the GALV AP-1 site. In contrast, anti-c-fos immunoglobulin fails to inhibit formation of the simian virus 40-specific complex from extracts of HeLa cells. Thus, AP-1-binding complexes are subject to compositional variation at different binding sites.  相似文献   

T Vogel  Y Gluzman    N Kohn 《Journal of virology》1979,29(1):153-160
Three different groups of temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40, isolated and characterized by Chou and Martin (J. Virol. 13:1101--1109, 1974), have been analyzed by using restriction endonucleases. Differences between the restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern of these mutants and that of the standard simian virus 40 strain have been mapped. These include the following observations: (i) tsD202 carries a defective HaeIII cleavage site at position 0.9 map units; (ii) tsB204 exhibits a defective HaIII site at position 0.21 and a defective HinIII site at 0.655 map units, and (iii) tsC219 carries a new HinIII site at position 0.15. We have isolated a few wild-type revertants from each of the temperature-sensitive mutant strains; each displays the endonuclease cleavage pattern of its parental temperature-sensitive strain.  相似文献   

From purified linear and superhelical DNAs, the restriction endonuclease maps of four xenotropic murine leukemia virus DNAs from NFS, NZB, BALB/c, and AKR mice were determined with ten restriction endonucleases. Each xenotropic proviral DNA was found to be a unique restriction endonuclease map, with differences in the gag, pol, env, and terminal repeated sequence regions. However, type-specific SacI and EcoRI sites in the env region were identical in all four xenotropic murine leukemia virus DNAs and were not found in ecotropic murine leukemia virus DNA. Comparison of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus DNA maps with maps of ecotropic murine leukemia virus DNA showed that the pol and terminal repeated sequence regions were highly conserved. Other similarities in ecotropic and some xenotropic viral DNAs suggest common origins.  相似文献   

A detailed restriction map was deduced for the genome of the exogenous bovine leukemia virus. The cleavage sites for nine restriction enzymes were mapped. The unintegrated linear viral DNA intermediate that is produced by infection of permissive cells with bovine leukemia virus was isolated. The linear viral DNA had a unique restriction map, indicating that it is not a set of random circular permutations of the RNA genome. From hybridization with a 3'-enriched probe, the DNA restriction map was aligned relative to the 5'-to-3' orientation of the viral RNA. Restriction enzyme analysis of integrated bovine leukemia virus information present in animals with enzootic bovine leukosis provided evidence for the existence of genetic variants of the virus.  相似文献   

The gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) contains enhancer activity within its long terminal repeat. In the GALV Seato strain this activity resides in a 48-base-pair (bp) repeated element. We demonstrate the existence of a cellular protein which binds in this region of the Seato strain. A sensitive method for enriching protein-DNA complexes from crude extracts coupled with exonuclease and DNase footprint analysis revealed the specific binding of this protein to a 21-bp region within each repeated element. A 22-bp oligonucleotide fragment defined solely by the 21-bp footprint binds a protein in vitro and displays enhancer activity in vivo, suggesting that this protein is a major determinant of GALV enhancer activity. The protein is present in three cell lines which are positive for enhancer activity and is not detected in Jurkat cells, which are negative for enhancer activity. Only GALV long-terminal-repeat variants which support high levels of enhancer activity in vivo compete with this protein for specific binding in vitro, suggesting a potential role for the protein in determining enhancer activity. This protein binding is not inhibited by competition with heterologous retroviral enhancers, demonstrating that it is not a ubiquitous retroviral enhancer binding protein.  相似文献   

Pseudotypes of gibbon ape leukemia virus/simian sarcoma-associated virus (GALV/SSAV) and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B) have been constructed by rescuing a Moloney murine leukemia virus vector genome with wild-type GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. The resulting recombinant viruses utilized core and envelope proteins from the wild-type virus and conferred resistance to growth in L-histidinol upon infected cells by virtue of the HisD gene encoded by the vector genome. They displayed the host range specificity of the rescuing viruses and could be neutralized by virus-specific antisera. Receptor cross-interference was observed when the GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B pseudotypes were used to superinfect cells productively infected with either GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. Although murine cells are resistant to FeLV-B infection, murine cells expressing the human gene for the GALV/SSAV receptor became susceptible to FeLV-B infection. Therefore GALV/SSAV and FeLV-B utilize the same cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

We have constructed hybrid retrovirus packaging cell lines that express the gibbon ape leukemia virus env and the Moloney murine leukemia virus gag-pol proteins. These cells were used to produce a retrovirus vector at over 10(6) CFU/ml, with a host range that included rat, hamster, bovine, cat, dog, monkey, and human cells. The gag-pol and env expression plasmids were separately transfected to reduce the potential for helper virus production, which was not observed. The NIH 3T3 mouse cells from which the packaging lines were made are not infectable by gibbon ape leukemia virus; thus, the generation and spread of possible recombinant viruses in the packaging cells is greatly reduced. These simian virus-based packaging cells extend the host range of currently available murine and avian packaging cells and should be useful for efficient gene transfer into higher mammals.  相似文献   

Closed circular unintegrated DNA of the SEATO strain of gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV-S) was isolated from canine thymus fibroblasts after cocultivation with chronically infected bat lung fibroblasts. Restriction endonuclease HindIII cleaves GaLV-S DNA once, thus allowing isolation and cloning of HindIII-digested unintegrated DNA in a permitted form. Two clones isolated in the vector, Charon 21A, were nearly identical by restriction enzyme mapping to each of the two types of GaLV-S previously observed. These two types differ at a single SalI site. Unlike previous maps of GaLV-S proviral DNA, however, both clones lack SstI sites in the long-terminal-repeat units. Both the GaLV-S clones and the major species of GaLV-S proviral DNA contain an EcoRI site in the long-terminal-repeat units. The presence of this EcoRI site and the absence of an SstI site in the GaLV-S long-terminal-repeat units differentiate it from all other known GaLV strains and from the closely related nononcogenic simian sarcoma-associated virus. Heteroduplex comparisons of each of the two clones to clones of simian sarcoma-associated virus show no obvious deletion or substitution loops. This suggests that the ability of GaLV-S to induce myeloid leukemia in gibbon apes in not due to an acquired onc gene.  相似文献   

The P1 restriction endonuclease (EcoP1) prepared from a P1 lysogen of Escherichia coli makes one double-strand break in simian virus (SV40) DNA. In the presence of cofactors S-adenosylmethionine and ATP the enzyme cleaves 70% of the closed circular SV40 DNA molecules once to produce unit-length linear molecules and renders the remaining 30% resistant to further cleavage. No molecules were found by electron microscopy or by gel electrophoresis that were cleaved more than once. It would appear that the double-strand break is made by two nearly simultaneous single-strand breaks, since no circular DNA molecules containing one single-strand break were found as intermediates during the cleavage reaction. The EcoP1 endonuclease-cleaved linear SV40 DNA molecules are not cleaved at a unique site, as shown by the generation of about 65% circular molecules after denaturation and renaturation. These EcoP1 endonuclease-cleaved, renatured circular molecules are resistant to further cleavage by EcoP1 endonuclease.The EcoP1 endonuclease cleavage sites on SV40 DNA were mapped relative to the partial denaturation map and to the EcoRI and HpaII restriction endonuclease cleavage sites. These maps suggest there are a minimum of four unique but widely spaced cleavage sites at 0.09, 0.19, 0.52, and 0.66 SV40 units relative to the EcoRI site. The frequency of cleavage at any particular site differs from that at another site. If S-adenosylmethionine is omitted from the enzyme reaction mix, SV40 DNA is cleaved into several fragments.An average of 4.6 ± 1 methyl groups are transferred to SV40 DNA from S-adenosylmethionine during the course of a normal reaction containing the cofactors. Under conditions which optimize this methylation, 7 ± 1 methyl groups can be transferred to DNA. This methylation protects most of the molecules from further cleavage. The methyl groups were mapped relative to the Hemophilus influenzae restriction endonuclease fragments. The A fragment receives three to four methyl groups and the B and G fragments each receive one to two methyl groups. These fragments correspond to those in which cleavage sites are located.  相似文献   

The murine gene Fv-1 predominantly controls the outcome of infection by murine ecotropic retroviruses. The inhibition of virus replication by the Fv-1 gene product has been determined to be at an early stage in virus replication. Mechanistically, its effect appears to be on the accumulation of unintegrated proviral DNA or its integration or both. We investigated the synthesis of unintegrated proviral DNA, using several clones of B-, N-, or NB-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus. Our results indicate that the accumulation of B-tropic proviral DNA in NIH cells may be inhibited at either the level of linear (form III) or covalently closed circular DNA (form I), depending upon the degree of restriction of the clone of virus used. We confirmed that there is an effect of the Fv-1 gene on the accumulation of form I DNA of either B- or N-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus. However, the decrease in infectious centers effected by the Fv-1 gene did not correlate quantitatively with the effect on form I proviral DNA produced by N-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus in nonpermissive cells. Lastly, we demonstrated in nonpermissively infected NIH cells that a rapidly migrating doublet of viral DNA is formed.  相似文献   

The 5'-terminal regions of gibbon ape leukemia virus-Hall's Island and Rauscher murine leukemia virus have been completely sequenced. The chain length for the 5'-terminal region of Rauscher murine leukemia virus is 140 nucleotides, and that for gibbon ape leukemia virus-Hall's Island is 144 nucleotides. An alignment of the sequences maximizing the number of ocrrespondences with the minimum introduction of gaps shows 81% nucleotide matches. From the complementary RNA, secondary structures of this region have been proposed. These data demonstrate the conservation of the 5'-terminal genetic sequences of these viruses and strongly reinforce the concept that viruses of murine origin and viruses of the gibbon ape leukemia virus-Simian sarcoma-associated virus group are closely related.  相似文献   

Glvr1 encodes the human receptor for gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B), while the related gene Glvr2 encodes the human receptor for amphotropic murine leukemia viruses (A-MLVs). The two proteins are 62% identical in their amino acid sequences and are predicted to have 10 transmembrane domains and five extracellular loops. A stretch of nine amino acids (region A) in the predicted fourth extracellular loop was previously shown to be critical for the function of Glvr1 as receptor for GALV and FeLV-B. Glvr1 and -2 show clusters of amino acid differences in several of their predicted extracellular loops, with the highest degree of divergence in region A. Chimeras were made between the two genes to further investigate the role of Glvr1 region A in defining receptor specificity for GALV and FeLV-B and to map which regions of Glvr2 control receptor specificity for A-MLVs. Region A from Glvr1 was sufficient to confer receptor specificity for GALV upon Glvr2, with the same chimera failing to act as a receptor for FeLV-B. However, introduction of additional N- or C-terminal Glvr1-encoding sequences in addition to Glvr1 region A-encoding sequences resulted in functional FeLV-B receptors. Therefore, FeLV-B is dependent on Glvr1 sequences outside region A for infectivity. The receptor specificity of Glvr2 for A-MLV could not be mapped to a single critical region; rather, N-terminal as well as C-terminal Glvr2-encoding sequences could confer specificity for A-MLV infection upon Glvr1. Surprisingly, though GALV/FeLV-B and A-MLV belong to different interference groups, some chimeras functioned as receptors for all three viruses.  相似文献   

Sa/I restriction endonuclease maps of FII incompatibility group R plasmids.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
SalI restriction endonuclease maps of FII incompatibility group R plasmids NR1, NR84, and R6 have been determined by sequential digestion of plasmid DNA with EcoRI and SalI and subsequent analysis of the fragments by electrophoresis on agarose gels. In the composite R plasmid NR1 there are five SalI sites, one in the r-determinants component and four in the RTF-Tc component. SalI cleavage of transitioned NR1 DNA, which contains tandem sequences of the r-determinants in a head-to-tail orientation, produces the five original bands plus a single new amplified band whose mobility on agarose gels corresponds to the monomer r-determinants DNA. NR84 has a total of four SalI sites. It is missing one of the SalI sites near the repA locus. R6 has five SalI sites, four the same as those of NR84, and one additional site within the Km transposon Tn601.  相似文献   

The gibbon ape leukemia virus, SEATO strain, and human T-cell leukemia virus type I envelope glycoproteins can be functionally assembled with a Moloney murine leukemia virus core into infectious particles. The envelope-host cell receptor interaction is the major determinant of the host cell specificity for these hybrid virions.  相似文献   

Simian sarcoma-associated virus type 1 propagated in human rhabdomyosarcoma cells exhibited characteristics typical of oncornaviruses but seemed to have several aberrant properties. It had a buoyant density of 1.14 g/cm3, had RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity, seemed to be labile to high salt concentrations, and contained little 50 to 60S RNA but relatively large amounts of human ribosomal RNA. In addition to 50 to 60S RNA, purified virions contained smaller RNA molecules with sedimentation coefficients of 28 to 30S, 18 TO 20S, and 4 to 10S. Unlike the 50 to 60S RNA species, the smaller virion-associated RNAs lacked polyadenylic acid, and the 28 to 30S RNA had an average base composition similar to that of human ribosomal RNA. Upon heat denaturation, the native 50 to 60S RNA genome yielded polyadenylic acid-containing 28 to 30S subunits that degraded in to 18 to 20S molecules upon further heat treatment. The 50 to 60S viral RNA had a guanine plus cytosine content of 56%.  相似文献   

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