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Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb] Franco) metallothionein (PmMT) cDNA encodes a novel cysteine- and serine-rich MT, indicating a new subtype or prototype MT from which other plant MTs may have evolved. A genomic library of Douglas-fir was screened using MT cDNA probes, and genomic sequences that mediate tissue-specific, temporal as well as inducible expression of the embryo-specific MT-gene were analyzed. The promoter region of the PmMT genomic clone (gPmMT) contained a hexameric G-box, two putative ethylene-responsive elements and an inverted repeat of a motif similar to the core metal regulatory element. Interestingly, comparison of the upstream region of Douglas-fir gPm2S1 and gPmMTa genes revealed a conserved motif, CATTATTGA, not found in any known angiosperm gene promoter. Chimeric gene constructs containing a series of deletions in the gPmMTa promoter fused to the uidA reporter gene were assayed in Douglas-fir and transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Transient-expression assays in Douglas-fir megagametophyte and zygotic embryos indicated that the sequence –190 to +88 of gPmMTa was sufficient to drive the expression of the reporter gene and that the 225-bp fragment (–677 to –453) contained sequences necessary for high-level expression. In transgenic tobacco seedlings the -glucuronidase activity was localized in the vacuolar tissue and proliferating tissue of the auxiliary buds and stem elongation zone. The gPmMTa promoter was not active in the seeds of transgenic tobacco or in the roots of seedlings up to 3 weeks old. Detailed studies of transient expression and stable transformation provided important information on evolutionary conservation as well as novel features found in the conifer promoter. This is the first report of an MT-like gene promoter from conifers.  相似文献   

Vicilin, a 7S globulin of Pisum sativum L. seed, accumulates in protein-storage vacuoles (protein bodies) of cotyledonary storage-parenchyma cells. The synthesis and proteolytic processing of various genetically engineered proteins within the leaf and seed of a heterologous (tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum L.) host was examined. A modified vicilin gene, in which the DNA sequence corresponding to the signal peptide was removed, resulted in a polypeptide of 50 kDa in the tobacco leaf and seed; none of the normal proteolytic cleavage products characteristic of expression of an unmodified vicilin gene were obtained. Likewise, no vacuolar accumulation of this mutant vicilin occurred in leaf protoplasts, which is also supportive of the predicted cytosolic localization for this protein. In-frame deletions were made within the region of the vicilin gene encoding the mature protein, to eliminate the N-terminal 28 and 121 amino acids and the C-terminal 69 residues, while maintaining an intact signal peptide. All of these mature deletion-mutant proteins were accumulated to only low levels in the host, but exhibited the predicted molecular weight and underwent some normal proteolytic processing in the seed. Mutant vicilin proteins having deletions in either the N-terminus (NT 121) or C-terminus (CT 69) were not found in appreciable amounts within the vacuolar fraction of transgenic tobacco leaf protoplasts, perhaps due to protein degradation in this compartment. Compared with the intact vicilin, oligomer assembly of the C-terminal deletion-mutant protein was disrupted in leaf cells, which may have further affected protein stability. The deletions of mature vicilin protein led to a much less dramatic reduction in protein accumulation in transgenic tobacco seed. Further, the same mutant proteins expressed within transgenic tobacco seed exhibited correct and highly specific proteolytic processing.Abbreviations CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - Mr relative molecular mass We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance from Maria J. Still and help from M.R.I. Khan. Part of this research was supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Operating and Equipment Grants to A.R.K.  相似文献   

The regulation of developmental pathways in cultured microspores of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L) by medium pH is described for the first time. Unicellular tobacco and snapdragon microspores developed into normal, fertile pollen when cultured in media T1 and AT3 at pH 7.0 and 25°C for 6 and 8 days, respectively. First, pollen mitosis was asymmetric and mature pollen grains were filled with starch granules and germinated upon transfer to a germination medium. However, when tobacco and snapdragon microspores were cultured in media T1 and AT3, respectively, at pH 8.0–8.5 for 4–6 days at 25 °C, the frequency of symmetric division increased significantly with the formation two nuclei of equal size, and the gametophytic pathway was blocked, as seen by the lack of starch accumulation and the inhibition of pollen germination. The transfer of these microspores to embryogenesis medium AT3 at pH 6.5 resulted in the formation of multicellular structures in both species and, in tobacco, in the formation of embryos and plants. In order to understand the possible mechanisms of the action of high pH, sucrose metabolism was analysed in isolated microspores of tobacco cultured at various pH values. Invertase (EC activity in microspores was maximal at pH 5.0 and strongly decreased at higher pH, leading to a slow-down of sucrose cleavage. At the same time the incorporation of 14C-labelled sucrose from the medium into microspores was drastically reduced at high pH. These data suggest that isolated microspores are not able to metabolise carbohydrates at high pH and thus undergo starvation stress, which was shown earlier to block the gametophytic pathway and trigger sporophytic development.  相似文献   

Gene flow between crop fields and wild populations often results in hybrids with reduced fitness compared to their wild counterparts due to characteristics imparted by the crop genome. But the specifics of the evolutionary outcome of crop-wild gene flow may depend on context, varying due to local environmental conditions and genetic variation within and among wild populations and among crop lines. To evaluate context-dependence of fitness of F1 hybrids, sunflower crop lines were crossed with nine wild populations from across the northern United States. These crop-wild hybrids and their wild counterparts were grown under agricultural conditions in the field with and without wheat competition. Hybrids were far less fecund than wild plants, yet more likely to survive to reproduce. There was considerable variability among wild populations for fecundity and the specific crop line used to generate the crop-wild hybrid significantly affected fecundity. The fitness deficit suffered by crop-wild hybrids varied by population, as did the rankings of the crop-wild hybrids from three different crop lines. Wheat competition decreased fecundity and survival considerably and hampered seed production of wild plants more than that of hybrids. Genotype x environment interactions indicated that the response of fitness to competition differed by population. Consequently, the fitness of hybrids relative to wild plants varied considerably among wild populations and was not consistent across environments. Notably, relative fitness of hybrids was greater under competitive conditions. This research is the first study of its kind to demonstrate that the consequences of crop-wild gene flow are context dependent and contingent on the genetics of the specific wild populations and the local biotic and abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Nicotiana were examined for resistance to second instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). The tests were designed so as to discriminate between antibiosis and nonpreference. High levels of antibiosis resistance were observed in several wild species such as N. gossei and species in the Repandae section. Several other species, such as N. excelsior, showed antibiosis that appeared to be due to a different mechanism than the alkaloid-trichome exudate based resistance of the above species. The data indicate that these species of Nicotiana may be used as a new source of resistance to larvae of M. sexta.
D'espèces sauvages de Nicotiania comme nouvelle source de résistance du tabac à Manduca sexta
Résumé La résistance aux chenilles de second stade de Manduca sexta L. a été examinée chez seize espèces de Nicotiana. Les essais ont été conçus pour distinguer absence d'appétance et antibiose. Plusieurs espèces sauvages comme N. gossei et les espèces de la section Repandae ont présenté un niveau élevé d'antibiose. D'autres espèces, comme N. excelsior ont présenté une antibiose vraisemblablement due à un mécanisme différent de la résistance des espèces précédentes provoquée par un exsudat alcaloïde des trichomes. Les résultats indiquent que ces espèces de Nicotiana peuvent être utilisées comme nouvelle source de résistance aux chenilles de M. sexta.

Transformation of tobacco with the potato gene encoding the subunit of pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFP) in the antisense orientation under the control of the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter, followed by selfing and crossing of the transformants, generated a line of tobacco (5–37) with up to an 85% reduction in PFP activity in the shoot. Transformants containing a sense construct (4-40-91) contained only 1–3% of wild-type PFP, presumably due to co-suppression. Rates of photosynthesis and partitioning between sucrose and starch in source leaves were identical in 4-40-91 transformants and the wild type. In the dark in sink leaves of 4-40-91 transformants, levels of hexose phosphates were up to 50% higher, glycerate-3-phosphate 30% lower and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate threefold higher than in the wild type; inorganic pyrophosphate, pyruvate and the ATP/ADP ratio were unaltered. Low -PFP and wild-type plants did not differ significantly in their rate of growth at 25° C and 200 mol quanta · m–2 · s–1 on full nutrient medium. Growth on limiting phosphate and limiting nitrogen was inhibited identically in the wild type and transformants, and transformants adjusted their shoot/root ratio in an identical manner to the wild type. Differences in fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and glycolytic metabolites between the wild type and transformants were no larger in these suboptimal nutrient conditions, than in optimal conditions. Growth of the wild type and 4-40-91 transformants was inhibited identically at 12° C compared to 25° C. Differences in fructose-2,6-bisphosphate were smaller when the genotypes were compared at 12° C than at 25° C. We conclude that PFP does not play an essential role in photosynthate partitioning in source leaves. During respiratory metabolism in sink leaves it catalyzes a net glycolytic flux, as in potato tubers. However, tobacco seedlings are able to compensate for a large decrease in expression of PFP without loss of growth, or the ability to cope with suboptimal phosphate, nitrogen or temperature.Abbreviations F2,6BP fructose-2,6-bisphosphate - F6P fructose-6-phosphate - G6P glucose-6-phosphate - PFK phosphofructokinase - PFP pyrophosphate-dependent fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase - 3-PGA glycerate-3-phosphate - PPi inorganic pyrophosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für Forschung and Technologie (M.S, U.S.) and the Canadian Research Council (S.C., D.D). M.P. was supported by a Royal Society Fellowship.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants expressing the 30-kDa movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV-MP) were employed to investigate the influence of a localized change in mesophyll-bundle sheath plasmodesmal size exclusion limit on photosynthetic performance and on carbon metabolism and allocation. Under conditions of saturating irradiance, tobacco plants expressing the TMV-MP were found to have higher photosynthetic CO2-response curves compared with vector control plants. However, this difference was significant only in the presence of elevated CO2 levels. Photosynthetic measurements made in the green-house, under endogenous growth conditions, revealed that there was little difference between TMV-MP-expressing and control tobacco plants. However, analysis of carbon metabolites within source leaves where a TMV-MP-induced increase in plasmodesmal size exclusion limit had recently taken place established that the levels of sucrose, glucose, fructose and starch were considerably elevated above those present in equivalent control leaves. Although expression of the TMV-MP did not alter total plant biomass, it reduced carbon allocation to the lower region of the stem and roots. This difference in biomass distribution was clearly evident in the lower root-to-shoot ratios for the TMV-MP transgenic plants. Microinjection (dye-coupling) studies established that the TMV-MP-associated reduction in photosynthate delivery (allocation) to the roots was not due to a direct effect on root cortical plasmodesmata. Rather, this change appeared to result from an alteration in phloem transport from young source leaves in which the TMV-MP had yet to exert its influence over plasmodesmal size exclusion limits. These results are discussed in terms of the rate-limiting steps involved in sucrose movement into the phloem.Abbreviations PFD photon flux density - SEL size exclusion limit - TMV-MP tobacco mosaic virus movement protein This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant No. DCB-9016756 (W.J.L.) and United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation grant No. 90-00070 (S.W. and W.J.L.). Special thanks are due to Bryce Falk for the use of pathogen-free green-house space at the University of California, Davis, Plant Pathology Greenhouse Facility, and to Robert Pearcy, for the use of his gas-exchange system. R.J.H. was on sabbatical leave from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.  相似文献   

To understand the genetic basis of virulence, gene expression profiles of a temperature-sensitive clone (NCts-8, relatively avirulent) and its wild type (NC-1) of Neospora caninum were characterized and compared using a high-density microarray with approximately 63,000 distinct oligonucleotides. This microarray consists of 5692 unique N. caninum sequences, including 1980 Tentative Consensus sequences and 3712 singleton ESTs from the TIGR N. caninum Gene Index (NCGI, release 5.0). Each sequence was represented by 11 distinct 60mer oligonucleotides synthesized in situ on the microarray. The results showed that 111 genes were significantly repressed and no up-regulated genes were identified in the NCts-8 clone. The level of 10 randomly selected genes from the repressed genes was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR. Of the 111 repressed genes, 58 were hypothetical protein products and 53 were annotated genes. Over 70% of the repressed genes identified in this study are clustered on five chromosomes (I, VII, VIII, X and XII). These results suggest that the down-regulated genes may be in part responsible for the reduced pathogenesis of NCts-8; further characterization of the regulated genes may aid in understanding of molecular basis of virulence and development of countermeasures against neosporosis.  相似文献   

Solanum sect. Petota (tuber-bearing wild and cultivated potatoes) are a group of approximately 190 wild species distributed throughout the Americas from the southwestern United States south to Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Solanum series Conicibaccata are a group of approximately 40 species within sect. Petota, distributed from central Mexico to central Bolivia, composed of diploids (2n = 2x = 24), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 48) and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 64); the polyploids are thought to be polysomic polyploids. This study initially was designed to address species boundaries of the four Mexican and Central American species of series Conicibaccata with AFLP data with the addition of first germplasm collections of one of these four species, Solanum woodsonii, as a follow-up to prior morphological, chloroplast DNA, and RAPD studies; and additional species of series Conicibaccata from South America. AFLP data from 12 primer combinations (1722 polymorphic bands) are unable to distinguish polyploid species long thought to be distinct. The data suggest a complex reticulate history of the tetraploids or the need for a broad downward reevaluation of the number of species in series Conicibaccata, a trend seen in other series of sect. Petota. Separately, through flow cytometry, we report the first ploidy level of S. woodsonii, as tetraploid (2n = 48). The U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Durum and bread wheat need transgenic traits such as herbicide and disease resistance due to recent evolution of herbicide resistant grass weeds and an intractable new strain of stem rust. Transgenic wheat varieties have not been commercialized partly due to potential transgene movement to wild/weedy relatives, which occurs naturally to closely related Aegilops and other spp. Recombination does not occur in the F1 hybrid between wheat and its relatives due to the presence of the Ph1 gene on wheat chromosome arm 5BL, which acts as a chaperone, preventing promiscuous homoeologous pairing to similar, but not homologous chromosomes of the wild/weedy species. Thus recombination must occur during backcrossing after the wheat Ph1 gene has been eliminated. Based on these findings, we speculate that Ph1 could be used to prevent gene introgression into weedy relatives. We propose two methods to prevent such transgene establishment: (1) link the transgene in proximity to the wheat Ph1 gene and (2) insert the transgene in tandem with the lethal barnase on any chromosome arm other than 5BL, and insert barstar, which suppresses barnase on chromosome arm 5BL in proximity to Ph1. The presence of Ph1 in backcross plants containing 5BL will prevent the homoeologous establishment of barnase coupled to the desired transgene in the wild population. 5BL itself will be eliminated during repeated backcrossing to the wild parent, and progeny bearing the desired transgene in tandem with barnase but without the Ph1-barstar complex will die.  相似文献   

The effects of boron (B) deficiency on several phenolics and enzyme activities involved in the biosynthesis of these compounds were investigated in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Gatersleben). The levels of phenylpropanoids (mainly the caffeic acid esters, chlorogenic acid and its isomers) as well as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC and polyphenoloxidase (PPO, EC activities were determined in plants subjected to B starvation for 1–7 d. The results presented here show that a short-term B deficiency causes both quantitative and qualitative changes in the phenolic metabolism of tobacco plants, which are especially evident after 3 d of B starvation. Although the concentration of B decreased from the onset of B starvation, root B level was less affected than leaf B by a short-term B deficiency. The concentration of phenylpropanoids as well as PAL and PPO activities increased mainly in the leaves of tobacco plants during B starvation. Moreover, leaves starved of B for 7 d showed the accumulation of new compounds, one of which was identified as caffeoylputrescine. In addition, a positive correlation between PAL activity and phenylpropanoid concentration was observed in tobacco leaves, especially after 5–7 d of B starvation, suggesting that an increase in PAL activity during B starvation could be responsible for the enhancement in the levels of phenylpropanoids.  相似文献   

The 5S rRNA gene family organization among 87 species and varieties of Pythium was investigated to assess evolutionary stability of the two patterns detected and to determine which pattern is likely the ancestral state in the genus. Species with filamentous sporangia (Groups A-C according to the ITS phylogenetic tree for Pythium) had 5S genes linked to the rDNA repeat that were predominantly coded for on the DNA strand opposite to the one with the other rRNA genes (‘inverted’ orientation). A small group of species with contiguous sporangia (Group D) is related to Groups A-C but had unlinked 5S genes. The main group of species with spherical zoosporangia (Groups E-J) generally had unlinked 5S genes in tandem arrays. The six species in Group K, although they also have spherical sporangia, had linked genes on the same strand as the other rRNA genes ‘non-inverted’ and most of them had pairs of tandem 5S genes. The evolutionary stability of 5S sequence organization was compared with the stability of morphological characters as interpreted from a phylogeny based on ITS sequence analysis. Features of 5S sequence organization were found to be just as consistent within groups as were the morphological characters. To determine the ancestral type of 5S family organization, a survey of Phytophthora strains was conducted to supply an outgroup reference. The most parsimonious interpretation of the data in this survey yielded the tentative conclusion that the linked condition of the 5S sequences was ancestral.  相似文献   

Yves Meyer  Richard Cooke 《Planta》1979,147(3):181-185
The presence of auxin and cytokinin is necessary for the induction of mitosis in tobacco mesophyll protoplasts cultivated in vitro. In their absence, protoplasts firstly accumulate inhibitors of mitosis in the culture medium, possibly because of non-coordinated cell-wall synthesis, and secondly evolve a nonmitotic and degenerative metabolism. By changing the intoxified medium, it is possible to show that auxin is necessary from the beginning of culture, while cytokinin is only required later to allow a step in the development of the mitotic apparatus.Abbreviations 2.4-D 2.4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 6-BA 6-benzyladenine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   

The identification, isolation and aminoterminal sequencing of two S-genotype-associated proteins from style extracts of Lycopersicon peruvianum Mill. is reported. There is a high level of homology between these two sequences and with the amino-terminal sequences of other S-allele-associated glycoproteins isolated from Nicotiana alata Link et Otto. These sequences were obtained by a new high-sensitivity method of selected twodimensional gel analysis followed by electroelution and purification of proteins by inverse-gradient high-performance liquid chromatography before sequencing.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Mr relative molecular mass - PTH phenylthiohydrantoin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

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