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The genetic grapevine intravarietal variability will be analyzed by PCR-derived marker systems. In particular, the object of the investigation will be the clonal variations of Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce, Negroamaro and Primitivo, also known as Zinfandel, which are three grapevine varieties cultivated in Apulia region (Italy). In order to assess varietal identity of the samples, 132 DNA tests were performed by amplifying 16 SSR loci. The study of the intravarietal variability was performed using AFLPs, SAMPLs, ISSRs, and M-AFLPs. The application of the above-mentioned techniques allowed both to discriminate all genotypes of the three cultivars and to distinguish the accessions of each cultivar sampled from different geographic cultivation areas. Furthermore, the study of biotypes cultivated in different geographical environments of Salento (i.e., Apulia region) allowed important correlations between molecular marker variability and phenotypic traits. These results are suggesting both to focus our attention on the effects of the environment on the genotype and to consider, as a practical consequence, the importance of preserving autochthon grapevine biotypes found in different areas to truly preserve the richness of the germplasm. Thus, more accurate DNA studies give new information that can be extremely useful to the vine nurseries for the correct choice (i.e., supported by more accurate intravarietal variability analysis) of the grape multiplication materials.  相似文献   

Phytophthora palmivora causes bud rot, fruit and immature nut fall in India, and causes significant coconut yield losses. Genetic variability was estimated in 70 isolates representing seven populations from the Kerala and Karnataka regions using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. RAPDs generated a total of 163 markers with 15 decamer primers, of which 92% were found to be polymorphic. The number of polymorphic loci within a single population varied from 45 to 92 with estimated hetrozygosities ranging from 0.08 to 0.23. The majority of the genetic diversity was distributed within populations (68.25%) and only 31.75% were among populations. Genetic relationships estimated by the unweighted pair‐group method with arithmatic averaging (UPGMA) revealed clear separation of Kerala and Karnataka populations.  相似文献   

The population structure of Labeo calbasu from 11 rivers belonging to the Indus, Ganges, Bhima, Mahanadi, and Godavari basins was investigated using allozyme marker systems. Seven out of 20 allozyme loci (35%) were polymorphic (P < 0.99). Both probability and score tests indicated significant deviation of genotype proportions from Hardy–Weinberg expectations at two loci, XDH* (Mahanadi, Bhima, and Godavari) and G6PDH* (Mahanadi). A pairwise genetic homogeneity test and F ST values indicated a low-to-moderate level (0.0515) of genetic structuring in the wild population of L. calbasu. AMOVA analysis also indicated moderate differentiation among the samples from different river basins. Analysis for genetic bottleneck was performed under the infinite allele model. The study revealed nine genetic stocks of L. calbasu from the natural population across Indian rivers. Evidence of genetic bottlenecks in some rivers was also revealed.  相似文献   

The role of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in detecting intra-clonal genetic variability in vegetatively propagated UPASI-9 clone of tea (Camellia sinensis) was studied. Twenty five decamer primers were used, of which three did not amplify, three gave single bands and the rest of nineteen primers generated upto twelve bands (an average of 6.3 bands per primer). Twenty one primers exhibiting amplified products gave monomorphic banding patterns. Only one primer (OPE-17) gave a unique extra band of similar size in four plants.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm season, C4 perennial grass native to most of North America with numerous applications, including use as a bioenergy feedstock species. To date, no studies on genetic diversity in switchgrass have been conducted that use both molecular and morphological markers. The objectives of this study were to assess genetic diversity and determine differences among and between 12 switchgrass populations grown in New Jersey by examining both morphological and molecular characteristics, and to determine whether morphological, molecular, and/or combined data sets can detect ecotype and/or geographical differences at the population level. Twelve plants from each population were characterized with 16 switchgrass expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat markers (EST-SSRs) and seven morphological characters. Data was analyzed using GenAlEx and Unweighted Pair-Group Method of Averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis. Most (64%) of the molecular variation in switchgrass populations exists among individuals within populations, with lesser amounts between populations (36%). Upland and lowland populations were distinguished in all three data sets. Some eastern US and midwestern US populations were distinct in all three data sets. Similarities were observed between all three data sets indicating molecular markers may be useful for identifying morphological differences or other adaptive traits. The combined data set was the most useful in differentiating populations based on geography and found separation between midwestern and eastern upland populations. The results indicate that the combination of morphological and molecular markers may be useful in future applications such as genetic diversity studies, plant variety protection, cultivar identification, and/or identifying geographic origin.  相似文献   

与葡萄抗霜霉病基因紧密连锁的分子遗传标记   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以种间杂交组合88-110[83-4-96(毛葡萄,抗霜霉病)×粉红玫瑰(欧洲葡萄,感霜霉病)]的F  相似文献   

A phylogenetic survey based on similarity levels was performedfor 29 cultivated accessions of maca (Lepidium meyeniiWalp.)and 27 accessions of wild species ofLepidiumfrom Ecuador, Peruand Bolivia, with RAPD markers. Chromosome counts for each accessionwere also performed. The similarity tree matrix separated intwo main branches: cultivated and wild species. The similaritylevel among cultivated accessions was high (0.952 or higher)indicating a low level of polymorphism. Within the wild species,two main secondary branches could be resolved, of which onewas subdivided into two tertiary branches. Morphological evaluationof the wild species accessions within each main group identifiedthree wild species: (1)L. bipinnatifidum, consisting mostlyof tetraploids and a single octoploid accession; (2)L. kalenbornii,consisting only of tetraploid accessions; and (3)L. chichicara,consisting mostly of octoploid and a few tetraploid accessions.Clustering by principal coordinates analysis supported the resultsobtained by the similarity tree matrix. These results indicatethat none of the three wild species is related enough to beconsidered ancestral to the cultivatedL. meyenii. Three accessionsof intermediate position may be of hybrid origin. None of thewild species was found to be diploid, which suggests that polyploidyhas been an important adaptation to high altitude habitats inthese species.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Lepidum meyenii, Lepidium peruvianum, maca, DNA markers, phylogeny.  相似文献   



Knowledge about genetic diversity and relationships among germplasms could be an invaluable aid in diospyros improvement strategies.


This study was designed to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship of local and natural varieties in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China using start codon targeted polymorphism (SCoT) markers. The accessions of 95 diospyros germplasms belonging to four species Diospyros kaki Thunb, D. oleifera Cheng, D. kaki var. silverstris Mak, and D. lotus Linn were collected from different eco-climatic zones in Guangxi and were analyzed using SCoT markers.


Results indicated that the accessions of 95 diospyros germplasms could be distinguished using SCoT markers, and were divided into three groups at similarity coefficient of 0.608; these germplasms that belong to the same species were clustered together; of these, the degree of genetic diversity of the natural D. kaki var. silverstris Mak population was richest among the four species; the geographical distance showed that the 12 natural populations of D. kaki var. silverstris Mak were divided into two groups at similarity coefficient of 0.19. Meanwhile, in order to further verify the stable and useful of SCoT markers in diospyros germplasms, SSR markers were also used in current research to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship in the same diospyros germplasms. Once again, majority of germplasms that belong to the same species were clustered together. Thus SCoT markers were stable and especially useful for analysis of the genetic diversity and relationship in diospyros germplasms.


The molecular characterization and diversity assessment of diospyros were very important for conservation of diospyros germplasm resources, meanwhile for diospyros improvement.  相似文献   

The availability of dense molecular markers has made possible the use of genomic selection (GS) for plant breeding. However, the evaluation of models for GS in real plant populations is very limited. This article evaluates the performance of parametric and semiparametric models for GS using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays) data in which different traits were measured in several environmental conditions. The findings, based on extensive cross-validations, indicate that models including marker information had higher predictive ability than pedigree-based models. In the wheat data set, and relative to a pedigree model, gains in predictive ability due to inclusion of markers ranged from 7.7 to 35.7%. Correlation between observed and predictive values in the maize data set achieved values up to 0.79. Estimates of marker effects were different across environmental conditions, indicating that genotype × environment interaction is an important component of genetic variability. These results indicate that GS in plant breeding can be an effective strategy for selecting among lines whose phenotypes have yet to be observed.PEDIGREE-BASED prediction of genetic values based on the additive infinitesimal model (Fisher 1918) has played a central role in genetic improvement of complex traits in plants and animals. Animal breeders have used this model for predicting breeding values either in a mixed model (best linear unbiased prediction, BLUP) (Henderson 1984) or in a Bayesian framework (Gianola and Fernando 1986). More recently, plant breeders have incorporated pedigree information into linear mixed models for predicting breeding values (Crossa et al. 2006, 2007; Oakey et al. 2006; Burgueño et al. 2007; Piepho et al. 2007).The availability of thousands of genome-wide molecular markers has made possible the use of genomic selection (GS) for prediction of genetic values (Meuwissen et al. 2001) in plants (e.g., Bernardo and Yu 2007; Piepho 2009; Jannink et al. 2010) and animals (Gonzalez-Recio et al. 2008; VanRaden et al. 2008; Hayes et al. 2009; de los Campos et al. 2009a). Implementing GS poses several statistical and computational challenges, such as how models can cope with the curse of dimensionality, colinearity between markers, or the complexity of quantitative traits. Parametric (e.g., Meuwissen et al. 2001) and semiparametric (e.g., Gianola et al. 2006; Gianola and van Kaam 2008) methods address these problems differently.In standard genetic models, phenotypic outcomes, , are viewed as the sum of a genetic value, , and a model residual, ; that is, . In parametric models for GS, is described as a regression on marker covariates (j = 1,  …  , p molecular markers) of the form , such that(or , in matrix notation), where is the regression of on the jth marker covariate .Estimation of via multiple regression by ordinary least squares (OLS) is not feasible when p > n. A commonly used alternative is to estimate marker effects jointly using penalized methods such as ridge regression (Hoerl and Kennard 1970) or the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) (Tibshirani 1996) or their Bayesian counterpart. This approach yields greater accuracy of estimated genetic values and can be coupled with geostatistical techniques commonly used in plant breeding to model multienvironments trials (Piepho 2009).In ridge regression (or its Bayesian counterpart) the extent of shrinkage is homogeneous across markers, which may not be appropriate if some markers are located in regions that are not associated with genetic variance, while markers in other regions may be linked to QTL (Goddard and Hayes 2007). To overcome this limitation, many authors have proposed methods that use marker-specific shrinkage. In a Bayesian setting, this can be implemented using priors of marker effects that are mixtures of scaled-normal densities. Examples of this are methods Bayes A and Bayes B of Meuwissen et al. (2001) and the Bayesian LASSO of Park and Casella (2008).An alternative to parametric regressions is to use semiparametric methods such as reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) regression (Gianola and van Kaam 2008). The Bayesian RKHS regression regards genetic values as random variables coming from a Gaussian process centered at zero and with a (co)variance structure that is proportional to a kernel matrix K (de los Campos et al. 2009b); that is, , where , are vectors of marker genotypes for the ith and jth individuals, respectively, and is a positive definite function evaluated in marker genotypes. In a finite-dimensional setting this amounts to modeling the vector of genetic values, , as multivariate normal; that is, where is a variance parameter. One of the most attractive features of RKHS regression is that the methodology can be used with almost any information set (e.g., covariates, strings, images, graphs). A second advantage is that with RKHS the model is represented in terms of n unknowns, which gives RKHS a great computational advantage relative to some parametric methods, especially when pn.This study presents an evaluation of several methods for GS, using two extensive data sets. One contains phenotypic records of a series of wheat trials and recently generated genomic data. The other data set pertains to international maize trials in which different traits were measured in maize lines evaluated under severe drought and well-watered conditions.  相似文献   

A total of 90 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola, the cause of septoria tritici leaf blotch of wheat, were tested for DNA polymorphism using 15 decamer random primers. There was a high level of genetic variability among isolates. In 131 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments, which were produced, 96% were polymorphic. Based on multilocus analysis, 40 different molecular phenotypes were detected. These molecular phenotypes were randomly distributed among sampling sites, suggesting that no clonal structure existed in the population. Cluster analysis showed that the maximum similarity value among isolates was approximately 81% and no identical isolates were detected, indicating that every isolate was a unique genotype. The high degree of DNA polymorphism, the large number of different molecular phenotypes, their random distribution and the results of the cluster analysis all suggested that sexual reproduction has a major role in the genetic structure of M. graminicola in western Canada. The presence of sexual reproduction provides the opportunity for development of new virulent genotypes in the population and suggests that the pathogen may adapt rapidly to any race‐specific sources of resistance. Therefore, when breeding for resistance to M. graminicola, emphasis should be placed on use of non‐race‐specific resistance.  相似文献   

基于SSR标记构建葡萄种质资源分子身份证   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以国家葡萄品种资源圃内保存的80份葡萄种质为试材,对构建葡萄种质分子身份证的方法进行探讨研究。利用筛选后的SSR标记对供试品种进行区分,然后根据引物对不同品种扩增条带分子量的大小进行编码。从62对引物中筛选出来自葡萄19条染色体上的28对SSR引物,在供试种质间共检测出等位基因169个,每对引物平均检测到等位基因数为6.0个。将等位基因赋值后仅用9对引物构建了供试种质的分子身份证编码,平均每对引物区分种质达8.9份,达到了区分品种更加简洁明了,用最少的引物区分不同品种的目的,表明SSR标记技术可有效用于建立葡萄种质资源分子身份证。  相似文献   

引进海岛棉种质的SSR遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用95对SSR分子标记对56份海岛棉种质进行遗传多样性分析,其中33份来自于俄罗斯,5份来自埃及,2份来自美国,1份来自阿尔巴尼亚,8份来自我国新疆,7份来自我国云南、江苏等地。结果表明,95对SSR引物在56个海岛棉品种中共测出了384个等位基因,其中多态性等位基因296个,占77.1%。每对引物等位基因变幅是2~9个,平均为4.1个。基因多样性指数(H)在0.035~2.931之间,平均为0.879。Shannon信息指数(I)在0.090~4.417之间,平均为1.363。各指数的趋势一致。95对SSR引物的多态性信息含量PIC变幅为0.035~0.926,平均为0.698。56份海岛棉品种两两间的相似系数在0.585~0.952之间,主要集中在0.6~0.8之间,占整个数据的97%,平均遗传相似系数为0.7。从整体上来看,56份海岛棉的遗传相似系数较高,从聚类图上可以看出,以遗传距离为0.69为标准,56份海岛棉品种可分为4类。第1类主要是前苏联海岛棉为主的27份品种,其中来自埃及的吉扎77和来自美国的派字棉以及中239都归到了这一类。第2类较复杂,但主要是以来自新疆的6份海岛棉和来自埃及的吉扎系列的4份为主。第3类包括8个品种,主要是来自于前苏联的6个品种、来自于新疆的巴3116和河北的冀B91-45。第4类只有来自于前苏联的L-8007,独自成一类。研究结果表明SSR作为一种共显性标记,尤为适用于海岛棉及其亲本的系谱分析及鉴定。因而,SSR标记技术可以为海岛棉育种实践工作中的亲本选配,提供可靠的分子水平上的依据。  相似文献   

Genetic Analyses of Casuarinas Using ISSR and FISSR Markers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inter simple sequence repeat polymerase chain reaction (ISSR-PCR) was used for the genetic analysis of the six species of Allocasuarina, five species of Casuarina and 12 superior performing selections of C. equisetifolia L. We also fingerprinted C. equisetifolia L. selections using Fluorescent-ISSR-PCR (FISSR-PCR), an improvised ISSR-PCR assay. The ISSR analysis provided information on the frequency of various simple sequence repeats in the casuarina genome. The di-nucleotide repeats were more common, among which (CA)n and its complementary nucleotide (GT),, repeat motifs amplified relatively higher number of bands with an average of 6.0+/-3.5 and 6.3+/-1.8 respectively. Eleven species of casuarinas were amplified with 10 primers anchored either at 5' or 3' end. A total of 253 PCR products were obtained and all were polymorphic, out of which 48 were specific to Allocasuarina and 36 were specific to Casuarina genus. Genetic similarity among the species was 0.251. A UPGMA dendrogram grouped all the Casuarina species together. The 12 superior performing selections of C. equisetifolia L. produced 57 polymorphic ISSR markers while the FISSR assay revealed 105 polymorphic markers. The primer CRR(ATT)4 distinguished all the selections. DNA profiles obtained with ISSR and FISSR assays would serve as a reference library for the establishment of clonal identity in casuarinas.  相似文献   

Twenty isolates of Tilletia indica collected from sites in North and North‐western India showed pathogenic variation on 18 host differentials. Sixteen aggressive pathotypes were identified on the basis of percent coefficient of infection (PCI). Two major clusters were apparent in the dendrogram; cluster 1 comprised 13 isolates and cluster two consisted of seven isolates. One of the isolate Kashipur had a high PCI on most of the host differentials compared to other isolates. Polymerase chain reaction‐based random amplified polymorphic DNA (PCR – RAPD) analysis also divided isolates into two major clusters, one comprising of 5 isolates collected from hill and foot‐hill sites and another group comprising of 15 isolates collected from plain sites. Thus, the clusters identified based on PCI did not match closely with those identified by molecular analysis based on RAPD. Although diversity among the isolates of T. indica was absent in the rDNA‐ITS region, our study based on pathogenicity and molecular markers confirms the existence of great diversity in the pathogen, also shifting of ‘hot spot’ areas from one place to another within Karnal bunt prevailing areas.  相似文献   

Breeding for salt tolerance using traditional screening and selection methods have been limited by the complex and polygenic nature of salt tolerance trait. This study was designed to evaluate some of the premium Basmati rice varieties for salt tolerance and to characterize genetic diversity among the rice varieties with different adaptations to saline soils using microsatellite (SSR) and ISSR markers. Plants of nine rice varieties including salt tolerant, salt sensitive and traditional Basmati, were grown in hydroponics using Yoshida solution containing 0 (control, pH 5.0) and 30 mM NaCl (Electrical conductivity 4.8 d/S, pH 5.0) and assessed for salinity tolerance on 1–9 scale as per IRRI standard evaluation system using seedling growth parameters, visual salt injuries and Na-K ratio. Physio-morphological studies showed that traditional Basmati rice varieties (Basmati 370 and HBC19) were more sensitive than the salt sensitive control variety, MI-48. SSR as well as ISSR marker systems generated higher levels of polymorphism and could distinguish between all the 9 rice cultivars. A total of 299 (225 polymorphic) and 437 (430 polymorphic) bands were detected using 28 UBC ISSR primers and 100 welldistributed mapped SSR markers, respectively. ISSR and SSR marker data-sets showed moderate levels of positive correlation (Mantel test, r = 0.43). The ISSR and SSR marker data analyzed using clustering algorithms showed two distinct clusters separating the Basmati (Basmati 370, HBC19 and CSR-30) from other non-aromatic indica (IR36, Pokkali, CSR10 and MI-48) rice varieties indicating greater divergence between Basmati and non-aromatic indica rice genotypes. Marker analysis showed a close relationship among the two traditional (Basmati 370 and HBC19) and cross-bred (CSR30) Basmati rice varieties and greater diversity between the two salt-tolerant genotypes, Pokkali and BR4-10.  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记分析鸵鸟种群的遗传变异   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
周霞  李宁  张劳  崔庆为 《遗传》2001,23(5):420-422
为探讨分子遗传标记在鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)育种中的应用,利用RAPD技术分析了我国养殖的三个主要要鸵鸟品种内和品种间的遗传变异。蓝颈鸵鸟、澳洲灰和非洲黑三个品种在品种内和品种间显示出低水平的变异。品种间的遗传距离好地说胆了三个品种的育种改良过程。同时预示出用澳洲灰与其他品种鸵鸟进行杂交育种的可行性。选择的20条在鸡中能稳定扩增的RAPD引物其75%能在鸵鸟基因组中扩增出产物。显示出两种禽类DNA具有同源性、为今后利用鸡的微卫星引物对鸵鸟进行基因扫描(genome scan)分析奠定基础。  相似文献   

In the present work, 43 seedless grape (Vitis vinifera) varieties were evaluated using 14 informative ISSR primers. A total of 119 bands were scored, out of which 79% were polymorphic. The level of polymorphism varied according to the primers which was evident also from different Resolving Power values of the individual primers. Based on the DNA fingerprint data of only three primers (UBC 857, 888 and 890), all the varieties except one could be identified. UPGMA cluster analysis revealed high degree of similarity among the varieties. Distinct subgroups based on the berry colour were observed. No intravarietal differences were detected. Overall grouping was in accordance with morphological characters and pedigree, proving usefulness of ISSR markers to assess genetic relationships among grape varieties.  相似文献   

为探讨分子遗传标记在鸵鸟(Struthiocamelus)育种中的应用,利用RAPD技术分析了我国养殖的三个主要鸵鸟品种内和品种间的遗传变异.蓝颈鸵鸟、澳洲灰和非洲黑三个品种在品种内和品种间显示出低水平的变异.品种间的遗传距离较好地说明了三个品种的育种改良过程,同时预示出用澳洲灰与其他品种鸵鸟进行杂交育种的可行性.选择的20条在鸡中能稳定扩增的RAPD引物其75%能在鸵鸟基因组中扩增出产物,显示出两种禽类DNA具有同源性,为今后利用鸡的微卫星引物对鸵鸟进行基因组扫描(genomescan)分析奠定基础。 Abstract:To evaluate the molecular genetic markers on ostrich (Struthio camelus)breeding,we have analyzed the genetic variability of three main ostrich breeds by using RAPD.The studies show that the Blue,Australia Grey and African Black have low genetic variability.The genetic distance between breeds clearly illustrates the breeding history,at the same time,it also showes the possibility that cross breeding can be applied to Australia Grey and the breeds.75 percent selected RAPD primers working well in chicken could stably amplify products in ostriches,which implied DNA identity between chicken and ostrich.The work provided a foundation for genomic scanning.  相似文献   

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