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Conditions for the phase synchronism between high-frequency electromagnetic waves with frequencies ω and 2ω propagating in magnetized plasma are investigated. The variety of the values of the plasma density and magnetic field, as well as of wave polarizations, obeying the synchronism conditions are shown to provide resonant broadband wide-angle nonlinear generation of the second harmonic of the pumping wave. Special attention is given to oblique propagation of interacting waves. The coupling strengths for the resonant mode conversion in magnetized collisional plasma are obtained. The double resonance ensuring efficient nonlinear generation of extraordinary mode in the vicinity of the electron cyclotron resonance (ω(2k) = ω ce ) is considered. Examples illustrating these nonlinear phenomena for some plasma and radiation parameters are presented.  相似文献   

A linear mechanism for the generation and amplification of internal gravity waves and their further nonlinear dynamics in the stably stratified dissipative ionosphere in the presence of an inhomogeneous zonal wind (shear flow) is studied. For shear flows, the operators of linear problems are non-self-conjugate and the corresponding eigenfunctions are nonorthogonal. Therefore, the canonical modal approach is poorly applicable to study such motions. In this case, the so-called nonmodal mathematical analysis is more adequate. Dynamic equations and equations for the energy transport of internal gravity perturbations in the ionosphere with shear flows are derived on the basis of the nonmodal approach. Exact analytic solutions of linear and nonlinear equations are found. The growth rate of the shear instability of internal gravity waves is determined. It is revealed that perturbations grow in time according to a power law, rather than exponentially. The frequency and wavenumber of the generated internal gravity modes depend on time; hence, a wide spectrum of wave perturbations caused by linear effects (rather than nonlinear turbulent ones) forms in the ionosphere with shear flows. The efficiency of the linear mechanism for the amplification of internal gravity waves during their interaction with the inhomogeneous zonal wind is analyzed. A criterion for the development of the shear instability of such waves in the ionospheric plasma is obtained. It is shown that, in the presence of shear instability, internal gravity waves extract the shear flow energy in the initial (linear) stage of their evolution, due to which their amplitude and, accordingly, energy increase substantially (by an order of magnitude). As the amplitude increases, the mechanism of nonlinear self-localization comes into play and the process terminates with the self-organization of strongly localized solitary nonlinear internal gravity vortex structures. As a result, a new degree of freedom of the system and a new way of the evolution of perturbations in a medium with a shear flow appear. Inductive and viscous dampings limit the lifetime of vortex internal gravity structures in the ionosphere; nevertheless, their lifetime is long enough for them to strongly affect the dynamic properties of the medium. It is revealed on the basis of the analytic solution of a set of time-independent nonlinear dynamic equations that, depending on the velocity profile of the shear flow, the nonlinear internal gravity structures can take the form of a purely monopole vortex, a dipole cyclone-anticyclone pair, a transverse vortex chain, or a longitudinal vortex path against the background of the inhomogeneous zonal wind. The accumulation of such vortices in the ionosphere can result in a strongly turbulent state.  相似文献   

The plasma of the auroral region, where energetic particles precipitate from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere, is highly inhomogeneous and nonstationary. In this case, traditional methods of classical plasma physics turn out to be inapplicable. In order to correctly describe the dynamic regimes, transition processes, fluctuations, and self-similar scalings in this region, nonlinear dynamics methods based of the concepts of fractal geometry and percolation theory can be used. In this work, the fractal geometry and percolation theory are used to describe the spatial structure of the ionospheric conductivity. The topological properties, fractal dimensions, and connective indices characterizing the structure of the Pedersen and Hall conductivities on the nightside auroral zone are investigated theoretically. The restrictions imposed on the fractal estimates by the condition of ionospheric current percolation are analyzed. It is shown that the fluctuation scalings of the electric fields and auroral glow observed in the auroral zone fit well the restrictions imposed by the critical condition on the percolation of the Pedersen current. Thus, it is demonstrated that the fractal approach is a promising and convenient method for studying the properties of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Conditions for the excitation of small-scale nonlinear ion-cyclotron gradient-drift dissipative structures in cold ionospheric plasma are considered. The solution for the wave electric field in this structure in the form of a chirped soliton satisfying the equation of the Ginzburg-Landau type is derived in the electrostatic approach. The dissipative structure as a whole represents the chirped soliton accompanied by the comoving quasineutral plasma hump. The possibility of the excitation of two modes of this type (the high- and low-frequency ones) in plasma containing light and heavy ion impurities is considered. The role of electromagnetic corrections and the possible contribution introduced by these structures to the transport processes in the ionosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

The nonlinear stage of instability of an annular electron beam spatially separated from an annular plasma is investigated. The equations describing coupled waves for an arbitrary ratio between the beam and plasma densities are derived. It is shown that instability saturates at distances on the order of several inverse spatial growth rates. The saturation is caused by relativistic nonlinearity, generation of the second harmonic, and low-frequency modulation of the electromagnetic field. At larger distances, resonant generation of low-frequency beam oscillations becomes a dominant factor. In the case of a low-density beam, an expression for the maximum power of the generated plasma wave is obtained in an explicit form.  相似文献   

A theory is developed enabling one to calculate the temporal profile and spectrum of a terahertz wave packet from the energy of the second harmonic of optical radiation generated during the nonlinear interaction between terahertz and circularly polarized laser pulses in the skin layer of an overdense plasma. It is shown that the spectral and temporal characteristics of the envelope of the second harmonic of optical radiation coincide with those of the terahertz pulse only at small durations of the detecting laser radiation. For long laser pulses, the temporal profile and spectrum of the second harmonic are mainly determined by the characteristics of optical radiation at the carrier frequency.  相似文献   

Phenomena accompanying the injection of a dense plasma beam from the payload of a rocket into ionospheric plasma are analyzed. The dynamics of both the quasineutral plasma beam and the beam-induced disturbances in the ionospheric plasma are investigated. It is shown that the electric field in the beam has a complicated structure, which leads to the generation of currents in both the beam and the ambient ionospheric plasma. The transverse size of the disturbance zone in the ionospheric plasma is found to greatly exceed the beam diameter. The proposed model of the current closing in the ionospheric plasma agrees well with the experimental data. The xenon beam temperature at moderate distances from the injector is determined by using the plasma shadow theory. It is found that the ion beam temperature is at least four times lower than the plasma temperature in the injection zone. This unexpected result is explained by the adiabatic cooling of the current system. The critical radius beyond which a constant temperature in the beam is established is found to be less than 11 m.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dispersion properties of nonlinear surface waves propagating along a plasma-metal interface under conditions corresponding to the formation of a space charge sheath that equalizes the electron and ion fluxes to the wall. Oscillations of the plasma boundary under the action of the surface wave field are taken into account. It is shown that these oscillations are the main nonlinear mechanism for generating wave field harmonics and are analogous to the nonlinearity in the current-voltage characteristic of the space charge sheath. The effect of the nonlinearity on the dispersion properties of surface waves due to the relationship between the sheath thickness and wave amplitude is calculated with allowance for harmonic generation. The energy transported by surface waves under conditions typical of RF and microwave discharges is calculated.  相似文献   

Conditions for the propagation of a slow extraordinary wave in dense magnetized plasma are found. A solution to the set of relativistic hydrodynamic equations and Maxwell’s equations under the plasma resonance conditions, when the phase velocity of the nonlinear wave is equal to the speed of light, is obtained. The deviation of the wave frequency from the resonance frequency is accompanied by nonlinear longitudinal-transverse oscillations. It is shown that, in this case, the solution to the set of self-consistent equations obtained by averaging the initial equations over the period of high-frequency oscillations has the form of an envelope soliton. The possibility of excitation of a nonlinear wave in plasma by an external electromagnetic pulse is confirmed by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The propagation of an ultrawideband electromagnetic signal in the ionosphere—a plasma medium with spatially nonuniform characteristics—is studied analytically in the high-frequency approximation. The effect of the plasma dielectric properties and angular divergence on the shape and frequency spectrum of the propagating signal is investigated. It is shown that the spectral energy density of the signal is preserved if collisions of ionospheric plasma electrons are neglected.  相似文献   

The propagation of a nonlinear right-hand polarized wave along an external magnetic field in subcritical plasma in the electron cyclotron resonance region is studied using numerical simulations. It is shown that a small-amplitude plasma wave excited in low-density plasma is unstable against modulation instability with a modulation period equal to the wavelength of the excited wave. The modulation amplitude in this case increases with decreasing detuning from the resonance frequency. The simulations have shown that, for large-amplitude waves of the laser frequency range propagating in plasma in a superstrong magnetic field, the maximum amplitude of the excited longitudinal electric field increases with the increasing external magnetic field and can reach 30% of the initial amplitude of the electric field in the laser wave. In this case, the energy of plasma electrons begins to substantially increase already at magnetic fields significantly lower than the resonance value. The laser energy transferred to plasma electrons in a strong external magnetic field is found to increase severalfold compared to that in isotropic plasma. It is shown that this mechanism of laser radiation absorption depends only slightly on the electron temperature.  相似文献   

An exactly solvable model is used as a basis to study the reflectionless passage of a transverse electromagnetic wave through an inhomogeneous plasma containing large-amplitude, small-scale (subwave-length) structures (in particular, opaque regions) that cannot be correctly described by approximate methods. It is shown that, during the reflectionless passage of an electromagnetic wave, strong wave field splashes can occur in certain plasma sublayers. The nonuniform spatial plasma density profile is characterized by a number of free parameters describing the modulation depth of the dielectric function, the characteristic sizes of the structures and their number, the thickness of the inhomogeneous plasma region, and so on. Such plasma density structures are shown to be very diverse when, e.g., a wave that is incident from vacuum propagates without reflection through a plasma layer (wave barrier transillumination). With the cubic nonlinearity taken into account, a one-dimensional problem of the nonlinear transillumination of an inhomogeneous plasma can be solved exactly.  相似文献   

The parametric effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is studied in the case of quasi-transverse propagation of an extraordinary wave in the vicinity of the upper hybrid resonance in a cold plasma. The question is investigated of whether the waves that propagate in a smoothly inhomogeneous medium (from the transparency region in the vicinity of the upper hybrid resonance into vacuum or in the opposite direction) can reach the EIT region. The features of the quasi-transverse propagation of an extraordinary wave at the electron cyclotron resonance frequency in the quasi-EIT regime are also considered. It is shown that, in this situation, the parametric effects modify the polarization of the wave, with the result that its absorption increases substantially (by one to two orders of magnitude).  相似文献   

During the observation of Perseid, Leonid, Gemenid, and Orionid meteor showers, stable low-frequency lines in the frequency range of 20–60 Hz were recorded against the radio-frequency noise background. A physical mechanism for this effect is proposed, and it is established that the effect itself is related to the modulational interaction between electromagnetic and dust acoustic waves. The dynamics of the components of a complex (dusty) ionospheric plasma with dust produced from the evolution of meteoric material is described. The conditions for the existence of dust acoustic waves in the ionosphere are considered, and the waves are shown to dissipate energy mainly in collisions of neutral particles with charged dust grains. The modulational instability of electromagnetic waves in a complex (dusty) ionospheric plasma is analyzed and is found to be driven by the nonlinear Joule heating, the ponderomotive force, and the processes governing dust charging and dynamics. The conditions for the onset of the modulational instability of electromagnetic waves, as well as its growth rate and threshold, are determined for both daytime and nighttime. It is shown that low-frequency perturbations generated in the modulational interaction are related to dust acoustic waves.  相似文献   

Oscillations of a plasma column in a longitudinal magnetic field are considered. It is found that eigenmodes with frequencies close to the ion cyclotron frequency can be excited in columns the radii of which are smaller than the characteristic wavelength of magnetosonic oscillations predicted by the theory of homogeneous plasma. The eigenmodes have the form of waves running around the column axis in the direction of electron gyration in the magnetic field. Magnetosonic oscillations can be excited as a side effect when using helical antennas for ion cyclotron resonance heating of plasma. These oscillations should enhance electron heating in the plasma core, as well as both electron and ion heating at the periphery of the plasma column. The spectrum of eigenmodes of inhomogeneous plasma columns includes oscillations of different nature. Comparative analysis of their properties performed in the present paper is useful for understanding the full picture of the physical processes occurring during ion cyclotron resonance heating and clarifying the characteristic features of the magnetosonic oscillations under study.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic radiation effects are calculated for the case of the solar radiation spectrum in the vicinity of the Earth. The influence of the photoelectric effect on the propagation of nonlinear waves in complex plasmas is studied when the dust grains acquire large positive charges. Exact solutions to nonlinear equations in the form of steady-state shocks that do not involve electron-ion collisions are found, and the conditions for their existence are obtained. In contrast to the classical collisionless shock waves, the dissipation due to the dust charging involves the interaction of the electrons and ions with the dust grains in the form of microscopic grain currents and the photoelectric current. The nonsteady problem of the evolution of a perturbation and its transformation into a nonlinear wave structure is considered. The evolution of an intense, initially nonmoving region with a constant increased ion density is investigated. It is shown that the evolution of a rather intense nonmoving region with a constant increased ion density can result in the formation of a shock wave. In addition to the compressional wave, a rarefaction region (dilatation wave) appears. The presence of a dilatation wave finally leads to the destruction of the shock structure. The possibility is discussed of the observation of shock waves related to dust charging in the presence of electromagnetic radiation in active rocket experiments, which involve the release of a gaseous substance in the Earth's ionosphere in the form of a high-speed plasma jet at altitudes of 500–600 km.  相似文献   

An exactly solvable one-dimensional model describing resonance tunneling (reflectionless transmission) of a transverse electromagnetic wave through wide layers of magnetoactive plasma is developed on the basis of the Helmholtz equation. The plasma layers include a set of spatially localized density structures the amplitudes and thicknesses of which are such that approximate methods are inapplicable for their analysis. The profiles of the plasma density structures strongly depend on the choice of the free parameters of the problem that determine the amplitudes of plasma density modulation, characteristic scale lengths of the density structures, their number, and the total thickness of the nonuniform plasma layer. The plasma layers can also include a set of random inhomogeneities. The propagation of electromagnetic waves through such complicated plasma inhomogeneities is analyzed numerically within the proposed exactly solvable model. According to calculations, there are a wide set of inhomogeneous structures for which an electromagnetic wave incident from vacuum can propagate through the plasma layer without reflection, i.e., the complete tunneling of thick plasma barriers takes place. The model also allows one to exactly solve a one-dimensional problem on the nonlinear transillumination of a nonuniform plasma layer in the presence of cubic nonlinearity. It is important that, due to nonlinearity, the thicknesses of the evanescent plasma regions can decrease substantially and, at a sufficiently strong nonlinearity, such regions will disappear completely. The problem of resonance tunneling of electromagnetic radiation through gradient wave barriers is of interest for various applications, such as efficient heating of dense plasma by electromagnetic radiation and transmission of electromagnetic signals from a source located in the near-Earth plasma or deep in the plasma of an astrophysical object through the surrounding evanescent regions.  相似文献   

The propagation of MHD plasma waves in a sheared magnetic field is investigated. The problem is solved using a simplified model: a cold plasma is inhomogeneous in one direction, and the magnetic field lines are straight. The waves are assumed to travel in the plane perpendicular to the radial coordinate (i.e., the coordinate along which the plasma and magnetic field are inhomogeneous). It is shown that the character of the singularity at the resonance surface is the same as that in a homogeneous magnetic field. It is found that the shear gives rise to the transverse dispersion of Alfvén waves, i.e., the dependence of the radial component of the wave vector on the wave frequency. In the presence of shear, Alfvén waves are found to propagate across magnetic surfaces. In this case, the transparent region is bounded by two turning points, at one of which, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity and, at the other one, it vanishes. At the turning point for magnetosonic waves, the electric and magnetic fields are finite; however, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity, rather than vanishes as in the case with a homogeneous field.  相似文献   

Compact expressions are derived for the nonlocal permittivity tensor of weakly relativistic plasma in a 2D nonuniform magnetic field near the resonances at the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency for an extraordinary wave and at the first harmonic for an ordinary wave. It is shown that the wave equation with allowance for the obtained thermal correction to the permittivity tensor in the form of a differential operator in transverse (with respect to the external magnetic field) coordinates possesses an integral in the form of the energy conservation law.  相似文献   

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