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The template model starts with a layer of receptors that in the case of vision are leaky detectors or counters of photons. In many animals, the ratio of the responses of a few spectral types is the basis of colour vision irrespective of intensity. Ratios of template responses are now introduced as the basis of form discrimination. In insects, the second-order neurons on the visual pathway appear to detect temporal contrast at the spatial resolution of the retina. At the next level, in the optic medulla, we find a large number of small local neurons in a column on each visual axis. The template theory is a hypothesis about how the above system functions. All possible combinations of positive, indeterminate or negative temporal contrast are considered, at two adjacent visual axes at two successive instants, giving 81 possible local templates. These templates are therefore phasic detectors of all the possible spatiotemporal contrast combinations. Some of the template responses indicate polarity of edge, flicker, or direction of motion and other abstracted features of the stimulus pattern with the maximum spatial and temporal resolution. The ratios of numbers of template responses, in higher fields at a higher level, yield quantitative measures of the qualities of edges independently of the number of edges, but taking ratios causes a corresponding loss of the spatiotemporal resolution and the pattern within each field. Templates respond to transients without computation, are readily modified or selected in evolution and can be simulated in artificial vision.  相似文献   

Many methods used to analyze neuronal response assume that neuronal activity has a fundamentally linear relationship to the stimulus. However, some neurons are strongly sensitive to multiple directions in stimulus space and have a highly nonlinear response. It can be difficult to find optimal stimuli for these neurons. We demonstrate how successive linear approximations of neuronal response can effectively carry out gradient ascent and move through stimulus space towards local maxima of the response. We demonstrate search results for a simple model neuron and two models of a highly selective neuron.  相似文献   

The Possible Role of Spike Patterns in Cortical Information Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the same visual stimulus is presented across many trials, neurons in the visual cortex receive stimulus-related synaptic inputs that are reproducible across trials (S) and inputs that are not (N). The variability of spike trains recorded in the visual cortex and their apparent lack of spike-to-spike correlations beyond that implied by firing rate fluctuations, has been taken as evidence for a low S/N ratio. A recent re-analysis of in vivo cortical data revealed evidence for spike-to-spike correlations in the form of spike patterns. We examine neural dynamics at a higher S/N in order to determine what possible role spike patterns could play in cortical information processing. In vivo-like spike patterns were obtained in model simulations. Superpositions of multiple sinusoidal driving currents were especially effective in producing stable long-lasting patterns. By applying current pulses that were either short and strong or long and weak, neurons could be made to switch from one pattern to another. Cortical neurons with similar stimulus preferences are located near each other, have similar biophysical properties and receive a large number of common synaptic inputs. Hence, recordings of a single neuron across multiple trials are usually interpreted as the response of an ensemble of these neurons during one trial. In the presence of distinct spike patterns across trials there is ambiguity in what would be the corresponding ensemble, it could consist of the same spike pattern for each neuron or a set of patterns across neurons. We found that the spiking response of a neuron receiving these ensemble inputs was determined by the spike-pattern composition, which, in turn, could be modulated dynamically as a means for cortical information processing.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study aiming at model fitting for sensory neurons. Conventional neural network training approaches are not applicable to this problem due to lack of continuous data. Although the stimulus can be considered as a smooth time-dependent variable, the associated response will be a set of neural spike timings (roughly the instants of successive action potential peaks) that have no amplitude information. A recurrent neural network model can be fitted to such a stimulus-response data pair by using the maximum likelihood estimation method where the likelihood function is derived from Poisson statistics of neural spiking. The universal approximation feature of the recurrent dynamical neuron network models allows us to describe excitatory-inhibitory characteristics of an actual sensory neural network with any desired number of neurons. The stimulus data are generated by a phased cosine Fourier series having a fixed amplitude and frequency but a randomly shot phase. Various values of amplitude, stimulus component size, and sample size are applied in order to examine the effect of the stimulus to the identification process. Results are presented in tabular and graphical forms at the end of this text. In addition, to demonstrate the success of this research, a study involving the same model, nominal parameters and stimulus structure, and another study that works on different models are compared to that of this research.  相似文献   

Odours are represented as unique combinations of activated glomeruli in the antennal lobes of insects. Receptor neurons arborizing in the glomeruli are not only qualitatively selective, but in addition respond to variations in stimulus concentration. As each glomerulus likely represents a single receptor neuron type, optical recordings of calcium changes in insect antennal lobes show how concentration variations affect a large population of afferents. We measured the glomerular responses in the moth Spodoptera littoralis to different concentrations of plant-related odorants. Localized calcium responses were shown to correspond to individual glomeruli. We found that the dynamic range of glomerular responses spanned 3-4 log units of concentration and the most strongly responding glomeruli often reached a plateau at high stimulus doses. Further, we showed that the single most active glomerulus was often not the same across concentrations. However, if the principal glomerulus moved, it was generally to an adjacent or proximal glomerulus. As concentration increased, a higher number of glomeruli became activated. Correlations of glomerular representations of the same compound at different doses decreased as the difference in concentration increased. Moreover, representations evoked by different odorants were more correlated at high than at low doses, which means that the uniqueness of activity patterns decreased with increasing concentration. Thus, if odours are coded as spatial patterns of glomerular activity, as has been suggested, these olfactory codes are not persistent across concentrations.  相似文献   

This communication examines, in digital computer simulated network, input signals and response patterns established at excitatory neurons' level i.e. the membrane potential of neuron soma. It is restricted to spatial patterns of the auditory neuron networks and time factor for nervous conduction and transmission is neglected compared with long maintained membrane potentials of neuron somas. The model analyzes the change in the spatial patterns of the membrane potential in the two dimensional networks of the auditory system. In order to evaluate the contribution of the various parameters, it is started that the simplest model has only one parameter, lateral inhibition. The other parameters are then added, one at a time, to successive models. The lateral inhibition is a necessary condition in the auditory nervous system if any sharpening of the response areas in the single neurons is to occur. A necessary condition for the validity of the model is that it should be applicable to the other senses such as vision and chemical patterns, taste. The threshold feature of auditory neurons aids in producing a sharpening in the neuron of the auditory relay nuclei. It does this clipping the spatial response patterns in one dimensional arrays of excitatory neurons. Recurrent inhibition seems a necessary condition in the sensory nervous system that any kinds of input signals are to be preserved over a wide range of stimulus intensity. In other words, this network has a wide dynamic range against any kinds of input signals. A simple self-recurrent negative feedback does not contribute to the sharpening, but more complex socalled averaged type does. A neuron network is capable of responding stably to stimuli with a wide range of intensity and with any kind of spatial patterns if there is a simple negative feedback mechanism. When there is no negative feedback, input signals soon disappear or saturate in the neuron network. Therefore, recurrent inhibition is the most important mechanism. Spontaneous activity appears to aid in the sharpening by providing a kind of contrast, that is by reducting the amount of activity in neurons adjacent to the excitatory area. Moreover, the effect of spontaneous activity in the model seems to make repples around the excitatory area and suggests that an introduction of activity at any stage of the networks, from whatever source for example reticulum formation and thalamus, might appreciably alter the response patterns at subsequent neuron network. This suggests that the mechanism of the consciousness that might be controlled by the thalamus and or reticular formation. These two dimensional neuron networks may be expanded to three dimensional neuron networks. The former might simulate the auditory nervous system while the latter might simulate the visual system.  相似文献   

Schnitzer MJ  Meister M 《Neuron》2003,37(3):499-511
Population codes in the brain have generally been characterized by recording responses from one neuron at a time. This approach will miss codes that rely on concerted patterns of action potentials from many cells. Here we analyze visual signaling in populations of ganglion cells recorded from the isolated salamander retina. These neurons tend to fire synchronously far more frequently than expected by chance. We present an efficient algorithm to identify what groups of cells cooperate in this way. Such groups can include up to seven or more neurons and may account for more than 50% of all the spikes recorded from the retina. These firing patterns represent specific messages about the visual stimulus that differ significantly from what one would derive by single-cell analysis.  相似文献   

To investigate how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity, a reduced two-compartment neuron model in the presence of electric field is introduced in this study. Depending on neuronal geometric and internal coupling parameters, the behaviors of the model have been studied extensively. The neuron model can exist in quiescent state or repetitive spiking state in response to electric field stimulus. Negative electric field mainly acts as inhibitory stimulus to the neuron, positive weak electric field could modulate spiking frequency and spike timing when the neuron is already active, and positive electric fields with sufficient intensity could directly trigger neuronal spiking in the absence of other stimulations. By bifurcation analysis, it is observed that there is saddle-node on invariant circle bifurcation, supercritical Hopf bifurcation and subcritical Hopf bifurcation appearing in the obtained two parameter bifurcation diagrams. The bifurcation structures and electric field thresholds for triggering neuron firing are determined by neuronal geometric and coupling parameters. The model predicts that the neurons with a nonsymmetric morphology between soma and dendrite, are more sensitive to electric field stimulus than those with the spherical structure. These findings suggest that neuronal geometric features play a crucial role in electric field effects on the polarization of neuronal compartments. Moreover, by determining the electric field threshold of our biophysical model, we could accurately distinguish between suprathreshold and subthreshold electric fields. Our study highlights the effects of extracellular electric field on neuronal activity from the biophysical modeling point of view. These insights into the dynamical mechanism of electric field may contribute to the investigation and development of electromagnetic therapies, and the model in our study could be further extended to a neuronal network in which the effects of electric fields on network activity may be investigated.  相似文献   

This paper describes the embryonic development of three leech neurons which undergo spatially regulated patterns of differentiation. In leeches, the nervous system arises from an iterated array of embryonic cell lineages, and each neuron is represented by a set of bilaterally symmetric and segmentally repeated homologs. Two of the cells discussed here, the neurons nz4 and mz3, stain with antibodies to the neuropeptides SCP and FMRFamide during the course of their embryonic differentiation, but only a subset of the initially immunoreactive homologs continue to express this immunoreactivity into postembryonic life. Those nz4 cells which retain immunoreactivity are referred to as RAS neurons, and the persistently immunoreactive mz3 cells referred to as CAS neurons. The subset of homologs which show persistent expression is segment specific, such that the mature RAS and CAS neurons occupy different segmental domains. In addition, both neurons display a final pattern of expression which is laterally asymmetric, with only one of the two homologs in each segment maintaining the RAS or CAS phenotype. Asymmetric differentiation can occur in either orientation for any given segment, although there is a very strong tendency for the persistently immunoreactive cells to lie on opposite sides of successive segments. The fate of the transiently immunoreactive homologs is unclear, but labeling with intracellular lineage tracers suggests that there are some mz3 neurons which survive late into postemobryonic life and never express detectable levels of immunoreactivity. Intracellular lineage tracers also allowed us to follow the development of a third neuron, mz4, which does not stain for either peptide. The mz4 neuron is initially paired, but undergoes an asymmetric pattern of cell death which also shows a strong tendency to alternate sides in successive segments. These spatially coordinated patterns of neuronal survival and/or differentiation suggest that cell interactions play a role in determining the developmental choices made by individual neurons, and a subsequent paper will characterize those interactions through experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

Orientation sensitive properties of extrastriate area 21a neurons were investigated. Special attention was paid to the qualitative characteristics of neuron responses to the different orientations of visual stimulus motion across neuron classical receptive fields (CRF). The results of experiments have shown that a group of neurons (31%) in area 21a with specialized responses to moving visual stimuli changed their direction selective (DS) characteristics depending on the orientation of the stimulus movement. Some neurons reveal an abrupt drop of the direction sensitivity index (DI) to certain orientation (58%), and some show significant increase of DI at one of applied orientations of stimulus motion (22%). Detailed investigation of response patterns of non-directional neurons to different orientations of stimulus motion have revealed clear-cut qualitative differences, such as different regularities in the distribution of inter-peak inhibitory intervals in the response pattern in dependence of the orientation of stimulus motion. The investigation of neuron CRF stationary functional organization did not reveal correlations between RF's spatial functional organization, and that of qualitative modulations of neuron response patterns. A suggestion was put forward, that visual information central processing of orientation discrimination is a complex integrative process that includes quantitative as well as qualitative transformations of neuron activity.  相似文献   

Responses of 75 single units in the goldfish olfactory bulb were analyzed in detail for their relationship to the time-course of the change in odor concentration during each odor stimulus. Odor stimuli were controlled for rise time, duration, and peak concentration by an apparatus developed for the purpose. This apparatus enabled aqueous odor stimuli to be interposed into a constant water stream without changes in flow rate. The time-course of the concentration change within the olfactory sac was inferred from conductivity measurements at the incurrent and excurrent nostrils. Temporal patterns of firing rate elicited by stimuli with relatively slow rising and falling phases could be quite complex combinations of excitation and suppression. Different temporal patterns were produced by different substances at a single concentration in most units. Statistical measures of the temporal pattern of response for a small number of cells at a given concentration were more characteristic of the stimulus substance than any of three measures of magnitude of response. The temporal patterns change when the peak concentration, duration, and rise time of the stimuli are varied. The nature of these changes suggests that the different patterns are due primarily to the combined influence of two factors: (a) a stimulus whose concentration varies over time and (b) a relationship between concentration and impulse frequency which varies from unit to unit. Some units produce patterns suggestive of influence by neural events of long time constant. The importance of temporal patterns in odor quality and odor intensity coding is discussed.  相似文献   

 A model of sensory learning is proposed that is based upon Hebb's rule, where Hebb's rule has been generalised by introducing a stabilising function representing some feedback process within or at the adapting (cortical) neuron, preventing synaptic weights from increasing without limit. It will be shown that neurons adapting according to this stabilised Hebb rule will turn into a matched filter for that part of the stimulus pattern that covers the receptive field of a neuron. It follows that the presentation of a stimulus pattern may imply the formation of a set of neurons with overlapping receptive fields, where each neuron has adapted to a certain part of the stimulus. Making simplifying assumptions about the detection process, the model will be illustrated, fitting it to data from Meinhardt and Mortensen [Meinhardt G, Mortensen U (1998) Biol Cybern 79:413–425] which are not compatible with the classical matched filter model introduced by Hauske et al. [Hauske G, Wolf W, Lupp U (1976) Biol Cybern 22:181–188]. Received: 10 May 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 22 October 1999  相似文献   

Spike discharge activity of RA-type SI cortical neurons was recorded extracellularly in anesthetized monkeys and cats. Multiple applications (trials) of 10-50 Hz sinusoidal vertical skin displacement stimulation ("flutter") were delivered to the receptive field (RF). Analysis revealed large and systematic temporal trends not only in SI RA neuron responsivity (measured as spikes/s and as spikes/stimulus cycle), but also in entrainment, and in phase angle of the entrained responses. In contrast to SI RA neurons, the response of RA skin afferents to comparable conditions of skin flutter stimulation exhibited little or no dynamics. The occurrence and form of the SI RA neuron response dynamics that accompany skin flutter stimulation are shown to depend on factors such as stimulus frequency and the locus of the recording site in the global cortical response pattern. Comparison of recordings obtained in near-radial vs tangential microelectrode penetrations further reveals that the SI RA neuron response dynamics that occur during skin flutter stimulation are relatively consistent within, but heterogeneous across column-sized regions. The observed SI RA neuron response dynamics are suggested to account, in part, for the improved capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency after an exposure ("adaptation") to skin flutter stimulation (Goble and Hollins, J Acoust Soc Am 96: 771-780, 1994). Parallels with recent proposals about the contributions to visual perception of short-term primary sensory cortical neuron dynamics and synchrony in multineuron spike activity patterns are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Spike discharge activity of RA-type SI cortical neurons was recorded extracellularly in anesthetized monkeys and cats. Multiple applications (trials) of 10-50 Hz sinusoidal vertical skin displacement stimulation ("flutter") were delivered to the receptive field (RF). Analysis revealed large and systematic temporal trends not only in SI RA neuron responsivity (measured as spikes/s and as spikes/stimulus cycle), but also in entrainment, and in phase angle of the entrained responses. In contrast to SI RA neurons, the response of RA skin afferents to comparable conditions of skin flutter stimulation exhibited little or no dynamics. The occurrence and form of the SI RA neuron response dynamics that accompany skin flutter stimulation are shown to depend on factors such as stimulus frequency and the locus of the recording site in the global cortical response pattern. Comparison of recordings obtained in near-radial vs tangential microelectrode penetrations further reveals that the SI RA neuron response dynamics that occur during skin flutter stimulation are relatively consistent within, but heterogeneous across column-sized regions. The observed SI RA neuron response dynamics are suggested to account, in part, for the improved capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency after an exposure ("adaptation") to skin flutter stimulation (Goble and Hollins, J Acoust Soc Am 96: 771-780, 1994). Parallels with recent proposals about the contributions to visual perception of short-term primary sensory cortical neuron dynamics and synchrony in multineuron spike activity patterns are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Recent data on learning-related changes in animal and human auditory cortex indicate functions beyond mere stimulus representation and simple recognition memory for stimuli. Rather, auditory cortex seems to process and represent stimuli in a task-dependent fashion. This implies plasticity in neural processing, which can be observed at the level of single neuron firing and the level of spatiotemporal activity patterns in cortical areas. Auditory cortex is a structure in which behaviorally relevant aspects of stimulus processing are highly developed because of the fugitive nature of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the BVP neuron model response to periodic pulse stimuli are investigated. Temporal patterns of the output of the model are analyzed as a function of the stimulus intensity and period. The BVP model exhibits the same chaotic behavior, and a Cantor function-like graph of the response frequency (mean firing rate) as in electrophysiological experiments. This shows that the BVP model describes the complicated response characteristics of the neuron at least qualitatively.  相似文献   

Three types of experiment were carried out on anesthetized monkeys and cats. In the first, spike discharge activity of rapidly adapting (RA) SI neurons was recorded extracellularly during the application of different frequencies of vibrotactile stimulation to the receptive field (RF). The second used the same stimulus conditions to study the response of RA-I (RA) cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferents. The third used optical intrinsic signal (OIS) imaging and extracellular neurophysiological recording methods together, in the same sessions, to evaluate the relationship between the SI optical and RA neuron spike train responses to low- vs high-frequency stimulation of the same skin site. RA afferent entrainment was high at all frequencies of stimulation. In contrast, SI RA neuron entrainment was much lower on average, and was strongly frequency-dependent, declining in near-linear fashion from 6 to 200 Hz. Even at 200 Hz, however, unambiguous frequencyfollowing responses were present in the spike train activity of some SI RA neurons. These entrainment results support the "periodicity hypothesis" of Mountcastle et al. ( J Neurophysiol 32: 452-484, 1969) that the capacity to discriminate stimulus frequency over the range 5-50 Hz is attributable to the ability of SI RA pyramidal neurons to discharge action potentials in consistent temporal relationship to stimulus motion, and raise the possibility that perceptual frequency discriminative capacity at frequencies between 50 and 200 Hz might be accounted for in the same way. An increase in vibrotactile stimulus frequency within the range 6-200 Hz consistently resulted in an increase in RA afferent mean spike firing rate (M FR). SI RA neuron M FR also increased as frequency increased between 6 and 50 Hz, but declined as stimulus frequency was increased over the range 50-200 Hz. At stimulus frequencies > 100 Hz, and at positions in the RF other than the receptive field center (RF center ), SI RA neuron MFR declined sharply within 0.5-2s of stimulus onset and rebounded transiently upon stimulus termination. In contrast, when the stimulus was applied to the RF center, MFR increased with increasing frequency and tended to remain well maintained throughout the period of high-frequency stimulation. The evidence obtained in "combined" OIS imaging and extracellular microelectrode recording experiments suggests that SI RA neurons with an RF center that corresponds to the stimulated skin site occupy small foci within the much larger SI region activated by same-site cutaneous flutter stimulation, while for the RA neurons located elsewhere in the large SI region activated by a flutter stimulus, the stimulus site and RF center are different.  相似文献   

Stable patterns can be generated by molecular interactions involving local self-enhancement and long-range inhibition. In contrast, highly dynamic patterns result if the maxima, generated in this way, become destabilized by a second antagonistic reaction. The latter must act local and must be long-lasting. Maxima either disappear and reappear at displaced positions or they move over the field as travelling waves. The wave can have unusual properties in that they can penetrate each other without annihilation. The resulting pattern corresponds to those observed in diverse biological systems. In the chemotactic orientation of cells, the temporary signals allow the localized extensions of protrusions under control of minute external asymmetries imposed by the chemoattractant. In phyllotaxis, these signals lead to successive leaf initiation, whereby the longer-lasting extinguishing reaction can cause a displacement of the subsequent leaf initiation site by the typical 137.5 degrees, the golden angle. On seashells, this patterns leads either to oblique lines that can cross each other or to oblique rows of dots. For some of the models animated simulations are available at http://www.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/abt.4/meinhardt/theory.html.  相似文献   

The structures of limbic system have been found to modulate the auditory, visual and pain afferent signals in the related nuclei of thalamus. One of those structures is anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) that influences nocuous response of the pain-sensitive neurons in the ventropostero-lateral nucleus of thalamus. Thus, we inferred that ACC would also modulate tactile information at the thalamic level. To test this assumption, single units were recorded extracellularly from thalamic ventrobasal nucleus (VB). Tactile ON-OFF response and the relationship between different patterns of the responses and the parameters of tactile stimulation were examined. Furthermore, the influence of ACC on the tactile ON-OFF response was studied. ACC stimulation was found to produce a facilitatory effect on the OFF-response of ON-OFF neurons. It lowered the threshold of the off-response of that neuron, and therefore changed the response pattern or enhanced the firing rate of the OFF-response of the neuron. The study on receptive fields of ON-OFF neurons showed that the excitation of the ACC could change an ON-response on the verge of a receptive field into an ON-OFF response. The above results suggest that the ACC modulation sharpens the response of a VB neuron to a moving stimulus within its receptive field, indicating that the limbic system can modulate tactile ascending sensory information.  相似文献   

The structures of limbic system have been found to modulate the auditory, visual and pain afferent signals in the related nuclei of thalamus. One of those structures is anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) that influences nocuous response of the pain-sensitive neurons in the ventropos-tero-lateral nucleus of thalamus. Thus, we inferred that ACC would also modulate tactile information at the thalamic level. To test this assumption, single units were recorded extracellularly from thalamic ventrobasal nucleus (VB). Tactile ON-OFF response and the relationship between different patterns of the responses and the parameters of tactile stimulation were examined. Furthermore, the influence of ACC on the tactile ON-OFF response was studied. ACC stimulation was found to produce a facilitatory effect on the OFF-response of ON-OFF neurons. It lowered the threshold of the off-response of that neuron, and therefore changed the response pattern or enhanced the firing rate of the OFF-response of the neuron. The study on rec  相似文献   

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