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Zmijewski JW  Jope RS 《Aging cell》2004,3(5):309-317
Activation of the tumor suppressor protein p53 contributes to cellular senescence. As glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) was recently found to interact with p53 and contribute to the actions of p53, this study examined whether GSK3 accumulated in the nucleus and associated with p53 in senescent cells. Compared with young and middle-aged human WI-38 fibroblasts, senescent cells were found to contain increased nuclear levels of GSK3beta, and also tended to accumulate in the nucleus the other isoform of GSK3, GSK3alpha. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that GSK3beta and p53 formed a complex in the nucleus. Further experiments tested whether inhibition of GSK3 altered the development of senescence using long-term treatment with the selective GSK3 inhibitor lithium. Lithium treatment reduced the senescence-associated accumulation of p53 and caused cells to enter a reversible quiescent state. These results indicate that a portion of the p53 that is activated in senescent cells is modulated by its association with GSK3beta in the nucleus, an association that is known to facilitate the actions of p53 and that may contribute to senescence.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs) cultured in vitro have limited capacity to proliferate after population doubling is repeated several times, and they enter into a state...  相似文献   

C-ras expression decreases during in vitro senescence in human fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Expression of the c-ras oncogene was determined in growing early and late passage human (IMR-90) fibroblasts using northern blot analysis of total cellular RNA. It was found that late passage cells demonstrated lower levels of c-ras by about four fold when compared to levels found in early passage cells. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from early and late passage fibroblasts digested with either SacI or BamHI showed somewhat increased hybridization levels in early passage cells compared to late passage cells. Data is discussed in relation to a previous report of c-ras expression and gene amplification.  相似文献   

The loss of telomere repeats has been causally linked to in vitro replicative senescence of human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs). In order to study the mechanism(s) by which telomere shortening signals cell senescence, we analyzed the telomere length at specific chromosome ends at cumulative population doublings in polyclonal and clonal HDFs by quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization. The rate of telomere shortening at individual telomeres varied between 50 and 150 bp per population doubling and short telomeres with an estimated 1-2 kb of telomere repeats accumulated prior to senescence. The average telomere length in specific chromosome ends was remarkably similar between clones. However, some exceptions with individual telomeres measuring 0.5-1 kb were observed. In the fibroblast clones, the onset of replicative senescence was significantly correlated with the mean telomere fluorescence but, strikingly, not with chromosomes with the shortest telomere length. The accumulation of short telomeres in late passages of cultured HDFs is compatible with selection of cells on the basis of telomere length and limited recombination between telomeres prior to senescence.  相似文献   

Abnormal proliferation of mitochondria generally occurs in muscle of aged individuals and patients with mitochondrial myopathy. An increase in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number has also been observed in aging human tissues. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the increase in mitochondrial mass and mtDNA is still unclear. In a previous study, we demonstrated that sublethal levels of oxidative stress caused an increase in mitochondrial mass in human lung cells. In this communication, we report our recent findings that the mitochondrial mass in human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5) in a later proliferation stage is significantly increased compared to that in the early stages of proliferation. The extent of the increase in mitochondrial mass in the senescent cells was similar to that in cells in the early stages of proliferation that had been treated with low concentrations ( 180 µM) of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Moreover, we found that the rate of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was higher in cells in the later proliferation stage compared to cells in the early proliferation stages. A similar phenomenon was also observed in cells in the early proliferation stages under low levels of oxidative stress. On the other hand, the mRNA levels of many nuclear DNA-encoded proteins involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, particularly nuclear respiratory factor-1, were found to increase in cells in later proliferation stages and in cells in early proliferation stages that had been treated with 180 µM H2O2. Interestingly, the increase in mitochondrial mass in the cells under oxidative stress could be repressed by treatment with cycloheximide orm-chlorocarbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone but not by chloramphenicol. Furthermore, the mitochondrial mass of mtDNA-less ° cells was also significantly increased by exposure to low concentrations (e.g. 180 µM) of H2O2. These results suggest that the increase in mitochondrial mass in replicative senescent cells may result from an increase in ROS production, and that it is dependent on both de novo synthesis of nuclear DNA-encoded proteins and their import into mitochondria, dictated by the membrane potential of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Normal somatic cells have a limited replicative lifespan, and serial subcultivation ultimately results in senescence. Senescent cells are irreversibly growth-arrested and show impaired responses to mitogens. Activation of the ERK signaling pathway, an absolute requirement for cell proliferation, results in nuclear relocalization of active ERKs, an event impaired in senescent fibroblasts. This impairment coincides with increased activity of the nuclear ERK phosphatase MKP2. Here we show that replicative lifespan can be altered by changes in nuclear ERK activity. Ectopic expression of MKP2 results in premature senescence. In contrast, knock-down of MKP2 expression, through transduction of MKP2 sequence-specific short hairpin RNA, or expression of the phosphatase resistant ERK2(D319N) mutant, abrogates the effects of increased endogenous MKP2 levels and senescence is postponed. Nuclear targeting of ERK2(D319N) significantly augments its effects and the transduced cultures show higher than 60% increase in replicative lifespan compared with cultures transduced with wt ERK2. Long-lived cultures senesce with altered molecular characteristics and retain the ability to express c-fos, and Rb is maintained in its inactive form. Our results support that MKP2-mediated inactivation of nuclear ERK2 represents a key event in the establishment of replicative senescence. Although it is evident that senescence can be imposed through multiple mechanisms, restoration of nuclear ERK activity can bypass a critical senescence checkpoint and, thus, extend replicative lifespan.  相似文献   

The levels of collagenase and collagenase mRNA produced by early-passage (less than 40% of lifespan completed) and late-passage (greater than 80% of lifespan completed) cultures of human fibroblasts were analyzed. The constitutive levels of collagenase and collagenase mRNA produced by the late-passage cultures were 10-30 x greater than the levels observed in similarly treated early-passage cultures. Immunofluorescence analysis established that the percentage of collagenase-positive cells was also greater (77% vs. 4%) in the late-passage cultures. To determine whether the difference in collagenase production resulted from cell-derived regulatory factors, collagenase production was examined in cultures plated onto substrates coated with fibroblast extracellular matrix (ECM). Collagenase and collagenase mRNA production was enhanced in both types of cultures, although amounts produced by ECM-induced early-passage cultures was significantly less than that produced by similarly treated late-passage cultures. Collagen-coated substrates also induced collagenase synthesis.  相似文献   

The properties of proteoglycans (PGs) produced by normal human skin fibroblast were investigated with increasing passage. The increase of subculture number was associated with a constant increase in PG molecular size, which was particularly evident in cell layer extracts. In the cell layer, the ratio of DS-PGs/HS-PGs was markedly higher in early passage cultures. Moreover, the cell layer from young cells contained lower amounts of radioactivity incorporated into the most hydrophobic PG populations, suggesting that the PG core protein might also undergo significant modification with increasing subcultures. There was no significant difference in energy charge value between early and late passage cultures, whereas the NAD/NADH ratio was found to decrease markedly in senescent cells.  相似文献   

H1 histone subspecies have been reported to vary during tissue differentiation, during aging of mammalian tissues, and as a function of DNA replicative activity. Since cultured human fibroblasts have a limited replicative life span which features arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, we sought to distinguish whether any changes in the proportions of the principal H1 histone subspecies (H1A, H1B, and H1o) in late-passage fibroblasts were specific for senescent loss of replicative potential, or rather ensued as a result of prolonged inhibition of cell division. We observed an identical shift in the proportions of H1 histone subspecies during prolonged density-dependent inhibition of growth in both early-passage and late-passage cells. Since under these conditions there were no passage-specific changes, replicative senescence of human fibroblasts does not appear to involve a defect in the control of H1 histone proportions.  相似文献   

The free radical hypothesis of aging postulates that senescence is due to an accumulation of cellular oxidative damage, caused largely by reactive oxygen species that are produced as by-products of normal metabolic processes. Recently, we demonstrated that the control of cytosolic and mitochondrial redox balance and the cellular defense against oxidative damage is one of the primary functions of cytosolic (IDPc) and mitochondrial NADP+ -dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDPm) by supplying NADPH for antioxidant systems. In this paper, we demonstrate that modulation of IDPc or IDPm activity in IMR-90 cells regulates cellular redox status and replicative senescence. When we examined the regulatory role of IDPc and IDPm against the aging process with IMR-90 cells transfected with cDNA for IDPc or IDPm in sense and antisense orientations, a clear inverse relationship was observed between the amount of IDPc or IDPm expressed in target cells and their susceptibility to senescence, which was reflected by changes in replicative potential, cell cycle, senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity, expression of p21 and p53, and morphology of cells. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation, oxidative DNA damage, and intracellular peroxide generation were higher and cellular redox status shifted to a prooxidant condition in the cell lines expressing the lower level of IDPc or IDPm. The results suggest that IDPc and IDPm play an important regulatory role in cellular defense against oxidative stress and in the senescence of IMR-90 cells.  相似文献   

The induction of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), a key enzyme in DNA biosynthesis that is induced just before the onset of S phase, is markedly attenuated in senescent human fibroblasts (Pang and Chen, 1994, J. Cell. Physiol., 160:531–538). Footprinting analysis of the 365 bp promoter region of the human DHFR gene (−381 to −17) indicated that nuclear proteins bind to a cluster of cis-elements, including two overlapping E2F binding sequences, two Sp1 sites, and one Yi sequence. Gel mobility shift assays were performed to assess the role of each cis-element in the regulation of DHFR gene expression. We found that (1) Sp1 binding activity was constitutively expressed throughout the cell cycle in early passage and senescent cells; (2) Yi binding activity was undetectable in both early passage and senescent cells; and (3) E2F binding activity was serum-inducible, senescence-dependent, and prominent in presenescent cells but strikingly diminished in senescent cells. Northern blot analysis of the expression of E2F and DP family members showed that the E2F-1, E2F-4, and E2F-5 mRNA was growth- and senescence-dependent, whereas E2F-3, DP-1, and DP-2 expression was constitutive and senescence-independent. In contrast, E2F-2 mRNA was not detectable in IMR-90 or WI-38 human fibroblasts. Western blot analysis showed that among the E2F-associated proteins, the expression of E2F-1, cyclin A, and cyclin B but not p107 was cell cycle- and senescence-dependent. A nuclear extract mixing experiment suggested that an inhibitory factor may further reduce E2F binding activity in senescent cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Oxidized proteins as well as proteins modified by the lipid peroxidation product 4‐hydroxy‐2‐nonenal (HNE) and by glycation (AGE) have been shown to accumulate with aging in vivo and during replicative senescence in vitro. To better understand the mechanisms by which these damaged proteins build up and potentially affect cellular function during replicative senescence of WI‐38 fibroblasts, proteins targeted by these modifications have been identified using a bidimensional gel electrophoresis‐based proteomic approach coupled with immunodetection of HNE‐, AGE‐modified and carbonylated proteins. Thirty‐seven proteins targeted for either one of these modifications were identified by mass spectrometry and are involved in different cellular functions such as protein quality control, energy metabolism and cytoskeleton. Almost half of the identified proteins were found to be mitochondrial, which reflects a preferential accumulation of damaged proteins within the mitochondria during cellular senescence. Accumulation of AGE‐modified proteins could be explained by the senescence‐associated decreased activity of glyoxalase‐I, the major enzyme involved in the detoxification of the glycating agents methylglyoxal and glyoxal, in both cytosol and mitochondria. This finding suggests a role of detoxification systems in the age‐related build‐up of damaged proteins. Moreover, the oxidized protein repair system methionine sulfoxide reductase was more affected in the mitochondria than in the cytosol during cellular senescence. Finally, in contrast to the proteasome, the activity of which is decreased in senescent fibroblasts, the mitochondrial matrix ATP‐stimulated Lon‐like proteolytic activity is increased in senescent cells but does not seem to be sufficient to cope with the increased load of modified mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Kim MS  Seu YB  Chung HY  Kim JH  Kim JR 《Aging cell》2007,6(4):535-545
Insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathways are among the most conserved processes in aging in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. Previously, using cDNA microarray technology, we reported that expression of IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP3), one of the IGF-binding proteins, was increased with age in human dermal fibroblasts. In this study, the role of IGFBP3 on cellular senescence was studied in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). The expression levels of IGFBP3 mRNA and protein were increased in HUVECs with age. Knockdown of IGFBP3 in old cells with IGFBP3 short hairpin RNA (shRNA) retrovirus resulted in the partial reduction of a variety of senescent phenotypes, such as changes in cell morphology, and decreases in population doubling times and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) staining. Down-regulation of IGFBP3 rescued the growth arrest induced by p53 overexpression in young HUVECs. In contrast, up-regulation of IGFBP3 in young cells and prolonged IGFBP3 treatment accelerated cellular senescence, confirmed by cell proliferation and SA-beta-gal staining. The FOXO3a (forkhead box O3a) protein level was increased in old IGFBP3 shRNA cells. The treatment of young HUVECs with IGFBP3 repressed the levels of FOXO3a protein. Furthermore, calorie restriction reduced IGFBP3 protein levels, which were found to be increased with age in the rat liver and serum. These results suggest that IGFBP3 might play an important role in the cellular senescence of HUVECs as well as in vivo aging.  相似文献   

Normal somatic cells undergo a finite number of divisions and then cease dividing whereas cancer cells are able to proliferate indefinitely. To identify the underlying mechanisms that limit the mitotic potential, a two-dimensional differential proteome analysis of replicative senescence in serially passaged rat embryo fibroblasts was undertaken. Triplicate independent two-dimensional gels containing over 1200 spots each were run, curated, and analyzed. This revealed 49 spots whose expression was altered more than 2-fold. Of these, 42 spots yielded positive protein identification by mass spectrometry comprising a variety of cytoskeletal, heat shock, and metabolic proteins, as well as proteins involved in trafficking, differentiation, and protein synthesis, turnover, and modification. These included gelsolin, a candidate tumor suppressor for breast cancer, and alpha-glucosidase II, a member of the family of glucosidases that includes klotho; a defect in klotho expression in mice results in a syndrome that resembles human aging. Changes in expression of TUC-1, -2, -4, and -4 beta, members of the TUC family critical for neuronal differentiation, were also identified. Some of the identified changes were also shown to occur in two other models of senescence, premature senescence of REF52 cells and replicative senescence of mouse embryo fibroblasts. The majority of these candidate proteins were unrecognized previously in replicative senescence. They are now implicated in a new role.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the profiles of the exoglycosidases: N-acetyl-β-hexosoaminidase, β glucuronidase and β galactosidase, α mannosidase and α fucosidase in fibroblast culture undergoing replicative and stress-induced senescence. Half of the cell culture was grown in normal conditions, without the stressor, and the other half of the cell was treated with 0.15 mM tert-butylhydroperoxide. The activities of total N-acetyl-β-hexosoaminidase as well as β glucuronidase in the cell lysate were determined in duplicates using the method of Marciniak et al. The activities of β galactosidase, α mannosidase and α fucosidase in the cell lysate were determined in duplicates using the method of Chatteriee et al. with the modification by Zwierz et al. The activities of the exoglycosidases examined, with the exception of β glucuronidase, showed a significant increase between individual days of the experiment in both non-stressed and stressed fibroblast cell culture. On each day of the experiment, in the cell lysate of stressed fibroblasts, the activities of exoglycosidases were significantly higher compared to the non-stressed cells. There were very strong correlations between SA-β-GAL staining and b galactosidase activity on individual days of the experiment in both non-stressed and stressed fibroblast cell culture. Replicative and stress-induced senescence results in significant changes to the level of lysosomal exoglycosidases, and results in enhanced lysosomal degradative capacity.  相似文献   

Following a proliferative phase of variable duration, most normal somatic cells enter a growth arrest state known as replicative senescence. In addition to telomere shortening, a variety of environmental insults and signaling imbalances can elicit phenotypes closely resembling senescence. We used p53(-/-) and p21(-/-) human fibroblast cell strains constructed by gene targeting to investigate the involvement of the Arf-Mdm2-p53-p21 pathway in natural as well as premature senescence states. We propose that in cell types that upregulate p21 during replicative exhaustion, such as normal human fibroblasts, p53, p21, and Rb act sequentially and constitute the major pathway for establishing growth arrest and that the telomere-initiated signal enters this pathway at the level of p53. Our results also revealed a number of significant differences between human and rodent fibroblasts in the regulation of senescence pathways.  相似文献   

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