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A six — or seven — (fingers) «sites» system with sequential invading of interdigital ridge bundles agrees very well with actual data from literature. The palmridges of the left hand lag one «period» behind those of the right hands. Main line formulas and the regularities in their frequencies are to a large extent predictable and can be understood from the 7- «sites» model proposed in this publication.  相似文献   

Palmar flexion creases have been studied in schizophrenics with a family history of schizophrenia or other psychiatric disorders and without such a background, and compared to a control population. Palmar flexion creases have been analyzed according to the method suggested byBali & Chaube (1971). When compared to controls, differences in the DRBC and TRBC frequencies are significant in the subgroup with no family history, supporting the existence of biological heterogeneity in schizophrenia, and of congenital factors when there is no known genetic background.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphics and flexion creases of 108 male and 65 female patients diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus have been analysed. The control population consists of 536 males and 234 females from the same population. Palmar flexion creases were analysed according to the method suggested by Bali and Chaube ('71). The flexion creases of diabetic patients and the control population are significantly different. The differences between main line formulae in diabetes and controls are significant among males. The differences between C-line types of patients and controls are significant among both sexes. Axial triradii are significant among female patients and controls. The patterns in the interdigital areas IV and II are significantly lower among male and female patients respectively from their controls.  相似文献   

目的:研究300名正常白族人的手掌主线分布,为人类学、医学、遗传学提供正常参数。方法:在知情同意手续下,捺印调查对象的手纹。结果:A主线,Ⅲ型占96%、Ⅴ型2.17%、Ⅰ型1.83%;B主线,Ⅴ型93%、Ⅶ型7%;C主线,Ⅴ型44.5%、Ⅶ型40.67%、Ⅸ型11.67%、O型3.16%;D主线,Ⅸ型47%、Ⅶ型46%、Ⅺ型7%。主线分布以35′5″7、35′79、35″79为主(占76.67%)。39.67%的个体双手主线对称分布,以35′5″7为主(15%)。MLI平均为6.25±1.37,MLIT为22.52±3.00,二者均为男性大于女性(P0.05)。3.17%的个体缺失c三叉。结论:白族人的手掌主线和其他民族有共性又有其特异性。  相似文献   

An example is reported of a rare dermatoglyphic variant (absence of triradius d) in a woman of mixed European and Cherokee American Indian ancestry. This variant was not present in her parents, her five siblings, four nephews or one niece. Attention is drawn to the continuum from an absent triradius d to a triradius with an abbreviated main-line associated with either an open field in interdigital area IV, or a loop in interdigital area IV or a tented arch at d. This same continuum occurs at c. The absent triradius at d is extremely rare and the tented arch at d is very rare.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphic patterns provide a reliable, permanent means of identifying individual primates in wild populations. Unlike the conventional marking techniques applied in wildlife biology, they are not prone to fading, loss, or distortion. Nonetheless, they have not been previously used for identification in primate field studies. We report here two simple techniques for recording dermatoglyphs in the field and describe an application of the method to a long-term study of population dynamics among baboons (Papio hamadryas, sensu lato)in central Ethiopia. Members of a baboon population were live-trapped, and replicas made of their palmar dermatoglyphics, in 1973, 1982, 1983, and 1984. By comparing the 1973 set with the later samples, we were able to identify four animals, two of each sex. All had been subadult or newly adult in 1973, as determined by dental eruption. Eleven years after their first capture, both females were still members of the same troop, although this had apparently amalgamated with a neighboring group. Both males had migrated. One had moved from one olive baboon group to another; the other (a hybrid) had moved from the hybrid zone described by Nagel (1973) into an olive troop. Ten animals were identified in both the 1983 and the 1984 samples, and one of these had previously been recorded in both 1982 and 1973. Establishing identity by means of dermatoglyphics promises to be a useful tool in studies where sampling episodes are widely separate in time.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphic prints were taken of 261 dyslexics (173 males and 88 females) and compared against those of 707 controls (372 males and 335 females). Dyslexics of both sexes were found to exhibit greater complexity in terms of ridge count and pattern location than controls, particularly on the left hand. Specifically, both male and female dyslexics exhibited higher left a-b counts, wider atd angles on both palms, and higher frequencies of pattern in left interdigital area IV. Additionally, male dyslexics also had higher right a-b counts and greater frequency of pattern in the left hypothenar area. Dyslexics of both sexes were also found to have more distally located axial triradii, and investigation of bilateral asymmetry found dyslexics to exhibit more directional asymmetry than controls in the variable of a-b count, with the left value for both groups being greater than the right. It was concluded that the study evidenced strong support for the hypothesis that some causative factor relating to the development of dyslexia is operating during the time period in which dermatoglyphic features are formed. The relevance of these findings in terms of the Geschwind hypothesis and the possible importance of prenatal testosterone are discussed.  相似文献   

I analyzed the finger prints of 59 male and 48 female unrelated Bengalis in a rehabilitation camp of Dacca, Bangladesh. The most common pattern type in the Bengalis was the ulnar loop (53%), then whorls (40%); arches (5%) and radial loops (2%) were the least common. Radial loops occurred most frequently on the index fingers. I have shown the arch/whorl, whorl/loop, and pattern intensity indices, and I have presented ridge counts by individual digits and by total digital ridge count. Digital dermatoglyphics in the male Bangladeshis were similar to previous findings in male Brahmins of Bengal. However, there were more whorls and arches, fewer loops, and a higher mean total digital ridge count in the female Bangladeshis than in female Brahmins.  相似文献   

Eight hundred Nigerians (400 males and 400 females) were screened for the analysis of digital dermatoglyphic patterns. The frequency distribution of the patterns are 52.09%, 27.67%, 19.20% and 1.13% for ulnar loops, whorls, arches and radial loops respectively. Except for arches, the males have more of the patterns than females. The pattern intensity indices for males and females are 11.2 and 9.9 respectively. Bilateral symmetry is similar in both sexes and the percent distribution is as high as 81.5% and 84% on digit V in males and females respectively.  相似文献   

A radial arch in the hypothenar area of the human palm is an uncommon ridge arrangement. It is associated with an ulnar triradius and no axial triradius is present. The configuration generally occurs on right hands but is sometimes found on both hands. The frequency in the few European populations studied and in one Canadian sample varies from 0.2% to over 2% of persons. Hypothenar radial arches have also been reported in patients with abnormal sex chromosomes but are not specific to any karyotype. Two families are described in which nearly related persons have hypothenar radial arches. They provide the first evidence that the pattern is inherited. In one family three out of six sibs have radial arches in the hypothenar area and so have two out of three children of one of them. In the other family a pair of identical twins and their mother have hypothenar radial arches. It is suggested that, from the information available, inheritance is probably due to a recessive gene.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphics has been studied in 86 mentally retarded males versus 50 normal males. The important findings in brief are as follows:
  1. Frequency of patterns in descending order (all ten taken together) were ulnar loops followed by whorls, in both the groups.
  2. Highly significant differences were found between the two groups in righ c-d, a-d, left a-b, a-d and vertical distance from a-d to the axial triradius, significant differences in left b-d, c-d and both distances from axial triradius to a vertical dropped proximally from triradius a.
The finding of this work has been compared with other authors. These findings give a base to classify mental retardation from the dermatoglyphic point of view, thus to help in diagnosis of the disease in newly born individuals.  相似文献   

Thirteen Iranian populations of diverse origins have been analyzed for C-line terminations, utilizing bilateral palmar prints of 3,158 individuals. Significant bimanual and male/female differences were frequently found in these populations. Interpopulational variation displayed significant heterogeneity. Distance analysis and constructed dendrograms provided separation between the populations, but the dendrograms are not in agreement with the ethnohistoric records of the populations studied.  相似文献   

Dermatoglyphic analyses were carried out on a sample of children with known sex chromosomal aneuploidies (25 XXY, 10 XXX, 1 XXYY). Digital ridge counts and pattern types were determined for each individual. Palm prints and sole patterns were also examined. The results of our study were compared with data from previous studies of sex chromosomal aneuploidies. Our results for the XXY males agree with the findings from other studies with respect to total ridge counts and plantar dermatoglyphics, but not for digital pattern frequencies. Our one example of an XXYY male showed hypothenar patterns similar to those found for this syndrome by other researchers, but neither the digital pattern types nor the unexpectedly high total ridge count conforms to the findings from other studies. Our sample of XXX females falls within the normal XX female range of variation with respect to hypothenar patterns and total ridge count; plantar features show a higher incidence of patterns than previously reported.  相似文献   

The author examines certain qualitative aspects of palmar dermatoglyphics in 820 individuals of both sexes from the city of Cagliari (Sardinia). The overall results obtained are discussed and the sexual and lateral differences are considered. The sample examined differs from other Mediterranean samples because of a tendency toward a vertical trend of the papillary lines, a lower frequency of patterns in the 2nd and 3rd interdigital areas and a higher frequency of patterns in the 4th interdigital area.  相似文献   

Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of 184 male and 224 female normal American Negroes were evaluated for digital patterns, digital ridge counts, palmar patterns, palmar main line terminations, accessory triradii and palmar creases. All subjects were seven year olds examined and found free of chronic or other genetic diseases. The results were presented for the left and right hand for the most part comparable to those of the African and other American Negro groups reported earlier. The distributions of the various dermatoglyphic features among the Negroes taken as a group were compared to those of the other racial groups and their differences were discussed.  相似文献   

Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics were collected from 360 male and 360 female seven year old Caucasians from the greater Boston area. All participants were screened and found to be free of minor anomalies or chronic diseases. All individuals with I.Q. scores below 70 were also excluded. The results were presented in such a way as to give information on bilateral symmetry as well as overall frequencies of the various dermatoglyphic features. The results were compared with those of the corresponding sample of seven year old normal male and female Negrose of the accompanying report. A review of the distribution of the dermatoglyphic features in different Caucasian populations has also been presented and the overall dermatoglyphics of the Caucasians were discussed in reference to the distribution of the same features in the other major “racial” groups. The method of collection and selection of the subjects, described in the text, makes this set of data unique and one of the most suitable for use as controls in studying the dermatoglyphics of the individuals with diseases or congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

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