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Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were generated against whole sonicated Neospora caninum tachyzoites as immunogen. Initial ELISA screening of the reactivity of hybridoma culture supernatants using the same antigen and antigen treated with sodium periodate prior to antibody binding resulted in the identification of 8 supernatants with reactivity against putative carbohydrate epitopes. Following immunoblotting, mab6D12 (IgG1), binding a 52/48-kDa doublet, and mab6C6 (IgM), binding a 190/180-kDa doublet, were selected for further studies. Immunofluorescence of tachyzoite-infected cultures localized the corresponding epitopes not to the surface, but to interior epitopes at the apical part of N. caninum tachyzoites. During in vitro tachyzoite to bradyzoite stage conversion, mab6C6 labeling translocated toward the cyst periphery, while for mab6D12 no changes in localization were noted. Upon extraction of tachyzoites with the nonionic detergent Triton-X-100, the 52-kDa band recognized by mab6D12 was present exclusively in the insoluble, cytoskeletal fraction of both N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis identified this protein as N. caninum beta tubulin. The 48-kDa band labeled by mab6D12 was a Vero cell protein contamination. The protein(s) reacting with mab6C6 could not be conclusively identified by mass spectrometry. Immunofluorescence consistently failed to label T. gondii tachyzoites, indicating that beta tubulin in T. gondii and N. caninum could be differentially modified or that the reactive epitope in T. gondii is masked. Immunogold TEM of isolated apical cytoskeletal preparations and dual immunofluorescence with antibody to tubulin confirmed that mab6D12 binds to the anterior part of apical complex-associated microtubules. The sodium periodate sensitivity of the beta tubulin associated epitope was confirmed by immunoblotting and ELISA, and treatment of N. caninum cytoskeletal proteins with sialidase prior to mab6D12 labeling resulted in a profound loss of antibody binding, suggesting that mab6D12 reacts with sialylated beta tubulin.  相似文献   

新孢子虫侵入宿主细胞的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了新孢子虫侵入宿主细胞的过程以及与侵入有关蛋白质的最新研究进展,指出新孢子虫侵入机制的深入探讨将为新孢子虫病的预防和快速诊断建立有效而实用的方法,并对新孢子虫疫苗以及新孢子虫新药物的研制提供新的策略。  相似文献   

A killed whole Neospora caninum tachyzoite preparation was formulated with various adjuvants and tested for its immunogenicity in cattle. The adjuvants used were: Havlogen, a polymer of acrylic acid cross-linked with polyallylsucrose; Polygen, a non-particulate copolymer; a mixture of Havlogen and Bay R-1005, which is a preparation of free base synthetic glycolipids; and Montanide ISA 773, a water-in-oil emulsion made with a mixture of metabolisable and mineral oils. Immune responses in immunised cattle were compared with those of cattle experimentally infected with culture-derived N. caninum tachyzoites. The overall mean serum IFAT titres were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in experimentally infected cattle compared with all immunised cattle. Nonetheless, the maximum antibody titres of the immunised cattle, which were obtained following the third immunisation, were within the range of titres previously described for naturally infected cattle. The overall mean serum IFAT titres were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in cattle immunised with the killed tachyzoite preparation formulated with Polygen and with the mixture of Havlogen and Bay R-1005, compared with cattle immunised with the Havlogen- and Montanide-based preparations. Two of the four adjuvant preparations were able to induce cell-mediated immune responses similar to those of the experimentally infected cattle. The Havlogen-adjuvanted tachyzoite preparation elicited N. caninum-specific proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells statistically similar (P = 0.095) to that of the infected animals. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from animals immunised with the Polygen-adjuvanted tachyzoite preparation produced interferon-gamma concentrations of similar magnitude (P = 0.17) to those from the infected animals. Polygen was one of two adjuvants that elicited the highest antibody responses, and was the only adjuvant that induced interferon-gamma levels similar to those of the infected heifers.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to native Neospora caninum tachyzoite surface protein NcSRS2 were generated and tested in vitro for their ability to neutralize tachyzoite attachment to and invasion of host cells. Host cells included Vero cells and a newly cloned, immortalized ovine trophoblast cell line obtained from primary cultures of ovine placenta. The ovine trophoblasts had morphology consistent with fetal trophoblasts and expressed mRNA for interferon-tau, a marker for trophoblasts. Native NcSRS2 was used to immunize mice to obtain monospecific anti-NcSRS2 polyclonal serum and anti-NcSRS2 monoclonal antibodies. Compared to irrelevant antibodies, monospecific anti-NcSRS2 serum and two anti-NcSRS2 monoclonal antibodies, and, significantly blocked invasion of tachyzoites into both trophoblasts and Vero cells. Parasite attachment, assessed by IFA, was significantly reduced by anti-NcSRS2 mAb and monospecific serum. The findings provide rationale to investigate a role for antibodies to NcSRS2 in prevention of N. caninum transplacental transmission in vivo.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a well known protozoan parasite of domestic and wild animals. Neospora hughesi is a closely related protozoan with an unknown life cycle, host range, and infection prevalence. Many serologic surveys of N. caninum have been performed without consideration of potential cross-reactions with N. hughesi, which could confound results. The aim of this study was to investigate whether postexposure sera from animals experimentally infected with N. caninum exhibit significant reactivity differences when tested using N. caninum and N. hughesi Immunofluorescent Antibody Tests (IFAT). Pre- and postinfection serum samples from 10 dogs, 20 calves, and 17 cows were tested by dual IFATs. All pre-exposure samples for N. caninum tested seronegative for both organisms. All postexposure samples that were seropositive for N. caninum were also positive for N. hughesi, although N. hughesi antibody titers were usually 1 dilution lower (P < 0.02). Serologic surveys for N. caninum may be confounded by cross-reacting titers with N. hughesi, but true positive N. caninum antibody titers are greater than, or equal to, cross-reacting N. hughesi antibody titers.  相似文献   

Detection of IgG antibody against Neospora caninum in cattle in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 492 cattle sera was screened by IgG-ELISA against Neospora caninum (Nc-1 strain and a Korean isolate, KBA-2) and Toxoplasma gondii. Out of 492, 113 sera (23.0%) reacted positively to either Nc-1 or KBA-2 strains of N. caninum. Among the 113 positive sera, 92 sera (81.4%) reacted with antigens of both strains, but 6 sera (5.3%) with Nc-1 and 15 sera (13.3%) with KBA-2 strain only. And with T. gondii antigen, 6 sera (1.2%) were positive but all reacted with N. caninum antigen also. Western blot revealed typical binding pattern according to ELISA values, such that high OD group reacted specifically to the major surface proteins including 43 kDa protein. Seroprevalence of 23.0% indicates that neosporosis seemed to be one of major causes of abortion in cattle. It is suggested here to establish more epidemiological researches nationwide systematically.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum represents an important pathogen causing stillbirth and abortion in cattle and neuromuscular disease in dogs. Nitazoxanide (NTZ) and its deacetylated metabolite tizoxanide (TIZ) are nitro-thiazolyl-salicylamide drugs with a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic activity in vitro and in vivo. In order to generate compounds potentially applicable in food and breeding animals, the nitro group was removed, and the thiazole-moiety was modified by other functional groups. We had shown earlier that replacement of the nitro-group by a bromo-moiety did not notably affect in vitro efficacy of the drugs against N. caninum. In this study we report on the characterization of two bromo-derivatives, namely Rm4822 and its de-acetylated putative metabolite Rm4847 in relation to the nitro-compounds NTZ and TIZ. IC(50) values for proliferation inhibition were 4.23 and 4.14 microM for NTZ and TIZ, and 14.75 and 13.68 microM for Rm4822 and Rm4847, respectively. Complete inhibition (IC(99)) was achieved at 19.52 and 22.38 microM for NTZ and TIZ, and 18.21 and 17.66 microM for Rm4822 and Rm4847, respectively. However, in order to exert a true parasiticidal effect in vitro, continuous culture of infected fibroblasts in the presence of the bromo-thiazolide Rm4847 was required for a period of 3 days, while the nitro-compound TIZ required 5 days continuous drug exposure. Both thiazolides induced rapid egress of N. caninum tachyzoites from their host cells, and egress was inhibited by the cell membrane permeable Ca(2+)-chelator BAPTA-AM. Host cell entry by N. caninum tachyzoites was inhibited by Rm4847 but not by TIZ. Upon release from their host cells, TIZ-treated parasites remained associated with the fibroblast monolayer, re-invaded neighboring host cells and resumed proliferation in the absence of the drug. In contrast, Rm4847 inhibited host cell invasion and respective treated tachyzoites did not proliferate further. This demonstrated that bromo- and nitro-thiazolides exhibit differential effects against the intracellular protozoan N. caninum and bromo-thiazolides could represent a valuable alternative to the nitro-thiazolyl-salicylamide drugs.  相似文献   

Cattle immunised with a POLYGEN-adjuvanted killed Neospora caninum tachyzoite preparation were previously shown to produce interferon (IFN)-gamma at levels similar to those of tachyzoite-infected cattle. In view of the critical role of IFN-gamma in resistance of mice to N. caninum infection, these results prompted us to test the POLYGEN-adjuvanted preparation in pregnant cattle to determine whether it will be able to prevent foetal infection following an experimental tachyzoite challenge. Seven heifers were immunised at 35 and 63 days of gestation with the POLYGEN-adjuvanted preparation, while five heifers were inoculated with POLYGEN alone at the same days of gestation. Four weeks later, all heifers were challenged with a combined i.v./i.m. inoculation of tachyzoites. The same challenge was given to seven unimmunized heifers at the same stage of gestation. An additional unimmunized heifer was inoculated with uninfected monolayer cell culture material. All challenged heifers, immunized and unimmunized, had infected foetuses. Immunized heifers developed both parasite-specific humoral and cellular immune responses, characterised by increased IFAT titres, a predominant IgG1 response, elevated lymphoproliferative response and IFN-gamma production. Following tachyzoite challenge, they developed an anamnestic humoral response and produced similar amounts of IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies, but did not have an anamnestic cellular immune response. The lack of anamnestic cellular immune response and/or the large i.v/i.m tachyzoite inoculum may have contributed to the failure of the preparation.  相似文献   

Eight anti-coccidial drugs were examined for their efficacies in preventing development of Neospora caninum in bovine monocyte cell cultures. Lasalocid sodium (0.05 microgram/ml), monensin sodium (0.05 microgram/ml), piritrexim (0.01 microgram/ml), pyrimethamine (0.05 microgram/ml), and trimethoprim (5.0 micrograms/ml) were effective in preventing development of intracellular N. caninum tachyzoites (P less than 0.05). No differences (P greater than 0.05) in mean numbers of infected cells compared to controls were observed in cultures treated with amprolium hydrochloride (10.0 micrograms/ml), sulfadiazine (200.0 micrograms/ml), and sulfamethoxazole (200.0 micrograms/ml).  相似文献   

Protective efficacy of vaccination with Neospora caninum multiple recombinant antigens against N. caninum infection was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Two major immunodominant surface antigens (NcSAG1 and NcSRS2) and two dense granule proteins (NcDG1 and NcDG2) of N. caninum tachyzoites were expressed in E. coli, respectively. An in vitro neutralization assay using polyclonal antisera raised against each recombinant antigen showed inhibitory effects on the invasion of N. caninum tachyzoites into host cells. Separate groups of gerbils were immunized with the purified recombinant proteins singly or in combinations and animals were then challenged with N. caninum. Following these experimental challenges, the protective efficacy of each vaccination was determined by assessing animal survival rate. All experimental groups showed protective effects of different degrees against experimental infection. The highest protection efficacy was observed for combined vaccination with NcSRS2 and NcDG1. Our results indicate that combined vaccination with the N. caninum recombinant antigens, NcSRS2 and NcDG1, induces the highest protective effect against N. caninum infection in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an intracellular parasite that poses a unique ability to infect a variety of cell types by causing host cell migration. Although previous studies demonstrated that parasite-derived proteins could trigger host cell migration, the related molecules have yet to be determined. Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between Neospora-derived molecules and host cell migration using recombinant protein of N. caninum cyclophilin (NcCyp). Indirect fluorescent antibody test revealed that NcCyp was expressed in the tachyzoite cytosol. Furthermore, NcCyp release from extracellular parasites was detected by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in a time-dependent manner. Recombinant NcCyp caused the cysteine-cysteine chemokine receptor 5-dependent migration of murine and bovine cells. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry indicated that NcCyp was consistently detected in tachyzoites distributed within or around the brain lesions. In conclusion, N. caninum-derived cyclophilin appears to contribute to host cell migration, thereby maintaining parasite/host interactions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of specific immune factors on the course of infection in genetic knockout (gko) mice infected with 3 different strains of Neospora caninum. Survival time and parasite persistence were examined in interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 (TNFR2), interleukin 10 (IL-10), beta 2 microglobulin (beta2M), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS2) gko or wild-type (wt) mice following infection with either pathogenic (NC-1 or NC-2) or attenuated (NCts-8) N. caninum strains. Infection with NC-1 was 100% lethal in IFN-gamma gko mice, as evidenced by mean survival times of 10-13 days, depending on the challenge dose used. TNFR2 and beta2M gko mice infected with NC-1 or NC-2 strain demonstrated partial susceptibility to disease, as evidenced by histopathology and survival curves. TNFR2 or beta2M gko mice were not susceptible to infection with NCts-8, on the basis of absence of pathology and lack of mortality. Lack of mortality and minimal histopathology scores demonstrated that NC-1, NC-2, and NCts-8 infections were avirulent in IL-10 and iNOS2 gko mice. Adoptive transfer of immune cells from NCts-8 vaccinated normal syngeneic mice into IFN-gamma gko mice significantly (P < 0.05) prolonged mean survival times at all 3 challenge doses of NC-1 but failed to protect against mortality. Interestingly, there was a notable change in the tissue tropism of tachyzoites from the lung and brain in immunocompetent wt, TNFR2 gko, IL-10 gko, beta2M gko, and iNOS2 gko mice to the liver and spleen in IFN-gamma gko mice when challenged with N. caninum. On the basis of these results in gko mice, IFN-gamma is a critical cytokine in the host response against acute neosporosis.  相似文献   

Serological diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since the first isolation of the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum, a range of serological assays have been developed for use in dogs, cattle and a variety of other potential host species. The tests include the indirect fluorescent antibody test, the direct agglutination test and different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. This article reviews the principles and properties of the available tests which are discussed in relation to different applications.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite which causes neosporosis, namely stillbirth and abortion in cattle, and neuromuscular disease in dogs. Although N. caninum is phylogenetically and biologically closely related to Toxoplasma gondii, it is antigenically clearly distinct. In analogy to T. gondii, three stages have been identified. These are: (i) asexually proliferating tachyzoites; (ii) tissue cysts harbouring slowly dividing bradyzoites; and (iii) oocysts containing sporozoites. The sexually produced stage of this parasite has only recently been identified, and has been shown to be shed with the faeces from dogs orally infected with N. caninum tissue cysts. Thus dogs are definitive hosts of N. caninum. Tachyzoites can be cultivated in vitro using similar techniques as previously described for T. gondii. Methods for generating tissue cysts containing N. caninum bradyzoites in mice, and purification of these cysts, have been developed. A number of studies have been undertaken to identify and characterise at the molecular level specific antigenic components of N. caninum in order to improve serological diagnosis and to enhance the current view on the many open questions concerning the cell biology of this parasite and its interactions with the host on the immunological and cellular level. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the approaches used for detection of antigens in N. caninum. The studies discussed here have had a great impact in the elucidation of the immunological and pathogenetic events during infection, as well as the development of potential new immunotherapeutic tools for future vaccination against N. caninum infection.  相似文献   

To understand the genetic basis of virulence, gene expression profiles of a temperature-sensitive clone (NCts-8, relatively avirulent) and its wild type (NC-1) of Neospora caninum were characterized and compared using a high-density microarray with approximately 63,000 distinct oligonucleotides. This microarray consists of 5692 unique N. caninum sequences, including 1980 Tentative Consensus sequences and 3712 singleton ESTs from the TIGR N. caninum Gene Index (NCGI, release 5.0). Each sequence was represented by 11 distinct 60mer oligonucleotides synthesized in situ on the microarray. The results showed that 111 genes were significantly repressed and no up-regulated genes were identified in the NCts-8 clone. The level of 10 randomly selected genes from the repressed genes was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR. Of the 111 repressed genes, 58 were hypothetical protein products and 53 were annotated genes. Over 70% of the repressed genes identified in this study are clustered on five chromosomes (I, VII, VIII, X and XII). These results suggest that the down-regulated genes may be in part responsible for the reduced pathogenesis of NCts-8; further characterization of the regulated genes may aid in understanding of molecular basis of virulence and development of countermeasures against neosporosis.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an important veterinary pathogen that causes abortion in cattle and neuromuscular disease in dogs. Neospora has also generated substantial interest because it is an extremely close relative of the human pathogen Toxoplasma gondii, yet does not appear to infect humans. While for Toxoplasma there are a wide array of molecular tools and reagents available for experimental investigation, relatively few reagents exist for Neospora. To investigate the unique biological features of this parasite and exploit the recent sequencing of its genome, we have used an organelle isolation and monoclonal antibody approach to identify novel organellar proteins and develop a wide array of probes for subcellular localization. We raised a panel of forty-six monoclonal antibodies that detect proteins from the rhoptries, micronemes, dense granules, inner membrane complex, apicoplast, mitochondrion and parasite surface. A subset of the proteins was identified by immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry and reveal that we have identified and localized many of the key proteins involved in invasion and host interaction in Neospora. In addition, we identified novel secretory proteins not previously studied in any apicomplexan parasite. Thus, this organellar monoclonal antibody approach not only greatly enhances the tools available for Neospora cell biology, but also identifies novel components of the unique biological characteristics of this important veterinary pathogen.  相似文献   

Neosporosis is an important cause of pregnancy loss in cattle worldwide. The objective of the present study was to identify Neospora caninum antigens as vaccine candidates using antigen-specific, short-term CD4+ T cells established from N. caninum-immunized and -challenged cows. Whole N. caninum tachyzoite lysate was separated into 6 fractions by DEAE anion-exchange chromatography using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The CD4+ T-cell proliferation assay results indicated that antigenic activity was associated with proteins from HPLC fractions 4-6, with fraction 5 exhibiting the highest antigenic activity. Also, SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a 16-kDa protein in fractions 4-6 that was recognized by anti-N. caninum antibodies. This 16-kDa protein was absent in other fractions, and it may be a target of a T-cell response in cattle. Further identification of immunogenic proteins of N. caninum may facilitate development of subunit vaccines against neosporosis.  相似文献   

Review of Neospora caninum and neosporosis in animals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neospora caninum is a coccidian parasite of animals. It is a major pathogen for cattle and dogs and it occasionally causes clinical infections in horses, goats, sheep, and deer. Domestic dogs are the only known definitive hosts for N. caninum. It is one of the most efficiently transmitted parasite of cattle and up to 90% of cattle in some herds are infected. Transplacental transmission is considered the major route of transmission of N. caninum in cattle. Neospora caninum is a major cause of abortion in cattle in many countries. To elicit protective immunity against abortion in cows that already harbor a latent infection is a major problem. This paper reviews information on biology, diagnosis, epidemiology and control of neosporosis in animals.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of sheep with Neospora caninum oocysts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential of Neospora caninum oocysts to infect sheep and determine whether N. caninum DNA could be detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay in blood and brain of sheep after oocyst inoculation. Six ewes were inoculated per os with 10(4) N. caninum oocysts, whereas 2 ewes served as uninoculated controls. All sheep were bled weekly for 7 wk after inoculation. Blood was analyzed for the presence of N. caninum DNA by 2 different PCR assays, as well as for the presence of antibodies to recombinant and native N. caninum antigens. Neospora caninum DNA was detected in 2 sheep as early as 7 days after oocyst inoculation (DAOI). All 6 sheep were PCR positive by 32 days and remained positive until the end of the study at 49 DAOI. Aside from 1 ewe, all sheep inoculated with N. caninum oocysts contained detectable N. caninum DNA in the brain tissue collected at 49 DAOI. Unlike with PCR, no lesion or parasite was detected by immunohistochemistry. Antibodies were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Neospora agglutination test, or immunoblotting to either native or recombinant N. caninum antigens in sheep inoculated with oocysts.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a recently identified apicomplexan protozoan parasite that is closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. Neospora caninum is of significant economic importance as it causes neurological disease and abortion in numerous animals. Antibodies to BAG1/hsp30 (also known as BAG5), a T. gondii bradyzoite-specific protein, have been demonstrated to react with N. caninum tissue cysts in vivo. Bradyzoite differentiation of N. caninum in vitro was investigated using culture conditions previously utilised for T. gondii in vitro bradyzoite development. Utilising the NC-Liverpool isolate of N. caninum, cyst-like structures developed within 3-4 days of culture of this parasite in human fibroblasts. In addition, an antigen reacting with mAb 74.1.8 (anti-BAG1) and rabbit anti-recombinant BAGI was demonstrable by immunofluorescence, fluorescence-activated cell sorter, and immunoblot analyses. Expression of this antigen was increased by stress conditions, similar to that which has been described for T. gondii bradyzoite induction. Cyst-wall formation in vitro, as assayed by lectin binding, did not occur as readily for N. caninum as it does for T. gondii.  相似文献   

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