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摘要:为了探讨石蒜属(Lycoris Herb.)的种间系统发育关系,对石蒜属95个材料包括15种、4变种及2个人工杂种的叶绿体 DNA atpB-rbcL间隔区进行了测序,结合花部形态和核型特征,探讨了石蒜属种间系统关系及其可能的杂交起源,结果表明:在系统发育树上亲缘关系近的材料聚在一起,其中矮小石蒜(L. radiata var. pumila)和换锦花(L. sprengeri)与2个人工杂交种(Hybrid 1、Hybrid 2)、麦秆石蒜(L. straminea)、江苏石蒜(L. houdyshelii)、短蕊石蒜(L. caldwellii)和乳白石蒜(L. albiflora)具有密切的亲缘关系。atpB-rbcL序列揭示的石蒜属种间关系与染色体核型的分类结果部分一致,主要表现在具有近端部着丝粒(A)染色体的种与具有中部(M)和端部(T)着丝粒染色体的种各成一支,与形态和染色体分类结果一致;不同之处在于具有中部、端部和近端部着丝粒染色体的种分散在两个主要分支内,进一步验证了具有中部、端部和近端部3种着丝粒类型染色体组的石蒜如麦秆石蒜、江苏石蒜、短蕊石蒜和乳白石蒜等是杂交起源的假设,结合2个人工杂交种分析,揭示了短蕊石蒜和乳白石蒜的近端部着丝粒染色体来源于换锦花;麦秆石蒜和江苏石蒜近端部着丝粒染色体来源于矮小石蒜。  相似文献   

测定了山羊草属(Aegilops)二倍物种核rDNA ITS区序列,发现其碱基粉介于601-607之间,比报道的小riuceae)其他属的ITS区我略长,G+C含量达61.1%~62.9%,序列间的分化距离为0.0050~0.0468。用PHYLIP3.5e软件包对所测得的DNA数据进行聚类分析,结果显示:1.Ae.speltoides与该组其他种相距很远,支持将其从Sitopsis组中独立出来,  相似文献   

The esterase patterns of sixteen strains from four species in the saltans subgroup were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Thirty-four esterase bands were detected. By using and naphthyl acetates as substrates, they were classified in 18 -esterases (they hydrolyse the -naphtyl substrate), 15 -esterases (they hydrolyse the -naphtyl substrate) and 1 /-esterase (it hydrolyses the and -naphtyl substrates). Among the -esterases, three were detected exclusively in males. Malathion, Eserine and pCMB were used as inhibitors in order to characterize biochemically the esterases. The results indicated the presence of cholinesterases, carboxylesterases and acetylesterases. The degree of mobility of the bands in the gels, their specificity to and naphthyl acetates and the results of the inhibition tests allowed us to recognize tentatively nine genetic loci. Phylogenetic relationships among species inferred on the basis of the esterase patterns by PAUP 4.0b8, with neighbor-joining search and a bootstrap analysis showed that, although the four species are closely related, D. septentriosaltans, D. saltans and D. austrosaltans are closer to each other than to D. prosaltans. These results showed to be consistent with phylogenetic relationships previously inferred from inversion polymorphism.  相似文献   

以旱雀麦为外类群,用PAUP 4.0b10软件并采用最大简约法和邻接法对11份仲彬草属物种的ITS区序列进行系统发育分析,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。结果表明:(1)整个ITS序列长度变异范围为596~601 bp;G C含量在所有ITS中的变化范围为61.20%~62.44%;序列间的遗传分化距离为0.003~0.033,平均值为0.015;(2)疏花仲彬草和塔克拉干仲彬草2个物种聚为一支,位于系统发育树的底部,在最大简约法和邻接法分析中分别获得78%和82%的自展支持率,它们之间的亲缘关系较近;(3)形态相似、地理分布一致的物种有聚在一起的倾向,表现出较近的亲缘关系;(4)ITS区序列分析的结果与细胞学、形态学的研究结果基本一致,因此ITS区序列分析能反映仲彬草属种间关系。  相似文献   

Genetic analyses using DNA sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS1 were conducted to determine the extent of genetic variation within and among Longidorus and Xiphinema species. DNA sequences were obtained from samples collected from Arkansas, California and Australia as well as 4 Xiphinema DNA sequences from GenBank. The sequences of the ITS1 region including the 3'' end of the 18S rDNA gene and the 5'' end of the 5.8S rDNA gene ranged from 1020 bp to 1244 bp for the 9 Longidorus species, and from 870 bp to 1354 bp for the 7 Xiphinema species. Nucleotide frequencies were: A = 25.5%, C = 21.0%, G = 26.4%, and T = 27.1%. Genetic variation between the two genera had a maximum divergence of 38.6% between X. chambersi and L. crassus. Genetic variation among Xiphinema species ranged from 3.8% between X. diversicaudatum and X. bakeri to 29.9% between X. chambersi and X. italiae. Within Longidorus, genetic variation ranged from 8.9% between L. crassus and L. grandis to 32.4% between L. fragilis and L. diadecturus. Intraspecific genetic variation in X. americanum sensu lato ranged from 0.3% to 1.9%, while genetic variation in L. diadecturus had 0.8% and L. biformis ranged from 0.6% to 10.9%. Identical sequences were obtained between the two populations of L. grandis, and between the two populations of X. bakeri. Phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS1 DNA sequence data were conducted on each genus separately using both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis. Among the Longidorus taxa, 4 subgroups are supported: L. grandis, L. crassus, and L. elongatus are in one cluster; L. biformis and L. paralongicaudatus are in a second cluster; L. fragilis and L. breviannulatus are in a third cluster; and L. diadecturus is in a fourth cluster. Among the Xiphinema taxa, 3 subgroups are supported: X. americanum with X. chambersi, X. bakeri with X. diversicaudatum, and X. italiae and X. vuittenezi forming a sister group with X. index. The relationships observed in this study correspond to previous genera and species defined by morphology.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of the monocotyledonous genera Leucojum and Galanthus (Amaryllidaceae, Asparagales), using plastid (trnL-F and matK) and largely non-coding nuclear ribosomal (ITS) DNA sequences show the two to be closely related to Lapiedra, Narcissus, Vagaria, Pancratium and Sternbergia. We compare the results obtained with a combined parsimony analysis of these nucleotide sequences with that of a matrix of morphological characters. The sampling included all species of Leucojum and most species of Galanthus (representing all series and subseries of the genus) and used as outgroup the above mentioned genera of Amaryllidaceae shown to be close relatives. The plastid, nuclear and morphological data were analysed independently and in combination, showing that the boundaries between the two genera are not appropriate. Galanthus is monophyletic but embedded in Leucojum. On the basis of chromosome numbers and floral characters Leucojum has been previously divided into four subgenera, which have been accepted as genera by some authors. In our phylogenetic analyses (separate as well as combined), Leucojum species are separated in two primary clades corresponding to L. subgenera Ruminia + Acis and L. Leucojum + Aerosperma. The taxonomic implications of this pattern are discussed, and an alternative classification is proposed. Finally, biogeographic relationships of species of both Leucojum and Galanthus are discussed, emphasising the possible origin of the narrowly distributed taxa of Leucojum relative to the widespread species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of intra- and interspecies were elucidated based on complete cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene sequences from 12 recognized species of genus Lutjanus Bloch in the South China Sea (SCS). Using the combined data set of consensus cyt b and COII gene sequences, interspecific relationships for all 12 recognized species in SCS were consistent with Allen’s morphology-based identifications, with strong correlation between the molecular and morphological characteristics. Monophyly of eight species (L. malabaricus, L. russellii, L. stellatus, L. bohar, L. johnii, L. sebae, L. fulvus, and L. fulviflamma) was strongly supported; however, the pairs L. vitta/L. ophuysenii and L. erythropterus/L. argentimaculatus were more similar than expected We inferred that L. malabaricus exists in SCS, and the introgression caused by hybridization is the reason for the unexpectedly high homogeneity. Guangdong Ocean University and Hunan Normal University contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

The 1TS1 and ITS2 of rDNA of four diploid species, newly Triticum urartu Thum. (AA), T. monococcum var. boeoticum (Boiss.) MK (AA),Aegilops speltoides Tausch. (BB) and Ae. taus&ii Coss. (DD), the most possible donors of A, B and D genomes to broad wheat ( T. aestivum), were amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced. Some published sequences were discussed and rectified. The length of ITS1 sequences in four species was 221 to 223 bp, and that of 1TS2 was 216 to 217 bp. In pairwise sequence comparisons among four species, divergence ranged from 0.029 0 to 0.064 0 in ITS1, and from 0.009 3 to 0.058 0 in ITS2. Based on ITS1, ITS2 and 1TS1 + ITS2 data respectively, the same most parsimony tree that is congruent with the phylogenetic relationships was generated which was concordant with their morphological and cytological characteristics. In the trees, T. urartu and T. monococcum var. boeoticum constituted one monophyly, whereas two species of the genus Aegilops, Ac. speltoides and Ac. tauschii, fortmed another mono- phyly but with lower bootstrap value than the first clade. This study suggests that ITS region is a useful molecular marker in the studies on the origin and evolution of Triticum.  相似文献   

Duan S  Lu B  Li Z  Tong J  Kong J  Yao W  Li S  Zhu Y 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(1-2):113-129
Species in the genus Oryza (Poaceae) contain 10 genomic types and are distributed in pan-tropics of the world. To explore phylogenetic relationships of Oryza species having the AA-genome, DNA sequences of the chloroplast trnL intron and trnL-trnF spacer, mitochondrial nad1 intron 2, and nuclear internal transcribed spacer were analyzed, based on materials from 6 cultivated (O. sativa and O. glaberrima) and 13 wild accessions, in addition to a CC-genome species (O. officinalis) that was used as an outgroup. Analyses of the combined sequence data set from different sources provide a much better resolution of the AA-genome species than the individual data set, indicating the limitation of a single gene in phylogenetic reconstruction. The phylogeny based on the combined data set demonstrated an apparent grouping of the AA-genome Oryza species that was well associated with their geographic origin, although the Australian O. meridionalis showed its affinity with the African species. The geographic pattern of the phylogenetic relationship was probably attributed to the frequent genetic exchange and introgression among the AA-genome species from the same continents. In addition, Asian cultivated rice O. sativa showed its close relation to O. rufipogon and O. nivara, whereas African cultivated rice O. glaberrima was closely linked to O. barthii and O. longistaminata, indicating the independent domestication of the two cultivated species in different geographic locations.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships based on ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence data for a previously unknown species of Globodera from Portugal, Punctodera chalcoensis from Mexico, and P. punctata from Estonia, plus previously published sequences, support the following relationships: (((Cactodera weissi, G. artemisiae, C. milleri), ((G. sp. Bouro, G. sp. Canha, G. sp. Ladoeiro), ((G. pallida, G. rostochiensis), (P. chalcoensis, P. punctata)))), Heterodera avenae). Globodera sp. from Portugal, which can be confused with potato cyst nematodes by phytosanitary services when the identification is based only on morphological characters, is clearly different based on our molecular data. In addition, the rDNA data show the Globodera sp. to be only distantly related to other European Globodera species that parasitize Asteraceae. Punctodera chalcoensis and P. punctata form a sister clade to the G. pallida + G. rostochiensis clade.  相似文献   

We sequenced the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to determined the phylogenetic relationships of the severalGoodyera species in Korea and to measure the extent of their differentiation region. ITS 1 was 238 to 239 bp long while ITS 2 was 258 to 259 bp. The 5.8S coding region was 156 bp long. Sequence divergences among species, calculated by Kimura’s two- parameter method, ranged from 0.0 to 5.4%. The most parsimonious tree, with a consistency index of 0.935 and a retention index of 0.937, was produced with 337 steps. Our ITS sequence results demonstrate the monophyly of KoreanGoodyera and support previous morphological, geographical, and RAPD data analyses.  相似文献   

Acer. ITS 1 sequences in twenty-eight species of Acer and a species of Dipteronia in the family Aceraceae ranged from 220 to 242 bp and ITS 2 sequences from 215 to 251 bp. The size of the 5.8S coding region was 164 bp for all species examined in the family. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences placed a very robust clade of section Palmata at the base of the tree. Three species of section Parviflora sensu de Jong (1994), A. spicatum, A. distylum and A. nipponicum, did not form a monophyletic clade. Acer spicatum was separated from the robust clade of A. distylum and A. nipponicum. Molecular tree strongly supports the close relationship among section Platanoidea, Glabra series Arguta, and section Macrantha. The close relationship between sections Pentaphylla and Trifoliata was also strongly suggested in ITS tree. Sections Rubra and Hyptiocarpa appeared to be closely allied with each other. The average rate of nucleotide substitution was estimated as (8.0±1.9)×10−11 substitutions per site per year for ITS 1 and (9.0±1.6) ×10−11 for ITS 2. Received 17 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 10 March 2000  相似文献   

宽翅菘蓝(Isatis violascens)是分布于新疆准噶尔盆地的一种早春短命植物。基于形态的相似性,有人建议将宽翅菘蓝作为Isatis emarginata同义体。目前宽翅菘蓝尚未得到分子水平的研究,其系统发育地位也不清楚。该研究对宽翅菘蓝的ITS区进行测序,结合GenBank数据库中菘蓝属物种的ITS序列对宽翅菘蓝的系统关系和分类地位进行研究。最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法3种方法分析表明:菘蓝属物种聚为两个分支;宽翅菘蓝与I.emarginata和小果菘蓝具有较近的亲缘关系;基于形态相似性和较近的遗传距离,支持将宽翅菘蓝与I.emarginata合并为一个物种,并把宽翅菘蓝作为I.emarginata的同义种。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列分析豹子花属与5种百合的亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以滇蜀豹子花和多斑豹子花为材料,采用PCR直接测序法测定其ITS序列,结合GenBank中其它3种豹子花和5种百合的ITS序列,构建了这10种植物的系统发育树.结果表明:(1)10种植物的ITS序列长度在625bp~627 bp之间,总G C含量在60.38%~61.12%之间,5.8S的G C含量除大理百合为45.4%外,其余9种植物为55.01%或54.60%,说明ITS序列在进化上保守性较强,同属不同种甚至不同属间的长度差异不明显;(2)NJ、MP、ME聚类树的分支趋势一致,都是豹子花属植物先聚在一起再和5种百合相聚,滇西豹子花和豹子花在3种聚类树中都以99%以上的支持率聚成一支,说明这2个种的亲缘关系最近;(3)在10种植物中,形态相似且分布海拔和区域重叠的种类先相聚,说明这些物种的亲缘关系密切.  相似文献   

基于核rDNA的ITS序列在种子植物系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
种子植物核rDNA是高度重复的串联序列,由于同步进化的力量.大多数物种中这些重复单位间已发生纯合或接近纯合。5.8S rDNA把核rDNA的内转录间隔区分为ITS1和ITS2两部分.在被子植物中ITS1的长度为165~298bp,ITS2的长度为177~266bp,而在裸子植物中ITS片段较长。且其长度变化主要由ITS1的长度变异所致。可对这两个片段PCR产物进行直接测序或克隆测序。由于ITS序列变异较快.能够提供较丰富的变异位点和信息位点,已成为被子植物较低分类阶元的系统发育和分类研究中的重要分子标记,为探讨多倍体复合体网状进化关系,异源多倍体的起源提供了重要的系统学信息.但它一般不适合科以上水平的系统学研究。裸子植物中ITS片段较长,重复序列间的纯合程度不同,测序比较困难.因此对探讨裸子植物系统发育和分类受到了一定的限制,但近年来有所发展。  相似文献   

报春花属(Primula L.)藏报春组(sect. Auganthus Pax ex Balf. f.)和毛茛叶报春组(sect. Ranunculoides Chen et C. M. Hu)的界定一直是没有解决的问题.应用核糖体DNA ITS序列数据探讨其系统发育关系.取样包括藏报春组和毛茛叶报春组的全部5个种以及其他一些相关组的代表种.ITS系统树表明,陕西羽叶报春(P.filchnerae Knuth)应与藏报春(P. sinensis Sabine ex Lindl.)和野藏报春(P. rupestris Balf. f. et Farrer)一起置于藏报春组;毛茛叶报春组只含两种:毛茛叶报春(P. cicutariifolia Pax)和安徽羽叶报春(P. merrilliana Schltr.).这两组并不具密切亲缘关系,它们在报春花属中与其他组的关系还需进一步研究.研究也表明ITS序列可以为报春花属的系统发育重建提供大量可靠资料.  相似文献   

To study the transferability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome data, we used amplified consensus genetic markers to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among several species and genera in Gramineae. Ten accessions representing five grass genera (Oryza, Zea, Setaria, Triticum, and Phyllostachys) were used. According to the genetic distances, a cluster tree was constructed. The relationships among the five genera could be simply described as ((Oryza + (Zea + Setaria)) + Triticum) + Phyllostachys. The results suggest that the genetic distance between rice and maize (Z. mays L.) or rice and millet (Setaria italica L.) is closer than that between rice and wheat (Triticum aestivum L) or rice and bamboo.  相似文献   

山稻蝗及相关物种Cyt b基因序列及其遗传关系   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
中国7个不同地理区域的山稻蝗Oxya agavisa共16个个体的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因中间部分序列被测定,分析和比较,同时与小稻蝗O.inricata,日本稻蝗O.japonica和中华稻蝗O.chinensis相应序列进行比较,用瘤锥蝗科的曲尾似橄蝗Pseudomorphacris hollisi和蚱科的日本蚱Tetrix japonica作外群,构建了山稻蝗不同单倍型及其相关物种的NJ分子系统树。在获得的山稻蝗432bp的序列中,A+T约占71.0%,其中9个核苷酸位点存在变异(约占所测核苷酸的2.08%),但权有1个位点引起了氨基酸的变异,就每个氨基酸密码子来看,第三位点的A+T含量较,达88.3%。分子系统树显示,山稻蝗6个单倍型聚为一个簇,彼此之间有一定的分歧,其分枝与地理分布没有直接的关系;该种与日本稻蝗关系较近,与中华稻蝗和小稻蝗相对较远。并对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the four genera of Aizoaceae subfamily Sesuvioideae (Sesuvium, Cypselea, Trianthema and Zaleya) is elucidated employing internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and 23 morphological characters. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences and a combined molecular-morphological analysis provide largely congruent results. The monophyly of Sesuvioideae and its close relationship to Aizooideae s.l. and Mesembryanthemoideae is confirmed. Zaleya is placed within Trianthema and Cypselea within Sesuvium by ITS analysis, but in the combined analysis, Zaleya forms an unresolved polytomy with the two Trianthema clades and Cypselea, as well as two Sesuvium species, remain unresolved. Sesuvium sesuvioides and S. hydaspicum, previously treated as synonyms, are closely related, but molecular data do not support conspecifity. The Trianthema triquetra complex needs further intensive study because the African T. triquetra sample is closer to the NE African-Arabian T. sheilae than to Australian samples of T. triquetra. The close relationship of four species of Trianthema (T. patellitecta, T. rhynchocalyptra, T. megasperma, and T. pilosa) from Australia based on molecular data is supported morphologically by the exclusive possession of a well-developed indumentum in these taxa.  相似文献   

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