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A variety of insects are commonly fed to captive insectivores but detailed nutritional analyses are only available for the most commonly fed species. Soldier fly larvae, Turkestan cockroach nymphs, tebo worms, and adult house flies were analyzed for moisture, protein, fat, ash, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and selected carotenoids. The acid detergent fiber was analyzed for amino acids to estimate chitin content. Nutrient content varied widely between the four insect species. Ranges for the macronutrients were as follows: moisture (60.2–74.8%), crude protein (15.5–19.7%), crude fat (1.9%–29.4%), acid detergent fiber (1.4–3.0%), neutral detergent fiber (2.6–3.8%), and ash (0.8–3.5%). Energy content ranged from a low of 918 kcal/kg for house flies to 2,977 kcal/kg for tebo worms. The chitin content of these four species ranged from 6.7 to 21.0 mg/kg. The nutrients most likely to be deficient when these species of insects are used as food for insectivores are vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin E, thiamine, iodine, and vitamin B12. The number of nutrients deficient vs. the NRC requirements for rats on an energy basis by insect species was as follows: soldier fly larvae (3), tebo worms (15), Turkestan cockroach nymphs (5), and adult house flies (6). These data are valuable in helping assess the nutrient intake of captive insectivores and in developing gut‐loading diets to improve the nutrient intake of captive insectivores. Zoo Biol. 32:27‐36, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mark D. Finke 《Zoo biology》2002,21(3):269-285
A variety of invertebrates are commonly fed to insectivorous animals by both zoos and hobbyists, but information as to the nutrient composition of most commercially raised species is limited. Adult house crickets, house cricket nymphs (Acheta domesticus), superworms (Zophobas morio larvae), giant mealworm larvae, mealworm larvae and adult mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), waxworm larvae (Galleria mellonella), and silkworm larvae (Bombyx mori) were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and vitamins. Earthworms (Lumbricus terresstris) were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, ADF, NDF, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins A and D3. Proximate analyses were variable, with wide ranges found for moisture (57.9–83.6%), crude protein (9.3–23.7%), crude fat (1.6–24.9%), ADF (0.1–7.4%), NDF (0.0–11.5%), and ash (0.6–1.2%). Energy content ranged from a low of 674 kcal/kg for silkworms to 2,741 kcal/kg for waxworms.Using an amino acid scoring pattern for rats, the first limiting amino acid for all invertebrates tested was the total sulfur amino acid methionine+cystine. Deficiencies by nutrient (% of samples deficient vs. NRC requirements for rats on a dry matter (DM) basis) were as follows: calcium (100%), vitamin D3 (100%), vitamin A (89%), vitamin B12 (75%), thiamin (63%), vitamin E (50%), iodine (44%), manganese (22%), methionine‐cystine (22%), and sodium (11%). Deficiencies by invertebrate species (number of nutrients deficient vs. the NRC requirements for rats on a DM basis) were as follows: waxworms (9), superworms (8), giant mealworm larvae (7), adult mealworms (6), mealworm larvae (5), adult house crickets (4), house cricket nymphs (4), silkworms (4), and earthworms (4). These data provide a basis for determining nutrient intake of captive insectivores, and will aid in the development of gut‐loading diets to provide captive insectivorous animals with appropriate levels of necessary nutrients. Zoo Biol 21:269–285, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the value of seaweeds from the Galician coast as a source of minerals (especially iodine (I) but also other micro-minerals) in organic dairy cattle. It was conducted in an organic dairy farm in the Lugo province that typically represents the organic milk production in NW Spain. The animal’s diet consisted mainly of local forage (at pasture or as hay and silage in the winter) and 5 kg of purchased concentrate/day per animal (representing 23.5% of feed intake). Based on the mineral composition of the diet, the physiological requirements and the EU maximum authorised levels in feed, a supplement composed by Sea Lettuce (Ulva rigida) (as flakes, 80%), Japanese Wireweed (Sargasum muticum) (flakes, 17.5%) and Furbelows (Saccorhiza polyschides) (powder, 2.5%) was formulated to give 100 g/animal per day. Sixteen Holstein Friesian lactating cows were randomly selected and assigned to the control (n=8) and algae-supplemented groups (n=8). Both groups had exactly the same feeding and management with the exception of the algae supplement, which was mixed with the concentrate feed and given to the animals at their morning milking for 10 weeks. Heparinised blood (for plasma analysis) and milk samples were collected at 2-week intervals and analysed for toxic and trace element concentrations by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The algae supplement significantly improved the animals’ mineral status, particularly I and selenium that were low on the farm. However, the effect of the algae supplement on the molybdenum status in cattle needs further investigation because of its great relevance on copper metabolism in ruminants. The I supply deserves special attention, since this element is at a very high concentration in brown-algae species and it is excreted in the milk proportionally to its concentration in plasma concentrations (mean±s.e. in the algae-supplemented and control groups were 268±54 and 180±42 µg/l, respectively).  相似文献   

The protein value in human nutrition of edible marine algae in Japan   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Fujiwara-Arasaki  Teruko  Mino  Noriko  Kuroda  Mitsue 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):513-516

HNPCC家系血清中游离氨基酸及矿物质测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨HNPCC家族血清游离的氨基酸与矿物质的变化 ,为HNPCC家族的监测提供论据 ;方法 :用HPLC及原子吸收分光光度法检测正常人与HNPCC家族成员血清中游离氨基酸及Cu、Ca、Fe、Zn的含量 ;结果 :HNPCC组血清中Glu、Cys、Val高于正常对照组 ;而His、Pro、Leu、Phe低于正常对照组 ,血清Fe比正常人高 ,血清Ca低于正常人。结论 :血清中的部分游离氨基酸及Fe、Ca可作为HNPCC家族监测的间接指标。  相似文献   

Mark D. Finke 《Zoo biology》2015,34(6):554-564
Commercially raised feeder insects used to feed captive insectivores are a good source of many nutrients but are deficient in several key nutrients. Current methods used to supplement insects include dusting and gut‐loading. Here, we report on the nutrient composition of four species of commercially raised feeder insects fed a special diet to enhance their nutrient content. Crickets, mealworms, superworms, and waxworms were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, fat, ash, acid detergent fiber, total dietary fiber, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, taurine, carotenoids, inositol, and cholesterol. All four species contained enhanced levels of vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids when compared to previously published data for these species. Crickets, superworms, and mealworms contained β‐carotene although using standard conversion factors only crickets and superworms would likely contain sufficient vitamin A activity for most species of insectivores. Waxworms did not contain any detectable β‐carotene but did contain zeaxanthin which they likely converted from dietary β‐carotene. All four species contained significant amounts of both inositol and cholesterol. Like previous reports all insects were a poor source of calcium and only superworms contained vitamin D above the limit of detection. When compared to the nutrient requirements as established by the NRC for growing rats or poultry, these species were good sources of most other nutrients although the high fat and low moisture content of both waxworms and superworms means when corrected for energy density these two species were deficient in more nutrients than crickets or mealworms. These data show the value of modifying the diet of commercially available insects as they are growing to enhance their nutrient content. They also suggest that for most insectivores properly supplemented lower fat insects such as crickets, or smaller mealworms should form the bulk of the diet. Zoo Biol. 34:554–564, 2015. © 2015 The Authors. Zoo Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chemical composition and rheological properties of agar isolated from Gelidium purpurascens, the agar after alkaline treatment, and a commercial agar are presented. The agar and alkali-treated agar gave weaker gels, as measured with an Instron 1122, than those of commercial agar. Xylose, glucose and glucuronic acid in the agar were removed together with 86% of the nitrogen content on alkaline treatment, indicating occurrence of these residues as carbohydrate-protein complexes. Sequential extraction of the alga accounted for low yields of agar as losses incurred on ethanol precipitation. Acid treatment of the residue from exhaustive aqueous extraction of the alga liberated a further 10% agar with increased gel strengths despite increased glucose inclusion, suggesting a lack of involvement of these ‘contaminant’ carbohydrate-protein residues in helix coil formation during gelling.  相似文献   

With the goal of developing a defined medium for the production of desiccation-tolerant blastospores of the bioinsecticidal fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, we evaluated the impact of various media components such as amino acids, carbohydrates, trace metals and vitamins on hyphal growth and sporulation of P. fumosoroseus cultures and on the freeze-drying tolerance of blastospores produced under these conditions. A comparison of 13 amino acids as sole nitrogen sources showed that glutamate, aspartate, glycine and arginine supported biomass accumulations (12–16 mg ml−1) and blastospore yields (6–11 × 108 blastospores ml−1) comparable to our standard production medium which contains casamino acids as the nitrogen source. Using glutamate as the sole nitrogen source, tests with various carbohydrates showed that P. fumosoroseus grew best on glucose (18.8 mg biomass ml−1) but produced similar blastospore concentrations (7.3–11.0 × 108) when grown with glucose, glycerol, fructose or sucrose. P. fumosoroseus cultures grown in media with sodium citrate or galactose as the sole carbohydrate produced lower blastospore concentrations but more-desiccation-tolerant spores. Zinc was the only trace metal tested that was required for optimal growth and sporulation. In a defined medium with glutamate as the nitrogen source, vitamins were unnecessary for P. fumosoroseus growth or sporulation. When blastospores were freeze-dried in the absence of a suspension medium, residual glucose (>2.5% w/v) was required for enhanced spore survival. Thus, a defined medium containing basal salts, glucose, glutamate and zinc can be used to produce optimal concentrations of desiccation-tolerant blastospores of P. fumosoroseus. Received 27 October 1998/ Accepted in revised form 06 May 1999  相似文献   

The chemical composition, mineral elements, vitamins, free fatty acids and amino acid content of the edible red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory, grown in the sea near Nan'ao island, Guangdong Province, were analyzed in the present study. Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory showed a total sugar content of 14.65%. The protein content was 21%, of which approximately 41% was determined to be essential amino acids (EAA).The major amino acid components were glutamic acid, leucine, arginine, and alanine. Of the EAA assayed,methionine and cysteine appeared to be the most limiting amino acids compared with the EAA pattern provided by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. The total lipids content was 0.87% and comprised a high composition of unsaturated fatty acids (61%), mainly as linoleic acid and oleic acid, and a little amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid; palmitic acid was the main component (39%) of saturated acids.Relatively high levels of vitamin C, iodine, phosphorus, and zinc were also present in G. lemaneiformis. The nutritional composition between G. Iemaneiformis and Nostoc flagelliforme, a rare alga that is widely eaten in Chinese society, was compared. The results suggest that N. flagelliforme can be substituted for by G.Iemaneiformis, not only because of their similar shape, but also because of their approximate nutritional composition. Gracilaria Iemaneiformis may possibly serve as a potential healthy food in human diets in the future.  相似文献   

The effects of the seaweed concentrate “Kelpak’ on the growth and yield of wheat grown under conditions of varying K supply were investigated. Kelpak had no significant effect on the yield of wheat receiving an adequate K supply, but significantly increased the yield of K stressed plants. The increase in yield was caused by an increase in both grain number and individual grain weight. Although the beneficial effects of seaweed concentrates have often been attributed to their cytokinin content, several lines of evidence suggested that this group of plant growth regulators may not be solely responsible for the observed effects of Kelpak on wheat. Irrespective of the physiological mechanism of action, Kelpak would appear to have considerable potential for increasing yield in K stressed wheat and may therefore reduce the requirement of wheat for K fertilization.  相似文献   

Nutritional Composition and Assessment of Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical composition, mineral elements, vitamins, free fatty acids and amino acid content of the edible red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory, grown in the sea near Nan'ao island, Guangdong Province, were analyzed in the present study. Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory showed a total sugar content of 14.65%. The protein content was 21%, of which approximately 41% was determined to be essential amino acids (EAA). The major amino acid components were glutamic acid, leucine, arginine, and alanine. Of the EAA assayed, methionine and cysteine appeared to be the most limiting amino acids compared with the EAA pattern provided by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. The total lipids content was 0.87% and comprised a high composition of unsaturated fatty acids (61%), mainly as linoleic acid and oleic acid, and a little amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid; palmitic acid was the main component (39%) of saturated acids. Relatively high levels of vitamin C, iodine, phosphorus, and zinc were also present in G. lemaneiformis. The nutritional composition between G. lemaneiformis and Nostoc flagelliforme, a rare alga that is widely eaten in Chinese society, was compared. The results suggest that N. flagelliforme can be substituted for by G. lemaneiformis, not only because of their similar shape, but also because of their approximate nutritional composition. Gracilaria lemaneiformis may possibly serve as a potential healthy food in human diets in the future.  相似文献   

Although seaweeds and various seaweed products have been utilized in agricultural practices for many years, the precise mechanism by which they elicit their beneficial growth responses is still not fully understood. The amount of mineral nutrients in commercial preparations cannot account for the magnitude of the responses. Some other factor, such as the presence of endogenous plant growth regulators is, therefore, thought to be involved. This paper reviews the literature supporting evidence for the occurrence of plant hormones in commercial seaweed preparations.abbreviations SWC seaweed concentrate - PGR plant growth regulator - GC-MS gas chromatography/mass spectrometry - 1H-NMR proton nuclear magnetic resonance - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

With almost 870 million people estimated to suffer from chronic hunger worldwide, undernourishment represents a major problem that severely affects people in developing countries. In addition to undernourishment, micronutrient deficiency alone can be a cause of serious illness and death. Large portions of the world population rely on a single, starch-rich crop as their primary energy source and these staple crops are generally not rich sources of micronutrients. As a result, physical and mental health problems related to micronutrient deficiencies are estimated to affect around two billion people worldwide. The situation is expected to get worse in parallel with the expanding world population. Improving the nutritional quality of staple crops seems to be an effective and straightforward solution to the problem. Conventional breeding has long been employed for this purpose but success has been limited to the existing diversity in the gene pool. However, biotechnology enables addition or improvement of any nutrient, even those that are scarce or totally absent in a crop species. In addition, biotechnology introduces speed to the biofortification process compared to conventional breeding. Genetic engineering was successfully employed to improve a wide variety of nutritional traits over the last decade. In the present review, progress toward engineering various types of major and minor constituents for the improvement of plant nutritional quality is discussed.  相似文献   

A slow-release ammonium phosphate fertilizer coated with porous plastic was tested on Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar as a possible solution to the nutrient deficiency in seawater that causes quality and yield deterioration in seaweed farming. The yield of U. pinnatifida within the fertilized area was 17–40% greater than that of the control area (unfertilized area). In addition, two harvests were possible per season and the quality of harvested U. pinnatifida was also better than that outside the fertilizer diffusion area. The released NH4-N did not increase the concentration of NH4-N outside the farming area. Therefore, this fertilizer increased yield and improved quality without causing water pollution.  相似文献   

The effects of step-change increase in the concentrations of amino acids and vitamins on the metabolism, growth, and antibody productivity of a murine hybridoma cell line grown in continuous culture on serum-free medium are presented. Additions of the amino acids cysteine with methionine, tryptophan, and isoleucine with valine and vitamin B(12) (as cyanocobalamin) resulted in significant increases in viable cell concentrations. Additions of aspartate with asparagine, and threonine with vitamin B(1) (as thiamine hydrochloride) resulted in significant increases in final antibody concentrations. Substantial decrease in the fraction of amino acid nitrogen excreted as ammonia occurred upon supplementation with three times the normal concentrations of branched chain amino acids. Decreases in the fraction of amino acid nitrogen converted to ammonia were paralleled by increases in the fraction converted to alanine. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of nutrient conditions on biochemical components (sugars and amino acids) of phytoplankton were examined in Lake Nakanuma in Japan. Phosphate, ammonium and silicate were added to water samples collected at 0 m, which were incubated for 15 days in situ. Chlorophyll a in phosphate-added samples increased much more than that in other samples. Total amino acids and total neutral sugars in phosphate-added samples also increased more than those in other samples. The increase of total amino acids and chlorophyll began faster than that of total neutral sugars during the first 5 days of incubation. Total neutral sugars in the phosphate-added samples increased rapidly after 8 days. The composition of amino acids did not change so much. However, the composition of neutral sugars changed according to the different nutrient addition. Phosphate-added samples changed greatly during the incubation. These changes were explained at least partly by changes in nutrient conditions. Addition of limiting nutrients decreased glucose content, whereas depletion of nutrients increased the content. This study indicates that measurements of the biochemical components contribute to the analysis of effects of nutrients on phytoplankton in natural waters.  相似文献   


The gametangia of the green seaweed Halimeda tuna are spherical bodies of diameter up to 250–300 μm. They are clustered in groups of 8–10 on hundreds of threads sprouting from all pale white segments of the fertile individuals. In addition to gametes, starch-containing chloroplasts, naked starch grains and two types of spherical bodies different in size and ultrastructure are the main corpuscular components. A layer of amorphous material of irregular thickness underlies the walls which are finely and evenly rough, structureless, electron translucent and 1–1.5 μm thick. Gametangia with superficial wall warts were found also.  相似文献   

Casas  Graciela N.  Piriz  María Luz 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):213-215
In December 1992, some sporophytes of the Asian kelp Undaria pinnatiftda were found growing subtidally at 6 m depth below A. Storni Port, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. During the winter of 1994, the species expanded significantly from its original location. Sporelings appear in early autumn and attain their maximum size (1.65 ± 0.10 m) during winter and early spring, when most of them become fertile. The fronds are lost in summer, with only some holdfasts and sporophylls surviving, and these disappear by the end of summer. The occurrence of U. pinnatida in Golfo Nuevo is reportedly due to an accidental introduction by cargo ships or fishing vessels arriving from Asian ports.  相似文献   

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