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In this article we show why inorganic metal elements from the environment were an essential part of the origin of living aqueous systems of chemicals in flow. Unavoidably such systems have many closely fixed parameters, related to thermodynamic binding constants, for the interaction of the essential exchangeable inorganic metal elements with both inorganic and organic non-metal materials. The binding constants give rise to fixed free metal ion concentration profiles for different metal ions and ligands in the cytoplasm of all cells closely related to the Irving-Williams series. The amounts of bound elements depend on the organic molecules present as well as these free ion concentrations. This system must have predated coding which is probably only essential for reproductive life. Later evolution in changing chemical environments became based on the development of extra cytoplasmic compartments containing quite different energised free (and bound) element contents but in feed-back communication with the central primitive cytoplasm which changed little. Hence species multiplied late in evolution in large part due to the coupling with the altered inorganic environment.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2333-2342
Sea urchin egg activation at fertilization is progressive, beginning at the point of sperm entry and moving across the egg with a velocity of 5 microns/s. This activation wave (Kacser, H., 1955, J. Exp. Biol., 32:451-467) has been suggested to be the result of a progressive release of calcium from a store within the egg cytoplasm (Jaffe, L. F., 1983, Dev. Biol., 99:265-276). The progressive release of calcium may be due to the production of inositol trisphosphate (InsP3), a second messenger. We show here that a wave of calcium release crosses the Lytechinus pictus egg; the peak of the wave travels with a velocity of 5 microns/s; microinjection of InsP3 causes the release of calcium within the egg; calcium release (as judged by fertilization envelope elevation) is abolished by prior injection of the calcium chelator EGTA; neomycin, an inhibitor of InsP3 production, does not prevent the release of calcium in response to InsP3 but does abolish the wave of calcium release; the egg cytoplasm rapidly buffers microinjected calcium; the calcium concentration required to cause fertilization membrane elevation when microinjected is very similar to that required to stimulate the production of InsP3 in vitro; and the progressive fertilization membrane elevation seen after microinjection of calcium buffers appears to be due to diffusion of the buffer across the egg cytoplasm rather than to the induction of the activation wave. We conclude that InsP3 diffuses through the egg cytoplasm much more readily than calcium ions and that calcium-stimulated production of InsP3 and InsP3-induced calcium release from an internal store can account for the progressive release of calcium at fertilization.  相似文献   

小胶质细胞是脑中的巨噬细胞,也是脑实质中唯一的一种免疫细胞,因而被看作是中枢神经系统抵御病原入侵的第一道防线。在其他非感染病理状态下,如脑损伤及神经退行性疾病等,小胶质细胞也发挥着保护和毒性损伤的双重作用。相比较其病理功能,人们对小胶质细胞的生理功能长期以来很少关注。然而,近几年关于小胶质细胞生理功能的研究在多个方面都有突破。这些研究结果揭示,小胶质细胞在发育的神经系统中起着调控神经元存活和修饰突触的作用,并且在成熟的健康脑中具有探测和调控神经元活动的功能。将着重对近几年关于小胶质细胞生理功能的相关研究做一综述。  相似文献   

An approach based on the finite element method (FEM) is employed to calculate the optical properties of macromolecules, specifically form birefringence. Macromolecules are treated as arbitrarily shaped particles suspended in a solvent of refraction index n1. The form birefringence of the solution is calculated as the difference in its refractive index when all the particles of refractive index n2 are either parallel to or normal to the direction of the polarization of light. Since the particles of interest are small compared to the wavelength of light, a quasi-static approximation for the refractive index is used, i.e., that it is equal to the square root of the dielectric constant of the suspension. The average dielectric constant of the mixture is calculated using the finite element method. This approach has been tested for ellipsoidal particles and a good agreement with theoretical results has been obtained. Also, numerical results for the motor domains of ncd and kinesin, small arbitrarily shaped proteins with known x-ray structures, show reasonable agreement with the experimental data obtained from transient electric birefringence experiments.  相似文献   

The codon structure inside exons imposes a strong modulation with period-3 for genomic composition correlations. A new formalism for calculating nucleotide correlations along DNA sequences in terms of an irreducible set of six correlation functions is presented. New procedures to extract the corresponding period-3 modulations are also developed. These modulations are seen to be stronger for the irreducible self-correlation Czz(k), which accounts only for the binding strength of dinucleotides (z stands for adenine or thymine minus cytosine or guanine concentrations). We investigate and model the relationship between exon distribution and genomic period-3 correlations for the D. melanogaster genome.  相似文献   

The conformation of the mucopolysaccharides. Hyaluronates   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
X-ray-diffraction patterns of hyaluronate fibres from a variety of sources were obtained. Sodium hyaluronate gives well-defined patterns which index on a hexagonal unit cell with dimensions a=1.17+/-nm and a fibre repeat-distance of 2.85+/-0.03nm. A further form of sodium hyaluronate is produced by annealing at 60 degrees C in 75% relative humidity. This stable state indexes on a hexagonal unit cell of unchanged fibre repeat-distance but with a=1.87nm. The chain conformation is a threefold helix. Analysis of these diffraction patterns led to two tentative structures for sodium hyaluronate, involving different packing of the polysaccharide chains. The significance of side-chain interaction is discussed. Hyaluronic acid produces an X-ray pattern different from that obtained with the sodium salt. The fibre repeat-distance is 1.96+/-0.02nm and the unit cell appears to be monoclinic. The chain conformation is a twofold helix and conformational change between free acid and monovalent salt is discussed. These findings, together with model-building experiments, are interpreted as indicating a highly ordered structure, and the physical properties of hyaluronate solutions with regard to molecular shape and polyelectrolyte behaviour are rationalized.  相似文献   

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