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In the last two decades, the molecular cause of six monogenic autosomal recessive disorders has been identified in native Italian beef cattle: two different ATP2A1 variants for the pseudomyotonia congenita, the first in Chianina and Romagnola (PMT1) and the second in Romagnola (PMT2); a KDM2B variant for the paunch calf syndrome (PCS) in Marchigiana and Romagnola; a NID1 variant for the congenital cataract (CC) in Romagnola; a LAMB1 variant for the hemifacial microsomia (HFM) in Romagnola; an ABCA12 variant for the ichthyosis fetalis (IF) in Chianina and a FA2H variant for the ichthyosis congenita (IC) in Chianina. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of these disorders in the affected Italian populations. For this purpose, 3331 Chianina, 2812 Marchigiana and 1680 Romagnola bulls born in the last 40 years were considered. The allelic frequency (AF) of the variant for PMT1 was 1.0% in Romagnola, 4.6% in Marchigiana and 5.9% in Chianina. The AF of the variant for PMT2 was 3.3% in Romagnola and 0% in the other two breeds. The AF of the variant for PCS was 11.7% in Romagnola, 2.0% in Marchigiana and 0% in Chianina. The AF of the variants for CC, HFM, IF and IC resulted below 3%, being the variants detected only in the breed populations in which they were previously reported. Considering a selected male population in the single breed, Chianina showed carrier prevalence of 11.9% for PMT1, 7.7% for IC and 6.4% for IF. Romagnola showed carrier prevalence of 23.4% for PCS, 6.7% for PMT2, 4.1% for HFM, 3.2% for CC and 2.0% for PMT1. Marchigiana showed carrier prevalence of 9.1% for PMT1 and 4.0% for PCS. With respect to the Romagnola cattle, the concerning presence of a total of five defect alleles in the population hampers a general approach based on the prevention of carriers from artificial insemination. However, identification of carriers may allow conscious mating to prevent the risk of homozygous descendants as well as the spread of heterozygous offspring. Therefore, systematic genotyping for all seven known harmful alleles is recommended to prevent risk mating between carriers, in particular to avoid the occurrence of affected offspring.  相似文献   

Our objective was to perform a retrospective analysis of breeding soundness evaluations (BSEs) as classified by the 1993 Society for Theriogenology (SFT) guidelines [Chenoweth et al., Guidelines for using the bull breeding soundness evaluation form, in: Theriogenology Handbook, 1993, pp. B-10]. Data included BSE information obtained from five performance-testing stations in South Carolina (SC1, SC2, SC3) and Tennessee (TN1, TN2) from 1986 through 1999 on 3648 Angus, Brangus, Charolais, Chianina, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Polled Hereford, Santa Gertrudis, Simbrah, and Simmental bulls. Analyses were simplified by classifying all bulls as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory potential breeders. Of the 3648 bulls evaluated, 76.2% were classified as satisfactory potential breeders. Of all bulls evaluated, 4.0% were unsatisfactory due to inadequate spermatozoal motility, 7.0% due to inadequate spermatozoal morphology and 2.6% due to a combination of inadequate motility and morphology. Unsatisfactory classifications due to non-spermatozoal parameters out of all bulls were 10.2%, with 7.1% for inadequate scrotal circumference and 3.1% for physical abnormalities. For satisfactory and unsatisfactory bulls, respectively, means and standard deviations were 35.8 +/- 2.7 and 33.0 +/- 4.1 cm (P < 0.001) for scrotal circumference, 63 +/- 18 and 35 +/- 24% (P < 0.001) for percent motility, and 86 +/- 7 and 63 +/- 21% (P < 0.001) for percent normal morphology.  相似文献   

Ninety-three beef bulls and 2316 females were used to determine the relationships between breeding assessments of bulls and subsequent mating performance. Each bull was given a breeding soundness examination (BSE) and two 10-min libido/serving capacity (L/SC) tests. Breeding potential of each bull was classified as satisfactory (BSE score = 60 to 100) or questionable (BSE score = 30 to 59); libido was classified as either high (mean score = 9.0 to 10) or medium (mean score = 6.0 to 8.5). Bulls were then joined, single-sire, with groups of females which had received one of two treatments to synchronize estrus. Bull-to-female ratios ranged from 1:7 to 1:51. Continuous observations were conducted on the mating activity of each group. One bull was removed from the experiment due to a severe breeding problem. Bulls of satisfactory breeding potential (n = 80) did not differ (P > 0.10) from bulls of questionable breeding potential (n = 12) in measurements of mating activity. However, by the end of the synchronized breeding period, bulls classified as satisfactory breeders achieved approximately a 9% higher (P < 0.10) pregnancy rate than did bulls of questionable breeding status (45.6 +/- 2.1% vx 36.5 +/- 5.3%). Bulls with a high libido (n = 69) serviced more (P < 0.01) estrous females (81.3 +/- 3.1% vs 63.5 +/- 4.2%) than bulls with a medium libido (n = 23). However, pregnancy rates achieved by bulls of either libido classification did not differ significantly. Individual components of the BSE as well as mean libido score were poorly correlated with pregnancy rates (r = -0.22 to 0.18). It was concluded that classification of bulls by mean libido score can aid in identifying groups of bulls that service more estrus synchronized females, whereas classification by BSE score aids in identifying groups of bulls that impregnate more females.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in a cat colony over a 10-year period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Breeding soundness evaluation of extensively managed bulls in Costa Rica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the results of single breeding soundness evaluations (BSE) in 898 Bos indicus, Bos taurus and B. indicus x B. taurus bulls, 1 to 12 yr old, extensively reared in different climatic regions of Costa Rica and representing approximately 2% of the total breeding bull population. Thirty-three percent (n = 296) of the bulls were classified as unsound for breeding owing to clinical problems (9.1%, n = 82), low scrotal circumference (SC) being the most common finding, followed by unsatisfactory sperm morphology (23.9%, n = 214). The prevalence of bulls unsound for breeding was lowest in Bos indicus (29%, P < 0.01), intermediate in B. taurus (41%), and highest in B. indicus x B. taurus (48%). The percentages of abnormal sperm heads, acrosomes and midpieces tended to be higher in the ejaculates of bulls with softer testicular consistency (P < 0.001), a long scrotum (P < 0.01) or a low SC (P < 0.05), and such bulls were more often classified as being unsound for breeding (P < 0.05). Frequencies of sperm abnormalities were higher in bulls < 2 yr of age than in older males (P < 0.01) and were highest in B. indicus x B. taurus bulls (P < 0.001). The results confirm differences between species in their adaptability to a tropical environment and support earlier evidence of an association between SC, testicular consistency and scrotal length clinical parameters, and testicular function in bulls.  相似文献   

Data on breeding soundness and libido evaluations in Belgian Blue (BB) bulls are scarce. The present study compared results of breeding soundness and libido evaluations of young BB bulls to young Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls prior to acceptance into an AI program. Breed differences for breeding soundness exist between BB and HF bulls, as 93.7% of the young BB bulls failed the breeding soundness examination (BSE) compared to 59.3% of the HF bulls (P=0.0005). Within the BB breed, differences were present between bulls of different ages, and bull selection for better fertility with increasing age apparently influenced the results. The number of reasons for which bulls failed the test differed between the age groups in the BB breed, whereas a tendency for more failure reasons in the BB breed was noticed in the breed comparison. The most important reasons for failure were sperm morphology and scrotal circumference (SC), but far more BB bulls failed for these traits compared to the HF breed (82.8% versus 56.0% and 43.8% versus 17.6% in the BB and the HF breed for sperm morphology (P=0.0005) and SC (P<0.0001), respectively). The high proportion of BB bulls with a substandard SC and poor sperm morphology might suggest an increased prevalence of testicular hypoplasia or degeneration within this breed. Concerning libido, the reaction time did not differ either between breeds or between age groups within the BB breed, whereas mounting enthusiasm, although not different between the two breeds, did decline with increasing age, probably due to the greater mating experience of the older bulls. All in all, libido did not seem to be different between the breeds.  相似文献   

The breeding soundness evaluation (BSE) was used to evaluate Senepol (Bos taurus) bulls (n = 495) on St. Croix over a 7-year period. Young, unproven bulls (10-26 months of age) and breeding bulls (16 months to 8.5 years) were tested prior to sale or use in breeding. Inbreeding coefficients were determined for a subset of bulls (n = 290). The percentage of bulls passing the BSE increased (P < 0.0001) with age. Bulls that passed had a higher percentage (P < 0.0001) of normal and motile sperm as well as a larger (P < 0.0001) scrotal circumference than bulls that failed. No bulls failed the BSE for physical soundness traits or other health reasons. The incidence of testicular hypoplasia was 2.5 and 3.3% and the incidence of cryptorchidism was 1.4 and 0.9% in 12- and 16-month-old bulls, respectively, with no occurrence in bulls >20 months. The proportion of all bulls that failed the BSE and received an Unsatisfactory rating for scrotal circumference or sperm motility decreased (P < 0.0001) from >90 to <25% with age. The proportion of all bulls that failed the BSE and received an Unsatisfactory rating for sperm morphology decreased (P < 0.0001) from 99 to 83.3% with age. The inbreeding coefficient was higher (P < 0.03) in bulls that failed the BSE than in those that passed (2.24 +/- 0.19% versus 1.40 +/- 0.32%, respectively). There was a tendency for bulls with testicular hypoplasia or cryptorchidism to have a higher (P = 0.09) inbreeding coefficient than bulls with normal testes (2.90 +/- 0.46% versus 2.13 +/- 0.11%, respectively). In conclusion, Senepol bulls raised under tropical conditions had a low probability of passing the BSE at young ages, but the passing rate increased with age. Older Senepol bulls were more likely to fail the BSE due to abnormal sperm morphology than due to inadequate testicular size or sperm motility. To prevent unnecessary culling, a BSE should not be performed on Senepol bulls <16 months old.  相似文献   

Performance tests were conducted on 583 purebred Dorset, Hampshire and Suffolk yearling rams at the Virginia Ram Test Station from 1986 to 1989. Birth dates at entry and weights (lbs) at entry and end-of-test were recorded for each ram. Entry and exit scrotal circumference (SC; cm) data were recorded for each year of the study. Breeding soundness examination (BSE) data at entry were obtained for only the last two years (1988-1989). The BSE followed the basic format recommended by the Society for Theriogenology. The number of seminal white blood cells per (100x) microscope field (WBC/LPF) were also recorded for each ram's ejaculate. Classification of rams into breeding groups (satisfactory, questionable and unsatisfactory) were made using a point-scale system based upon values obtained from SC, sperm motility and morphology assessments. Between-breed differences were noted for age at entry to the test station, weight per day of age, final weight at the end of the test period and average daily gain. Suffolk rams were younger in age (P0.05). Overall the percentage of rams classified as unsatisfactory, questionable and satisfactory was 11.8, 16.5 and 71.7, respectively. Rams with more than 10 WBC/LPF had significantly smaller SC at entry (P<0.01) than rams with less than 10 WBC/LPF. Most of the differences (75%) in BSE scores in this study were contributed by differences in semen quality (spermatozoal motility and morphology) not by differences in SC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the detection of collagen balls in peritoneal washings over a 10-year period, revealing an unexpected and unexplained higher incidence than in the past. STUDY DESIGN: Reports of routinely processed, Papanicolaou-stained smears and cytospins and hematoxylineosin-stained cell blocks from peritoneal washes and ascitic fluids seen over an 8-year period (1995-2002) were reviewed, and the percentage of specimens in which collagen balls were noted was determined. To rule out a learning curve phenomenon, the first 100 consecutive peritoneal washings and ascitic specimens from years 1993-2001 plus 2002 were rescreened, and the percentage of specimens containing collagen balls was determined. RESULTS: The percentages of cases with collagen balls increased steadily beginning with 8 of 467 cases (3.2%) in 1995 to 185 of 650 (28.5%) in 2002, as reported in the case records. Rescreened cases also showed a similar increase, 4.0% in 1993 to 29% in 2002. No procedural modifications were made in specimen processing during this interval, nor are we aware of any procedural change in obtaining cytologic samples. CONCLUSION: An unexplained 7-fold increase in the percentage of peritoneal samples with collagen balls occurred over a 10-year period. This increase cannot be attributed to changes in specimen handling or to a learning curve phenomenon. This finding is of unknown significance and may warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

A total of 92 range beef bulls (Hereford = 60; Angus = 32) were given a breeding soundness examination (BSE) and two assessments for sex drive prior to their use in 23 breeding trials employing estrous synchronized females. Bulls were in three age groups: yearlings (n=29), two year olds (n=36), and three year olds and older (n=27). All yearling bulls were virgins, but the majority of the older bulls had previous mating experience. Angus bulls were superior (P<0.01) to Herefords in spermatozoal morphology and BSE score. Scrotal circumference increased with age beyond two years in Angus bulls but not in Herefords. Spermatozoal abnormalities generally decreased with age. BSE scores did not differ significantly among age groups. Apart from number of mounts, measures of sex drive did not differ with age or breed of bulls. This represents qualified justification for the current practice of using the same sex-drive assessment procedures for Bos taurus bulls of various ages and breeds.  相似文献   

Ott RS  Memon MA 《Theriogenology》1980,13(2):155-164
Breeding soundness examinations of rams and bucks may be performed by veterinarians as a service for clients. A physical examination for breeding soudness includes a general examination for health with special consideration of the reproductive organs. Careful examination of the penis, prepuce, and testicles may reveal diseases or abnormalities which decrease reproductive potential. Rams with small or hypoplastic testicles are unsatisfactory potential breeders as testicle size is positively related to sperm production. Libido may be assessed during semen collection procedures or from observations of the owner. Semen quality may be evaluated using tests for motility, concentration, and morphology of spermatozoa. Rams may be declared satisfactory, questionable, or unsatisfactory potential breeders as a result of the examination.  相似文献   

Ponds support a rich biodiversity. This arises in part because of the number and heterogeneity of ponds spatially throughout the landscape. Studies of ponds suggest that distinct communities develop within individual ponds but most examples are based on short-term 1- or 2-year surveys which cannot identify the effects of historic events upon contemporary communities. This study reports the development and turnover of the early summer macroinvertebrate communities in thirty small temporary ponds from their creation in 1994 over 10 years to 2004. Distinct pioneer communities established in the first year of the ponds’ creation, the first 3 years dominated by a fauna associated with long summer dry phases. Then a sustained period of inundation lasting 27 months from summer 1997–1999 resulted in establishment of many taxa associated with permanent ponds and loss of some temporary pond species. The re-establishment of summer dry phases in 1999 was associated with the loss of some but not all of the permanent water taxa and re-colonisation by some temporary water species creating new communities combining these different elements. The communities were not a linear successional sequence; the communities that re-assembled following resumption of dry phases reflected the contingent history of each pond and the effects of historic events. The longer term nature of the study showed that the characteristic heterogeneity of pond invertebrate communities occurs through time as well as spatially and that the richness and variety of contemporary communities, which is often hard to explain from snap-shot studies, is partly the result of historic events.  相似文献   

Climatic parameters are able to influence the timing of phenological events affecting the degree of synchrony among plant species, their interactions, and reproductive success. Shrubs of Malpighiaceae family in the Brazilian Tropical Savanna present sequential flowering phenology. We verified variations in climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) over a period of 10 years (2005–2014) and correlated them with the onset of flowering of four of these Malpighiaceae species. Furthermore, we tested whether the phenological synchronization among species has changed over time affecting the herbivory and fruit set. Herbivory and fruit production were recorded during three reproductive seasons (2008/2009, 2011/2012, 2013/2014). We developed a mathematical model to estimate the flower and fruit production in response to phenological changes for the next 5 years. Results show that climatic factors changed, influencing the onset of species flowering. The degree of overlap among species also changed and the effects on species interactions were species specific. The mathematical model successfully presented a tendency on flower and fruit production contributing to the predictions of the outcomes in response to phenological changes. We confirm the effects of climate changes on plant phenological events and the importance of feature plasticity for better performance of species.  相似文献   

Angus, Polled Hereford and Santa Gertrudis bulls were subjected to a breeding soundness evaluation (BSE) just prior to being exposed to cows for 90 to 95 days in single-sire units under natural breeding conditions on pasture. Forty-eight of 55 bulls subjected to scrotal and semen evaluations passed the BSE and were considered acceptable for breeding. Of the bulls that passed BSE, 18 (six bulls from each breed) were used for breeding for each yr of the 2-yr study. Of the bulls used for breeding, breed of sire differences were significant for scrotal circumference and calving rate, while differences among sires within breed of sire were significant for secondary morphology, motility score and calving rate. The difference between means for bulls used vs bulls that failed BSE was significant for all eight traits. Correlations among various scrotal and semen evaluations were compared for bulls used vs bulls that failed BSE. Of the eight traits, only the motility score was significantly correlated with the calving rate. After the exclusion of bulls that failed to pass BSE, there remained differences (P<0.01) among bulls within breed of sire for calving rate. Thus, there is a need for an additional easy-to-use procedure that would more accurately predict the breeding performance of bulls.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of repeated investigations in the tick relapsing fever nidus (TRF) conducted after a ten-year interval in Gava settlement situated in the foothill area of the Namangan Province of Uzbekistan. A considerable deterioration in the habitat conditions of the vector, Ornithodoros papillipes Bir., due to the intensified anthropogenic effect, and decrease in its number have been noted. The distribution range of the tick (percent of infested farmsteads) in this case did not reduce. The infection rate of the vector's population with the tick relapsing fever agent decreased that points indirectly to a higher mortality of infected ticks under unfavourable conditions. Wavy course of morbidity with TRF during the period between investigations shows that changes that took place in the nidus were not uniform in their character and may have resulted to some extent from natural cycles. A similar character of anthropogenic effect on the populations of ticks in the settlement natural nidi suggests that the above changes are common to the nidi of this infection.  相似文献   

In order to assess antimicrobial resistance in Listeria monocytogenes, 202 food and environmental isolates from 1996 to 2006 were tested. Only four strains displayed acquired resistance. Resistance to erythromycin, tetracycline-minocycline, and trimethoprim was evidenced, and the genes erm(B), tet(M), and dfrD, already found in L. monocytogenes, were detected.  相似文献   

A. D. Sadovnick  P. A. Baird 《CMAJ》1983,129(10):1109-1110
Reports of an apparent decline in the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) have come from various parts of the world. If these findings are consistent they would have an important impact on prenatal diagnosis and on screening programs. The incidence of NTDs over a 10-year period was examined in British Columbia, a province that has a population-based health surveillance registry through which there is virtually complete ascertainment of liveborn infants with NTDs. The results showed a significant decrease in incidence only for stillborn infants with anencephaly. The increased use of ultrasonography and the subsequent termination of pregnancies in which the fetus has been found to have anencephaly may explain this observation.  相似文献   

More than a decade after a study on the transmission cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the Siebengebirge, a nature reserve near Bonn, Germany, questing nymphal and adult Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected again in three selected areas of the same low mountain range and examined for infection with B. burgdorferi sensu lato. Between May and October 2001, a total of 1,754 ticks were collected by blanket dragging; 374 ticks were analyzed for B. burgdorferi sensu lato by both an immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and at least two different PCR tests, whereas 171 ticks were analyzed by PCR only. By combining all assays, an average of 14% of the ticks tested positive for B. burgdorferi sensu lato, 5.5, 15.8, and 21.8% in the three collection areas. Of the nymphs and adults examined, 12.9 and 21.1%, respectively, were found to be spirochete infected. A lower total infection prevalence was obtained by IFA (14.4%) than by a nested PCR approach (16.5%), but both were higher than that obtained by a simple PCR approach (11.9%). Compared with data collected over a decade ago, the mean infection prevalence of B. burgdorferi sensu lato in the ticks was significantly higher for all three biotopes, whereas a similar pattern of habitat-specific infection prevalence was observed. Genotyping of B. burgdorferi sensu lato revealed high relative prevalences of B. valaisiana (identified in 43.1% of infected ticks) and B. garinii (32.3%), whereas B. afzelii (12.3%) and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (1.5%) were relatively rare. We conclude that B. burgdorferi sensu lato infection has increased in this region over the last 15 years due to presently unknown changes in ecological conditions, perhaps related to climate change or wildlife management.  相似文献   

In many European countries, the wild boar (Sus scrofa) is often associated with crop damage. In this study, we analyse data relating to 13,276 cases of wild boar damage to agricultural crops over a 10-year period in Luxembourg (an area of 2,586 km2 in Western Europe). Results show that (1) damage is more severe in this area than in others; (2) damage to permanent grassland is far more frequent and more severe than damage to annual crops; (3) trichomatous crops such as barley are avoided; (4) damage is seasonally distributed according to type of crop; (5) damage is distributed spatially in a non-uniform manner; (6) damage intensity is significantly correlated with wild boar hunting bags, both over time and space. We suggest that wild boar management strategy should always take into account the issue of damage to agricultural crops. Our results imply that measures for preventing or reducing damage should be more targeted in time and space and that adjustments to cropping patterns should contribute towards a reduction of wild boar damage.  相似文献   

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