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This report describes a protocol to incorporate isotopically labelled aromatic amino acids into the proteins of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechoccus elongatus. By using the EPR signal of the two redox active tyrosines of Photosystem II, Tyr(D)(*) and Tyr(Z)(*), as spectroscopic probes it is shown that labelled tyrosines can be incorporated with a high yield in this cyanobacterium. The production of a fully (13)C- or (2)H-labelled enzyme is also described.  相似文献   

The thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus, has been grown in the presence of Sr2+ instead of Ca2+ with the aim of biosynthetically replacing the Ca2+ of the oxygen-evolving enzyme with Sr2+. Not only were the cells able to grow normally with Sr2+, they actively accumulated the ion to levels higher than those of Ca2+ in the normal cultures. A protocol was developed to purify a fully active Sr(2+)-containing photosystem II (PSII). The modified enzyme contained a normal polypeptide profile and 1 strontium/4 manganese, indicating that the normal enzyme contains 1 calcium/4 manganese. The Sr(2+)- and Ca(2+)-containing enzymes were compared using EPR spectroscopy, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, and O2 polarography. The Ca2+/Sr2+ exchange resulted in the modification of the EPR spectrum of the manganese cluster and a slower turnover of the redox cycle (the so-called S-state cycle), resulting in diminished O2 evolution activity under continuous saturating light: all features reported previously by biochemical Ca2+/Sr2+ exchange in plant PSII. This allays doubts that these changes could be because of secondary effects induced by the biochemical treatments themselves. In addition, the Sr(2+)-containing PSII has other kinetics modifications: 1) it has an increased stability of the S3 redox state; 2) it shows an increase in the rate of electron donation from TyrD, the redox-active tyrosine of the D2 protein, to the oxygen-evolving complex in the S3-state forming S2; 3) the rate of oxidation of the S0-state to the S1-state by TyrD* is increased; and 4) the release of O2 is slowed down to an extent similar to that seen for the slowdown of the S3TyrZ* to S0TyrZ transition, consistent with the latter constituting the limiting step of the water oxidation mechanism in Sr(2+)-substituted enzyme as well as in the normal enzyme. The replacement of Ca2+ by Sr2+ appears to have multiple effects on kinetics properties of the enzyme that may be explained by S-state-dependent shifts in the redox properties of both the manganese complex and TyrZ as well as structural effects.  相似文献   

Water oxidation at photosystem II Mn-cluster is mediated by the redox-active tyrosine Y(Z). We calculated the redox potential (E(m)) of Y(Z) and its symmetrical counterpart Y(D), by solving the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The calculated E(m)(Y( )/Y(-)) were +926 mV/+694 mV for Y(Z)/Y(D) with the Mn-cluster in S2 state. Together with the asymmetric position of the Mn-cluster relative to Y(Z/D), differences in H-bond network between Y(Z) (Y(Z)/D1-His(190)/D1-Asn(298)) and Y(D) (Y(D)/D2-His(189)/D2-Arg(294)/CP47-Glu(364)) are crucial for E(m)(Y(Z/D)). When D1-His(190) is protonated, corresponding to a thermally activated state, the calculated E(m)(Y(Z)) was +1216 mV, which is as high as the E(m) for P(D1/D2). We observed deprotonation at CP43-Arg(357) upon S-state transition, which may suggest its involvement in the proton exit pathway. E(m)(Y(D)) was affected by formation of P(D2)(+) (but not P(D1)(+)) and sensitive to the protonation state of D2-Arg(180). This points to an electrostatic link between Y(D) and P(D2).  相似文献   

The main cofactors that determine the photosystem II (PSII) oxygen evolution activity are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, there are three psbA genes coding for D1. Among the 344 residues constituting D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. Here, we present the first study of PsbA2-PSII. Using EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy, we show that: (i) the time-resolved EPR spectrum of TyrZ in the (S3TyrZ)′ is slightly modified; (ii) the split EPR signal arising from TyrZ in the (S2TyrZ)′ state induced by near-infrared illumination at 4.2 K of the S3TyrZ state is significantly modified; and (iii) the slow phases of P680+⋅ reduction by TyrZ are slowed down from the hundreds of μs time range to the ms time range, whereas both the S1TyrZ → S2TyrZ and the S3TyrZ → S0TyrZ + O2 transition kinetics remained similar to those in PsbA(1/3)-PSII. These results show that the geometry of the TyrZ phenol and its environment, likely the Tyr-O···H···Nϵ-His bonding, are modified in PsbA2-PSII when compared with PsbA(1/3)-PSII. They also point to the dynamics of the proton-coupled electron transfer processes associated with the oxidation of TyrZ being affected. From sequence comparison, we propose that the C144P and P173M substitutions in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA(1/3)-PSII, respectively located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, His-190, are responsible for these changes.  相似文献   

The recent crystallographic structure at 3.0 A resolution of PSII from Thermosynechococcus elongatus has revealed a cavity in the protein which connects the membrane phase to the binding pocket of the secondary plastoquinone Q(B). The cavity may serve as a quinone diffusion pathway. By fluorescence methods, electron transfer at the donor and acceptor sides was investigated in the same membrane-free PSII core particle preparation from T. elongatus prior to and after crystallization; PSII membrane fragments from spinach were studied as a reference. The data suggest selective enrichment of those PSII centers in the crystal that are intact with respect to O(2) evolution at the manganese-calcium complex of water oxidation and with respect to the integrity of the quinone binding site. One and more functional quinone molecules (per PSII monomer) besides of Q(A) and Q(B) were found in the crystallized PSII. We propose that the extra quinones are located in the Q(B) cavity and serve as a PSII intrinsic pool of electron acceptors.  相似文献   

In the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1, living in hot springs, the light environment directly regulates expression of genes that encode key components of the photosynthetic multi-subunit protein-pigment complex photosystem II (PSII). Light is not only essential as an energy source to power photosynthesis, but leads to formation of aggressive radicals which induce severe damage of protein subunits and organic cofactors. Photosynthetic organisms develop several protection mechanisms against this photo-damage, such as the differential expression of genes coding for the reaction center subunit D1 in PSlI. Testing the expression of the three different genes (psbAI, psbAII, psbAIII) coding for D1 in T. elongatus under culture conditions used for preparing the material used in crystallization of PSII showed that under these conditions only subunit PsbA1 is present. However, exposure to high-light intensity induced partial replacement of PsbA1 with PsbA3. Modeling of the variant amino acids of the three different D1 copies in the 3.0 A resolution crystal structure of PSII revealed that most of them are in the direct vicinity to redox-active cofactors of the electron transfer chain. Possible structural and mechanistic consequences for electron transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

Binding of herbicides to photosystem II inhibits the electron transfer from Q(A) to Q(B) due to competition of herbicides with plastoquinone bound at the Q(B) site. We investigated herbicide binding to monomeric and dimeric photosystem II core complexes (PSIIcc) isolated from Thermosynechococcus elongatus by a combination of different methods (isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry, CD spectroscopy and measurements of the oxygen evolution) yielding binding constants, enthalpies and stoichiometries for various herbicides as well as information regarding stabilization/destabilization of the complex. Herbicide binding to detergent-solubilized PSIIcc can be described by a model of single independent binding sites present on this important membrane protein. Interestingly, binding stoichiometries herbicide:PSIIcc are lower than 1:1 and vary depending on the herbicide under study. Strong binding herbicides such as terbutryn stabilize PSIIcc in thermal unfolding experiments and endothermically binding herbicides like ioxynil probably cause large structural changes accompanied with the binding process as shown by differential scanning calorimetry experiments of the unfolding reaction of PSIIcc monomer in the presence of ioxynil. In addition we studied the occupancy of the Q(B) sites with plastoquinone (PQ9) by measuring flash induced fluorescence relaxation yielding a possible explanation for the deviations of herbicide binding from a 1:1 herbicide/binding site model.  相似文献   

W F Beck  G W Brudvig 《Biochemistry》1986,25(21):6479-6486
The binding of several primary amines to the O2-evolving center (OEC) of photosystem II (PSII) has been studied by using low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the S2 state. Spinach PSII membranes treated with NH4Cl at pH 7.5 produce a novel S2-state multiline EPR spectrum with a 67.5-G hyperfine line spacing when the S2 state is produced by illumination at 0 degrees C [Beck, W. F., de Paula, J. C., & Brudvig, G. W. (1986) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 4018-4022]. The altered hyperfine line spacing and temperature dependence of the S2-state multiline EPR signal observed in the presence of NH4Cl are direct spectroscopic evidence for coordination of one or more NH3 molecules to the Mn site in the OEC. In contrast, the hyperfine line pattern and temperature dependence of the S2-state multiline EPR spectrum in the presence of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, 2-amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol, or CH3NH2 at pH 7.5 were the same as those observed in untreated PSII membranes. We conclude that amines other than NH3 do not readily bind to the Mn site in the S2 state because of steric factors. Further, NH3 binds to an additional site on the OEC, not necessarily located on Mn, and alters the stability of the S2-state g = 4.1 EPR signal species. The effects on the intensities of the g = 4.1 and multiline EPR signals as the NH3 concentration was varied indicate that both EPR signals arise from the same paramagnetic site and that binding of NH3 to the OEC affects an equilibrium between two configurations exhibiting the different EPR signals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We introduce a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics model of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II in the S(1) Mn(4)(IV,III,IV,III) state, where Ca(2+) is bridged to manganese centers by the carboxylate moieties of D170 and A344 on the basis of the new X-ray diffraction (XRD) model recently reported at 1.9 ? resolution. The model is also consistent with high-resolution spectroscopic data, including polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure data of oriented single crystals. Our results provide refined intermetallic distances within the Mn cluster and suggest that the XRD model most likely corresponds to a mixture of oxidation states, including species more reduced than those observed in the catalytic cycle of water splitting.  相似文献   

During dark adaptation, a change in the O2-evolving complex (OEC) of spinach photosystem II (PSII) occurs that affects both the structure of the Mn site and the chemical properties of the OEC, as determined from low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and O2 measurements. The S2-state multiline EPR signal, arising from a Mn-containing species in the OEC, exhibits different properties in long-term (4 h at 0 degrees C) and short-term (6 min at 0 degree C) dark-adapted PSII membranes or thylakoids. The optimal temperature for producing this EPR signal in long-term dark-adapted samples is 200 K compared to 170 K for short-term dark-adapted samples. However, in short-term dark-adapted samples, illumination at 170 K produces an EPR signal with a different hyperfine structure and a wider field range than does illumination at 160 K or below. In contrast, the line shape of the S2-state EPR signal produced in long-term dark-adapted samples is independent of the illumination temperature. The EPR-detected change in the Mn site of the OEC that occurs during dark adaptation is correlated with a change in O2 consumption activity of PSII or thylakoid membranes. PSII membranes and thylakoid membranes slowly consume O2 following illumination, but only when a functional OEC and excess reductant are present. We assign this slow consumption of O2 to a catalytic reduction of O2 by the OEC in the dark. The rate of O2 consumption decreases during dark adaptation; long-term dark-adapted PSII or thylakoid membranes do not consume O2 despite the presence of excess reductant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ulas G  Olack G  Brudvig GW 《Biochemistry》2008,47(10):3073-3075
The oxidation of water to molecular oxygen by photosystem II (PSII) is inhibited in bicarbonate-depleted media. One contribution to the inhibition is the binding of bicarbonate to the non-heme iron, which is required for efficient electron transfer on the electron-acceptor side of PSII. There are also proposals that bicarbonate is required for formation of O 2 by the manganese-containing O 2-evolving complex (OEC). Previous work indicates that a bicarbonate ion does not bind reversibly close to the OEC, but it remains possible that bicarbonate is bound sufficiently tightly to the OEC that it cannot readily exchange with bicarbonate in solution. In this study, we have used NH 2OH to destroy the OEC, which would release any tightly bound bicarbonate ions from the active site, and mass spectrometry to detect any released bicarbonate as CO 2. The amount of CO 2 per PSII released by the NH 2OH treatment is observed to be comparable to the background level, although N 2O, a product of the reaction of NH 2OH with the OEC, is detected in good yield. These results strongly argue against tightly bound bicarbonate ions in the OEC.  相似文献   

The O2-evolving complex of photosystem II, Mn 4Ca, cycles through five oxidation states, S0,..., S4, during its catalytic function, which involves the gradual abstraction of four electrons and four protons from two bound water molecules. The direct oxidant of the complex is the tyrosine neutral radical, YZ(*), which is transiently produced by the highly oxidizing power of the photoexcited chlorophyll species P680. EPR characterization of YZ(*) has been limited, until recently, to inhibited (non-oxygen-evolving) preparations. A number of relatively recent papers have demonstrated the trapping of YZ(*) in O2-evolving preparations at liquid helium temperatures as an intermediate of the S0 to S1, S1 to S2, and S2 to S3 transitions. The respective EPR spectra are broadened and split at g approximately 2 by the magnetic interaction with the Mn cluster, but this interaction collapses at temperatures higher than about 100K [Zahariou et al. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 14335 -14341]. We have conducted a study of the Tyr Z(*) transient in the temperature range 77-240 K by employing rapid or slow EPR scans. The results reveal for the first time high-resolution X-band spectra of Tyr Z(*) in the functional system and at temperatures close to the onset of the S-state transitions. We have simulated the S 2Y Z(*) spectrum using the simulation algorithm of Svistunenko and Cooper [(2004) Biophys. J. 87, 582 -595]. The small g(x) = 2.00689 value inferred from the analysis suggests either a H-bonding of Tyr Z (*) (presumably with His190) that is stronger than what has been assumed from studies of Tyr D(*) or Tyr Z(*) in Mn-depleted preparations or a more electropositive environment around Tyr Z(*). The study has also yielded for the first time direct information on the temperature variation of the YZ(*)/QA(-) recombination reaction in the various S states. The reaction follows biphasic kinetics with the slow phase dominating at low temperatures and the fast phase dominating at high temperatures. It is tentatively proposed that the slow phase represents the action of the YZ(*)/YZ(-) redox couple while the fast phase represents that of the YZ(*)/YZH couple; it is inferred that Tyr Z at elevated temperatures is protonated at rest. It is also proposed that YZ(*)/YZH is the couple that oxidizes the Mn cluster during the S1-S2 and S2-S3 transitions. A simple mechanism ensuring a rapid (concerted) protonation of Tyr Z upon oxidation of the Mn cluster is discussed, and also, a structure-based molecular model suggesting the participation of His190 into two hydrogen bonds is proposed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c(550) (cyt c(550)) is a component of photosystem II (PSII) from cyanobacteria, red algae, and some other eukaryotic algae. Its physiological role remains unclear. In the present work, measurements of the midpoint redox potential (E(m)) were performed using intact PSII core complexes preparations from a histidine-tagged PSII mutant strain of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus (T.) elongatus. When redox titrations were done in the absence of redox mediators, an E(m) value of +200 mV was obtained for cyt c(550). This value is ~300 mV more positive than that previously measured in the presence of mediators (E(m) = -80 mV). The shift from the high potential form (E(m) = +200 mV) to the low potential form (E(m) = -80 mV) of cyt c(550) is attributed to conformational changes, triggered by the reduction of a component of PSII that is sequestered and out of equilibrium with the medium, most likely the Mn(4)Ca cluster. This reduction can occur when reduced low potential redox mediators are present or under highly reducing conditions even in the absence of mediators. Based on these observations, it is suggested that the E(m) of +200 mV obtained without mediators could be the physiological redox potential of the cyt c(550) in PSII. This value opens the possibility of a redox function for cyt c(550) in PSII.  相似文献   

Redox properties of cytochrome b559 (Cyt b559) and cytochrome c550 (Cyt c550) have been studied by using highly stable photosystem II (PSII) core complex preparations from a mutant strain of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus with a histidine tag on the CP43 protein of PSII. Two different redox potential forms for Cyt b559 are found in these preparations, with a midpoint redox potential ( E'(m)) of +390 mV in about half of the centers and +275 mV in the other half. The high-potential form, whose E'(m)is pH independent, can be converted into the lower potential form by Tris washing, mild heating or alkaline pH incubation. The E'(m) of the low-potential form is significantly higher than that found in other photosynthetic organisms and is not affected by pH. The possibility that the heme of Cyt b559 in T. elongatus is in a more hydrophobic environment is discussed. Cyt c550 has a higher E'(m)when bound to the PSII core (-80 mV at pH 6.0) than after its extraction from the complex (-240 mV at pH 6.0). The E'(m) of Cyt c550 bound to PSII is pH independent, while in the purified state an increase of about 58 mV/pH unit is observed when the pH decreases below pH 9.0. Thus, Cyt c550 seems to have a single protonateable group which influences the redox properties of the heme. From these electrochemical measurements and from EPR controls it is proposed that important changes in the solvent accessibility to the heme and in the acid-base properties of that protonateable group could occur upon the release of Cyt c550 from PSII.  相似文献   

The PsbQ-like protein, termed CyanoQ, found in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is thought to bind to the lumenal surface of photosystem II (PSII), helping to shield the Mn4CaO5 oxygen-evolving cluster. CyanoQ is, however, absent from the crystal structures of PSII isolated from thermophilic cyanobacteria raising the possibility that the association of CyanoQ with PSII might not be a conserved feature. Here, we show that CyanoQ (encoded by tll2057) is indeed expressed in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus and provide evidence in support of its assignment as a lipoprotein. Using an immunochemical approach, we show that CyanoQ co-purifies with PSII and is actually present in highly pure PSII samples used to generate PSII crystals. The absence of CyanoQ in the final crystal structure is possibly due to detachment of CyanoQ during crystallisation or its presence in sub-stoichiometric amounts. In contrast, the PsbP homologue, CyanoP, is severely depleted in isolated PSII complexes. We have also determined the crystal structure of CyanoQ from T. elongatus to a resolution of 1.6 Å. It lacks bound metal ions and contains a four-helix up-down bundle similar to the ones found in Synechocystis CyanoQ and spinach PsbQ. However, the N-terminal region and extensive lysine patch that are thought to be important for binding of PsbQ to PSII are not conserved in T. elongatus CyanoQ.  相似文献   

T Ono  Y Inoue 《Biochemistry》1991,30(25):6183-6188
Our previous experiments with a histidine modifier suggest that in Mn-depleted photosystem (PS) II a histidine residue is photooxidized and charge recombination between the oxidized histidine and QA-emits the thermoluminescence AT-band [Ono, T., & Inoue, Y. (1991) FEBS Lett. 278, 183-186]. By use of the AT-band as an index for histidine oxidation, and EPR signals IIf and IIs as indexes for tyrosine oxidation, we studied the role of this putative redox-active histidine in the photoactivation of the O2-evolving enzyme in NH2OH-treated PSII. The following results have been obtained. (i) Strong-light photoinhibition of NH2OH-treated PSII quickly impaired both capabilities of photoactivation and AT-band emission with almost the same half-inhibition time of 1-2 s, while signal IIf was well retained and signal IIs was not affected at all after complete loss of photoactivation capability. (ii) The capability of exogenous Mn2+ photooxidation was relatively sensitive to strong-light photoinhibition, but DPC was relatively sensitive to strong-light photoinhibition, but DPC photooxidation was highly resistant. (iii) Weak-light photoinhibition simultaneously impaired the capabilities of photoactivation, AT-band emission, and signal IIf with the same half-inhibition time of 1 min, leaving signal IIs unaffected. (iv) It was inferred that the putative redox-active histidine is essential for the photooxidation of coordinated Mn2+, the probable initial step of photoactivation, and its photodamage results in the loss of the capabilities of photoactivation and AT-band emission. Based on these, a scheme of electron transfer on the donor side of PSII involving histidine oxidation via Z+ is proposed.  相似文献   

A 5 min exposure of photosystem II to a pH 3 citric acid solution is a simple method for selective removal of Ca(2+) from the O(2)-evolving complex. The resulting preparation retains the 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides, but the activity of this material is only 10-20% of that of an untreated control sample. Biochemical characterization of citrate-treated photosystem II reveals that some reaction centers lose the extrinsic proteins during citrate treatment. Furthermore, a comparison of photosystem II preparations treated with citrate, or depleted of 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides by high-salt treatment, shows that low concentrations of a small reductant, NH(2)OH, which has little effect on the activity of intact photosystem II, can reduce and inhibit the Mn cluster in both types of preparations. In contrast, a large reductant, hydroquinone, cannot access the majority of O(2)-evolving centers in citrate-treated preparations, while 23 and 17 kDa-depleted material is rapidly inactivated by the reductant. Incubation of the citrate-treated samples in high ( approximately 60 mM) concentrations of CaCl(2) restores 50% of the lost activity; this Ca(2+)-reconstituted activity is chelator-insensitive, indicating that rebinding of Ca(2+) restores the structural integrity of the O(2)-evolving complex. A characterization of Ca(2+) and Cl(-) affinities in steady-state activity assays shows that citrate-treated preparations exhibit a Cl(-) requirement similar to that of polypeptide-depleted photosystem II, while Ca(2+) reactivation of O(2) evolution appears to occur at two structurally distinct sites. One site exhibits a high Ca(2+) affinity, similar to that found in polypeptide-depleted samples, but a second, lower-affinity site also exists, with a K(M) that is approximately 10 times greater than that of the high-affinity site, which is associated with centers that retain the extrinsic polypeptides. These data indicate that citrate-induced Ca(2+) depletion causes release of the 23 and 17 kDa extrinsic polypeptides from some photosystem II reaction centers, and also modifies the structure of the polypeptide-retaining O(2)-evolving centers so that the Mn cluster is exposed to small, but not large, reductants. This change may be due to subtle modifications to the structure of the photosystem II extrinsic proteins that produces a new pathway between the solvent and the Mn cluster or, alternatively, to the opening of an existing channel in the intrinsic lumenal polypeptide domain, between the solvent and the Mn cluster, that is normally occluded by a bound Ca(2+) atom.  相似文献   

The secondary quinone acceptor, Q(B), has been studied in photosystem II (PSII) isolated from Thermosynechococcus (T.) elongatus. Thermoluminescence indicated that Q(B) was present in this preparation. An EPR signal observed at low temperature at g = 1.9 was attributed to Fe2+ Q(B)- on the basis of the characteristic period-of-two variations in its intensity depending on the number of laser flashes given at 20 degrees C. When samples showing the Fe2+ Q(B)- signal were illuminated at 77 K, an EPR signal at g = 1.66 appeared with an amplitude proportional to that of the Fe2+ Q(B)- signal. This signal is attributed to the Q(A)- Fe2+ Q(B)- state. While these attributions have been made previously in PSII from other origins, they have remained relatively tentative since the characteristic period-of-two oscillations of Q(B) had not previously been observed. The flash experiments indicated that more than one exchangeable plastoquinone is associated with the isolated PSII. The g = 1.66 signal from the Q(A)- Fe2+ Q(B)- state was used to study the temperature dependence of electron transfer between the two quinones. Electron transfer occurred in half of the centers (after 30 s incubation) at -28 degrees C for Q(A)- to Q(B) but at -58 degrees C for Q(A)- to Q(B)-. This marked difference for the two electron transfer reactions indicates different types of rate-limiting reactions. In the better studied but homologous system, the purple bacterial reaction center, the Q(A)- to Q(B) step is limited by a gating process, while the Q(A)- to Q(B)- step is limited by protonation events. Similar reactions in PSII could give rise to the observed temperature dependence.  相似文献   

Photosystem I reaction centers of the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus have been investigated using single-molecule spectroscopy. Single-molecule fluorescence emission spectra reveal a new fluorescence band located at 745 nm. Fluorescence polarization spectroscopy and fluorescence autocorrelation analysis show that only a few chlorophylls are responsible for the photoemission from the Photosystem I trimer at low temperature. Intersystem crossing parameters of the red pool chlorophylls have been determined via fluorescence autocorrelation measurements. The triplet yield of the red chlorophylls is strongly reduced in comparison to chlorophyll a in solution. Strong quenching of the triplet state indicates that the red chlorophylls are located in close contact to carotenoids.  相似文献   

In the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, there are three psbA genes coding for the Photosystem II (PSII) D1 subunit that interacts with most of the main cofactors involved in the electron transfers. Recently, the 3D crystal structures of both PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3-PSII have been solved [Nakajima et al., J. Biol. Chem. 298 (2022) 102668.]. It was proposed that the loss of one hydrogen bond of PheD1 due to the D1-Y147F exchange in PsbA2-PSII resulted in a more negative Em of PheD1 in PsbA2-PSII when compared to PsbA3-PSII. In addition, the loss of two water molecules in the Cl-1 channel was attributed to the D1-P173M substitution in PsbA2-PSII. This exchange, by narrowing the Cl-1 proton channel, could be at the origin of a slowing down of the proton release. Here, we have continued the characterization of PsbA2-PSII by measuring the thermoluminescence from the S2QA/DCMU charge recombination and by measuring proton release kinetics using time-resolved absorption changes of the dye bromocresol purple. It was found that i) the Em of PheD1/PheD1 was decreased by ∼30 mV in PsbA2-PSII when compared to PsbA3-PSII and ii) the kinetics of the proton release into the bulk was significantly slowed down in PsbA2-PSII in the S2TyrZ to S3TyrZ and S3TyrZ → (S3TyrZ)’ transitions. This slowing down was partially reversed by the PsbA2/M173P mutation and induced by the PsbA3/P173M mutation thus confirming a role of the D1-173 residue in the egress of protons trough the Cl-1 channel.  相似文献   

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