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Suppose that independent observations are drawn from multipledistributions, each of which is a mixture of two component distributionssuch that their log density ratio satisfies a linear model witha slope parameter and an intercept parameter. Inference forsuch models has been studied using empirical likelihood, andmixed results have been obtained. The profile empirical likelihoodof the slope and intercept has an irregularity at the null hypothesisso that the two component distributions are equal. We derivea profile empirical likelihood and maximum likelihood estimatorof the slope alone, and obtain the usual asymptotic propertiesfor the estimator and the likelihood ratio statistic regardlessof the null. Furthermore, we show the maximum likelihood estimatorof the slope and intercept jointly is consistent and asymptoticallynormal regardless of the null. At the null, the joint maximumlikelihood estimator falls along a straight line through theorigin with perfect correlation asymptotically to the firstorder. 相似文献
On parameter transformations and interval estimation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In a 2 × 2 crossover bioavailability study, the sets of estimates of the pharmacokinetic parameters quite often have a symmetric covariance structure between the two treatments. For testing the equality of the intra‐subject covariance matrices for the two treatments in such studies, we suggest in this paper some statistical tests. When the response vectors are bivariate, we propose an exact test. Since the statistical procedures depend on the assumption of a symmetric covariance structure between the two treatments, we put forth some statistical tests for this assumption. We then apply the discussed tests to real data from a crossover bioavailability trial. 相似文献
Gill PS 《Biometrics》2004,60(2):525-527
We propose a likelihood-based test for comparing the means of two or more log-normal distributions, with possibly unequal variances. A modification to the likelihood ratio test is needed when sample sizes are small. The performance of the proposed procedures is compared with the F-ratio test using Monte Carlo simulations. 相似文献
Troendle JF 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》2008,50(4):571-583
It is natural to want to relax the assumption of homoscedasticity and Gaussian error in ANOVA models. For a two-way ANOVA model with 2 x k cells, one can derive tests of main effect for the factor with two levels (referred to as group) without assuming homoscedasticity or Gaussian error. Empirical likelihood can be used to derive testing procedures. An approximate empirical likelihood ratio test (AELRT) is derived for the test of group main effect. To approximate the distributions of the test statistics under the null hypothesis, simulation from the approximate empirical maximum likelihood estimate (AEMLE) restricted by the null hypothesis is used. The homoscedastic ANOVA F -test and a Box-type approximation to the distribution of the heteroscedastic ANOVA F -test are compared to the AELRT in level and power. The AELRT procedure is shown by simulation to have appropriate type I error control (although possibly conservative) when the distribution of the test statistics are approximated by simulation from the constrained AEMLE. The methodology is motivated and illustrated by an analysis of folate levels in the blood among two alcohol intake groups while accounting for gender. 相似文献
Shrikant I. Bangdiwala 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1989,31(2):203-211
In survivorship modelling using the proportional hazards model of Cox (1972, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 34, 187–220), it is often desired to test a subset of the vector of unknown regression parameters β in the expression for the hazard rate at time t. The likelihood ratio test statistic is well behaved in most situations but may be expensive to calculate. The Wald (1943, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 54, 426–482) test statistic is easier to calculate, but has some drawbacks. In testing a single parameter in a binomial logit model, Hauck and Donner (1977, Journal of the American Statistical Association 72, 851–853) show that the Wald statistic decreases to zero the further the parameter estimate is from the null and that the asymptotic power of the test decreases to the significance level. The Wald statistic is extensively used in statistical software packages for survivorship modelling and it is therefore important to understand its behavior. The present work examines empirically the behavior of the Wald statistic under various departures from the null hypothesis and under the presence of Type I censoring and covariates in the model. It is shown via examples that the Wald statistic's behavior is not as aberrant as found for the logistic model. For the single parameter case, the asymptotic non-null distribution of the Wald statistic is examined. 相似文献
C. N. Bouza 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1985,27(7):799-805
The Random Response Design is used for obtaining information from the non respondents. The existence of a refusal to respond may be the cause of non responses. The model obtained seems to be a good alternative for reducing non sampling errors due to dishonest answers. 相似文献
Robustness and efficiency properties of scatter matrices 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
S. R. Paul 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1986,28(8):945-948
A derivation of the maximum likelihood ratio test for testing no outliers in regression models is given using the method of WETHERILL (1981, pp. 106–107) for estimating the regression parameters. This method is essentially similar to the one outlined in BARNETT and LEWIS (1978, p. 263), although by our detailed derivation it is easier to see that the maximum likelihood estimate of θ of model (3) under the hypothesis that the ith observation in an outlier is the same as that obtained from model (1) when the ith observation is removed. 相似文献
The statistical analysis of shape data 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3