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Water content within the epididymis of the male reproductive system is stringently regulated to promote sperm maturation. Several members of the aquaporin (AQP) family of water channel–forming integral membrane proteins have been identified in epididymal cells, but expression profiling for this epithelium is presently incomplete, and no AQP isoform has yet been identified on basolateral plasma membranes of these cells. In this study, we explored AQP expression by RT-PCR and light microscopy immunolocalizations using peroxidase and wide-field fluorescence techniques. The results indicate that several AQPs are coexpressed in the epididymis including AQP 5, 7, 9, and 11. Immunolocalizations suggested complex patterns in the spatial distribution of these AQPs. In principal cells, AQP 9 and 11 were present mainly on microvilli, whereas AQP 7 was localized primarily to lateral and then to basal plasma membranes in a region-specific manner. AQP 5 was also expressed regionally but was associated with membranes of endosomes. Additionally, AQPs were expressed by some but not all basal (AQP 7 and 11), clear (AQP 7 and 9), and halo (AQP 7 and 11) cells. These findings indicate unique associations of AQPs with specific membrane domains in a cell type– and region-specific manner within the epididymis of adult animals. (J Histochem Cytochem 56:1121–1135, 2008)  相似文献   

The cellular composition of the testicular capsule, seminiferous peritubular tissue, the epithelia as well as periductal muscle cell layers of the excurrent ducts was studied, in sexually mature and active Masked Weaver (Ploceus velatus) birds of the passerine family, Ploceidae. Ultrastructure of the contractile cells in the testicular capsule, peritubular and periductal tissues showed that these cells were smooth muscles of typical morphological characteristics. Variability in the immunohistochemical co-expression of microfilaments and intermediate filaments in the different tissues was evident. Actin and desmin proteins were co-expressed immunohistochemically in the testicular capsule and seminiferous peritubular smooth muscle layer. Actin was singly and very weakly expressed in the rete testis epithelium while cytokeratins and desmin were co-expressed in the epithelium of the excurrent ducts. The periductal muscle layer of all ducts of the epididymis, the ductus deferens as well as the seminal glomus, strongly co-expressed actin and desmin. Vimentin was absent in all cells and tissue types studied. There is clear evidence that the tissues of the male gonad and its excurrent ducts in the Masked Weaver, as has been reported for members of the Galloanserae and Ratitae, contain well-formed contractile tissues whose function would include the transportation of luminal through-flow from the testis into, and through, its excurrent ducts. The microtubule helix in the head and of the mid-piece, of elongating spermatids, as well as of the mature spermatozoa in the various excurrent ducts, including some spermatozoa in the seminal glomus, also co-expressed these three proteins.  相似文献   

The changes that take place in the efferent ducts during the major phases of the reproductive cycle of birds were studied morphologically using standard histological, morphometric, and ultrastructural methods in prepuberal, sexually mature and sexually active, and sexually mature but sexually inactive domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus), drake (Anas platyrhynchos), and guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Profound structural and dimensional changes occurred in both segments (proximal and distal) of the efferent ducts and, in particular, in the nonciliated (Type I) cell of the proximal duct of sexually mature but inactive birds. The subapical tubulovacuolar system was markedly atrophic in nonciliated (Types I and II) cells and the numerous round dense globules of Type I cells that normally occurred in sexually active birds were replaced by fewer and more pleomorphic bodies containing lipofuscin granules in sexually resting birds. Lipid droplets, few and extremely large in inactive drakes but numerous and smaller in size in guinea fowls and domestic fowls, occurred in the Type I cell at both infra- and supranuclear levels of resting but not in prepuberal or sexually active birds. Ciliated cells in both segments of the ducts exhibited fewer and less profound phase-dependent changes ultrastructurally. Generally, the Type I cells of the proximal efferent duct appeared to be more sensitive to androgen deprivation than the Type II cell of the distal efferent duct or ciliated cells in both ducts. These morphologically phase-dependent features of the efferent ducts of birds may be used, together with or independent of testicular changes, in the determination of the status of the testis and epididymis of a male bird with regard to the reproductive cycle, especially in seasonally breeding species.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQP) have important solute transport functions in many tissues including the epididymal efferent ducts (ED) and in the liver. We investigated the effect of neonatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) on AQP9 expressions in the ED and in the liver of rats. DES was administered from day 2 to day 20 postnatally at a dose of 4,8 microg/day, and AQP9 protein and mRNA were measured by immunoblotting and real-time PCR, respectively, along with immunohistochemistry. DES caused hepatic downregulation of AQP9 at both the protein and mRNA level; however, decreased AQP9 labeling was only observed in the periportal zone. In the ED, AQP9 protein expression was increased in the DES-treated animals by 300% that could be ascribed to a widening of the ED lumen, whereas no difference was observed in AQP9 mRNA expression. Immunohistochemical findings revealed that AQP9 expression was confined to the epithelial cells of the ED. In conclusion, neonatal DES exposure appears to upregulate AQP9 channels in the ED in male rats, whereas a downregulation in the hepatic expression was observed, particularly in the periacinous area.  相似文献   

The transepithelial movement of water into the male reproductive tract is an essential process for normal male fertility. Protein water channels, referred to as aquaporins (AQPs), are involved in increasing the osmotic permeability of membranes. This study has examined the expression of AQP1, AQP2, and AQP7 in epithelial cells in adult dog efferent ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens. Samples of dog male reproductive tract comprising fragments of the testis, initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis, and vas deferens were investigated by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting procedures to show the localization and distribution of the AQPs. AQP1 was noted in rete testis, in efferent ducts, and in vessels in the intertubular space, suggesting that AQP1 participated in the absorption of the large amount of testicular fluid occurring characteristically in the efferent ducts. AQP2 expression was found in the rete testis, efferent ducts and epididymis, whereas AQP7 was expressed in the epithelium of the proximal regions of the epididymis and in the vas deferens. This is the first time that AQP2 and AQP7 have been observed in these regions of mammalian excurrent ducts, but their functional role in the dog male reproductive tract remains unknown. Investigations of AQP biology could be relevant for clinical studies of the male reproductive tract and to technologies for assisted procreation. R.F.D. gratefully acknowledges a Fellowship from the Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biosciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. This work was also funded by FAPESP (Sao Paulo State Research Foundation; grant 04/05578–1 to A.M.O. and grant 04/05579–8 to R.F.D.). This paper is part of the PhD Thesis presented by R.F.D. to the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brazil.  相似文献   

Clusterin, a glycoprotein that elicits cell aggregation, has previously been isolated from ram rete testis fluid, and has been partially characterized. In experiments reported, we have used monoclonal antibodies against clusterin in combination with indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to investigate the distribution of clusterin in the adult ram testis, rete testis, and excurrent ducts. Tissue blocks (5 mm3) were fixed in periodate/lysine/paraformaldehyde containing 0.1% glutaraldehyde and, after embedding, 5-microM sections were prepared for immunolocalization. In the testis, 2 basic patterns were observed: 1) strong to moderate staining for clusterin in the adluminal region with little staining in the basal region of the seminiferous epithelium and germinal cells; and 2) moderate staining throughout the seminiferous epithelium between germinal cells. In the rete testis, strong clusterin staining was localized intracellularly in the rete epithelial cells, most often associated with the luminal surface. In the epididymis, intracellular clusterin was localized in some principal cells of the caput epididymidis. The luminal surfaces and spermatozoa within the lumen were strongly positive. In the vas deferens, clusterin staining was associated with the luminal surface only. The presence of clusterin was clearly detected in unwashed isolated epididymal spermatozoa, but not in spermatozoa washed with phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween 20.  相似文献   

Cubilin is a peripheral membrane protein that cooperates with the endocytic receptor megalin to mediate endocytosis of ligands in various polarized epithelia. Megalin is expressed in the male reproductive tract where it has been implicated in the process of sperm membrane remodeling. A potential role for cubilin in the male reproductive tract has not been explored. Using RT-PCR, we found that cubilin and megalin mRNAs are expressed in the efferent ducts, corpus and cauda epididymis, and proximal and distal vas deferens. Immunohistological analysis revealed that cubilin was expressed in nonciliated cells of the efferent ducts, principal cells of the corpus and cauda epididymis and vas deferens. Immunogold EM showed cubilin in endocytic pits, endocytic vesicles, and endosomes of these cells. The expression profile of cubilin in the male reproductive tract was coincident with that of megalin except in principal cells of the caput epididymis. Double immunogold labeling showed that cubilin and megalin co-localized within the endocytic apparatus and recycling vesicles of efferent duct cells. Neither protein was found in lysosomes. Injection of RAP, an antagonist of megalin interaction with cubilin, reduced the level of intracellular cubilin in cells of the efferent ducts and vas deferens. In conclusion, cubilin and megalin are co-expressed in cells of the epididymis and vas deferens and the endocytosis of cubilin in these tissues is dependent on megalin. Together, these findings highlight the potential for a joint endocytic role for cubilin and megalin in the male reproductive tract.  相似文献   

The objective was to develop an efficient protocol for cryopreservation of agouti (Dasyprocta aguti) ovarian tissue. Agouti ovarian fragments were placed, for 10 min, in a solution containing MEM and fetal bovine serum plus 1.5 M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), ethylene glycol (EG) or propanediol (PROH); some of those fragments were subsequently cryopreserved in a programmable freezer. After exposure and/or thawing, all samples were fixed in Carnoy prior to histological analysis. To evaluate ultrastructure, follicles from the control and all cryopreserved treatments were fixed in Karnovsky and processed for transmission electron microscopy. After exposure and freezing, there was a significant decrease in the percentage of morphologically normal preantral follicles in all treatments when compared to the control (92.67 ± 2.79, mean ± SD). However, there were no significant difference when the exposure and freezing procedures were compared using the same cryoprotectant. Moreover, there was no significant difference among cryoprotectants at the time of exposure (DMSO: 64.7 ± 3.8; EG: 70.7 ± 11.2, PROH: 63.3 ± 8.5) or after freezing (DMSO: 60.6 ± 3.6, EG: 64.0 ± 11.9; PROH: 62.0 ± 6.9). However, only follicles frozen with PROH had normal ultrastructure. In conclusion, preantral follicles enclosed in agouti ovarian tissue were successfully cryopreserved using 1.5 M PROH, with satisfactory maintenance of follicle morphology and ultrastructure.  相似文献   

T A Aire  M Malmquist 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(2):142-149
Cells considered to be lymphocytes are reported in the epithelial lining of the excurrent ducts of the testis of normal and vasoligated domestic fowl. They resemble those already reported in the rat and monkey epididymal epithelium, the human intestinal mucosa, and in the bursa of Fabricius. The cytoplasm is usually less dense than that of adjacent epithelial cells, and contains only a few organelles. The nucleus is highly heterochromatic and with no definite nucleolus. Cytoplasmic processes are found to extend from the cell in between epithelial cells. The possible role of these cells in the reproductive tract of the cockerel is discussed.  相似文献   

Estrogens play an important role in the male reproductive tract, and this is especially so for the efferent ductules, where alpha-estrogen receptors (ERalpha) have been localized. Mice deficient in ERalpha (alphaERKO mice) are infertile, and the effect appears to be due in part to retention of water at the level of the efferent ductules. In the present study, we examined the consequences of ERalpha deletion on the distribution of certain aquaporins (AQPs), water protein channels, in the efferent ductules and on sperm numbers and motility. In addition, the effects of feeding mice a regular lab chow diet, which contains phytoestrogens, known to affect male reproductive tract functions, and a casein diet, which lacks phytoestrogens, were also assessed. Light microscope immunolocalizations of AQP-1 and AQP-9 revealed dramatic reduction and patchier staining in alphaERKO mice with distal areas of the efferent ductules being more affected than proximal areas. No other changes in immunolocalizations were noted as a consequence of diet. Computer-assisted sperm analyses demonstrated a 62% reduction in cauda epididymal sperm/ml in alphaERKO mice fed lab chow, whereas 87% fewer sperm/ml were observed in alphaERKO mice fed casein, suggesting an enhanced role for sperm production and concentration in a diet containing phytoestrogens. All sperm motility parameters were altered to some degree in alphaERKO mice fed lab chow. Alterations in sperm motility parameters were also detected, but were less dramatic in alphaERKO mice fed casein. These data suggest that the decrease in AQP expression in the efferent ductules of alphaERKO mice contributes in part to water retention in this tissue, eventually leading to backflow of water into the testis, with subsequent decreases in sperm concentration and motility. The data also suggest that phytoestrogens, which are present in regular lab chow, can influence the male reproductive tract with and without the presence of ERalpha, promoting efferent ductule and epididymal functions when ERalpha is expressed, but inhibiting these same functions when ERalpha is missing. Taken together the data underscore the importance of estrogens and ERalpha in maintaining sperm maturation and preventing male infertility.  相似文献   

The presence, location and degree of immunoexpression of various microfilament (MF) and intermediate filament (IF) systems (actin, cytokeratins, desmin, vimentin) were studied in the excurrent ducts of the testis in sexually mature and active galliform (Japanese quail, domestic fowl, turkey) and anseriform (duck) birds. These proteins were variably expressed between the epithelia and periductal tissue (periductal smooth muscle cell layer and interductal connective tissue) types and between species. Variable heterogeneous co-expression of filament systems was also found in the various duct epithelia and periductal tissue types: co-expression of filament systems was the rule rather than the exception. In the duck, neither vimentin nor cytokeratin was present in any of the tissues, whereas actin and desmin (absent in the rete testis) were co-expressed in the efferent ducts and epididymal duct unit (comprising the ductus conjugens, ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens). Actin, desmin and vimentin were generally co-expressed in the rete testis, efferent ducts and epididymal duct unit of the quail, domestic fowl and turkey, with vimentin being more strongly immunoreactive than actin and desmin in the epididymal duct unit, but more weakly immunoexpressed in the efferent ducts. Cytokeratin was present and co-expressed with actin, desmin and vimentin in the rete testis, efferent ducts and epididymal duct unit of the domestic fowl and turkey, but not in the quail and duck. The periductal smooth muscle cell layer and interductal tissue co-expressed actin, desmin and vimentin variably in all birds. Luminal spermatozoa of both the turkey and duck were immunonegative for all protein systems, whereas those of the quail and domestic fowl co-expressed actin, desmin and vimentin moderately or strongly. The tissues of the reproductive tract of male birds thus contain cytoskeletal protein systems that are variably but mostly co-expressed and whose contractile ability appears necessary and sufficient for transportation through the various excurrent ducts of the voluminous testicular fluid and its high sperm content, characteristic features of male avian reproduction.  相似文献   

The male reproductive tract and accessory glands comprise a complex but interrelated system of tissues that are composed of many distinct cell types, all of which contribute to the ability of spermatozoa to carry out their ultimate function of fertilizing an oocyte. Spermatozoa undergo their final steps of maturation as they pass through the male excurrent duct, which includes efferent ducts, the epididymis and the vas deferens. The composition of the luminal environment in these organs is tightly regulated. Major fluid reabsorption occurs in efferent ducts and in the epididymis, and leads to a significant increase in sperm concentration. In the distal epididymis and vas deferens, fluid secretion controls the final fluidity of the luminal content. Therefore, the process of water movement in the excurrent duct is a crucial step for the establishment of male fertility. Aquaporins contribute to transepithelial water transport in many tissues, including the kidney, the brain, the eye and the respiratory tract. The present article reviews our current knowledge regarding the distribution and function of aquaporins in the male excurrent duct.  相似文献   

The present study examines the mechanism of endocytosis of testicular prosaposin by the nonciliated cells of the efferent ducts. Testicular prosaposin is secreted by Sertoli cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules as a 70 kDa isomer where it binds to the tail of spermatozoa. In the efferent ducts, after dissociating from the plasma membrane of the spermatozoa, prosaposin is endocytosed by the nonciliated cells, presumably by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The initial step of receptor-mediated endocytosis usually results from the binding of a ligand's terminal oligosaccharide to a receptor on the cell surface. Thus, in the present study, several monosaccharides were injected in the lumen of the efferent ducts to compete with the binding and endocytosis of prosaposin. A quantitative electron microscopic approach was utilized and the number of gold particles, indicating anti-prosaposin immunoreactive sites, were scored over the various cell compartments including the plasma membrane, endocytic vesicles, early endosomes, and late endosomes. The length of the plasma membrane and the areas of endocytic vesicles, early endosomes, and late endosomes were measured with an image analyzer and the number of grains expressed per μm (plasma membrane) and μm2 (endocytic vesicles/endosomes) respectively. The quantitative analysis was performed in untreated animals (controls) and animals treated with various sugars (i.e., glucose, galactose, mannose, mannose 6-phosphate, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine) injected into the lumen of the efferent ducts at a concentration of 20 mM. Sialic acid caused the greatest decrease in the labeling density of the endocytic elements. Mannose 6-phosphate also caused a decrease in labeling but to a lesser extent. Various amounts of sialic acid (0.02 mM, 0.2 mM, 2 mM, 20 mM, and 200 mM) showed that most of these concentrations produced a significant decrease in the labeling density of endocytic vesicles and endosomes. Moreover, Western blots of prosaposin isolated from seminiferous tubular fluids followed by glycan analysis with Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) and Maackia amurensis agglutinin (MAA), revealed that this protein has sialic acid residues that are terminally linked to galactose and/or N-acetylgalactosamine ( α-NeuNAc-[2->6]-Gal and α-NeuNAc-[2->6]-GalNAc). These data indicate that testicular prosaposin is removed from the lumen of the efferent ducts by the noncialiated cells via a receptor that recognizes prosaposin's terminal sialic acid residues. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:156–166, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The study investigated the gross and microscopic anatomy of the genital organs of 20 agoutis at different stages of the estrous cycle and four in the final trimester of pregnancy. Specimens were euthanized and their reproductive organs were fixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde or 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution and submitted to routine histological techniques for light and scanning electron microscopy. In the ovary, during the proestrus phase, we observed developing follicles and corpus luteum (CL) in regression; during estrus, there were Graafian follicles; during metestrus, there was a hemorrhagic corpus, whereas in diestrus, there was a mature CL. The uterus was partially double because the cervix was cranially septate but caudally, the septum disappeared, forming a single ostium that opened into the vagina. Changes occurred along the estrous cycle in the uterine and vaginal epithelia, that is, an increase in the uterine epithelium height accompanied by an increase of thickness of the vaginal epithelium during the follicular phase and a decrease of thickness of both epithelia during the luteal phase. The endometrial lining was composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium to simple columnar epithelium with basal nuclei. The vaginal mucosa consisted of epithelium that varied from nonkeratinized stratified squamous (luteal phase) to keratinized stratified squamous (follicular phase). The clitoris was external to the vagina. It presented two protruding lateral keratinized spicules and a centralized urethra, with no common parts between the urinary and genital tracts. Anatomical and histological changes were observed mainly in the cervix, vagina and spicules of the clitoris during the EC.  相似文献   

We studied the seed predation and scatter‐hoarding behaviour of Azara's agoutis Dasyprocta azarae (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) in relation to the seeds of the Brazilian ‘pine’, Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae), the rodent's main winter food source. We compared seed‐removal rates, seed‐caching rates, cache distances and recovery rates between a summer period of food abundance (with a low demand for A. angustifolia seeds and no such seeds naturally available) and a winter period of food scarcity (with a high demand for A. angustifolia seeds). We investigated whether the relative seed value affected the rodent's seed‐handling behaviour. We predicted that during the high seed‐demand period (winter): (1) cache distances would be greater; (2) fewer seeds would be stored; (3) more seeds would be recovered and the seed‐recovery time would be lower. In support of our first two predictions, the caching distances were greater in winter (mean ± SE = 15.67 ± 5.11 m) than in summer (9.40 ± 1.59 m), and agoutis hoarded >9 times more seeds in summer (55) than in winter (6). Our third prediction was not supported, and the proportion of unrecovered caches and buried seed recovery times did not differ between winter (mean ± SE = 3.00 ± 0.00 days, n = 5 seeds) and summer (11.05 ± 3.68 days, n = 20 seeds). The high resource density (during summer) rather than the density of A. angustifolia seeds likely influenced seed fate. Agoutis acted mainly as predators, leaving few intact seeds, caching a low proportion of handled seeds (? 8%) and rapidly consuming the caches. Agoutis may cache seeds to keep them safe from competitors on a short‐term basis rather than maintaining medium‐ or long‐term reserves for use during food‐scarcity periods.  相似文献   

Plasma concentration of progesterone and 17beta-estradiol of black-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) during the estrous cycle. The agouti is a game animal that have been raised in captivity for conservation and sustainability purposes. However, the management of wild animals in an intensive breeding system requires an assertive knowledge of its reproductive parameters, one of the most important features for production improvement. Besides, little information is available regarding changes in reproductive hormone profiles in agouti. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hormonal profile of progesterone and 17beta-estradiol during the estrous cycle of the agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha). The hormones were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Blood samples were collected without sedation twice a week. The concentrations of progesterone were as follows: proestrus 0.78 +/- 0.39 ng/ml, estrus 2.83 +/- 2.34 ng/ml, metestrus 1.49 +/- 1.24 ng/ml, diestrus 3.71 +/- 1.48 ng/ml. In the estrous phase, an increase in the progesterone level was observed during a period of 24h. The average 17 beta-estradiol levels were as follows: proestrus 2 030.98 +/- 961.00 pg/ml, estrus 1 910.56 +/- 650.54 pg/ml, metestrus 1 724.83 +/- 767.28 pg/ml, diestrus 1 939.94 +/- 725.29 pg/ml. The current results suggest that the progesterone plasma concentration during the estrous cycle in the agouti has a similar increasing, stabilizing and decreasing pattern, as in domestic mammals. Agoutis have two phases of follicular development, as two periods of 17beta-estradiol peaks were observed, the first one in the metestrus and the second during the proestrus. Spontaneous ovulation seems to occur after the progesterone peak, possibly indicating that this hormone is associated with the ovulatory process. A more detailed investigation is needed for better understanding of how progesterone influences ovulation. Studies on the involvement of progesterone in follicular rupture can be carried out, using steroid biosynthesis inhibitors and observing the effect of this hormone on ovarian activity of proteolytic enzymes in the follicular wall.  相似文献   

We describe seasonal variations of the histology of the seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts of the tropical, viviparous skink, Mabuya brachypoda, throughout the year. The specimens were collected monthly, in Nacajuca, Tabasco state, Mexico. The results revealed strong annual variations in testicular volume, stages of the germ cells, and diameter and height of the epithelia of seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts. Recrudescence was detected from November to December, when initial mitotic activity of spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules were observed, coinciding with the decrease of temperature, photoperiod and rainy season. From January to February, early spermatogenesis continued and early primary and secondary spermatocytes were developing within the seminiferous epithelium. From March through April, numerous spermatids in metamorphosis were observed. Spermiogenesis was completed from May through July, which coincided with an increase in temperature, photoperiod, and rainfall. Regression occurred from August through September when testicular volume and spermatogenic activity decreased. During this time, the seminiferous epithelium decreased in thickness, and germ cell recruitment ceased, only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia were present in the epithelium. Throughout testicular regression spermatocytes and spermatids disappeared and the presence of cellular debris, and scattered spermatozoa were observed in the lumen. The regressed testes presented the total suspension of spermatogenesis. During October, the seminiferous tubules contained only spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, and the size of the lumen was reduced, giving the appearance that it was occluded. In concert with testis development, the efferent ducts were packed with spermatozoa from May through August. The epididymis was devoid of spermatozoa by September. M. brachypoda exhibited a prenuptial pattern, in which spermatogenesis preceded the mating season. The seasonal cycle variations of spermatogenesis in M. brachypoda are the result of a single extended spermiation event, which is characteristic of reptilian species. J. Morphol. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In Tubificidae, the male genital duct comprises a funnel in the testes segment, followed by a vas deferens, an atrium, and, frequently, a copulatory structure in the adjacent ovarian segment. There may also be a diffuse or compact prostate gland in association with the duct. The morphology and position of the genital ducts are important for the classification of the oligochaetous Clitellata. Different parts of the male duct, however, have been named without regard to whether they are homologous or not. One way to establish better hypotheses of homology is to study the detailed morphology and/or the development of the genital ducts. The morphogenesis of the genital ducts in Alexandrovia onegensis (Telmatodrilinae) is described. The male funnel originates by multiplication of peritoneal (mesodermal) cells in the posterior septum in the testes segment. A cord of these cells breaks through the septum and grows backwards into the next segment, where it connects to the epidermis. This cord gives rise to the vas deferens, and is therefore mesodermal in origin. The atrium in A. onegensis develops from a primary epidermal (ectodermal) invagination. The vas deferens and atrium connect and a continuous duct from the testes segment to the exterior is formed. Several compact prostate glands develop along the atrium, each being formed from cells in the atrial epithelium. The spermatheca develops from an invagination of the epidermis in the testes segment. The female duct is formed from peritoneal (mesodermal) cells in the posterior septum in the ovarian segment. These developmental findings strengthen the hypothesis about a closer relationship between the Telmatodrilinae and Tubificinae (both Tubificidae).  相似文献   

Resource availability can influence animal movement causing changes in home‐range size and arrangement between seasons. We investigated the influence of acuri palm (Attalea phalerata) on the occupancy of agouti Dasyprocta azare during both the dry and rainy seasons, as well as the abandonment probabilities in the transition between seasons in the Brazilian Pantanal. The agoutis occupied a high proportion of the forested areas in the rainy season (0.83), but the occupancy decreased in the dry season (0.39). In the rainy season, occupancy by agoutis was not correlated with acuri palm availability, while in the dry season, it was positively correlated with the palm's availability. The acuri palm availability also drove the agoutis' probability of site abandonment from the rainy to the dry season, with higher abandonment probability in sites with low acuri palm availability. These findings show that this large‐seeded palm can be an important resource for the agoutis' populations during the fruit‐scarcity period. The acuri palm seeds may be particularly important for agoutis using fragmented forests, given that the large‐seeded palms are able to persist even in small fragments, which is untrue for other important resource.  相似文献   

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