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We tested 132 individuals from 21 families segregating an allele for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1), by using nine RFLPs tightly linked to the NF-1 locus. Family members had requested DNA testing either to determine whether "at risk" children were carrying the NF-1 allele or to determine whether their respective families would be informative for prenatal testing. Predictions about whether a child carries the NF-1 mutation were possible for all 32 at-risk offspring (greater than 98% accuracy based on the recombination estimates currently available for these DNA markers). At least one informative probe was available for all 23 matings in these 21 families; flanking markers were informative for 10 matings. Pairwise analysis showed that several of the polymorphisms were in tight linkage disequilibrium; few recombination events were observed with these markers in the families under study. We conclude that the DNA probes used in this study perform well for diagnostic testing of NF-1 in familial cases. A subset of five probe-enzyme systems (pHHH202/RsaI, p11-3C4.2/MspI, pTH17.19/Bg/II, p11-2C11.7/BamHI, and p11-2F9.8/TaqI) provide reliable linkage information for both clinical testing and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Evidence for genetic heterogeneity in malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) is a clinically heterogeneous pharmacogenetic disorder characterized by accelerated metabolism, hyperthermia, and frequently muscle rigidity. MHS is elicited by all commonly used potent inhalation anesthetics and depolarizing neuromuscular blockers and remains an important cause of death due to anesthesia. Recent linkage studies suggest a single genetic locus for this disorder on chromosome 19q13.1. The results of our linkage analyses exclude several loci on 19q13.1 as a site for the gene(s) that produces the MHS phenotype in three unrelated families and clearly establish genetic heterogeneity in this disorder. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the genetic defect that alters thermoregulation may vary in MHS and that clinical variability in the expression of MHS may be explained by genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A locus for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) has been localized on chromosome 19q12-13.2, while at the same time the gene encoding the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RYR1) also has been mapped to this region and has been found to be tightly linked to MHS. RYR1 was consequently postulated as the candidate for the molecular defect causing MHS, and a point mutation in the gene has now been identified and is thought to be the cause of MH in at least some MHS patients. Here we report the results of a linkage study done with 19q12-13.2 markers, including the RYR1 cDNA, in two Bavarian families with MHS. In one of the families, three unambiguous recombination events between MHS and the RYR1 locus were found. In the second family only one informative meiosis was seen with RYR1. However, segregation analysis with markers for D19S75, D19S28, D19S47, CYP2A, BCL3, and APOC2 shows that the crossovers in the first family involve the entire haplotype defined by these markers flanking RYR1 and, furthermore, reveals multiple crossovers between these haplotypes and MHS in the second family. In these families, pairwise and multipoint lod scores below -2 exclude MHS from an interval spanning more than 26 cM and comprising the RYR1 and the previously described MHS locus. Our findings thus strongly suggest genetic heterogeneity of the MHS trait and prompt the search for another MHS locus.  相似文献   

We investigated Greyhounds because of prior reports of malignant hyperthermia (MH) episodes and because Greyhounds may express high genetic relatedness due to inbreeding for generations. Seven Greyhound and six mongrel dogs were given halothane and succinylcholine anesthesia as a challenge to trigger MH. They also underwent semitendinosus muscle biopsy for contracture study with halothane and caffeine. Measurements in vivo of mixed venous and arterial blood gases, cardiac output by thermodilution, temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate provided sequential data regarding whole body O2 consumption (product of cardiac output and arterial-mixed venous O2 content difference), acid-base status, and arterial CO2 tension. Greyhounds and mongrels had uniformly similar in vivo and in vitro responses, without evidence for MH. Contracture thresholds were higher than those reported for normal swine and humans (8 mM vs. 4 mM). Information on MH susceptibility in this breed is important for laboratory investigation in Greyhounds as well as to veterinary medicine in general. Neither mongrels nor this group of Greyhounds were obviously susceptible to MH. If all Greyhounds are genetically homologous, then Greyhounds may not be specifically MH susceptible. These findings overall may provide a protocol and baseline normal comparative data for determining MH susceptibility in dogs and other species.  相似文献   

Human myosin light chain-2 (MYL2) is an important protein involved in the regulation of myosin ATPase activity in smooth muscle. In cardiac muscle, the precise role of MYL2 is not well understood; however, an increase in ventricular MYL2 is observed during myocardial hypertrophy in cardiac patients with valve stenosis. The chromosomal location of the gene coding for MYL2 was identified using a cloned cDNA for human MYL2. Southern blot analysis of DNA from a human/rodent somatic cell hybrid mapping panel showed that the BamHI fragment that hybridized with this cDNA probe was concordant with chromosome 12. The 768-bp cDNA was hybridized to human metaphase chromosomes. The results revealed a significant clustering of silver grains over chromosome 12 bands q23-q24.3, indicating that the gene coding for MYL2 is located in this region.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disorder that manifests in susceptible individuals exposed to volatile anaesthetics. Over 400 variants in the ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) have been reported but relatively few have been definitively associated with susceptibility to MH. This is largely due to the technical challenges of demonstrating abnormal Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This study focuses on the R2452W variant and its functional characterisation with the aim of classifying this variant as MH causative. HEK293 cells were transiently transfected with full-length human wildtype or R2452W mutant RYR1 cDNA. In addition, B-lymphoblastoid cells from blood and myoblasts propagated from in vitro contracture tests were extracted from patients positive for the R2452W variant. All cell lines generated were loaded with the ratiometric dye Fura-2 AM, stimulated with the RYR1-specific agonist 4-chloro-m-cresol and Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum was monitored by fluorescence emission. All cells expressing the RYR1 R2452W variant show a significantly higher Ca2+ release in response to the agonist, 4-chloro-m-cresol, compared to cells expressing RYR1 WT. These results indicate that the R2452W variant results in a hypersensitive ryanodine receptor 1 and suggest that the R2452W variant in the ryanodine receptor 1 is likely to be causative of MH.  相似文献   

Cutaneous malignant melanoma in Sinclair swine is a hereditary disease that develops in utero or during the first 6 weeks of life. In many cases, the tumors regress and piglets survive the disease. Two different sets of gene(s) might be involved in the disease: tumor initiator (suppressor) locus or loci and loci affecting the aggressiveness of the disease (number and stage of tumors). We develop maximum-likelihood methods for interval mapping for both types of loci. The experimental design consisted of a boar mated to tumor-bearing sows with recording of tumor status and number of tumors in the 6 weeks of life of the offspring. The model to search for the tumor initiator locus (with alleles T and t) was tested by computer simulation. Estimates of penetrances (Psi(TT) and Psi(Tt) for genotypes TT and Tt, respectively) were accurate even for small family sizes. Statistical power was >99% for a family size of 70 with Psi(TT) = 1 and Psi(Tt) = 0. The models to test for number of tumors incorporated genotype information for the tumor initiator locus. All models were tested with data from a single boar family of 72 piglets over swine chromosomes 6 and 8 (SSC6 and SSC8). No tumor evidence for initiator loci was found associated with these chromosomes. However, association of a QTL affecting number of tumors at birth near microsatellite SW1953 on SSC8 was chromosomewise significant (P<0.0124).  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility is a lethal autosomal dominant disorder of skeletal muscle metabolism that is triggered by all potent inhalation anesthetic gases. Recent linkage studies suggest a genetic locus for this disorder on 19q13.1. We have previously reported three unrelated families diagnosed with MHS that are unlinked to markers surrounding this locus on 19q13.1. In this report we extend these observations and present linkage studies on 16 MHS families. Four families (25%) were found linked to the region 19q12-q13.2 (Zmax = 2.96 with the ryanodine receptor at theta = 0.0). Five families (31%) were found closely linked to the anonymous marker NME1 (previously designated NM23) on chromosome 17q11.2-q24 (Zmax = 3.26 at theta = 0.0). Two families (13%) were clearly unlinked to either of these chromosomal regions. In five additional families, data were insufficient to determine their linkage status (they were potentially linked to two or more sites). The results of our heterogeneity analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that MHS can be caused in humans by any one of at least three distinct genetic loci. Furthermore, we provide preliminary linkage data suggesting the localization of a gene in human MHS to 17q11.2-q24 (MHS2), with a gene frequency of this putative locus approximately equal to that of the MHS1 locus on 19q.  相似文献   

The Lowe oculocerebrorenal syndrome (OCRL) is characterized by congenital cataract, mental retardation, and defective renal tubular function. A map assignment of OCRL to Xq24-q26 has been made previously by linkage analysis with DXS42 at Xq24-q26 (theta = 0, z = 5.09) and with DXS10 at Xq26 (theta = 0, z = 6.45). Two additional families were studied and three additional polymorphisms were identified at DXS42 by using a 35-kb sequence isolated with the probe detecting the original polymorphism at DXS42. With additional OCRL families made informative for DXS42, theta remained 0 with z = 6.63; and for DXS10 theta = 0.03 and z = 7.07. Evidence for placing OCRL at Xq25 also comes from a female with Lowe syndrome and an X;3 translocation. We have used the Xq25 breakpoint in this patient to determine the position of OCRL relative to the two linked markers. Each derivative chromosome was isolated away from its normal counterpart in somatic cell hybrids. DXS42 was mapped to the derivative chromosome X containing Xpterq25, and DXS10 was mapped to the derivative chromosome 3 containing Xq25-qter. The markers DXS10 and DXS42 therefore show tight linkage with OCRL in six families and flank the Xq25 breakpoint in a female patient with an X;3 translocation. Linkage analysis with flanking markers was used to assess OCRL carrier status in women at risk. Results, when compared with carrier determination by ophthalmologic examination, indicated that the slit-lamp exam can be a sensitive and specific method of carrier determination in many cases.  相似文献   

The gene for myotonic dystrophy (DM), the most common form of adult muscular dystrophy, has previously been mapped to the proximal long arm of chromosome 19. We have conducted linkage analysis on 53 DM families (comprising 421 individuals) using seven DM-linked DNA markers. This analysis, combined with our somatic cell hybrid mapping panel data, places the DM locus more distal on the chromosome 19 long arm than previously thought. Further, we have been able to unequivocally identify DNA markers that flank the disease locus. The definition of a 10-cM region of chromosome 19 that contains the DM locus should prove useful in both the search for the causative gene and the molecular diagnosis of DM.  相似文献   

Muscle biopsies from 35 patients referred for possible malignant hyperthermia were subjected to contracture testing with halothane, caffeine, and the combined agents, histopathological and fiber-type-distribution analysis, and quantitative assay of three major muscle enzymes: adenylate deaminase, adenylate kinase, and creatine kinase. Adenylate kinase and creatine kinase were in the normal range in all biopsies and each averaged 92% of expected normal value when corrected for their fiber-type distribution. Of the 14 cases with a positive halothane test, 2 had primary myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, and 5 others had low levels of this enzyme (less than one-third normal). In contrast, only 3 of 21 cases negative to halothane testing had low adenylate deaminase levels, and none were deficient. This association was significant by several statistical tests, although it would not be highly predictive for an individual case. A positive halothane test also correlated with a high type 2 fiber contribution, but this was probably secondary, since cases with low enzyme levels had significantly higher type 2 fiber areas. Caffeine contractures did not correlate with either low enzyme levels or with fiber-type distribution. Sixty percent of the biopsies were entirely normal histologically, and showed a significant correlation with a negative combined contracture test. Data on the one family included in this study suggest separate inheritance of the trait for myoadenylate deaminase deficiency and the trait for positive contracture tests. The present findings suggest that patients with myoadenylate deaminase deficiency (and the carrier state as well) may be at increased risk of malignant hyperthermia when subjected to anesthesia.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an anesthetic-drug-induced, life-threatening hypermetabolic syndrome caused by abnormal calcium regulation in skeletal muscle. Often inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, MH has linkage to 30 different mutations in the RYR1 gene, which encodes a calcium-release-channel protein found in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane in skeletal muscle. All published RYR1 mutations exclusively represent single-nucleotide changes. The present report documents, in exon 44 of RYR1 in two unrelated, MH-susceptible families, a 3-bp deletion that results in deletion of a conserved glutamic acid at position 2347. This is the first deletion, in RYR1, found to be associated with MH susceptibility. MH susceptibility was confirmed among some family members by in vitro diagnostic pharmacological contracture testing of biopsied skeletal muscle. Although a single-amino-acid deletion appears to be a subtle change in the protein, the deletion of Glu2347 from RYR1 produces an unusually large electrically evoked contraction tension in MH-positive individuals, suggesting that this deletion produces an alteration in skeletal-muscle calcium regulation, even in the absence of pharmacological agents.  相似文献   

Rigidity and malignant hyperthermia associated with anaesthesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W Kalow 《Humangenetik》1970,9(3):237-239

Rapid isolation of DNA sequences flanking microsatellite repeats.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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