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F J Haddy 《Life sciences》1975,16(10):1489-1497
Intraarterial infusion of potassium causes vasodilation whereas reduction of the potassium concentration in the inflowing blood causes vasoconstriction. These responses have always been puzzling since the predicted effects from the Nernst equation are just the reverse. Recent evidence suggests that they result form effects on the activity of sarcolemmal Na, K ATPase in the vascular smooth muscle cell which influence the electrogenic NaK pump. The possible relevance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to quantitate post-competition lactate (LA) concentrations of swimmers during a competitive collegiate meet. Blood LA was measured by an enzymatic method on 23 subjects 5 min after each race event. The largest mean LA concentration of 25.7 mM/L was observed in swimmers after competing in the 200-yd individual medley. Swimmers in the 200-yd butterfly, back, breast and freestyle races had similar mean blood LA concentrations (ranging from 16.4 to 20.6 mM/L). Swimmers in the two longest events, the 500-yd and 1,000-yd free style races, had mean LA concentrations of 15.6 and 10.0 mM/L, respectively. To account for the effects of motivation, LA concentrations were measured following maximal effort noncompetitive 100 and 200-yd swims. LA concentrations were slightly greater in conjunction with faster performances for the competitive as compared to the noncompetitive 100 and 200-yd swims.  相似文献   

Blood glucose concentrations during normal daily activities were measured in 106 patients with maturity-onset diabetes from capillary blood samples collected on to filter paper. Samples were taken before and two hours after main meals, before going to bed, and, in 51 cases, during the night. Fasting and mid-morning values were closely correlated with the mean values over 24 hours irrespective of the type of anti-diabetic treatment being given. Postprandial blood glucose concentrations remained below 11.5 mmol/l (207 mg/100 ml) when the fasting blood glucose value was 7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/100 ml) or less, and repeated fasting blood glucose values exceeding 7.0 mmol/l were associated with raised blood glycosylated haemoglobin concentrations. Diabetic control in maturity-onset diabetes may be satisfactorily monitored by regular measurement of fasting or mid-morning blood glucose values.  相似文献   

Levels of 4 steroids in peripheral serum samples obtained from groups of mature, female New Zealand rabbits were determined and these steroids concentrations were related to the time after coital stimulation. Only females showing vaginal spermatozoa were included. Blood samples were collected directly from the heart from 13 rabbits sac rificed immediately after mating (Oh) and from 8 at 2 hours' postcoitus, 10 at 6 hours' postcoitus, and 8 at 12 hours' postcoitus. Serum concentrations of progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, testosterone, and 17beta-estradiol were determined by radioimmunoassay. Blood levels of all these steroids except progesterone rose to approxima tely twice Oh concentrations by 2 hours' postcoitus, then declined to about Oh levels by 6 and 12 hours after mating. Blood progesterone levels showed a 20-fold rise over Oh concentrations 2 hours' postcoitus and remained elevated at 6 hours and then declined to Oh levels by 12 hours. Previously published patterns of postcoital determinations are similar. Postcoital levels of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone in the rabbit had not been published previously.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and induced chemiluminescence of rat blood plasma following irradiation of the animals with fast neurons was studied. Dynamics of the luminescence reflected the degree of radiation injury and an oscillatory response of blood chemiluminescent effect was observed.  相似文献   

In 70 obese women no correlation was found between body weight and serum cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations, but there was a significant correlation between weight and blood pressure. Weight reduction by diet or jejunoileal shunt was not accompanied by any significant change in serum lipid concentrations other than the decrease in serum cholesterol expected after intestinal bypass. Twelve months after bypass surgery was carried out on 14 patients, however, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly reduced and at levels appropriate to the patients'' new weights. These results suggest that obesity in women cannot be taken to indicate the presence of hyperlipidaemia and that sustained weight loss may lower blood pressure.  相似文献   

The potassium influx in human neonatal red blood cells (nRBC) shows an approximately 25% lower value compared to the total potassium influx in adult red blood cells (aRBC). The ouabain-sensitive potassium influx component represents approximately 70-75% of the total potassium influx for both types of cells but with an absolute value significantly lower in nRBC. In nRBC, the half maximum inhibitory effect for ouabain was obtained at a 10(-9) M concentration. The ouabain-insensitive nRBC potassium influx fractions showed two components: (i) a bumetanide-sensitive component, significantly lower than that of aRBC, (ii) a ouabain-bumetanide-insensitive (leak) component with a similar value in both cell types. The sum of the ouabain-sensitive and furosemide-sensitive components amounted in nRBC to a greater value than the total potassium influx. This behaviour could be interpreted as a superposition of the action of the inhibitors on the components affected.  相似文献   

A study was made of the dose-time relationship during chromatin degradation in white blood cells of non-irradiated and irradiated rats. There was a linear increase in the release of PDN from leukocytes 1,2 and 3 days after irradiation (1-3 Gy) followed by the deceleration of the chromatin degradation at doses exceeding 3 Gy.  相似文献   

The effect of supernatant of thymus-cell conditioned medium (TCCM) on blood element recovery in peripheral blood was followed in mice exposed to a single whole body dose of 5.8 Gy of gamma radiation. As follows from our results. TCCM administered 18 h before irradiation accelerated the recovery of the reticulocyte and, in part, thrombocyte and granulocyte counts. However, no effect on the rate of lymphocyte recovery was found.  相似文献   

Blood lead concentrations, estimated in epidemiological surveys of adult women in Wales, have shown a fall of over 30% since 1972. During the same period the amount of lead in petrol has changed little but general traffic flow has steadily increased; there has been no change in the amount of lead in water.  相似文献   

Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and cortisol were measured in umbilical cord plasma obtained from 90 preterm and 98 term fetuses. Maternal plasma was obtained from 23 women who delivered preterm and from 23 women matched for gestational age who ultimately delivered term infants. Mean umbilical cord plasma CRH concentration was significantly higher in the preterm fetuses (n = 69, 538 +/- 63 pg/ml) compared to the term fetuses (n = 98, 280 +/- 22 pg/ml, P < 0.01). Mean DHEAS level in the preterm fetuses was 208 +/- 22 mg/dl (n = 56), cortisol level was 7 +/- 1 mg/dl (n = 58). Umbilical plasma CRH concentrations (808 +/- 170 pg/ml) were significantly higher at 24-27 weeks than at 28-31 or 31-34 weeks gestation. Cortisol levels (12 +/- 3 micrograms/dl) were highest at 24-27 weeks. Mode of delivery and the presence of labor did not affect fetal CRH levels. The highest fetal CRH levels were measured in the pregnancies complicated by hypertension as well as prematurity; however, fetal CRH levels remained higher in the preterm group compared to the term group when hypertensive pregnancies were excluded. Maternal plasma CRH levels were significantly higher in the group that delivered preterm compared to women who delivered at term matched for gestational age (1058 +/- 184 pg/ml compared to 456 +/- 71 pg/ml, P < 0.00).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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