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Two opposing hypotheses have been presented to explain reduced tree growth at the treeline, compared with growth in lower elevation or lower latitude forests: the carbon source and sink limitation hypotheses. The former states that treeline trees have an unfavorable carbon balance and cannot support growth of the magnitude observed at lower elevations or latitudes, while the latter argues that treeline trees have an adequate carbon supply, but that cold temperatures directly limit growth. In this study, we examined the relative importance of source and sink limitation in forest and treeline white spruce (Picea glauca) in three mountain ranges from southern to northern Alaska. We related seasonal changes in needle nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) content with branch extension growth, an approach we argue is more powerful than using needle NSC concentration. Branch extension growth in the southernmost Chugach Mountains was much greater than in the White Mountains and the Brooks Range. Trees in the Chugach Mountains showed a greater seasonal decline in needle NSC content than trees in the other mountain ranges, and the seasonal change in NSC was correlated with site-level branch growth across mountain ranges. There was no evidence of a consistent difference in branch growth between the forest and treeline sites, which differ in elevation by approximately 100 m. Our results point to a continuum between source and sink limitation of growth, with high-elevation trees in northern and interior Alaska showing greater evidence of sink limitation, and those in southern Alaska showing greater potential for source limitation.  相似文献   

Northern and high‐latitude alpine treelines are generally thought to be limited by available warmth. Most studies of tree‐growth–climate interaction at treeline as well as climate reconstructions using dendrochronology report positive growth response of treeline trees to warmer temperatures. However, population‐wide responses of treeline trees to climate remain largely unexamined. We systematically sampled 1558 white spruce at 13 treeline sites in the Brooks Range and Alaska Range. Our findings of both positive and negative growth responses to climate warming at treeline challenge the widespread assumption that arctic treeline trees grow better with warming climate. High mean temperatures in July decreased the growth of 40% of white spruce at treeline areas in Alaska, whereas warm springs enhance growth of additional 36% of trees and 24% show no significant correlation with climate. Even though these opposing growth responses are present in all sampled sites, their relative proportion varies between sites and there is no overall clear relationship between growth response and landscape position within a site. Growth increases and decreases appear in our sample above specific temperature index values (temperature thresholds), which occurred more frequently in the late 20th century. Contrary to previous findings, temperature explained more variability in radial growth after 1950. Without accounting for these opposite responses and temperature thresholds, climate reconstructions based on ring width will miscalibrate past climate, and biogeochemical and dynamic vegetation models will overestimate carbon uptake and treeline advance under future warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Regional warming has led to increased productivity near the boreal forest margin in Alaska. To date, the effects of warming on seedling recruitment have received little attention, in spite of forecasted forest expansion. Here, we used stand structure and environmental data from 95 white spruce (Picea glauca) plots sampled across a longitudinal gradient in southwest Alaska to explore factors influencing spruce establishment and recruitment near western treeline. We used total counts of live seedlings, saplings, and trees, representing five life stages, to evaluate whether geospatial, climate, and measured plot covariates predicted abundance, using current abundance distributions as a surrogate for climate conditions in the past. We used generalized linear models to test the null hypothesis that conditions favorable for recruitment were similar along the environmental gradient represented by longitude, by exploring relationships between per‐plot counts of each life stage and the covariates hypothesized to affect abundance. We also examined the relationship between growing degree days (GDD) and seedling establishment over a period of three decades using tree‐ring chronologies obtained from cores taken at a subset of our sites (n = 30). Our results indicated that seedling, sapling, and tree abundance were positively correlated with temperature across the study area. The response to longitude was mixed, with earlier life stages (seedlings, saplings) most abundant at the western end of the gradient, and later life stages (trees) most abundant to the east. The differential relationship between longitude and life‐stage abundance suggests a moving front of white spruce establishment through time, driven by changes in environmental conditions near the species’ western range limit. Likewise, we found a positive relationship between periods of seedling establishment and GDD, suggesting that longer summers and/or greater heat accumulation might enhance establishment, consistent with the positive relationship we found between life‐stage abundance and temperature.  相似文献   

Arctic treeline positions are of fundamental importance to the function of high latitude landscapes, as regulators of surface energy exchange and carbon cycling. Most studies aimed at explaining current and predicting future treeline positions have examined growth trends in mature treeline trees, but treeline advance requires seed production, germination, seedling establishment, and recruitment of new trees beyond the treeline and these processes may not be well correlated with growth of mature trees. Tussock tundra is a widespread, microtopographically complex vegetation type, covering vast areas of northern Alaska and Siberia. We examined a site where the white spruce (Picea glauca) treeline has recently advanced into tussock tundra and asked if white spruce seedlings (~36-cm tall) occurred in tussocks, inter-tussocks, and frost boils disproportionate to the abundance of these habitats in the treeline ecotone. We found that seedlings disproportionately occurred in tussocks and frost boils. Seedlings found in tussocks and frost boils also showed greater branch growth than those in inter-tussocks. Tussocks and frost boils had higher soil temperatures than inter-tussocks. Tussocks had higher N, P, and K availability, whereas frost boils had greater secondary and micronutrient availability. The disproportionate occurrence of seedlings in tussocks and frost boils can likely be explained by the combination of warmer soils and greater nutrient availability. It is also possible that low competition for primary nutrients contributes to the success of seedlings in frost boils. Results of the study highlight the importance of biotic and abiotic facilitation as mediators of treeline advance in a changing Arctic.  相似文献   

Tree-ring analyses of 23 bark-stripped trees, mostly Thuja plicata (western red cedar) but also Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (yellow cedar) and Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce), help describe traditional Native tree-bark exploitation at a site north of Ketchikan in southeast Alaska, USA. Tree-ring samples exposed 36 cultural scars dating from between a.d. 1718 and 1912, showing that Natives landed on this hazardous stretch of Clarence Strait to take tree bark in 29 (about 15%) of the 195 years spanned by the sample. One-third of these culturally modified trees had multiple scars indicating repeated use of individual trees. The most intensive forest use occurred between 1852 and 1895, while the lack of bark scars after 1912 marks a decline in traditional Native craft. A burst of bark-stripping between 1779 and 1787 may be associated with the legendary last battle between the Stikine Tlingit of Alaska and the Tsimshian of British Columbia. The sample is compared with dated samples from British Columbia (Canada) and Washington State, USA.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to increase woody vegetation abundance in the Arctic, yet the magnitude, spatial pattern and pathways of change remain uncertain. We compared historical orthophotos photos (1952 and 1979) with high-resolution satellite imagery (2015) to examine six decades of change in abundance of white spruce Picea glauca and tall shrubs (Salix spp., Alnus spp.) near the Agashashok River in northwest Alaska. We established ~3000 random points within our ~5500 ha study area for classification into nine cover types. To examine physiographic controls on tree abundance, we fit multinomial log-linear models with predictors derived from a digital elevation model and with arctic tundra, alpine tundra and ‘tree’ as levels of a categorical response variable. Between 1952 and 2015, points classified as arctic and alpine tundra decreased by 31% and 15%, respectively. Meanwhile, tall shrubs increased by 86%, trees mixed with tall shrubs increased by 385% and forest increased by 84%. Tundra with tall shrubs rarely transitioned to forest. The best multinomial model explained 71% of variation in cover and included elevation, slope and an interaction between slope and ‘northness’. Treeline was defined as the elevation where the probability of tree presence equaled that of tundra. Mean treeline elevation in 2015 was 202 m, corresponding with a June–August mean air temperature > 11°C, which is > 4°C warmer than the 6–7°C isotherm associated with global treeline elevations. Our results show dramatic increases in the abundance of trees and tall shrubs, question the universality of air temperature as a predictor of treeline elevation and suggest two mutually exclusive pathways of vegetation change, because tundra that gained tall shrubs rarely transitioned to forest. Conversion of tundra to tall shrubs and forest has important and potentially contrasting implications for carbon cycling, surface energy exchange and wildlife habitat in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the present tree-line in continental Northern Quebec appear to be related to modern and past ecological conditions. 14C dating of fossil trees and charcoal, and age structure of tree populations are used as evidence of tree-line dynamics over the last 400 yr. As inferred from the reproductive strategies of the two tree species, black spruce Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP, and Tamarack Larix laricina (DuRoi) K. Koch, forming the present tree-line populations, major changes during postglacial time in Northern Quebec are not only concerned with tree-line position, but also with tree-line composition. The present tree-line is made by larch (or tamarack) and corresponds to its natural seed regeneration limit. Black spruce probably reached its northernmost holocene latitudes during a warmer period and it then formed the tree-line. During the Little Ice Age, fires destroyed large tracks of forest and black spruce krummholz (400, and 250–200 yr ago); afterwards, tree species reestablished only in protected sites, and exposed sites were not reseeded. At some places, fires did not burn completely the forest cover, and preserved isolated trees and small groves probably became locus of reafforestation. Differential forest regeneration and tree age structure suggest that fire and climate are intimately associated in controlling tree population dynamics. Favourable and less favourable forest regeneration periods are inferred from these data and it is suggested that tree-line displacements in Northern Quebec during the last 400 yr were less important than in the Northwest Territories.  相似文献   

Aim Climate variability may be an important mediating agent of ecosystem dynamics in cold, arid regions such as the central Tianshan Mountains, north‐western China. Tree‐ring chronologies and the age structure of a Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana) forest were developed to examine treeline dynamics in recent decades in relation to climatic variability. Of particular interest was whether tree‐ring growth and population recruitment patterns responded similarly to climate warming. Location The study was conducted in eight stands that ranged from 2500 m to 2750 m a.s.l. near the treeline in the Tianchi Nature Reserve (43°45′?43°59′ N, 88°00′?88°20′ E) in the central Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. Methods Tree‐ring cores were collected and used to develop tree‐ring chronologies. The age of sampled trees was determined from basal cores sampled as close as possible to the ground. Population age structure and recruitment information were obtained using an age–d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) regression from the sampled cores and the d.b.h. measured on all trees in the plots. Ring‐width chronologies and tree age structure were both used to investigate the relationship between treeline dynamics and climate change. Results Comparisons with the climatic records showed that both the radial growth of trees and tree recruitment were influenced positively by temperature and precipitation in the cold high treeline zone, but the patterns of their responses differed. The annual variation in tree rings could be explained largely by the average monthly minimum temperatures during February and August of the current year and by the monthly precipitation of the previous August and January, which had a significant and positive effect on tree radial growth. P. schrenkiana recruitment was influenced mainly by consecutive years of high minimum summer temperatures and high precipitation during spring. Over the last several decades, the treeline did not show an obvious upward shift and new recruitment was rare. Some trees had established at the treeline at least 200 years ago. Recruitment increased until the early 20th century (1910s) but then decreased with poor recruitment over the past several decades (1950–2000). Main conclusions There were strong associations between climatic change and ring‐width patterns, and with recruitments in Schrenk spruce. Average minimum temperatures in February and August, and total precipitation in the previous August and January, had a positive effect on tree‐ring width, and several consecutive years of high minimum summer temperature and spring precipitation was a main factor favouring the establishment of P. schrenkiana following germination within the treeline ecotone. Both dendroclimatology and recruitment analysis were useful and compatible to understand and reconstruct treeline dynamics in the central Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Radial increment cores from Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and blue spruce (Picea pungens), defoliated by western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis), were analyzed by means of dendrochronological methods and compared with cores from undefoliated ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) growing on the same sites in the Front Range, Colorado. Extensive deforestation during the gold and silver booms in the second part of the nineteenth century led to dense and almost pure stands of shadetolerant budworm host species. By using the skeleton plot method, the number of trees with clear growth reductions is obtained, thus representing an exact record of forest insect attacks. The analysis of abrupt growth reductions revealed at least nine outbreaks of western spruce budworm between 1720 and 1986, the majority occurring in the nineteenth century. The outbreaks were graphically compared with periods of attack in New Mexico and Colorado which were detected by other scientists employing tree-ring measurement techniques. No increase in the frequency of severe outbreaks during the twentieth century was observed, yet there is some evidence that the most recent outbreak might be the most severe ever recorded. Open Douglas-fir stands on higher sites were more susceptible to heavy budworm attack than dense stands on lower sites. Blue spruce was less frequently and less severely attacked than Douglas-fir. The spatial pattern of historical outbreaks generally was very patchy.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the canine teeth of the brown bear, Ursus arctos L., is described, based upon 101 skulls from the central Brooks Range, in arctic Alaska. The formation of annual layers in the calcified tissues (dentin and cementum) is attributed to interruption of growth and odontogenesis during the annual period of denning.  相似文献   

The vertical growth ofLarix gmelini in the north of the Greater Khingan Mts., north-eastern China is very fast during the first 50 yr. ThoughPinus sylvestris var.mongolica shows a higher growth rate, it will be replaced by the larch population.Picea jezoensis is the most tolerant tree species and will replace all other trees.The fire cycle is 110–120 yr. Most of the montane areas from 800 to 1000 m a.s.l. are not occupied by spruce forest.There is a sapling bank with large numbers of saplings at ages below 20 yr in the understory in the spruce forest. The sapling bank is the key to maintain the steady state of the spruce forest. The persistent sapling bank in the life history of spruce governs the dynamics of the spruce forest controlled by the intensity and frequency of disturbances.The author is H. Q. Wu  相似文献   

Old-growth stands of red spruce (Picea rubens) were sampled at the only four localities in the mountains of southwestern Virginia and central West Virginia where examples of such are known to exist. Based upon mean ages (±SE) of cored trees, sampled stands ranged in age from 164±18 to 201±10 yr. Dendro-ecological (tree-ring) analysis showed a marked decline in growth of trees at three localities during the late 1800s, followed by recovery to previous levels of growth within two decades. This growth-trend decline generally coincides with a period of extensive mortality of red spruce reported to have occurred in central West Virginia. Basal area of trees 2.5 cm DBH ranged from 35.4 to 46.1 m2/ha. These figures are considerably lower than those recorded at earlier dates for similar old-growth stands in the Appalachians, which suggests that a general decline has occurred over the last half-century.  相似文献   

Fire severity is predicted to increase in boreal regions due to global warming. We hypothesized that these extreme events will alter regeneration patterns of black spruce (Picea mariana). To test this hypothesis, we monitored seed dispersal and seedling emergence, survival and growth for 6 years from 2005 to 2010 after the 2004 wildfire on Poker Flat, interior Alaska, using 96 1 × 1 m plots. A total of 1,300 seedlings of black spruce and three broad-leaved deciduous trees (Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, and Salix spp.) were recorded. Black spruce seedlings colonized burned and unburned ground surfaces for the first 2 years after the wildfire and established on any topographical surface, while the broad-leaved trees emerged less in areas of lower elevation, slope gradient and canopy openness and only on burned surfaces. Vascular plant cover on the ground floor increased the seedling establishment of black spruce and broad-leaved trees, most likely because of seed-trap effects. Black spruce grew faster on burned surface than on unburned surfaces. However, broad-leaved trees grew faster than black spruce on burned surfaces. Black spruce regenerates even after severe wildfire when the microtopography restricts the colonization of broad-leaved trees. The regeneration trajectories are determined soon after wildfire by a combination of seed limitation for black spruce and habitat preference for broad-leaved trees.  相似文献   

We report the development of 13 primer pairs that allow the unambiguous amplification of 15 microsatellite (SSR) loci in white spruce (Picea glauca). Fourteen of these loci were polymorphic in trees sampled at three geographically separated regions of western Canada. Segregation analysis carried out on these loci confirmed a Mendelian inheritance pattern for all except two, which showed significant segregation distortion. All of these primer pairs amplified SSR loci in at least one of the other Picea species tested [black spruce (P. mariana), red spruce (P. rubens), Norway spruce (P. abies), Colorado spruce (P. pungens), sitka spruce (P. sitchensis) and Engelmann spruce (P. engelmannii)]. Given the important commercial and ecological roles of these species, this set of markers will be invaluable for their management, the improvement of commercially important traits, and the study of their ecology and genetics. Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 28 September 2000  相似文献   

Treeline, the ecotone where forest transitions to alpine or tundra ecosystems, is considered the thermal limit to tree growth and survival. Despite temperature increases across mountainous areas and high latitudes globally, there has been no ubiquitous change in treeline position. The process of range expansion must initially depend on increased recruitment at, or beyond current range limits and recruitment limitations have been hypothesized as a mechanism for the variable response of treeline position to climate warming. We conducted a unique series of observational and experimental studies to quantify early-life stage constraints, from seed production to seedling establishment, on black spruce Picea mariana and tamarack Larix laricina recruitment at a model alpine treeline in Newfoundland, Canada. We found recruitment at treeline to be simultaneously seed and establishment limited. The treeline population produced fewer seeds than the forest population and black spruce seeds produced at treeline were less viable. Tamarack was more seed limited than black spruce where seed viability was low regardless of altitudinal position. Post-dispersal seed predation greatly constrained recruitment across the altitudinal gradient; however, black spruce seeds experienced the lowest levels of invertebrate seed predation on the lichen mat at treeline. If seeds were not consumed, individuals at treeline were establishment limited where germination and seedling establishment was both less abundant and delayed on lichen substrate. Our study highlights the need for multiple factors to align temporally for significant recruitment at treeline to occur.  相似文献   

Life history plasticity and population regulation in sea otters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We contrasted body condition, and age‐specific reproduction and mortality between a growing population of sea otters (Enhydralutris) at Kodiak Island and a high‐density near‐equilibrium population at Amchitka Island, Alaska. We obtained data from marked individuals, population surveys, and collections of beach‐cast carcasses. Mass:length ratios indicated that females (but not males) captured in 1992 at Amchitka were in poorer condition than those captured at Kodiak in 1986–1987. In 1993, the condition of females at Amchitka improved in apparent response to two factors: (1) an episodic influx of Pacific smooth lumpsuckers, Aptocyclus ventricocus, from the epi‐pelagic zone, which otters consumed; and (2) an increase in the otters’ benthic invertebrate prey resulting from declining otter numbers. Reproductive rates varied with age (0.37 [CI=0.21 to 0.53] births female?1 yr?1 for 2–3‐yr‐olds, and 0.83 [CI=0.69 to 0.90] for females ≥4 yr old), and were similar at both areas. Weaning success (pups surviving to ≥120 d), in contrast, was almost 50% lower at Amchitka than at Kodiak and for females ≥4 yr of age was 0.52 (CI=0.38 to 0.66) vs 0.94 (CI=0.75 to 0.99), respectively. Sixty‐two percent of the preweaning pup losses at Amchitka occurred within a month of parturition and 79% within two months. Postweaning survival was also low at Amchitka as only 18% of instrumented pups were known to be alive one year after mother‐pup separation. Adult survival rates appeared similar at Amchitka and Kodiak. Factors affecting survival early in life thus are a primary demographic mechanism of population regulation in sea otters. By maintaining uniformly high reproductive rates over time and limiting investment in any particular reproductive event, sea otters can take advantage of unpredictable environmental changes favorable to pup survival. This strategy is consistent with predictions of “bet‐hedging” life history models.  相似文献   

Northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) abundance has decreased dramatically over portions of southwest Alaska, USA, since the mid-1980s, and this stock is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In contrast, adjacent populations in south central Alaska, USA, and Russia have been stable to increasing during the same period. Sea otters bordering the area classified in the recent decline were live-captured during 2004-2006 at Bering Island, Russia, and the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska, USA, to evaluate differences in general health and current exposure status to marine and terrestrial pathogens. Although body condition was lower in animals captured at Bering Island, Russia, than it was at Kodiak, USA, clinical pathology values did not reveal differences in general health between the two regions. Low prevalences of antibodies (<5%) were found in Kodiak, USA, and on Bering Island, Russia, to Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona, and Leptospira interrogans. Exposure to phocine herpesvirus-1 was found in both Kodiak, USA (15.2%), and Bering Island, Russia (2.3%). Antibodies to Brucella spp. were found in 28% of the otters tested on Bering Island, Russia, compared with only 2.7% of the samples from Kodiak, USA. Prevalence of exposure to Phocine distemper virus (PDV) was 41% in Kodiak, USA, but 0% on Bering Island, Russia. Archived sera from southwest and south-central Alaska dating back to 1989 were negative for PDV, indicating exposure occurred in sea otters in Kodiak, USA, in recent years. Because PDV can be highly pathogenic in na?ve and susceptible marine mammal populations, tissues should be examined to explore the contribution of this virus to otter deaths. Our results reveal an increase in exposure to pathogens in sea otters in Kodiak, Alaska, USA, since the 1990 s.  相似文献   

Abstract. The occurrence of macrofossil charcoal (long axis > 0.5 mm) and Picea abies (Norway spruce) pollen in peat stratigraphies, in combination with size and age data from 2976 P. abies trees were used to analyse ecosystem continuity and stand-structure in ten old-growth swamp-forests in northern Sweden. All stands were dominated by P. abies, a species whose abundance increased westwards in Sweden between 3000 and 2000 yr B.P. In three stands no macrofossil charcoal was found and the maximum age of the peat, determined by 14C dating, varied from 1800 to 3600 yr B.P. In the other seven stands the number of levels containing charcoal varied from 1 to 23, but only between 1 and 7 levels were found after the appearance of spruce. Here the maximum age of the peat varied from 400 to 7900 yr B.P. The ten stands had an all-sized stand structure and a stand continuity of ca. 300 yr. The shape of the age structure was similar to an inverse J-curve. This indicates a continuous recruitment over time in a self-perpetuating ecosystem. In a short-term perspective (< 300 yr), the swamp-forests are characterized by individual trees continually emerging while others are dying. it is suggested that internal dynamics of continuous small-scale disturbances in combination with local site-specific factors determine the structure of these forests. in a long-term perspective, some of the present spruce swamp-forests within the northern boreal zone have functioned as true fire-free refugia since the establishment of P. abies populations while others have been affected by recurring fires, although not as frequently as forests on surrounding drier sites. The hypothesis that Scandinavian spruce swamp-forests in general have functioned as true longterm fire-free refugia is thus modified by the present results.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in growth and climate response of trees at and near treeline was investigated in the western Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, and the Hudson Bay Lowlands of northern Manitoba. Residual ring width chronologies were constructed using cores extracted from 108 trees in the mountains and 170 from the lowlands, and compared to historical climate data. Growth of most trees exhibited significant correlations with summer and autumn temperatures, and the growth–climate relationship did not differ noticeably between trees at and distal to treeline. Most mountain trees had significant positive growth trends from 1851 to 2006 that corresponded with warming over the same period, while growth trends varied among sites and species in the lowlands. Regionally, growth of all species responded positively to warming during the 20th century with the exception of lowland Picea mariana, which exhibited little response. Growth response for most trees was age-dependent, with trees established after 1920 demonstrating improved growth and sensitivity to temperature than older individuals, and growth of most species since the 1990s was greater than any time during the last 250 years, particularly for lowland Larix laricina. This study suggests that site factors and tree age can be more important drivers of local-scale growth trends than regional climate at arctic treelines where temperature is often assumed to be the main constraint on tree growth.  相似文献   

The spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana, is presumed to be panmictic across vast regions of North America. We examined the extent of panmixia by genotyping 3,650 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in 1975 individuals from 128 collections across the continent. We found three spatially structured subpopulations: Western (Alaska, Yukon), Central (southeastern Yukon to the Manitoba–Ontario border), and Eastern (Manitoba–Ontario border to the Atlantic). Additionally, the most diagnostic genetic differentiation between the Central and Eastern subpopulations was chromosomally restricted to a single block of SNPs that may constitute an island of differentiation within the species. Geographic differentiation in the spruce budworm parallels that of its principal larval host, white spruce (Picea glauca), providing evidence that spruce budworm and spruce trees survived in the Beringian refugium through the Last Glacial Maximum and that at least two isolated spruce budworm populations diverged with spruce/fir south of the ice sheets. Gene flow in the spruce budworm may also be affected by mountains in western North America, habitat isolation in West Virginia, regional adaptations, factors related to dispersal, and proximity of other species in the spruce budworm species complex. The central and eastern geographic regions contain individuals that assign to Eastern and Central subpopulations, respectively, indicating that these barriers are not complete. Our discovery of previously undetected geographic and genomic structure in the spruce budworm suggests that further population modelling of this ecologically important insect should consider regional differentiation, potentially co‐adapted blocks of genes, and gene flow between subpopulations.  相似文献   

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