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赵宇中  谢建平 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1929-1948
全球分枝杆菌组学研究取得了巨大进展, 为进化、诊断、药靶等研究提供了基础。本文结合我们实验室工作从基因组、结构基因组、转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组、激酶组、免疫组、翻译后修饰等方面总结十余年来全球分枝杆菌多组学研究进展, 对分枝杆菌生物学认识的深化以及未来研究重点进行展望。  相似文献   

马晓菲  石龙宇 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8167-8175
雨洪径流失控引发的负面问题已经影响到城市居民的正常生活。雨水花园作为典型的用于雨洪治理的生态基础设施,是进行城市水管理的重要手段。为提升雨水花园以径流控制为主的生态系统服务能力,研究团队基于物联网技术在中科院城市所内建成一座带有径流控制效益监测系统的雨水花园研究示范样地。景感学作为研究生态系统服务和可持续发展的有效途径,基于其理论分析雨水花园样地这一景感的营造途径、原则、生态系统服务能力,有助于使人—生态基础设施—自然环境三者更和谐地相互融入和适应,进而为雨水花园这类生态基础设施的营造提供借鉴经验。经探究发现雨水花园样地营造遵循了愿景呈现的双向性、方位的顺脉性、营造过程的渐进性三项原则,它可从多方面提供调节服务、支持服务与文化服务,有利于改善区域人居环境。通过径流控制效益监测系统监测、分析得出样地具备显著的调节服务(径流削减)能力,且人们可通过视感、听感、触感感知并享受雨水花园样地供给的文化服务。由于物联网监测技术与居民对各部分生态系统服务的监测和感知能力各有侧重,本研究认为可结合物联网相关监测技术和人的物理感知对雨水花园这类生态基础设施的营造工作进行评估,进而指导这类生态基础设施的建...  相似文献   

为了探究基于DNA条形码方法量化物种多样性指标的可行性, 本研究以江苏省宿迁地区蛾类群落为例, 基于DNA条形码方法估计群落物种丰富度并绘制等级多度分布曲线(rank-abundance curves), 同时与基于传统形态学的对应指标进行比较。结果表明: (1)基于DNA条形码的物种丰富度估计与基于形态的物种丰富度估计之间没有显著差异; (2)基于形态和DNA条形码的等级多度分布曲线趋势一致, 通过K-S检测发现二者之间没有显著性差异(P > 0.05)。结果显示, 基于DNA条形码的物种丰富度估计能够在一定程度上补充基于形态学的方法, 可以尝试将其应用于蛾类群落生态学调查研究中。  相似文献   

姜晓艳  吴相利 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8396-8407
把握城市独特的生态-经济-社会系统协调优化特性是实现林业资源型城市可持续发展的重要前提。研究从生态、经济、社会3个维度构建了林业资源型城市复合系统的测度评价指标体系,应用熵值法、耦合协调度模型,采用2005-2018年时段生态、经济、社会数据,对伊春协调发展状况进行实证测度评价,运用障碍度模型分析影响系统协调发展的主要因素,采用GM (1,1)灰色预测模型进行发展预测。结果表明:(1)综合发展指数呈上升态势,促进生态-经济-社会综合发展的主要动能历经了从生态到经济,再到生态为主要动力的发展过程,三个子系统发展水平呈趋同态势,推动三维系统的均衡协同是未来发展的重要方向;(2)三维系统耦合度稳定在较高水平,系统间相互依赖、相互作用程度较高,协调度呈波动上升,实现了由勉强协调、经济滞后发展向良好协调、同步发展的转变,协调状态趋向良好;(3)三维系统中社会子系统对协调发展的障碍度最大;人口自然增长率、建成区绿化覆盖率、GDP增长率、第三产业就业人数比重4个指标是制约近期协调发展的主要障碍因子;(4)2019-2030年,生态、经济、社会子系统发展指数及协调度的预测值均呈上升态势,生态-经济-社会复合系统将向更高级的协调发展状态演进,经济发展将再次成为促进生态-经济-社会综合发展的主要动力;加强生态建设,引领生态创新,大力发展生态经济,提高社会发展水平,着力降低障碍因子对协调发展的阻力作用,实现生态-经济-社会的联动健康发展是伊春未来重要的努力方向。  相似文献   

作为人类与自然界耦合的社会-生态系统是一种动态等级结构,需要以多尺度的视角进行分析。恢复力作为社会.生态系统的重要属性是指系统进入新状态前可以承受的干扰大小,由此可见系统所受到的干扰在恢复力的研究中至关重要,但由于社会一生态系统的复杂性,目前尚缺乏对于扰定量化研究的案例。选取社会.生态系统运行的驱动因子——干扰作为研究对象,将遥感技术中对植被覆被/变化敏感的NDVI指数作为干扰反馈变量,采用移动窗口运算法则,以一个行政单元(甘肃省榆中县)为研究对象,提出了社会-生态系统多尺度干扰的一种计算方法,从而为评价社会-生态系统恢复力、构建生态保护网络、增强生态系统对环境变化(土地覆被/变化、生境破碎化)的适应能力、探索可操作的社会.生态系统案例研究模式提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

跨学科综合课程改革、综合实践能力的培养成为当今高等教育改革的热点之一。为提升食品微生物检验学专业人才能力,培养行业发展需要的有竞争力的人才,以跨学科协同教学与维基(WIKI)网站系统相融合的教学方式对"食品微生物检验学"课程进行教学改革和教学新模式探索。通过对2014学年对照组和2015学年实验组学生教学效果SPSS统计分析发现,2015学年学生的平均成绩高于2014年学生平均成绩,且均具有显著性差异,82.8%的学生认为新的教学模式对个人专业能力提升有作用。实践证明,该教学新模式在加强学生基础知识掌握、拓展专业知识延伸、提升学生批判思维能力和信息分析素养等方面取得显著成效,可实现培养符合社会发展的专业知识水平与综合能力素质双优的专业人才,为专业课程教学改革提供了一个良好的教育新模式。  相似文献   

罗万云  王福博  戎铭倩 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4729-4741
探究国家重点生态功能区生态-经济-社会系统耦合协调的演化特征,对实现可持续发展目标、建设美丽中国有重要意义。运用耦合协调模型、剪刀差方法、耦合度模型以及VAR模型对2007—2019年阿勒泰地区EES系统耦合协调度的动态演化进行分析。结果表明:(1)2007—2019年阿勒泰地区整体耦合协调度呈现不断上升趋势,由2007年的中度失调(0.271)向2019年的轻度失调(0.371)演进,生态系统与经济系统、社会系统的发展水平呈现“X”型变动趋势,经济系统与社会系统持续上升,而生态系统略微下降。(2)经济系统与社会系统、生态系统与社会系统演化速率的剪刀差在2014年以后出现较大幅度的波动,而生态系统与经济系统演化速率的剪刀差趋于稳定态势,生态系统与经济系统、经济系统与社会系统的耦合度呈现出由无序到有序的初始过渡。(3)由脉冲响应函数及方差分解可得,阿勒泰地区EES系统耦合协调水平的提升是三系统共同作用的结果,前期主要由社会系统、经济系统驱动,后期主要依赖生态系统的改善。研究表明:国家重点生态功能区应着重减轻经济系统对社会系统和生态系统的胁迫强度,进而实现三者的协同发展。  相似文献   

污染场地土壤生态风险评估能够为准确制定土壤环境质量标准、污染土壤修复目标、土壤修复后效果评估及安全利用提供科学依据,是保障土壤健康和安全的重要手段。“证据-权重法”由于具有系统性、整体性和科学性的特点在风险评估中应用广泛。然而,当前“证据-权重法”大多依赖专家打分法进行权重设置,并且在实际操作中难以获得定量化的、信息全面的完整证据链,风险评估结果缺乏客观性和可比性。针对以上问题,本研究耦合美国EPA的四步法与层级法构建了“证据-权重法”污染场地土壤生态风险评估框架,统一了每个层级的评估方法与程序。采用多标准决策分析对权重进行定量化,通过预先设置证据链之间的层级来保证其相对独立性,基于基质试验和野外调查保证场地的针对性。最后,以靖江某电镀场地为案例进行实证研究,结果表明: 所构建的方法具有较强的可操作性,评估结果具有较高的客观性、科学性和准确性。  相似文献   

叶艳妹  林耀奔  刘书畅  罗明 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8846-8856
“山水林田湖草生命共同体”是人与自然和谐共处的指导原则,也是人类实现可持续发展的有效实践路径。根据Ostrom提出的社会-生态系统(SES)框架,以浙江省钱塘江源头区域为研究区,构建集流域、陆地和人类活动为一体的社会-生态系统(SES)概念框架,为生态修复工程提供一个问题导向的分析策略。研究发现基于Ostrom构建的钱塘江源头区域山水林田湖草生态修复工程的SES框架,可以用来诊断关键问题、分析影响因素、设定行动情景和评估结果,从而形成完整的实施和解决问题策略。由诊断关键问题得出,该区域面临地质灾害多发、水土流失、环境污染、生物结构单一等多重问题,而人类活动如城市扩张、过度开发自然资源、污染物排放等则是造成社会-生态系统失衡的主要因素。通过行动情景设置将SES框架中涉及的影响因素、解决途径、评价标准、期望的成效以及反馈机制等进行梳理,对研究区的社会-生态系统进行全面分析。根据设立的评价体系对生态修复工程进行生态环境和社会经济效果的动态评估,并不断地根据评价结果进行修正以获得最佳的预期成效。该框架为解决钱塘江源头区域山水林田湖草生态修复工程所面临的问题提供了一个系统的解决方案,并可根据研究区的特点进行相应调整,是一个具有强适用性的社会-生态系统分析框架。  相似文献   

In the present paper, simultaneous prediction intervals are constructed for some mortality measures involving real data in a recent retrospective epidemiologic study of a cohort of man-made mineral fiber workers. The object is to compare a test population with a standard population in which the workers are exposed to several levels (say K) of a suspected carcinogen and the number of deaths in the K exposure groups are recorded. The SMR is chosen as a mortality measure for this comparison. If the total number of deaths d. in the entire study is known, the number of deaths in the various strata become dependent random variables. Using univariate statistical procedures to test the significance of the individual SMR's is inappropriate and may give misleading conclusions. The present paper shows how to test the simultaneous statistical significance of the SMR's of the K exposure groups, i.e., to test the simultaneous null hypothesis Ho : E(SMR1) = E(SMR2) =…E(SMRk) = 100. If the null hypothesis Ho is rejected, it is shown how to identify the SMR (or the SMR's) which contributed to the rejection of Ho. The power function of such a test is also constructed for some simple and useful alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the performance and the dominance hierarchy of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the group and individual level using laboratory and semi-natural experiments. At the group level, we compared the effects of interspecific and intraspecific competition (substitutive and additive design) on behavioural responses and growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon. At the individual level, the same design was used to evaluate: (1) the temporal consistency of behavioural responses, dominance hierarchy and growth rate of Atlantic salmon; (2) the pattern of correlations between behaviours; and (3) the relationship between individual growth rate and behaviour. In the laboratory, group-level analyses revealed a weak but similar effect of rainbow trout and intraspecific competition on the behaviour and growth of Atlantic salmon. In contrast, individual-based analyses demonstrated that rainbow trout (but not intraspecific competition) strongly affected behavioural strategy, dominance hierarchy and growth trajectory of individual Atlantic salmon. Specifically, behaviours, dominance status and growth rate of salmon were temporally consistent in the intraspecific environment, while these patterns were disrupted when rainbow trout were present. Similarly, we found that rainbow trout strongly affected behavioural correlations and the relationships between individual growth rate and behaviour. The semi-natural experiments confirmed these results as interspecific competition affected relationships between individual growth rate of salmon, initial weight and activity index. Overall, individual-based analyses highlighted important mechanisms that were concealed at the group level, and that may be crucial to understand ecological and evolutionary consequences of exotic species. Moreover, these results demonstrated that competition with an exotic species disrupts the hierarchical relationship among native individuals and may therefore represent a potential for a shift in selective pressure.  相似文献   

Estrogen has been shown to play a role in modulating social recognition memory. However, the literature regarding the influence of estrogen on social memory is sparse and only covers two experimental manipulations: acute injections and receptor knockout. Long-term effects of estrogen replacement on social investigation and social recognition are unknown. Furthermore, existing social recognition protocols focus on memory of very short durations (<2 h). In the present study, we examined long-term effects of estrogen replacement on both short- (<30 min) and long-term (24 h) social recognition in ovariectomized female C57BL/6 mice by implanting 60-day time-release pellets containing physiological doses of estradiol (0, 0.18, or 0.72 mg of 17beta-estradiol). After 55 days of treatment, evidence of social recognition memory, measured by 24-h habituation, was found only in mice receiving the 0.72-mg pellet. This result is remarkable as previous reports indicate that individually-housed untreated rats and mice do not show habituation beyond 2 h. Our study further revealed that estrogen also increased frequencies of baseline social investigation without affecting general activity levels and decreased delayed post-swim-stress serum corticosterone concentration. Thus, these results suggest that long-term estrogen replacement increased the interest in social interaction as well as decreased stress responses. It is likely that the 24-h habituation observed in the estrogen replacement group is mediated jointly by the non-mnemonic effects of estrogen on the behavior displayed during the stage of memory encoding as well as mnemonic effects during the stage of memory consolidation.  相似文献   

We review terms that describe the levels of group structure in Pan paniscus.We discuss points of confusion that result from unclear definition of terms, which could lead to inaccurate intra- and interspecific comparisons. We recommend terms that are applicable to captive populations.  相似文献   

Female house mice (Mus domesticus) are known to perform communal breeding more often with kin than with non-kin partners. When mice are grouped in semi-natural enclosures, related females develop pre-reproductive alliances more frequently than unrelated ones. However, little is known about the behavioural mechanisms and the factors promoting kin preferential cooperative associations in female mice. Here we evaluate the relative importance of familiarity and age disparity on the pre-reproductive development of agonistic behaviour and spatial associations within groups of three related females, freely interacting in semi-natural indoor enclosures. We found that familiarity clearly promoted female alliance formation by reducing aggression and enhancing spatial cohabitation, while genetic relatedness per se did not alleviate the effects of unfamiliarity on female grouping. Older sisters clearly dominated younger ones, even if they had lower body weights, or if they had to confront two allied littermate sisters. Hence, our findings corroborate previous findings on familiarity as a proxy for kin-preferential alliance formation in female mice. Moreover, we observed a strong impact of age stratification on female aggression-mediated dominance development. We suggest that this age effect could be expected from a queuing-for-reproduction view of younger house mouse females.Communicated by I. Schlupp  相似文献   

We bring together the quite different kinds of evidence available from palaeoanthropology and primatology to better understand the origins of Plio-Pleistocene percussive technology. Accumulated palaeoanthropological discoveries now document the Oldowan Complex as the dominant stone tool making culture between 2.6–1.4 Ma, the earlier part of this contemporaneous with pre-Homo hominins. The principal types of artefacts and other remains from 20 Early Stone Age (Oldowan and earliest Acheulean) localities in Africa and elsewhere are reviewed and described. To better understand the ancestral behavioural foundations of this early lithic culture, we examine a range of recent findings from primatology. In particular, we attempt to identify key shared characteristics of Homo and Pan that support inferences about the preparedness of our common ancestor for the innovation of stone tool culture. Findings of particular relevance include: (i) the discovery of an expanding repertoire of percussive and other tool use based on directed use of force among wild chimpanzees, implicating capacities that include significant innovatory potential and appreciation of relevant causal factors; (ii) evidence of material cultural diversity among wild chimpanzees, indicating a readiness to acquire and transmit tool use innovations; and (iii) experimental studies of social learning in chimpanzees and bonobos that now encompass the acquisition of nut cracking through observation of skilled use of hammers and anvils by conspecifics, the diffusion within and between groups of alternative styles of tool use, and the adoption of free-hand stone-to-stone percussion to create useful flakes for cutting to gain access to food resources. We use the distributions of the inferred cultural traits in the wild to assess how diffusion relates to geographic distances, and find that shared traits drop by 50% from the approximately eight characteristic of close neighbours over a distance of approximately 700 km. This pattern is used to explore the implications of analogous processes operating in relation to Early Stone Age sites.  相似文献   

Halim  J.  Missault  L.  Lycke  M.  Van der Heyden  J. 《Netherlands heart journal》2020,28(12):639-644

The present study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the MANTA vascular closure device (VCD) (Teleflex, Morrisville, NC, USA) in transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TF-TAVR).


To close the femoral artery in TF-TAVR a VCD is the treatment of choice. Data involving suture-based VCDs have been extensive. Although scarce, results on the MANTA device are promising. There is no consensus yet as to whether the MANTA device is associated with fewer access-site-related vascular/bleeding complications when compared to suture-based VCDs.


In this prospective single-arm study, performed at a single centre, a total of 73 patients eligible for TF-TAVR were included and consecutively treated with the MANTA device.


Access-site-related vascular complications were seen in 13.7% of patients treated with the MANTA device. In this group of patients only minor vascular complications were observed. Access-site-related bleeding complications were rare (6.8%), and device failure was seen in 13.7% of the patients.


This single-centre study confirms that use of the MANTA device in TF-TAVR is feasible with an acceptable rate of access-site-related complications and no major vascular complications.


The presence of annual and biennial individuals within the same population has been recently demonstrated in the myrmecophilous butterflies Maculinea rebeli and Maculinea alcon, which present a cuckoo strategy inside Myrmica nests, and Maculinea arion which is a predatory species. Here, we present field and laboratory data on polymorphic larval growth in two other predatory species of Maculinea: M. teleius and M. nausithous. Body mass distributions of pre-pupation larvae were bimodal in both species. These results point to the existence of larvae that develop in 1 or 2 years. We also showed that the probability of pupation depended on larval body mass. In the case of M. teleius, the critical body mass at which larvae have a 50% probability of pupation is about 80 mg. We suggest that polymorphism in Maculinea may have evolved as an adaptation to life in ant nests, a habitat which protects them from predators and provides food. However, the quality of this resource is highly variable and unpredictable. According to the bet-hedging hypothesis, if the habitat is unpredictable, females should have an advantage by producing more variable offspring. In the case of Maculinea butterflies, this may involve maintaining larvae that develop in 1 or 2 years.  相似文献   

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