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Dihydrofolate reductase activity in duckling erythrocytes was found to be low, while activity in erythrocytes heavily infected with small uninucleate trophozoites was like that of uninfected erythrocytes. Activity of the enzyme in erythrocytes infected with large multinucleate parasites, however, was greatly increased. This activity was 5 times higher in erythrocyte-free large trophozoites than in small ones. The dihydrofolate reductase of P. lophurae differed from the host enzyme in: greater molecular weight; higher sensitivity to pyrimethamine inhibition; pH optimum; substrate and cofactor specificity; and stimulation by salts. The parasite enzyme was partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase (E.C. from Plasmodium falciparum and from its host, the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus), were partially purified and characterized. The molecular weight of the parasite enzyme was estimated to be over 10 times as high as that of the host enzyme. The host enzyme had 2 pH optima whereas the parasite enzyme only one. The activity of the host enzyme was greatly stimulated by KCl and urea, while that of the parasite enzyme was inhibited at high concentrations of such chaotropic agents. Km of the parasite enzyme was significantly higher than that of the host enzyme. The parasite enzyme had much lower Ki for pyrimethamine than the host enzyme. Dihydrofolate reductases isolated from pyrimethamine-resistant and pyrimethamine sensitive strains of P. falciparum were found to be similar.  相似文献   

The observation of remarkable karyotypic variation in owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) stimulated us to study the chromosomal evolution of this New World genus. As an extension of this project, we examined the chromosome complement of a “phenotype-B” Aotus population from Peru. In addition to karyotype V(2n = 46), two new karyotypes with diploid numbers of 47 and 48 were identified. A G-band comparison of these karyotypes indicated that the chromosome number polymorphism in these Peruvian owl monkeys resulted from a single fusion or fission event involving a single metacentric and two acrocentric chromosome pairs. This mechanism is also known to be responsible for the chromosome number polymorphism in at least two other populations of phenotype B Aotus, one from Colombia and the other from Panama.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is an important problem hindering malaria elimination in tropical areas. Point mutations in Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (Pfdhfr) and dihydropteroate synthase (Pfdhps) genes confer resistance to antifolate drug, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) while P. falciparum chloroquine-resistant transporter (Pfcrt) genes caused resistance to chloroquine (CQ). Decline in Pfdhfr/Pfdhps and Pfcrt mutations after withdrawal of SP and CQ has been reported. The aim of present study was to investigate the prevalence of Pfdhfr, Pfdhps, and Pfcrt mutation from 2 endemic areas of Thailand. All of 200 blood samples collected from western area (Thai-Myanmar) and southern area (Thai-Malaysian) contained multiple mutations in Pfdhfr and Pfdhps genes. The most prevalent haplotypes for Pfdhfr and Pfdhps were quadruple and double mutations, respectively. The quadruple and triple mutations of Pfdhfr and Pfdhps were common in western samples, whereas low frequency of triple and double mutations was found in southern samples, respectively. The Pfcrt 76T mutation was present in all samples examined. Malaria isolated from 2 different endemic regions of Thailand had high mutation rates in the Pfdhfr, Pfdhps, and Pfcrt genes. These findings highlighted the fixation of mutant alleles causing resistance of SP and CQ in this area. It is necessary to monitor the re-emergence of SP and CQ sensitive parasites in this area.  相似文献   

In various malaria-endemic regions, the appearance of resistance has precluded the use of pyrimidine-based antifolate drugs. Here, a three-step fragment screening was used to identify new non-pyrimidine Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (PfDHFR) inhibitors. Starting from a 1163-fragment commercial library, a two-step differential scanning fluorimetry screen identified 75 primary fragment hits. Subsequent enzyme inhibition assay identified 11 fragments displaying IC50 in the 28-695 μM range and selectivity for PfDHFR. In addition to the known pyrimidine, three new anti-PfDHFR chemotypes were identified. Fragments from each chemotype were successfully co-crystallized with PfDHFR, revealing a binding in the active site, in the vicinity of catalytic residues, which was confirmed by molecular docking on all fragment hits. Finally, comparison with similar non-hit fragments provides preliminary input on available growth vectors for future drug development.  相似文献   

Synopsis. Gametocytes of Plasmodium falciparum were produced in continuous cultures but eventually declined in numbers after 3–4 months in vitro. Their development progressed in a consistent pattern, from small rounded, through triangular, to ellipsoidal, and finally after 8 days to crescentic forms. Morphologic maturity occurred at 8–9 days, but the gametocytes would not exflagellate in vitro, even after 14–18 days of development. Thus, current culture methods cannot produce a continuous supply of functional gametes for further studies.  相似文献   

Using N2 cavitation, we established a protocol to prepare the active mitochondria from Plasmodium falciparum showing a higher succinate dehydrogenase activity than previously reported and a dihydroorotate-dependent respiration. The fact that fumarate partially inhibited the dihydroorotate dependent respiration suggests that complex II (succinate–ubiquinone reductase/quinol–fumarate reductase) in the erythrocytic stage cells of P. falciparum functions as a quinol–fumarate reductase.  相似文献   

The skeletal development of laboratory-bred owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) ranging from 37 days to 58 months of age was examined radiographically. Femoral length, time of epiphyseal ossification, and fusion of various ossification centers were studied. Chronologic age can be predicted by femoral length determination up to 18 months. Initial ossification of calcaneal, tibial tuberosity, iliac crest, and ischial apophyses occurs between 5.5 and 14 months. Fusion of various secondary ossification centers allows age determination from 7.5 months to 58 months.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new design of flow vessel provides a method for continuous culture of P. falciparum in a settled layer of human erythrocytes with a slow flow of culture medium over them. The parasitemia is kept fluctuating from ? 1%, just after addition of fresh erythrocytes. to ? 10%, 2 or 3 days later. Each vessel provides each week 3 harvests, each containing ? 0.6–1 × 109 parasites.  相似文献   

The West African I strain of Plasmodium falciparum was isolated from a commercial airline pilot who had an overnight stay in Nigeria. Once established in the Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra monkey, the parasite produced high parasitemias and readily infected mosquitoes. Anopheles freeborni and An. maculatus mosquitoes transmitted the infection to additional animals. Infected salivary glands were also seen in An. culcifacies. Comparative infectivity studies indicated the most susceptible mosquito to be An. freeborni, followed by An. culicifacies, An. maculatus, and An. balabacensis balabacensis. Only 2 An. albimanus mosquitoes were infected out of 450 examined. The one A. t. trivirgatus monkey inoculated with this strain had very low levels of parasitemia.  相似文献   

We describe how to obtain an increased merozoite invasion of Plasmodium falciparum into human erythrocytes during short periods of time. Using this procedure, infected erythrocytes show multiple invasions (2–4 merozoites per erythrocyte), amplifying, several times, the effects of parasite entry into host cells. The procedure yields synchronous cultures (2-h age range) with parasitemia as high as 15%. It is possible to reach parasitemia of 50% or higher allowing for a 6-h invasion period.  相似文献   

The Burma (Thau.) strain of Plasmodium falciparum was established in 3 Aotus trivirgatus monkeys by the inoculation of parasitized blood from man. Subsequently, passage from monkey to monkey was obtained through subinoculation of blood parasites to 15 Aotus monkeys. Anopheles freeborni mosquitoes were fed on these infections on 207 occasions; in 105 of these trials, mosquitoes became infected. A total of 335 (9.9%) of the 3,378 individual mosquitoes dissected were infected. Passage of the infection by the bites of infected A. freeborni was attempted on 7 occasions; 4 of these transmission attempts were successful with prepatent periods ranging from 19 to 69 days.  相似文献   

In two experiments, two knobless (K-) and two knob-producing (K+) clone-cultures of Plasmodium falciparum, FCR-3/Gambia strain, were injected into four Aotus trivirgatus monkeys. The parasitemia in the K(-)-infected splenectomized (S-) monkey rose to a peak of 2.1% on the 16th day, while it reached only 0.7% at the same time in the K+ infected S- animal. Passage from these animals (karyotype VI) into two intact (S+), naive monkeys of karyotype III resulted in very light infections somewhat higher with K+ than with K-. This experiment was repeated with two different clones in two other S- monkeys of karyotype III. Again, the parasitemia of the K+ infected monkey was appreciably below that of the K- monkey. Transfer of parasites into S+ animals of karyotype II resulted in very light infection and, as before, the K+ did somewhat better. About 2 months after its initial infection, the K(+)-infected S- animal from the second experiment came down with a recurrent malaria infection. Electron-microscopic observations on blood from this monkey revealed that the previously K+ parasites had become knobless (K-). Transfer of this material into an S+, naive monkey, again, gave a barely detectable infection. After splenectomy a recrudescence occurred. The results strongly indicate that K- clones of P. falciparum are more infectious to S- Aotus monkeys than K+ clones, whereas in S+ monkeys the situation is reversed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Gametocytes differentiated from ring-stage parasites in microcultures of human blood infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Immature gametocytes could be distinguished morphologically from late asexual trophozoites after ~ 40 h of culture. Differentiation into crescentic forms took several days and the incorporation of [3H]-isoleucine by developing gametocytes was demonstrated. About 1% of red cells contained gametocytes at the maximum densities attained. Differentiation of gametocytes occurred either directly from rings placed in culture or from the progeny of subsequent cycles of schizogony and invasion in vitro. The latter occurrence was confirmed by the development of gametocytes in marker fetal red cells added to cultures, although fetal red cells provide a less favorable environment than those with HbA for growth of the parasites.  相似文献   

The Santa Lucia strain of Plasmodium falciparum was isolated from El Salvador, Central America, and established in Aotus trivirgatus monkeys. Transmission from monkey to monkey via the bites of infected Anopheles freeborni, A. maculatus, and A, albimanus mosquitoes was obtained in 20 of 27 attempts. Prepatent periods in the monkeys ranged from 17 to 46 days with a mean of 24.3 days. Parasitemias and mortality were higher following sporozoite inoculation into animals which had been previously infected with P. vivax than in those with no previous malaria experience. Monkeys previously infected with P. vivax and P. cynomolgi had lower maximum parasitemias than those previously infected with P. vivax only.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface proteins are thought to play an important role during the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites. In this article the strategies for the chromatographic isolation and for the functional and molecular characterisation of isolated antigens from freshly harvested Plasmodium falciparum merozoites from cultures are described.  相似文献   

A rapid DNA-test, depending on the affinity based hybrid collection principle, was developed for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum DNA from clinical specimens. In this method, hybridization takes place in solution and the hybrids are collected onto a solid phase for measurement. Two probes are used, one labelled with an affinity tag (biotin) and the other with a detectable label (32P). In the present test a single oligonucleotide complementary to a 21-base pair sequence which is highly repeated in the parasite genome served both as capture and detector probe. The test is a 2-h hybridization performed in streptavidin coated microtitration plate wells, onto which the labelled hybrids simultaneously bind. The sensitivity of the assay with a crude erythrocyte lysate specimen was 1.6 x 10(9) repeat units corresponding to about 160 parasites in one microliter blood. The results allowed quantification of the repeat sequences and thus estimation of the degree of parasitemia in clinical specimens.  相似文献   

We have measured microsatellite diversity at 26 markers around the dhfr gene in pyrimethamine-sensitive and -resistant parasites collected in southeast Africa. Through direct comparison with diversity on sensitive chromosomes we have found significant loss of diversity across a region of 70 kb around the most highly resistant allele which is evidence of a selective sweep attributable to selection through widespread use of pyrimethamine (in combination with sulfadoxine) as treatment for malaria. Retrospective analysis through four years of direct and continuous selection from use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as first-line malaria treatment on a Plasmodium falciparum population in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, has revealed how recombination significantly narrowed the margins of the selective sweep over time. A deterministic model incorporating selection coefficients measured during the same interval indicates that the transition was toward a state of recombination-selection equilibrium. We compared loss of diversity around the same resistance allele in two populations at either extreme of the range of entomological inoculation rates (EIRs), namely, under one infective bite per year in Mpumalanga, South Africa, and more than one per day in southern Tanzania. EIRs determine effective recombination rates and are expected to profoundly influence the dimensions of the selective sweep. Surprisingly, the dimensions were broadly consistent across both populations. We conclude that despite different recombination rates and contrasting drug selection histories in neighboring countries, the region-wide movement of resistant parasites has played a key role in the establishment of resistance in these populations and the dimensions of the selective sweep are dominated by the influence of high initial starting frequencies.  相似文献   

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