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The effect of black bean aphids on the photosynthesis of sugar beet plants was studied under glasshouse and field conditions. The presence of up to several hundred aphids per leaf had no significant effect on CO2 exchange rates over a range of light intensities between complete darkness and light saturation. Artificially prepared honeydew, sprayed onto leaves in the same amounts and composition as was found on severely aphid-infested plants, covered 30% of the stomata on the upper epidermis but did not significantly alter the rate of photosynthesis of these leaves in the light or the rate of respiration in the dark. The stomata on the lower epidermis were uncovered and functional. High pressure liquid chromatography of aphid-produced honeydew detected 20 different amino-acids. Three amino-acids, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and gluta-mine, made up the bulk of the amino-acid weight in the honeydew produced on young plants, up till the 8 leaf-stage. In the 10 to 12 leaf-stage, several different amino-acids occurred in substantial amounts. The amino-acids to sugars ratio of the honeydew produced by the aphids decreased strongly as the sugar beet plants aged: from 1:6 in plants with 3 or 4 leaves to 1:25 in plants having 10 to 12 leaves.  相似文献   

1. Insects are commonly infected with bacterial endosymbionts. In addition to the costs and benefits associated with harbouring these symbionts, their rates of vertical and horizontal transmission are important determinants of symbiont prevalence. 2. Aphids are cyclical parthenogens and show virtually perfect maternal transmission of endosymbionts during asexual reproduction. Less clear is the role of the annual sexual generation, during which overwintering eggs are produced. Data from pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) suggest that maternal transmission failures and horizontal transmission via males may occur under sexual reproduction at least occasionally. No such data exist for other aphid species. 3. In the present study, the rates of maternal and paternal transmission of facultative endosymbionts during sexual reproduction in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae (Scopoli) were examined. Crosses were performed between clones infected with Hamiltonella defensa, clones infected with Regiella insecticola and clones without facultative endosymbionts, and eggs were overwintered under three different conditions. 4. Only one of 205 offspring from crosses testing for maternal transmission failed to inherit the symbiont present in the maternal clone, and in crosses testing for horizontal transmission, only one of 412 offspring acquired a facultative symbiont from the father. 5. These results show that in A. fabae, maternal transmission of H. defensa and R. insecticola is extremely reliable also during sexual reproduction, indicating that maternal transmission failures are unlikely to exert a significant influence on frequencies of infection in the field. Paternal transmission of endosymbionts was exceedingly rare, suggesting that this route of horizontal transmission may be less important than hitherto assumed.  相似文献   

A. fabae populations, started at the 3–4 leaf-stage of sugar beet in the glasshouse and peaking at 3000 individuals per plant, reduced leaf area by 64% at the 14 leaf-stage. The size of the heavily-infested leaves number 5 to 10 was reduced by 80% or more. The rate of leaf growth regained normal values after the aphid populations collapsed, but the infested plants did not make up for the decrease in leaf area production that had been incurred during the infestation. Total dry matter production over a period of 15 weeks was reduced by 47%. Honeydew had no effect on leaf size or dry matter production. Sugar beet plants in the field became infested with A. fabae at the 2–3, 4–5 and 6–8 leaf stages. Maximum populations of 800, 2100 and 2200 aphids per plant were recorded, respectively. The pertinent reductions in leaf area were 91%, 67% and 34% at the 10–12 leaf-stage and 79%, 65% and 14% at harvest while the total dry matter produced was reduced by 91%, 79% and 16%. Neighbouring plants of the early-infested sugar beet plants gained significantly higher weights than control plants. Honeydew had no effect on leaf area or dry matter production. The consequences of these results for our understanding of Aphis fabae injury in sugar beet and aphid control in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Photoperiodic of winged females (alatae) in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scop. (Homopetera: Aphididae), is investigated in detail with emphasis on the interaction of the maternal and embryonic/young larval photoperiodic clocks. Previous work had shown that in uncrowded conditions the induction of gynoparae (winged females that produce sexual females) requires both prenatal and postnatal exposure to long-night (12 h) Photoperidic cycles: present results show that sole postantal exposure to long nights of any lenght does not induce wing formation in early-born aphids.
When aphids were exposed to experimental light-dark cycles postanatally only, their daughters developed as alate in long nights and as apterae in short nights: the critical night lenght (CNL) was 11:1 h. Additional prenatal exposure to experimental regimes resulted in a significantly shorter CNL (10.6 h). This difference could be accounted for by the fact that more experimental light-dark cycles were experienced in the latter case.
Apterous aphids transferred from LD 16:8 h to LD 12:12 h as either third-or fourth-stadium larvae, or young adults, switched for aptera-production to alata-production. The transition form aptera- to alata-production was rather abrupt in third-stadium transfers but more gradual when transfers occurred as fourth-stadium larvae and adults. Moreover, s the number of days required for 50% of the aphids to become alata-producers increased from 7–8 in third-stadium transfers, to 9–10 and 11–12 in the later transfers.  相似文献   

Aphid species can be polyphagous, feeding on multiple host plants across genera. As host plant species can have large variation in their phloem composition, this can affect aphid fitness and honeydew composition. Previous research showed significant intraspecific genotype variation in the composition of the honeydew carbohydrates of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae, with the ant attractant trisaccharide melezitose showing especially large variation across different genotypes. In this study, we test if variation in melezitose and carbohydrate composition of aphid honeydew could be linked to the adaptation of specific aphid genotypes to particular host plants. To this end, 4 high and 5 low melezitose secreting genotypes of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae were reared on 4 common host plants: broad bean, goosefoot, beet, and poppy. The carbohydrate composition, and in particular melezitose secretion, showed important aphid genotype and host plant interactions, with some genotypes being high melezitose secreting on 1 host plant but not on another. However, the interaction effects were not paralleled in the fitness measurements, even though there were significant differences in the average fitness across the different host plants. On the whole, this study demonstrates that aphid honeydew composition is influenced by complex herbivore–plant interactions. We discuss the relevance of these findings in the context of ant–aphid mutualisms and adaptive specialization in aphids.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to investigate effects of damage by 0, 5 and 10 aphids/plant on the physiology of faba bean plants throughout different feeding periods and at two plant development stages. Immediately following removal of Aphis fabae, measurements showed 84–229% increase in transpiration rate. These changes were proportional to the number of aphids and infestation duration. Injury by A. fabae caused the stomatal conductance to be much higher in the leaves of infested plants. Leaf stomatal conductance of the infested plants increased significantly by 51–224% depending on initial aphid densities and feeding intervals. This increase was proportional to the infestation level for each date. Length of infestation period and plant growth stage seemed to have no clear effect on stomatal apertures. Aphid feeding caused a damage of about 7–33% of crude protein levels in the leaf tissue. This reduction increased with increasing infestation levels and time, except for 28‐day‐old plants on 28 days. The physiological effects of aphid feeding on water vapour and chemical composition of damaged leaves are particularly serious when the population is high.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adult winged forms of Aphis fabae Scop., the spring migrants (fundatrigeniae; alate virginoparae), the summer migrants (alate virginoparae) and the autumn migrants (gynoparae), were flown in an automated vertical wind tunnel, with a small green target presented every 60 s. On average, targeted flight developed in the spring and summer migrants after 19 and 15 min, respectively. However, in autumn migrants targeted flight occurred after 184 min of flight. No evidence of target approach was found up to 30 min prior to this time, although some movement towards the target was observed in the 30 min before the first response of autumn migrants, suggesting that a gradual change from migratory to targeted flight occurred. No correlation was found between aphid weight and the time to first response for spring or summer migrants, but a positive correlation was found for autumn migrants. Flight patterns of autumn migrants, in the absence of a target, are described and compared with flight patterns previously reported for summer migrants.  相似文献   

Aphid species may exhibit different reproductive modes ranging from cyclical to obligate parthenogenesis. The distribution of life cycle variation in aphids is generally determined by ecological forces, mainly climate, because only sexually produced diapausing eggs can survive harsh winters or periods of absence of suitable host plants. Aphids are thus interesting models to investigate intrinsic and environmental factors shaping the competition among sexual and asexual lineages. We conducted a Europe-wide sampling of black bean aphids, Aphis fabae, and combined population genetic analyses based on microsatellite data with an experimental determination of life cycle strategies. Aphids were collected from broad beans (Vicia faba) as well as some Chenopodiaceae, but we detected no genetic differentiation between aphids from different host plants. Consistent with model predictions, life cycle variation was related to climate, with aphids from areas with cold winters investing more in sexual reproduction than aphids from areas with mild winters. Accordingly, only populations from mild areas exhibited a clear genetic signature of clonal reproduction. These differences arise despite substantial gene flow over large distances, which was evident from a very low geographic population structure and a lack of isolation-by-distance among 18 sites across distances of more than 1000 km. There was virtually no genetic differentiation between aphids with different reproductive modes, suggesting that new asexual lineages are formed continuously. Indeed, a surprising number of A. fabae genotypes even from colder climates produced some parthenogenetic offspring under simulated winter conditions. From this we predict that a shift to predominantly asexual reproduction could take place rapidly under climate warming.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. This study continues to explore the analysis of a putative adaptive trade‐off in the utilisation of host plants Vicia faba and Tropaeolum majus by the aphid, Aphis fabae. These plants are utilised exclusively by the subspecies Aphis fabae fabae and A. f. mordwilkoi respectively, and this plant‐use system has been studied previously as a potential source of disruptive selection. 2. Here the potential of these two host plants to generate disruptive selection is considered given common utilisation of the abundant host plant, Rumex obtusifolius, by both subspecies. 3. The life history of subspecific clones is quantified in the laboratory on V. faba, T. majus, and R. obtusifolius at various temperatures and used to parameterise a temperature‐driven simulation model of aphid population development. 4. Accuracy of the model is tested using a field experiment, and fitness of clones on specific and common host is simulated using temperature data from a number of English sites. 5. The model gives a close quantitative fit to field data and makes the following predictions: performance of A. f. fabae is higher on the specific host than the common host under all tested thermal regimes; and performance of A. f. mordwilkoi is superior on the specific host in warm years but inferior in cold years. 6. Given the great abundance of R. obtusifolius relative to T. majus, the model predicts that the plant utilisation system has little potential to consistently promote hybrid dysfunction. This adds further weight to the assertion that the plant utilisation system studied can offer little insight into the evolutionary processes involved in subspecific differentiation and probably contains a host plant/host plants acquired after the evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

The effects upon the nature of insect pest attack of treating only a certain proportion (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of the plants in a field bean (Vicia fabae) stand, with a systemic insecticide (aldicarb as Temik 10G, Rhone Poulenc Drugs Ltd; 10% a.i.) were assessed. Numbers of both the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) and the bean weevil (Sitona lineatus) were proportionally reduced on untreated plants in plots with an increasing proportion of insecticide treated plants. A similar response was also observed with bean weevil leaf damage scores.
It is postulated that the observed effects are due to a reduction in insect numbers per plot brought about by redistribution of insects after initial invasion. Insects initially alighting on untreated plants later migrate to treated plants and either die or leave the plot altogether. This resulted in proportionally fewer insects on the untreated plants than would be expected.  相似文献   

Black bean aphid is an important common bean pest in the world. Aphids damage crops both directly by their feeding and by spreading viruses. Also, they indirectly damages with excretion honeydew and smokes moulds growth through some physiological processes and transmission of viruses. Resistant cultivars application is the main strategy to control Aphis fabae Scopoli. In this experiment, different lines and cultivars were infested with five wingless adult aphids. After 7 and 14?days, plants were evaluated and aphid population was counted and recorded. After 45?days when plants reached to the flowering stage, test was repeated. Result showed that there was a significant difference among cultivars in number of adult aphid in two-leaf stage. Most of the number of adult at the first week in two-leaf stage observed on Goynok cultivar that had significant difference to other lines and cultivars. Number of adults and nymphs among the line and cultivar at flowering stage did not show significant difference. Number of deployed aphids after two weeks was significantly higher than the first week that observed in all cultivars. Totally, the most resistant cultivar was Sayad and the most susceptible cultivar was Goynok.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on two clones of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli one from Aberdeen, Scotland (57°N), the other from Cambridge, England (52°N) ? to determine the number of long- or short-night cycles required for 50% induction of winged versus wingless females on the one hand and males versus females on the other (i.e. required day number, RDN), at three temperatures, 12.5, 15 and 17.5°C. In the case of female morph determination, the RDN for long-night cycles was temperature compensated, whereas that for short-night cycles was highly temperature dependent. For sex determination, the RDN for long-night cycles was again temperature compensated, whereas, due to the mechanism of sex determination, male production was close to 100% in our protocol, even with a maximal number of short-night cycles, and the RDN could therefore not be assessed. Model-generated response curves, using the recently developed ‘double circadian oscillator model’ for photoperiodic time measurement in insects and mites, closely resembled the observations. It could also be shown that differences observed between response curves of female morph and sex determination in the Scottish clone were due, according to the model, to differences in their photoperiodic ‘counters’, rather than to differences in their clocks.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic response curves were determined for two clones of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli, at three temperatures, 12.5, 15 and 17.5°C. Critical night lengths for the induction of winged females in an English clone (52° N) were 10.5, 11 and 11.5 h, respectively, and 10, 10.5 and 11 h in a Scottish clone (57° N). Critical night lengths for male induction were 10.5, 11 and 11 h at 12.5, 15 and 17.5°C in the English clone, and 10, 10.5 and 10.5 h, respectively, in the Scottish clone. High incidences of winged females and males were observed at all scotophases longer than the critical night length in both clones. In addition, in the English clone, the incidences of winged female and male producers in continuous darkness were 0% at 15 and 17.5°C, and 6% at 12.5°C. In the Scottish clone, however, continuous darkness resulted in high incidences of both winged female and male producers at 12.5 and 15°C, but 0% winged female producers and 6% male producers at 17.5°C. In scotophases shorter than the critical night length, including continuous light, no males or winged females were observed in either clone under the non‐crowded rearing conditions used. The results are discussed in terms of the ‘double circadian oscillator model’ for photoperiodic induction.  相似文献   

Abstract. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from adult male and asexual forms (winged and wingless virginoparae and gynoparae) of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae , during stimulation with two sex pheromone components, (+)-(4a S ,7 S ,7a R )-nepetalactone and (-)-(1 R ,4a S ,7 S ,7a R )-nepetalactol, as well as six plant volatiles, i.e. ( E )-2-hexenal, ( E )-2-hexenol-1, ( Z )-3-hexenol-1, ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate, hexanal and allyl isothiocyanate. The male antennae are 1000-10,000 times more sensitive to nepetalactol and nepetalactone than to the plant compound ( E )-2-hexenal. Besides this marked difference of EAG peak responses in males, the EAG rise and decay are slower for the sex pheromone components. Males are also much more sensitive to the sex pheromone components than asexual females. This high sensitivity correlates with a predominance of antennal secondary rhinaria, the major sites of pheromone perception in the male. However, it is the primary rhinaria on the antennae of the wingless asexual females that are responsible for pheromone perception. Male antennae are as responsive as the asexual female antennae to the plant volatiles. The specialization of the male for mate location is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In uncrowded rearing conditions, determination of the winged gynopara of the Aphis fabae Scopoli is dependent upon both pre- and postnatal short days (LD 12:12). Extension of the photophase to produce longday (LD 16:8) conditions localized on the head or abdominal region, showed that during the early larval instars of the parent generation (G1) there is a maternally-controlled induction of gynoparae. However, during later stages of embryonic development the presumptive gynoparae respond directly to photoperiod through the mother's abdominal wall. During early postnatal development, presumptive gynoparae (G2) remain sensitive to photoperiodic conditions; the photoperiodic receptors lie in the head. These results are discussed with respect to possible endocrine mediators of this photoperiodically controlled polymorphism.  相似文献   

1. The aphid Aphis fabae (Scopoli) is facultatively tended by Lasius niger (Linnaeus) ants. Previously, we found that A. fabae colonies can be made up of several clones, and that clones display significant differences in the composition of their honeydew sugars, especially in the amount of the ant attractant sugar melezitose that they produce. 2. These clonal differences could greatly impact the strength of the mutualistic interaction with ants as well as the aphids' fitness. 3. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare the fitness of different A. fabae clones that differed in their melezitose secretion, and whether or not they were tended by ants. 4. Individual fitness indices, colony growth, and alate production of single‐clone aphid colonies were analysed. 5. The results demonstrate that the fitness consequences of ant attendance critically depend on an interaction between levels of melezitose production. In particular, we show that high‐melezitose secreting clones produce fewer alates and hence might have a lower dispersal ability in the presence of ants. 6. Furthermore, these data confirm previous evidence that ant attendance is costly and results in the production of fewer apterae.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the essential amino acid requirement of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. and the phloem sap amino acid composition of its host plants. The dietary amino acid requirement of A. fabae varied between clones. One or more of the eight clones of A. fabae tested displayed depressed larval survival, larval growth rate, or rm on diets lacking histidine, methionine, threonine, and valine, but none of the other five essential amino acids. The required amino acids corresponded closely to the essential amino acids that varied in relative concentrations among 16 plant species tested: histidine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. It is suggested that the interclonal variation in the dietary requirements of an aphid species may contribute to the intraspecific variation in plant utilisation patterns. The phloem sap amino acid composition and sucrose : amino acid ratio did not differ consistently between host plant species of A. fabae and non‐host species, indicating that phloem amino acid composition is not an important factor in determining the host plant range of this aphid species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Walking alate virginoparae of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and Aphis fabae Scopoli were presented with odours of steam-distilled extracts of the non-host plants summer savoury ( Satureja hortensis L.) and tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare L.) in an olfactometer. No effects of the extracts were observed on B. brassicae. However, A.fabae were repelled by summer savoury and tansy odour; both extracts also masked an attractant response to bean (host plant) odour. In a flight chamber, air permeated with odour from host or non-host plants was blown over flying alates of both species, with a green, plant-mimicking target presented once a minute. The incidence of targeted (host-responsive) flight of B.brassicae was not affected by odour from a growing host plant ( Brassica oleoracea ) or a non-host plant tansy. Host plant ( Vicia faba ) odour did not affect the initial rate of climb or the incidence of targeted flight of A.fabae , but when the bean odour was alternated with odour from non-host tansy plants a greater number of targeted flights occurred in the host plant odour. The volatile extracts of tansy and summer savoury were also presented to flying A.fabae. Aphids flying in air permeated with tansy odour at 450g plant equivalents initiated fewer targeted flights than when flying in clean air. However, no differences in flight behaviour were observed with summer savoury extract. In a horizontal wind tunnel the tansy extract at 90 g plant equivalents blown across the surface of yellow targets reduced the numbers of alate A.fabae landing. The results indicate that plant odours can affect flight and landing of aphids.  相似文献   

Abstract. Newly born larvae (presumptive gynoparae) of the aphid Aphis fabae were exposed to 'symmetrical skeleton' photoperiods, consisting of two equal pulses of light per 24 h. The general form of the photoperiods tested was LDLD 1:10:1:12 h. This regime is open to two 'interpretations', LDLD 1:10:1:12 h (PPs12) and LDLD 1:12:1:10 h (PPs14). As both light pulses are close to 12 h apart, it is expected that the interpretations result in two distinct steady state phase relationships, i.e. this regime would show bistability. If this is true and both interpretations could be adopted, PPs12 is expected to result in a low and PPs14 in a high percentage of 'apterized' insects.
Experiments undertaken with the aphid showed that bistability did not occur either at 15C or 20C, and the results could be entirely explained on the basis of an 'instantly' damping circadian oscillator clock.  相似文献   

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