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1. Trail‐sharing between different ant species is rare and restricted to a small number of species pairs. Its underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. For trail‐sharing to occur, two factors are required: (i) one or both species must recognise the other species or its pheromone trails and (ii) both species must tolerate each other to a certain extent to allow joint use of the trail. A species that follows another's trails can efficiently exploit the other's information on food sources contained in the pheromone trails. Hence, food competition and thus aggressive interactions between a species following another's trail and the species being followed, seem likely. 2. In the present study, we investigated interspecific trail following and interspecific aggression in trail sharing associations (i) among Polyrhachis ypsilon, Camponotus saundersi, and Dolichoderus cuspidatus, and (ii) among Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii. We tested whether trail‐sharing species follow each other's pheromone trails, and whether the ants tolerated or attacked their trail‐sharing partners. In both associations, we confronted workers with pheromone trails of their associated species, and, for the former association, measured interspecific aggression among the trail‐sharing species. 3. In our assays, D. cuspidatus and C. rufifemur regularly followed heterospecific pheromone trails of P. ypsilon and C. modiglianii, respectively. However, only few workers of the remaining species followed heterospecific pheromone trails. Thus, shared trails of P. ypsilon and C. saundersi cannot be explained by interspecific trail‐following. 4. Interspecific aggression among P. ypsilon, C. saundersi, and D. cuspidatus was strongly asymmetric, C. saundersi being submissive to the other two. All three species differentiated between heterospecific workers from the same or another site, suggesting habituation to the respective trail‐sharing partners. We therefore hypothesise that differential tolerance by dominant ant species may be mediated by selective habituation towards submissive species and this way determines the assembly of trail‐sharing associations.  相似文献   

1. Ants using trails to forage have to select between two alternative routes at bifurcations, using two, potentially conflicting, sources of information to make their decision: individual experience to return to a previous successful foraging site (i.e. fidelity) and ant traffic. In the field, we investigated which of these two types of information individuals of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery use to decide which foraging route to take. 2. We measured the proportion of foraging ants returning to each trail of bifurcations the following day, and for 4–7 consecutive days. We then experimentally increased ant traffic on one trail of the bifurcation by adding additional food sources to examine the effect of increased ant traffic on the decision that ants make. 3. Binomial tests showed that for 62% of the trails, ant fidelity was relatively more important than ant traffic in deciding which bifurcation to follow, suggesting the importance of previous experience. 4. When information conflict was generated by experimentally increasing ant traffic along the trail with less foraging activity, most ants relied on ant traffic to decide. However, in 33% of these bifurcations, ants were still faithful to their trail. Thus, there is some degree of flexibility in the decisions that A. lobicornis make to access food resources. 5. This flexible fidelity results in individual variation in the response of workers to different levels of ant traffic, and allows the colony to simultaneously exploit both established and recently discovered food patches, aiding efficient food gathering.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour of adultHomoeusa acuminata on trails of its hostLasius fuliginosus was investigated both in the field and in the laboratory. The beetles were active from May to September, accurately following the foraging trails of their hosts up to 20 metres from the nest. Most of the time, they were ignored by the ants, but if attacked they raised their abdomen as a possible appeasement or defensive behaviour. On trails the beetles most probably act as food robbers, feeding on prey collected by ants. The following method, called stowaway behaviour, was used by the beetles: when a beetle encountered an ant carrying a prey back to the nest it jumped on the prey, probably feeding on it while being transported.Laboratory experiments on circular artificial trails demonstrated thatH. acuminata follows a water extract of hindguts of the ants, the source of the trail pheromone. Both beetles and ants responded to an artificial trail of 0.03 hindgut equivalent per cm, but the mean distance followed by the beetles was about twelve times higher than that covered by the ants themselves. In contrast, experiments with solutions of the six fatty acids reported as the active components of the trail pheromone showed that the beetles did not respond at all, and that the ants only respond to the fatty acids at a very high concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many ants use pheromone trails to organize collective foraging. This study investigated the rate at which a well‐established Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), trail breaks down on two substrates (polycarbonate plastic, newspaper). Workers were allowed to feed on sucrose solution from a feeder 30 cm from the nest. Between the nest and the feeder, the trail had a Y‐shaped bifurcation. Initially, while recruiting to and exploiting the feeder, workers could only deposit pheromone on the branch leading to the feeder. Once the trail was established (by approximately 60 ants per min for 20 min), the ants were not allowed to reinforce the trail and were given a choice between the marked and unmarked branches. The numbers of ants choosing each branch were counted for 30 min. Initially, most went to the side on which pheromone had been deposited (80% and 70% on the plastic and paper substrates, respectively). However, this decayed to 50% within 25 min for plastic and 8 min for paper. From these data, the half‐life times of the pheromone are estimated as approximately 9 min and 3 min on plastic and paper, respectively. The results show that, for M. pharaonis, trail decay is rapid and is affected strongly by trail substrate.  相似文献   

Pharaoh's ants organise their foraging system using three types of trail pheromone. All previous foraging models based on specific ant foraging systems have assumed that only a single attractive pheromone is used. Here we present an agent-based model based on trail choice at a trail bifurcation within the foraging trail network of a Pharaoh's ant colony which includes both attractive (positive) and repellent (negative) trail pheromones. Experiments have previously shown that Pharaoh's ants use both types of pheromone. We investigate how the repellent pheromone affects trail choice and foraging success in our simulated foraging system. We find that both the repellent and attractive pheromones have a role in trail choice, and that the repellent pheromone prevents random fluctuations which could otherwise lead to a positive feedback loop causing the colony to concentrate its foraging on the unrewarding trail. An emergent feature of the model is a high level of variability in the level of repellent pheromone on the unrewarding branch. This is caused by the repellent pheromone exerting negative feedback on its own deposition. We also investigate the dynamic situation where the location of the food is changed after foraging trails are established. We find that the repellent pheromone has a key role in enabling the colony to refocus the foraging effort to the new location. Our results show that having a repellent pheromone is adaptive, as it increases the robustness and flexibility of the colony's overall foraging response.  相似文献   

As social insect workers mature, outside-nest tasks associated with foraging and defense are typically performed at higher frequencies. Foraging in ants is often a pheromonally mediated collective action performed by mature workers; age-dependent differences in olfactory response thresholds may therefore proximately regulate task repertoire development. In the ant Pheidole dentata, foraging activity increases with chronological age in minor workers, and is chemically controlled. The onset of foraging in minor workers is accompanied by marked neuroanatomical and neurochemical changes, including synaptic remodeling in olfactory regions of the brain, proliferation of serotonergic neurons, and increased brain titers of monoamines, notably serotonin. We examined the linkage of serotonin and olfactory responsiveness by assaying trail-following performance in mature P. dentata minor workers with normal serotonin levels, or serotonin levels experimentally lowered by oral administration of the serotonin synthesis inhibitor α-methyltryptophan (AMTP). By assessing responsiveness to standardized pheromone trails, we demonstrate that trail-following behaviors are significantly reduced in serotonin-depleted workers. AMTP-treated individuals were less likely to initiate trail following, and oriented along pheromone trails for significantly shorter distances than untreated, similar-age workers. These results demonstrate for the first time that serotonin modulates olfactory processes and/or motor functions associated with cooperative foraging in ants.  相似文献   

Route learning is key to the survival of many central place foragers, such as bees and many ants. For ants which lay pheromone trails, the presence of a trail may act as an important source of information about whether an error has been made. The presence of trail pheromone has been demonstrated to support route learning, and the effect of pheromones on route choice have been reported to persist even after the pheromones have been removed. This could be explained in two ways: the pheromone may constrain the ants onto the correct route, thus preventing errors and aiding learning. Alternatively, the pheromones may act as a ‘reassurance’, signalling that the learner is on the right path and that learning the path is worthwhile. Here, we disentangle pheromone presence from route confinement in order to test these hypotheses, using the ant Lasius niger as a model. Unexpectedly, we did not find any evidence that pheromones support route learning. Indeed, there was no evidence that ants confined to the correct route learned at all. Thus, while we cannot support the ‘reassurance’ hypothesis, we can rule out the ‘confinement’ hypothesis. Other findings, such as a reduction in pheromone deposition in the presence of trail pheromones, are remarkably consistent with previous experiments. As previously reported, ants which make errors on their outward journey upregulate pheromone deposition on their return. Surprisingly, ants which would go on to make an error down-regulate pheromone deposition on their outward journey, hinting at a capacity for ants to gauge the quality of their own memories.  相似文献   

In the Argentine ant, optimum trail following to gaster extracts was displayed to 0.1 and 1.0 equivalents/50 cm of circular trail. Trail following to airborne components was demonstrated when ants exhibited normal trail following behaviour while walking 3 or 6 mm below a 0.1 ant equivalent trail. However, at 8 or 12 mm separation, following ceased, indicating that the height of the active space was ca. 6–8 mm. The average horizontal distance from the centre of the trail at which ants exhibited following behaviour increased with concentration to 3–4 mm beyond the applied trail boundaries, indicating both an ability to follow airborne chemicals, and possibly a non-tolerance of excessively high concentration. Activity of 0.1 ant equivalent trails on filter paper declined to about half the original level by four hours; after eight hours, responses were significantly different from, but almost as low as, solvent controls.  相似文献   

Creating a routing backbone is a fundamental problem in both biology and engineering. The routing backbone of the trail networks of arboreal turtle ants (Cephalotes goniodontus) connects many nests and food sources using trail pheromone deposited by ants as they walk. Unlike species that forage on the ground, the trail networks of arboreal ants are constrained by the vegetation. We examined what objectives the trail networks meet by comparing the observed ant trail networks with networks of random, hypothetical trail networks in the same surrounding vegetation and with trails optimized for four objectives: minimizing path length, minimizing average edge length, minimizing number of nodes, and minimizing opportunities to get lost. The ants’ trails minimized path length by minimizing the number of nodes traversed rather than choosing short edges. In addition, the ants’ trails reduced the opportunity for ants to get lost at each node, favoring nodes with 3D configurations most likely to be reinforced by pheromone. Thus, rather than finding the shortest edges, turtle ant trail networks take advantage of natural variation in the environment to favor coherence, keeping the ants together on the trails.  相似文献   

A colony of social insects is an excellent model for investigating the organization of responses of subunits (i.e. colony members) with limited skills into sophisticated collective behavior. The defence system of Lasius niger ant colonies is well organized in a context-dependent way. The proportion of fighting ants to fleeing ants changes gradually according to the importance of the area being defended, and was higher where ants tended honeydew-rich aphids and on trails for foraging with heavy traffic, than where ants were walking alone or on trails with light traffic. Although there were intrinsic differences in aggressiveness between individual ants, the differences in aggressive responses between defended areas was not due to the presence of highly aggressive or timid individuals in each area. Instead, it was due to a change in aggressiveness of individuals in response to external conditions. The cue that altered individual aggressiveness was the presence of surrounding nest-mates, rather than the presence of aphids. We concluded that the defence system of this ant species consists of three processes: (i) a recruiting system that allocates more workers to more valuable resources; (ii) individual ants following a simple decision rule to become more aggressive in response to increased numbers of nest-mates nearby (hence aggressive behavior reflecting the importance of each area to the colony); and (iii) variability in individual responses causing a gradual change in the proportion of fighting ants responding to a threat.  相似文献   

Several glandular sources of trail pheromones have been discovered in army ants in general. Nevertheless, at present the understanding of the highly coordinated behavior of these ants is far from complete. The importance of trail pheromone communication for the coordination of raids and emigrations in the ponerine army ant Leptogenys distinguenda was examined, and its ecological function is discussed. The secretions of at least two glands organize the swarming activities of L. distinguenda. The pygidial gland is the source of an orientation pheromone holding the group of raiding workers together. The same pheromone guides emigrations to new nest sites. In addition, the poison sac contains two further components: one with a weak orientation effect and another which produces strong, but short-term attraction and excitement. The latter component is important in prey recruitment and characterizes raid trails. This highly volatile recruitment pheromone allows the extreme swarm dynamic characteristic of this species. Emigration trails lack the poison gland secretion. Due to their different chemical compositions, the ants are thus able to distinguish between raid and emigration trails. Nest emigration is not induced chemically, but mechanically, by the jerking movements of stimulating workers.  相似文献   

This paper studies the production of and the response to the trail in the African urticating ant,Tetramorium aculeatum under a variety of laboratory conditions. The trail was found to contain a complex mix of substances. Two of these components are secreted by the poison gland: The most volatile one is an attractant and increases the ants' linear speed; the other is the trail pheromone, which may act for days on a dry substrate. A third component is present on the last abdominal sternite. It acts as an attractant and a locostimulant and is synergistic of the trail pheromone. The activity of these substances increases with the age of the workers. While following a trail, foragers, even unrewarded, reinforce it with both the poison gland contents and the synergistic compound. The ants follow trails better in darkness than in light. A wetted trail rapidly loses its activity. The article suggests an explanation for the functioning ofT. aculeatum's natural trails, including the role of its different components.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is recognized as one of the world''s most damaging invasive species. One reason for the ecological dominance of introduced Argentine ant populations is their ability to dominate food and habitat resources through the rapid mobilization and recruitment of thousands of workers. More than 30 years ago, studies showed that (Z)-9-hexadecenal strongly attracted Argentine ant workers in a multi-choice olfactometer, suggesting that (Z)-9-hexadecenal might be the trail pheromone, or a component of a trail pheromone mixture. Since then, numerous studies have considered (Z)-9-hexadecenal as the key component of the Argentine ant trails. Here, we report the first chemical analyses of the trails laid by living Argentine ants and find that (Z)-9-hexadecenal is not present in a detectible quantity. Instead, two iridoids, dolichodial and iridomyrmecin, appear to be the primary chemical constituents of the trails. Laboratory choice tests confirmed that Argentine ants were attracted to artificial trails comprised of these two chemicals significantly more often than control trails. Although (Z)-9-hexadecenal was not detected in natural trails, supplementation of artificial dolichodial+iridomyrmecin trails with an extremely low concentraion of (Z)-9-hexadecenal did increase the efficacy of the trail-following behavior. In stark contrast with previous dogma, our study suggests that dolichodial and iridomyrmecin are major components of the Argentine ant trail pheromone. (Z)-9-hexadecenal may act in an additive manner with these iridoids, but it does not occur in detectable quantities in Argentine ant recruitment trails.  相似文献   

Major shifts in the availability of palatable plant resources are of key relevance to the ecology of leaf‐cutting ants in human‐modified landscapes. However, our knowledge is still limited regarding the ability of these ants to adjust their foraging strategy to dynamic environments. Here, we examine a set of forest stand attributes acting as modulating forces for the spatiotemporal architecture of foraging trail networks developed by Atta cephalotes L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini). During a 12‐month period, we mapped the foraging systems of 12 colonies located in Atlantic forest patches with differing size, regeneration age, and abundance of pioneer plants, and examined the variation in five trail system attributes (number of trails, branching points, leaf sources, linear foraging distance, and trail complexity) in response to these patch‐related variables. Both the month‐to‐month differences (depicted in annual trail maps) and the steadily accumulating number of trails, trail‐branching points, leaf sources, and linear foraging distance illustrated the dynamic nature of spatial foraging and trail complexity. Most measures of trail architecture correlated positively with the number of pioneer trees across the secondary forest patches, but no effects from patch age and size were observed (except for number of leaf sources). Trail system complexity (measured as fractal dimension; Df index) varied from 1.114 to 1.277 along the 12 months through which ant foraging was monitored, with a marginal trend to increase with the abundance of pioneer stems. Our results suggest that some leaf‐cutting ant species are able to generate highly flexible trail networks (via fine‐tuned adjustment of foraging patterns), allowing them to profit from the continuous emergence/recruitment of palatable resources.  相似文献   

Ants are ordinarily faced with a succession of bifurcations along their foraging networks. Given that there is no directionality in pheromone trails, each bifurcation is potentially an opportunity for error in the trajectory of laden workers to the nest, which could entail considerable inefficiencies in the transportation of food to the colony. Leaf-cutting ants (Atta and Acromyrmex) commonly show intense traffic and complex foraging trail systems, which make them ideal organisms to study worker behavior in trail bifurcations. The behavior of leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex in trail bifurcations is still largely unexplored. Thus, this study aimed to assess the behavior of Acromyrmex crassispinus workers on trail bifurcations and to investigate whether differences in ant flow on foraging trails influence the error rate of nestbound laden workers at trail bifurcation. There was a negative relationship between ant flow and error rate of nestbound laden workers. Most workers walked in the central part of the foraging trails but occupied a broader area of the foraging trail when the ant flow was high. The results of this study provide valuable insight into the organization of traffic flow in A. crassispinus and its impacts on the foraging strategy of the species.  相似文献   

Mosaics of exclusive foraging territories, produced by intra-and interspecific competition, are commonly reported from arboreal ant communities throughout the tropics and appear to represent a recurring feature of community organization. This paper documents an ant mosaic within mangrove forests of Panama and examines the behavioral mechanisms by which one of the common species, Azteca trigona, maintains its territories. Most of the mangrove canopy is occupied by mutually exclusive territories of the ants A. trigona, A. velox, A. instabilis, and Crematogaster brevispinosa. When foraging workers of A. trigona detect workers of these territorial species, they organize an alarm recruitment response using pheromonal and tactile displays. Nestmates are attracted over short distances by an alarm pheromone originating in the pygidial gland and over longer distances by a trail pheromone produced by the Pavan's gland. Recruits are simultaneously alerted by a tactile display. No evidence was found for chemical marking of the territory. Major workers are proportionally more abundant at territory borders than on foraging trails in the interior of the colony. The mechanisms of territory defense in A. trigona are remarkably similar to those of ecologically analogous ants in the Old World tropics.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contribution of visual and chemical components in the orientation ofLasius niger andIridomyrmex humilis (Argentine ant) workers during mass recruitment to newly discovered food sources is analyzed over short time intervals. While both species orient in response to the trail pheromone, a large number ofL. niger foragers rapidly switch to a more individual orientation, based on their memory of environmental cues.I. humilis workers, on the other hand, predominantly use collective chemical cues. The effect of the number of reinforcements on visual learning and its interference with chemical communication show that olfactory cues always prevail in the Argentine ant. InL. niger, the proportion of ants orienting to visual cues is independent of the trail concentration. Detailed observations of the trail-laying behavior of individually marked foragers show that nearly all theI. humilis workers initially lay a trail, whereas only half theL. niger foragers do so. This proportion decreases considerably with the number of trips performed byL. niger workers, while remaining constant for the Argentine ants. These results are interpreted with respect to the species' behavioral ecology.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific competition among ants is common, and so is competitive exclusion among dominant ant species. In contrast, specific associations between non‐parasitic ant species are rare, especially in the temperate zones. As an exception, the subordinate ant Camponotus lateralis frequently co‐occurs with the dominant Crematogaster scutellaris but rarely with other dominant ants. 2. This association is one of various associations between Camponotus and Crematogaster species across the world. However, the mechanisms behind these co‐occurences are largely unknown. 3. In the present study, we therefore investigated the association of Ca. lateralis and Cr. scutellaris. We studied the spatial association of the nests, interspecific aggression, both species' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, and their propensity to follow the other species' pheromone trails. 4. Crematogaster scutellaris usually attacked and displaced the generally submissive Ca. lateralis, but was significantly less aggressive at jointly used trails. Camponotus nests were always in close proximity to Crematogaster nests. 5. The cuticular hydrocarbons of both species consisted of alkanes with chain lengths between C21 and C35. The two species had 25 hydrocarbons in common, including mono‐, di‐, and tetramethyl alkanes. Despite this qualitative similarity, however, the quantitative hydrocarbon composition differed between the two species. 6. Camponotus lateralis followed artificial trails containing trail pheromones of Cr. scutellaris, but the latter did not follow Ca. lateralis trail pheromones. Interspecific trail‐following by Camponotus, but not vice versa, has been observed in another Camponotus–Crematogaster association and may be a more general mechanism that facilitates associations between the two ant genera.  相似文献   

During foraging, ant workers are known to make use of multiple information sources, such as private information (personal memory) and social information (trail pheromones). Environmental effects on foraging, and how these interact with other information sources, have, however, been little studied. One environmental effect is trail bifurcation asymmetry. Ants forage on branching trail networks and must often decide which branch to take at a junction (bifurcation). This is an important decision, as finding food sources relies on making the correct choices at bifurcations. Bifurcation angle may provide important information when making this choice. We used a Y‐maze with a pivoting 90° bifurcation to study trail choice of Lasius niger foragers at varying branch asymmetries (0°, [both branches 45° from straight ahead], 30° [branches at 30° and 60° from straight ahead], 45°, 60° and 90° [one branch straight ahead, the other at 90°]). The experiment was carried out either with equal amounts of trail pheromone on both branches of the bifurcation or with pheromone present on only one branch. Our results show that with equal pheromone, trail asymmetry has a significant effect on trail choice. Ants preferentially follow the branch deviating least from straight, and this effect increases as asymmetry increases (47% at 0°, 54% at 30°, 57% at 45°, 66% at 60° and 73% at 90°). However, when pheromone is only present on one branch, the graded effect of asymmetry disappears. Overall, however, there is an effect of asymmetry as the preference of ants for the pheromone‐marked branch over the unmarked branch is reduced from 65%, when it is the less deviating branch, to 53%, when it is the more deviating branch. These results demonstrate that trail asymmetry influences ant decision‐making at bifurcations and that this information interacts with trail pheromone presence in a non‐hierarchical manner.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of social insects is highly flexible because it depends on the interplay between individual and collective decisions. In ants that use foraging trails, high ant flow may entail traffic problems if different workers vary widely in their walking speed. Slow ants carrying extra‐large loads in the leaf‐cutting ant Atta cephalotes L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are characterized as ‘highly‐laden’ ants, and their effect on delaying other laden ants is analyzed. Highly‐laden ants carry loads that are 100% larger and show a 50% greater load‐carrying capacity (i.e. load size/body size) than ‘ordinary‐laden’ ants. Field manipulations reveal that these slow ants carrying extra‐large loads can reduce the walking speed of the laden ants behind them by up to 50%. Moreover, the percentage of highly‐laden ants decreases at high ant flow. Because the delaying effect of highly‐laden ants on nest‐mates is enhanced at high traffic levels, these results suggest that load size might be adjusted to reduce the negative effect on the rate of foraging input to the colony. Several causes have been proposed to explain why leaf‐cutting ants cut and carry leaf fragments of sizes below their individual capacities. The avoidance of delay in laden nest‐mates is suggested as another novel factor related to traffic flow that also might affect load size selection The results of the presennt study illustrate how leaf‐cutting ants are able to reduce their individual carrying performance to maximize the overall colony performance.  相似文献   

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