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In this paper, we test the hypothesis that male sand crickets, Gryllus firmus, experience a trade-off between flight capability and reproductive potential expressed as reduced testis weight in flight-capable morphs. We used a half-sib design with 130 sires, three dams per sire and an average of 5.66 males per dam family, for a total of 2206 F1 offspring. Traits measured were head width, somatic dry weight, testis weight, wing morph (micropterous/macropterous), weight of the dorso-longitudinal flight muscles (DLM) and the functional status of these muscles. Heritabilities of all traits were significant and ranged from 0.14 to 0.43. All traits were positively correlated with body size, but removal of this covariance revealed a highly significant trade-off, both phenotypically and genetically, between testes size and flight capability as measured by wing morph, DLM size or DLM status. The possible implications of this for morph-specific reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Mormon crickets form large migratory bands that march over rangeland in the western United States seeking salt and protein. Immune defence is particularly relevant to survival in migratory bands, but little is known about the role of nutrition in insect immunocompetence. We hypothesised that immune defences are compromised in these migratory bands due to nutrient limitations. 2. In a migratory band in Utah, we investigated whether access to a protein relative to a carbohydrate diet would immediately reduce migratory activity, as had been shown for Mormon crickets in a previous study in Idaho, and whether the protein diet would enhance immune defence responses. 3. Radio‐tracking Mormon crickets in the field, we found that locomotor activity was significantly and positively associated with body mass. Body mass‐adjusted locomotor activity declined marginally following access to a protein diet, whereas spontaneous phenoloxidase (PO) activity was enhanced by the same diet. The encapsulation response and lysozyme‐like activity were directly proportional to body mass, but unaffected by the dietary treatments in the short term. Within 6 h of feeding on protein or carbohydrates, Mormon crickets exhibited measurable effects on the immune system. 4. We conclude that nutrition impacts immune function in migrating insects in the field. Spontaneous PO activity may be limited by dietary deficiency in a protein‐seeking band of Mormon crickets.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies are suggesting that females can improve the viability of their embryos by mating with multiple males. However, the reason why females should have low rates of embryo viability is puzzling. Here we conduct a quantitative genetic study of maternal effects on embryo viability in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. After controlling for female body size, we find significant additive genetic variance for ovary weight, a measure of fecundity, and egg hatching success, a measure of embryo viability. Moreover, we show a genetic trade-off between these traits that is predicted from life-history theory. High rates of embryo mortality in this highly fecund species might therefore be explained by selection favouring an optimum balance between fecundity and embryo viability that maximizes maternal fitness. Paternal effects on female fecundity and embryo viability are often seen as benefits driving the evolution of polyandrous behaviour. However, we raise the alternative possibility that paternal effects might shift females from their naturally selected optimum, and present some support for the notion that sexual conflict over a female's optimal fecundity and embryo viability might generate antagonistic coevolution between the sexes.  相似文献   

Infection can cause hosts to drastically alter their investment in key life‐history traits of reproduction and defence. Infected individuals are expected to increase investment in defence (e.g., by increasing immune function) and, due to trade‐offs, investment in other traits (e.g., current reproduction) should decrease. However, the terminal investment hypothesis postulates that decreased lifespan due to infection and the associated reduction in the expectation for future offspring will favour increased investment towards current reproduction. Variation in intrinsic condition will likely influence shifts in reproductive investment post‐infection, but this is often not considered in such assessments. For example, the extent of inbreeding can significantly impact an individual's lifetime fitness and may influence its reproductive behaviour following a threat of infection. Here, we investigated the effects of inbreeding status on an individual's reproductive investment upon infection, including the propensity to terminally invest. Male crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) from four genetically distinct inbred lines and one outbred line were subjected to a treatment from an increasing spectrum of simulated infection cue intensities, using heat‐killed bacteria. We then measured reproductive effort (calling effort), survival and immune function (antibacterial activity, circulating haemocytes and haemocyte microaggregations). Inbred and outbred males diverged in how they responded to a low‐dose infection cue: relative to unmanipulated males, outbred males decreased calling effort, whereas inbred males increased calling effort. Moreover, we found that inbred males exhibited higher antibacterial activity and numbers of circulating haemocytes compared with outbred males. These results suggest that an individual's inbreeding status may have consequences for context‐dependent shifts in reproductive strategies, such as those triggered by infection.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the main experimental paradigms to investigate the mechanisms that determine lifespan and aging. Yet, the exact nutritional parameters responsible for DR remain unclear. Recently, the advent of the geometric framework of nutrition (GF) has refocussed interest from calories to dietary macronutrients. However, GF experiments focus on invertebrates, with the importance of macronutrients in vertebrates still widely debated. This has led to the suggestion of a fundamental difference in the mode of action of DR between vertebrates and invertebrates, questioning the suggestion of an evolutionarily conserved mechanism. The use of dietary dilution rather than restriction in GF studies makes comparison with traditional DR studies difficult. Here, using a novel nonmodel vertebrate system (the stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus), we test the effect of macronutrient versus calorie intake on key fitness‐related traits, both using the GF and avoiding dietary dilution. We find that the intake of macronutrients rather than calories determines both mortality risk and reproduction. Male mortality risk was lowest on intermediate lipid intakes, and female risk was generally reduced by low protein intakes. The effect of macronutrient intake on reproduction was similar between the sexes, with high protein intakes maximizing reproduction. Our results provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that macronutrient, not caloric, intake predicts changes in mortality and reproduction in the absence of dietary dilution. This supports the suggestion of evolutionary conservation in the effect of diet on lifespan, but via variation in macronutrient intake rather than calories.  相似文献   

Cuticular melanism and innate immune parameters can share common physiological pathways in insects, and this functional connection may contribute to the maintenance of insect colour polymorphisms. However, evidence linking colouration and immune function has been equivocal, particularly when tested in wild populations. The present study investigates phenotypic links between colouration and immune function in migratory Mormon crickets (Anabrus simplex, Haldeman), in which juveniles occur in conspicuous colour variants but mature to become uniformly melanic adults. Wild‐caught insects are used to evaluate the relationship between juvenile colouration and three immune parameters: encapsulation ability, lysozyme‐like activity and phenoloxidase activity. As nymphs, brown crickets are better able to encapsulate an inert implant introduced into the haemocoel than green crickets, although the difference is slight and ceases after they all become darkly‐coloured adults. By contrast, adults that develop from brown nymphs have a higher basal phenoloxidase activity than those that develop from green nymphs, regardless of the fact that all adults are brown. Intrinsic factors other than colouration exert larger effects on immunity: males show stronger encapsulation responses but lower phenoloxidase activity than females, suggesting a sex‐specific trade‐off between these two immune parameters, and adults exhibit higher immune function than nymphs. In summary, modest support is found for a correlation between cuticular melanism and increased immune function in wild Mormon crickets. Additional intrinsic factors such as developmental stage and sex appear to interact with colouration and have a more substantial connection to immune function in the wild.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories of aging state that the force of natural selection declines with age, resulting in trait senescence. However, sexual selection theory predicts that costly traits that signal mate value should increase in expression as survival prospects decline. Mortality rates and fertility tend to show strong signatures of senescence, whereas sexual signaling traits increase with age, but how the expression of traits such as whole-organism performance measures that are subject to both sexual and nonsexual selection should change with age is unclear. We examined the effects of both a key life-history event (mating) and diet quality (male and female optimal diets) on aging in two whole-organism performance traits (bite force and jump take-off velocity) in male and female Teleogryllus commodus crickets. We found no evidence for diet effects on any of the measured traits. Aging effects were more evident in females than in males for both jumping and biting, and constitute a mix of senescence and terminal investment patterns depending on sex/mating class. Sex and mating therefore have important implications for resource allocation to performance traits, and hence for aging of those traits, and interactions between these two factors can result in complex changes in trait expression over individual lifetimes.  相似文献   

Polymorphism often corresponds to alternative mating tactics in males, but much less is known about this relationship in females. However, recent work suggests that selection for alternative reproductive strategies in females can maintain genetic variation in important life-history traits. Brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei) exhibit a genetically based polymorphism in dorsal pattern that is expressed only by females, which occur in bar (B), diamond (D) and intermediate diamond-bar (DB) morphs. Here, we use a combination of natural history data, captive breeding studies and phenotypic manipulations of reproductive investment to test the hypothesis that this polymorphism corresponds to morph-specific patterns of reproductive investment. Three years of data from wild females and two generations of captive breeding revealed no differences among morphs in the frequency of egg production or in the number, frequency, size or sex ratio of offspring. Manipulations of reproductive investment via surgical ovariectomy revealed significant costs of reproduction with respect to survival, growth, immune function and haematocrit, but the magnitudes of these costs did not differ among morphs. Collectively, our results refute the hypothesis that this sex-limited polymorphism is maintained by selection for alternative reproductive strategies. We compare this finding to other systems in which polymorphic females exhibit alternative reproductive tactics and discuss other selective factors that could maintain polymorphism in anoles.  相似文献   

Selection is expected to optimize reproductive investment resulting in characteristic trade‐offs among traits such as brood size, offspring size, somatic maintenance, and lifespan; relative patterns of energy allocation to these functions are important in defining life‐history strategies. Freshwater mussels are a diverse and imperiled component of aquatic ecosystems, but little is known about their life‐history strategies, particularly patterns of fecundity and reproductive effort. Because mussels have an unusual life cycle in which larvae (glochidia) are obligate parasites on fishes, differences in host relationships are expected to influence patterns of reproductive output among species. I investigated fecundity and reproductive effort (RE) and their relationships to other life‐history traits for a taxonomically broad cross section of North American mussel diversity. Annual fecundity of North American mussel species spans nearly four orders of magnitude, ranging from < 2000 to 10 million, but most species have considerably lower fecundity than previous generalizations, which portrayed the group as having uniformly high fecundity (e.g. > 200000). Estimates of RE also were highly variable, ranging among species from 0.06 to 25.4%. Median fecundity and RE differed among phylogenetic groups, but patterns for these two traits differed in several ways. For example, the tribe Anodontini had relatively low median fecundity but had the highest RE of any group. Within and among species, body size was a strong predictor of fecundity and explained a high percentage of variation in fecundity among species. Fecundity showed little relationship to other life‐history traits including glochidial size, lifespan, brooding strategies, or host strategies. The only apparent trade‐off evident among these traits was the extraordinarily high fecundity of Leptodea, Margaritifera, and Truncilla, which may come at a cost of greatly reduced glochidial size; there was no relationship between fecundity and glochidial size for the remaining 61 species in the dataset. In contrast to fecundity, RE showed evidence of a strong trade‐off with lifespan, which was negatively related to RE. The raw number of glochidia produced may be determined primarily by physical and energetic constraints rather than selection for optimal output based on differences in host strategies or other traits. By integrating traits such as body size, glochidial size, and fecundity, RE appears more useful in defining mussel life‐history strategies. Combined with trade‐offs between other traits such as growth, lifespan, and age at maturity, differences in RE among species depict a broad continuum of divergent strategies ranging from strongly r‐selected species (e.g. tribe Anodontini and some Lampsilini) to K‐selected species (e.g. tribes Pleurobemini and Quadrulini; family Margaritiferidae). Future studies of reproductive effort in an environmental and life‐history context will be useful for understanding the explosive radiation of this group of animals in North America and will aid in the development of effective conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Nutritionally induced changes in RNA polymerase availability have been hypothesized to be an evolutionary primeval mechanism for regulation of gene expression and several contrasting models have been proposed to explain how such ‘passive’ regulation might occur. We demonstrate here that ectopically elevating Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (Eσ70) levels causes an increased expression and promoter occupancy of ribosomal genes at the expense of stress‐defense genes and amino acid biosynthetic operons. Phenotypically, cells overproducing Eσ70 favours growth and reproduction at the expense of motility and damage protection; a response reminiscent of cells with no or diminished levels of the alarmone guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp). Consistently, we show that cells lacking ppGpp displayed markedly elevated levels of free Eσ70 compared with wild‐type cells and that the repression of ribosomal RNA expression and reduced growth rate of mutants with constitutively elevated levels of ppGpp can be suppressed by overproducing Eσ70. We conclude that ppGpp modulates the levels of free Eσ70 and that this is an integral part of the alarmone's means of regulating a trade‐off between growth and maintenance.  相似文献   

In insects, lifespan and reproduction are strongly associated with nutrition. The ratio and amount of nutrients individuals consume affect their life expectancy and reproductive investment. The geometric framework (GF) enables us to explore how animals regulate their intake of multiple nutrients simultaneously and determine how these nutrients interact to affect life‐history traits of interest. Studies using the GF on host‐generalist tephritid flies have highlighted trade‐offs between longevity and reproductive effort in females, mediated by the protein‐to‐carbohydrate (P:C) ratio that individuals consume. Here, we tested how P and C intake affect lifespan (LS) in both sexes, and female lifetime (LEP), and daily (DEP) egg production, in Ceratitis cosyra, a host‐specialist tephritid fly. We then determined the P:C ratio that C. cosyra defends when offered a choice of foods. Female LS was optimized at a 0:1 P:C ratio, whereas to maximize their fecundity, females needed to consume a higher P:C ratio (LEP = 1:6 P:C; DEP = 1:2.5 P:C). In males, LS was also optimized at a low P:C ratio of 1:10. However, when given the opportunity to regulate their intake, both sexes actively defended a 1:3 P:C ratio, which is closer to the target for DEP than either LS or LEP. Our results show that female C. cosyra experienced a moderate trade‐off between LS and fecundity. Moreover, the diets that maximized expression of LEP and DEP were of lower P:C ratio than those required for optimal expression of these traits in host‐generalist tephritids or other generalist insects.  相似文献   

As females and males have different roles in reproduction, they are expected to require different nutrients for the expression of reproductive traits. However, due to their shared genome, both sexes may be constrained in the regulation of nutrient intake that maximizes sex‐specific fitness. Here, we used the Geometric Framework for nutrition to examine the effect of macronutrient and micronutrient intakes on lifespan, fecundity and cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that signal mate quality to prospective mates in female field crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus. In addition, we contrasted nutritional effects on life‐history traits between males and females to determine how sex differences influence nutrient regulation. We found that carbohydrate intake maximized female lifespan and protein intake influenced CHC expression, while early life fecundity (cumulative fecundity at day 21) and lifetime fecundity were dependent on both macronutrient and micronutrient intakes. Fecundity required different nutrient blends to those required to optimize sperm viability in males, generating the potential for sexual conflict over macronutrient intake. The regulation of protein (P) and carbohydrate (C) intakes by virgin and mated females initially matched that of males, but females adjusted their intake to a higher P:C ratio, 1P:2C, that maximized fecundity as they aged. This suggests that a sex‐specific, age‐dependent change in intake target for sexually mature females, regardless of their mating status, adjusts protein consumption in preparation for oviposition. Sex differences in the regulation of nutrient intake to optimize critical reproductive traits in female and male T. oceanicus provide an example of how sexual conflict over nutrition can shape differences in foraging between the sexes.  相似文献   

A life‐history trade‐off exists between flight capability and reproduction in many wing dimorphic insects: a long‐winged morph is flight‐capable at the expense of reproduction, while a short‐winged morph cannot fly, is less mobile, but has greater reproductive output. Using meta‐analyses, I investigated specific questions regarding this trade‐off. The trade‐off in females was expressed primarily as a later onset of egg production and lower fecundity in long‐winged females relative to short‐winged females. Although considerably less work has been done with males, the trade‐off exists for males among traits primarily related to mate acquisition. The trade‐off can potentially be mitigated in males, as long‐winged individuals possess an advantage in traits that can offset the costs of flight capability such as a shorter development time. The strength and direction of trends differed significantly among insect orders, and there was a relationship between the strength and direction of trends with the relative flight capabilities between the morphs. I discuss how the trade‐off might be both under‐ and overestimated in the literature, especially in light of work that has examined two relevant aspects of wing dimorphic species: (1) the effect of flight‐muscle histolysis on reproductive investment; and (2) the performance of actual flight by flight‐capable individuals.  相似文献   

We consider an explicit mutation–selection process to investigate the dynamics underlying the coevolution of parasite’s virulence and host’s prereproductive life span in a system with discrete generations. Conforming with earlier models, our model predicts that virulence generally increases with natural mortality of the host, and that a moderate increase in virulence selects for lower ages at reproduction. However, the epidemiological feedback in our model also gives rise to unusual and unexpected patterns. In particular, if virulence is sufficiently high the model can lead to a bifurcation pattern, where two strategies coexist in the host population. The first is to develop rapidly to reproduce before being infected. Individuals following this strategy suffer, however, from reduced fecundity. The second strategy is to develop much more slowly. Because of the high virulence, the effective period of transmission is short, so that a few slowly developing individuals escape infection. These individuals, although choosing a risky strategy, benefit from high fecundity.  相似文献   

Alleles conferring a higher adaptive value in one environment may have a detrimental impact on fitness in another environment. Alleles conferring resistance to pesticides and drugs provide textbook examples of this trade‐off as, in addition to conferring resistance to these molecules, they frequently decrease fitness in pesticide/drug‐free environments. We show here that resistance to chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate (OP), in Chinese populations of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, is conferred by two mutations of ace1 – the gene encoding the acetylcholinesterase enzyme targeted by OPs – affecting the amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein. These mutations were always linked, consistent with the segregation of a single resistance allele, ace1R, carrying both mutations, in the populations studied. We monitored the frequency of ace1R (by genotyping more than 20 000 adults) and the level of resistance (through bioassays on more than 50 000 individuals) over several generations. We found that the ace1R resistance allele was costly in the absence of insecticide and that this cost was likely recessive. This fitness costs involved a decrease in fecundity: females from resistant strains laid 20% fewer eggs, on average, than females from susceptible strains. Finally, we found that the fitness costs associated with the ace1R allele were greater at high temperatures. At least two life history traits were involved: longevity and fecundity. The relative longevity of resistant individuals was affected only at high temperatures and the relative fecundity of resistant females – which was already affected at temperatures optimal for development – decreased further at high temperatures. The implications of these findings for resistance management are discussed.  相似文献   

Predation can drive morphological divergence in prey populations, although examples of divergent selection are typically limited to nonreproductive individuals. In livebearing females, shape often changes drastically during pregnancy, reducing speed and mobility and enhancing susceptibility to predation. In the present study, we document morphological divergence among populations of nonreproductive female livebearing fish (Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora) in predator and nonpredator environments. We then test the hypothesis that shape differences among nonreproductive females are maintained among reproductive females between predator and nonpredator environments. Nonreproductive females in predator environments had larger caudal regions and more fusiform bodies than females in nonpredator environments; traits that are associated with burst speed in fish. Shape differences were maintained in reproductive females, although the magnitude of this difference declined relative to nonreproductive females, suggesting morphological convergence during pregnancy. Phenotypic change vector analysis revealed that females in predator environments became more similar to females in nonpredator environments in the transition from nonreproductive to reproductive. Furthermore, the level of reproductive allocation affected shape similarly between predator environments. These results suggest a life‐history constraint on morphology, in which predator‐driven morphological divergence among nonreproductive B. rhabdophora is not maintained at the same level during pregnancy. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 386–392.  相似文献   

Evolutionary costs of parasite resistance arise if genes conferring resistance reduce fitness in the absence of parasites. Thus, parasite-mediated selection may lead to increased resistance and a correlated decrease in fitness, whereas relaxed parasite-mediated selection may lead to reverse evolution of increased fitness and a correlated decrease in resistance. We tested this idea in experimental populations of the protozoan Paramecium caudatum and the parasitic bacterium Holospora undulata. After eight years, resistance to infection and asexual reproduction were compared among paramecia from (1) "infected" populations, (2) uninfected "naive" populations, and (3) previously infected, parasite-free "recovered" populations. Paramecia from "infected" populations were more resistant (+12%), but had lower reproduction (-15%) than "naive" paramecia, indicating an evolutionary trade-off between resistance and fitness. Recovered populations showed similar reproduction to naive populations; however, resistance of recently (<3 years) recovered populations was similar to paramecia from infected populations, whereas longer (>3 years) recovered populations were as susceptible as naive populations. This suggests a weak, convex trade-off between resistance and fitness, allowing recovery of fitness, without complete loss of resistance, favoring the maintenance of a generalist strategy of intermediate fitness and resistance. Our results indicate that (co)evolution with parasites can leave a genetic signature in disease-free populations.  相似文献   

1. This study examined biological characteristics of sexual and asexual strains of the parasitoid wasp, Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 2. Strains were reared in different instar hosts (the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli) under identical environmental conditions (21 °C, 65–75% RH, and LD 16:8 h). 3. Results showed that the second instar of the aphid is the most suitable growth stage for both strains, as the wasps that emerged from the second instar hosts were larger, more fecund, and had larger egg size. Trade‐offs between the fitness components of the parasitoid were clearer when the parasitoids were reared in suboptimal instars. 4. According to the results, sexual females emerged around 1 day earlier and lived around 0.5 day less than asexual females. Also, sexual females emerged with a lower initial egg load, although these wasps tend to have larger eggs than asexual females. Asexual females may enjoy greater longevity and higher developmental plasticity which suggests a higher degree of synchronization with pest population dynamism. 5. The results suggest that sexual wasps, in contrast to asexual wasps, invest more in egg size than in egg load. This study suggests strain‐specific adaptations of L. fabarum to different instars of the black bean aphid by which the allocation of nutritional resources to various functions differs between strains. 6. Furthermore, differences in life history traits between strains can greatly influence the population dynamics of each strain, and hence their effectiveness in suppressing pest populations.  相似文献   

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