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The present study showed that the eggs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, responded to photoperiod by hatching when placed on sand in the laboratory. S. gregaria mainly hatched during the dark phase and L. migratoria during the light phase. The importance of light as a hatching cue depended on the magnitude of the temperature change during the thermoperiod; photoperiod played a more important role in the control of hatching time in both species when the magnitude of the temperature change was small. In addition, the eggs of the two species that were covered with sand did not respond to photoperiod and hatched during both the light and dark phases, indicating that light did not penetrate through the sand. Because locust eggs are normally laid as egg pods and a foam plug is deposited between the egg mass and the ground surface, we tested a possibility that naturally deposited eggs perceived light through the foam plug. The eggs that were deposited and left undisturbed in the sand hatched during the light and dark phases at similar frequencies. These results suggest that the eggs of both locust species responded to light and controlled their hatching timing accordingly but would not use light as a hatching cue in the field. The evolutionary significance of the ability of eggs to respond to light in these locusts was discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of temperature and phase polyphenism on egg hatching time in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. The two species exhibited differences and similarities in hatching behavior when exposed to different temperature conditions. In 12-h thermocycles of various temperatures, the S. gregaria eggs hatched during the cryoperiod (low temperature period), whereas L. migratoria eggs hatched during the thermoperiod (high temperature period). The eggs of both species hatched during the species-specific period of the thermoperiod in response to a temperature difference as small as 1 °C. Furthermore, the locusts adjusted hatching time to a new thermal environment that occurred shortly before the expected hatching time. In both species, the hatching of the eggs was synchronized to a specific time of the day, and two hatching peaks separated by approximately 1 day were observed at a constant temperature after the eggs were transferred from thermocycles 3 days before hatching. Eggs laid by gregarious females hatched earlier than those laid by solitarious females in S. gregaria but this difference was not observed in L. migratoria.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight protein, Mr 500,000, has been isolated and characterized from the hemolymph of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. It is composed of six seemingly identical subunits of apparent Mr 78,000. It contains low concentrations of carbohydrate and lipid, but high percentages of aspartate and glutamate as well as high proportions of hydrophobic amino acid residues. An antiserum, developed against this purified hemolymph protein, does not react in the double-diffusion test or after immunoblotting with purified lipophorin or cyanoprotein, two other major proteins in locust hemolymph. The concentration of this larval specific protein in the hemolymph of Locusta was examined during the last larval instar and in adult males by quantitative rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Its concentration increases in the second half of the fifth instar, concommitant with an increase in total protein. The protein is detectable by immunological techniques in adults, although its concentration is very low at this stage.  相似文献   

Even though Paranosema locustae is widely used in China as a biological agent for controlling grasshoppers,the mortality rate is initially quite low.This study sought to determine whether the simultaneous use of P.locustae and Beauveria bassiana would be a more effective control strategy.Additionally,changes in the intestinal microbial communities of migratory locusts infected with the two pathogens were analyzed to investigate the roles of gut microbes in pathogen-host interactions.The mortality rate of locusts inoculated with B.bassiana and P.locustae simultaneously was not significantly higher than expected but the mortality rates of locusts inoculated with B.bassiana 3,6,and 9 days after inoculation with P.locustae were significantly higher than if their effects were additive,indicating synergism.A MiSeq analysis found that Weissella was the most common bacterium,representing 41.48%and 51.62%of the total bacteria in the mid-and hindguts,respectively,and the bacterial declines were greatest during dual infections with B.bassiana and P.locustae.The appropriately timed combined application of P.locustae and B.bassiana was more effective against locusts than either treatment alone.Moreover,the combined inoculation of the two pathogens changed the gut microflora of locusts,indicating the potential relevancy of their synergistic effects on locust control.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) populations in different climatic regions were analysed by sequencing four mitochondrial DNA regions, with special reference to the origin of Japanese populations. The populations are clearly separated into two clades: one consists of individuals from temperate and cold‐temperate areas of Japan and the Chinese continent, and the other comprises those from subtropical islands of Japan, Hainan Island in China, Timol Leste, Australia, Ethiopia, France, and some individuals from Tsushima Island and Honshu of Japan. The divergence time between the two clades is estimated to be 0.86–1.89 Mya. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that Japanese L. migratoria populations were composed of individuals of six different origins: (1) Hokkaido populations possibly from the Russian continent; (2) Honshu–Kyushu populations from the Chinese continent; (3) Southwest Island populations from Hainan Island or adjacent areas; (4) Ogasawara populations that might have originated from Micronesia; (5) part of the Tsushima population that originated from somewhere in the Asian tropics; and (6) a possible relict population of ancient southern haplotypes that exists in western areas of northern Honshu. The Tsugaru Straits and Tokara Straits have acted as effective geographical barriers, as in other organisms, isolating locust populations for a few thousand years. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 570–581.  相似文献   

Abstract.  [His7]-corazonin is a neuropeptide that induces dark coloration in locusts. This study examined the effect of temperature on body colour in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria . L. Injection of a low dose (1 pmol) of [His7]-corazonin caused albino nymphs to develop dark coloration at 25–34 °C, but little darkening occurred at 38 and 42 °C. However, injection of a high dose (10 pmol) induced darkening even at these high temperatures. Transfer of nymphs injected with 1 pmol of [His7]-corazonin from 30 to 42 °C, and vice versa, indicated that temperature influenced darkening at any time after injection. Measurements of the luminance of the pronotum were made using commercially available computer software to follow continuous changes in darkening of the body. The body colour of nymphs injected with [His7]-corazonin was reddish-brown at 25 °C, blackish at 30 and 34 °C, and greyish or whitish at 38 and 42 °C. High temperature also suppressed darkening in a normal (pigmented) strain. Most nymphs transferred from 30 to 42 °C during the first three stadia developed a light colour in the fifth stadium without the striking black patterns that are typically manifested in gregarious nymphs at lower temperatures. Such individuals developed black patterns in the fifth stadium when injected with [His7]-corazonin at a mid stage of the previous stadium. These results indicate that high temperature may induce light body coloration by suppressing the release of [His7]-corazonin in normal locusts.  相似文献   

Abstract.  An albino strain that had originated from Okinawa, Japan, and a normally coloured strain that had originated from West Africa, were used to study the darkening response to injection of graded doses of dark-colour-inducing neurohormone of locusts (DCIN) ([His7]-corazonin) of gregarious and solitarious adults of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria (L.). By repeated crossings, congenic albinos and normal phenotypes were obtained, both with a 99.6% West African genome, and their darkening response was compared with the original Okinawa and West African strains. Within each of these four strains, no difference was found in DCIN-induced darkening between gregarious and solitarious adults despite previous publications in the literature claiming an absence of 'fire-darkening' in gregarious adults of this species. Okinawa albino adults showed a markedly higher darkening response than the other three strains, including albinos with a 99.6% West African genome. This finding demonstrates that the differential darkening response of the Okinawa albinos is caused not by albinism, but by the geographical origin (Okinawa) of the strain. This is the first report of geographical-strain-dependent differences in the response of an insect to a neurohormone. The darkening response of adults reached a maximum on day 10 after injection; subsequently, the dark colour faded slowly. Adults injected 1 day after their moult showed a greater darkening response than those injected after 14 or 28 days.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. For many species of insect, cold hardiness is an important trait that enables a population to develop in the next season and to extend its range. To elucidate the role of cold hardiness of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria L. in its outbreak and distribution areas, egg cold hardiness was examined in locusts derived from four locations from latitude 18°23'N to latitude 41°10'N in eastern China.
2. The supercooling points of eggs from different geographic populations did not differ significantly for the first development stage, with an average ± SE of −24.5 ± 0.51 °C, or for the second stage, −22.06 ± 0.68 °C, however there was a significant difference for the embryonic development phase among the four geographical populations. The egg supercooling point increased gradually from neonatal egg to old egg; eggs prior to hatching always had a much higher supercooling point.
3. Comparisons of the cold hardiness of four populations were carried out by validating the close correlation between latitude and the effects of cold on hatching, low lethal temperature (Ltemp50), and low lethal time (Ltime50). There were significant differences among the four populations; the northern population was more cold hardy than the southern population, and the two mid-latitude populations were intermediately cold hardy.
4. The cold hardiness of all populations was enhanced to various degrees by short-term cold acclimation at 0 °C and 5 °C. For most populations, a 2-day acclimation period seemed to be optimal.  相似文献   

The chemosensilla on the tarsi of Locusta migratoria were mapped using light microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Only chemosensilla chaetica were found on the tarsi. On the basis of their ultrastructure, these can be grouped into three main subtypes: short, long, and sunken sensilla chaetica. Short sensilla chaetica can be further divided into two groups containing 6 or 7 neurons. Long sensilla chaetica are mainly located on the lateral surface of the tarsi. Short sensilla chaetica were mainly found on the dorsal surface of the tarsi. Sunken sensilla chaetica were only found on the ventral surface, such as the pulvilli and arolium. Immunocytochemical localization of chemosensory protein (CSP) was performed on ultrathin sections of chemosensilla on tarsi. The antiserum against LmigCSP‐II intensively labeled all three types of sensilla chaetica. Gold granules were concentrated in the outer sensillum lymph surrounding the dendrite sheath, while the inner sensillum lymph containing dendrite branches was never labeled. Massive labeling with the anti‐LmigCSP‐II was also found in cuticle of the pulvilli on the ventral surface of tarsi. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The trigger for the hatching behavior and determination of hatching time of the katydids, Eobiana engelhardti subtropica (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) have been shown to be influenced by light–dark signals or temperature. In this study, I investigated the effects of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen on the hatching behavior and hatching time of the katydid. Eggs rarely hatched under a constant temperature of 25°C and hatched sporadically at a constant temperature of 15°C under continuous light in the air. However, when eggs were exposed to 100% oxygen or a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen (2:1 or 1:1), hatching occurred within a few seconds. Hatching behavior was directly triggered by high concentrations of oxygen. It was inhibited by exposure to 100% carbon dioxide, 100% nitrogen, or a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen (1:2). The hatching time, determined by the temperature fall (transfer from 25°C to 15°C), was delayed by these gases, and was reset by the transfer back of eggs to the air. This suggests the existence of a time-measuring mechanism that is triggered by the transfer of eggs to the air. These results, indicating that hatching behavior was directly triggered by high concentrations of oxygen and that hatching time was set by the transfer from carbon dioxide or nitrogen to the air, are new findings to the best of my knowledge.  相似文献   

In large freshwater branchiopods, erratic hatching success of resting eggs is a major obstacle to various applications. Lack of knowledge of the diapause-regulating processes makes control of hatching difficult. In the Sudanese fairy shrimp Streptocephalus proboscideus cysts are considered to include a diapausing and a quiescent fraction. To effect hatching, diapausing cysts have to be activated, while the quiescent portion has to be triggered by suitable environmental conditions. Of several attempts to control hatching with varying production, processing, and incubation conditions, only a few treatments proved consistently successful. Cysts were produced in an indoor culture system under controlled conditions and were harvested, washed, and dried according to defined procedures before processing (if any) and incubation. Hatchability (first-day and cumulative) was consistently higher in chemically decapsulated than in untreated (non-decapsulated) cysts at 25 °C. At a temperature of 28 °C, hatching was comparable in untreated and in decapsulated cysts and was significantly higher than at 25 °C. Pre-treatment with 7.5% NaOCl for 5–10 minutes, resulted in higher hatching than other decapsulation procedures and durations. It is believed that the decapsulation and temperature treatments were only effective in triggering quiescent cysts but did not activate the diapausing fraction.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are an important family of detoxifying enzymes and play a key role in pesticide resistance in the insect. Tyrosine is essential for its detoxification function. In the present study, two conserved tyrosine residues are located at positions 108 and 116 in H-site of LmGSTD1. To elucidate how the two residues participate in the catalytic process and keeping structural stability, four mutants, Y108A, Y108E, Y116A, and Y116E, were generated. It was found that the four mutants affected the specific activity of LmGSTD1 in various degrees, depending on the types of substrate and reaction mechanism. Steady-state kinetics assay revealed that Y108E and Y116E had a significant influence on GSH-binding ability, which indicates the two tyrosine residues of H-site contribute to topology rearrangement of G-site. Both Y116A and Y116E exhibited lower CDNB-binding affinity, suggesting that Y116 takes part in hydrophobic substrate binding. The thermostability assay, intrinsic, and 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) florescence results showed that the two tyrosine residues were involved in regulation of active-site conformation. Finally, homology modeling provided evidence that the two tyrosines in H-site participate in hydrophobic substrate binding. Furthermore, Y108 is closer to the S atom of S-hexylglutathione. In conclusion, the two tyrosines in LmGSTD1 are important residues in both the catalytic process and protein stability.  相似文献   

Abstract. The daily hatching rhythm of Rhodnius prolixus eggs is established under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod. The endogenous nature of this rhythm is demonstrated under continuous darkness. Hatching takes place during the last half of the night, when the maximum environmental relative humidity (RH) and minimum temperature (i.e. the combination that yields the lower water vapour saturation deficits) occur in wild habitats. This temporal window of approximately 7 h recurs at 24‐h intervals, producing a hatching rhythm in the population. The effects of the RH upon egg‐hatching are analysed. In agreement with previous studies, hatching success is strongly affected by environmental RH. Although 88% of eggs hatch at 75% RH, only 4% and 10% hatch at 0% or 100% RH, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that temporal synchronization is related to the avoidance of low environmental RHs, high environmental temperatures, or high water vapour saturation deficit during hatching, thus minimizing their deleterious effects. Given that eggs cannot choose optimum microclimatic conditions, selective pressures appear to have originated from an adaptive temporal rather than spatial hygropreference.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that density‐dependent competition influences the evolution of offspring size. We studied two populations of the least killifish (Heterandria formosa) that differ dramatically in population density; these populations are genetically differentiated for offspring size, and females from both populations produce larger offspring when they experience higher social densities. To look at the influences of population of origin and relative body size on competitive ability, we held females from the high‐density population at two different densities to create large and small offspring with the same genetic background. We measured the competitive ability of those offspring in mesocosms that contained either pure or mixed population treatments at either high or low density. High density increased competition, which was most evident in greatly reduced individual growth rates. Larger offspring from the high‐density population significantly delayed the onset of maturity of fish from the low‐density population. From our results, we infer that competitive conditions in nature have contributed to the evolution of genetically based interpopulation differences in offspring size as well as plasticity in offspring size in response to conspecific density.  相似文献   

为研究短时高温对东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen血淋巴蛋白的影响,采用Bradford法、SDSPAGE电泳和质谱等方法,对东亚飞蝗雌虫血淋巴样品进行检测。结果表明:短时高温对血淋巴蛋白含量有显著影响(P0.01),36℃-42℃范围内,随温度升高,血淋巴蛋白浓度亦升高,其中39℃、42℃处理组与对照组差异显著(P0.01);短时高温对血淋巴蛋白种类存在一定影响,对照组雌虫血淋巴中存在11种蛋白,高温处理后,4种蛋白含量逐渐增加,6种蛋白含量没有明显变化,1种蛋白消失;经质谱检测,鉴定了5种蛋白,分别为载脂蛋白前体、酚氧化酶原、2个储存蛋白和19 kDa血淋巴蛋白,另外6条蛋白未被鉴定。推测载脂蛋白前体、酚氧化酶原、储存蛋白在东亚飞蝗应对高温胁迫过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on locomotor activity in crowd‐reared first‐stadium nymphs of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria are investigated under continuous light conditions using an actograph apparatus. Nymphs show monomodal or bimodal patterns of locomotor activity with respect to the time after the start of measurements, depending on the age. Locomotor activity is suppressed by the presence of grass in nymphs aged 0–2 days old but a peak of activity observed shortly after hatching is not suppressed. The results suggest that newly‐hatched nymphs may try to disperse from the hatching site. Nymphs show higher locomotor activity levels under moist conditions than under dry conditions during the first 5‐h period of measurements. This enhanced locomotor activity may constitute attempts to avoid high humidity. Under dim‐light conditions (2 × 10?2 Wm?2), locomotor activity is suppressed during the first half day and increases to a high level thereafter in both grass‐fed and unfed individuals. This increased activity might indicate a possible involvement of circadian rhythms. Background colour has no significant effect on the locomotor activity. The present study provides new aspects of behaviour in nymphs as well as baseline data for behavioural analysis of locust locomotion in relation to phase polyphenism.  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that heterotrophic protists could improve the biochemical constituents of poor quality algae for subsequent use by higher trophic levels, a phenomenon dubbed “trophic upgrading”. We conducted experiments to test trophic upgrading effects on the omnivorous calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. Two heterotrophic protists, Oxyrrhis marina and Gymnodinium dominans, were grown on three algal species of different nutritional qualities: Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Rhodomonas salina. In parallel incubations, the copepods were fed the heterotrophic protists or the algae that the protists grew on. We measured the ingestion rate, egg production rate and egg hatching success of the copepods in each treatment. Comparison of the egg production efficiency (EPE; egg carbon production/carbon ingestion×100%) between parallel diet treatments allowed us to calculate the trophic upgrading index (TUI; ratio of EPE-heterotrophic protist to EPE-alga). The copepods ingested similar amount, or 20-30% more algae than heterotrophic protists. Daily rations ranged 50-122% of body C per day. Copepods feeding on O. marina that grew on D. tertiolecta had higher egg production rate and egg hatching success than copepods feeding on D. tertiolecta directly, and the resultant TUI between the two treatments was 19.7. Similarly, the copepod egg production was improved by G. dominans that grew on D. tertiolecta and the resultant TUI was 23.3. TUI was near 1 between I. galbana treatment and the parallel heterotrophic protist treatments, indicating no or little trophic upgrading effects on the copepod's egg production. However, egg hatching success was significantly lower with G. dominans growing on I. galbana. O. marina that grew on R. salina induced a lower EPE relative to the alga itself, yielding a TUI of less than 1. Biochemical data showed that the heterotrophic protists contained eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) even when they fed on alga that lacked these essential fatty acids, which may explain some of the observed trophic upgrading effects and species-specific differences in our experiments. However, our data also suggested that dietary EPA and DHA could not be the sole factors regulating the copepod's reproductive output, and that egg production and egg hatching appeared to have different nutritional requirements and respond differently to the copepod's diets.  相似文献   

蜜蜂是典型的模式昆虫,也是重要的经济昆虫,温度对其发育有着重要的影响。本文研究了低温20℃处理不同时长对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica 0-66 h受精卵的影响。结果表明:低温处理导致意大利蜜蜂受精卵的孵化率下降,发育历期显著延长。低温对蜜蜂受精卵孵化率影响程度与卵龄关系较大。0-9 h卵龄对低温敏感,其次是12-24 h卵龄,36 h以上卵龄后则较耐低温。0-66 h的卵受低温影响后发育历期延长平均值与低温胁迫时间呈显著的线性正相关。低温对蜜蜂卵发育有影响,在蜜蜂饲养管理的早春增长阶段,需要加强蜂群的保温。  相似文献   

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