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Age-related growth of the spleen in normal and glucocorticoid treated rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Age-related changes in the growth, nucleic acid content and protein turnover of the spleen have been studied in normal male rats. 2. A rapid and marked atrophy of the spleen, was found 24 hr after exposure to cortisone or dexamethasone; increased rates of protein breakdown being primarily responsible. 3. Nonetheless, the total amount of protein synthesized in the spleen (measured in vivo) was significantly decreased (30-50%) 24 hr after exposure to these steroids. 4. This compared with only a 15% decrease in whole body protein synthesis, indicating a more pronounced hormonal effect on the spleen than on most other body tissues.  相似文献   

The thymus exhibits a pattern of aging oriented toward a physiological involution. The structural changes start with a steady decrease of thymocytes, whereas no major variations occur in the number of thymic epithelial cells (TEC). The data concerning the role of hormones and neuropeptides in thymic involution are equivocal. We recently demonstrated the presence of somatostatin (SS) and three different SS receptor (SSR) subtypes in the human thymus. TEC selectively expressed SSR subtype 1 (sst(1)) and sst(2A). In the present study we investigated whether SSR number is age related in the thymus. Binding of the sst(2)-preferring ligand (125)I-Tyr(3)-octreotide was evaluated in a large series of normal human thymuses of different age by SSR autoradiography and ligand binding on tissue homogenates. The score at autoradiography and the number of SSR at membrane homogenate binding (B(max)) were inversely correlated with the thymus age (r = -0.84, P < 0.001; r = -0.82, P < 0.001, respectively). The autoradiographic score was positively correlated with the B(max) values (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). Because the TEC number in the age range considered remains unchanged, the decrease of octreotide binding sites might be due to a reduction of sst(2A) receptor number on TEC. The age-related expression of a receptor involved mainly in controlling secretive processes is in line with the evidence that the major changes occurring in TEC with aging are related to their capabilities in producing thymic hormones. In conclusion, SS and SSR might play a role in the involution of the human thymus. These findings underline the links between the neuroendocrine and immune systems and support the concept that neuropeptides participate in development of cellular immunity in humans.  相似文献   

Diaphragm muscles of dystrophic hamsters were found to be larger than those of control animals at two of three ages studied. The additional growth of these afflicted muscles correlated with large increases in protein synthesis and concentrations of RNA. Protein breakdown was also increased in the dystrophic muscles, but to a smaller extent than synthesis.  相似文献   

Antigenic stimulation (AS) inhibited cathepsin A and D activation in the liver induced by fasting. AS after short-term fasting (4 days) induced the activation increase in the most of lysosomal proteinases by 20-80% in the spleen and thymus, while AS of animals, upon 6- and 8-day fasting depressed the activation of all the investigated lysosomal hydrolases (cathepsin A, B, C, D and arylsulphatases A and B) and decreased the total protein half-life. The revealed peculiarities in the lysosomal proteolytic system function and intensified protein turnover in lymphoid organs may reflect the general reaction of the organism, directed towards the maintenance of immunological homeostasis and, in particular, towards antibody production.  相似文献   

Skeletal-muscle growth and protein turnover.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Because of turnover, protein synthesis and breakdown can each be involved in the regulation of the growth of tissue protein. To investigate the regulation of skeletal-muscle-protein growth we measured rates of protein synthesis and breakdown in growing rats during development on a good diet, during development on a marginally low-protein diet and during rehabilitation on a good diet after a period of severe protein deficiency. Rates of protein synthesis were measured in vivo with a constant intravenous infusion of [14C]tyrosine. The growth rate of muscle protein was measured and the rate of breakdown calculated as breakdown rate=synthesis rate-growth rate. These measurements showed that during development on a good diet there was a fall with age in the rate of protein synthesis resulting from a fall in capacity (RNA concentration) and activity (synthesis rate per unit of RNA). There was a fall with age in the breakdown rate so that the rate was highest in the weaning rats, with a half-life of 3 days. There was a direct correlation between the fractional growth and breakdown rates. During rehabilitation on the good diet, rapid growth was also accompanied by high rates of protein breakdown. During growth on the inadequate diet protein synthesis rates were lesss than in controls, but growth occurred because of decreased rates of protein breakdown. This compression was not complete, however, since ultimate muscle size was only one-half that of controls. It is suggested that increased rates of protein breakdown are a necessary accompaniment to muscle growth and may result from the way in which myofibrils proliferate.  相似文献   

Architectonics of intraorganic arterial vessels in the cervical cortex, heart, kidneys and spleen have been investigated in 40 normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats, 6 months and 1 year old. In all the organs studied a direct dependence has been revealed between the degree of changes in the intraorganic arteries and relative content of the arterial vessels in the tissue organs. Functional changes of the arterial vessels in the organs studied observed during the hypertensive phase, transfer into the organic ones, as a result of prolonged adaptation, when the stage of a stable hypertension takes place.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) have been widely used for the treatment of prostate cancer because of their inhibitory property against tumour growth. However, their mechanism of action in the prostate has received little attention. Excess GCs can lead to peripheral insulin resistance resulting in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia. Insulin plays an important role as a cellular stimulant and high levels are related to low levels of androgens. Our objective has been to describe the effects of insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone treatment on the morphology of rat ventral prostate. Male adult Wistar rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone or saline for five consecutive days after which the rats were killed and the ventral prostate was removed, weighed and prepared for conventional and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Dexamethasone treatment resulted in atrophy and decreased proliferative activity of prostatic epithelial cells. TEM analysis revealed changes in the epithelium-stroma interface, with some interruptions in the basement membrane. Fibroblasts showed a secretory phenotype with dilated endoplasmic reticulum. Smooth muscle cells exhibited a contractile pattern with 50% atrophy, an irregular membrane and twisted nuclei. Mitochondrial alterations, such as enlarged size and high electron density in the mitochondrial matrix, were also detected in smooth muscle cells. Insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone is thus associated with epithelial atrophy similar to that described for diabetic rats. However, GCs are responsible for morphological changes in the stromal cell population suggesting the activation of fibroblasts and atrophy of the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The injection of streptozotocin in intact or adrenalectomized rats produced a decrease in the number of thymus lymphoid cells. Bovine serum albumin gradient analyses of thymocytes from control, adrenalectomized, adrenalectomized-diabetic and diabetic animals showed variations in the mature/immature cell ratio. No remarkable changes in the distribution of the different thymocyte subpopulations were observed.  相似文献   

The terminal involution pattern of the human thymus was studied based on autopsy cases (both sexes, age range 63-91 years). Large sections through the entire thymic fat body were examined with the help of both conventional histological and immunohistochemical techniques. The findings demonstrate that thymic atrophy in old humans (a) goes far beyond the degree of involution observed in small rodents; (b) results in a system of thin, branching, in part interrupted, non-keratinizing epithelial plates containing no typical Hassall bodies; (c) concerns all components of the thymus except fat tissue which progressively replaces original thymic structures; and (d) involves various types of disorganization of individual lobules with T and B lymphocytes often located outside rather than within epithelial remnants. Effects of low-level radiation on this final regression of the human thymus are unknown.  相似文献   

Age-related hyperplasia of the thymus and T-cell system in the Buffalo rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report describes the development of hyperplasia of both the thymus and the peripheral T-cell system with advancing age in the Buffalo rat. Buffalo/Mna rats do not show age-related thymic involution, but rather develop thymic hyperplasia with advancing age. This thymic growth is expansile and there is no infiltration of the surrounding tissues. Because the enlarging thymus occupies the thoracic cavity, most of the rats die of respiratory failure by the age of 24 months. Thymic enlargement is due to primary hyperplasia of cortical epithelial cells and the large number of proliferating lymphocytes. The hyperplastic epithelial cells are bizarre in shape and strongly positive when stained with Th-3 monoclonal antibody (MoAb), anti-thymosin antibody and anti-EGF antibody, but negative with Th-4 MoAb. The patterns of distribution of CD-5+, CD-4+ and CD-8+ lymphocytes within the hyperplastic thymus are similar to those seen in young rats of other species. The high level of T-cell emigration from the thymus to the periphery appears to persist throughout life, since the percentage of normal splenic T-cells also increase with advancing age and exceed 70% of the total by 24 months of age. This thymic enlargement with abnormal hyperplasia of cortical epithelial cells can be prevented by hypophysectomy.  相似文献   

In 155 thymuses and in 57 capsules of the organ, distributed according to 12 age groups, beginning from fetuses of 5 months up to 90 years, age transformations of stromal-parenchymatous relations of the human thymus have been studied and quantitatively estimated. During the postnatal ontogenesis the thymic capsule and its intraorganic connective, tissue frame together with the parenchyma undergo certain phase reorganizations, specific for each age period. The greatest development of the thymic connective tissue frame reaches at the age of 1-3 years and during sex maturation period. The thymic lymphoepithelial tissue exists during all age periods. In the thymic adipose body foci of extramedullary lymphopoesis are revealed, beginning from the first mature up to the elderly age.  相似文献   

The growth of the rat lung was studied at six ages, from 18 days of fetal life to old age (i.e. 105 weeks). Most of the increase in lung size appeared to involve cellular hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy, the DNA content of the lung increasing 96-fold from one extreme of life to the other. Pulmonary rates of protein turnover were high and were, age for age, consistently greater than the rates in the whole body. The age-related decline in the rate of lung growth corresponded to a marked decrease in the fractional rate of protein synthesis, i.e. from 93 to 33% per day during fetal and neonatal life. This in turn correlated with a 58% fall in the ribosomal capacity. From weaning onwards, synthesis rates remained between 30 and 40% per day. In contrast, the degradation of lung proteins was unchanged, at 28-38% per day throughout both fetal and post-natal life.  相似文献   

In order to clarify age-related changes in hematological values of normal rats after birth, blood samples from neonatal F344 rats of both sexes were examined periodically during the period from 0 to 40 days postpartum. The erythrocyte count (RBC) increased with time after birth as a function of age. In contrast, the reticulocyte count (Retics) continuously decreased with time after birth. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht), and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) tended to decrease after birth until weaning (about 21 days postpartum), but they began to increase after weaning. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) also gradually decreased after birth until weaning, but they were unchanged thereafter. The platelet count (PLT) gradually increased after birth and reached a plateau at weaning. Microscopic examination of blood smears revealed that erythrocytes at birth had characteristic morphological features such as anisocytosis, polychromasia, basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly body, and erythroblastosis. These characteristic features, however, disappeared by 30 days after birth. The total leukocyte count (WBC) gradually increased with time after birth, due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes. The lymphocyte count started to rapidly increase within several days after birth and the increase continued thereafter. Other differential leukocyte counts also showed various characteristic patterns of changes during the neonatal period. There were no apparent differences between males and females in these changes in hematological values.  相似文献   

The effects of phorbol ester and forskolin on the net phosphorylation and turnover of P0 phosphate groups was studied in normal and exprimentally diabetic rats. In sciatic nerve segments isolated from normal rats and incubated with [32P]-inorganic phosphate, phosphorylation of the major peripheral myelin protein, P0, was increased 2–5 fold in a time and dose-dependent manner by phorbol 12,13 dibutyrate (PDB). This increase was blocked by the protein kinase inhibitors, H-7 and staurosporine. Both the basal and PDB-stimulated phosphorylation of P0 were significantly greater in segments of sciatic nerve from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Prolonged exposure of nerve segments to PDB abolished the stimulated phosphorylation of P0 and immunoblots of nerve proteins revealed a decrease in the content of the protein kinase C -isoform. The adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, had no affect on the PDB-stimulated phosphorylation of P0 in normal nerve but decreased phosphorylation in diabetic nerve. To measure turnover of P0 phosphate groups, nerves were incubated with32P and incorporated label was then chased in radioactivity-free medium for up to 4 hours. P0 from normal nerve prelabeled under basal conditions lost 25% of its radioactivity during this time. In contrast, nearly all of the additional phosphate groups prelabeled in the presence of PDB disappeared after 2 hours of chase. P0 phosphate groups from diabetic nerve displayed similar turnover kinetics. When forskolin was added to the chase medium, the turnover of P0 phosphate moieties was accelerated in normal, but not in diabetic nerve. These findings clearly establish a prominent role for protein kinase C in P0 phosphorylation, provide evidence for heterogeneous turnover of P0 phosphate groups and suggest that cyclic AMP-mediated processes may modulate P0 phosphorylation. Further, these results indicate that the metabolism of P0 phosphate moieties is perturbed in nerve from diabetic animals.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marjoris B. Lees.  相似文献   

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