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E V Jones  C Puckett    B Moss 《Journal of virology》1987,61(6):1765-1771
Antiserum to a multisubunit DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from vaccinia virions was prepared to carry out genetic studies. This antiserum selectively inhibited the activity of the viral polymerase but had no effect on calf thymus RNA polymerase II. The specificity of the antiserum was further demonstrated by immunoprecipitation of RNA polymerase subunits from dissociated virus particles. The presence in vaccinia virus-infected cells of mRNA that encodes the polymerase subunits was determined by in vitro translation. Immunoprecipitable polypeptides with Mrs of about 135,000, 128,000, 36,000, 34,000, 31,000, 23,000, 21,000, 20,000, and 17,000 were made when early mRNA was added to reticulocyte extracts. The subunits were encoded within the vaccinia virus genome, as demonstrated by translation of early mRNA that hybridized to vaccinia virus DNA. The locations of the subunit genes were determined initially by hybridization of RNA to a series of overlapping 40-kilobase-pair DNA fragments that were cloned in a cosmid vector. Further mapping was achieved with cloned HindIII restriction fragments. Results of these studies indicated that RNA polymerase subunit genes are transcribed early in infection and are distributed within the highly conserved central portion of the poxvirus genome in HindIII fragments E, J, H, D, and A.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus mutants ts2 and ts25, members of the same complementation group, exhibit a temperature-dependent arrest at the stage of viral DNA replication. The lesions responsible for the mutant phenotypes have been localized to the far left region of the HindIII B genomic fragment by marker rescue studies. Hybrid selection analyses established that the DNA fragments positive for rescue represented the first open reading frame of the HindIII B fragment and encoded a 30-kilodalton protein. The gene is expressed early after infection as a rightwardly transcribed 1-kilobase-pair mRNA whose coordinates were determined by S1 nuclease mapping. To further the phenotypic analysis of the mutants, the accumulation of viral DNA sequences during permissive and nonpermissive infections was quantitated. The extent of the DNA- phenotype was shown to vary in different cell types. In mouse L cells at either high or low multiplicity of infection, nonpermissive DNA synthesis was less than 5% of that seen in permissive infections. This severe defect was mirrored by correspondingly low viral yields. In infections of BSC40 monkey cells, however, the deficiencies in both DNA synthesis and virus production were far less severe. For one mutant (ts2), the temperature sensitivity in BSC40 cells varied inversely with the multiplicity of infection.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus encodes two protein kinases; the B1 kinase is expressed early and appears to play a role during DNA replication, whereas the F10 kinase is expressed late and is encapsidated in virions. Here we report that the F10 kinase gene is the locus affected in a complementation group of temperature-sensitive mutants composed of ts15, ts28, ts54, and ts61. Although these mutants have a biochemically normal phenotype at the nonpermissive temperature, directing the full program of viral gene expression, they fail to form mature virions. Electron microscopic analysis indicates that morphogenesis undergoes arrest at a very early stage, prior to the formation of membrane crescents or immature virions. An essential role for the F10 protein kinase in orchestrating the onset of virion assembly is implied.  相似文献   

N4 virion RNA polymerase sites of transcription initiation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
L L Haynes  L B Rothman-Denes 《Cell》1985,41(2):597-605
Coliphage N4 virion encapsulated RNA polymerase shows a marked preference for denatured N4 DNA as a template. We show that initiation on denatured N4 virion DNA occurs with in vivo specificity. The location of the in vivo and in vitro initiation sites and the corresponding DNA sequences were determined. The N4 virion RNA polymerase promoters contain extensive sequence homology from position -18 to position 1, with a conserved GC-rich heptamer centered at -12, and two sets of short inverted repeats. We suggest that the N4 virion RNA polymerase recognizes the promoter only in a novel single-stranded form, and that the formation of the initiation complex is facilitated in vivo by supercoiling and E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein.  相似文献   

Transcriptional mapping of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase gene   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The phenotypic defects of three temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of vaccinia virus, the ts mutations of which were mapped to the gene for one of the high-molecular-weight subunits of the virion-associated DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, were characterized. Because the virion RNA polymerase is required for the initiation of the viral replication cycle, it has been predicted that this type of mutant is defective in viral DNA replication and the synthesis of early viral proteins at the nonpermissive temperature. However, all three mutants synthesized both DNA and early proteins, and two of the three synthesized late proteins as well. RNA synthesis in vitro by permeabilized mutant virions was not more ts than that by the wild type. Furthermore, only one of three RNA polymerase activities that was partially purified from virions assembled at the permissive temperature displayed altered biochemical properties in vitro that could be correlated with its ts mutation: the ts13 activity had reduced specific activity, increased temperature sensitivity, and increased thermolability under a variety of preincubation conditions. Although the partially purified polymerase activity of a second mutant, ts72, was also more thermolabile than the wild-type activity, the thermolability was shown to be the result of a second mutation within the RNA polymerase gene. These results suggest that the defects in these mutants affect the assembly of newly synthesized polymerase subunits into active enzyme or the incorporation of RNA polymerase into maturing virions; once synthesized at the permissive temperature, the mutant polymerases are able to function in the initiation of subsequent rounds of infection at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

An RNA polymerase activity was found to be associated with the infectious drosophila X virus particles extracted from infected flies. The rate of synthesis was at first linear as a function of time, and then a plateau was reached. During the linear phase of the synthesis, the template and product were associated as replicative intermediates which were larger than the double-stranded RNA of the drosophila X virus genome, but the final product of the reaction was indistinguishable from the RNA genome with respect to its density, sedimentation coefficient, electrophoretic mobility, and RNase resistance. The results indicated that both strands of the genomic RNA were copied. The implications of these findings with regard to other virion polymerases are discussed.  相似文献   

Positional homologs to the UL51 open reading frame of herpes simplex virus type 1 have been identified throughout the herpesvirus family. However, no respective protein has so far been described for any of the herpesviruses. With rabbit antisera directed against oligopeptides predicted to comprise antigenic regions of the deduced pseudorabies virus (PrV) UL51 protein, a polypeptide with a size of 30 kDa was identified in PrV-infected cell lysates and in purified virions. This molecular mass correlates reasonably well with the predicted mass of 25 kDa of the 236-amino-acid deduced UL51 protein. Antisera raised against peptides derived from different predicted antigenic regions all detected the 30-kDa protein in Western blot (immunoblot) analyses. Specificity was ascertained by peptide competition. Subcellular fractionation showed the presence of the UL51 protein mainly in the nucleus of infected cells. After separation of purified virion preparations into envelope and capsid, the PrV UL51 protein was detected in the capsid fraction. In summary, we identified the first herpesvirus UL51 protein and demonstrate that it represents a structural component of PrV virions.  相似文献   

L Yu  S Shuman 《Journal of virology》1996,70(9):6162-6168
Vaccinia virus mRNA capping enzyme is a multifunctional protein with RNA triphosphatase, RNA guanylyltransferase, and RNA (guanine-7-) methyltransferase activities. The enzyme is a heterodimer of 95- and 33-kDa subunits encoded by the vaccinia virus D1 and D12 genes, respectively. The N-terminal 60-kDa of the D1 subunit (from residues 1 to 545) is an autonomous domain which catalyzes the triphosphatase and guanylyltransferase reactions. Mutations in the D1 subunit that specifically inactivate the guanylyltransferase without affecting the triphosphatase component have been described (P. Cong and S. Shuman, Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:6222-6231, 1995). In the present study, we identified two alanine-cluster mutations of D1(1-545), R77A-K79A and E192A-E194A, that selectively inactivated the triphosphatase, but not the guanylyltransferase. Concordant mutational inactivation of RNA triphosphatase and nucleoside triphosphatase functions (to approximately 1% of wild-type specific activity) suggests that both gamma-phosphate cleavage reactions occur at a single active site. The R77A-K79A and E192A-E194A mutant enzymes were less active than wild-type D1(1-545) in the capping of triphosphate-terminated poly(A) but could be complemented in vitro by D1(1-545)-K260A, which is inert in nucleotidyl transfer but active in gamma-phosphate cleavage. Whereas wild-type D1(1-545) formed only the standard GpppA cap, the R77A-K79A and E192A-E194A enzymes synthesized an additional dinucleotide, GppppA. This finding illuminates a novel property of the vaccinia virus capping enzyme, the use of triphosphate RNA ends as an acceptor for nucleotidyl transfer when gamma-phosphate cleavage is rate limiting.  相似文献   

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