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In the present work, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) the negative effects of mycorrhization over host plant productivity in N-limited conditions are due to N retention by the fungal partner and not due to excessive C drainage; (2) If mycorrhization results in decreased N uptake, the host plant decreases its C investment in fungal growth. The effects of mycorrhization over a wide range of combinations between N availability, N concentration in plant tissues, and degree of mycorrhizal colonization were studied in Pinus pinaster L. mycorrhizal with Pisolithus tinctorius. Several plant productivity parameters, the seedlings’ N status, chl a fluorescence (JIP test), and mycorrhizal colonization were measured. N was always limiting. A gradient of mycorrhizal effects over the host plant’s growth and vitality was successfully obtained. The mycorrhizal effects on plant growth and N uptake were very strongly and positively correlated, and no evidence was found of a C limitation to growth, confirming hypothesis 1. Indications were found that the plants continued to provide C to the fungus although the N supplied by it was increasingly lower, denying hypothesis 2. A new index, the mycorrhizal N demand–supply balance, was found to efficiently explain, and to have a curvilinear relation with, the variation in response to mycorrhization. The mycorrhizal effect on host plant growth was not related to a negative effect on its photosynthetic performance and, therefore, reflected changes in resource allocation between host plant and mycorrhizal fungus, not in plant vitality.  相似文献   

Journal of Comparative Physiology B - The prerogative of animal welfare science includes wild species and ecological studies. Yet, guidance enshrined in legislation is narrowly derived from studies...  相似文献   

Papers on sexual selection often highlight the incredible diversity of sexually selected traits across animals. Yet, few studies have tried to explain why this diversity evolved. Animals use many different types of traits to attract mates and outcompete rivals, including colours, songs, and horns, but it remains unclear why, for example, some taxa have songs, others have colours, and others horns. Here, we first conduct a systematic survey of the basic diversity and distribution of different types of sexually selected signals and weapons across the animal Tree of Life. Based on this survey, we describe seven major patterns in trait diversity and distributions. We then discuss 10 unanswered questions raised by these patterns, and how they might be addressed. One major pattern is that most types of sexually selected signals and weapons are apparently absent from most animal phyla (88%), in contrast to the conventional wisdom that a diversity of sexually selected traits is present across animals. Furthermore, most trait diversity is clustered in Arthropoda and Chordata, but only within certain clades. Within these clades, many different types of traits have evolved, and many types appear to have evolved repeatedly. By contrast, other major arthropod and chordate clades appear to lack all or most trait types, and similar patterns are repeated at smaller phylogenetic scales (e.g. within insects). Although most research on sexual selection focuses on female choice, we find similar numbers of traits (among sampled species) are involved in male contests (44%) and female choice (55%). Overall, these patterns are largely unexplained and unexplored, as are many other fundamental questions about the evolution of these traits. We suggest that understanding the diversity of sexually selected traits may require a shift towards macroevolutionary studies at relatively deep timescales (e.g. tens to hundreds of millions of years ago).  相似文献   

Bee dietary preferences,or the floral resources that they consistently collect,likely impact where a species can persist.For this reason it is likely that bee dietary preferences are dependent upon the composition of the plant community.In this study,we evaluated floral visits and pollen loads of the mining bee,Andrena angustitarsata Viereck,across a 630 km north-south range to understand dietary preferences along a floral resource gradient.Previous research,in a more geographically limited area,suggested this species was an eclectic oligolege on predominantly Apiaceae and in part Rosaceae.In the present study we found the species predominately visited and collected pollen from Apiaceae and Rosaceae,but visited 12 flower families and collected pollen from 32,distinguishing them as generalist foragers.The frequency of Apiaceae pollen on the bees and the species-level specialization index(a measure of visit specialization)were higher in regions with higher Apiaceae abundance.In addition Apiaceae and Rosaceae were the only plant families significantly preferred for pollen collection,regardless of floral abundance.We conclude that across our study region A.angustitarsata has a generalist dietary breadth,but also has dietary preference for Apiaceae and Rosaceae.Our study indicates that while bees may overall make generalist foraging decisions they may still prefer and likely benefit from selecting fewer flower taxa.  相似文献   

The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most striking ecological patterns on our planet. Determining the evolutionary causes of this pattern remains a challenging task. To address this issue, previous LDG studies have usually relied on correlations between environmental variables and species richness, only considering evolutionary processes indirectly. Instead, we use a phylogenetically integrated approach to investigate the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for the global LDG observed in swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). We find evidence for the 'diversification rate hypothesis' with different diversification rates between two similarly aged tropical and temperate clades. We conclude that the LDG is caused by (1) climatically driven changes in both clades based on evidence of responses to cooling and warming events, and (2) distinct biogeographical histories constrained by tropical niche conservatism and niche evolution. This multidisciplinary approach provides new findings that allow better understanding of the factors that shape LDGs.  相似文献   



Optimally, expanded HIV testing programs should reduce barriers to testing while attracting new and high-risk testers. We assessed barriers to testing and HIV risk among clients participating in mobile voluntary counseling and testing (MVCT) campaigns in four rural villages in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.


Between December 2007 and April 2008, 878 MVCT participants and 506 randomly selected community residents who did not access MVCT were surveyed. Gender-specific logistic regression models were used to describe differences in socioeconomic characteristics, HIV exposure risk, testing histories, HIV related stigma, and attitudes toward testing between MVCT participants and community residents who did not access MVCT. Gender-specific logistic regression models were used to describe differences in socioeconomic characteristics, HIV exposure risk, testing histories, HIV related stigma, and attitudes toward testing, between the two groups.


MVCT clients reported greater HIV exposure risk (OR 1.20 [1.04 to 1.38] for males; OR 1.11 [1.03 to 1.19] for females). Female MVCT clients were more likely to report low household expenditures (OR 1.47 [1.04 to 2.05]), male clients reported higher rates of unstable income sources (OR 1.99 [1.22 to 3.24]). First-time testers were more likely than non-testers to cite distance to testing sites as a reason for not having previously tested (OR 2.17 [1.05 to 4.48] for males; OR 5.95 [2.85 to 12.45] for females). HIV-related stigma, fears of testing or test disclosure, and not being able to leave work were strongly associated with non-participation in MVCT (ORs from 0.11 to 0.84).


MVCT attracted clients with increased exposure risk and fewer economic resources; HIV related stigma and testing-related fears remained barriers to testing. MVCT did not disproportionately attract either first-time or frequent repeat testers. Educational campaigns to reduce stigma and fears of testing could improve the effectiveness of MVCT in attracting new and high-risk populations.  相似文献   

The saddleback tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis)combines a number of behavioral and physiological attributes which seem to violate “rules” of ethology. Of particular interest is the combination of facultative polyandry and high paternal investment. The social organization and breeding system of the tamarin also appear to combine reproductive restraint with an extremely high reproductive potential. These paradoxes may be resolved by noting that the combination of ecological circumstances and breeding systems has produced a species of limited genetic variability. Inclusive fitness is an important factor in situations of low genetic variability and may explain these apparent paradoxes.  相似文献   

Peat extraction leads to the formation of areas with altered habitat conditions in comparison to natural peatlands. Restoration of the peat-formation process in these areas is very difficult and requires the creation of suitable conditions for the growth of peatland species. The aim of the study was to analyse the habitat requirements of bryophytes and vascular plants growing on sites of peat extraction (30 and 40 years after extraction was terminated) and to determine whether the water level influences the growth conditions of plants directly or indirectly through changes in the peat physical, hydraulic and chemical properties. Analysing all factors together revealed that the average water level had a decisive influence on bryophytes, but a statistically significant increase in the percentage of variation explained was obtained by taking into account other parameters as well (proportion of macropores, carbon content, and pH). In the case of vascular plants the analysis showed that the water table coefficient included the effects of all of the other factors analysed, and taking them into account did not increase the percentage of variation explained. The two groups of plants use different resources of the environment.  相似文献   

Recent null models that place species ranges randomly within a bounded domain have produced controversial results. Many such geometric constraint models predict a peak in species richness in the centre of domains in the absence of underlying environmental gradients or interspecific interactions. We used two-dimensional simulation models to explore different ways that species ranges could interact with the domain boundary. In the rejection model, a randomly generated range that overlaps a domain boundary is removed from the simulation. In the reshaping model, a range that overlaps the domain boundary is reshaped so that the entire range is placed within the domain. The truncation model allows potential ranges to extend across the boundary, but only that portion of the range within the domain is included in the realized range. Both rejection and reshaping models produced a drop in species richness near domain boundaries, though the effect was less pronounced in the reshaping model. Our truncation model did not produce any spatial pattern in species richness. Thus the random placement of species ranges within a bounded domain does not necessarily lead to a mid-domain effect.
  Range truncation is consistent with bioclimate envelope models, which can successfully predict a species range in response to the availability of appropriate climate conditions. We argue that such flexible range sizes are more realistic than the assumption that range size is an unvarying characteristic of a species. Other range characteristics, including size and shape, can change near domain boundaries in the null models, including the truncation model. A broader consideration of range characteristics near domain boundaries could be productive.  相似文献   

 Considering a variety of quite different candidate neural codes, Cheng and Wasserman [(1996) Biol Cybern 75, 93–103, 105–115] reported data which suggested that amplitude codes transmitted information more faithfully than temporal codes. Reanalyzing their data, the present study measured how well size and time represented information resident within the same neural response feature, namely the response peak. Responses from photoreceptor cells and optic nerve fibers in the peripheral visual system of Limulus polyphemus were therefore re-examined using signal detectability values provided by receiver-operating-characteristic analyses to compare how well the timing and the amplitude of the response peak represent information within a single cell and how well they transmit information between cells. Data were available for several cells in several different light-adaptation states onto which several different test-flash intensities had been superimposed. The present reanalysis of these data replicated the results yielded earlier by the peak candidate code, and compared them with the data produced by two different measurements of the timing of the same response peak. A relative-timing code was derived from measurements of the time that elapsed between the moment when the response exceeded a criterion potential and when it reached its peak. An absolute-timing code was derived from the time that elapsed between test flash onset and the peak. The results clearly indicated that the peak code represented information within cells better than either of the two timing codes. However, both peak and absolute-timing codes clearly transmitted the available information between cells more faithfully than the relative-timing code. These data lead to two conclusions. First, that the same response feature, when measured in different ways, can produce remarkably different information processing outcomes. In this particular case, time represented information resident within a cell less well than did size. Second, that the fidelity of information transmission between nerve cells may be relatively independent of the quantity of information resident within any particular cell. Received: 5 November 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 8 July 2002 Acknowledgements. We are deeply indebted to Huiqi Yin for her technical assistance with all the calculations and the graphics. We also sincerely thank Tony Hosking, who wrote the computer programs that extracted the code data for this project, and Brendan Marr, who assisted with data analysis. Correspondence to: G.S. Wasserman (e-mail: codelab@purdue.edu, Fax: +1-765-4961264)  相似文献   

A major lipid signalling pathway in mammalian cells implicates the activation of sphingomyelinase (SMase), which upon cell stimulation hydrolyses the ubiquitous sphingophospholipid sphingomyelin to ceramide. This review summarizes our current knowledge on the nature and regulation of signalling SMase(s). Because of the controversy on the identity of this(these) phospholipase(s), the roles of various SMases in cell signalling are discussed. Special attention is also given to the subcellular site of action of signalling SMases and to the cellular factors that positively or negatively control their activity. These regulating agents include lipids (arachidonic acid, diacylglycerol and ceramide), kinases, proteases, glutathione and other proteins.  相似文献   

Saintpaulia (H. Wendl.) is a forest-dependent, endangered plant genus endemic to Tanzania and Kenya. The taxonomy of Saintpaulia from the Usambara Mountains and adjacent lowlands in north-eastern Tanzania is problematic because of the morphological similarity of the species and the presence of considerable intraspecific variation. Conventional molecular phylogenetic methods have failed to reveal the genetic structure of this Saintpaulia complex. In this study, we assessed the genetic composition of 12 Saintpaulia populations, representing four different morphotypes, from the East Usambara Mountains using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Relatively high genetic diversities were observed within populations (mean h  = 0.320), indicating their adaptive potential. Little genetic differentiation amongst populations (mean F st  = 0.063) and the genetic divergence of the rosulate and trailing morphotypes support the hypothesis of ongoing divergent evolution within the East Usambara metapopulation(s) of Saintpaulia .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 347–355.  相似文献   

The loss of natural habitats is one of the main drivers of biodiversity decline. Anthropogenic land uses preserving biotic and abiotic conditions of the native ecosystem are more suitable to preserve the native biodiversity. In this study, we explored changes in species richness and composition in different land uses of the southern Atlantic forest, considering three independent factors: (1) canopy (presence–absence), (2) type of vegetation (native–exotic) and (3) livestock (presence–absence). We expected a gradient of response in the richness and composition of the native forest dung beetle community, from land uses preserving canopy and native vegetation to open land uses with exotic vegetation. Dung beetles were sampled in protected native forests and four land uses, using two potential food resources: human dung and carrion. The species richness and composition of each habitat, as well as differences in composition and the influence of factors over diversity, were then analyzed. As expected, our results showed that land uses preserving canopy and native vegetation maintain the dung beetle diversity of the native forest. Moreover, while the three factors analyzed influenced dung beetle diversity, canopy cover was the main driver of dung beetle diversity loss. The main conclusion of this study is that the conservation of canopy (either native or exotic) is determinant to preserve highly diverse dung beetle communities and subsequently, the ecological functions performed by this taxon. However, the ecophysiological mechanism behind the response of dung beetles to habitat disturbance is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Protein stains for proteomic applications: which, when, why?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Miller I  Crawford J  Gianazza E 《Proteomics》2006,6(20):5385-5408
This review recollects literature data on sensitivity and dynamic range for the most commonly used colorimetric and fluorescent dyes for general protein staining, and summarizes procedures for the most common PTM-specific detection methods. It also compiles some important points to be considered in imaging and evaluation. In addition to theoretical considerations, examples are provided to illustrate differential staining of specific proteins with different detection methods. This includes a large body of original data on the comparative evaluation of several pre- and post-electrophoresis stains used in parallel on a single specimen, horse serum run in 2-DE (IPG-DALT). A number of proteins/protein spots are found to be over- or under-revealed with some of the staining procedures.  相似文献   

Metabolome diversity: too few genes,too many metabolites?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Schwab W 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(6):837-849

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