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Elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) generally increases carbon input in rice paddy soils and stimulates the growth of methane‐producing microorganisms. Therefore, eCO2 is widely expected to increase methane (CH4) emissions from rice agriculture, a major source of anthropogenic CH4. Agricultural practices strongly affect CH4 emissions from rice paddies as well, but whether these practices modulate effects of eCO2 is unclear. Here we show, by combining a series of experiments and meta‐analyses, that whereas eCO2 strongly increased CH4 emissions from paddies without straw incorporation, it tended to reduce CH4 emissions from paddy soils with straw incorporation. Our experiments also identified the microbial processes underlying these results: eCO2 increased methane‐consuming microorganisms more strongly in soils with straw incorporation than in soils without straw, with the opposite pattern for methane‐producing microorganisms. Accounting for the interaction between CO2 and straw management, we estimate that eCO2 increases global CH4 emissions from rice paddies by 3.7%, an order of magnitude lower than previous estimates. Our results suggest that the effect of eCO2 on CH4 emissions from rice paddies is smaller than previously thought and underline the need for judicious agricultural management to curb future CH4 emissions.  相似文献   

Since 1970 global agricultural production has more than doubled; contributing ~1/4 of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) burden in 2010. Food production must increase to feed our growing demands, but to address climate change, GHG emissions must decrease. Using an identity approach, we estimate and analyse past trends in GHG emission intensities from global agricultural production and land‐use change and project potential future emissions. The novel Kaya–Porter identity framework deconstructs the entity of emissions from a mix of multiple sources of GHGs into attributable elements allowing not only a combined analysis of the total level of all emissions jointly with emissions per unit area and emissions per unit product. It also allows us to examine how a change in emissions from a given source contributes to the change in total emissions over time. We show that agricultural production and GHGs have been steadily decoupled over recent decades. Emissions peaked in 1991 at ~12 Pg CO2‐eq. yr?1 and have not exceeded this since. Since 1970 GHG emissions per unit product have declined by 39% and 44% for crop‐ and livestock‐production, respectively. Except for the energy‐use component of farming, emissions from all sources have increased less than agricultural production. Our projected business‐as‐usual range suggests that emissions may be further decoupled by 20–55% giving absolute agricultural emissions of 8.2–14.5 Pg CO2‐eq. yr?1 by 2050, significantly lower than many previous estimates that do not allow for decoupling. Beyond this, several additional costcompetitive mitigation measures could reduce emissions further. However, agricultural GHG emissions can only be reduced to a certain level and a simultaneous focus on other parts of the food‐system is necessary to increase food security whilst reducing emissions. The identity approach presented here could be used as a methodological framework for more holistic food systems analysis.  相似文献   

Quantifying continental scale carbon emissions from the oxidation of above‐ground plant biomass following land‐use change (LUC) is made difficult by the lack of information on how much biomass was present prior to vegetation clearing and on the timing and location of historical LUC. The considerable spatial variability of vegetation and the uncertainty of this variability leads to difficulties in predicting biomass C density (tC ha?1) prior to LUC. The issue of quantifying uncertainties in the estimation of land based sources and sinks of CO2, and the feasibility of reducing these uncertainties by further sampling, is critical information required by governments world‐wide for public policy development on climate change issues. A quantitative statistical approach is required to calculate confidence intervals (the level of certainty) of estimated cleared above‐ground biomass. In this study, a set of high‐quality observations of steady state above‐ground biomass from relatively undisturbed ecological sites across the Australian continent was combined with vegetation, topographic, climatic and edaphic data sets within a Geographical Information System. A statistical model was developed from the data set of observations to predict potential biomass and the standard error of potential biomass for all 0.05° (approximately 5 × 5 km) land grid cells of the continent. In addition, the spatial autocorrelation of observations and residuals from the statistical model was examined. Finally, total C emissions due to historic LUC to cultivation and cropping were estimated by combining the statistical model with a data set of fractional cropland area per land grid cell, fAc (Ramankutty & Foley 1998). Total C emissions from loss of above‐ground biomass due to cropping since European colonization of Australia was estimated to be 757 MtC. These estimates are an upper limit because the predicted steady state biomass may be less than the above‐ground biomass immediately prior to LUC because of disturbance. The estimated standard error of total C emissions was calculated from the standard error of predicted biomass, the standard error of fAc and the spatial autocorrelation of biomass. However, quantitative estimates of the standard error of fAc were unavailable. Thus, two scenarios were developed to examine the effect of error in fAc on the error in total C emissions. In the first scenario, in which fAc was regarded as accurate (i.e. a coefficient of variation, CV, of fAc = 0.0), the 95% confidence interval of the continental C emissions was 379–1135 MtC. In the second scenario, a 50% error in estimated cropland area was assumed (a CV of fAc = 0.50) and the estimated confidence interval increased to between 350 and 1294 MtC. The CV of C emissions for these two scenarios was 25% and 29%. Thus, while accurate maps of land‐use change contribute to decreasing uncertainty in C emissions from LUC, the major source of this uncertainty arises from the prediction accuracy of biomass C density. It is argued that, even with large sample numbers, the high cost of sampling biomass carbon may limit the uncertainty of above‐ground biomass to about a CV of 25%.  相似文献   

Land‐based enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a biogeochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy aiming to accelerate natural geological processes of carbon sequestration through application of crushed silicate rocks, such as basalt, to croplands and forested landscapes. However, the efficacy of the approach when undertaken with basalt, and its potential co‐benefits for agriculture, require experimental and field evaluation. Here we report that amending a UK clay‐loam agricultural soil with a high loading (10 kg/m2) of relatively coarse‐grained crushed basalt significantly increased the yield (21 ± 9.4%, SE) of the important C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor under controlled environmental conditions, without accumulation of potentially toxic trace elements in the seeds. Yield increases resulted from the basalt treatment after 120 days without P‐ and K‐fertilizer addition. Shoot silicon concentrations also increased significantly (26 ± 5.4%, SE), with potential benefits for crop resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. Elemental budgets indicate substantial release of base cations important for inorganic carbon removal and their accumulation mainly in the soil exchangeable pools. Geochemical reactive transport modelling, constrained by elemental budgets, indicated CO2 sequestration rates of 2–4 t CO2/ha, 1–5 years after a single application of basaltic rock dust, including via newly formed soil carbonate minerals whose long‐term fate requires assessment through field trials. This represents an approximately fourfold increase in carbon capture compared to control plant–soil systems without basalt. Our results build support for ERW deployment as a CDR technique compatible with spreading basalt powder on acidic loamy soils common across millions of hectares of western European and North American agriculture.  相似文献   

Recent increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration have affected the growth and physiology of plants. In this study, plants were grown with 0.5% CO2 for 0, 3, and 6 days. The anatomy, fluorescence intensity of H2O2, respiration rate, and antioxidant activities of the mitochondria were analyzed in diploid (2×) and tetraploid (4×) black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Exposure to 0.5% CO2 resulted in clear structural alterations and stomatal closure in the mitochondria. Reduced membrane integrity and increased structural damage were observed in 2× plants at 6 days. However, after 0.5% CO2 treatment, little structural damage was observed in 4× plants. Under severe stress, H2O2 and malondialdehyde were dramatically induced in both 2× and 4× plants. Proline remains unchanged at an elevated CO2 concentration in 4× plants. Moreover, the total respiration and alternative respiration rates decreased in both 2× and 4× plants. In contrast, the cytochrome pathway showed no decrease in 2× plants and even increased slightly in 4× plants. The antioxidant enzymes and nonenzymatic antioxidants, which are related to the ascorbate–glutathione pathway, were inhibited following CO2 exposure. These analyses indicated that 4× and 2× plants were damaged by 0.5% CO2 but the former were more resistant than the latter, and this may be due to increases in antioxidant enzymes and nonenzymatic antioxidants and stabilized membrane structure.  相似文献   

Row‐crop agriculture is a major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) globally, and results from recent field experiments suggest that significant decreases in N2O emissions may be possible by decreasing nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs without affecting economic return from grain yield. We tested this hypothesis on five commercially farmed fields in Michigan, USA planted with corn in 2007 and 2008. Six rates of N fertilizer (0–225 kg N ha?1) were broadcast and incorporated before planting, as per local practice. Across all sites and years, increases in N2O flux were best described by a nonlinear, exponentially increasing response to increasing N rate. N2O emission factors per unit of N applied ranged from 0.6% to 1.5% and increased with increasing N application across all sites and years, especially at N rates above those required for maximum crop yield. At the two N fertilizer rates above those recommended for maximum economic return (135 kg N ha?1), average N2O fluxes were 43% (18 g N2O–N ha?1 day?1) and 115% (26 g N2O–N ha?1 day?1) higher than were fluxes at the recommended rate, respectively. The maximum return to nitrogen rate of 154 kg N ha?1 yielded an average 8.3 Mg grain ha?1. Our study shows the potential to lower agricultural N2O fluxes within a range of N fertilization that does not affect economic return from grain yield.  相似文献   

Breeding economically important C4 crops for enhanced whole‐plant water‐use efficiency (WUEplant) is needed for sustainable agriculture. WUEplant is a complex trait and an efficient phenotyping method that reports on components of WUEplant, such as intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, the rate of leaf CO2 assimilation relative to water loss via stomatal conductance), is needed. In C4 plants, theoretical models suggest that leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), when the efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanism (leakiness, ?) remains constant, can be used to screen for WUEi. The limited information about how ? responds to water limitations confines the application of δ13C for WUEi screening of C4 crops. The current research aimed to test the response of ? to short‐ or long‐term moderate water limitations, and the relationship of δ13C with WUEi and WUEplant, by addressing potential mesophyll CO2 conductance (gm) and biochemical limitations in the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor. We demonstrate that gm and ? are not responsive to short‐ or long‐term water limitations. Additionally, δ13C was not correlated with gas‐exchange estimates of WUEi under short‐ and long‐term water limitations, but showed a significant negative relationship with WUEplant. The observed association between the δ13C and WUEplant suggests an intrinsic link of δ13C with WUEi in this C4 plant, and can potentially be used as a screening tool for WUEplant in sorghum.  相似文献   

We evaluated the “4 per 1000” initiative for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) by analysing rates of SOC increase in treatments in 16 long‐term experiments in southeast United Kingdom. The initiative sets a goal for SOC stock to increase by 4‰ per year in the 0–40 cm soil depth, continued over 20 years. Our experiments, on three soil types, provided 114 treatment comparisons over 7–157 years. Treatments included organic additions (incorporated by inversion ploughing), N fertilizers, introducing pasture leys into continuous arable systems, and converting arable land to woodland. In 65% of cases, SOC increases occurred at >7‰ per year in the 0–23 cm depth, approximately equivalent to 4‰ per year in the 0–40 cm depth. In the two longest running experiments (>150 years), annual farmyard manure (FYM) applications at 35 t fresh material per hectare (equivalent to approx. 3.2 t organic C/ha/year) gave SOC increases of 18‰ and 43‰ per year in the 23 cm depth during the first 20 years. Increases exceeding 7‰ per year continued for 40–60 years. In other experiments, with FYM applied at lower rates or not every year, there were increases of 3‰–8‰ per year over several decades. Other treatments gave increases between zero and 19‰ per year over various periods. We conclude that there are severe limitations to achieving the “4 per 1000” goal in practical agriculture over large areas. The reasons include (1) farmers not having the necessary resources (e.g. insufficient manure); (2) some, though not all, practices favouring SOC already widely adopted; (3) practices uneconomic for farmers—potentially overcome by changes in regulations or subsidies; (4) practices undesirable for global food security. We suggest it is more realistic to promote practices for increasing SOC based on improving soil quality and functioning as small increases can have disproportionately large beneficial impacts, though not necessarily translating into increased crop yield.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The larvicidal effect of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin (Hyphomycetes) isolated in peridomestic areas in Central Brazil was tested in Aedes aegypti (L.) (Dipt., Culicidae), which is worldwide the primary vector for the viruses that cause human dengue and yellow fever. Highest susceptibility of larvae was found after application of suspended ungerminated conidia. However, conidia, which were found on the larval cuticle and in the gut did not germinate in live or dead larvae. Mortality dropped when testing germinating conidia or supernatants, which originated from chitin-amended minimal medium (MM) inoculated conidia and cultures up to 72 h. Paralysis of larval movement was observed a few hours after application, especially of untreated conidia. Isolates showed a high variability of total protein production and N -acetyl- β - d -glucosaminidase activity after 48 and 72 h incubation in MM. No relationship between enzyme levels and insecticidal activity could be detected. The results indicate that toxic compounds emitted by ungerminated conidia on the cuticle or in the gut are involved in the activity of M. anisopliae against A. aegypti larvae.  相似文献   

Increased biomass and yield of plants grown under elevated [CO2] often corresponds to decreased grain N concentration ([N]), diminishing nutritional quality of crops. Legumes through their symbiotic N2 fixation may be better able to maintain biomass [N] and grain [N] under elevated [CO2], provided N2 fixation is stimulated by elevated [CO2] in line with growth and yield. In Mediterranean‐type agroecosystems, N2 fixation may be impaired by drought, and it is unclear whether elevated [CO2] stimulation of N2 fixation can overcome this impact in dry years. To address this question, we grew lentil under two [CO2] (ambient ~400 ppm and elevated ~550 ppm) levels in a free‐air CO2 enrichment facility over two growing seasons sharply contrasting in rainfall. Elevated [CO2] stimulated N2 fixation through greater nodule number (+27%), mass (+18%), and specific fixation activity (+17%), and this stimulation was greater in the high than in the low rainfall/dry season. Elevated [CO2] depressed grain [N] (?4%) in the dry season. In contrast, grain [N] increased (+3%) in the high rainfall season under elevated [CO2], as a consequence of greater post‐flowering N2 fixation. Our results suggest that the benefit for N2 fixation from elevated [CO2] is high as long as there is enough soil water to continue N2 fixation during grain filling.  相似文献   

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