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1. The increase of species richness with the area of the habitat sampled, that is the species–area relationship, and its temporal analogue, the species–time relationship (STR), are among the few general laws in ecology with strong conservation implications. However, these two scale‐dependent phenomena have rarely been considered together in biodiversity assessment, especially in freshwater systems. 2. We examined how the spatial scale of sampling influences STRs for a Central‐European stream fish assemblage (second‐order Bernecei stream, Hungary) using field survey data in two simulation‐based experiments. 3. In experiment one, we examined how increasing the number of channel units, such as riffles and pools (13 altogether), and the number of field surveys involved in the analyses (12 sampling occasions during 3 years), influence species richness. Complete nested curves were constructed to quantify how many species one observes in the community on average for a given number of sampling occasions at a given spatial scale. 4. In experiment two, we examined STRs for the Bernecei fish assemblage from a landscape perspective. Here, we evaluated a 10‐year reach level data set (2000–09) for the Bernecei stream and its recipient watercourse (third‐order Kemence stream) to complement results on experiment one and to explore the mechanisms behind the observed patterns in more detail. 5. Experiment one indicated the strong influence of the spatial scale of sampling on the accumulation of species richness, although time clearly had an additional effect. The simulation methodology advocated here helped to estimate the number of species in a diverse combination of spatial and temporal scale and, therefore, to determine how different scale combinations influence sampling sufficiency. 6. Experiment two revealed differences in STRs between the upstream (Bernecei) and downstream (Kemence) sites, with steeper curves for the downstream site. Equations of STR curves were within the range observed in other studies, predominantly from terrestrial systems. Assemblage composition data suggested that extinction–colonisation dynamics of rare, non‐resident (i.e. satellite) species influenced patterns in STRs. 7. Our results highlight that the determination of species richness can benefit from the joint consideration of spatial and temporal scales in biodiversity inventory surveys. Additionally, we reveal how our randomisation‐based methodology may help to quantify the scale dependency of diversity components (α, β, γ) in both space and time, which have critical importance in the applied context.  相似文献   

Aim Two of the oldest observations in plant geography are the increase in plant diversity from the poles towards the tropics and the global geographic distribution of vegetation physiognomy (biomes). The objective of this paper is to use a process‐based vegetation model to evaluate the relationship between modelled and observed global patterns of plant diversity and the geographic distribution of biomes. Location The global terrestrial biosphere. Methods We implemented and tested a novel vegetation model aimed at identifying strategies that enable plants to grow and reproduce within particular climatic conditions across the globe. Our model simulates plant survival according to the fundamental ecophysiological processes of water uptake, photosynthesis, reproduction and phenology. We evaluated the survival of an ensemble of 10,000 plant growth strategies across the range of global climatic conditions. For the simulated regional plant assemblages we quantified functional richness, functional diversity and functional identity. Results A strong relationship was found (correlation coefficient of 0.75) between the modelled and the observed plant diversity. Our approach demonstrates that plant functional dissimilarity increases and then saturates with increasing plant diversity. Six of the major Earth biomes were reproduced by clustering grid cells according to their functional identity (mean functional traits of a regional plant assemblage). These biome clusters were in fair agreement with two other global vegetation schemes: a satellite image classification and a biogeography model (kappa statistics around 0.4). Main conclusions Our model reproduces the observed global patterns of plant diversity and vegetation physiognomy from the number and identity of simulated plant growth strategies. These plant growth strategies emerge from the first principles of climatic constraints and plant functional trade‐offs. Our study makes important contributions to furthering the understanding of how climate affects patterns of plant diversity and vegetation physiognomy from a process‐based rather than a phenomenological perspective.  相似文献   

Measures of biodiversity encompass variation along several dimensions such as species richness (SR), phylogenetic diversity (PD) and functional/trait diversity (TD). At the global scale, it is widely recognized that SR and PD are strongly correlated, but the extent to which either tends to capture variation in TD is unclear. Here, we assess relationships among PD, SR and TD for a number of traits both across clades and regional assemblages of mammals. We also contrast results using two different measures of TD, trait variance and a new measure we refer to as trait bin filling (the number of orders of magnitude of variation that contain at least one species). When TD is defined as trait variance, PD is a much stronger correlate of TD than SR across clades, consistent with hypotheses about the conservation value of PD. However, when TD is defined as bin filling, PD and SR show similar correlations with TD across clades and space. We also investigate potential losses of SR, PD and TD if species that are currently threatened were to go extinct, and find that threatened PD is often a similar predictor of threatened TD as SR.  相似文献   

Invasive ecosystem engineers (IEE) are potentially one of the most influential types of biological invaders. They are expected to have extensive ecological impacts by altering the physical–chemical structure of ecosystems, thereby changing the rules of existence for a broad range of resident biota. To test the generality of this expectation, we used a global systematic review and meta‐analysis to examine IEE effects on the abundance of individual species and communities, biodiversity (using several indices) and ecosystem functions, focusing on marine and estuarine environments. We found that IEE had a significant effect (positive and negative) in most studies testing impacts on individual species, but the overall (cumulative) effect size was small and negative. Many individual studies showed strong IEE effects on community abundance and diversity, but the direction of effects was variable, leading to statistically non‐significant overall effects in most categories. In contrast, there was a strong overall effect on most ecosystem functions we examined. IEE negatively affected metabolic functions and primary production, but positively affected nutrient flux, sedimentation and decomposition. We use the results to develop a conceptual model by highlighting pathways whereby IEE impact communities and ecosystem functions, and identify several sources of research bias in the IEE‐related invasion literature. Only a few of the studies simultaneously quantified IEE effects on community/diversity and ecosystem functions. Therefore, understanding how IEE may alter biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships should be a primary focus of future studies of invasion biology. Moreover, the clear effects of IEE on ecosystem functions detected in our study suggest that scientists and environmental managers ought to examine how the effects of IEE might be manifested in the services that marine ecosystems provide to humans.  相似文献   

云南澜沧景迈古茶园生态系统植物多样性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南澜沧县境内的景迈古茶园是云南省现存面积最大的古茶园.本文应用植物学样地调查和农业生物多样性调查评价(HH-ABA)方法,在景迈古茶园内设置了78个20 m×20 m的样方,对植物多样性进行调查,并就古茶园的管理及资源利用等问题进行了问卷调查和农户访谈.研究结果表明,景迈芒景地区植物地理成分的热带性明显.在景迈古茶园中发现的珍稀濒危保护植物达15种,其中濒危种5个,易危种7个,稀有种3个,含国家三级保护植物11种.从古茶园、天然林、新式茶园3类生态系统的物种多样性分析来看,古茶园与天然林较为接近而比新式茶园高得多,因而在该区生物多样性的维护上起着非常重要的作用.古茶园的物种数按照生活型排序为草本>乔木>灌木>藤本>附生.与天然林相比,古茶园内乔木和灌木种类的比例减少,草本和附生(寄生)植物的比例大大增加,这与古茶园内乔木郁闭度及茶树的存在密切相关.农业生物多样性分析显示,不同村寨的物种丰富度和物种利用率均存在差异.6个村寨的农业物种丰富度指数的平均值为0.059,高于同纬度地区旱谷地和橡胶林,可见人们在古茶园管理中有意识地保留了可利用的物种.由于不同农户采取的管理措施不同,影响了古茶园内的植物多样性和古茶树的更新,因而使各农户的茶叶经济效益存在差别.古茶园生态系统是自然资源保护与利用相结合的典型例子,建议应当传承并发展当地人民对古茶园的管理经验,由政府、科研机构和农户共同参与,通过示范和培训加强学习指导,对古茶园进行保护和合理的开发利用.  相似文献   

Aim To test the performance of the choros model in an archipelago using two measures of environmental heterogeneity. The choros model is a simple, easy‐to‐use mathematical relationship which approaches species richness as a combined function of area and environmental heterogeneity. Location The archipelago of Skyros in the central Aegean Sea (Greece). Methods We surveyed land snails on 12 islands of the archipelago. We informed the choros model with habitat data based on natural history information from the land snail species assemblage. We contrast this with habitat information taken from traditional vegetation classification to study the behaviour of choros with different measures of environmental heterogeneity. R2 values and Akaike's information criterion (AIC) were used to compare the choros model and the Arrhenius species–area model. Path analysis was used to evaluate the variance in species richness explained by area and habitat diversity. Results Forty‐two land snail species were recorded, living in 33 different habitat types. The choros model with habitat types had more explanatory power than the classic species–area model and the choros model using vegetation types. This was true for all islands of the archipelago, as well as for the small islands alone. Combined effects of area and habitat diversity primarily explain species richness in the archipelago, but there is a decline when only small islands are considered. The effects of area are very low both for all the islands of the archipelago, and for the small islands alone. The variance explained by habitat diversity is low for the island group as a whole, but significantly increases for the small islands. Main conclusions The choros model is effective in describing species‐richness patterns of land snails in the Skyros Archipelago, incorporating ecologically relevant information on habitat occupancy and area. The choros model is more effective in explaining richness patterns on small islands. When using traditional vegetation types, the choros model performs worse than the classic species–area relationship, indicating that use of proxies for habitat diversity may be problematic. The slopes for choros and Arrhenius models both assert that, for land snails, the Skyros Archipelago is a portion of a larger biogeographical province. The choros model, informed by ecologically relevant habitat measures, in conjunction with path analysis points to the importance of habitat diversity in island species richness.  相似文献   

Broad‐scale animal diversity patterns have been traditionally explained by hypotheses focused on climate–energy and habitat heterogeneity, without considering the direct influence of vegetation structure and composition. However, integrating these factors when considering plant–animal correlates still poses a major challenge because plant communities are controlled by abiotic factors that may, at the same time, influence animal distributions. By testing whether the number and variation of plant community types in Europe explain country‐level diversity in six animal groups, we propose a conceptual framework in which vegetation diversity represents a bridge between abiotic factors and animal diversity. We show that vegetation diversity explains variation in animal richness not accounted for by altitudinal range or potential evapotranspiration, being the best predictor for butterflies, beetles, and amphibians. Moreover, the dissimilarity of plant community types explains the highest proportion of variation in animal assemblages across the studied regions, an effect that outperforms the effect of climate and their shared contribution with pure spatial variation. Our results at the country level suggest that vegetation diversity, as estimated from broad‐scale classifications of plant communities, may contribute to our understanding of animal richness and may be disentangled, at least to a degree, from climate–energy and abiotic habitat heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant communities respond to plant invasions is important both for understanding community structure and for predicting future ecosystem change. In a system undergoing intense plant invasion for 25 years, we investigated patterns of community change at a regional scale. Specifically, we sought to quantify how tussock grassland plant community structure had changed and whether changes were related to increases in plant invasion. Frequency data for all vascular plants were recorded on 124, permanent transects in tussock grasslands across the lower eastern South Island of New Zealand measured three times over a period of 25 years. Multivariate analyses of species richness were used to describe spatial and temporal patterns in the vegetation. Linear mixed‐effects models were used to relate temporal changes in community structure to the level and rate of invasion of three dominant invasive species in the genus Hieracium while accounting for relationships with other biotic and abiotic variables. There was a strong compositional gradient from exotic‐ to native‐dominated plant communities that correlated with increasing elevation. Over the 25 years, small‐scale species richness significantly decreased and then increased again; however, these changes differed in different plant communities. Exotic species frequency consistently increased on some transects and consistently declined on others. Species richness changes were correlated with the level of Hieracium invasion and abiotic factors, although the relationship with Hieracium changed from negative to positive over time. Compositional changes were not related to measured predictors. Our results suggest that observed broad‐scale fluctuations in species richness and community composition dynamics were not driven by Hieracium invasion. Given the relatively minor changes in community composition over time, we conclude that there is no evidence for widespread degradation of these grasslands over the last 25 years. However, because of continuing weed invasion, particularly at lower elevations, impacts may emerge in the longer term.  相似文献   

In some island systems, an ‘anomalous’ feature of species richness on smaller islands, in comparison with larger ones, has been observed. This has been described as the small island effect (SIE). The precise meaning of the term remains unresolved, as does the explanation for the phenomenon and even whether it exists. Dengler (2010 ; Diversity Distrib, 16 , 256–266.) addresses a number of conceptual and methodological issues concerning the nature and the detection of the SIE but fails to settle conclusively most of the issues he raises. We contend that his approach is theoretically flawed, especially in its treatment of habitat diversity. We offer a few suggestions of what is needed to advance understanding of the SIE.  相似文献   

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