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The type of plasminogen activator (PA) secreted by bovine embryos was identified. Day 12-14 embryos were collected from estrus-synchronized, superovulated, and naturally mated crossbred beef cows. Embryos were left intact (E) or microdissected into component embryonic discs (ED) and trophoblastic vesicles (TV). Intact embryos, ED, and TV were pre-cultured for 2 days in Minimum Essential Medium Alpha (MEM alpha) with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum, washed in serum-free MEM alpha, and cultured individually for 5 days in 50 microliters microdrops of MEM alpha with 15 mg/ml bovine serum albumin. At 24 hr intervals, E, ED, and TV were observed for tissue morphology and transferred to fresh microdrops, and medium was recovered and frozen at -20 degrees C. At the end of culture, blastocoelic fluid (BF) and embryonic tissues were recovered and frozen at -20 degrees C. Plasminogen activator concentrations in medium, tissues, and BF were determined by using a caseinolytic assay. Antibodies to urokinase-type PA (anti-uPA) and tissue-type PA (anti-tPA), and the urokinase inhibitor, amiloride (AMR), were used to identify the type of PA produced by bovine embryonic tissues. Intact embryos and TV released more PA (P less than 0.05) than ED, and tissues exhibiting expanded blastocoels released less PA (P less than 0.05) than tissues with collapsed blastocoels. Blastocoelic fluid from TV exhibited more PA (P less than 0.05) activity than from ED. Treatment with anti-uPA decreased PA activity (P less than 0.05) in pooled medium and tissues from E compared to treatment with nonspecific immunoglobulins and anti-tPA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The murine urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
S J Degen  J L Heckel  E Reich  J L Degen 《Biochemistry》1987,26(25):8270-8279

S S Husain 《Biochemistry》1991,30(23):5797-5805
The question whether single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (Sc-uPA) possesses an enzymatic activity has been a subject of intense investigation for a number of years but still remains unresolved. Recent studies from several laboratories suggest that Sc-uPA or its plasmin-resistant mutants obtained by site-directed mutagenesis possess significant, albeit low, amidolytic and plasminogen activator activities, ranging from 0.1% to 1% of that observed for two-chain urokinase (Tc-uPA). In an effort to characterize these putative intrinsic activities, Sc-uPA was repeatedly treated with dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg chloromethyl ketone (dansyl-EGRck) or diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) (0.1-0.25 mM added thrice over a period of 24 h at 0 degrees C). This treatment exhaustively inactivated the Tc-uPA contaminant but did not affect Sc-uPA, as evidenced by the lack of significant incorporation of radiolabeled inhibitor in Sc-uPA and full activation of the inhibitor-treated Sc-uPA by plasmin. Assayed in the presence of excess DFP or dansyl-EGRck to ensure trapping of any Tc-uPA generated in the assay mixture, Sc-uPA (84 micrograms/mL, 10,500 latent units/mL) did not elicit any detectable cleavage of the chromogenic substrate S-2444 (detection limit 0.1 unit of Tc-uPA/mL). However, if the Tc-uPA inhibitors were removed prior to assay, a trace amount of amidolytic activity invariably reappeared in the Sc-uPA preparation. Incorporation experiments with [3H]DFP suggested that the appearance of this amidolytic activity was due to formation of Tc-uPA. Plasminogen activator assay of DFP- and dansyl-EGRck-treated Sc-uPA (0.45-2.25 microM), performed in the presence of these inhibitors and Trasylol (10 microM) to ensure entrapment of any Tc-uPA or plasmin generated in the reaction mixture, showed no significant cleavage of 125I-labeled plasminogen (detection limit 0.1 nM). However, if dansyl-EGRck and DFP were removed from the inhibitor-treated Sc-uPA and the assay was performed in the presence of Trasylol alone, there was significant cleavage of 125I-plasminogen due to contamination by Tc-uPA. Fibrin, a positive effector of plasminogen activation by Tc-uPA or Sc-uPA preparations in the absence of DFP and dansyl-EGRck, did not promote cleavage of plasminogen or S-2444 by Sc-uPA in the presence of the Tc-uPA inhibitors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mutagenesis throughout the single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) cDNA molecule, followed by expression of the mutant genes and secretion of the resulting mutant proteins from yeast, has been used to determine the amino acid residues important for activity of scu-PA molecules. Twelve out of 13 colonies secreting variant scu-PA molecules with decreased ability to form a zone of fibrinolysis had mutant genes with a single codon alteration in the serine protease encoding domain (B-chain). Many of these changes are of highly conserved residues in the serine proteases and are consequently of considerable interest. A model three-dimensional structure of the protease domain of urokinase was used to explain the basis for the effects of these down mutations. The model showed that the strongest down mutations result from either interference of the mutated side chain with substrate binding at the active site or the introduction of bulky or charged groups at structurally sensitive internal positions in the molecule. Attempts to find second site revertants of five down mutants, altered either at the plasmin activation site or near the serine at the active site, only resulted in same-site revertants, with the original or closely related amino acids restored.  相似文献   

Thrombin converts single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) to an inactive two-chain derivative (thrombin-derived tcu-PA) by hydrolysis of the Arg-156--Phe-157 peptide bond. In the present study, we show that inactive thrombin-derived tcu-PA (specific activity 1000 IU/mg) can be converted with plasmin to active two-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (specific activity 43,000 IU/mg) by hydrolysis of the Lys-158--Ile-159 peptide bond. This conversion follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Michaelis constant Km of 37 microM and a catalytic rate constant k2 of 0.013 s-1. The catalytic efficiency (k2/Km) for the activation of thrombin-derived tcu-PA by plasmin is about 500-fold lower than that for the conversion of intact scu-PA to tcu-PA. tcu-PA, generated by plasmin treatment of thrombin-derived tcu-PA, has similar properties to tcu-PA obtained by digestion of intact scu-PA with plasmin (plasmin-derived tcu-PA); its plasminogen activating potential and fibrinolytic activity in an in vitro plasma clot lysis system appear to be unaltered. These observations confirm that the structure of the NH2-terminal region of the B chain of u-PA is an important determinant for its enzymatic activity, whereas that of the COOH-terminal region of the A chain is not.  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) receptor (uPAR) functions in concert with co-receptors, including integrins, FPR-like receptor-1/lipoxin A4 receptor, and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), to initiate cell signaling. uPAR co-receptors may be dynamically organized into a multiprotein signaling receptor complex. In Chinese hamster ovary-K1 (CHO-K1) cells, uPA-binding to uPAR activates ERK/MAP kinase, even though these cells do not express the EGFR; however, when CHO-K1 cells are transfected to express the EGFR, ERK activation becomes EGFR-dependent. In this study, we demonstrate that ERK activation in response to uPA follows equivalent biphasic kinetics in EGFR-expressing and -deficient CHO-K1 cells. In both cell types, the response is pertussis toxin-sensitive; however, uPA promotes cell proliferation exclusively in the EGFR-expressing cells. uPA-induced mitogenic activity requires activation of both STAT5b and ERK. STAT5b was tyrosine-phosphorylated, in response to uPA, only in EGFR-expressing cells. uPA-induced cell proliferation was blocked by dominant-negative MEK1, dominant-negative STAT5b, and by expression of an EGFR that is mutated at Tyr-845, which is essential for STAT5b activation. In two cell culture models of uPA-stimulated breast cancer growth, MDA-MB 468 cells treated with uPA and MCF-7 cells treated with uPA-plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex, proliferation was completely inhibited when EGFR expression or activity was blocked. We conclude that expression and assembly of uPAR co-receptors in a specific cell type determines the response to uPA. The EGFR selectively cooperates with uPAR to mediate mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Amiloride selectively inhibits the urokinase-type plasminogen activator   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
J D Vassalli  D Belin 《FEBS letters》1987,214(1):187-191
The diuretic drug amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+ uptake, competitively inhibits the catalytic activity of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), with a Ki of 7 X 10(-6) M. Generation of plasmin, cleavage of peptide substrates, and interaction of u-PA with a specific macromolecular proteinase inhibitor are all prevented in the presence of the drug. In contrast, amiloride does not affect the activity of either tissue-type plasminogen activator, plasmin, plasma kallikrein or thrombin. The inhibition of u-PA by amiloride may be related to the previously reported inhibition of u-PA-type enzymes by Na+. Amiloride or related compounds could prove useful in selectively controlling u-PA-catalyzed extracellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), together with its physiological target urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), plays a pivotal role in fibrinolysis, cell migration, and tissue remodeling and is currently recognized as being among the most extensively validated biological prognostic factors in several cancer types. PAI-1 specifically and rapidly inhibits uPA and tissue-type PA (tPA). Despite extensive structural/functional studies on these two reactions, the underlying structural mechanism has remained unknown due to the technical difficulties of obtaining the relevant structures. Here, we report a strategy to generate a PAI-1·uPA(S195A) Michaelis complex and present its crystal structure at 2.3-Å resolution. In this structure, the PAI-1 reactive center loop serves as a bait to attract uPA onto the top of the PAI-1 molecule. The P4–P3′ residues of the reactive center loop interact extensively with the uPA catalytic site, accounting for about two-thirds of the total contact area. Besides the active site, almost all uPA exosite loops, including the 37-, 60-, 97-, 147-, and 217-loops, are involved in the interaction with PAI-1. The uPA 37-loop makes an extensive interaction with PAI-1 β-sheet B, and the 147-loop directly contacts PAI-1 β-sheet C. Both loops are important for initial Michaelis complex formation. This study lays down a foundation for understanding the specificity of PAI-1 for uPA and tPA and provides a structural basis for further functional studies.  相似文献   

Spontaneous intestinal and intra-abdominal bleeding was observed in a high percentage of newborn transgenic mice carrying the murine urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) gene linked to the albumin enhancer/promoter. These hemorrhagic events were directly related to transgene expression in the liver and the development of high plasma uPA levels. Two lines were established from surviving founder mice that displayed multigenerational transmission of the bleeding phenotype. Fatal hemorrhaging developed between 3 and 84 hr after birth in about half of the transgenic offspring of these lines; transgenic pups that did not bleed nevertheless passed the phenotype to their young. The phenotypic variability could not be explained by differences in transgene expression. All transgenic neonates were severely hypofibrinogenemic and displayed loss of clotting function that extended beyond the risk period for bleeding. These mice provide a means of studying the pathophysiology of plasminogen hyperactivation and evaluating therapeutic protocols designed to prevent bleeding.  相似文献   

The reaction between plasminogen activators and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is characterized by an initial rapid formation of an inactive reversible complex. The second-order association rate constant (k1) of complex formation of recombinant two-chain tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) or recombinant two-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (rtcu-PA) by recombinant plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (rPAI-1) is 2.9 +/- 0.4 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 (mean +/- S.D., n = 30) and 2.0 +/- 0.6 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 (n = 12), respectively. Different molecular forms of tissue- or urokinase-type plasminogen activator which do not form covalent complexes with rPAI-1, including rt-PA-Ala478 (rt-PA with the active-site Ser478 mutagenized to Ala) and anhydro-urokinase (rtcu-PA with the active-site Ser356 converted to dehydroalanine) reduced k1 in a concentration-dependent manner, compatible with 1:1 stoichiometric complex formation between rPAI-1 and these ligands. The apparent dissociation constant (KD) of the complex between rPAI-1 and rt-PA-Ala478, determined as the concentration of rt-PA-Ala478 which reduced k1 to 50% of its control value, was 3-5 nM. Corresponding concentrations of active-site-blocked two-chain rt-PA were 150-250-fold higher. The concentration of anhydro-urokinase which reduced k1 to 50% was 4-6 nM, whereas that of active-site-blocked rtcu-PA was 100-250-fold higher. Recombinant single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator had an apparent KD of about 2 microM. These results suggest that inhibition of rt-PA or rtcu-PA by rPAI-1 proceeds via a reversible high affinity interaction which does not require a functional active site but which is markedly reduced following inactivation of the enzymes with active-site titrants.  相似文献   

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) is a mosaic glycoprotein composed of an epidermal growth factor-like (EGF), a kringle and a serine protease (SP) module. It exists in single and two-chain forms designated HMW pro-uPA and HMW uPA, respectively. A low molecular weight form, LMW uPA, lacks the EGF and kringle modules and is composed of the SP module alone. Recombinant-expressed proteins representing both HMW forms exhibit four reversible unfolding transitions that are resolved by deconvolution of melting curves obtained by differential scanning calorimetry at pH 4.5; no differences in the melting properties of the single and two-chain forms were found. The proteolytic fragment Ser1-Lys135 (EGF-kringle) exhibits two transitions, while the isolated EGF and kringle modules each exhibit a single two-state transition. Thus, both of these modules retain an independently folded compact structure when isolated. The isolated SP module (LMW uPA) exhibits two closely spaced transitions at low pH indicating the melting of two domains of similar stability. Fluorescence-detected melting curves of LMW uPA reveal increasing cooperativity with increasing pH, suggesting an increase in the interaction between the two SP domains. Treatment of both HMW and LMW uPA with the tripeptide inhibitor Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethylketone dramatically increased the stability of both domains of the SP module which now melt together in a single two-state transition, even at low pH, with no effect on the EGF and kringle modules. From these data one concludes that UK consists of four independently folded domains. Two are formed by the EGF and kringle modules which do not interact with each other or with the SP module. The SP module contains two domains that are independent at low pH but exhibit a tendency to merge into a single cooperative unit at neutral pH or after treatment with the tripeptide inhibitor.  相似文献   

L A King  K Kaur  S G Mann  A M Lawrie  J Steven  J E Ogden 《Gene》1991,106(2):151-157
A cDNA encoding human urokinase-type plasminogen activator was inserted downstream from the polyhedrin promoter of the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. A protein of similar Mr to urokinase (UK) was synthesized and approx. 90% was secreted from recombinant virus-infected Spodoptera frugiperda cells. Zymography and Western blotting analysis of the insect-derived protein demonstrated that it was comprised solely of the high-Mr form of UK. No low-Mr UK was detected. Amidolytic activity assays showed that 96% of the insect cell-derived UK was in the single-chain proenzyme form. The yield of UK from insect cells was 1986 international units/ml/10(6) infected cells.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that invasion and metastasis in solid tumors require the action of tumor-associated proteases, which promote the dissolution of the surrounding tumor matrix and the basement membranes. Receptor-bound urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) appears to play a key role in these events. uPA converts plasminogen into plasmin and thus mediates pericellular proteolysis during cell migration and tissue remodeling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. uPA is secreted as an enzymatically inactive proenzyme (pro-uPA) by tumor cells and stroma cells. uPA exerts its proteolytic function on normal cells and tumor cells as an ectoenzyme after having bound to a high-affinity cell surface receptor. After binding, pro-uPA is activated by serine proteases (e.g. plasmin, trypsin or plasma kallikrein) and by the cysteine proteases cathepsin B or L, resp. Receptor-bound enzymatically active uPA converts plasminogen to plasmin which is bound to a different low-affinity receptor on tumor cells. Plasmin then degrades components of the tumor stroma (e.g. fibrin, fibronectin, proteoglycans, laminin) and may activate procollagenase type IV which degrades collagen type IV, a major part of the basement membrane. Hence receptor-bound uPA will promote plasminogen activation and thus the dissolution of the tumor matrix and the basement membrane which is a prerequisite for invasion and metastasis. Tissues of primary cancer and/or metastases of the breast, ovary, prostate, cervix uteri, bladder, lung and of the gastrointestinal tract contain elevated levels of uPA compared to benign tissues. In breast cancer uPA and PAI-1 antigen in tumor tissue extracts are independent prognostic factors for relapse-free and overall survival.  相似文献   

Numerous epithelial cell types produce and secrete plasminogen activators (PAs) and/or PA inhibitors (PAIs). When epithelial cells were grown on polycarbonate filters and their apical and basolateral secretion products analyzed, PA activity accumulated in a highly polarized fashion; depending upon the cell line, the compartment of PA accumulation was either apical (MDCK I cells and HBL-100 cells) or basolateral (LLC-PK1, CaCo-2, and HeLa cells). By contrast, PAI-1 was recovered in roughly equal amounts in both compartments. Basolateral accumulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), but not its apical targeting, required an acidic compartment and the integrity of the cytoskeleton. Polarity of uPA accumulation did not result from removal of the free enzyme from the opposite compartment through its binding to the cell surface. Transfection with wild-type or mutated murine uPA demonstrated that neither the "growth factor" domain nor the kringle domain is required for the appropriate sorting of the protein. We propose that polarized secretion of PAs is one mechanism whereby cells spatially control extracellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Recent data from several studies have suggested that the non-protease domains in tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) determine their biological specificities, including binding to fibrin clots and survival in the circulatory system (Van Zonneveld, A.-J., Veerman, H., and Pannekoek, H. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 83, 4670-4674; Rijken, D. C., and Emeis, J. J. (1986) Biochem. J. 238, 643-646). Structural manipulations (e.g. deletions, additions, or substitutions) in these domains can thus be utilized to maximize the desired biological effects. Using recombinant DNA technology, we constructed a number of hybrid molecules from the t-PA and u-PA genes. In hybrid A, the epidermal growth factor and finger domains of t-PA (residues 1-91) were replaced by the epidermal growth factor and kringle of u-PA (residues 1-131). In hybrids B and C, the u-PA kringle (residues 50-131) was inserted either before (residue 92) or after (residue 261) the double-kringle region of t-PA. All these hybrid PAs containing three kringles were expressed in mouse fibroblast cells (C-127). The hybrid proteins were synthesized in predominantly a single-chain form with molecular weights of 70,000-80,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and were enzymatically active as assayed by the fibrin-agar plate method. In vitro studies on the binding of hybrid PAs to fibrin showed that hybrid B, like t-PA, possesses affinity toward fibrin, while hybrid A shows lower binding. This suggests that the finger domain, which is not present in hybrid A, plays a role in conferring fibrin affinity to the hybrid PAs. The enzymatic activities of the hybrids were compared with that of recombinant t-PA (rt-PA) expressed in the same vector/host system and found to be similar in activity toward a chromogenic peptide substrate. In addition, plasminogen activation with all the hybrid-PAs, as with rt-PA, was stimulated by fibrin, with the order of activity being rt-PA greater than or equal to hybrid B greater than hybrid C greater than hybrid A. This study shows the feasibility of shuffling functional domain(s) of known specificity in plasminogen activators which may lead to the design of a superior thrombolytic agent.  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has been implicated in tumor growth and metastasis. The crystal structure of uPAR revealed that the external surface is largely free to interact with a number of proteins. Additionally, due to absence of an intracellular cytoplasmic protein domain, many of the biological functions of uPAR necessitate interactions with other proteins. Here, we used yeast two-hybrid screening of breast cancer cDNA library to identify hSpry1 and HAX1 proteins as putative candidate proteins that interact with uPAR bait constructs. Interaction between these two candidates and uPAR was confirmed by GST-pull down, co-immunoprecipitation assays and confocal microscopy. These novel interactions that have been identified may also provide further evidence that uPAR can interact with a number of other proteins which may influence a range of biological functions.  相似文献   

In recent years, classification of soft-tissue sarcomas (STS) has improved with cytogenetic analyses, but their clinical behavior is still not easily predictable. The aim of this study was to detect alterations in the urokinase-type plasminogen system, involved in tumor growth and invasion, by comparing mRNA levels of its components with those of paired normal tissues, and relating them with patient clinical course. Real-time PCR was performed on human STS cell lines and tissues from highly malignant STS, including leiomyosarcomas and malignant fibrous histiocytomas, to evaluate the expression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), uPA receptor (uPAR) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Immunohistochemistry of gene products was also performed. Median mRNA values of all genes studied were higher in tumors than in paired normal tissues. In agreement with data on STS cell lines, significant up-regulation for uPA and PAI-1 genes compared to reference values was seen. Moreover, different levels of expression were related to histotype and metastatic phenotype. There was accordance between uPA mRNA and protein expression, while immunodetection of PAI-1 product was weak and scattered. Clearly, the controversial role of PAI-1 protein requires further biological analyses, but evident involvement of uPA/PAI-1 gene overexpression in STS malignancy may highlight a molecular defect useful in discriminating STS high-risk patients.  相似文献   

Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) system, comprising of uPA, its receptor uPAR and inhibitor, type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), plays a vital role in various biological processes involving extracellular proteolysis, fibrinolysis, cell migration and proliferation. The timely occurence of these processes are essential for normal wound healing. This study examines the regulation of uPA and PAI-1 by a natural polyphenol-rich compound, grape seed extract (GSE). GSE is reported to have beneficial effects in promoting wound healing. Fibroblast cells exposed to different doses of GSE for 18 hours were processed for further studies such as ELISA, RT-PCR, western blotting, fibrinolytic assay, cell surface plasmin activity assay and in vitro wound healing assay. GSE treatment caused a significant downregulation of uPA and PAI-1 expression, both at the RNA and protein levels. ELISA also revealed a dose-dependent decrease in uPA and PAI-1 activities. Functional significance of the downregulation was evident in decreased fibrinolytic activity, concomittant with decreased cell-surface plasmin activity. In vitro wound healing studies showed that GSE also retarded the migration of cells towards the wounded region.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants from monolayers of human peripheral monocytes strongly inhibited colorimetric assays of urokinase in which plasmin was measured by esterolysis. This inhibitory activity of monocyte culture supernatant was enhanced after culture with muramyl dipeptide. Inhibition was specific for plasminogen activators of Mr 52 000 and 36 000, as shown by three methods: (1) inhibition of plasminogen-dependent fibrinolysis; (2) inhibition at the level of plasminogen activation in a colorimetric assay; (3) the irreversible loss of plasminogen-activating activity, as evidenced by electrophoresis, after preincubation with culture media. The factor responsible for this inactivation (which we propose to call minactivin) had an apparent Mr of 66 000 on Sephacryl S300 gel chromatography and interacted with enzyme in a biphasic manner: a rapid partial inhibition (reversible by sodium dodecyl sulphate) was followed by slow inactivation (irreversible by sodium dodecyl sulphate). It is proposed that secretion of minactivin by monocytes may contribute to regulation of extracellular proteolysis at sites of tissue injury.  相似文献   

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