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The objective of the study was to determine the timing of ovulation in relation to onset of estrus and the preovulatory LH peak in yaks. For this purpose, a sensitive LH enzymeimmunoassay previously established in buffaloes was successfully validated for measuring the hormone in yak plasma. Plasma LH and progesterone were estimated from blood samples collected from eight non-lactating cycling yaks at 2 h intervals after estrus onset until 6 h after ovulation (ovulation was confirmed by palpation of ovaries per rectum). The mean+/-S.E.M. preovulatory plasma LH peak was 10.11+/-0.35 ng/ml with the values ranging from 8.75 to 11.51 ng/ml in individual yaks. The mean+/-S.E.M. duration of the LH surge was 7.25+/-0.55 h with a range of 6-10 h. Onset of LH surge (mean+/-S.E.M.) occurred 3.0+/-0.65 h after the onset of estrus. Mean plasma progesterone stayed low (<0.25 ng/ml) during the entire duration of sampling. Ovulation occurred 30.5+/-0.82 h (range, 28-34 h) after the onset of estrus and 20.25+/-1.03 h after the end of LH surge. The occurrence of the LH peaks within a narrow time frame of 4-8h post estrus onset in yaks could have contributed to the animals ovulating within a narrow time interval. 相似文献
Circadian variations of plasma melatonin and prolactin concentrations were determined during breeding as well as non-breeding seasons in yak. Blood samples (5 ml) were collected during different phases of estrous cycle, viz. early (0-6 days), mid (7-12 days) and late luteal (13-19 days) at 2 h interval for 24 h from eight yaks during one breeding month (November); the same yaks were bled at 2 h interval during one non-breeding month (February) for 24 h. Plasma melatonin concentrations rose sharply (P < 0.01) after sunset to record peak concentrations between midnight and 2 a.m. declining sharply thereafter in both breeding as well as non-breeding seasons. Basal melatonin concentrations were recorded between 0600 and 1600 h. Stage of luteal phase did not influence the diurnal hormone change (P < 0.01). In the breeding season, mean plasma prolactin concentrations displayed circadian variations with maximum value at 0400 h (41.22+ /- 1.5 ng/ml) and minimum at 1400 h (12.0 +/- 4.02 ng/ml). In the non-breeding season plasma prolactin concentrations showed circadian variation with maximum value at 0000 h (59.9 +/- 10.5 ng/ml) and minimum at 1200 h (32.13 +/- 3.2 ng/ml). A positive correlation in breeding (r = 0.75) and in non-breeding season (r = 0.65) between circadian changes in mean plasma prolactin and melatonin concentrations were seen. Circadian changes of mean plasma melatonin concentrations during breeding and non-breeding seasons were not different (P > 0.05). However, mean plasma prolactin concentrations were found to be higher (P < 0.01) in the non-breeding season. Three conclusions were drawn from the study: (i) melatonin and prolactin concentrations followed a circadian pattern of secretion (ii) melatonin and prolactin secretion may be closely interrelated and (iii) higher prolactin concentrations during the non-breeding season could be due to nutritional and environmental stress and hence might be contributing to lack of cyclicity. 相似文献
Sarkar M Borah S Chakraborty P Deka B Sharma B Duttaborah B Borah S Baruah K Ramesha K Pourochottamne R Kataktakware M Sarvanan B Sengupta D Das S Prakash BS Bhattacharya M 《Zoological science》2006,23(8):721-725
An attempt was made to induce estrus and ovulation in eight anestrus yaks by use of the Ovsynch protocol. Six out of eight yaks were successfully induced into estrus, and ovulation occurred in all the responding yaks 1-2 days after the second GnRH administration. Out of the six animals that responded to the treatment, two mated naturally with yak bulls, and calves were obtained from them. The other four animals were further administered a superovulatory regimen of Folltropin (FSH-P). Following Folltropin and Ilerin (a PGF(2alpha) analog) treatment, the animals were subjected to natural insemination. Only one animal in which natural mating occurred was flushed non-surgically for embryo recovery 7 days post-insemination. Thereafter, all the donor animals were administered with Ilerin. After 48-72 h, they came into heat and mated naturally with yak bulls, and calves were obtained from them after expiration of the normal gestation period. Following superovulation, the average numbers of palpable corpora lutea in the right and left ovaries were 2.25+/-0.6 and 1.75 +/-0.3, respectively. Three embryos were recovered by non-surgical flushing from a single animal. One embryo was transferred to a recipient yak, who produced one female calf after 258 days. This is the first report of production of a yak calf through embryo transfer-technology. 相似文献
Sarkar M Borah S Gogoi D Ghosh MK Pourouchottamane R Kataktalware M Prakash BS 《Zoological science》2005,22(10):1157-1162
An attempt was made to determine cyclicity in yaks using plasma progesterone during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Fifteen non-lactating yaks were used in this experiment. During the breeding season (July to November), blood samples were collected from 8 yaks at least twice weekly until estrus was observed and then at 2 days interval for 30 days. During the non-breeding season (February to March), blood samples were collected from the same number of yaks at 2-day interval for 30 days. Progesterone was determined in plasma samples by radioimmunoassay. During the breeding season, plasma progesterone at estrus was basal (< or = 0.2 ng/ml). Concentrations increased thereafter with a sharp increase during the late luteal phase, typically reaching peak levels around day 15. Concentrations then declined rapidly over the following 4 days, reaching basal levels at estrus. A high proportion (66.7%) of potential estrous periods (based on progesterone concentrations) went undetected, indicating that silent or weak estrus was a prominent problem in yak cows. During the non-breeding season, three animals were found to be cycling as determined by the patterns of plasma progesterone. Yet, behavioral symptoms of estrus were not observed in any of these yak cows. We conclude that peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations can be used to monitor cyclicity in yak cows effectively. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of estrus synchronization in yaks using the Ovsynch protocol. To eight non-lactating cycling yaks were administered GnRH analogue followed by PGF(2alpha) analogue treatment 7 days later and further injected with a second injection of same GnRH analogue 2 days after the PGF(2alpha) analogue administration. Ovulation was detected by rectal palpation at 2 h intervals from the initial signs of estrus till ovulation. For LH and progesterone the blood samples were collected at 15 min intervals starting from 1 h prior to the second injection of GnRH analogue until 6 h later and further at 2 h intervals till 2 h after the ovulation. Ovulation was detected in seven out of eight yaks after Ovsynch treatment. The mean time interval from the second GnRH injection to ovulation was 24.8+/-1.95 h with a range of 20-34 h and the mean interval from the LH peak and ovulation was 19.96+/-1.91 h with a range of 14-29 h. The high degree of ovulation synchronization could be attributed to the highly synchronized LH peaks in the treated animals. It was concluded that this estrus synchronization protocol could be applied for fixed time AI in yak. 相似文献
Nguyen TT Genini S Ménétrey F Malek M Vögeli P Goe MR Stranzinger G 《Animal genetics》2005,36(6):484-489
In order to assess the applicability of bovine microsatellite markers for population genetic studies in Swiss yak, 131 bovine microsatellite markers were tested on a panel of 10 animals. Efficient amplification was observed for 124 markers (94.6%) with a total of 476 alleles, of which 117 markers (94.3%) were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus among the polymorphic markers ranged from two to nine. Seven loci (ILSTS005, BMS424B, BMS1825, BMS672, BM1314, ETH123 and BM6017) failed to amplify yak genomic DNA. Two cattle Y-chromosome specific microsatellite markers (INRA126 and BM861) amplified genomic DNA from both male and female yaks. However, two additional markers on cattle Y-chromosome (INRA124 and INRA189) amplified DNA from only males. Of the polymorphic markers, 24 microsatellites proposed by CaDBase for within- and cross-species comparisons and two additional highly polymorphic markers (MHCII and TGLA73) were used to investigate the genetic variability and the population structure of a Swiss yak herd that included 51 additional animals. The polymorphic information content ranged from 0.355 to 0.752, while observed heterozygosity (HO) ranged from 0.348 to 0.823. Furthermore, a set of 13 markers, organized into three multiplex polymerase chain reactions, was evaluated for routine parentage testing. This set provided an exclusion probability in a family of four yaks (both parents and two offspring) of 0.995. These microsatellites serve as useful tools for genetic characterization of the yak, which continues to be an important domestic livestock species. 相似文献
Sarkar M Sengupta DH Bora BD Rajkhoa J Bora S Bandopadhaya S Ghosh M Ahmed FA Saikia P Mohan K Prakash BS 《Animal reproduction science》2008,104(2-4):299-305
The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of induction of estrus, synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination in anestrous yaks using the Heatsynch protocol. In Experiment 1, 10 anestrous yaks were administered an analogue of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) followed by prostaglandin (PG)F2alpha 7 days later and then estradiol cyponate (ECP) 24 h after that. Ovulation was detected by rectal palpation at 2h intervals beginning at the initial signs of estrus. Blood samples were collected at 2h intervals beginning at the time of ECP injection up to 2h after the occurrence of ovulation for the determination of LH and progesterone. All the animals responded to the Heatsynch protocol with expression of estrus and synchronization of ovulation. The mean time interval from the ECP injection to ovulation was 59.4+/-2.62 h (range 50-72 h). The interval from the LH peak to ovulation was 30.2+/-2.3 h. The high degree of synchrony in ovulation could be attributed to the synchrony in the timing of LH peaks. In Experiment 2, 10 anestrous yaks were treated with the Heatsynch protocol (as in Experiment 1) and TAI was performed at 48 and 60 h after the ECP treatment. Concurrently, 16 cycling yaks were inseminated approximately 12 h after detection of spontaneous estrus. Pregnancy rates were similar in both groups, 40% for TAI and 43.75% for yaks inseminated following spontaneous estrus (p>0.05). From this study, two conclusions can be drawn. First, the Heatsynch protocol can be successfully used to induce and synchronize estrus in anestrous yaks and, second, ovulation following the Heatsynch protocol is synchronized adequately to permit the use of fixed time AI in this species. 相似文献
Highly sensitive and specific enzymeimmunoassays for oxytocin and prolactin determination in yak plasma using the biotin-streptavidin amplification system and the second antibody coating technique were validated and applied for determining their profiles during milk let down and cyclicity in yaks. Oxytocin EIA was conducted taking duplicate 200 microl of unknown plasma samples and standards per well. The lowest detection limit was 0.2 pg/well, which corresponded to 1pg/ml plasma. Prolactin EIA was carried out directly in 50 microl of yak plasma. The sensitivity of EIA procedure was 5 pg/well prolactin, which corresponded to 0.1 ng/ml plasma. Mean plasma prolactin concentrations although high at estrus were not statistically different (P > 0.05) from the hormone concentrations on other days. Mean plasma prolactin concentrations during non-breeding season were significantly higher (P < 0.001) than that recorded in breeding season. Oxytocin and prolactin profiles were also obtained in two yaks before, during and after milking. A sharp release of oxytocin and prolactin shortly after udder stimulation was observed. High levels of oxytocin and prolactin were maintained during milking, falling sharply thereafter. 相似文献
Polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of yak (Bos grunniens) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA) from 21 yaks (Bos grunniens) were assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms by using 20 restriction endonucleases, six of which (AvaI, AvaII, BglII, EcoRI, HindIII, and HpaI) detected polymorphism. Four different mtDNA haplotypes were identified. Combining this with previous reports about the mtDNA RFLPs of B. indicus and B. taurus, there are obvious differences in mtDNA polymorphism between the yak and other Bos species. We estimated that the divergence times between the ancestor of B. grunniens and the ancestor of B. taurus or B. indicus were about 1.2–2.2 and 1.01–2.02 million years ago, respectively. 相似文献
Li Y Dai Y Du W Zhao C Wang L Wang H Liu Y Li R Li N 《Animal reproduction science》2007,101(1-2):45-59
Interspecies cloning may be used as an effective method to conserve highly endangered species, but at present it suffers from relatively low levels of efficiency. In order to find a technique that could be used in conservation of the wild yak (Bos grunniens), we designed in six separate experiments to investigate the following factors that might influence the efficiency of interspecies cloning: (1) maturation rates of the recipient bovine oocytes; (2) nuclear donor cell types; (3) age of the yak from which the yak ear skin fibroblast cell line originated; (4) donor cells treated with or without serum starvation; (5) nuclear donor gained from fresh cells or frozen-thawed cells; (6) effect of 0.5 or 1.5 h from fusion to activation. The results of experiment 1 showed that when recipient oocytes in a replicate had a maturation rate of <40% (34+/-3.0%; three replicates) the proportion of nuclear transferred oocytes that developed to blastocyst was 2+/-1.1%, which was significantly lower (P<0.01) than the 25+/-3.2% achieved when the recipient oocyte maturation rate was 71+/-3.7% (three replicates). The efficiency of blastocyst production was increased substantially (P<0.05) when the time from fusion to activation increased from 0.5 h (21+/-2.3%; three replicates) to 1.5 h (35+/-3.5%; five replicates; experiment 6). There was no significant effect of the source of the donor nuclei (ear skin fibroblast or cumulus cells), the age of the animal (3 months or 4 years) from which the donor cells were derived, serum deprivation of the donor cells, or the use of fresh or frozen-thawed donor cells (experiments 2-5). Transfer of three interspecies cloned blastocysts to each of 108 bovine recipients resulted in two pregnancies being established that did not survive to day 120 of gestation. 相似文献
Nusier MK Bataineh HN Daradkah HM 《Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)》2007,232(6):809-813
Ingestion of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) by two groups of adult Sprague-Dawley rats at levels of 250 and 500 mg/kg body wt for 63 days was investigated for its effects on fertility. Body weight and absolute and relative testes weights were not affected, but the average weights of epididymides, ventral prostates, seminal vesicles, and preputial glands decreased significantly. A significant decline in spermatogenesis in testes due to a decrease in the number of primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatids in treatment group 2 (500 mg/kg) is attributed to a significant decrease in testosterone. Sperm motility and density were also significantly decreased in the cauda epididymis and in the testes of rosemary-treated male rats in group 2. In addition, the treatment markedly increased the number of fetal resorptions in female rats impregnated by group 2 males, thereby reducing their fertility. 相似文献
Yiduo He Dongmei Xi Jing Leng Tao Qian Dan Jin Ting Chen Chunling Yang Tiantian Hao Zaiqing Yang Weidong Deng 《Molecular biology reports》2014,41(4):2199-2206
The major histocompatibility class (MHC) DQ molecules are dimeric glycoproteins revealing antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. In the present study, the exon 2 of the MHC class II DQB gene from 32 yaks (Bos grunniens) was cloned, sequenced and compared with previously reported patterns for other bovidae. It was revealed by sequence analyses that there are 25 DQB exon 2 alleles among 32 yaks, all alleles are found to belong to DQB1 loci. These alleles exhibited a high degree of nucleotide and amino acid polymorphisms with most amino acid variations occurring at positions forming the peptide-binding sites. The DQB loci were analyzed for patterns of synonymous (d S) and non-synonymous (d N) substitution. The yak was observed to be under strong positive selection in the DQB exon 2 peptide-binding sites (d N = 0.15, P < 0.001). It appears that this variability among yaks confers the ability to mount immune responses to a wide variety of peptides or pathogens. 相似文献
The uterine function and reproductive efficiency of 31 nonlactating pony mares were compared for two age groups: young (5 to 7 years, n=9) and old (>/=15 years, n=22). For pregnant mares, differences between age groups were not significant for the diameter of the largest follicle, cross-sectional area of the corpus luteum, growth profile of the embryonic vesicle or embryo mobility characteristics. Uterine contractility scores were lower (P<0.05), day of fixation of the embryonic vesicle was later (P<0.05), and uterine tone tended (P<0.10) to be lower in the old than the young mares. Endometrial biopsies in old mares had more (P<0.05) inflammatory cell infiltrations, more (P<0.05) fibrotic changes, and less dense (P<0.05) endometrial glands than in young mares. Ultrasonically detected intrauterine fluid collections were more extensive (P<0.05) in the old than the young mares. The pregnancy rate on Day 12 (Day 0=ovulation) was lower (P<0.05) and embryo-loss rate (Days 12 to 39) was greater (P<0.05) in old (32 and 62%, respectively) than in young (100 and 11%, respectively) mares. The results confirmed previous reports that old age was associated with increased endometrial inflammation, reduced pregnancy rate and increased embryo-loss rate. The results also indicated that uterine contractility and uterine tone were reduced and the fixation of the embryonic vesicle occurred later in old than in young mares. 相似文献
Abstract The effects of sodium chloride on water-use efficiency of a number of varieties of rice have been investigated. Sensitivity to salinity in rice arises in large part from excessive rates of sodium ion transport to the shoot consequent upon high rates of transpirational water loss. Varietal differences in water-use efficiency were found: these were greater when measured for whole shoots over a period of one week, than when made as instantaneous measurements on individual leaves. Salinity had rather little effect on water use efficiency but overall resistance of seedlings to salt was, in general, greater the greater the water-use efficiency. The reasons for the differences between varieties are discussed in terms of differences in growth pattern: among the seven varieties investigated, water-use efficiency and salt-resistance were lower in dwarfed as opposed to non-dwarfed varieties. 相似文献
The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cultivars TVu 354 and Solojo were grown in solution culture at 10 to 1000 M Ca supply. The Ca supply did not vary by more than 10% during the experiment. The pH value was kept constant within 0.1 units at 4.0 by automatic titration. The cultivar TVu 354 proved to be much more Ca-efficient than Solojo. At 10 M Ca supply Solojo died, whereas TVu 354 was hardly affected in dry matter production. The differences in Ca efficiency were independent of the P supply. They could not be explained by differences in Ca uptake or Ca concentrations in the plant tissue. Short-term studies using 45Ca, both in the dark and in the light, indicated better transport of Ca from the roots to the shoots and within the shoots to the younger leaves in the Ca-efficient cultivar TVu 354. However, the main reason for the differences between the cultivars in sensitivity to low Ca supply were differences in the Ca requirement of the plant tissue to maintain tissue organization and function. Sequential fractionation of the freeze-dried leaf tissue with hot water, 0.5 M NaCl, 1 M CH3COOH, and 2 M HCl did not reveal cultivar differences in Ca binding state. The results clearly show that considerable genetic potential in tolerance to low Ca supply exists in cowpea. However, a better understanding of the physiological/biochemical reasons for low internal Ca requirement is needed. 相似文献
We studied the infiltration of different subsets of immune system cells in the ovarian parenchyma of Egyptian buffaloes during follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle. All subsets of leukocytes infiltrated significantly more into corpora lutea (CL) than into Graafian follicles (GF) (P < 0.01) except for plasma cells that were abundant in the GF but not observed in the CL. The number of macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils were significantly greater in mature CL than in corpora hemorrhagica (CH) or regressing CL. Moreover, the regressing CL showed significantly more macrophages, lymphocytes and neutrophils than the CH. Large antral follicles were infiltrated with larger number of leukocytes than growing preantral atretic follicles. Macrophages and neutrophils observed in large antral follicles were significantly more abundant in the theca externa than the theca interna (P < 0.01). Only plasma cells were significantly greater in number in the theca intema (P < 0.01). Leukocytes infiltrated significantly more into large mature follicles than large, growing, preantral atretic follicles (P < 0.01). Results of this study reveal the calling of leukocytes in a significant numbers inside the ovarian tissue of buffaloes around the time of ovulation and at luteolysis. It is possible that leukocytes with their powerful bioactive cytokines (IL-1, TNFalpha, GM-CSF, and INF-gamma) may assist in ovarian functions such as ovulation and luteolysis. 相似文献
M. Griga 《Biologia Plantarum》1993,35(2):179-189
Selected factors affecting somatic embryogenesis efficiency have been studied, namely genotype, explant type and its orientation in the medium, different basal media, different auxins for somatic embryo induction, and two ways of donor plant cultivation. The key role is played by genotype and auxin used, the minimum effect was observed due to basal media. In the series of subsequent experiments we have found the best combination of individual factors as follows: cv. Altona, 10 uM 2,4-D, L2 basal medium, central part of immature cotyledon as initial expiant oriented by adaxial side down on the agar medium, and field grown donor plants. This combination exhibited 100 % embryogenic explants with 5.43 ± 0.65 somatic embryos per expiant,i.e. somatic embryogenesis efficiency 5.43. 相似文献