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Cryopreservation techniques utilize very low temperatures to preserve the structure and function of living cells. Various strategies have been developed for freezing mammalian cells of biological and medical significance. This paper highlights the importance and application of cryopreservation for recombinant mammalian cells used in the biopharmaceutical industry to produce high-value protein therapeutics. It is a primer that aims to give insight into the basic principles of cell freezing for the benefit of biopharmaceutical researchers with limited or no prior experience in cryobiology. For the more familiar researchers, key cell banking parameters such as the cell density and hold conditions have been reviewed to possibly help optimize their specific cell freezing protocols. It is important to understand the mechanisms underlying the freezing of complex and sensitive cellular entities as we implement best practices around the techniques and strategies used for cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Gene amplification is an experimental strategy for increasing protein production in mammalian cells. Co-amplification of the target gene by genetically linking it to one or more selectable and amplifiable genetic markers is a particularly successful strategy. A number of papers published in the past year or two illustrate the use of gene amplification to achieve high levels of expression.  相似文献   

The development of a system capable of accurately measuring the oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production rates during mammalian cell cultures is described. A detailed study of the specifications of the various components used in the system for the measurement of gas flow rates and composition, coupled with the validation of the system independent of the bioreactor was carried out. The aim of this study was to identify and eliminate where possible the errors controlling the accuracy of determination of gaseous metabolic rates. This study showed the importance of controlling the temperature of gaseous oxygen entering the system. With such temperature control, it was possible to obtain data with an accuracy of ±5% at the 95% confidence level. Another source of error, the use of bi-carbonate buffer, was studied. A mathematical model was used to compensate for the affect of such buffers on the determination of catbon dioxide production rates. The use of the system for the continuous determination of gaseous metabolism during the growth and production phase for recombinant CHO cell cultures is described.  相似文献   

Biopharmaceutical protein production using transgenic plant cell bioreactor processes offers advantages over microbial and mammalian cell culture platforms in its ability to produce complex biologics with simple chemically defined media and reduced biosafety concerns. A disadvantage of plant cells from a traditional batch bioprocessing perspective is their slow growth rate which has motivated us to develop semicontinuous and/or perfusion processes. Although the economic benefits of plant cell culture bioprocesses are often mentioned in the literature, to our knowledge no rigorous technoeconomic models or analyses have been published. Here we present technoeconomic models in SuperPro Designer® for the large-scale production of recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), a prophylactic/therapeutic bioscavenger against organophosphate nerve agent poisoning, in inducible transgenic rice cell suspension cultures. The base facility designed to produce 25 kg BChE per year utilizing two-stage semicontinuous bioreactor operation manufactures a single 400 mg dose of BChE for $263. Semicontinuous operation scenarios result in 4–11% reduction over traditional two-stage batch operation scenarios. In addition to providing a simulation tool that will be useful to the plant-made pharmaceutical community, the model also provides a computational framework that can be used for other semicontinuous or batch bioreactor-based processes.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric kinetic study of hybidoma growth and monoclonal antibody production is presented, along with the influence of glutamine on intracellular responses such as (relative) cell size, and cell RNA and total protein content. Specific findings are: (1) RNA content remained constant throughout the growth phase, then fell drastically as the cells entered the stationary phase. Also, in stationary phase, RNA content of antibody-producing cells was higher than for those not secreting antibody. (2) The cell size was constant and maximal throughout exponential phase, and diminished monotonically during later stages. (3) Average protein and antibody cellular content declined dramatically upon glutamine exhaustion. Thus, relative RNA levels and cell size provided quantitative determinants of both cell growth state and antibody secretion conditions. These results encourge consideration of structured kinetic studies which recognize the quality of the biophase.  相似文献   

In order to optimize each of the individual steps in the nuclear transfer procedure, we report alternative protocols useful for producing recipient cytoplasts and for improving the success rate of nuclear transfer embryos in cattle, rhesus monkey, and hamster. Vital labeling of maternal chromatin/spindle is accomplished by long wavelength fluorochromes Sybr14 and rhodamine labeled tubulin allowing constant monitoring and verification during enucleation. The use of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) donor cells expressing the viral influenza hemagglutinin fusion protein (HA-300a+), to adhere and induce fusion between the donor cells and enucleated cow, rhesus and hamster oocytes was examined. Cell surface hemagglutinin was activated with trypsin prior to nuclear transfer and fusion was induced by a short incubation of a newly created nuclear transfer couplet at pH 5.2 at room temperature. Donor cell cytoplasm was dynamically labeled with CMFDA, or further transfected with the green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene, so that fusion could be directly monitored using live imaging. High rates of fusion were observed between CHO donor cells and hamster (100%), rhesus (100%), and cow recipient cytoplasts (81.6%). Live imaging during fusion revealed rapid intermixing of cytoplasmic components between a recipient and a donor cell. Prelabeled donor cytoplasmic components were uniformly distributed throughout the recipient cytoplast, within minutes of fusion, while the newly introduced nucleus remained at the periphery. The fusion process did not induce activation as evidenced by unchanged distribution and density of cortical granules in the recipient cytoplasts. After artificial activation, the nuclear transfer embryos created in this manner were capable of completing several embryonic cell divisions. These procedures hold promise for enhancing the efficiency of nuclear transfer in mammals of importance for biomedical research, agriculture, biotechnology, and preserving unique, rare, and endangered species.  相似文献   


For drug applications, nanoparticles, used as drug carriers, offer the advantage of controlled release, therapeutic impact and targeted delivery. In drug delivery applications, biodegradable polymers can be extracted from natural sources or prepared synthetically by polymerization. Natural polymers typically have varying compositions and physiochemical properties. As a result, methods which utilize natural polymers to encapsulate drugs are more varied and polymer dependent. The following polymers are discussed in this review article: alginate, chitosan, gelatin, albumin, gliadin, pullulan, and dextran. Specialized encapsulation nanotechnologies will be discussed such as ionotropic gelation, complexation, the reverse microemulsion technique, cross-linking methods, emulsion-dependent methods, desolvation methods and self-assembly methods. For each biopolymer an overview of the structure is presented with the corresponding encapsulation techniques. Understanding the structure of the biopolymer is important as to not only understand the rational for current encapsulation techniques but to continue to develop new encapsulation techniques in pursuit of the ideal drug carrier for application in therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

Consumer and patient safety have become the prerequisites for (bio)pharmaceutical product development, production and marketing. The ability to provide an effective, pure, safe product is the primary factor determining the product's success. However, with an ever-increasing number of national and international regulations, 'quality assurance' has acquired a threatening ring for many project managers. Many think that ensuring and improving quality is expensive, but regulations aid public acceptance. Good manufacturing practice can be developed into a business asset and need not be seen as merely a regulatory hurdle.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are self-renewal and pluripotent cells that are able to differentiate in vitro into several cell types in favourable conditions. Technical protocols for in vitro gametes production have been developed in mice and human species. The functionality of such differentiated cells is not always analysed and an early meiotic arrest is a current observation. These kinds of experimentations have also been tested from human induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSC). However, differentiation ends shortly at the primordial germ cell stage.  相似文献   

The rate of DNA synthesis along S-phase can be estimated on the basis of a simple model of a cell population, from a single FCM histogram under conditions of balanced exponential growth, and from two histograms suitably spaced in time under conditions of locally exponential S-phase influx. An algorithm that constructs a piecewise constant approximation of the synthesis rate and estimates the phase fractions from a single histogram is presented. The results of the application of the algorithm to a set of computer generated histograms in balanced exponential growth are reported.  相似文献   

A valine-overproducing mutant (MA7040, Streptomyces hygroscopicus) was found to produce 1.5 to 2.0 g/L of the immunoregulant, L-683,590, at the 0.6 m3 fermentation scale in a simple batch process using soybean oil and ammonium sulfate-based GYG5 medium. Levels of both lower (L-683,795) and higher (HH1 and HH2) undesirable homolog levels were controlled adequately. This batch process was utilized to produce broth economically at the 19 m3 fermentation scale. Material of acceptable purity was obtained without the multiple pure crystallizations previously required for an earlier culture, MA6678, requiring valine supplementation for impurity control. Investigations at the 0.6 m3 fermentation scale were conducted, varying agitation, pH, initial soybean oil/ammonium sulfate charges, and initial aeration rate to further improve growth and productivity. Mid-cycle ammonia levels and lipase activity appeared to have an important role. Using mid-cycle soybean oil additions, a titer of 2.3 g/L of L-683,590 was obtained, while titers reached 2.7 g/L using mid-cycle soybean oil and ammonium sulfate additions. Both higher and lower homolog levels remained acceptable during this fed-batch process. Optimal timing of mid-cycle oil and ammonium sulfate additions was considered a critical factor to further titer improvements.  相似文献   

Efficient production of biochemicals using engineered microbes as whole-cell biocatalysts requires robust cell viability. Robust viability leads to high productivity and improved bioprocesses by allowing repeated cell recycling. However, cell viability is negatively affected by a plethora of stresses, namely chemical toxicity and metabolic imbalances, primarily resulting from bio-synthesis pathways. Chemical toxicity is caused by substrates, intermediates, products, and/or by-products, and these compounds often interfere with important metabolic processes and damage cellular infrastructures such as cell membrane, leading to poor cell viability. Further, stresses on engineered cells are accentuated by metabolic imbalances, which are generated by heavy metabolic resource consumption due to enzyme overexpression, redistribution of metabolic fluxes, and impaired intracellular redox state by co-factor imbalance. To address these challenges, herein, we discuss a range of key microbial engineering strategies, substantiated by recent advances, to improve cell viability for commercially sustainable production of biochemicals from renewable resources.  相似文献   

Use of flow cytometry to rapidly optimize the transfection of animal cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plasmid transfection is the first step in the generation of stably transformed animal cells and is also a useful tool for analyzing transient gene expression. Maximizing the transfection efficiency and expression level from the introduced plasmid is critical to the success of these processes. By means of lipid-mediated transfection, a plasmid vector expressing the green fluorescence reporter protein has been coupled with flow cytometry to conveniently investigate those parameters that impact the efficacy of transfection of lepidopteran insect cells. The key feature of this technique is the rapid and simultaneous quantification of transfection efficiency and heterologous protein expression level per cell. Using this technique, we developed an optimized transfection protocol for insect cells by investigating the following parameters: lipid incubation time, lipid/DNA mixture incubation time, lipid and DNA concentration, incubation vessel and transfection duration. Following optimization, transfection efficiencies of 37%-40% were obtained for Bombyx mori Bm5 and Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-21 cells.  相似文献   

Despite significant technological and conceptual advances over the last century, evaluation of the efficacy of anti-malarial vaccines or drugs continues to rely principally on direct microscopic visualisation of parasites on thick and/or thin Giemsa-stained blood smears. This requires technical expertise of the microscopist, is highly subjective and error-prone, and does not account for aberrations such as anaemia. Many published methods have shown that flow cytometric analysis of blood is a highly versatile method that can readily detect nucleic acid-stained parasitised red blood cells within cultured cell populations and in ex-vivo samples. However several impediments, including the difficulty in distinguishing reticulocytes from infected red blood cells and the fickle nature of red blood cells, have precluded the development and universal adoption of flow-cytometric based assays for ex-vivo sample analysis. We have developed a novel high-throughput assay for the flow cytometric assessment of blood that overcomes these impediments by utilising the unique properties of the nucleic acid stain DAPI to differentially stain RNA and DNA, combined with novel fixation and analysis protocols. The assay allows the rapid and reliable analysis of multiple parameters from micro-volumes of blood, including: parasitaemia, platelet count, reticulocyte count, normocyte count, white blood cell count and delineation of subsets and phenotypic markers including, but not limited to, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and the expression of phenotypic markers such as PD-L1 or intracellular cytokines. The assay requires less than one drop of blood and is therefore suitable for short interval time-course experiments and allows the progression of infection and immune responses to be closely monitored in the laboratory or cytometer-equipped field locations. Herein, we describe the technique and demonstrate its application in vaccinology and with a range of rodent and human parasite species including Plasmodium yoelii, Plasmodium chabaudi, Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

Recombinant glycoprotein therapeutics have proven to be invaluable pharmaceuticals for the treatment of various diseases. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are widely used in industry for the production of these proteins. Several strategies for engineering CHO cells for improved protein production have been tried with considerable results. The focus has mainly been to increase the specific productivity and to extend the culture longevity by preventing programmed cell death. These CHO cell engineering strategies, particularly those developed in Korea, are reviewed here.  相似文献   

The generation of nitrogen fixing crops is considered a challenge that could lead to a new agricultural ‘green’ revolution. Here, we report the use of synthetic biology tools to achieve and optimize the production of active nitrogenase Fe protein (NifH) in the chloroplasts of tobacco plants. Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogen fixation genes, nifH, M, U and S, were re‐designed for protein accumulation in tobacco cells. Targeting to the chloroplast was optimized by screening and identifying minimal length transit peptides performing properly for each specific Nif protein. Putative peptidyl‐prolyl cis‐trans isomerase NifM proved necessary for NifH solubility in the stroma. Purified NifU, a protein involved in the biogenesis of NifH [4Fe‐4S] cluster, was found functional in NifH reconstitution assays. Importantly, NifH purified from tobacco chloroplasts was active in the reduction of acetylene to ethylene, with the requirement of nifU and nifS co‐expression. These results support the suitability of chloroplasts to host functional nitrogenase proteins, paving the way for future studies in the engineering of nitrogen fixation in higher plant plastids and describing an optimization pipeline that could also be used in other organisms and in the engineering of new metabolic pathways in plastids.  相似文献   

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