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Antibacterial proteins in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Antibacterial proteins are an important part of the innate immune system for all animals. They have been extensively studied in mammals, amphibians and invertebrates, but have received only scant attention in fish. Their expression and processing, however, provide a way of monitoring defence vigour during development or with seasonal changes in physiology. The aim of the present work was to identify and characterise antibacterial proteins in rainbow trout. In vitro analyses of extracts of the peripheral blood leucocytes, head kidney leucocytes and mucus from adult unstimulated (non-immune) fish showed marked antibacterial activity against Gram positive bacteria. Fractionation by ion exchange chromatography and RP-HPLC of head kidney extracts showed the presence of two forms of lysozyme but no constitutively expressed antimicrobial proteins of < 10 kDa. By contrast, chromatographic analyses of mucus revealed at least four antibacterial proteins. Two are conventional lysozymes, a third is an unusual lysozyme-like protein with a low isoelectric point, and the fourth is a highly hydrophobic, cationic peptide of c. 3 kDa.  相似文献   

Over-winter survival of starved and fed young-of-the-year roach from two lakes in central Finland was examined in the laboratory between November 1992 and May 1993. The mortality rate of starving YOY roach (total length 38 ± 2 mm) from small (ca. 0.5 km2), eutrophic Lake Isojärvi was 50%, whilst roach (total length 32 ± 3 mm) from large Lake Päijänne (1106 km2) suffered 42% mortality. Mortality was size-dependent among roach from Lake Isojärvi, smaller individuals being more vulnerable. There was not strict size limit for survival as proposed previously. However, it seems that within populations approximately the same proportion of smallest roach died independent of the absolute lengths of the fish. Mortality of fed roach from both lakes was always < 5%. This good survival indicates indirectly the importance of energy reserves in wintering. Lipid and protein content of fasting roach from lake Isojärvi decreased during the winter. In the group of fasting roach from Lake Päijänne the amount of lipids stored increased between November and March and decreased thereafter. No change in protein content of fasting fish from Lake Päijänne was observed.  相似文献   

Menthol is known for its analgesic properties, but relatively little information is available on its potential as an anaesthetic on fish. The purpose of this study was to assess anaesthetic and sedative effectiveness of menthol and its safety in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Juvenile rainbow trout 180 ± 28 g (mean ± SD) within a range of 152–208 g fish?1 were individually exposed to menthol concentrations between 10 and 150 mg l?1 and observed for behavioural responses, induction time to anaesthesia and recovery time. Menthol concentrations of 40–150 mg l?1 induced anaesthesia with varying exposure times. There was an exponential relationship (p < 0.001) between induction time and menthol concentration. Menthol concentrations of 80–150 mg l?1 induced anaesthesia within three minutes of exposure and fish recovered within three minutes. Induction and recovery data showed that 80 mg l?1 was most suitable for anaesthesia in juveniles of this species. Concentrations of 10–20 mg l?1 had sedative effects. Menthol stock solutions prepared using ethanol and acetone and storage time of stock solutions at room temperature for up to 48 h showed no significant differences in anaesthetic efficiency. When exposure time to menthol was kept constant at three minutes, 22% of fish had temporary cessation of gill ventilation. These fish had longer recovery times than those that did not show that response. Menthol was an effective anaesthetic and could be tested as a sedative for trout.  相似文献   

A blue variant of the rainbow trout, which appeared in a French fish farm, displayed an iridescent body color that was cobalt blue on the back, lighter on the undersides, and silvery on the belly and which held up to adult stage. This color was supposed to result from a Tyndall effect involving a structural arrangement of melanin pigments because it disappeared when it was associated with a depigmenting gene. This blue variant appeared to be governed by an autosomal recessive gene. Blue fry survival and body weight were about 25% less than those of wild-type sibs, but no major problem was observed in further breeding performances, including reproduction. These features do not correspond with those of the blue variants previously described in the rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The infection route of Flavobacterium psychrophilum into rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was studied using bath and cohabitation challenges as well as oral challenge with live feed as a vector. Additionally, the number of bacterial cells shed by infected fish into the surrounding water was determined in the cohabitation experiment and in challenge experiments at 3 different water temperatures. The experiments showed that skin and skin mucus abrasion dramatically enhanced the invasion of F. psychrophilum into the affected fish in bath and cohabitation challenges. Disruption of the skin is discussed as an important invasion route for F. psychrophilum into the fish. The shedding rate of F. psychrophilum by infected fish was associated with water temperature and the mortality of the infected fish. High numbers of F. psychrophilum cells were released into the water by dead rainbow trout during a long time period compared to the numbers of cells shed by live fish. The results emphasise the importance of removing dead and moribund fish from rearing tanks in order to diminish the infection pressure against uninfected fish in commercial fish farms. In immunohistochemical examinations of organs and tissues of orally infected fish, F. psychrophilum cells were detected in only 1 fish out of 31 studied. Mortality of the orally challenged fish was not observed in the experiment.  相似文献   

Synopsis The present study tests the precision of repeat homing of roach, Rutilus rutilus, to two tributaries of a small Norwegian Lake, Årungen. A sample of 19 959 spawners was tagged or marked in the spawning area. After spawning the roach intermingled with other spawning demes in the lake. The year after marking, 2515 (12.6%) roach were recaptured during spawning in the five tributaries, 340 (13.5) of these were strayers. This straying is considerably larger than found in comparable autumn spawning species, but approximately the same as reported for other spring spawning species. The recapture rate was lower for females than for males, probably due to increased female mortality induced by the tagging manipulation.  相似文献   

A proactive-reactive continuum integrating multiple (i.e., 3+) dimensions of animal behaviour has been reported as a major axis of behavioural differentiation, but its stability along a biological hierarchy from individuals to populations remains speculative. Piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) represent closely related ecotypes with strong ecological divergence driven by selection for a large-bodied piscivorous lifestyle with fast juvenile growth vs. selection for smaller adult body size and lower growth associated with an insectivorous diet. To evaluate whether differences in behaviour between ecotypes are consistent with a proactive-reactive axis and consistent along a biological hierarchy, the authors examined variation in emergence time from a shelter, exploration, activity and predator inspection among individuals, populations and ecotypes of juvenile piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout O. mykiss. As expected, the faster-growing piscivore ecotype was more proactive (i.e., shorter emergence time, exploration and predator inspection) than the more reactive insectivore ecotype. This behavioural contrast was partly maintained across populations, although activity differences were most pronounced among populations, rather than emergence time. Insectivore fry showed substantial variation in behavioural expression among individuals within populations; by contrast, piscivores showed highly similar proactive behaviours with significantly lower inter-individual variation in behavioural expression, suggesting intense selection on behaviour supporting their faster growth. This work suggests that piscivore and insectivore O. mykiss broadly differ in behaviour along a proactive vs. reactive continuum, and highlights the greater multidimensionality of behavioural expression within the insectivore ecotype. Contrasting behaviours between ecotypes may result from differential selection for slow vs. fast juvenile growth and associated metabolism, and may contribute to adult trophic specialization.  相似文献   

We estimated changes of chorion hardness of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) egg by the use of three parameters, namely increase of resistance of an egg to rupture by extraneously applied pressure, decrease of solubility of chorion proteins in 8 mol/L urea and a change in the content of γ-glutamyl-ε-lysine crosslink. Unfertilized egg chorions became hardened after egg activation. During chorion hardening, 49, 56 and 65 kDa protein components of the chorion gradually disappeared, high molecular weight intermediates (113,160–170 and higher than 250 kDa) were newly formed and, finally, all components became undetectable by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The content of γ-glutamyl-ε-lysine (γ-Glu-ε-Lys) crosslink in the chorion increased after hardening. Chorion hardening was inhibited by the incorporation of monodansyl-cadaverine, a competitive inhibitor for transglutaminase (TGase), into the chorions. TGase activity was detected in unfertilized eggs and localized in the chorion fraction rather than in the ooplasmic fraction. The findings suggest that chorion hardening depends upon polymerization of the chorion components by TGase-dependent γ-Glu-ε-Lys crosslink formation.  相似文献   

A consolidated linkage map for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Androgenetic doubled haploid progeny produced from a cross between the Oregon State University and Arlee clonal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) lines, used for a previous published rainbow trout map, were used to update the map with the addition of more amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers, microsatellites, type I and allozyme markers. We have added more than 900 markers, bringing the total number to 1359 genetic markers and the sex phenotype including 799 EcoRI AFLPs, 174 PstI AFLPs, 226 microsatellites, 72 VNTR, 38 SINE markers, 29 known genes, 12 minisatellites, five RAPDs, and four allozymes. Thirty major linkage groups were identified. Synteny of linkage groups in our map with the outcrossed microsatellite map has been established for all except one linkage group in this doubled haploid cross. Putative homeologous relationships among linkage groups, resulting from the autotetraploid nature of the salmonid genome, have been revealed based on the placement of duplicated microsatellites and type I loci.  相似文献   

Physiological and molecular approaches were used to investigate the existence of an intrarenal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in rainbow trout. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme by captopril (5 x 10(-4 )M) rapidly decreased vascular resistance of the trunk of the trout, perfused at 19 mmHg, resulting in an increased perfusate flow rate and a decreased intrarenal dorsal aortic pressure. A profound diuresis occurred in the in situ perfused kidney and reflected both increased glomerular filtration rates and decreased water reabsorption (osmolyte reabsorption was unchanged). Renal and vascular parameters recovered once captopril treatment was stopped. Diuretic and vascular effects of captopril on the in situ trout kidney concur with an inhibition of known vasoconstrictor and antidiuretic actions of angiotensin II. However, at a higher perfusion pressure (28 mmHg), captopril had no effect on intrarenal aortic pressure or perfusate and urine flow rates, suggesting that the trout intrarenal RAS is activated by low perfusion pressures/flows. Existence of the renal RAS in trout was further supported by evidence for angiotensinogen gene expression in kidney as well as liver.  相似文献   

This study presents data on myosin Va localization in the central nervous system of rainbow trout. We demonstrate, via immunoblots and immunocytochemistry, the expression of myosin Va in several neuronal populations of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. The neuronal populations that express myosin Va in trout constitute a very diverse group that do not seem to have many specific similarities such as neurotransmitters used, cellular size or length of their processes. The intensity of the immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive cells differ from region to region. Although there is a broad distribution of myosin Va, it is not present in all neuronal populations. This result is in agreement with a previous report, which indicated that myosin Va is approximately as abundant as conventional myosin II and kinesin, and it is broadly involved in neuronal motility events such as axoplasmatic transport. Furthermore, this distribution pattern is in accordance with what was shown in rats and mice; it indicates phylogenetic maintenance of the myosin Va main functions.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The present study was undertaken in order to define the distribution of canthaxanthin between the lipoprotein fractions in serum of immature rainbow trout fed a diet supplemented with synthetic canthaxanthin (80 mg/kg).
  • 2.2. Lipoproteins were separated by density-gradient ultracentrifugation.
  • 3.3. Canthaxanthin was found in all lipoprotein fractions, in different amounts according to the density of the lipoprotein fraction: VLDL, 13.9%; LDL, 15.2% or LDL, 29.1% since the density of the first fraction was 1.006 g/ml; HDL, 60.4% and VHDL, 10.5%.

Although the calpain system has been studied extensively in mammalian animals, much less is known about the properties of μ-calpain, m-calpain, and calpastatin in lower vertebrates such as fish. These three proteins were isolated and partly characterized from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, muscle. Trout m-calpain contains an 80-kDa large subunit, but the  26-kDa small subunit from trout m-calpain is smaller than the 28-kDa small subunit from mammalian calpains. Trout μ-calpain and calpastatin were only partly purified; identity of trout μ-calpain was confirmed by labeling with antibodies to bovine skeletal muscle μ-calpain, and identity of trout calpastatin was confirmed by specific inhibition of bovine skeletal muscle μ- and m-calpain. Trout μ-calpain requires 4.4 ± 2.8 μM and trout m-calpain requires 585 ± 51 μM Ca2+ for half-maximal activity, similar to the Ca2+ requirements of μ- and m-calpain from mammalian tissues. Sequencing tryptic peptides indicated that the amino acid sequence of trout calpastatin shares little homology with the amino acid sequences of mammalian calpastatins. Screening a rainbow trout cDNA library identified three cDNAs encoding for the large subunit of a putative m-calpain. The amino acid sequence predicted by trout m-calpain cDNA was 65% identical to the human 80-kDa m-calpain sequence. Gene duplication and polyploidy occur in fish, and the amino acid sequence of the trout m-calpain 80-kDa subunit identified in this study was 83% identical to the sequence of a trout m-calpain 80-kDa subunit described earlier. This is the first report of two isoforms of m-calpain in a single species.  相似文献   

Residues of maternal nuclear DNA in the form of chromosome fragments were observed in the healthy and morphologically normal androgenetic rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A hypothetical model for formation of chromosome re‐arrangements caused by the incomplete maternal nuclear DNA inactivation in the androgenetic rainbow trout was proposed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were used to characterize the direct influence of growth hormone on hepatic lipid mobilization in vitro. Liver was removed from fish fasted 72 h, sliced into 1-mm3 pieces and incubated in Hanks' medium containing ovine or salmon growth hormone (0.28 ng·ml-1–28 g·ml-1). Lipid mobilization, resulting from triacylglycerol hydrolysis, was evaluated by fatty acid and glycerol release into culture medium. Control rates of fatty acid release and glycerol release were 0.95±0.16 (mean ± SE) and 0.88±0.28 mol·l-1·mg fresh weight, respectively. Both ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) and salmon growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) stimulated fatty acid release into culture medium, increasing rates by 112% and 97%, respectively, during the course of a 24-h incubation. Glycerol release was similarly augmented by growth hormone treatment. Growth hormone-stimulated metabolite release became evident within 12 h and persisted for up to 72 h. The presence of amino acids in the culture medium potentiated the lipolytic action of growth hormone. Ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) in the presence of amino acids stimulated a 53% increase in fatty acid, and a 108% increase in glycerol, release over rates observed in the absence of amino acids. Salmon growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) in the presence of amino acids stimulated a 53% increase in fatty acid, and a 44% increase in glycerol, release over rates observed in the absence of amino acids. Ovine growth hormone (28 ng·ml-1) also stimulated gluconeogenesis, as indicated by a 75% increase in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in liver pieces incubated in the presence of amino acids. These results indicate that growth hormone directly stimulates lipid breakdown in the liver of trout and that amino acids potentiate growth hormone-stimulated lipolysis.Abbreviations AA amino acid(s) - dGDP deoxy-guanosine diphosphate - ED 50 50% effective dose - FA fatty acid(s) - fw fesh weight - GH growth hormone - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulphonic acid - MS-222 tricaine methanesulfonate - MEM minimum essential medium - oGH ovine growth hormone - PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase - PKc protein kinase C - rpm revolutions per minute - sGH salmon growth hormone - TG triacylglycerol - w/v weight per volume This paper was presented in abstract form at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Dec. 26–30, 1991, Atlanta, GA  相似文献   

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