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Carnivorous plants have emerged as model systems for addressing many ecological and evolutionary questions, and since Lentibulariaceae comprise more than half of all known carnivorous species (325 spp.), they are of particular interest. Studies using various molecular markers have established that Lentibulariaceae and their three genera are monophyletic with Pinguicula being sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia-clade, while the closest relatives of the family remain uncertain. Character states of the carnivorous syndrome in related proto-carnivorous lamialean families apparently emerged independently. In Utricularia, the terrestrial habit has been reconstructed as plesiomorphic, and an extension of subgenus Polypompholyx is warranted. In the protozoan-attracting Genlisea, subgenus Tayloria is revealed as basal lineage. In Pinguicula, the six major lineages found reflect radiations in clearly defined geographic regions, whereas most previously recognized subgeneric taxa are non-monophyletic. Genlisea and Utricularia exhibit substitutional rates that rank among the highest in angiosperms for the molecular markers analyzed. One possible explanation for this lies in selective constraints on a wide range of genomic regions that may have been lowered due to the use of an alternative mode of acquiring nutrients.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of three mass flowering Utricularia species of the Indian Western Ghats, U. albocaerulea, U. purpurascens, and U. reticulata, was studied for the first time by extensive observation of flower visitors, pollination experiments, and nectar analyses. The ephemerality of the Utricularia habitats on lateritic plateaus, weather conditions adverse to insects, lack of observations of flower visitors to other Utricularia spp., and the predominance of at least facultative autogamy in the few Utricularia species studied so far suggested that an autogamous breeding system is the common case in the genus. In contrast, we showed that the studied populations are incapable of autonomous selfing, or that it is an event of negligible rarity, although P/O was similarily low as in autogamous species investigated by other authors. In all three species the spatial arrangement of the reproductive organs makes an insect vector necessary for pollen transfer between and within flowers. However, U. purpurascens and U. reticulata are highly self-compatible, which allows for visitor-mediated auto-selfing and geitonogamy on inflorescence and clone level. Floral nectar is present in extremely small volumes in all three species, but sugar concentrations are high. More than 50 species of bees, butterflies, moths, hawk moths, and dipterans were observed to visit the flowers, and flower morphology facilitated pollination by all observed visitors. The results are discussed in the context of the phenological characteristics of the studied species, especially the phenomenon of mass flowering, and the environmental conditions of their habitats.  相似文献   

Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome size   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
BACKGROUND: DNA flow cytometry describes the use of flow cytometry for estimation of DNA quantity in cell nuclei. The method involves preparation of aqueous suspensions of intact nuclei whose DNA is stained using a DNA fluorochrome. The nuclei are classified according to their relative fluorescence intensity or DNA content. Because the sample preparation and analysis is convenient and rapid, DNA flow cytometry has become a popular method for ploidy screening, detection of mixoploidy and aneuploidy, cell cycle analysis, assessment of the degree of polysomaty, determination of reproductive pathway, and estimation of absolute DNA amount or genome size. While the former applications are relatively straightforward, estimation of absolute DNA amount requires special attention to possible errors in sample preparation and analysis. SCOPE: The article reviews current procedures for estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry, with special emphasis on preparation of nuclei suspensions, stoichiometric DNA staining and the use of DNA reference standards. In addition, methodological pitfalls encountered in estimation of intraspecific variation in genome size are discussed as well as problems linked to the use of DNA flow cytometry for fieldwork. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry is not a trivial task. Although several well-proven protocols are available and some factors controlling the precision and reproducibility have been identified, several problems persist: (1) the need for fresh tissues complicates the transfer of samples from field to the laboratory and/or their storage; (2) the role of cytosolic compounds interfering with quantitative DNA staining is not well understood; and (3) the use of a set of internationally agreed DNA reference standards still remains an unrealized goal.  相似文献   

Evolution of bacterial genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines evolution of bacterial genomes with an emphasis on RNA based life, the transition to functional DNA and small evolving genomes (possibly plasmids) that led to larger, functional bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts are reported for 83 species and 53 genera of palms, covering all of the six subfamilies. 4C DNA contents range between 3.89 and 55.62 pg in diploids, showing an approximate 14.3-fold variation in genome size. Polyploids have DNA contents of up to 156.40 pg/4c which demonstrates a 40.2-fold variation. Diploids with high DNA contents occur in three subfamilies of palms (Coryphoideae, Calamoideae, Arecoideae), and seem to be further restricted to particular tribes or subtribes (Thrinacinae, Borasseae, Lepidocaryeae, Caryoteae, some subtribes of Areceae). Palms from the subfamilies Nypoideae and Phytelephantoideae have the lowest DNA amounts, followed by the Phoeniceae and the Corypheae: Livistoninae from the subfamily Coryphoideae. Although DNA amounts in some genera and subtribes are usually constant, e.g., in Phoenix, Phytelephas, the Livistoninae, Dypsidinae, diploid Butiinae), considerable variation occurs at the diploid level in some large and apparently actively evolving genera such as Chamaedorea, Pinanga, Cenoma and possibly Bactris. Formaldehyde fixation is recommended for palms, as conventional ethanol-acetic acid fixation has proved to be unsuitable for DNA estimation of Feulgen-stained nuclei by microdensitometry, since it can lead to errors up to 2.5-fold in extent. Chromosome counts are reported for 72 of the species studied, of which 42 are new.  相似文献   

Rasch EM 《Journal of morphology》2006,267(11):1316-1325
The unique chromosome biology of the fungus fly Sciara coprophila has fascinated investigators for over 80 years. Male meiosis exhibits a monopolar spindle, nonrandom segregation of imprinted chromosomes and nondisjunction of the X chromosome. The unusual mechanism of sex determination requires selective elimination of X chromosomes in embryogenesis. Supernumerary (L) chromosomes are also eliminated from the soma during early cleavage divisions. Distinctive DNA puffs on the larval salivary gland chromosomes are sites of DNA amplification. As a foundation for future genome studies to explore these many unusual phenomena, we have used DNA-Feulgen cytophotometry to determine genome size from hemocyte nuclei of male (X0) and female (XX) larvae and adults. The DNA content of the X chromosome is approximately 0.05 pg DNA and the autosomal complement is approximately 0.45 pg DNA. Measurements of DNA levels for individual sperm from adults showed that the DNA contribution of the germ line-limited (L) chromosomes constitutes as much as 35% of the DNA of the male gamete. A parallel study using Sciara ocellaris, a related species lacking L chromosomes, confirmed the presence of two X chromosomes in the sperm of this species.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that the genome sizes of birds are constrained relative to other tetrapods owing to the high metabolic demands of powered flight and the link between nuclear DNA content and red blood cell size. This hypothesis predicts that hummingbirds, which engage in energy-intensive hovering flight, will display especially constrained genomes even relative to other birds. We report genome size measurements for 37 species of hummingbirds that confirm this prediction. Our results suggest that genome size was reduced before the divergence of extant hummingbird lineages, and that only minimal additional reduction occurred during hummingbird diversification. Unlike in some other avian taxa, the small amount of variation observed within hummingbirds is not explained by variation in respiratory and flight-related parameters. Unexpectedly, genome size appears to have increased in four unrelated hummingbird species whose distributions are centred on humid forests of the upper-tropical elevational zone on the eastern slope of the Andes. This suggests that the secondary expansion of the genome may have been mediated by biogeographical and demographic effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nuclear DNA content (C-value) varies approximately 1000-fold across the angiosperms, and this variation has been reported to have an effect on the quality of AFLP fingerprints. Various methods have been proposed for circumventing the problems associated with small and large genomes. Here we investigate the range of nuclear DNA contents across which the standard AFLP protocol can be used. METHODS: AFLP fingerprinting was conducted on an automated platform using the standard protocol (with 3 + 3 selective bases) in which DNA fragments are visualized as bands. Species with nuclear DNA contents ranging from 1C = 0.2 to 32.35 pg were included, and the total number of bands and the number of polymorphic bands were counted. For the species with the smallest C-value (Bixa orellana) and for one of the species with a large C-value (Damasonium alisma), alternative protocols using 2 + 3 and 3 + 4 selective bases, respectively, were also used. KEY RESULTS: Acceptable AFLP traces were obtained using the standard protocol with 1C-values of 0.30-8.43 pg. Below this range, the quality was improved by using 2 + 3 selective bases. Above this range, the traces were generally characterized by a few strongly amplifying bands and noisy baselines. Damasonium alisma, however, gave more even traces, probably due to it being a tetraploid. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that for known polyploids, genome size is a more useful indicator than the 1C-value in deciding which AFLP protocol to use. Thus, knowledge of ploidy (allowing estimation of genome size) and C-value are both important. For small genomes, the number of interpretable bands can be increased by decreasing the number of selective bases. For larger genomes, increasing the number of bases does not necessarily decrease the number of bands as predicted. The presence of a small number of strongly amplifying bands is likely to be linked to the presence of repetitive DNA sequences in high copy number in taxa with large genomes.  相似文献   

Plant genome size research: a field in focus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This Special Issue contains 18 papers arising from presentations at the Second Plant Genome Size Workshop and Discussion Meeting (hosted by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 8-12 September, 2003). This preface provides an overview of these papers, setting their key contents in the broad framework of this highly active field. It also highlights a few overarching issues with wide biological impact or interest, including (1) the need to unify terminology relating to C-value and genome size, (2) the ongoing quest for accurate gold standards for accurate plant genome size estimation, (3) how knowledge of species' DNA amounts has increased in recent years, (4) the existence, causes and significance of intraspecific variation, (5) recent progress in understanding the mechanisms and evolutionary patterns of genome size change, and (6) the impact of genome size knowledge on related biological activities such as genetic fingerprinting and quantitative genetics. The paper offers a vision of how increased knowledge and understanding of genome size will contribute to holisitic genomic studies in both plants and animals in the next decade.  相似文献   

Like most insect orders, the Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) remain poorly studied from the perspective of genome size. They exhibit several characteristics that make them desirable targets for analysis in this area, for example a large range in body size, differences in developmental rate, and distinct modes of flight – all of which are related to genome size in at least some animal taxa. The present study provides new genome size estimates and morphometric data for 100 species of odonates, covering about 1/5 of described North American diversity. Significant relationships are reported between genome size and body size (positive in dragonflies, negative in damselflies), and there is also indication that developmental rate and flight are related to genome size in these insects. Genome size is also positively correlated with chromosome number across the order. These findings contribute to an improved understanding of genome size evolution in insects, and raise several interesting questions for future research.  相似文献   

Genome sizes for 127 Macaronesian endemic angiosperms from 69 genera and 32 families were estimated using propidium iodide flow cytometry. Only about 30-fold variation in 1C-values was found, ranging from 0.32 pg in Echium bonnetii to 9.52 pg in Scilla dasyantha. Taxa with very small DNA amounts (1C 1.4 pg) were the most dominant group (71.7%), whereas the frequency of other categories was much lower (18.9% and 9.4% in taxa with small (1.41–3.50 pg) and intermediate 1C-values (3.51–14.00 pg), respectively). Comparisons of average C- and Cx-values between Macaronesian endemics and non-Macaronesian representatives always revealed significantly smaller amounts in the former group at various taxonomic levels (genus, family, major phylogenetic lineage). Potential relationship between nuclear DNA content and insular burst of speciation is suggested owing to the marked prevalence of very small genomes among angiosperms that underwent rapid adaptive radiation. Merging all the genome size data on Macaronesian angiosperms available shows that this flora represents the best covered plant assemblage from the phytogeographic point of view.  相似文献   

Genome size variation is of fundamental biological importance and has been a longstanding puzzle in evolutionary biology. In the present study, the genome size of 61 accessions corresponding to 11 genera and 50 species of Vitaceae and Leeaceae is determined using flow cytometry. Phylogenetically based statistical analyses were used to infer ancestral character reconstructions of nuclear DNA contents. The DNA 1C‐values of 38 species are reported for the first time, with the largest genome (Cyphostemma humile (N. E. Br.) Desc. ex Wild & R. B. Drumm, 1C = 3.25 pg) roughly 10.48‐fold larger than the smallest (Vitis vulpina L., 1C = 0.31 pg). The large genomes are restricted to the tribe Cayratieae, and most other extant species in the family possess relatively small genomes. Ancestral genome size reconstruction revealed that the most recent common ancestor for the family had a relatively small genome (1C = 0.85 pg). Genome evolution in Vitaceae has been characterized by a trend towards genome size reduction, with just one episode of apparent DNA accumulation in the Cayratieae lineage. Such contrasting patterns of genome size evolution probably resulted from transposable elements and chromosome rearrangements, while neopolyploidization seems to contribute to recent genome increase in some species at the tips in the family tree.  相似文献   

The genome size of the marine sponges Suberites domuncula and Geodia cydonium has been determined by flow cytofluorometric analysis using diamidino-phenylindole [DAPI]. Using human lymphocytes as reference the amount of DNA in cells from S. domuncula has been determined to be 3.7 pg and that of G. cydonium 3.3 pg. While no chromosomes could be identified in G. cydonium, the karyotype of the Suberites domuncula is 32 chromsomes in the diploid state. The size of the chromosomes was between 0.25 and 1.0 μm. No pronounced banding pattern was visible.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The 6 years since the last Angiosperm Genome Size Discussion Meeting in 1997 have experienced the decline of the then widely held idea of the 'plastic' genome. Several published cases of intra-specific variation in cultivated plants have been questioned on re-investigation with an improved technical approach. At the same time, technical problems caused by staining inhibitors present in the plant material have been recognized. In the accumulation of genome size data more critical methods and rules for best practice are urgently needed. INFRA-SPECIFIC VARIATION RE-VISITED: This review is about (a) the basic requirement for repeatability of results and the need for self-criticism on the part of the investigator and (b) the critical points in the technical procedure, particularly the quantitative Feulgen reaction. Case studies are presented on Dasypyrum villosum (refuting a previously reported 'plastic genome' phenomenon), on Glycine max (refuting previously claimed intraspecific variation) and on Arachis hypogaea and A. duranensis, in which reported C-values are too high by roughly two-fold. In A. hypogaea the reported intraspecific genome size variation could not be confirmed. Furthermore, a claimed negative correlation between altitude and genome size in A. duranensis was shown to be based on an arbitrary omission of data points that did not fit the correlation (although a correlation was found). BEST PRACTICE METHODOLOGY: The finding of previously published questionable studies was the incentive for a re-consideration of the quantitative Feulgen procedure with regard to best practice in genome size studies. Clarification here of the critical steps of the method should help to improve the data in the literature. It must be stressed that the most important requirement is the need for a self-critical attitude of researchers to their data.  相似文献   

The construction of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries remains relatively complex and laborious, such that any technological improvement is considered to be highly advantageous. In this study, we addressed several aspects that improved the quality and efficiency of cloning of plant genomes into BACs. We set the 'single tube vector' preparation method with no precipitation or gel electrophoresis steps, which resulted in less vector DNA damage and a remarkable two- to threefold higher transformation efficiency compared with other known vector preparation methods. We used a reduced amount of DNA for partial digestion (up to 5 microg), which resulted in less BAC clones with small inserts. We performed electrophoresis in 0.25 x TBE (Tris, boric acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) buffer instead of 0.5 x TBE, which resulted in larger and more uniformly sized BAC inserts and, surprisingly, a two- to threefold higher transformation efficiency, probably due to less contamination with borate ions. We adopted a triple size selection that resulted in an increased mean insert size of up to 70 kb and a transformation efficiency comparable with that of double size selection. Overall, the improved protocol presented in this study resulted in a five- to sixfold higher cloning efficiency and larger and more uniformly sized BAC inserts. BAC libraries with the desired mean insert size (up to 200 kb) were constructed from several plant species, including hexaploid wheat. The improved protocol will render the construction of BAC libraries more available in plants and will greatly enhance genome analysis, gene mapping and cloning.  相似文献   

For half a century, variation in genome size (C-value) has been an unresolved puzzle in evolutionary biology. While the initial "C-value paradox" was solved with the discovery of noncoding DNA, a much more complex "C-value enigma" remains. The present study focuses on one aspect of this puzzle, namely the small genome sizes of birds. Significant negative correlations are reported between resting metabolic rate and both C-value and erythrocyte size. Cell size is positively correlated with both nucleus size and C-value in birds, as in other vertebrates. These findings shed light on the constraints acting on genome size in birds and illustrate the importance of interactions among various levels of the biological hierarchy, ranging from the subchromosomal to the ecological. Following from a discussion of the mechanistic bases of the correlations reported and the processes by which birds achieved and/or maintain small genomes, a pluralistic approach to the C-value enigma is recommended.  相似文献   

Recent genome sequencing papers have given genome sizes of 180 Mb for Drosophila melanogaster Iso-1 and 125 Mb for Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia. The former agrees with early cytochemical estimates, but numerous cytometric estimates of around 170 Mb imply that a genome size of 125 Mb for arabidopsis is an underestimate. In this study, nuclei of species pairs were compared directly using flow cytometry. Co-run Columbia and Iso-1 female gave a 2C peak for arabidopsis only approx. 15 % below that for drosophila, and 16C endopolyploid Columbia nuclei had approx. 15 % more DNA than 2C chicken nuclei (with >2280 Mb). Caenorhabditis elegans Bristol N2 (genome size approx. 100 Mb) co-run with Columbia or Iso-1 gave a 2C peak for drosophila approx. 75 % above that for 2C C. elegans, and a 2C peak for arabidopsis approx. 57 % above that for C. elegans. This confirms that 1C in drosophila is approx. 175 Mb and, combined with other evidence, leads us to conclude that the genome size of arabidopsis is not approx. 125 Mb, but probably approx. 157 Mb. It is likely that the discrepancy represents extra repeated sequences in unsequenced gaps in heterochromatic regions. Complete sequencing of the arabidopsis genome until no gaps remain at telomeres, nucleolar organizing regions or centromeres is still needed to provide the first precise angiosperm C-value as a benchmark calibration standard for plant genomes, and to ensure that no genes have been missed in arabidopsis, especially in centromeric regions, which are clearly larger than once imagined.  相似文献   

Hybridization and polyploidy can induce rapid genomic changes, including the gain or loss of DNA, but the magnitude and timing of such changes are not well understood. The homoploid hybrid system in Helianthus (three hybrid-derived species and their two parents) provides an opportunity to examine the link between hybridization and genome size changes in a replicated fashion. Flow cytometry was used to estimate the nuclear DNA content in multiple populations of three homoploid hybrid Helianthus species (Helianthus anomalus, Helianthus deserticola, and Helianthus paradoxus), the parental species (Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris), synthetic hybrids, and natural hybrid-zone populations. Results confirm that hybrid-derived species have 50% more nuclear DNA than the parental species. Despite multiple origins, hybrid species were largely consistent in their DNA content across populations, although H. deserticola showed significant interpopulation differences. First- and sixth-generation synthetic hybrids and hybrid-zone plants did not show an increase from parental DNA content. First-generation hybrids differed in DNA content according to the maternal parent. In summary, hybridization by itself does not lead to increased nuclear DNA content in Helianthus, and the evolutionary forces responsible for the repeated increases in DNA content seen in the hybrid-derived species remain mysterious.  相似文献   

Patterns of genome size in the copepoda   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Adult somatic nuclear DNA contents are reported for eleven cyclopoid species (Megacyclops latipes, Mesocyclops edax, M. longisetus, M. ruttneri, M. leuckarti, M. woutersi, Macrocyclops albidus, Cyclops strenuus, Acanthocyclops robustus, Diothona oculata, Thermocyclops crassus) and for the harpacticoid Tigriopus californicus and range from 0.50 to 4.1 pg DNA per nucleus. These diploid genome sizes are consistent with previously published values for four Cyclops species (0.28–1.8 pg DNA per nucleus), but are strikingly smaller than those reported for marine calanoids (4.32–24.92 pg DNA per nucleus). We discuss three explanations, none of them exclusive of another, to account for the smaller size and range of cyclopoid genome sizes relative to calanoid genome sizes: (1) higher prevalence of chromatin diminution in the Cyclopoida, (2) phylogenetic structure or older age of the Calanoida relative to Cyclopoida and (3) nucleotypic selection that may influence life history variation and fitness. Measurements of genome size were made on Feulgen stained, somatic cell nuclei, using scanning microdensitometry which is well suited to the sparse and heterogeneous populations of copepod nuclei. The importance of measuring large numbers of nuclei per specimen, possible sources of variation associated with cytophotometric measurements, and appropriate use of internal reference standards and stoichiometry of the Feulgen stained nuclei are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim  Although divergences in nuclear DNA content among different species within a genus are widely acknowledged, intraspecific variation is still a somewhat controversial issue. The aim of this study was to assess genome size variation in the polymorphic species Picris hieracioides L. (Asteraceae) and to search for potential interpretations of the size heterogeneity.
Location  Europe.
Methods  The genome sizes of 179 plants of P. hieracioides collected from 54 populations distributed across 10 European countries were determined by propidium iodide flow cytometry. Differences in nuclear DNA content were confirmed in simultaneous analyses.
Results  2C-values (population means) at the diploid level varied from 2.26 to 3.11 pg, spanning a 1.37-fold range. The variation persisted even after splitting the whole data set into two recently distinguished morphotypes (i.e. the 'Lower altitude' type and the 'Higher altitude' type) that possess significantly different nuclear DNA contents. Cluster analysis revealed the presence of three major groups according to genome size, which exhibited a particular geographical pattern. Generally, the genome size of both morphotypes increased significantly from south-west to north-east. A new cytotype, DNA triploid, was found for the first time.
Main conclusions  High intraspecific variation in the amount of nuclear DNA in P. hieracioides correlates with the extensive morphological variation found within the taxon. Despite the complex pattern that was presented, genome size variants were non-randomly distributed and reflected palaeovegetation history. We suggest that the complex evolutionary history of P. hieracioides (e.g. the existence of several cryptic lineages with different levels of cross-interactions) is the most plausible explanation for the observed heterogeneity in genome size.  相似文献   

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