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Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or ovine luteinizing hormone (LH) on the number and size distribution of steroidogenic luteal cells. In Experiment I, 27 ewes were assigned to one of three groups: 1) hCG (300 IU, i.v.) administered on Days 5 and 7.5 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 = Estrus); 2) LH (120 micrograms, i.v.) administered at 6-h intervals from Days 5 to 10 of the cycle; 3) saline (i.v.) administered as in the LH treatment group. Blood samples were drawn daily from the jugular vein for quantification of progesterone. On Day 10, corpora lutea were collected, decapsulated, weighed, and dissociated into single cell suspensions. Cells were fixed, stained for 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta HSD) activity, and the size distribution of 3 beta HSD-positive cells was determined. Treatment with hCG, but not LH, increased (p less than 0.05) concentrations of progesterone in serum and the weight of corpora lutea. Treatment with either hCG of LH increased the proportion of cells greater than 22 micron in diameter and decreased the proportion of cells less than or equal to 22 micron (p less than 0.01). The ratio of small to large luteal cells decreased after treatment with either hCG or LH (p less than 0.05). In Experiment II, 9 ewes were assigned to one of two groups: 1) LH (120 micrograms, i.v.) administered at 6-h intervals from Days 5 to 10 of the estrous cycle, and 2) saline (i.v.) administered as in the LH treatment group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The human corpus luteum (CL) is a highly vascularized, temporarily active endocrine gland and consists mainly of granulosa cells (GCs), theca cells (TCs), and endothelial cells (ECs). Its cyclic growth and development takes place under the influence of gonadotropic hormones. If pregnancy does occur, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) takes over the function of luteinizing hormone (LH) and, in contrast to LH, extends the functional life span of the CL. In this study, we investigated the effects of hCG and LH in a spheroidal cell culture model of CL development. Our data indicate that GCs secrete factors under the control of hCG that increase sprout formation of EC-spheroids. We demonstrate that the most prominent of these factors is VEGF-A. Furthermore, we found that both LH and hCG decrease sprout formation of GC-spheroids. After forming EC-GC coculture spheroids and consequently bringing GCs and ECs in close contact, sprouting increased under the influence of hCG, however not under LH. These experiments provide evidence for an hCG dependent functional switch in the GCs after coming in contact with ECs. Moreover, it demonstrates the considerably different effects of hCG and LH on GCs although their signaling is transmitted via the same receptor.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have elucidated the structure of the mammalian LH/hCG receptor; as reported in the present work, we have developed a series of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the rat ovarian LH/hCG receptor using highly purified receptor as immunogen and by screening hybridomas with purified LH/hCG receptors. The mAbs were able to specifically immunoprecipitate LH/hCG receptors from solubilized preparations of rat ovarian membranes as well as from partially purified preparations. Western blotting with mAb P1B4 detected a probable receptor dimer and a receptor fragment in rat and porcine ovarian tissue but not in other tissues. This mAb also partially inhibited hCG binding to rat and porcine ovarian tissues. The receptor mAbs were able to inhibit hCG-induced progesterone synthesis in cultured human and porcine granulosa cells without affecting cAMP- and FSH-induced progesterone synthesis. The mAb P1B4 was used to demonstrate that the majority of ovarian receptors are internalized after hCG treatment and that in pseudopregnant rats receptors are present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in microvesicles. Bovine corpus luteal cells also contained P1B4 binding sites, as detected by immunohistochemical technique. Taken together, these results suggest that the mAbs are specific for the LH/hCG receptor, mAb P1B4 recognizes an epitope that is highly conserved among mammals, and this epitope is probably in the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

We previously reported that annexin 5 is found specifically in gonadotropes and that the expression is dramatically enhanced after ovariectomy. In the present study, the expression of annexin 5 was examined in the primary culture of rat anterior pituitary cells using semiquantitative RT-PCR to determine if it is under the direct control of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Continuous administration of GnRH analog for 1 h enhanced the expression of both FSH beta subunit and annexin 5 mRNA. The expression of annexin 5 mRNA was also augmented by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate but not by forskolin. Administration of recombinant rat annexin 5 to the culture increased LH beta mRNA expression. These data clearly demonstrate that the expression of annexin 5 mRNA is directly controlled by GnRH and suggest that annexin 5 is involved in mediating GnRH action in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LH/hCGR) undergoes palmitoylation at cysteine residues 621 and 622 located in the carboxyl terminal tail of the receptor. This study examined the biological function of palmitoylation with respect to its effect on receptor internalization. Coexpression of wild-type (WT) or C621/622G mutant receptors with arrestin-2 increased receptor internalization in 293T cells. Furthermore, measurements of rate enhancement upon overexpression of arrestin indicate that the palmitoylation deficient mutant receptor is more prone to utilizing the arrestin mediated internalization pathway than the WT receptor. Coexpression of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 (GRK4) with wild type receptor resulted in an increase in internalization, while coexpression with the mutant receptor did not result in further enhancement of internalization. Additionally, 293T cells expressing mutant receptor were responsive to hCG with respect to production of inositol phosphates. Taken together, these results suggest that the palmitoylation state of the receptor governs internalization by regulating the accessibility of the receptor to the arrestin-mediated internalization pathway.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of frozen human corpora lutea were tested for the presence of an inhibitor of luteinizing hormone-receptor site binding (LHRBI) and for the subsequent effect on the stimulatory response of luteinizing hormone (LH) on progesterone synthesis by sheep ovarian cells. In the presence of human corpus luteum extract of normal menstrual cycle (30,000-g supernatant), the binding of 125I human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) to granulosa and luteal cells of sheep ovaries was markedly reduced, but the ability of rat testicular LH receptors to bind labelled hCG was less affected. However, extracts of corpora lutea of the first trimester of pregnancy appeared to be less inhibitory on the binding of LH/hCG to ovarian cells and had no effect on the binding of rat testicular cells compared to those of normal menstrual cycle. Addition of both extracts separately inhibited the LH-stimulated in vitro progesterone synthesis by granulosa cell cultures and by incubated sheep corpus luteum slices. These findings provide evidence for the presence of LHRBI in human corpus luteum.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) have an approximately 350-amino acid-long, N-terminal extracellular exodomain. This exodomain binds hormone with high affinity and specificity and contains eight to nine putative Leu-rich repeat (LRR) sequences. LRRs are known to assume the horseshoe structure in ribonuclease inhibitors, and the inner lining of the horseshoe consists of the beta-stranded Leu/Ile-X-Leu/Ile motif. In the case of ribonuclease inhibitors, these beta strands interact with ribonuclease. However, it is unclear whether the putative LRRs of LHR and FSHR play any role in the structure and function. In this work, the beta-stranded Leu/Ile residues in all LRRs of the human LHR and FSHR were Ala-scanned and characterized. In addition, the 23 residues around LRR2 of LHR were Ala-scanned. The results show that beta-stranded Leu and Ile residues in all LRRs are important but not equally. These Leu/Ile-X-Leu/Ile motifs appear to form the hydrophobic core of the LRR loop, crucial for the LRR structure. Interestingly, the hot spots are primarily in the upstream and downstream LRRs of the LHR exodomain, whereas important LRRs spread throughout the FSHR exodomain. This may explain the distinct hormone specificity despite the structural similarity of the two receptors.  相似文献   

A model system for the biochemical study of LH/CG receptor synthesis has been developed. Culture conditions for porcine granulosa cells were adapted that maximized the selective induction of LH/CG receptors by cAMP-inducing stimuli with an elimination of background LH/CG receptor appearance. It was found that the addition of FSH (1.5 μg/ml) or cholera toxin (10 ng/ml) 1 day after plating resulted in optimal induction of the LH/CG receptor (20–60 pg [125I]CG bound/μg DNA 72 h after addition) with virtually no LH/CG receptor appearance in the absence of added stimuli. Later additions of FSH or cholera toxin required insulin (1.0 μg/ml) which alone caused background LH/CG receptor appearance in the absence of any additional stimuli. Furthermore, insulin increased the general rate of cellular protein synthesis, whereas FSH or cholera toxin each decreased it. Thus, the use of FSH or cholera toxin, without insulin, may enable one to detect the synthesis of the LH/CG receptor by metabolic labeling techniques where background protein synthesis has been lowered.  相似文献   

The LH/CG receptor is a member of the family of G protein-coupled receptors and consists of a large N-terminal extracellular domain (which is responsible for binding hormone) attached to a region that spans the plasma membrane seven times, ending with an intracellularly located C-terminus. Binding of LH or human CG (hCG) to the LH/CG receptor causes a stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, presumably via activation of Gs. The binding of hormone also leads to its subsequent internalization by receptor-mediated endocytosis. In order to investigate the role of the cytoplasmic tail of this receptor in these events, we prepared a series of mutants in which progressively larger portions of the cytoplasmic tail were deleted. Deletion of 58 amino acids from the C-terminus, in which only 11 cytoplasmic residues remain, resulted in a receptor that was not expressed on the plasma membrane. Receptors rat LHR (rLHR)-t653 and rLHR-t631, in which 21 or 43 amino acids were removed, respectively, were properly expressed. These results suggest that a region(s) between residues 616 and 631 of the rLH/CG receptor are required for proper insertion and/or targeting of the receptor into the plasma membrane. Cells expressing rLHR-t653 or rLHR-t631 bound hCG with the same high affinity as cells expressing the full-length receptor, and basal levels of cAMP were the same among the cells. However, cells expressing the truncated receptors responded to hCG with approximately 2-fold greater levels of maximal cAMP accumulation than cells expressing the full-length receptor. Deletion of up to 43 amino acids from the C-terminus of the rLH/CG receptor had no deleterious effect on hCG internalization. In fact, mutants lacking 21 and 43 amino acids exhibited progressively faster rates of hCG internalization as compared to the full-length receptor. Once internalized, hCG was also degraded at a faster rate in cells expressing the truncated LH/CG receptors. Since hCG-stimulated cAMP stimulation and hCG internalization are retained by rLHR-t631, it can be concluded that the residues, not necessarily the same, required for these functions reside within the 26 amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail closest to the seventh transmembrane helix and/or residues within the intracellular loops. Our data show, however, that both hCG-stimulated cAMP production and hCG internalization are enhanced by the removal of the distal portion of the cytoplasmic tail.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for labeling receptors for human chorionic gonadotropin or luteinizing hormone (hCGLH) present on bovine corpus luteal plasma membranes. It consists of four steps: (a) protection of the receptor by treating the plasma membranes with hCG; (b) iodination of the membranes with KI using glucose, glucose oxidase, and lactoperoxidase; (c) unmasking the receptor with either 2 m NaCl, 1 m guanidine hydrochloride, or rabbit anti-hCG; and (d) reiodination of the membranes using Na131I. After solubilization by successive treatments with Sepharose-concanavalin A and Sepharose-hCG and finally by preparative disc electrophoresis, the resulting purified receptor after electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel showed a single radioactive band containing receptor activity. This highly purified receptor is fairly stable and retains its hormonal specificity, binding affinity, and pH optimum. It was observed that the receptor alone or as a complex with the hormone tends to aggregate. The receptorhormone complex does not dissociate during polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Activin A regulation of the expression of mRNA for the LH receptor, FSH receptor, and the inhibin alpha subunit as well as the effect of activin A on the secretion of progesterone were investigated in chicken granulosa cell cultures. Granulosa layers were isolated from the F(1) and F(3) + F(4) follicles from five hens, pooled according to size, dispersed, and cultured for 48 h. In experiment 1 (n = 3 replications), granulosa cells were cultured with or without highly purified ovine (o) FSH at 50 ng/ml and in the presence of 0, 10, or 50 ng/ml of recombinant chicken activin A. Experiment 2 (n = 4 replications) followed the same protocol as experiment 1, except that oFSH was replaced with oLH. Results from these experiments showed that addition of activin A to the granulosa cell cultures had no effect on the expression of mRNA for the inhibin alpha subunit or the FSH receptor, but it did affect the expression of mRNA for the LH receptor. Treatment of F(3) + F(4) granulosa cells with LH stimulated the expression of mRNA for the LH receptor; however, when LH was combined with either dose of activin A, this induction was prevented. The highest dose of activin A with or without LH resulted in decreased expression of the LH receptor compared to the untreated controls in the F(3) + F(4) cell cultures. Progesterone secretion by the granulosa cells from both follicle sizes was not altered by activin A. In experiment 3 (n = 3 replications), the effect of activin A on the growth of granulosa cells was examined with the following treatments: 0, 10, or 50 ng/ml of activin A; 50 ng/ml of either oLH or oFSH; and oLH or oFSH combined with 10 ng/ml of activin A. The highest dose of activin reduced the rate of granulosa cell proliferation in both follicle types. Growth of F(1) and F(3) + F(4) granulosa cells was stimulated by the addition of either gonadotropin, and the presence of 10 ng/ml of activin A with either gonadotropin did not alter this proliferation, except for the LH-treated F(3) + F(4) granulosa cells, in which the increase in proliferation was prevented. The results suggest that activin A could act as a local factor that regulates follicular maturation by preventing excessive or untimely LH receptor expression.  相似文献   

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