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Site-specific integration has emerged as a promising strategy for precise Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line engineering and predictable cell line development (CLD). CRISPR/Cas9 with the homology-directed repair (HDR) pathway enables precise integration of transgenes into target genomic sites. However, inherent recalcitrance to HDR-mediated targeted integration (TI) of transgenes results in low targeting efficiency, thus requiring a selection process to find a targeted integrant in CHO cells. Here, we explored several parameters that influence the targeting efficiency using a promoter-trap-based single- or double-knock-in (KI) monitoring system. A simple change in the donor template design by the addition of single-guide RNA recognition sequences strongly increased KI efficiency (2.9–36.0 fold), depending on integration sites and cell culture mode, compared to conventional circular donor plasmids. Furthermore, sequential and simultaneous KI strategies enabled us to obtain populations with ~1–4% of double-KI cells without additional enrichment procedures. Thus, this simple optimized strategy not only allows efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated TI in CHO cells but also paves the way for the applicability of multiplexed KIs in one experimental step without the need for sequential and independent CHO–CLD procedures.  相似文献   

杨帆  李寅 《生物工程学报》2017,33(3):361-371
CRISPR/Cas系统几乎存在于所有的细菌和古菌中,是用来抵御外来病毒和噬菌体入侵的获得性免疫防御机制。2012年起CRISPR/Cas9被改造为基因编辑工具,并衍生出一系列高效、便捷的基因编辑工具,迅速在基础理论、基因诊断和临床治疗等研究领域中得到广泛应用。然而,CRISPR/Cas9也存在细胞毒性、脱靶效应和基因插入困难等一些亟待解决的问题,在一定程度上限制了CRISPR/Cas9的应用。Cpf1是2015年报道的一种新型CRISPR效应蛋白,具有许多与Cas9不同的特性,有利于克服CRISPR/Cas9应用中的一些限制。本文综述了近两年来对CRISPR/Cpf1的研究进展和应用,并对其应用前景和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology has previously been shown to be a highly efficient tool for generating gene disruptions in CHO cells. In this study we further demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing by disrupting FUT8, BAK and BAX simultaneously in a multiplexing setup in CHO cells. To isolate Cas9‐expressing cells from transfected cell pools, GFP was linked to the Cas9 nuclease via a 2A peptide. With this method, the average indel frequencies generated at the three genomic loci were increased from 11% before enrichment to 68% after enrichment. Despite the high number of genome editing events in the enriched cell pools, no significant off‐target effects were observed from off‐target prediction followed by deep sequencing. Single cell sorting of enriched multiplexed cells and deep sequencing of 97 clones revealed the presence of four single, 23 double and 34 triple gene‐disrupted cell lines. Further characterization of selected potential triple knockout clones confirmed the removal of Bak and Bax protein and disrupted fucosylation activity as expected. The knockout cell lines showed improved resistance to apoptosis compared to wild‐type CHO‐S cells. Taken together, multiplexing with CRISPR/Cas9 can accelerate genome engineering efforts in CHO cells even further.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are widely used in the biopharmaceutical industry as a host for the production of complex pharmaceutical proteins. Thus genome engineering of CHO cells for improved product quality and yield is of great interest. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the efficacy of the CRISPR Cas9 technology in CHO cells by generating site‐specific gene disruptions in COSMC and FUT8, both of which encode proteins involved in glycosylation. The tested single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) created an indel frequency up to 47.3% in COSMC, while an indel frequency up to 99.7% in FUT8 was achieved by applying lectin selection. All eight sgRNAs examined in this study resulted in relatively high indel frequencies, demonstrating that the Cas9 system is a robust and efficient genome‐editing methodology in CHO cells. Deep sequencing revealed that 85% of the indels created by Cas9 resulted in frameshift mutations at the target sites, with a strong preference for single base indels. Finally, we have developed a user‐friendly bioinformatics tool, named “CRISPy” for rapid identification of sgRNA target sequences in the CHO‐K1 genome. The CRISPy tool identified 1,970,449 CRISPR targets divided into 27,553 genes and lists the number of off‐target sites in the genome. In conclusion, the proven functionality of Cas9 to edit CHO genomes combined with our CRISPy database have the potential to accelerate genome editing and synthetic biology efforts in CHO cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014; 111: 1604–1616. © 2014 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9 and Cas12a (Cpf1) nucleases are two of the most powerful genome editing tools in plants. In this work, we compared their activities by targeting maize glossy2 gene coding region that has overlapping sequences recognized by both nucleases. We introduced constructs carrying SpCas9‐guide RNA (gRNA) and LbCas12a‐CRISPR RNA (crRNA) into maize inbred B104 embryos using Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation. On‐target mutation analysis showed that 90%–100% of the Cas9‐edited T0 plants carried indel mutations and 63%–77% of them were homozygous or biallelic mutants. In contrast, 0%–60% of Cas12a‐edited T0 plants had on‐target mutations. We then conducted CIRCLE‐seq analysis to identify genome‐wide potential off‐target sites for Cas9. A total of 18 and 67 potential off‐targets were identified for the two gRNAs, respectively, with an average of five mismatches compared to the target sites. Sequencing analysis of a selected subset of the off‐target sites revealed no detectable level of mutations in the T1 plants, which constitutively express Cas9 nuclease and gRNAs. In conclusion, our results suggest that the CRISPR/Cas9 system used in this study is highly efficient and specific for genome editing in maize, while CRISPR/Cas12a needs further optimization for improved editing efficiency.  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted gene integration (TI) has been used to generate recombinant mammalian cell lines with predictable transgene expression. Identifying genomic hot spots that render high and stable transgene expression and knock-in (KI) efficiency is critical for fully implementing TI-mediated cell line development (CLD); however, such identification is cumbersome. In this study, we developed an artificial KI construct that can be used as a hot spot at different genomic loci. The ubiquitous chromatin opening element (UCOE) was employed because of its ability to open chromatin and enable stable and site-independent transgene expression. UCOE KI cassettes were randomly integrated into CHO-K1 and HEK293T cells, followed by TI of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) onto the artificial UCOE KI site. The CHO-K1 random pool harboring 5′2.2A2UCOE-CMV displayed a significant increase in EGFP expression level and KI efficiency compared with that of the control without UCOE. In addition, 5′2.2A2UCOE-CMV showed improved Cas9 accessibility in the HEK293T genome, leading to an increase in indel frequency and homology-independent KI. Overall, this assessment revealed the potential of UCOE KI constructs as artificial integration sites in streamlining the screening of high-production targeted integrants by mitigating the selection of genomic hot spots.  相似文献   

规律成簇的间隔短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)是原核生物的适应性免疫系统,对抗外来遗传物质(如质粒和噬菌体)的攻击。近年来,科学家们发现了一种新型基因编辑工具,一种强大的分子剪刀CRISPR/Cas12a系统,该系统在对靶标DNA进行切割的同时还具有对体系内单链DNA进行任意切割的活性,并将其转移到体外检测系统。本文对CRISPR/Cas12a系统组成、结构、Cas12a与Cas9的对比和CRISPR/Cas12a系统在核酸检测中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

The production of high-value biopharmaceuticals is dominated by mammalian production cells, particularly Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, which have been widely used and preferred in manufacturing processes. The discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 significantly accelerated cell line engineering advances, allowing for production yield and quality improvements. Since then, several other CRISPR systems have become appealing genome editing tools, such as the Cas12a nucleases, which provide broad editing capabilities while utilizing short guide RNAs (gRNAs) that reduce the complexity of the editing systems. One of these is the Mad7 nuclease, which has been shown to efficiently convey targeted gene disruption and insertions in several different organisms. In this study, we demonstrate that Mad7 can generate indels for gene knockout of host cell proteins in CHO cells. We found that the efficiency of Mad7 depends on the addition of protein nuclear localization signals and the gRNAs employed for genome targeting. Moreover, we provide computational tools to design Mad7 gRNAs against any genome of choice and for automated indel detection analysis from next-generation sequencing data. In summary, this paper establishes the application of Mad7 in CHO cells, thereby improving the CRISPR toolbox versatility for research and cell line engineering.  相似文献   

The Chinese hamster genome database (http://www.chogenome.org/) is an online resource for the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell communities. CHO cells are important for biomedical research and are widely used in industry for the production of biopharmaceuticals. The genome of the CHO-K1 cell line was recently sequenced and the CHO community has developed an online resource to facilitate accessibility of the genomic data and the development of genomic tools.  相似文献   

CTCF是脊椎动物关键的绝缘子蛋白,在细胞生命过程中发挥重要作用,敲除CTCF基因会导致小鼠胚胎死亡。为进一步探讨CTCF的功能,本文利用CRISPR/Cas9介导的同源重组,在内源性CTCF表达框上游敲入一个有丝分裂期降解结构域(Mitosis-special degradation domain, MD),该结构域可以带动CTCF融合蛋白在M期降解。作为对照,将MD结构域的第42位的精氨酸突变为丙氨酸,形成无降解活性的MD*,可使MD*-CTCF融合蛋白始终稳定存在。将嘌呤霉素与融合蛋白同时表达,即可利用抗生素筛选,高效地筛选到纯合克隆。利用蛋白印迹技术和免疫荧光检测3种细胞在不同细胞周期的CTCF蛋白变化情况,发现MD-CTCF细胞系CTCF蛋白含量约为野生型细胞的10%,MD*-CTCF细胞系的CTCF含量与野生型没有显著差别;通过流式细胞术观测降解CTCF对细胞的影响,发现MD-CTCF细胞系G1期明显延长。总之,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术在CTCF表达框上游高效地插入MD,首个CTCF特异性降解的人类细胞系获得成功构建。  相似文献   

The controlled change of plant genomes by homologous recombination (HR) is still difficult to achieve. We previously developed the in planta gene targeting (ipGT) technology which depends on the simultaneous activation of the target locus by a double‐strand break and the excision of the target vector. Whereas the use of SpCas9 resulted in low ipGT frequencies in Arabidopsis, we were recently able to improve the efficiency by using egg cell‐specific expression of the potent but less broadly applicable SaCas9 nuclease. In this study, we now tested whether we could improve ipGT further, by either performing it in cells with enhanced intrachromosomal HR efficiencies or by the use of Cas12a, a different kind of CRISPR/Cas nuclease with an alternative cutting mechanism. We could show before that plants possess three kinds of DNA ATPase complexes, which all lead to instabilities of homologous genomic repeats if lost by mutation. As these proteins act in independent pathways, we tested ipGT in double mutants in which intrachromosomal HR is enhanced 20–80‐fold. However, we were not able to obtain higher ipGT frequencies, indicating that mechanisms for gene targeting (GT) and chromosomal repeat‐induced HR differ. However, using LbCas12a, the GT frequencies were higher than with SaCas9, despite a lower non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) induction efficiency, demonstrating the particular suitability of Cas12a to induce HR. As SaCas9 has substantial restrictions due to its longer GC rich PAM sequence, the use of LbCas12a with its AT‐rich PAM broadens the range of ipGT drastically, particularly when targeting in CG‐deserts like promoters and introns.  相似文献   

随着能源和环境问题的日益突出,化学品以及燃料的合成方式正逐渐由传统的化学法合成转变为以细菌为基础的生物炼制过程,其中最关键问题是需要开发出合适的基因工程工具用于构建相应的产品生产菌株。成簇的规律间隔短回文重复序列(Clusteredregularlyinterspacedshortpalindromic repeats,CRISPR)/CRISPR相关蛋白(CRISPR-associated proteins,Cas)系统是一种存在于细菌和古细菌中的免疫系统,能够用于抵御病毒和外源质粒的入侵,近年来被开发成为一种高效、便捷、精确的基因编辑工具,显示出巨大的应用潜力。本文立足于CRISPR/Cas系统的原理与最新分类,结合实例综述了CRISPR/Cas基因编辑系统在原核微生物细胞工厂构建中的建立与优化策略,以及主要的应用方向,并探讨该系统所面临的主要问题并提出了一些可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

为更好地研究靶向硫氧还蛋白还原酶1的小分子化合物的细胞内靶点选择性,利用CRISPR/Cas9系统构建稳定敲除TrxR1基因(编码硫氧还蛋白还原酶1)的HCT-116细胞株。首先根据TrxR1基因序列和CRISPR/Cas9靶点设计原则,设计并选择合适的敲除位点,再根据敲除位点序列设计敲除TrxR1基因的sgRNA干扰序列,以pCasCMV-Puro-U6空质粒载体为骨架构建能表达该sgRNA干扰序列的重组质粒。质粒共转染至HCT-116细胞后,利用嘌呤霉素筛选TrxR1敲除的HCT-116细胞,通过DNA测序、免疫蛋白印迹、TRFS-green荧光探针和细胞内TrxR1酶活力检测等方法鉴定和验证HCT-116细胞的TrxR1基因敲除效果。进一步通过CCK-8实验初步研究靶向TrxR1小分子化合物对细胞内TrxR1酶活力和细胞增殖力抑制的相关性。结果显示,表达sgRNA干扰序列的重组质粒可以敲除HCT-116细胞中TrxR1基因,筛选获得的稳定敲除细胞HCT116-TrxR1-KO中无TrxR1蛋白表达,而靶向TrxR1小分子抑制剂对该细胞无TrxR1酶活力和细胞增殖力抑制效果。本研究利用CRISPR/Cas9系统成功构建了HCT-116的TrxR1基因敲除的稳定细胞株,为进一步研究TrxR1在相关疾病的发生机制和治疗中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system is a state-of-the-art tool for versatile genome editing that has advanced basic research dramatically, with great potential for clinic applications. The system consists of two key molecules: a CRISPR-associated (Cas) effector nuclease and a single guide RNA. The simplicity of the system has enabled the development of a wide spectrum of derivative methods. Almost any laboratory can utilize these methods, although new users may initially be confused when faced with the potentially overwhelming abundance of choices. Cas nucleases and their engineering have been systematically reviewed previously. In the present review, we discuss single guide RNA engineering and design strategies that facilitate more efficient, more specific and safer gene editing.  相似文献   

[目的]利用CRISPR/Cas9技术建立RPSA基因缺失的乳仓鼠肾细胞(baby hamster kidney cells,BHK21)细胞系,为开展RPSA调控病毒复制机制研究提供工具;同时,初步探究RPSA对塞内卡病毒复制的影响.[方法]根据GenBank中仓鼠的RPSA基因序列找到产生不同转录本的共同外显子段,...  相似文献   

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