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The GTPase activity of a G protein alpha subunit functions as a timer to control the lifetime of the activated conformation of the protein. Expression of the GTPase-deficient Gi2 alpha subunit oncogene, gip2 (alpha i2Q205L), in Chinese hamster ovary cells inhibited the stimulation of adenylylcyclase and altered the calcium regulation of the Gi2-phospholipase A2 (PLA2) effector complex. The phenotypic consequence of the activated alpha i2 mutant on hormonal stimulation of PLA2 varied depending on the cytoplasmic calcium transient elicited by different Gi2-linked receptors. The stimulation of PLA2 by thrombin, which mobilized calcium only from internal stores, was markedly attenuated in gip2-expressing cells. In contrast, the attenuation of the PLA2 response to ATP, a purinergic agonist which mobilizes calcium from both extracellular space and internal stores, was significantly less than that observed for thrombin. Ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, stimulated PLA2 activity in clones which expressed gip2 to a level similar to that observed in wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells. Thus, the dominant GTPase-deficient gip2 polypeptide will constitutively inhibit adenylylcyclase but differentially modulate enzymes regulated by calcium and coupled to Gi2.  相似文献   

M Garcia  J Samarut 《Journal of virology》1990,64(10):4684-4690
Retroviral vectors carrying either the v-jun and v-erbB sequences or the v-jun gene linked to the neomycin resistance gene were constructed on the basis of the structural genome organization of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV). These viruses, called JB and JN, respectively, were rescued as Rous-associated virus-1 pseudotypes, and they were shown to successfully transform chicken embryo fibroblasts in vitro. However, in agar, colonies developed from JB-infected fibroblasts were three to five times larger than those obtained after infection with JN or with AEV Pst124 carrying only a functional v-erbB gene. In vivo, on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assays, JB produced fibrosarcomas that were more rapidly growing and much larger than those induced by JN or AEV Pst124. Moreover, in chickens infected in ovo with JB, multiple fibrosarcomas arose in different organs a few days after birth, whereas no tumor could be detected in parallel experiments in either JN- or AEV Pst124-infected animals. These results demonstrate that in embryo fibroblast cells, v-jun and v-erbB can act synergistically to enhance the transformation potential of either oncogene alone both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The small G protein RhoA and its GDP/GTP exchange factors (GEFs) Net and Dbl can transform NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, dependent on the activity of the RhoA effector kinase ROCK. We investigated the role of the cytoskeletal linker protein ezrin in this process. RhoA effector loop mutants which can bind ROCK induce relocalization of ezrin to dorsal actin-containing cell surface protrusions, as do Net and Dbl. Both processes are inhibited by the ROCK inhibitor Y27632, which also inhibits association of ezrin with the cytoskeleton, and phosphorylation of T567, conserved between ezrin and its relatives radixin and moesin. ROCK can phosphorylate the ezrin C-terminus in vitro. The ezrin mutant T567A cannot be relocalized by activated RhoA, Net or Dbl or by ROCK itself, and also inhibits RhoA-mediated contractility and focal adhesion formation. Moreover, ezrin T567A, but not wild-type ezrin, restores contact inhibition to Net- and Dbl-transformed cells, and inhibits the activity of Net and Ras in focus formation assays. These results implicate ROCK-mediated ezrin C-terminal phosphorylation in transformation by RhoGEFs.  相似文献   

The BCL2 (B cell lymphoma/leukemia-2) and C-HA-RAS oncogenes encode membrane-associated proteins of 26 and 21 kilodaltons, respectively. Although RAS proteins have long been known for their ability to bind and hydrolyze GTP, recent investigations suggest that BCL2 encodes a novel GTP-binding protein (S. Haldar, C. Beatty, Y. Tsujimoto, and C. M. Croce, Nature [London] 342:195-198, 1989). Cotransfection of BCL2 and HA-RAS oncogenes resulted in morphological transformation of early-passage rodent fibroblasts, rendering these cells tumorigenic in animals and enabling them to grow in semisolid medium. In contrast, cotransfection of BCL2 with oncogenes that encode nuclear proteins (E1A and C-MYC) did not produce malignant transformation, whereas HA-RAS did complement with these genes. These findings suggest that proteins encoded by oncogenes such as BCL2 and HA-RAS, although having similar subcellular locations and perhaps similar biochemical properties, can regulate distinct complementary pathways involved in cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Several chimeric murine retroviruses were constructed to test whether the gag sequence of Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) could influence the in vitro specificity of two sarcoma-inducing oncogenes: src of Rous sarcoma virus and fps of Fujinami sarcoma virus. Although the src- or fps- containing chimerae could transform fibroblasts, they were unable to mimic the action of A-MuLV in causing lymphoid transformation in vitro. A-MuLV-derived gag sequences could, however, functionally replace the 5' end of src and restore the transformation potential of a 5'-truncated src gene. To investigate this functional similarity, we replaced the gag sequence of an A-MuLV virus with the 5' end of src. This recombinant virus behaved like the A-MuLV virus from which it was derived: it transformed both fibroblasts and lymphoid cells in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that lymphoid transformation in vitro is a specific property of abl and not of src or fps. Furthermore, it shows that a functional homology exists between the gag sequence of A-MuLV and the 5' end of src.  相似文献   

Three developmentally determined myogenic cell lines derived from C3H 10T1/2 C18 (10T1/2) mouse embryo cells treated with 5-azacytidine were compared with the parental 10T1/2 line for their susceptibility to oncogenic transformation by 3-methylcholanthrene or the activated human c-Ha-ras oncogene. Neither the 10T1/2 cells nor the myogenic derivatives grew in soft agar or formed tumors in nude mice. In contrast to 10T1/2 cells, the three myogenic derivatives were not susceptible to transformation by 3-methylcholanthrene, so that cellular determination altered the response of 10T1/2 cells to chemical carcinogen. On the other hand, all cell types were transformed to a tumorigenic phenotype following transfection with the activated c-Ha-ras gene. The transfected myogenic cells expressed both the c-Ha-ras gene and the muscle determination gene MyoD1. In contrast to other reports, the presence of as many as six copies of the c-Ha-ras gene per genome did not prevent the formation of striated muscle cells which expressed immunologically detectable muscle-specific myosin. The expression of the c-Ha-ras gene does not therefore necessarily preclude the expression of the determination gene for myogenesis or prevent end-stage myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

R- cells, a line of mouse embryo fibroblasts with a targeted disruption of the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor genes, are refractory to transformation by several viral and cellular oncogenes. Using colony formation in soft agar as a measure of full transformation, we report here that R- cells can be transformed by v-src, although they still cannot be transformed by the activated c-src527 (mutation at tyrosine 527 to phenylalanine), which readily transforms mouse embryo cells with a wild-type number of IGF-I receptors (W cells). Although v-src is a more potent inducer of tyrosine phosphorylation than c-src527, the extent of phosphorylation of either insulin receptor substrate 1 or Shc, two of the major substrates of the IGF-I receptor, does not seem sufficiently different to explain the qualitative difference in soft agar growth. v-src, however, is considerably more efficient than c-src527 in its ability to tyrosyl phosphorylate, in R- cells, the focal adhesion kinase, Stat1, and p130cas. These results indicate that v-src, but not c-src527, can bypass the requirement for a functional IGF-I receptor in the full transformation of mouse embryo fibroblasts and suggest that qualitative and quantitative differences between the two oncogenes can be used to identify some of the signals relevant to the mechanism(s) of transformation.  相似文献   

The requirements for transformation of rat embryo fibroblasts (REFs) by transfected ras and myc oncogenes were explored. Under conditions of dense monolayer culture, neither oncogene was able to transform REFs on its own. However, the introduction of a ras oncogene together with a selectable neomycin resistance marker into REFs allowed killing of the normal nontransfected cells and the outgrowth of colonies of ras transformants, 10% of which survived crisis and became tumorigenic. These cells expressed greater than 10-fold-higher levels of ras p21 than tumorigenic cells cotransfected with ras and myc oncogenes. The myc oncogene similarly was unable to induce tumorigenic conversion of REFs unless especially refractile colonies of oncogene-bearing cells, produced by use of a cotransfected selectable marker, were picked and subcultured. Tumorigenic conversion of REFs by single transfected oncogenes appears to require special culture conditions and high levels of gene expression.  相似文献   

In the field of cardiovascular research, a number of independent approaches have been explored to protect the heart from acute and chronic ischemic damage. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) recently has received considerable attention with respect to its angiogenic potential. While therapeutic angiogenesis may serve to salvage chronically ischemic myocardium, more acute treatments are in demand to increase cardiac resistance to injury (preconditioning) and to guard against secondary injury after an acute ischemic insult. Here, we look beyond the angiogenic potential of FGF-2 and examine its acute cardioprotective activity as demonstrated under experimental conditions, both as an agent of a preconditioning-like response and for secondary injury prevention at the time of reperfusion. Factors to consider in moving to the clinical setting will be discussed, including issues of dosage, treatment duration, and routes of administration. Finally, issues of safety and clinical trial design will be considered. The prospect of such a multipotent growth factor having clinical usefulness opens the door to effective treatment of both acute and chronic ischemic heart disease, something well worth the attention of the cardiovascular community.  相似文献   

Oncogenes capable of transforming 3T3-Vill cells were not detected in 'normal' Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblasts but were detected in two out of six XP epitheliomas. Preliminary results concerning the transfection of 'normal' XP fibroblasts with activated ras genes seem to indicate that these cells are as resistant as the healthy controls to the transforming action of the group II oncogenes. However, after transfection with v-myb oncogene in XP fibroblasts several cellular clones have been isolated showing some new phenotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

The rat embryo fibroblast focus assay is used to evaluate the transforming potential of several oncogenes. The sensitivity of this assay increased fivefold when retinoic acid was added to tissue culture media. Retinoic acid probably acts by selectively inhibiting the proliferation of nontransformed cells.  相似文献   

Leukemias are a heterogeneous group of malignant blood diseases that are characterized by expansion of immature blast cells. The point molecular mechanisms of leukemogenesis are still unknown. Leukemia patients frequently have mutations of the genes responsible for normal proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells. At present, scientific groups worldwide are engaged in biomedical studies of the structural and functional aspects of leukemic oncogenes and their role in human and animal leukemogenesis. The review describes the current concepts of the molecular properties of oncogenes whose activation may lead to CBF-AML, which results from mutations of the genes for the core binding factors AML1 (CBF6h) and CBFß.  相似文献   

A conditional mutant of the MH2 avian retrovirus, termed ts41MH2, was isolated. Unlike wtMH2, ts41MH2 permitted transformed macrophages to differentiate during a 5- to 7-day temperature shift from 37 to 42 degrees C. Mutant-infected cells incubated at 42 degrees C exhibited a flattened morphology and then fused to form giant multinucleated cells that closely resembled normal macrophage maturation in vitro. These differentiated cells reacted strongly with a myeloid-macrophage-specific monoclonal antibody. The process of differentiation was inhibited when ts41MH2-transformed nonproducer clones were superinfected before the temperature shift with the myc gene-containing MC29 or OK10 viruses. By contrast, no inhibition was observed in clones superinfected with the MH2-PA200 virus that contains only the mil gene. The mutant also demonstrated a reduced oncogenic potential relative to that of wtMH2 when it was inoculated intravenously into young birds. However, in contrast to the results obtained with hematopoietic cells, none of the five fibroblast transformation parameters tested for ts41MH2 were altered from those induced by wtMH2. These results suggest that the mutation in ts41MH2 is located in a region of myc required for macrophage transformation, but not required for fibroblast transformation.  相似文献   

We describe here a new cell line, EL2, which spontaneously arose from primary rat embryo fibroblasts and has the distinctive property of being highly susceptible to a number of different transforming genes. The high susceptibility is expressed not only in high transformation frequencies but, most importantly, in an unusually high rate of growth of EL2 transformants under selective conditions, i.e., in soft agar or as foci. The biological characteristics of EL2 cells greatly accelerate the isolation of transformants from known oncogenes and could be useful to detect new transforming genes.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced dimerization and transphosphorylation are thought to be important events by which receptor tyrosine kinases generate cellular signals. We have investigated the ability of signalling-defective, truncated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors (FGFR-1 and FGFR-2) to block the FGF response in cells that express both types of endogenous FGF receptors. When these dominant negative receptors are expressed in NIH 3T3 cells transformed by the secreted FGF-4, the transformed properties of the cells can be reverted to various degrees, with better reversion phenotype correlating with higher levels of truncated receptor expression. Furthermore, truncated FGFR-2 is significantly more efficient at producing reversion than FGFR-1, indicating that FGF-4 preferentially utilizes the FGFR-2 signalling pathway. NIH 3T3 clones expressing these truncated receptors are more resistant to FGF-induced mitogenesis and also exhibit reduced tyrosine phosphorylation upon treatment with FGF. The block in FGF-signalling, however, can be overcome by the addition of excess growth factor. The truncated receptors have binding affinities that are four- to eightfold lower than those of wild-type receptors, as measured by Scatchard analysis. We also observed a partial specificity in the responses of truncated-receptor-expressing clones to FGF-2 or FGF-4. Our results suggest that the block to signal transduction produced by kinase-negative FGF receptors is achieved through a combination of dominant negative effects and competition for growth factor binding with functional receptors.  相似文献   

The study of adhesion plaques in normal and transformed cells provides a series of phenotypic markers by which the process of transformation can be followed. Several proteins which are concentrated in adhesion plaques have now been identified; a few of these can act as targets for tyrosine kinase. In an attempt to characterize the relationship between tyrosine phosphorylation and cell transformation, the reactions of three such proteins – vinculin, talin and integrin – with a range of tyrosine kinase oncogene products have been studied in detail.  相似文献   

Recovered avian myelocytomatosis virus HBI is an MC29-related virus that induces lymphoid tumors in chickens rather than the predominant neoplastic disease induced by wild-type MC29 (namely, endotheliomas). An analysis of the structure of the HBI provirus(es) in the tumors demonstrated that the provirus(es) could be either full size or deleted. One tumor was found to be clonal in that it contained a single provirus which had been partially deleted; this raised a question concerning the role of this provirus in the maintenance of tumor growth. To characterize the detailed structure of this provirus and determine its biological activity, it was molecularly cloned from tumor DNA. Sequencing confirmed that the provirus contained a deletion which effectively removed the whole gag gene. However, the provirus was shown to encode a myc-specific protein, presumably initiating from within the myc gene, and to be biologically active when it was transfected onto quail embryo fibroblasts. Our results suggest that myc alone is sufficient to transform quail embryo fibroblasts and to maintain tumor growth in vivo.  相似文献   

A J Ridley  H F Paterson  M Noble    H Land 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(6):1635-1645
The cellular responses to ras and nuclear oncogenes were investigated in purified populations of rat Schwann cells. v-Ha-ras and SV40 large T cooperate to transform Schwann cells, inducing growth in soft agar and allowing proliferation in the absence of added mitogens. Expression of large T alone reduces their growth factor requirements but is insufficient to induce full transformation. In contrast, expression of v-Ha-ras leads to proliferation arrest in Schwann cells expressing a temperature-sensitive mutant of large T at the restrictive temperature. Cells arrest in either the G1 or G2/M phases of the cell cycle, and can re-enter cell division at the permissive temperature even after prolonged periods at the restrictive conditions. Oncogenic ras proteins also inhibit DNA synthesis when microinjected into Schwann cells. Adenovirus E1a and c-myc oncogenes behave similarly to SV40 large T. They cooperate with Ha-ras oncogenes to transform Schwann cells, and prevent ras-induced growth arrest. Thus nuclear oncogenes fundamentally alter the response of Schwann cells to a ras oncogene from cell cycle arrest to transformation.  相似文献   

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